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01x11 - Exodus

Posted: 01/20/16 00:34
by bunniefuu
Children: Grinder! Grinder! Grinder! Grinder! Grinder! Grinder!

Grinder: Esto es una Guasa!

(child shouts)

Gordon Stutz.

My former partner and mentor.

How did you find me?

It's not hard when you're looking for someone who wants to be found.

What can I do you for, Gordo?

How long we gonna keep up this charade?

That this is all enough.

That this is all you need.

What do you know about what I need?!

I know you need the smell of that courtroom.

You worship the law!

That's another life, Stutz.

You think this is easy for me?!

You were the son I never had!

I taught you everything!

I gave you everything!

My daughter! My firm!

And you took it away!

That was my merger!

Those were my stock options!

I built that firm.

(g*n cocks)

I suggest you reel in those fishing lines, Counselor.

'Cause things are about to get tangled.


(laughs): Yeah!

To be continued?

It gets more powerful every time I see it.

Shall we?

Part two...


We haven't even discussed part one yet.

Oh, I thought we were gonna watch both parts, and then discuss it as a collective piece.

No! We watch one, then we talk about it.

Then we watch one, then we talk about it.

Come on, Todd.

Sorry. As I was saying it, I realized that was not a smart idea.

It's a heck of a beard, son.

The show had to take eight months off while I grew it in.

Worth it.

You guys are still here?!

Todd, I see you needed to pop off your shoes and your socks to get comfortable; that's nice.

How many of these are you guys gonna watch, you think?

As many as it takes.

To do... what?

Well, I guess we could watch part two, and then take a little break?

Sure, or you could take the break now and then you can watch part two later and somewhere else.


Seriously, Todd?


All the popcorn that had missed your mouth and collected on your chest is now on the floor.

Stew! Stop yelling at Todd.

He's my guest.

I will take care of it.


Yes, I'll clean this up.

All right, now you're just, now you're just mashing it deeper in the carpet.

And it's in that room now!

Stew, can you toss me your car keys?

Sure... uh, why?

The truck can't fit in the driveway.


Yeah, and you're blocking it.

And Andre is not good with reverse.


Particularly with a truck of this size.

Okay, Dean, who's Andre?

And what truck? And what's happening?

Well, I told you I sold my house in L.A., right?

No, I have not heard that ever.

No, you did not tell us that.

I feel like we would remember that.

This is news to us, mm-hmm.

Big news.

Really? Huh. Thought I did.

Anyway, Andre brought my stuff out.

And I should get him a sandwich.

Uh, Dean, I'm sorry. Who's Andre?

He's my stand-in.

I don't, I don't know what a stand-in is.

And my body double.

That's even less clear.

Oh, so any shot of The Grinder where you don't see my face, it's Andre.

We're identical from behind.

So he does all my wide sh*ts, my faceless lovemaking sh*ts and stands there, while they do all the boring lighting stuff.

(truck horn honking)

That is a semi truck.

Are you bringing all that stuff in here?

'Cause, you know, Dean, I'm-I'm just, I'm just looking around, and I'm thinking, spatially, we don't have, uh, room.


That's why I sent the first four trucks to storage!



Okay, this is real now.

Oh, this just got real now?

This has not been a real issue for you until-until right now?

Yeah, well, the semi truck made it real for me.

Yeah, I know... that's why you have to talk to him.

I do?


He's your brother.

Well, that's the perfect reason why you should do it, because you're not weighted down by all the, you know, the baggage.

Oh, that makes complete sense.

Except I'm not doing that.

Not happening.

Oh, hon, come on.

You know how sensitive he is.

He's gonna take it the wrong way, he's gonna think I don't want to be his brother anymore, and he's gonna make me meet him at a lake or something, to talk about it at midnight.

Just tell him that we've loved having him...

Which we have. that we're excited to help him start this new chapter in his life...

Which we are.

But, you know, maybe just hold off on unloading an entire semi truck into our home.

Stewart: Dean?

Uh, excuse me, Dean?

Oh, my God!

Sorry, Andre.

You're Andre.

And you must be Stewart.

Yes, yes, that's right. Hi.

Ah. (grunting)

Okay. (chuckles)

I have heard so much about you.

Oh, likewise, likewise.

Oh, good.

Uh, sorry I screamed when I saw your face.

Dean: Look at this!

Ah, I like what I'm seeing here.

And I like what I'm feeling.

Good energy between you two already.

Excited to see where it goes.

Me, too.

Yeah, definitely.

Listen, cherish every moment you get with this man.

Doing it.

Soak it all up.

'Cause this is a new chapter for you.

It's a whole cha... new chapter? Is he...?

You're gonna be sticking around for a little while then?

Um, Andre, can you give us a sec?

I can and I will.

He's so deep.

Yeah, seems, seems great.

I have a confession to make.

When I sold my house in Malibu...


...I forgot Andre was living in it.


When I quit The Grinder, you know, that put him out of a job.

Where's this going?

Andre is in the midst of a very steep downward spiral.

That's why I had him drive the truck out here.

To take his mind off of it.

Dean, I'm very sorry to hear that, but he can't stay here, if that's what you were asking.

No, no way.

Is it because he's gay?

Wha...? No!

I didn't even know that, Dean!

Why would that make a difference?

You tell me.

(Debbie screams)

Oh, sounds like Deb just met Andre.

So, what your talk accomplished was Dean is still not moving out and Andre is now moving in?

(sighs) Currently, yes, Deb.

That is the... that is the situation.

Got it.

Good job.

Uh, Dean...?

What's up?

Okay, um, well, (clears throat) Dean, since you have sold your place in Malibu...

Congratulations, by the way.

Thank you.

Um, I-I just started wondering if there's, uh, you know, another property you were thinking about, uh, investing in?

Just for capital gains reasons.

For capital gains?

Yeah, capital gains, mostly.

Because it seems silly to let that money get taxed like that.

'Cause there's a lot of other opportunities here in Boise for reinvestment. You could go...

Stew, Stew.

I know what this is all about.

I've overstayed my welcome.

No, Dean, Deb and have loved having you here.

"Loved"? Wow.

I can see I'm already gone.

Dean Sr.: Deano!

Bang-up job on these cross complaint filings.

Uh, that's actually mine, Dad.

Are you sure? Because they read just like Dean.

Yeah, pretty sure.

All right, if you say so.

Dad, before you go, you're gonna want to hear this.

Stewart's asked me to move out.


No, that's not... I've not asked him.

Claire, you may want to come in here for this.


Did the filings bounce back?

No, I just got kicked to the streets.

I'm not kicking you out on the street.

I just wanted to start a conversation.

Well, you always have a bed at my place.

And you're always welcome to the air mattress I sleep on.

Just say the word and I will make that happen.

Claire, what's your offer?

Oh. Uh, no offer.

Well, that's fair. Dad, Todd...

I will let you know my decision.

It is... unclear where I will be sleeping tonight.

But what is clear is where I will not be sleeping tonight.

Or ever again.

Uncle Dean loved taco nights, Dad.

Lizzie: Yeah. It was his favorite night.

Right after Sloppy Joe night.

Why am I the bad guy here?

Because you kicked out your own brother.

I did not do that. I... your mom will back me up on this.

Your father has never been that direct about anything in his life.

Thank you. And if I know anything about your uncle, it's that he'll be back, believe me.

Okay. Well, until that happens, I don't think I can participate in taco night.

Me neither.

Andre: Me neither.

Thank you, Andre.

(children clamoring on TV)


Grinder! - (laughs)

(child speaking Spanish)


It's taco night over there.

I'm missing it.

Well, I got some taco shells.

We could just dump the chili into 'em.

Oh, nah, Dad. It's okay.

It's not the same.

Nah, it isn't.

Maybe he's just had enough.

You know?

I'm a big personality.

I can suck a lot of air out of the room.

I think you suck the perfect amount of air, son.



Good morning, Andre.


You kids are up early.

Mom, you look kind of rough.

Thanks, Ethan. Appreciate it.


I'm sorry, Andre.

Hey, where are all Dean's boxes?

I put them in storage.

Wait. You moved an entire semitruck-worth of boxes into storage last night?

And he fixed the dishwasher.

Wow! Thanks, Andre.

We've been trying to find time to do that for weeks.

Andre: Well, you're in the clear.


Yeah. Sure.

Why the hell not?


Oh, no, thank you.

I'm feeling a little under the weather.

You are? - Yeah.


Andre: Stew, would you mind putting your hand on your wife's forehead for me, please?

I... I wouldn't.

Oh, babe, you are kind of warm.

Oh, yeah?

Yeah, she's definitely fighting something off.

Oh, it's fine, you guys. I can't take a sick day.

Well, hon, that is what they're there for.

You gotta listen to your body, Mom.

You never listen.


Well, if you guys all insist...

I insist.


Thank you, Andre.

It is a total 180 at Dad's.

He's got a pool, there's no line for the bathroom and no one's being a raging butthole.

Did you call me a "raging butthole"?

Watch it, Stew.

Stewart, I've lived in a lot of different places other than your house.

I'm just saying, at Dad's, nobody's a raging butthole.

That's all, Stew.


Juror number 11.

Have you ever had a negative experience with a member of a hospital staff?

I was on a bunch of pills once and I strangled a nurse.

Does that count?

Yeah, it counts.

Um... uh, I think we need to strike number 11.

Damn, I kind of liked number 11.

She just said she strangled a nurse.

Yeah. On pills, Claire.

We should also find out...

Who is the plant on this jury?

The... plant?

You think someone's tampering with the jury on a basic property dispute?

Dean (quietly): Claire, I want you to run a full security check on every one of these people.

I want to know things about them that they don't even know about themselves.

What are you thinking? A subpoena on all their cell records and 24-hour video surveillance?

That's exactly what I'm thinking.

Todd: You heard the man, Claire.


No. Wait, wait.

Don't worry. Not going anywhere.

Right, because if she finds what I think she's gonna find, I can't protect all of us.

Dean, there is no plant.

Nobody's running background checks on anyone, so just drop it.


I understand what's going on here.

First you kick me out of the house and now you... kick me out of the courtroom.

That's not at all what I'm saying.

Well, that's what I'm hearing, coming from right here.

Your mouth hole.

(door opens)

(zippers unzip)

I hate this part, too.


Jury selection.

(urinal flushing)

(zips up, clears throat)

Hugh Rozz. Pat Landy.

Opposing counsel. We're past that, right?

Not at all.

Great. We'll keep identifying ourselves, then.

I'm sorry. Did I see what I think I saw out there?

Because what I think I saw was a gifted legal mind getting shut out of the process.

I'm starting to get wound up, Hugh.

Oh, I'm already wound up, Pat.

Look, if you ever want to swing by our office, talk... we love to listen.

Come in. Come... in. Thank you. Uhm... Have a seat.

What is this about? We have a lot of work to do.

What are we talking about?

We're talking about me.

We're talking about my role in the firm.

I will sit for this.

Dean: It's like...

Todd, I get it.

You're the quirky associate.

You like wrestling, you have a creepy obsession with me...


Claire, you're the strong, attractive female colleague.

Will we kiss? Will we not kiss?

That's-that's very clear to me.

We will not come close to kissing.

What am I?

Well, you're the patriarch.

Not as sharp as you used to be, but it's funny, so it works.

Well, if it works...

And Stew... you're the lead.

What are we talking about?

It seems like you all have a pretty full cast as it is.

Maybe you need a funny black guy and a chubby guy with a beard.

Well, Todd can do that.

Yeah, that's true. You could...

Yeah, I can try and grow something in.

It would help me.

Oh, I think it would help everyone.

Debbie: You caulked all the downstairs windows?

Andre: Yeah.

So what are we thinking?

Am I going into work this afternoon, Andre, or...?

The only work you have to do is getting yourself better.


So what you're saying is that I'm at work now, here, in front of the television?

That's exactly what I'm saying.

Oh, I like that.

Would you mind if I step out to see an apartment this afternoon?

What... You're gonna go see an apartment? Why?

Well, I... I just feel like I'm getting in the way here.

What?! Andre!

Don't be silly, you're not getting in the way.

All right, I'm gonna check on the windows upstairs.

There's a goat cheese arugula salad in the fridge.

I made it fresh.

Where have you been all my life?

Dean's guest house.

All right, let me get this straight: Your brother won't let you speak in court just because you don't have a degree?

Yeah, he says the laws in that area are "ironclad."

So he's just gonna let that law stand?

Find a loophole, buddy.

You can do that?

Yeah, we do it all the time.

Dig up an old law, say that it applies, and, boom, you're giving opening statements later that day.

Let me guess, I'll bet he's got you studying for the bar.

Yes, and it is so boring.

But it is important.

Yeah, if you want to learn how to take a test, but it doesn't teach you crap about the grind.

Thank you.

You practiced law for, what, eight seasons on TV?

Yeah, and-and I think that that should be worth something.

Hell, yeah, it is.

Would you rather have a heart attack next to McDreamy or next to some guy who never played a doctor on TV?

McDreamy, no-brainer.

I use that reference weekly with Stewart.

Only I use Noah Wyle.

But McDreamy makes the point in a much more dramatic way.

You look good in here, and I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you feel good in here too.

This could be your home, Hoss.

Don't call me that.

Won't happen again.

And, look, we don't doubt your brother wants you at Sandy Yao.

But does he want you enough?

Season 4, Episode 17.

"Grindsight is 20/20."

You ran, but Gordon Stutz came after you, because he needed you and couldn't run the firm without you.

You think Stewart would chase after you... if you were to run?

(phone rings)

Debbie (sick voice): Mm-ello?

Man: Uh, Deb Sanderson?

Who's asking?

Yes, I'm Sam Biddle, landlord over at 287 Garvey.

A man named Andre listed you as a reference.

Oh... right.

I cannot say enough nice things about him.

Great. He'll move in right away, get him out of your hair.

Uh... um...

On second thought, you may want to look into Andre's felony convictions.

I mean, I really shouldn't be the person who's saying this.

I'm sorry, did you say felony?


Oh. Work.

And I told them that I should take it easy.

Like you said.

You're doing the right thing.

(crickets chirping)

So you told the landlord... that Andre was a... a convicted felon.


Yeah, I did.

And that was just so he could keep making you salads?

Well, I mean, he's been doing a lot of other stuff around the house too, babe.


That didn't make you feel guilty at all, saying that about him?



No, I feel pretty good about it.

Okay, that, uh... that makes sense.



(cell phone buzzes)

Oh, you got to be kidding me.


Oh, man.

Say hi to Dean.

I can't wait to hear why this had to happen outside.

Because I didn't want to trespass.

Because I no longer live here.


Dean... (scoffs) aren't you taking this a little far?

I just want to be totally honest, full disclosure, so you don't hear it from anyone else.

Hear what from anyone else?

I met with another firm.


What... firm?

I met with Huston Rozz and Patrice Landy of the law firm Rozz/Landy & Associates.


They want me to practice law.

For their firm. With full in-court speaking privileges.

Dean, we talked about this, you can't speak in court until you pass the bar.

They had an interesting take on the bar.

"Skip it."

That is an interesting take.


And they were a little surprised that my brother hadn't figured out a bar work-around.

Dean, the legal profession is very clear on this.

Take the test, pass the test, become a lawyer.

Well, they seem to think that eight years of television experience was sufficient.

I'm inclined to agree with them.

Then what's stopping you?

Maybe nothing.

You want to work for Rozz and Landy, then work for Rozz and Landy.

Maybe I will.

Is this all just because I asked you what the long-term plan was?

You-you can't be an adult about anything.

You know, it turns into this whole big deal, you move out, and now everyone's mad at me.

Admit it, you never wanted me to be a partner in the firm.

Yes, I admit it.

I've admitted that since the second you got here.

What about all the business I brought in?

What about all the cases we won?

You said it yourself... we were a great team.

I brought the style, and you brought the legal stuff.

We were unstoppable.

Or did you forget that?

Take care of Andre for me.

I will not do that.

Because he's gay?

Because he's a grown man.

See you around, brother.

Okay, Dean.

I'll see you around.

You know your car's here. I don't understand.

He drove here just to walk away? That doesn't make s-sense.

What is this?

Is this plain eggs, not an omelet?


Where's the cilantro?

And the avocado toast?





Ethan, take it easy.

Andre is not here anymore.



I got a little too attached to Andre.

Your mother lied to a lot of people.


Well, I did sabotage him, so that he could not get a job or a decent place to live.

Where... is he?

He's doing good.

I had to cosign on an apartment for him, but at a nice place, uh, and it's far away from here, and it's-it's not our house.

I don't want to know where.

I wouldn't tell you if you asked.

So you kicked him out.

Just like you kicked out Uncle Dean.

No, it's not...


Is anyone safe?

I hope you're happy.

Uh... (scoffs)

I mean, maybe we could just...

Deb, he's gone.


Stewart: I promise you Dean is not leaving the firm.

I don't know, Stew.

It's not like Dean to be this late.

That's true, he's usually later.

What if he went night-hiking and fell in the ravine?

He could just be laying there with a broken leg and no cell service.

Can we please lay off the random worst-case scenarios, Todd?

Oh, there he is.


Good morning, team Sanderson & Yao.

Dean, you're late. The judge wants to start.

We talked about being on ti...

Or we could hug first.

I was hoping you'd chase me.



Dad, I'm sorry.

Sometimes a young bird needs to spread his wings.

I understand, son, because that's how young birds learn how to fly.

I'm coming with you.

Screw you. Screw you.

Screw you guys!



Well, thank you for your consideration.



Sorry, I'm staying here.

Just scratch that from the record.

Happy to be here. I'm...