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02x10 - The Mystery of the Downward Spiral

Posted: 01/14/16 23:19
by bunniefuu
Hey, buddy, you all right?


Screw you, ass-hat.

I'm sleeping.

Whatever, man.

Hey, buddy, you all right?

Oh, my God.

Reynaldo: Cause of death, g*nsh*t wound to the chest, right through the lapel of his Huntsman single breasted.

Fancy threads, huh?

Any witnesses?

Homeless guy who found him, missed the main event.

Look at the singeing on the shirt.

Jake: Shot was fired from close range.

Two more, messy.

Hardly the sign of a professional sh**t.

Time of death?

6:07 a.m.

To the minute. You're getting very good at this.

Not me, my friend. Switzerland's finest.

Reynaldo: Smashed on impact.

Smashed this, too.

Looks like it could be a drug vial.

Pretty snazzy threads for a tweaker.

Either way, it could be a mugging gone wrong.

Jake: No wallet, no ID.

All right, well, take Jon Doe back to the morgue, and we'll pray to the police-gods for a print match.

All right, people, let's bag him up.

You wanna grab breakfast?

Uh, I had Pop-Tarts with the kids.

Breakfast of champions.

Let me rephrase.

Can we go someplace and talk?


I should've told you the truth about my medical stuff.

Which is stable, it's just... more complicated than I had let on.

You're understandably angry.

I'm not angry.


Yeah, I'm over it.


What's that smell?

I didn't step in...

No, it's flowers.

It's flowers.


He's wearing jasmine.

What guy would wear that scent?

Hey man, I dabbled in jasmine.

Reminds me of a special night in Jakarta.

Let's go.

Laura: Hold on, wait a minute.

Fancy ass suit.

Glass vial.

I don't think our victim wears perfume.

I think he makes it.

Belle Reve?


That's our victim, Michael Dunham, CEO.


I can't believe he's dead.

He was just here in the lab three hours ago.

Last words I said to him were about Atrinal extraction.

Were you and your father close?

Yeah, of course.

It's hard not be, when you spend every waking hour together.

Have you always worked for your father?

Ah, it's tradition, but, Belle Reve has been in the family for generations.

But you prefer lab coat to power suit?

I... I've been learning the business from the ground up so I could take over someday. Just...

Just not like this. (SNIFFLES)

Did he always come in this early?

No, we're on deadline to launch a new fragrance, Exhale, but the oakmoss in it has been causing some dermatitis, so...

The team has been up all night working on a fix. I...

I haven't been outside since yesterday morning.

We will need to see the security tapes to see who's coming and going.

The system hasn't been recording.

(STAMMERS) There's been a bug on the hard disk. I...

I should've reminded security to fix that.

(STUTTERS) I... I should've copied...

Don't beat yourself up.

Tapes wouldn't have stopped this.

We think it could've been a mugging, but we would still like to interview the staff.

Yeah, of course, but it's hard to imagine anyone here k*lling Dad.

Everybody loved him. He was regular people, you know.

Last month, he spent a week on our frangipani fields in Saint Lucia.

The second he landed at JFK, he went right out to Coney Island.

Said he needed a hot dog.

Coney dog. I like his style.


Uh, this is our board chair.

Of course.

Hello, sir, Jon Dunham.

Now, if he stands to inherit all of this, we could have our motive.

I don't know.

He seems genuine and he had an alibi.

Wenly have his word that he was here all night.

Laura: Let's see about that, Excuse me, Ellen?

Is that fudge?

Murdick's. Vinyard's finest.

Here, help yourself.

It's 7:00 a.m., I shouldn't.

I said "shouldn't," not "won't."

So, I heard you guys pulled an all-nighter?

Yeah, without the sugar, I'd be a total zombie.

Oh, I hear ya. And the boss didn't cut out early?



You sure?

He would have had to walk right by me.


See? Jon Dunham has an alibi.

Max: And yet one hell of a motive.

Michael Louie Dunham, perfumier and recumbent bicycle enthusiast.

Wife, Beth. Deceased.

One son, Jonathan.

The sole beneficiary of his father's death.

And Jon just became a quarter of a billion dollars richer.

Hit the romance jackpot, too.

Behold, the fiancee.

Max: Her name is Ela Jeneson.

She's a fashion model and current face of Belle Reve.

Some guys have all the luck.

Hmm, depends what you mean by luck.

Jon's also the proud owner of a few DWIs, a couple of arrests for cocaine possession.

No jail time.

Always got rehab and restitution.

Yeah, and no criminal activity for the past 16 years.

Turned his life around.

But not his credit. Dunham Senior made eight figures, but his son's bank account's in overdraft.

Alibi notwithstanding, Jon's still good for it.

He could have paid somebody to take his dad out.

It's time to take a run at him.

Yes, I was an addict.

Yes, I did some stupid things, but I'm eight years sober.

Jon turned his life around. Went to community college, got a BA.

All so he could work for his dad.

Why the sudden 180?


Brenda: I am so sorry I'm late.

But my driver called in sick.

So, I had to Uber, but it made me update my app first.

It was a whole thing.

But I'm here now.

Brenda Phillips, Mr. Dunham's lawyer.

Any particular reason you thought you needed representation?

Oh, he didn't. I did.

Jon's not a suspect.

Honey, would you mind leaving us?

Grown-up talk.

Jon: Why don't you go grab a snack?

Have some celery. It's a cheat day.

You said you were the lawyer for Mr. Dunham. Father or son?

Both. They're my only clients.

I'm Belle Reve's in-house counsel.

I will waive attorney-client privilege.

I've got nothing to hide. I did not k*ll my father.

And you are the sole heir.

No. Dad started a foundation in Mom's memory.

It gets all of his money.

So you were disinherited? That's gotta hurt.

(SCOFFS) I don't care about money.

I just want my chance to run Belle Reve.

Something wrong, Ms. Phillips?

Jon, I was hoping to tell you this in private.

But your father left the leadership of Belle Reve to the board.

I'm so sorry. I know how far you've come.

But your father felt that the pressure might be too much.


What? Why didn't he tell me himself?

Brenda: He thought he had time.

But he did leave a video will to explain.

We will need a copy.

Oh, absolutely. But trust me, I think you'll find nothing in there that's a motive for m*rder.

Look it's already been a long day and there's a company to be run...

Corporate housekeeping is hardly the priority right now.

What else can I tell you?

Jake: Can you think of anyone who would wanna hurt your father?

Professional enemies, personal altercations?

This is... This is probably nothing, but...

But last fall, Dad pissed off some skaters.

Yes, that's definitely nothing.

Well, what happened?

Well, there were these teenagers.

They were outside Belle Reve doing tricks.

Dad called the cops on them.

We thought they moved on, but last week, they graffitied the front of our building.

Just gibberish. Here, I took a picture for insurance.

See? They're teenagers, not K*llers.

The skaters didn't write that.

Send the photo to the precinct. This is not random scribbling.

They're letters.


Animal Reintegration Krusade.

As in "ark", the first ever couple's cruise.

And these days lunatic fringe of the animal rights movement.

I would not say lunatic.

They believe animals have rights that should be defended at all costs.

Well, do you mean defended with v*olence?

They may have mailed anthraxes to some oncologists as payback for using lab rats.

Well, then, lunatic. But why go after Belle Reeve?



Perfume companies are known for using animals for testing, and for ingredients.

Whale vomit, feline fecal paste.

Oh, whoa. Ugh.

Head over to ARK offices and talk to whoever's in charge.

Only problem is, there is no office and no leader.

ARK tagged Dunham's business, right?

And a week later, he winds up dead.

I bet that tag was marking him for action.

And if we find another, we might know where ARK is going to strike next.

Okay, I can take the tag, reverse image search it, maybe find something online.


Thank you, Instagram.

Street art feed called No Gallery Required, uploaded 36 hours ago.

Looks like ARK found their next target.

And we found ARK.

Billy: You ever notice how whenever it's a fancy ass office to go scope out Laura and Jake are all in.

But when it's a crap hole like this, all of a sudden, everybody's too busy.

Look, there's the tag.

Looks abandoned.

Maybe it's the wrong place.



It's open.

He's alive.

Central, this two Edward, we need a bus at 52 Noble.


Severe head trauma.

Central: Got it.


Meredith: Don't sh**t.

Did a lion just go by?

Or, did I drink too much cough syrup?



What the hell is this place?


Okay, think I found our screamer.

Yeah, I'd scream too if I was stuck in a cage.



NYPD, on the ground.

These animals don't belong in cages.

Yeah? Well, you do.

Marcus Hill.

Professional pain in the ass.

Let me outta here, man.

You did not just call me "man".

I'm not the one that should be in here.

The guy at the warehouse, the wildlife smuggler, he's the real criminal.

Yeah, but knocking him out with a pair of bolt cutters isn't exactly legal.

We were liberating his prisoners.

I know, we tracked down Mufasa all the way to Astoria.

You're still on the hook for as*ault, burglary...


And m*rder of Michael Dunham.

No, no, no. I would never k*ll a living being.

Even human life is sacred.

Okay, Mother Teresa, where were you and your ARK pals today at 6:00 a.m.?

We were lining up to testify at a hearing on the foie gras ban.

What about the vandalism at Belle Reve? That wasn't you either?

Yeah, we tagged the sign.


They were abusing animals.

At least, that's what our tipster said.

Deep Throat have a name?


He didn't tell me.

What did he tell you?

That Belle Reve was using illegally extracted animal scent in their new perfume, Exhale.

Turns out it wasn't true.

So we called off the action. Sorry.

Can't tell you anything else.

That's plenty.

You've got a mole.

Someone here at Belle Reve?

We're gonna need the names of everyone who knew about the Exhale project.

Yeah, sure.

Of course, but it's gonna be a short list.

I mean, most of us are here in this room right now, working on our deadline, which is exactly where Dad would want us.


Why aren't I a runny nose mess?

Micro-filtered exhaust changes the air every ten minutes.

It keeps the scents from cross contaminating.

I need one of those for my boys.

Box of matches by the toilet ain't cuttin' it.

Speaking of odors, tell us everything about the Exhale fragrance project starting from the beginning.


Dad came up with the idea on his last dive trip to Fiji.

He wanted Exhale to convey the essence of Yoga with an afterglow of rain.

The Nose was convinced it would appeal to a younger market.

Um, what's the Nose?

Ah, not what, who.

The Nose is our expert with a refined olfactory palate.

A sommelier for scents.

Ours is one of the best. Worked here 20 years.

Dad always said it was the luckiest day of his career when he discovered our Nose, wasting his talents on penny ante hustles.

You said he was the best. He quit?

I don't know. Ah...

It's weird.

A week ago, he just stopped showing up for work.

What's his name?

George Tilleu.

I checked Tilleu's apartment.

Neighbor hasn't seen him in days.

Sounds like our Nose is running.



Also, oi!

He deposited 250k in cash, the day of the m*rder.

Unfortunately, that's where Tilleu's trail goes cold.

And weirder, there is no record of George Tilleu before 1995.

Then it isn't his real name.

A francophone pseudonym would be a chic marketing ploy for Belle...



George Tilleu. I know that name.

Three, two, one.


Okay, that's scary.

Jon said, his father loved Coney Island and that he met the Nose when he was a penny ante hustler.

Not getting it.

It's not French.

It's Brooklyn.

George Tilyou opened Coney Island's first amusement park.

So, the Nose's new name was a nod to his humble beginnings?


I thought it was Yahtzee.


Max, see if someone with the Nose's unique talents worked Coney Island 20 years ago.

Aye, aye.

Oh, and look for a legal name change.

Have Jake do his magic on the blonde in Vital Statistics.

Aye, aye times two.

Speaking of the man with the baby blues and you, and Tony...

We weren't speaking about that.

Not in so many words.

I did make a decision.


The kids have been asking if Dad is moving back in, and I've been avoiding answering.

And this weekend I told them he's not.

And... And that Tony is my...



My boyfriend.


How did Jake take it?

You haven't told him. Dude!

I will, once I close this case.

You're avoiding it.

Oh, big time.

Well, you hit Tilyou right on the...

Well, you know.

Laura: Oh, there's our George.

Back when he was Harry Tremane, star attraction of Bosco Baldacci's Bizzaro Bonanza.

Time for a stroll on the Boardwalk.



Laura: Coney Island. Breathe it in.

I will never understand your obsession with this place.

That's 'cause you hate fun.

Oh, we both know that's not true.

Okay, two-feet radius until you pop a Tic Tac.

Who made you the Nose, all of the sudden?

I still don't see how smelling is an act.

Ledger article said he'd take one whiff and know a person's most intimate details.

That's creepy.


What are the odds that anyone's gonna remember a sideshow hustler from 20 years ago?

Time never passes in Coney Island.

Bosco Balducci's Bizzaro Bonanza.

A little worse for the wear now, but this is the Nose's old sideshow.

Detective Diamond. Broderick.

You Bosco?

How many times I gotta tell ya?

We don't need any permits.

This ain't a strip joint.

Those girls, they're burlesque dancers.


And I'm sure their mothers are proud, but that's not why we're here.

Do you remember him?

That was the putz with the magical schnauz, right?

Haven't seen him in a couple of years.

He in some kind of trouble?

Look at that.

Just got a tip on where the Nose is hiding out.

Sorry to waste your time.

Where are we... Where are we going? What's happening?

I don't know.

But that guy's lying. And if I'm right, he will beeline straight to the Nose to warn him.

Ah, it feels so good to be right.

I know. That's how I feel all the time.

(WHISPERS) You make a sound and you're under arrest for accessory to m*rder.


Where is he?

Please don't k*ll me. Don't k*ll me.

I'll never cross Dunham again, I swear.

Laura: So what should I call you? George?

I always hated that name.

I only changed mine because Michael Dunham thought it gave me some credibility.

Call me Harry.

Harry, where were you at Thursday morning at 6:00 a.m.?

Here. I was buying coffee, uh...

For Bosco and some of the others from the sideshow.

My old peeps. I think I have a receipt.

Tell me what happened.

I can't, they'll k*ll me.

I won the giant stuffed gorilla from the sh**ting gallery when I was six.

Trust me, I will keep you safe.

A few weeks back, I was approached by Belle Reve's biggest competitor.

They wanted you to defect.

I didn't wanna leave.

But, the offer they made was...

Life changing.

It's hard to turn down that kind of money.

I was gonna tell Michael myself.

I was pretty sure I could make him understand, but Brenda found out first.

Phillips? The company lawyer?

A few days later, she shows up at my apartment.

She said that Belle Reve would never let me take my talents to another competitor.

And if I did, there would be dire consequences.

Well, that sounds like a threat.


So, I said, "Screw you. If the company didn't like it, they should take their best shot." And she did.

What happened?

That night, I'm walking home from the deli, and I get jumped.

I never saw his face, but before I know it, he was beating my face.

Breaking your nose?

Six fractures.

A deviated septum. I can't smell anything.

I can never work again.

And insurance can never make up for a lifetime of loss of pay.

You insured your nose?

Of course, it was my livelihood.

The $250,000.

I can't sleep.

I'm afraid to go back to my house.

So, instead you hide out and tip off the animal rights group with a bogus story about Belle Reve?

That was wrong.

But I was angry, and in pain.

Stoned out of my mind on Vicodin.

Belle Reve ruined my life.

Brenda Phillips is the devil.
What do you got?

Max: The Nose is telling the truth.

About his alibi?

Yeah and about Brenda being El Diablo.

She put three separate boutique perfumeries out of business by burying them with frivolous copyright suits.

Get on her bad side and she sues.

Since 2006, no less than five Belle Reve employees have reported being assaulted by an unknown attacker.

And this was all after being threatened by Brenda Phillips.

Jake: Let me guess. No evidence connecting her to the attack?

Correct, so what is the link to Dunham's m*rder?

Multiple assaults do demonstrate a violent tendency.


How about this delicious little tidbit?

Per, this morning, the board voted Brenda interim CEO.

That's not so "meh."

It gives us a viable motive.

Plus, a history of v*olence.

Brenda Phillips, come on down.

Laura and I'll bring her in.


Love the exuberance, Carnegie.

Thank you so much. Exuberance is my middle name.

Actually, it's Spencer.

But you are forgetting one thing.

Getting a lawyer to confess is like getting blood out of a stone.

Please, you haven't seen what Laura does to her granite countertops.

It's game over.

I'm not saying a word.

I'm a lawyer, you're a cop.

This is an interrogation.

Ergo, no talking.

The Nose talked.

Quite a bit.

Said you made threats and hired a thug to take his nose out of commission.

I merely mentioned breach of contract.

What happened to his nose is just either bad luck or happy accident.

Depending on your point of view.

Okay, don't talk.

Maybe Vernon Caldasso will.

Small time crook with a history of as*ault.


And your law firm posted bail for him six times because lowlifes like Caldasso can't do your dirty work for you from behind bars.


Is that your final answer?

'Cause I'm about to go and cut Caldasso a very sweet deal, where he tells me everything.

What do you want?

Well, I've already got you on as*ault.

I wanna close the Dunham homicide.

I can't help you.


It's Friday, you will be arraigned on Monday.

Which means, three nights in the Tombs.

Sixteen not-so-nice women, one very not-so-nice bathroom, and you.

So, I tell you what you wanna know and I stay here, not central booking.

I'll even throw in a pillow.

Where were you when Michael Dunham was k*lled?

With my assistant.

Rolling calls.

And he'll verify that?

He better. I was rolling them from his bed.

Oh, come on.

I didn't k*ll Michael.

I've got no motive.

Your motive was a power grab.

You told Dunham to disinherit Jon, so that you could take over Belle Reve.

I wasn't taking over Belle Reve.

I was taking care of Belle Reve.

I had to warn Michael that his little boy wasn't ready to lead.

Jonny would've driven that company into the ground in six months.

How could you be so sure?

Oh, please!

I know that kid way better than his father ever did.

I'm the one who cleaned up little drunken Jonny's messes.

Well, he's been sober for eight years.

But he's still a screw-up.

Show exhibit A.

How about his taste for gold-digging sluts?

I knew Ela was no good, so I told her Jonny was broke, and was inheriting squat.

But Ela's still around. She stayed with a broke-ass man.

And slept around for money.

Who exactly did Ela sleep with?

Can't. Privileged.

I'll be right back.

I thought I'd never see the great Laura Diamond strike out.

What are you talking about?

She just told me everything. Or did you miss it?

Of course not.

Okay, maybe.

Phillips only has one client.

Invoking the attorney-client privilege tells us everything.

Daddy Dunham was screwing his son's fiancee.

Nice. Really nice.

Max ran Ela Dennis's credit card for when she was supposed to be in Turks and Caicos.

Let me guess. Charges from Saint Lucia.

At the exact time Dunham was there checking his frangipani harvest.

Ela made a booty call.


More like wham, bam, thank you, ma'am.

All right, that was pretty good.

Photographer: Hold that.

Excuse me, this is a closed sh**t.


Open sesame.

I don't know how I can help you.

I didn't know Jon's dad too well.

Well enough to sleep with him.

No, you're wrong.

Laura: If I find out you're lying, Ela, that's obstruction.

And trust me, she will find out.

It only happened once.

I swear to you, I wasn't trying to seduce Mr. Dunham.

Then why did you chase him to Saint Lucia?

To help Jonny.

He busts his ass for Belle Reve.

But Jon's dad paid him next to nothing.

Treated him like a screw-up.

So you screwed his dad, hoping he'd raise his son's allowance?

I thought if I explained how hard Jonny was trying, I could convince him to increase his salary.

And did he go for it?


His dad said giving Jon more money would be like handing him an 8-ball.

Then he said he'd give me a raise if...

He made you an indecent proposal?

Did you tell Jon?

I was going to.

I caught the first plane home, but the flight was delayed, the airline lost my luggage.

I just kept thinking about how much the truth would hurt him.

I get that.

Ela, where were you Thursday at 6:00 a.m.?

I took an early run with friends.

We will need their names.

They're all models. We ran the reservoir in Central Park.

People took photos. There'll be plenty of proof.

Do you have to tell Jonny?

We don't, but woman to woman, I wouldn't want to go into a marriage holding on to that secret.



What, uh, secret?

We'll leave you two alone.

Thank you.

Jon: What were you telling them that you can't tell me?

Ela: What are you doing here?

I feel bad for that guy. First, he loses his dad, then his dream of running the company, and now his fiancee.

Jon hasn't lost Ela. He may decide to forgive her.

Unlikely. Some mistakes you don't come back from.

But it is possible?

Find anything on the lawyer's henchman?


Caldaso got picked up in a bar fight the night before the m*rder.

Yeah, slept off his bender in a cell in a two-three. Airtight alibi.

Which means Brenda couldn't have used him to k*ll Dunham.

Yeah, could've hired somebody else though.

Well, dig into her phone records and financials.

See if she made contact with anyone suspicious.

Hmm, I don't know.

Using somebody new for a job like this is sloppy.

Brenda Phillips is not sloppy.

Well, we got any other suspects left?

Ela's still not in the clear.

No, if Ela's a suspect, then so is Jon.

He finds out his dad's banging his fiancee. Motive.

I thought he walked in on her telling you?

Laura said he looked blindsided.

Could have been an act. He knew all along.

Then Laura needs to have a chat with him and confirm he didn't know.

I will verify Ela's alibi.

Do it. And then I want to see you and your partner in my office, because if you two can't decide on a prime suspect, then I will decide for you.

So, uh, you and Laura not eating lunch together anymore?

Ah, she's grabbing a burrito from a roach coach.

I don't know, she's acting distant.

Distant? Sounds personal.

Oh, you're right. I screwed up. Again.

But I apologized and she said she's letting it go.

Laura said she's letting something go?

Great, maybe she means it?

No. If she says she's letting it go, she's not letting it go.

You gotta talk to her.

Ask her what you can do to make it right.

You think?


I would just leave it alone, you know, these things mostly work themselves out.

What? You're the main one who's always talking about communication is key.

Go talk to her, bro.

How could you be so dense?


What do you know that I don't?

Spill it, chica.

Laura: People in the lab told me you were up here.

How you doing?

I used to beg my father to let me sit in this chair when I was little.

He wouldn't let me.

Said it wasn't a chair for children.

Sounds like a complicated man.

That's one word for it. He also said the only thing that matters is respect.

And then he goes and seduces my fiancee.

Give it time.

You're not the first person to be cheated on.

You mom sleep with your fiance?

No. That is your private hell.

Some things can't be mended.

Some can. It's up to you.

Why bother? Everything I ever did, I did for him.

Get sober. Get my B.A. Work here.

(SCOFFS) Propose to Ela.

Just so he could see that I'd changed. To see that I wasn't who I used to be.

The whole time he was just laughing behind my back.

Screw him. Screw this company!

Screw her. I don't care!

Looks like that broken thing can't be mended.

I'm sorry.

Jon, did you have any idea what was going on between the two of them?

No, I thought that Ela went to Turks and Caicos.

Came back with a...

With a tan and some duty-free rum.

Totally normal.


Honestly, I'm struggling.

Usually we know who the perpetrator is within the first 48 hours.

But this time, not so much.

You still think it's me.

I think you're innocent. Truly.

I just wish I could prove it.

And you were together non-stop until 7:30?

That's helpful. Charmaine, thank you for your time.

Three alibi witnesses.

I say you can stop calling models.

Who are you, Laura?

Speakin' of...

Have you talked to her yet?

Haven't had a chance. Why?

Well, I was just thinking.

Maybe it's better not to push it.

What happened to your "communication is key" speech?

That's a Meredith thing. Me?

I'm all about avoidance.

Soto, you're a lot of things, but a good liar isn't one of them. What do you know?


Not that it's any of my business, but Meredith says Laura told the boys that she's with...

With, you know...

She's with Tony.

My boys?

Look, sorry, man.

I know you've been holding out hope.

No, it's... It's good.

I know the writing's been on the wall, and she's moving on.

So will I.


Ela's financials indicate the illicit quid pro is quite quo.

After the hookup, Dunham raised her salary 20%.

Discretionary bump, not in her contract.

Discretionary? That means the pay-off ended with Dunham's m*rder.

There's no way Ela k*lled her cash cow.

Unless she couldn't control her emotions. Crime of passion?

But didn't some other model alibi her out?

Three models.

Maybe there's a cover girl code of loyalty.

Let it go, Laura. It wasn't her.

Ela was very forthright about the details of her trip to Saint Lucia.

She was only there for one day and then a nightmare trip home.

Flight delays, lost luggage...

Karma's a bitch.

We need to take another run at Jon.

I already interviewed him. Twice.

Most likely pitching softballs.

The hell I did!

Should I go?

I'm just not getting a guilty vibe off him.

(SCOFFS) And once again, the vibe speech.

(IMITATING PHONE) Oh, I have to take this. Thank God you called.

I'm with Broderick. Can we leave vibe out of the equation?

Fine, how about this?

Zero motive and a solid alibi.

He's an ex-addict.

A sap who finally realized that his dad was betraying him in every conceivable way.



You may be right.

Now, I did not expect that.

This is the airline delivery receipt for Ela's lost luggage.

Mmm, that hardly sounds relevant.

It was signed for by Jon.

The receipt says she flew from Saint Lucia, not Turks and Caicos.

And Jon knew that his dad was in Saint Lucia.

Last month he spent a week on our frangipani fields in Saint Lucia.

He must have put two and two together.

Then he did know that his dad slept with his fiancee.

Which means that son of a bitch lied to me. And I believed him.

And suddenly we have one hell of a motive for m*rder.

As I said.

If he k*lled his dad, how did he get out of the lab with no one seeing him?

And where's the m*rder w*apon?

Right. Secure a warrant and get back over to that lab.

We are not letting this bastard get away with m*rder.



Millennials. Think the workplace is their living room.

Oh, my gosh!

You surprised me.

Sorry. Have you seen Jon Dunham?

Yeah, he went out for a few hours to deal with funeral arrangements.

Can I help you with something?

We need to have a look around.

Okay. Yeah, I guess.

You take that side.


Laura: Lavender?

Jon was working with it the last time we were in the lab and I didn't react at all.

The air isn't circulating.

Seems strange after Jon made such a big deal about avoiding cross-contamination.

Everything in here is just so.

Except the vent. It's crooked.

Let's see what isn't going with the flow.

What's that?

Oh, my God.

A blood-spattered lab coat.

Evidence, anyone?

The blood on the lab coat is indeed a DNA match to Michael Dunham.

And the pattern?

It's consistent with spray back from multiple sh*ts at close range.

So the k*ller was wearing the coat.

Anything to prove who the k*ller is?

Well, nothing on the garment itself.

But I found these in the pocket.

Latex gloves replete with g*nsh*t residue and touch DNA, and a perfect match to a sample on file from an arrest in 1998, for one Jon Dunham.

So, blood, GSR and DNA. Not one, but three smoking g*ns.

You gotta love the trifecta.

It's time to bring in Jon Dunham.

Laura: Thanks, Max. I'll call you back.

No activity on Jon's credit cards. Odds are he's still local.

Or, he doesn't know we're onto him.

Oh, please.

A dozen lab rats just saw us find the evidence. One of 'em tipped him off.

So, you're thinking co-conspirator?

More like, someone who thinks he's innocent and trying to help him.

What about his alibi?

Well, lab girl Ellen is not the most attentive witness.

With those noise canceling headphones, Jon could have snuck in and out while Ellen was tuned out.

Laura: Then where the hell is this guy?

We'll find him.

Billy and Meredith are at his apartment, patrol's got the APB, TSA's watching the airports.

All there is for us to do is wait.

And talk.

All right. About?

I'm not clueless, Laura.

You have something you want to say to me?

Tony and I are going to try and make it work.

Which means you and I are not.

Really? Nothing?


Not exactly news.

Though apparently I am the last to know.

What do you mean?

You told half the precinct.

I only told...

And our kids.

I didn't say anything to them for a year, Jake.

Because I wanted to wait until I was certain that we weren't...

Oh, congrats on being certain.

Oh, that's not fair.

We haven't even been...

We're not together.

I guess not in your mind.

But in mine, it's always been me and you.

That's it? You're not even gonna look me in the eye?

Laura, are you even listening?

There's Jon.

Laura, Laura, wait!




Is Laura okay?

You know Laura.

She always bounces back.

Hey, look, man. I gotta apologize.

I should've never gotten in the middle of this. It was all my fault.

It's... It's not your fault.

I'm the one who wanted to work with my ex.

What did I expect?

How're you holding up?

I could have done without the whole thrown to the ground by a fireball thing.

How're the employees?

Bunch of folks with mild smoke inhalation and some cuts from glass shrapnel.

But according to the guard, all the staff who were inside made it out.

Except for Jon Dunham.


What the hell happened in there?

Arson's gotta clear the blast radius before we can go in.


Are you sure you're okay?


Yeah, I'm good.

All right.

Excuse me.

How is she?

A lot better than Jake, and she got blown up.

We need a sign. All right? Next time I pull my ear means stop talking, dummy.

Or, how about next time you have a secret, you let your man keep it with you, dummy?

So, arson doesn't think we'll be in until morning.

We should know more then.

I don't get it. Why blow up the building?

This might have something to do with it.

Cocaine? Jon's go-to drug.

Found it in his car parked two blocks away.

He must have fallen off the wagon.

So, he figured out we're onto him, went on one final bender and then ended it all.

Looks like it. Also found this.

"My father was wrong about me. I had no choice."

Looks like you were right.

Jake: I just wish we'd collared him sooner.

Jake, we acted as soon as we had evidence.

It doesn't matter now. He's dead and so is the case.

Uh, but there is still an unholy amount of work to do.

For starters, we gotta get to the bottom of the expl*si*n.

So, I want you to run point with fire and arson. I'd like a sitrep ASAP.

Yes, ma'am.

Hey. How you doing?


Yeah, with the ringing in my ears finally letting out.

That's not what I meant.

Um, am I wrong to be sensing tension within the partnership?

You're not wrong.

You are a stronger woman than I am.


There's no way that I could see my ex every day, let alone be spending hours together investigating a case.

I make it work.

Like I said, strong woman.

But just because you can doesn't mean that you should.

If you want to switch partners, or have Jake transferred out, I will make that happen.

You just say the word.



And I'll think about it.



Right now, I just want to focus on the case.

Oh, well, the case seems pretty closed to me.

Uh, we got a written confession, dead perp.

Yeah, I know. It's just something's bothering me. I...

I should have seen this coming.

You know, you've got a soft spot for the boys who don't quite grow up.

That's why Jon Dunham fooled you.

I don't like being fooled.

Maybe that's what's bugging you.

Look, take the case file home and finish up the paperwork in your pajamas with some Haagen-Dazs. Chocolate peanut butter fudge always works for me.


That's a great idea.

But I'm more of a Froyo kinda gal.




Right under our noses.

We found the coat, the gloves...

Why didn't we find the g*n?


Boys, what did I tell you about forgetting to close this door?


We forgot.

Your Xbox turns up missing, don't come crying to me.

I'm here.

They're fed and ready to go.

Where the hell is the laundry fairy when you need him?

Nicholas: Mom! You forgot to sign our permission slips.

Of course I did.

Okay, get your butts up here before I jump in the shower and I'll sign 'em.

Hey, detective.

Nice house.