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01x12 - The Fog of w*r

Posted: 01/14/16 22:57
by bunniefuu
Previously on Code black...

Neal: The black tag is for death or expected death.

We want you to decide whose life you can save.

Leanne: We are gonna find your mom.

I promise.

Malaya: I saw that car.

There was a woman inside. I black-tagged her.

I am not gonna tell another kid that his mother's dead.

Miles: You see this woman here?

I wasn't available to help your resident with a blind chest tube.

She was deprived of oxygen. She might have brain damage.

I made a medical decision.

You made an emotional decision.

We may have saved Connie, but we did it at the expense of someone else.

If that woman doesn't make it, it's on us.

Gina: Malaya's old girlfriend Carla.

If you die with that baby inside of you...

I'm not dying tonight. I have plenty of time left.

And you're not telling Malaya.

Lily: My mom and my brother are badly hurt!

[Branch snaps] Aah!

There's no reception.

Katherine: Nobody knows we're down here, do they?

My wife's in here!

Heather: The hemorrhaging is catastrophic.

Why aren't you doing something?

Your wife's injuries are too serious.

Get to work. Save my wife's life.

Neal: I haven't heard from Christa yet, and now I'm missing Mario and Heather.

[Cellphone buzzing]

[Engine starts]

[Doors close, siren wailing]

Lily: Mm. The stars are so beautiful.

Christa: Yeah, they are.

The fog is lifting.

Okay, Lily, here's what I want you to do.

Mario: [Breathing heavily]

Come on.

Come on.

Come on.

What's wrong?

Is she still alive?



Then keep working.

Flight team to Trauma One. Flight team to Trauma One.

[Monitor beeping]

Decreased-but-equal breath sounds.

Malaya, check for progressing pneumos.

Chest tube appears to be intact and draining.

Looks like we've got about 500cc of blood output here.

Lung is definitely up.

There's a good slide here.

Leanne: Pupils round and reactive to light.

Reflexes intact.

Remainder of fast is negative.

The problem is, she's still totally unarousable.

What, do you think it's a brain bleed?

No, I think it's hypoxic injury.

Chest tube was delayed.

Brain perfusion could have been compromised.

Most likely that's the reason for the coma.

Who placed the tube?

I did.

Solo? You did this alone?

I had no choice.

I see.

Gina: Dr. Rorish.

Can I talk to you for a moment?

No. I don't have a moment.

Well, you're gonna need to find one.

Hey! Have you seen any of my doctors from Angels?

No, sorry. I haven't. We're heading out.

You want to hitch a ride?

No. No, thanks.

[Siren wailing]


Keep going, Lily.

Are you just flashing those, or is that some sort of signal?

It's Morse code.




She is a girl scout.

Of course she is.

[Monitor beeping]

[Door opens]

Thank you.

[Door closes]

Hey. You awake?


Malaya's back.

I'm not surprised. She works here.

Can I please tell her that you're here?



When I refused treatment, she was done with me.

What I cared about was this baby. She didn't.

She cared about you, too. That's all.

Anyway, it... it doesn't really matter now, does it?

We are where we are.

Yeah, I'm willing myself to live another day, another week for this baby.

I just need to stay strong.

She's not gonna help me do that.


Okay, okay.

I'm here for you if you need me.

Thank you.

Oh, and, uh, good morning.

Oh, I didn't even realize it was morning yet.

See? I made it one more day.

I told you I would.

[Echoing] Hello?! Can you hear me?!


Christa: Yes, yes! Can you hear me?!


Christa, is that you?!

Neal?! Yes, it's me!

I got three people down here!

Two red tags and one green!

We're coming to get you! [Sighs]

[Door opens] Leanne: Oh, ho.

I see you've moved in.


Well, we're slammed, so whatever you...

What happened out there?

There was a massive multi-car pileup with a lot of fatalities.

I assume that's what you're referring to.

I just got a call from the County Disaster Response Unit.

A doctor named Miles Caster called them.

Gina, if you met this guy...

Oh, I think I will.

They're initiating an investigation.

Into what?


And Dr. Hudson.

Your patient, Jocelyn Barry...

She was just in Center Stage.

Did you leave Dr. Pineda to do a chest tube on her so you two could treat a dying woman?

Connie Riner. She has a name, too.

And just for the record, she's no longer dying.

She's upstairs with her son, thanks to...

She was black-tagged.

There's a color code, Leanne.

Green is for minor injuries, yellow is for serious...

I know the colors.

Then why did you deliberately ignore that it was a black tag and spend precious time...

To save a life.

And that's what we did.

Except Jocelyn Barry is still in a coma.

We don't know if she's gonna wake up, have brain damage...

We made a decision.

I stand by it. I'm done here.

I'm just trying to get the facts, Leanne.

You know I'm trying to help you, right?

I just spent 10 minutes on the phone defending you.

Thank you. I don't want your help.

Well, I don't want to floss.

But if I want to keep smiling...

[Sighs] [Door closes]

Lily: When are they gonna come?


[Helicopter blades whirring]

Lily, do you hear that?

Don't move, Katherine!

You can get excited, but don't move a muscle!

You did it, Lily!

[Breathing heavily]

What are you doing?

I'm sorry, Gary.

No! Keep going. Don't stop!

She's not here anymore, Gary. She passed away.

No, no, no! I don't believe you.

Oh, God. [Crying]

We did... we did everything we could do.

She's gone, and I'm sorry.

No, you're not.

Put the g*n down, all right?

She wouldn't want this.

She's not here anymore.


That's what you said, right? That's what you just said.

Oh, God.

Oh, God. Oh, God.

[Breathing heavily]




She can't be gone.

[Sobs] She can't be gone.


Heather: No, Gary, no! No!

Mario: Gary...

At least this way I get to see her again.

Put... the g*n... down!


[Radio chatter]

Hey, welcome back. We were worried.

B.P. Is 90/60. Heart rate's 120.

He's satting at 92%.

He's lost like a liter of blood.

Airway is patent. He's GCS 8.

Let's get him to Center Stage.

Is that the GSW that was called in?

Yeah. Witnessed GSW to the head.

Witnessed? It's a long story.

Wait a minute. We got to talk to you.

How about after we try and help this guy, huh?

What the hell happened? Let's get him in Bed 3.

Come on, move!

Rollie: Amy, hang two units of O-neg.

Dr. Savetti, let's take a look for an exit wound.

There's a lot of damage to the soft tissue, but I don't think the b*llet penetrated. Let's roll and take a look.

I told you... it was only one b*llet, and it didn't penetrate.

We've got to get this bleeding stopped!

Do you need a moment, Dr. Savetti?

No! Hey, Amy, let's go!

I need that staple g*n... Now!

Secondary survey.

Let's roll him. On my count.

One, two, three.

No sign of an exit wound.

All right, now let's get that bleeding under control.

[Elevator bell dings]

Whatever you and Neal did, you know I'm on your side, right?

I didn't know people were taking sides.

All we did was our job.

[Elevator bell dings] What?

You okay?

16-year-old male, temporary crike in the field.

Needs a secure airway and a pan scan.

Crike? You did that?

Christa did it, with the help of a 12-year-old girl.

It's been a hell of a night.

I got to get back to work, so I'm gonna put you at the nurses' station.

You'll probably be a big help to them anyway.

You know you saved their lives, right?

We did.


We did.



[Monitor beeping]

Leanne: We need a chest X-ray.

Sats are lowering.

He's not getting enough air.

We have to hurry. Endotracheal tube, please.

Let's get this one right.

What's that mean?

Doesn't mean anything.

Like you said, a hell of a night.

I'll give the bag one more squeeze.


Okay. Got it.

Hang on, hang on.

You could lose the tract, and his sats could plummet in seconds.

Go ahead, mama, one more. Let's use this.

You can thread the new tube over it.

You're probably right.

New tube good to go.

Okay, I'm pulling now. Sats are lowering to the 70s.

Endo tube, please.

Good chest rise bilaterally.

His sats are coming up.

Damn! These gloves are sticky.

Mario, you're bleeding.

It's nothing.

You can't treat a patient if you're bleeding on them.

Dr. Leighton, why don't you stitch up the patient?

No, I'm fine. I just need to finish up here.

I didn't ask you your medical opinion, son.

Step out, doctor... now.

Go talk to him, please.

Dr. Leighton.

Risa, page surgery, please. Get Elliot in the queue.

Tell them we're not done down here.

He needs a proper tracheotomy.

[Coughing, gagging] He's choking.

Damn it, I've got a bleeder around the tube.

Let's begin suction. [Coughing]

Risa, change of plans. We don't have time to wait.

We need an O.R. now. Call Cole Guthrie.

Dr. Cole Guthrie didn't come in.

Well, if there's an O.R. available, I'll do it myself.

No need to bother anyone else.

What do you mean, he didn't come in?

Mario: Ouch.

My niece cried less than this when I ripped a band-aid off of her knee.


I could have stopped him sooner.

She calls me Doc McStuffins now.

He didn't want to sh**t us. He was just messed up.

Stop, okay? He was pointing a g*n at us.

It could have gone all kinds of wrong.

It did. It did go all kinds of wrong.

We just left him there with his dying wife.

What was he supposed to do?

What were we supposed to do?


We were supposed to do better.

Hold still. Just one more.

I'm sorry. I-i didn't...

[Inhales deeply]

I didn't mean to say it was our fault.

It was crazy out there. We just followed protocol.

Did you say Doc McStuffins?

Yeah. She's a cartoon character that operates on her toys.


You probably shouldn't have told me that.


It's all I'm gonna call you now.

If you do...

If I do, what?

Elliot's ETT has decent placement above the carina.

Some mediastinal crepitus. I can fix him upstairs.

It's not a big deal.

What about Jocelyn Barry?

She's getting her scans now.

Has she regained consciousness?

I would have mentioned that by now, don't you think?

I hear we're getting investigated.

Everything's a judgment call.

You say that as if it absolves us.

I am certain we did the right thing, Neal.

You always taught me that the only thing worse than a lack of confidence is overconfidence.

I'm glad we saved one. I'm just, uh...

I'm not sure that makes us right.

Dr. Guthrie?

Dr. Guthrie.

Carla's here? Is she okay?

You need to talk to her, Malaya.

You should have told me.

You know I can't violate patient confidentiality.

You're her friend. You're my friend.

I'm also her doctor.

She asked me not to say anything to you.

I tried to change her mind.

She doesn't want to see me?

She doesn't mean that.

[Sighs] Yes, she does.


She's in the overflow room.

Just go see her.

It's the right thing to do.




I-I'm so sorry.

I didn't mean to sneak up on you.

No, no.

Better you snap me out of it than an attending.

If you need to talk about anything...

Oh, no. I'm... I'm fine.

You can't say that what you went through was easy.

I was the one that told Mario to leave her.

Just black-tag her and let her die.

Maybe if I hadn't...

No, hey, hey, hey. That wasn't your fault.

[Voice breaking] You know, I swear, I didn't think we'd make it out of there alive.


I'm so sorry.


I'm sorry for being such a hot mess.

Are you kidding?

I-I would not classify you as a hot mess.

You're in the more, uh...

Tepid to lukewarm zone.


I got to get upstairs.

Yeah, yeah, okay.


I'm here if you need me.

Thanks. [Sniffles]

She's put out another 500cc.


How much blood did she put out before she went to the scanner?

500 en route. Another 500 here.

And now another 500.

A liter and a half?

Her chest can't be putting out that much blood.

There must be an internal injury from the chest tube.

Malaya, put in a high line. Risa, call the blood bank.

The chest tube punctured the liver.


This tube has been draining directly from there.

Oh. Okay, let's clamp this thing.

Call CT surg, please.

Oh, my god. Jocelyn?

You're her sister, aren't you?

Yes. She... she called me from the accident.

She said she was fine.

And then I couldn't get ahold of her.

What do you mean, the chest tube punctured her liver?

Is she unconscious?

What... someone needs to tell me what happened.

All I can tell you is that we're doing everything we can right now to make her better.

But I need you to wait outside, please.

You have to help her.

Malaya, no one's blaming you.

Well, they should.

And they should blame you, too.

The last time I did a crike was in med school, on a cadaver.

Bovie, please. Thank you.

Retract just a bit for me. Carefully.

Last night, I couldn't find his landmarks at first.

I almost went into the wrong membrane.

Forceps, please.

I couldn't even dilate with my own finger.

At least you didn't nick the inferior thyroid artery.

I'm telling you, I was a mess.

Bovie again, please.

It was years ago now.

But my parents and I got into a huge fight the day I graduated from medical school.

They said I had an attitude problem 'cause I refused to pose for the usual smiling white-coat photos.

Suture here, please.

Nurse: Suture.

There we are.

The point is, everyone was telling me I was a doctor, but I didn't feel any different than I did the day before when there was no M.D. after my name.

Suction, please.

What you felt out there...

Fear and hesitation... is normal.

But what you did was an act so brave, and, medically, so impressive, that I'm baffled that you call yourself a mess.

Here. Bovie this here.

Does it ever go away?

The fear?

No, I don't think so.

You just get better at not showing it.

You're a great doctor, Christa.

And do yourself a favor... Admit it.

He packed up last night.

I just found out myself.

What do you mean?

This is what happened in San Francisco.

This is what he does... He leaves.

Cole always comes on strong, like nothing out there can rattle him.

The problem is, the rattle is inside of him.

Things in there that he'll never let anybody see.


I'm sorry.

I should have never vouched for him.

You were just trying to help him.

He's lucky to have a father who would do that.


Hey. Uh, how's your hand?

Oh, it's fine.

I talked to Heather.

She probably wouldn't want you to know this, but she was really upset.

You... you don't think she'd want to tell me that?

You don't exactly bring out the vulnerable in people, Mario.

[Chuckles] So she was vulnerable with you?

Yeah, she cried.


You don't have to pretend you didn't go through something terrifying.

I'm fine.


So, I-I'm pretty sure it's not the right timing, but I'm thinking of asking her out.

What? Who?


I think we're, um, connecting.

Just now, but last night, too.

So, what do you think?

W-when we hugged, it lasted more than a normal hug.

Like, body to body.

Like a prom-night slow dance.

That's... that's, uh... that's awesome.

I got to go.

I heard about Cole. You okay?

We lost a good doctor, if that's what you mean.

I don't know what you think you know, but you don't.

Shut up.

Jocelyn Barry's chart.

Still no change.

Malaya's angry. She feels like we let her down.

She's had a rough day.

I need this patient to wake up, Jesse.

I'll go check on her.

It was a w*r zone out there, Malaya.

You can't judge people in moments like that.

You all did the best you could.

But at the end of the day, she's unconscious with a punctured liver.

At least you were brave enough to fight.

I was upstairs, hiding in my pajamas.

You had a heart attack.

Nine days ago.

You guys are the heroes.


How's Carla?

I don't understand you two. She says...

I'm just trying to respect her wishes.

You love each other.

That's all you need to know now.

There's nothing more you can do here but wait.

There's everything you can do by Carla's side.

Go on. I'll watch this one.


All right, I'm gonna name three objects, and I want you to repeat them for me, okay?

Pencil, cup, phone.

Pencil, cup, phone.

Has he been awake a while now?

About 30 minutes.

All right, this one's a little more difficult.

Can you spell world? backwards?

[Sighs] D...



That's very impressive, Mr. Martin.

You're a very lucky man.

Uh, I'm gonna ask you this one again, okay?

Can you tell me what year it is?

[Sighs] No.

What about your name?


I told you... I can't remember.

He's got immediate recall, and that's it.

The b*llet must have affected his temporal lobe.

Who is she?

I'm Dr. Pinkney.

Do you know how you got to this hospital?

I-I don't remember. My head hurts.

I... Why... why am I tied up?

It's for your own safety.

You suffered a g*nsh*t wound.

You, um...

Tried to commit su1c1de.

I what?

Do you remember your wife, Mr. Martin?


What wife?

My God, what is happening to me?

What is happening to me?

[Door opens]

[Monitor beeping]

[Door closes]

You look good.

Don't lie to me.

I didn't say sexy.


[Voice breaking] I missed you.

I'm here now.

I'm not going anywhere.

How did I get a brain tumor on top of everything else?

What can I say?

You're probably the most unlucky patient in America.

Thank you for acknowledging that.

I hear they want to start the pitocin to induce the labor.

I'm not dying today.

Or even tonight, okay?

And every day I have this baby inside of me is a good day for him.

[Voice breaking] The pitocin can just wait.

[Voice breaking] I don't think it can.

All I'm doing now is what you asked me to...

Trying to protect your child.

Time's up, huh?

Not for your son.

That's what you wanted, right?


His name is Phillip, by the way.

I named him after my father.

Can you just promise me one thing?

Of course.

I just really want to hold him before I die.


Your brother came through with flying colors.

He still can't talk, though, right?

Not until the trach comes out.

His fractures have to heal first.

I can't thank you people enough.

I just... I don't...

I don't know what to say.

Well, you got lucky.

You were trapped down there with the two best doctors in L.A.

Let's... let's see how you're doing.

You're gonna be walking in no time.

You bet, honey bunny.

You tell me if you can feel this, Katherine, okay?

Do that again. I think I can.

How about this?



Mom, this is amazing.

And this?


And what about this?


Try and stand up.

I think I'm gonna take it a little slow for a bit, honey.

Christa: Yeah. [Clears throat]

Might be a while before your mom can actually walk.

Your mom wants you to get better.

That's all she cares about right now.

She loves you two very much.

[Monitor beeping] What do you got?

Blood pressure dropping.

Talk to me, Jesse.

You clamped the chest tube.

She must still be bleeding internally.

Okay, hang another, mama. All lines wide open.

Risa, call O.R. again. Tell them we need a room now!

Is she dying?!

She's in distress.

She's not dying.

You people did this to her.

It's your fault, and you need to save her.

[Monitor beeping]

There's nothing open upstairs. I was just there.

She needs a surgeon, Neal. She's decompensating.

You have to repair the liver yourself.

Let's get her to Center Stage.

Leanne, the liver is the most vascular organ there is.

There are literally thousands of vessels.

Even if I wanted to, I'd need a team of surgeons supporting me.

After everything we've been through, you really want her to bleed out?

You have to fix the liver.


Maybe you don't.

Jesse, get me a balloon catheter.

Hold on.

We'll shunt the bleeding away from the liver, buying us time.

REBOA? That is insane.

I completely agree, Dr. Hudson.

I said it was insane. I didn't say we weren't doing it.

Jesse, get the balloon.

You're moving.

You're not.

This is the one procedure we can do to buy us the time to save this girl's life in the E.R.

You really want to stop us?

I am telling you what I have to tell you as your director.

REBOA is not approved for the E.R.

If we're going by the rules, it's not approved for an O.R., either.

It's experimental. Also, it's our only option.


I'm gonna close my eyes.

When I open them, I don't want to see you here.

Gina, welcome to Angels.

Go already.

She's in severe shock.

Systolic less than 70 with a bleed that is subdiaphragmatic.

All the indications are there for REBOA.

I've never done this procedure before.

None of us have.

It's dangerous.

We float the balloon up the aorta, inflating it above the level of the bleed.

If we inflate at the wrong level or with too much force...

Got it.

Very weak pulse up here, guys.

I need a femoral line and a 12 French sheath insertion, please, Mario.

Jesse, we're gonna need you to sh**t x-rays as we go so we can track the location of the balloon.

Got it. Reloading the level one now.

Dr. Savetti, give me a hand, please.


You in, Neal?

Neal, are you in?

I'm in, Leanne.


Wire, please.

See how the blood is bright red and pulsating?

That's how we know that we're in the femoral artery and not the...


There you go. Okay, Jesse, glasses, please.

Damn thing. Scalpel, please.

There we go.

I'll have to dilate the tract to allow for the large balloon catheter.

I see why we didn't use this at my intern-year hospital.

Yeah, well, if we can't get this...

Come on...

Through the artery, then it is game over.

It's going in the artery.

B.P. is not reading.

Dr. Savetti, be ready to do some CPR.

Okay, Leanne, it is balloon-catheter time.

You have this?

Got it.

Stabilize the wire.

Can you take that?

Slowly now. Slowly.

Jesse, have the X-ray ready to go, please, on my count.

Okay. And one... two... go.

[Rapid beeping]


A little more to go. Careful.

We need it higher. Advancing.

I don't think I have a pulse here.

Barely have one here. Hurry.

Leanne, you're gonna have to get it higher if we're gonna stop the bleeding.

I know, I know.

There's an O.R. opening up.

We won't need an O.R. if we can't get her stable.

She'll be stable.

Jesse, just sh**t it again.

[Rapid beeping, beep]

There. Zone one.

Okay, inflate the balloon, Neal. Ready?


[Echoing] Did it work?

[Echoing] Jesse, sh**t it again.

Mario, cycle the B.P. [Beep]

[Monitor beeping]

[Echoing] There. It's in the perfect spot.

Come on.

[Monitor beeping steadily]

Blood pressure is normalizing.

Now you can say it, Dr. Savetti.

Say what?

It worked.

It worked.

Okay. [Chuckles]

Let's get her upstairs.

[Indistinct conversations]


What would you do, if you could choose?

If you were him, would you want to remember?

I don't think I'd want to forget my whole life, even if it was taken away in an instant.

I think I'd rather not know.


Well, at least you'd know you were loved once.


By the way, we can't ever do that again.

Get held at gunpoint?


We can't ever kiss again.


It doesn't feel right.


I don't know.

It just doesn't.


You're doing great.

Oh, my God.

How did this happen so fast?

Pitocin can do that.


I just want him out.

I just want him out.

Any minute now. PICU team, stand by.


I saw a decel. Let's go.

We're close. One more push, maybe two.

All ready here. You ready, mom?

Okay, you can do this. One, two...



Got him. Quick, let's intubate.


I want vitals and a glucose stick now.

Why isn't he crying?

Are you guys in yet? What's the delay?

Apgar is 3.

What's going on?

Got it. Bag him up.

Mom, all good here.

Okay, thank God.

Carla, you did it, honey.

You did it.

Dr. Calhoon: We can show him to you now.

[Monitor beeping]

Wait. Carla? Carla!

She's unresponsive.

Come on. [Sighs]

No pulse here.

Carla? Come on, Carla.

I promised you you'd meet this baby.

She's still Brady. Get ready to start compressions.

Not bleeding down here. Her blood pressure was fine.

Any seizure activity?




Come on, Carla.

It's her tumor.

Cerebral edema?


I need 1 of atropine and 6 of dexamethasone.

I can't get a B.P.

Carla, no.

Come on!

Just rip them open.

Slam them in.

Then the steroids next.

Fast. Carla, listen to me.

We're both stubborn as hell, and we're both powerful women.

I need you to be powerful and stubborn right now and hang on just a little more.

I need it for you, for me, and for Phillip.

No response to the atropine.

Another 1 of atropine and 1 of epi.

I need a 12 lead and an airway kit.


Can you hear this?



Squeeze my hand!

Squeeze if you can hear me.

Carla, I know you stole my Vuitton dress, and I know that wine stain was from you.



Pulse is steady.

Want me to give the rest of the Dex?


I'll get her an ICU bed.

That won't be necessary.

Just a floor bed.

She's not looking for any more care.

One favor, though...

We have to get her son down here as soon as possible.

He'll need rehab and some meds.

But in a few weeks, there won't be anything left but a scar.

You all are so brave.

I was just lying there.

I couldn't do anything.

Where do you think their bravery came from?

I know you're being brave right now.

I also know that you still can't feel anything in your legs.


I can't promise you'll regain full movement, but I'm hopeful.

Sometimes, these things resolve themselves.

One thing I can say is, you don't need to lie to them.

You have no idea how much I love him not talking.


I'm gonna go now, guys.

When is she gonna be able to stand up?

[Exhales deeply]

Katherine: Okay.

Come here. Kids.

Come over here.

[Inhales deeply] [Door closes]


You on your way home?

Yes, to bed.

Want to come?

Excuse me?

I didn't mean...



There's some people out there who want to talk to you.

The press.

I fell for this once before.

It's not gonna happen again.

I'm serious.

Apparently there's a picture of you being hoisted from the ravine.

It's going viral.


[Indistinct conversations]

Are you okay?

That was a hell of a shift.

Go on. Tell them what happened.

You deserve the credit.

How do I look?


Thank you.

For today.

For everything.

Reporter: Dr. Lorenson, how do you feel about being called a hero?

Dr. Lorenson, can you tell us what happened?

Leanne: Neal.

You should see this.

Just really happy that everything worked out and couldn't ask for a better...

She spoke.

Best news I've heard all day.

Do you think we've made a bad call?

All's well that ends well.

That's not what I asked you.

I know.

I know.

[Door opens, closes]

I hear it's a boy.


His name is Phillip...

Named after her father.

Philip II was the father of Alexander the Great.

A very strong name for a very strong boy.

How's she doing?


So is Jocelyn.

She's gonna make it, Malaya.

[Sighs] Thank God.

Dr. Rorish, I am sorry about earlier.

I had no right to suggest that you...

Ah, you had every right.

Just because she's alive doesn't let me off the hook.

I put you in a terrible situation, and...

I'm sorry.

But you should know that you didn't fail her at all.

As to whether I was right to go find Connie...

I keep asking myself...

If I would have gone after her if I hadn't have met her little boy, and the hard answer is...


So the decision I made was, in fact, an emotional one.

And if Jocelyn had died...

She didn't die.


She didn't.

Get back in there where you belong.

Time is precious.

Trust me on that.

I kept my promise.

Here he is.

Your son.

Can they bring him closer?

I'm gonna do you one better.

It's okay for a little while.

Skin-to-skin contact is better than any machine in this hospital.

Dr. Guthrie.


Maybe this is above my pay grade, but I'm sorry about your son.

Kindness is never above anybody's pay grade, young squire.

Cole should have had my father.

He'd realize just how lucky he was.

None of us get an owner's manual.

We just do the best we can.

I tell you one thing...

I sure would be better at it now than I was then.

Want to test it?


Uh, a little fatherly advice?

Sure, why not?

Have you ever noticed Heather Pinkney, the surgical resident?

I may be old, but I'm not blind.

So you know what I mean, then.

Insane, right?

So you like this girl, huh?

What do I do about it? Hm.

She's out of my league, right?

No such thing.

Oh. You're right...

You... you are good at this.

Is this... Is this the part where you tell me about my confidence?

You already found that as a doctor.

You just feel the fear and do it anyway.

But you already knew that.

Maybe I just needed to hear it.

Thanks, dad.

You're welcome, son.


[Door opens]

Heather: Hi.

Hey, what are you doing in here?

You're a surgical resident.

You don't belong here.

Why do you keep dissing me?

I'm trying to do the right thing.

For who? Me?

[Chuckles] No, not you.

Well, you don't strike me as the right thing kind of guy, anyway.



People change.



[Helicopter blades whirring]

[Door opens]

I just heard.

I'm so sorry.

That baby will never know how special she was.

He will.

He will, because you'll tell him.

She saw him.

That's good, right?

That's better than good.