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01x09 - Inside Man

Posted: 01/20/16 14:53
by bunniefuu

[Cockney accent] All right, chins up, eyes open, no cock-ups.

Keep it easy-breezy, nobody gets nicked.

Now look sharp, 'cause this guy wants to get Ritchie.

'Ello guv'nah.

How can I help you?

Here to sweep the chimneys.

Oh! Yes. The fireplace is in the vault.

Right this way.





Vault one on the left. Enjoy the bank.

The chimney's over here. She's a beauty.

We'll take it from here, mate.

All right, lads, step in time.

Okay, then.

Wait a minute. We had the chimneys swept yesterday.


[Police radio chatter]

Get that back to the lab.

What are we looking at, Scholls?

Bank robbery.

Looks like that British g*ng again.

How can you tell?

[TV chatter]

Just a hunch.

They made off with cash, jewels, family heirlooms, two jet skis, and a dining-room set.

How much do you think that was worth?

$65,000! $66,000!

I'm gonna go with $3 million.


The actual retail value of this robbery was $2.5 million.

Geils, you overbid. Tribeca wins.


Damn it.

Now, lucky for us, they're getting sloppy.

They left behind two dozen lager cans, a Manchester United scarf, and this guy.

[Cockney accent] Oy, you bugger.

Cuff him.

In a minute. He's "sweeping."


[Officer Dave screaming]

Yes! Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Yes! Yes!

I'm out of here.

Damn it! That's five banks this month!

And public distrust of chimney sweeps is at an all time high!

What about the guy you picked up?

We've got Tanner and Hoffman working on him right now.

[Growls, barks]

You heard him. What did you do with the money?

Bruv, I's goin' down to da pub with my mates, yeah?

Next fing I know, my dog's ringing and I hafta answer it 'cause of the trouble, d'ya know what I mean?


I got this.





Looks like I have to speak a language you understand.

[Coins jingle]


[Coin drops]

[Gumballs rattle]

I don't Adam and Eve dat for a tic.

So cut the shite and chew da fat.

Bloody hell, you got bigger cobblers den my skin and blister, mate.

Give us a butcher's into your organization or you'll be Jack Jones in a pretty little box until Boxing Day.

[American accent] All right, all right.

Here's the deal.

[Balloon pops] [Sighs]

He doesn't know where the loot is, but Tanner got the name of a hideout.

It's a pub in Little Liverpool called Robby McBanks.

All right, let's go get them.

Hold on.

There's something you should know.

During the robbery, they stole something much more valuable than cash and prizes.

The love of a child?

The bank kept a flash drive containing every customer's answers to their security questions.

We're talking first pet...

Mr. Muffins... mother's maiden name...

Muffins... street you grew up on...

Muffin Avenue... favorite food.


My god.

With those answers they could access accounts...

We all understand how bad it is!

We don't need a long explanation.

We also understand they'll never give it up knowingly, especially to a police officer, because we arrest people for stealing things.

If we could infiltrate the g*ng...

We all understand what can happen once you infiltrate a g*ng.

We don't need a long explanation!

We're going undercover.

Even deeper.

[Deep voice] We're going undercover.

Deeper than that.

[Deeper voice] We're going undercover.

That's right... deep cover.

For your own safety, the department will disavow any knowledge of you or this assignment.

[Normal voice] We all know how deep cover works.

We don't need a long explanation!

See Edelweiss on your way out for your psychological evaluations.

Here are your new passports, drivers licenses, and social security numbers, everything you'll need to start your new life.

We've even included grandparents.

Why is there only one set of grandparents?

I'm sorry, Geils, yours died while you were at camp.

Nana, Pee-Paw.

I'm sorry.

Stay close to him.

Dr. Edelweiss?

Ah, Tribeca, what can I do for you?

We have to infiltrate a ga...


Oh. Geils.

You're here, fantastic. Well, let's have a look.

Oh... ah.

Oh, someone's going deep cover.

Why does everyone say that? Is it that big of a deal?

No, no, no, it's pretty standard stuff.

And once Dr. Scholls gets here, we can begin.

I'm right here.


Ah, Scholls, there you are. Marvelous.

Okay, let's get started.

Great. Let's get your memories erased.

Our what, what?

If you're going to go into deep cover, you need to forget everything about yourself in case they t*rture you.

In case they what?

Having second thoughts?

Second what?

Oh, relax, Detective.

This is just basic hypnosis.

Once you're under, you won't remember a thing.

This is as easy as me snapping my fing...

Snapping my fingers.

Wait, so after you do this, we won't remember anything?

Exactly. Not even this conversation.

In that case...

Go for it, Doc.

Okay, you're in a dark wood.

The light is shimmering through a canopy of trees...

And sleep!

Yes, they're completely out now.

Did you really just kiss me?

And sleep.

Where did that come from?

Can we try it again?

And sleep!

Geils, we need to talk about this.

Who's Geils? I have no idea where I am.


Yep. Oh, damn it!

Ohh. And sleep!

Sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep!

If you have feelings for me, we need to talk about this before we go into this very dangerous situation.


Now they're under.



Well, maybe this hypnosis thing doesn't work.


We just won't get tortured, okay?

Kind of left me hanging, Doc.

Don't pout.


I feel like the precinct needs to update its undercover-g*ng wardrobe.

You want to talk about that kiss?

No, I'd rather see if one of us gets k*lled first.

[Cockney accent] Can I help you?

We're looking for Nafan, with an "f."

Arms up, legs out.

Okay, now you do me.

[Cockney accent] Oy, someone looking for me?

Yeah, we're Gary and Nina.

We're looking to join your g*ng.

How do I know you're not cops?

We promise?

Prove it. Take him out.

[g*n cocks]

Hey, what are you...?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

What's that?

What are you doing?

You told me to take him out.

Yeah, to dinner.

We like to see a little camaraderie in the g*ng.

But Jesus Christmas, you're way too crazy to be a cop.

I can't believe you were gonna k*ll me.

Obviously my g*n wasn't loaded.

All right, we've got a big job coming up.

We need all the help we can get.

So you're in.

Gary, Nina, meet the rest of the crew.

Eddie Wheels, driver.

Nigel the Fuse, expl*sives.

Barnaby Fingers, pickpocket.

Freddy Pecs, the muscle.

Cory the Carburetor, mechanic.

Frankie Four Eyes, surveillance.

Oxford Pete, engineer.

Johnny Rocket, munitions.

[Beeping] Earpiece Dennis, communications.

Kung Fu Kenny, chef.

Arthur, intern.

[Guitar solo plays] Slash, lead guitar.

Dr. Allen Feinberg, psychiatrist.

Squeaky Dean, dolphin wrangler.

Larry Longlegs, stilts.

And Doris, human resources.

I'm gonna need y'all to fill out your W-9s.

[Indistinct conversations]

Okay, let's go rob this bank!

[All cheering]

Buy that chimney sweep a pint!

Let's do it!

[Sirens wailing]

[Tires screech]

Man: This is the L.A.P.D.

We're just chimney sweeps.

We have you surrounded.

[g*ns cock]

Oy. Oy, easy. Easy.

It's just a broom.

Good job, detectives. They're going away for a long time.

How long?

Should be 25 years.

But between prison overcrowding, time for good behavior, and those adorable accents, I'd say two months.

So I guess we did it. Deep cover was easy.

Who's up for a beach day?

Don't put your one-piece on just yet.

We tore apart their hideout and still didn't find that flash drive.

Our best guess is that Nafan still has it.

Our worst guess is this is all a dog's dream.

It can't be a dog's dream. Dogs don't see in color.

So we'll go with our best guess.

Then I'm going into prison to get that flash drive.

That is deep, deep cover. Are you sure, Tribeca?

She'll be okay. 'Cause I'm going with her.

Geils, go to the beach. You're not cut out for prison.

People have been telling me that since I was a kid, but enough is enough.

If my partner's going inside, so am I.

Fair enough.

And sleep!

Oh, for heaven's sake.


[Gate closes]

You know, I've never been to prison before.

My dad didn't go till he was 50.

Is that a teardrop tattoo?

Yeah, it's a press-on. I got it in the prison gift shop.

[Grunts] You're gonna get us k*lled.

Look, prison is all about getting respect.

[Up-tempo music playing]

We should start by beating up the biggest guy here.

[Indistinct shouting]

Looks like I'm the biggest guy here.


[All groan]


I heard you chinned the biggest bloke in here.

That's right.


Bummer the robbery went south, huh?

I just want you to know, I still got your back.

You can trust me with any secrets.

Here's a secret.

When I find who ratted us out, I'm gonna tickle them with a feather.

That doesn't sound so bad.

Tickle is Cockney for "k*ll."

And feather is Cockney for "knife"?

Still feather. It takes a long time.

You know who I would look at? Doris.


Speaking of robberies, where do you keep that flash drive you stole?

Gary, I think it's a little forward to ask our friend who's just beginning to trust us.

No, no, we was all thinkin' it.


There's a big hayfield up near Braxton.

It's a long stone wall with a big elm tree at the east end.

At the base of that wall, you'll find a stone that's got no earthly business being there.

That's a lot to remember.

Can you just give us the short version?

It's right here.

Huh, with all the information on that flash drive, I bet you could sell it for millions of dollars.

You seem very interested in this flash drive.

Would you like to hold it?

Sure, thanks.

Harding: Lieutenant Atkins filled me in, did you get everything you need?

We sure did.

Now we just have to get out of here with our cover intact.

I was the only one who knew you are not Nina and Gary, but are Detectives Tribeca and Geils...

A.K.A. The rats who put away the Chimney Sweep g*ng.

Someone's getting tickled.

Are you leaning on the P.A. button?


With these fat elbows, I didn't feel a thing.

But not to worry... As long as I'm warden here, you two are perfectly safe.

[Gasps, screams]

That can't be good.


[Gate closes]

We're screwed.

Guard? Guard.

What do you want?

There's been a mistake.

You need to let us go.

We're L.A.P.D.

Together: We're L.A.P.D.!

I'm an actor!

And I'm a rock star!

Ha ha ha!


Let all those officers and famous people go!

Yeah! [Cheering]

We don't take kindly to liars.

Take them to solitary.



Ladies first.

Stay strong, Geils, you can do this.


See you on the other side, Tribeca.


Sorry, we're a little short on space.

You two have to do solitary together.

You'll never break us.


Dibs on the toilet.

[Door slams]

[Lock engages]

Nina, Gary, you're out.

All the pretty horses are eating purple.

I'm sorry, Grandma. I am Sunday.


Give me two minutes... I'm taking a quiz to figure out what kind of prisoner I am.

Don't touch me!

Oh, I'm a snitch.



I can't believe it, Geils. I've never been broken before.

Ah, don't beat yourself up.

Two hours is a long time in a tiny room.

You had no problem with it.

Well, that's because you told me I could do it and I believed you.

What do we do now? Rot in jail?

No. We break out of here.


Do you remember that movie "The Shawshank Redemption"?

Yeah, what about it?

They're showing it tonight in the prison theater.

While everyone's there watching it, we'll make our move.

I'll go get the supplies while you figure out a way to tunnel through these-three-foot-thick cement walls.

My job seems harder.

I believe in you!


[Owl hoots]

Man: Lights out!

Man 2: Five more minutes?

I said, "lights out!"

We're starting the movie.

All came together on my end. How did you do?

Tribeca: Pretty good.

I made some tools out of the mattress.


All right, let's get out of here.

[Plaster crumbling]

I better get in there with a jackhammer.

Get to work.


[Rooster crows]

Man: Lights on!

Man 2: Oh, we were up late watching a movie!

I said, "lights on!"


[Singsong voice] It's tickle time.

You think you're clever, don't you, ratting me out?

Well, who's clever now, eh?

That's right. Now you're feeling it.

This is what we do to rats in prison.

Yeah, where's the flash drive, eh?

Tell me. Tell me!

Tell me, you slag!

Oh, my god, I k*lled him.

Hang on.


Where the hell are they?


[Ball bouncing]

What the...

Bloody hell.

Ohh! [Grunts]



Did you guys have a good time on your completely uneventful vacations?

Deep cover.

Yeah, yeah. It was fun.

I ate a lot of coconut shrimp.

Did you return the flash drive?

I hope you brought me a souvenir!

Safe and sound back at the bank. Great work.

Good to be back, Lieutenant.

In prison, I hid a toothbrush in my rectum...


Vacation's over! Back to work!


Just so you know, I wouldn't have gotten out of there without you.

Oh, thanks.

So I guess it's just back to work as usual, right?

I don't know.

Is it?

I don't know.

And sleep!

[Chuckling] Yes.

Previously on "Angie Tribeca"...

What are we looking at, Scholls?

Bank robbery.

Damn it! That's five banks this month!

Someone's going deep cover.

Deep cover.

Bloody hell, you got bigger cobblers den my skin and blister, mate.

Nana, Pee-Paw.


Who's up for a beach day?

This is all a dog's dream.

People have been telling me that since I was a kid.

Tribeca: Prison is all about getting respect.


We tore apart their hideout and still didn't find that flash drive.

Then I'm going into prison to get that flash drive.

You seem very interested in this flash drive.

'Cause I'm going with her.

I got this.


Just so you know...


No, no, we was all thinkin' it.