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04x13 - Goodbye Girl

Posted: 01/15/16 18:16
by bunniefuu
Who has the football?

[whistle blows]

Oh, it's a touchdown! [phone rings]

Unbelievable! [phone rings]

Hey, babe.

Hey, did you get him down okay?

Yep, ten minutes of crying and complete submission.

Good, because I am in the mood for...

I ate all the pizza.

Not what I was gonna say.




How long till you're home?

[laughs] Ten minutes?

Love you.

See you soon.

♪ everyone's gunning ♪
♪ everyone's gunning ♪
♪ everyone's gunning ♪
♪ everyone's gunning ♪
♪ my love, my love, my love, my love ♪

[knock on door]

♪ my love, my love, my love, my love ♪

Forget your key?

Hey, Charlie.


Kristine, what are you doing here?

I brought you a bottle of Kentucky's best, but I kind of got into it already.

[inhales sharply]

I don't feel so good.

Come inside.

Alex is gonna be home very soon.

Well, lucky you.

Kris, you can't be here.

If you want to talk, we can talk at work.

Well, you've been avoiding me like the plague.

You can't disappear like that on me, Charlie.

I need you.


I'm gonna call you a cab, okay?

And then tomorrow, when you sober up, and you're feeling the regret of this evening and a headache, we can talk.


So, we are booked for saturday morning?

Can't we just go to brunch?

We could take a walk in high park, play "which dog would you steal?"

Yeah, we do that every weekend, though.

Let's try something new, something bold.

Something that could lead to massive lacerations or amputation?

So, you don't want to go axe throwing?

No, I want to eat chicken and waffles with you, okay?

Last week, it was paintball.

This week, it's axe throwing?

[laughs] Are you having a quarter-life crisis?

I'm just trying to shake things up.

Well, stop. There's no need to shake.

I like things the way they are.

Doogie. Dr. Williams.

Dr. Bishop.



I should get going.

Don't wanna be late for rounds.

It's kombucha, japanese fermented tea.

The slimy chunks are bacteria that are supposed to stimulate the immune system.

Uh-huh. Any, uh... any science behind that?

Nah, didn't think so.

[laughs] Listen, I'm just trying to help.


What is all that?

Oh, estate planning.

I'm just trying to figure out how to make sure Molly doesn't blow through her trust fund after I'm gone, you know?

I wish there was a way that I could come back and check on her every couple years.

Dana? You're still here.

Yeah. No, it's...

And if the time comes, I'll be there for her, whatever she needs.

Thank you, darling.

I mean, I know this is self-evident, but dying really sucks.

[phone buzzes]

Whoa, trauma, MVA on our doorstep.

Go, go, go.

Drink it!

Mm, can't wait.

[siren wails]

Got a 35-year-old woman, drunk driver, car versus tree.

B.P. is 160 over 90.

I need two large bore IV's, an arterial line, and a catheter.

On three. One, two, three!

Let's go.

Airway is clear.

Chest expanding normally on both sides. Cassie?

Bilateral lung sounds are normal.

Okay, I want you to follow this pen.

Good pupil response. Visual acuity is good.

Okay, let's get her cleaned up and ready to move.

Excuse me? Besides the alcohol, was she on anything else?

Not that we've found on the scene, but I bagged her personals just in case.

Wait a minute. Let me see that.

Her I.D. says she's a nurse here?

Kristine Fields.

Yeah, I know who she is.

Let's check the chest and abdominal injuries first.

Her spine felt fine. I need cervical imaging, as well.

Oh, thank you. Yes, Dr. Sekara.

Aren't you forgetting something?

My latte.

Oh, sh**t. I forgot.

Well, despite your insolence, I have a present for you.

Carmen Basilone, 26, male. Actually, I don't want to spoil it.


I might look bad, but I feel great.

He's on a boat load of meperidine.

Dr. Sekara here is going to get you some antibiotics and a tetanus shot.

Can you tell me how this happened?

Construction job.

I was reinforcing the floor, and I did this, and that made me drop the nail g*n, and a nail just came sh**ting up, so I covered my face because, like, "oh, crap, nail."

You may feel some numbness or radiating pain in your arm.

Oh, I haven't been able to feel anything for a while now.

You mean figuratively or literally?


In here.

Just... not since she broke up with me.

Okay, I'm gonna go page ortho.


All righty, then, yeah.

Let's get you up for some X-rays.

There's a cheetah-print piece of lace coming out your right pant leg.

How does that even happen?

These are yesterday's scrubs, and this is yesterday's underwear.

You ever think about taking that show on the road?

Guys up in geriatrics would love that trick.

I have been on call all week. I haven't had sex in six months, and I was in an expl*si*n less than two months ago, so just give me a break, okay?

[phone buzzes]


I'll walk with you.

[monitors beeping] Hey.

Dr. Button nose, Dr. Cheekbones, this is Lois.

B.P. is on the high end. Pulse is 110.

She's febrile.


Dr. Lin.

Lois, I did your gastric bypass, right?

Nine months ago, yes.


I think I'm having a heart attack.

Her co-worker called an ambulance.

Okay, well, better safe than sorry.

With us lawyers, it's more like better safe than liable.


Lois, do you have any numbness or tingling your arms?

Lightheadedness? Pain in your jaw?

No. It's just my chest.

It's tight, and there's a burning sensation.


I had my stomach stapled because you warned me I'd have heart problems if I didn't get my weight under control.

Now I'm having a heart attack.

We don't know that yet, Lois.

Are you on any medications?

I took some anti-malaria pills a few months ago for a trip to the Dominican, that's all.

Okay, Lois. Well, there's a little S.T. elevation in your cardiogram, so why don't we get you up to the cath lab and sort that out?

I can't catch my breath.

Okay, bag her.

It's okay. You're okay.

I'm getting a lot of resistance.

Okay, should we tube her?

Open up for me, Lois.

She's showing signs of chronic aspiration.

I don't think this is a heart attack.

Okay, let's get her down to an endo suite.

You're gonna be okay, Lois.

All right, camera's on.

Let's see what's going on with miss Lois.

Esophagus looks a bit dilated, and it is beet red.


Good huh, bad huh?

You ever hear a good huh in here before?

That's a good point. What's the issue?

The scope won't budge.

Seems to be a mechanical obstruction.

Could be caused by a twist in the bowel or... looks like a blockage of food?

Judging by her size, she hasn't been following her post-up diet.

She should have lost 50 pounds by now.

My sister had her stomach stapled.

Couldn't eat anything bigger than the size of a cashew.

If it is a bottleneck in her G.I. tract, that could definitely be causing the pain.

All right, who's up for an exploratory laparotomy?

Okay, I will go prep us an O.R.

Well, you must be the luckiest man on earth.

I don't feel lucky.

The... the nail has went through the soft tissue in both the hands and the face.

No bone, vessels, or nerves were compromised.

So, he doesn't have to go to the O.R.?

No. You can take them out right here with a local.

I've got the perfect tool for the job.

I'll go find it.

Just try and stay calm, Carmen.

Sorry, I don't like tools.

A contractor who's nervous around tools.

How does that work?

I'm not a contractor.

I work in a bookstore.

Okay, we're gonna give you some lidocaine so you don't feel any pain when we pull those nails.

You know what pain is?

Living without the love of your life because of a fight over a bath tub.

Yeah. No, I'm more of a shower guy myself.

Now, you're gonna feel a pinch in three, two, one.

Well, Bianca loves her baths.

Those smelly fizz balls make the whole room feel like birthday cake.

So, as soon as you guys fix me up, I'm heading back and finishing that reno.

Look, I'm no expert here, but you should probably hire somebody to finish the job.

You're gonna feel another pinch.

No, see, I have to do it myself.

Otherwise, it isn't meaningful.

You're gonna feel one more pinch here.

As soon as she sees those slate floors and the skylight and the claw-foot tub it took me two months to find, she realizes I did it all myself, just for her?

[voice slurring]

She must be some woman.



I'll go help Dr. Harris track down that tool.

You feeling much?


That's good. Good.

[inhales sharply]

How did I get here?

You were in a car accident.

What's wrong with me?

We're waiting for the C.T. results.

I need to talk to Charlie.

You know who I am, right?

Well, my son's blanket was found in your car.

How did it get there?


I need some saline in here!

It's not gonna help. She has a massive hematoma in her liver.

Not to mention the tibial fracture.

All right, help me unhook her.

We're gonna need to get you to the O.R., all right?

Please, get Charlie.

I can't do this without him.

Let's go.

Okay, there's a lot more inflammatory tissue than I thought.

Could be the cause of the blockage.

You seeing what I'm seeing?

Holy kumquat.

You took the words right out of my mouth.

Why would there be an abscess at the side of the jejunojejunostomy?

Because saying jejunojejunostomy is just so much fun.


All right?

Now we know what caused the blockage.

Would you like to do the honors?


Remember, breathe through your mouth.


[both gagging] Oh, that is just...

Oh, that's truly vile.

I can taste it.

"Breathe through your mouth" might not have been the best advice.

Oh! [clears throat]


Okay, Bishop, take a look at this.

There's a leak in the efferent loop.

Is it possible you tied the knot too tightly when you rerouted the jejunum during the gastric bypass?

No, I couldn't have.

There are a dozen reasons why there could be an abscess in this exact spot.

I'm gonna take it from here.

She's my patient... if there's something wrong, I'm gonna fix it.

Not if it's a problem you created.

What is that supposed to mean?

Dr. Lin, put your scalpel down.

[monitor beeping]

I need someone in here to assist.

Page one of the residents for me.

Hey, Molly.

It's, um... it's your mom.

So, uh...

So, I thought I would, um, record these videos for you so that, um, I don't know, you could watch them after I'm gone, and, um, hopefully, I can... I can help.



Is that what I look like from this angle?


Hey, Molly!

It's your dead mother here.

God... [laughs]

We've clamped the IVC above and below the liver, but there's still blood coming.

Turn up the suction, please.

Can you help me get a better look?

There it is.

There's a tear in her right hepatic vein as it enters the cava. 4-0 monofilament.

How's that leg?

Circulation's good.

Okay, once we get her stabilized and off the blood thinners, let's get ortho in to fix that nasty fracture.

And that should do it. Removing the clamps.

[monitor beeping]

No! Back on. Clamps back on.

I need another suction unit, please.

Sponges, keep 'em coming. Let's go, let's go!


That's not gonna work.

Ready? Gonna have to bail out.

Got you.


Biohazard spill, be careful!

Give me more sponges!

Come on, where are you?

There's another tear. She blew the left vein, too.

Maybe she has an underlying condition.

Is she on any medication?

The only thing I know about this woman is that she works on the eighth floor.

Maybe we should page Dr. Harris?

No! Call up to palliative.

See if the charge nurse knows anything about nurse Fields.

Okay. Ready? On three.


Don't do it on one, okay?

Just don't lie like that.

Actually do it on three.

Okay. One, two...

Never mind, go.

Don't even count, just go. [inhales sharply]

I think I'm gonna throw up.

Can I even... can I even throw up like this?

Take some deep breaths, Carmen. Just try and relax.

You know, maybe you could leave this one in for a week or two, and I can come back, 'cause honestly, I can't even feel it anymore.

[monitor beeping]

I think it looks pretty cool.

Dr. Miller?


His pulse is elevated, and his pressure's dropping.

I'd like to give him some benzodiazepine.

[sighs] He's already on analgesics and narcotics.

It's too risky for his heart.



Huh? Buddy? Why don't you tell me a little bit about this girl of yours.

She sounds amazing.

She was my high-school sweetheart.

You know, it was, like, from the moment I saw her, even.

You know when-when you're in a used bookstore, and you're just digging around, and you come across a limited edition, still sealed copy of "The Shadow" from 1932?


It's just like that, you know?

Like I won the lottery.

The used book store lottery?


It's worth fighting for, isn't it...



There you go. We're just gonna irrigate the wound.

Make sure you don't have any infections, clean you up, bandage you up, you'll be good to go.

Then I can finish my reno and get Bianca back.

You're joking, right?

Come on, man.

No one breaks up over a bathtub.

What are you saying?

You nailed your hand to your face for a woman that's probably not even that into you?

How's our patient doing?

Good. He's gonna be out of here in no time.

Dr. Sekara, on the other hand...

I need you.

[monitors beeping]

[sighs] Can you shut those up, please?

[monitors cease beeping]

Damn it, I can't get these sutures to hold.

The charge nurse doesn't know anything, and nurse Fields doesn't have an emergency contact on file.

How much longer can we keep the liver clamped before it starts to clot?

Ten minutes, tops.

Check her leg.

It's rock hard.

She has compartment syndrome.

I'm scrubbing in.

How did he know that?

Probably from the imaging.

I knew we should have paged Dr. Harris.

I'm gonna step out for a moment.

I want a catheter and U.W. solution ready for when I get back.

We need to perfuse that liver to keep it alive.


Why didn't you tell me she was in our house?

[sighs] I tried.

She stole Luke's blanket... the one we couldn't find last night.

Why would she do that?

You tell me.

Kristine and I aren't friends anymore.

We haven't even been talking.

What's going on?

She got confused about our relationship, and she tried to kiss me.


I've been keeping my distance ever since.

Okay, so she comes to see you last night.

This morning, she wraps a car around a tree.

That a coincidence?

I don't know.

You want to take this one off?

No. I'm gonna fix that liver, and then I'm gonna find out what the hell's going on.

Promise me that when I die, you'll be there to make sure that I cross over.

We're not gonna let you die.

Yes, you are. Because that's the only thing I want now.

Should we close the hole in the efferent loop?

No, better to let it heal on its own, so we're gonna have to bypass it.

Suction, please. Thank you.
It's a tough break for Dr. Lin, especially if she does decide to file a malpractice suit.

No one said anything about a lawsuit.

Well, that's what we're all thinking, isn't it... including Dr. Lin?

Is she able to operate while she's under investigation?

You know, for a second there, I actually thought you were worried about Maggie. but you're just angling for her surgeries, huh?

That's kind of snakey, Dr. Mirani.

Doctors get sued all the time, Dr. Bishop.

Somebody has to cover for them.

Look, I just told you, nobody is...

What is that, Dr. Bishop?


Excuse me.

You can kick me out of the O.R., but you can't stop me from watching.

Maggie, I found this in her abdominal cavity.

What is it?

It's a pledget.

You must have left it inside her during the surgery nine months ago.

That's what caused the abscess and the blockage.

Something doesn't make sense.

Maggie, you need to get a lawyer.

The walls are so ragged, there's nothing to stitch.

Surgery's been a disaster from the get-go.

Thank you, Dr. Williams. Very helpful.

She's still circling the drain here, guys.

Again, helpful.

Anyone else? I'm all ears.

Yeah. We may be fighting a losing battle here.


She had a personal tragedy years ago.

Her daughter. Drunk driver.

I'm just saying that she might not have any fight left.

You think that we're having a hard time because she's given up?

That's not how this works.

I'll repair the damaged vein.

Is that even a thing?

If I have a viable graft, yes.

Saphenous vein.

It's thick enough, and she can go without it.

Prep another surgical tray, place it over the patient's pelvis.

I'm sorry to be playing catch-up here, but huh?

I'm gonna splay the harvested vein, cut it into pieces, and then sew the pieces back together so that I can make a wider vein.

You've done it before?

Yes, on pigs.


Wait, so you've never done this on an actual patient before?

Well, there's a first time for everything.

Prep the left leg. We'll harvest from there.

Make her stop it, Charlie.

Is there a problem, Charlie?

No, no problem.

So, Molly, you've graduated college, and there is a world of possibilities ahead of you now.

But take my word for it.

Go out and buy yourself a plane ticket.

Get your head out of your ass and go and see the world.

It's so...

God, I remember when I was 25, I went to Costa Rica, and, oh, I hopped on the back of a motorcycle with a guy named Juan who was so good-looking.


Didn't speak a word of english, but...

What am I doing?

There's gonna be an investigation.

The lawyers are going to do a chart review of all of your previous gastric bypass surgeries.

I've never made a mistake like this before.

Well, you've picked a hell of a patient for your first one.

In my circle, Lois Gresham's got quite a reputation.

Okay, I need to talk to her, then.

No, no, I would strongly advise against that.

Something doesn't add up.

Dr. Lin, you do understand what's going on here.

In medical malpractice, that sponge that you left behind is as close to a smoking g*n as it gets.

Am I gonna lose my license?

When your lawyer arrives, we'll talk about your next steps.

Wait, aren't you my lawyer?

I'm Hope Zion's lawyer, and in this case, the hospital's gonna want to distance itself from the...

Smoking g*n?

That's right.

Which is me.

Yeah. Sorry.


All right, Dr. Williams, I need you to prop up the liver on sponges and hold it steady, I'll give me better access.

Not to be a debbie downer, but what happens if this doesn't work?

If these grafts don't hold, there is no plan "B."

She'll need to go on the transplant list.

And we all know where drunk drivers land on that list.

What are you doing?

Now is not the time.

You have to stop them.

Let her go.

That's what she wants.

Man: Whoa, she's bottoming out again.

You can't shut us out.

Charlie? You need to finish up and get out of here.

Why won't you listen?


B.P.'s in the danger zone. She's tachy at 130.

Stop trying to fix me.

You know I can't do that.

They'll keep coming until I get what I want.


[monitors beeping]


I'm done with the leg.

Close for me, please.

What the hell was that?

Back to work. Let's go.

[monitor beeping]

How do you deal with all of that?

All of what?

Dr. Harris's... quirks?

We all have quirks, Dr. Williams.

Okay, ready to unclamp.

Let's hope those grafts hold.

Well, if they don't, I'm out of ideas, and she's out of time.

Dr. Williams, first clamp.


That's good.

That's very good.

Here we go.

No leaks!

We're up to full flow.

The plumbing holds.

Looks like we finally caught a break.

[both laugh]

[P.A. beeps]

Dr. Mathis to the nurse's station.

You get a hold of a lawyer?

He said he would meet me here.

You know, during my ortho rotation, I had this patient with an osteosarcoma.

I cut him open from his elbow to his shoulder, and as soon as I made the incision, I knew.

Wrong arm.

Wrong arm.

Well, you didn't almost k*ll your patient.

I'm finished here.

It's as simple as that.

[phone buzzes]

We gotta go.

I'm still waiting for my lawyer.


So, the lawyer asked me to preserve the evidence, but when I cleaned off the pledget, I noticed it looked a little weird.

Weird how?

It wasn't X-ray detectable.

So, what?

The pledgets we use have radio-opaque threads.

They show up on X-ray.

I called Dr. Bell.

She said Hope Zion's never even used these pledgets before.

So, how did it get inside her?

Well, Dr. Bell said they still use them in The Caribbean, South and Central America.

My guess, she wasn't getting the results she wanted with your bypass, so she went ahead and had a second surgery.

In the Dominican.


[P.A. beeps]

Dr. Francesco, please pick up line 2.

You shouldn't be here.

No harm in checking in, right?

No harm?

You made a promise to me about what my life was gonna look like after that surgery.

What your life could look like.

I went to a singles resort two months ago.

Everyone was taking surfing classes and scuba lessons, but I couldn't.

They wouldn't insure me.

Lois, that has nothing to do with me.

The only reason I booked the trip was because you said I'd lose 50 pounds by then.

If you followed the proper protocol.

You know what I did, instead? I read legal briefs.

I'm sorry, you can't sue me because you had a bad vacation.

Because I have to work ten times harder to prove that a woman my size still deserves to be promoted.

I know about the second surgery.

The piece of cotton that they left inside you, we don't... we don't use those here, anywhere in North America, actually.

A piece of cotton?

You can't ruin my career because of somebody else's mistake.

You gave me false hope.

That's worse.

I'll monitor for infection and make sure her clotting factors are up.

Great, and the rest is up to her.



There you are.

I want to discuss one of your patient's head CT's...

I got caught up in the O.R.

I'm sorry, which patient?

Kristine Fields.

She has a slow-growing meningioma in her occipital lobe.


This is unrelated to the accident.

Yeah, it's been there for a few years, but it could lead to depression, mood swings.

It's straddling the occipital lobe and the cerebellum.

That is correct.

Could a tumor in that part of the brain cause hallucinations?

Yeah, yeah.

Has your patient been complaining about hallucinations?

Been looking for you.

We need to talk.

I tried to talk to you.

You shut me out.

This was never about us, was it?

They say that time heals all wounds.

Well, it's... it's been almost three years since Maddie died, and...

It's just getting worse.

Did you drive your car into that tree on purpose?

I could have k*lled someone.

The same way that Maddie was k*lled.


You know that even if you go... wherever it is that people go, Maddie might not be there.

If it was Luke, and there's the smallest chance that you might see him again...

I'm just so tired of living without her.

Why couldn't you just let me die?

You know why.


I thought I might find you here.

I need you to look at something.

Uh... okay. What am I looking at?

Kristine's head C.T.

You see that?

Yeah, what is it?

She has a meningioma.

I had no idea.

She probably didn't, either, according to Shahir.

Charlie, he said something else.

Say it.

A tumor in this location could cause hallucinations.

Like seeing ghosts?

What if you have the same thing?

Alex, because the ghosts that I see aren't imaginary.

You and I both know that this kind of tumor, if it grows, could cause brain stem compression.

It could even cause...

Alex, I'm not dying, okay?

Shahir scanned me from head to toe after my accident.

Yeah, but this kind of tumor is slow-growing.

It could have been undetectable back then.

Sweetheart, I thought we were done trying to explain away this thing I have.

Not if it could k*ll you.

[knock on door]

Dr. Lin, I am so behind on my work.

Please, just leave me alone.

It'll just take a second.

You deserve better.

You should be able to have fun and meet someone on vacation and get a promotion without working 24 hours a day.

I don't need you to tell me that the world is an unfair place.

I was so afraid of losing my job that I lost sight of that.

The hospital has cognitive therapy sessions that are very supportive for people suffering from addiction.


I feel out of control all the time.

I thought your surgery was gonna change that.

And when it didn't, you went looking for someone who could fix it.

You must think I'm a horrible person.


I think you're struggling.

There's no shame in that.

I'll call off my lawyers.

The anesthetic's out of her system.

She should be awake by now.

I need to remove this meningioma.

Have to get permission from her family.

No next of kin listed, huh.

Dr. Hamza?

Do you think it's possible for a patient to will themselves to die, if they don't have anything to live for?

She's not dead.

She's in a coma.

Okay, so this is for the pain for the next couple of days.

You need to take a shower... I know you're more of a bath guy.

Just wrap some plastic over it. Got it?

For what it's worth, thanks for not poo-pooing my dreams.

I used to poo-poo that kind of thing, but it got old.

And besides, love finds a way, right?

So, go, build your love shack, and get her back.

Actually, you know what? Give me this for a second.

My cousin, Rob.

He's a contractor.

Give him a call. He'll help you out.

I don't make a lot of money.

Well, you'd make a lot less if you saw off both your arms.

Right. Thanks.

You bet.

That guy didn't need a cheerleader.

He needed a smack upside the head.

You know, you've worked in my E.R. a couple of times now, and you've never gotten that chippy with me, and I've deserved it, so what's up?

I found it at Cassie's.

I've been obsessing over it ever since.

What is it?

Pros and cons.

Cons... not athletic.

Too vanilla.

How can I even be vanilla?

Doesn't look at me the same way.

Are you kidding me? You're fine.

There's like 20 pros there.

I don't look at her the same way?

I mean, someone else is looking at her some other way.

It does not mean that.

But that's what it means.

So, find the guy, shed some blood, and show her who's not athletic.

I mean, what are you doing walking around with that in your pocket, not talking to her?

I don't know.

I guess I'm afraid of what she'll say.

You know in my experience, when you have that hunch, it's usually right.

Great, now I feel worse.

Yeah, well, I ain't Oprah.


Hey, wanna grab a drink?

I am so buzzed from the surgery I just assisted on.


What's up?

You're, uh... you're not happy, and I think it's time we talked about why.

What do you mean, I'm not happy? I'm always happy.

I don't think you're happy with us.

Is that why you've been so different lately?

I... thought I could fix the things that you said were wrong with me.

What are you... I never said...

I found your list.

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god. Dev, I...

I was reading this magazine, and it said that I...

You know what? It doesn't matter.

It was juvenile. I'm so sorry.

People make these kinds of lists when they're weighing their options, so I need you to be honest with me.

Who? Who's op... who's option number two?

No, no, it was just a magazine.

I promise, there's nobody else.

But you've been thinking about it.

No, Dev.

Just tell me the truth!

Then I'll save you the trouble.

It's Dr. Bishop, isn't it?


It... it's-it's a crush.

I... it's a stupid crush.

Dev! Dev, hey, listen.

I apologize for before.

I hope things work out with you and Cass, she's a great girl.

It's over.

Well, she's not that great.

I tell you what, how about you and I go for a beer, huh?

Thanks but no thanks, Dr. Miller.

My darling Molly... some advice.

[knock on door]

Can it wait?!



Come on in.

God, what are you still doing here?

Dr. Reid did an interposition vein graft today...


And I was wondering, since you're the vascular specialist, if you could teach me.


Either that, or I'm gonna go home and spell out the names of my ex-boyfriends with gummi bears and eat them.

One by one.

[clears throat]

Of course, I'll show you.



I'm gonna finish up here, and, uh, I'll meet you down in the skills lab.

Okay. Thank you, Dr. Kinney.


Okay, Molly dolly, well, it's just me and you, so, um... some advice from your mom.


Sorry, baby girl, I was... I was trying for stoic here.

Um... You know, the day you were born, I looked at you.

Had that perfect little face, and that silly hat they put on you.

And I promised I would always be there.

God, I love you.

Well, the good news about being a doctor here is you get front of the line at radiology.

Free jell-O.


Thank you for doing this.

Don't worry.

The only advice I have is... is love.

With your whole heart.

Woman: We're ready for you, Dr. Harris.

Even when you're terrified, and you want to run away, and embrace your imperfections and the flaws of people around you because everybody's just doing the best they can with what they've got, right?

And that's why you're here.

My sweet girl.

Why any of us are here.

To look after one another.
