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07x11 - Iowa

Posted: 01/11/16 15:08
by bunniefuu
Six years ago, you got a call from Will Gardener, on your voice mail, and I erased it.

You were about to go on stage and stand beside Peter for his SA run, and I didn't want to hurt that.

I listened to the message.

Will said he loved you and would give up everything to be with you.

And I erased it.

I don't want to stand in the way of your happiness again.

That's why I'm sorry.

Get out.

Eli: I'm sorry.

It's bothered me for the last six...


I need you not to talk.


Get out of my house.

I'm afraid if I don't explain...

Do-do you want me to...



Alicia, I'll be on the bus, so I think we should...


I think...



♪ ♪


(Wails, gasps)



(Clears throat)

(Knocking at door)

Jason: Alicia, you in there?

(Knocking at door)




You having a party?

No. Just... came from the shower.


Anyway, I was just, um... heading out, and there was one more thing.

Uh, prenup, the one hour capped.

Uh, your husband wanted me look into Howard Lyman's finances.

Oh, right.

Jackie's prenup.

Seems like your potential stepfather-in-law secreted away $2.2 million.

It was sheltered in Relic Holdings, a Delaware corporation.

Okay, thanks.

Are... are you all right?


You look... distracted.

No, just... packing.

You know, trying to get out the door.

Right, uh... Iowa.

The caucus.

Good luck.


Okay, um...

I'll see you.



(Acoustic guitar playing the melody of "O Tannenbaum")

♪ You ask what land I love the best ♪
♪ Iowa, 'tis Iowa ♪
♪ The fairest state in all the west ♪
♪ Iowa, O Iowa ♪
♪ From yonder Mississippi stream ♪
♪ To where Missouri... ♪


Wait, wait, wait! This is not a democracy.

I'll decide which way we're gonna be...

In consultation with the candidate...

Yes, Eli, thank you, in consultation with Peter.

I've run five campaigns in Iowa, and this is the first time we have the "Full Grassley" in sight.

The "Full Grassley" doesn't mean anything.

Yeah, when we were all driving Studebakers...

I've already decided.

I don't need to hear from you.

Josh: But there's this thing called the Internet now.

It's this marvelous device.

You should take a look at it.

Yes, and the Internet still doesn't have the reach of the nightly news.

(Clamor resumes)

Whatcha reading?

Jane Eyre.


I want to.

Mom, are you okay?

I am great.

Zach: I don't know how people live out here; there's nothing to do.

You're on a bus with an Xbox.

Yeah, but they don't have Xboxes.

How do you know that?

This isn't Amish Country.

Zach: That's not the point. The point is that... well, look out there. I mean, what is this? Cornfield County? There's nothing out there.

Grace: Relax. Just enjoy it.

♪ No one's more happy ♪
♪ Than you ♪
♪ Even the sky's feeling blue... ♪
♪ And you don't believe ♪

Getting carsick?

♪ Believe, but it's true... ♪

(Song fades)


Because when you read, you get carsick.

I'm not now.

Ruth: Peter! Can you help us decide?

Are you all still arguing?

Josh: We're coming to the fork, Mr. Governor, in ten miles.

We either head east toward Des Moines... which is the smart choice...

Or continue north toward Rock Valley, as we agreed.

Ruth says that the "Full Grassley" will give us the lead story on the nightly news.

Yeah, nightly news coverage worked when Kennedy was running, so...

Eli: Peter, we built this campaign using sophisticated voter targeting based on computer models and micro-advertising...

Candidates have proven that completing Alicia, have you got a minute? the "Full Grassley" translates to huge support.

Rick Santorum did it, and went from dead in the water to coming within eight votes of winning the state.

Josh: And by the spring, he'd dropped out of the race.

Well, I know that covering three counties before 5:00 p.m. is difficult, but we also have to...


We have to hit three counties to hit to complete "The Full Grassley."

Do you know what that is?

It's named after Senator Chuck Grassley.

A candidate visits all 99 counties in Iowa in a campaign cycle.

Ruth: It shows the candidate cares for the state...

It shows the candidate's desperate.

Ruth: We stop for 15 minutes, Peter eats some local delicacy, like a loose meat sandwich...

What's a loose meat sandwich?

A sandwich with loose meat.

Peter: Just one second. All right, here is our dilemma: Hitting three counties before 5:00 p.m. is going to be extremely difficult. Do we risk it?

What does Ruth want?

The Full Grassley.

Then I'd do that.

(Phone ringing)


Hi, it's Lucca.

I'm about to go into the prenup.

I just wanted to know how contentious we're willing to let this get.

Well, I guess you should just let Jackie and Howard take the lead.

Well, they're like love birds right now.

Alicia: So go easy.

But your husband seemed to want to push this.


Uh-oh, I better get in there.

Okay. Good luck.

David: This is a pro-forma prenup; I see no reason to belabor it.

Neither do I.

A pen. My kingdom for a pen!

(Both laugh)

Lucca: Before we sign, we need to talk about Relic Holdings.

Relic what?

Sounds like a rash I once had.

(Howard and Jackie laugh)

Lucca: You've never heard of it?

No. Why?

Relic Holdings was incorporated last year, in Delaware, under your name.

It's a shell corporation, a paper entity used to conceal $2.2 million.

Howard, are you trying to hide money from me?



I have no idea what this is about.

We're going to need a recess.

We have a problem.

Yes, David, we're in a meeting with someone right now.

No, it can't wait.

This is Ms. Creech...

Nice to meet you. It's very important. from the Illinois Fair Employment Practices Agency.

Why, hello, Ms. Screech.



It's always good to have someone like you drop by.

I'm investigating your firm for discriminatory hiring practices.

Diane: I was just telling Ms. Creech that we recently hired an exceptionally diverse group of associates.

Unfortunately, we received a complaint.

From whom?

That's confidential, as I'm sure you understand.

This has Canning's fingerprints all over it.

No, I don't think so.

He's in full take-down mode.

It's retribution for the Dipple case.

No, FEPA doesn't work that fast.

We have another problem, too.

Do you remember the DePietro settlement? $2.2 million?

David, can we focus like we...

I hid the money in a shell corporation so Alicia wouldn't get her hands on it when she was trying to screw us over her exit package.

And we're...


Seriously? "What"?

You committed fraud.

No. I committed... selective depositing.

Oh, dear God.

Just take care of it.

(Triumphant brass intro playing)

♪ Let's sing of Grand Old Ioway ♪
♪ Yo-ho, yo-ho, yo-ho ♪
♪ Our love is stronger every day ♪
♪ Yo-ho, yo-ho, yo-ho ♪
♪ So come along and join the song... ♪

So this was a good idea.

Good rally, Ruth.

Shut up.

Do you have any advance at all?

Yes, but we're stretched thin.

Let's do it.

♪ Ioway ♪
♪ State of all the land ♪
♪ Joy on every hand ♪
♪ We're from Ioway, Ioway... ♪

Ruth: It's not about the crowds, Governor.

You'll never beat Hillary and Bernie's crowds.

Apparently not.

Man: Yay!

Peter Florrick for president!

Peter is the man!

Is that the advance?


Mr. Florrick... sorry, Governor Florrick... and soon to be President Florrick...

I am a Florrick fanatic.

I am an honest-to-God, Number One Florrick fanatic.

Neil Howard Sloan-Jacob.

Uh, thank you, Mister...

Sloan-Jacob. You don't remember me, do you?

Well, I remember you.

(Rapping): ♪ Peter's gonna be an amazing president ♪
♪ He'll make the country great for every resident ♪
♪ It's evident he's relevant to our government! ♪

(Sings a rhythm, then chuckles)

You want to do a selfie?



Where's your advance team, Ruth?

Stop poisoning Peter.

It's not about the crowds, it's about how it's reported.

And who will report it?

Any reporter worth his salt is gonna photograph how empty this all is.

Well, that's why I got a reporter who isn't worth his salt.

Democratic Presidential candidate Peter Florrick is on pace to complete "the Full Monty," a feat only attempted by the bravest politicians: visiting all of the 70... 89 Iowa counties by the 5:00 p.m. cutoff.

And here to tell the tale is none other than the candidate himself, Peter Florrick.

Good to see you, Ted.

And good to see you, too.

And it looks like your fans are out in force today.


We love you, Peter!


They sure seem to love you.

Nice costume.

Thanks, I'm a Florrick fanatic.

(Chuckles) Uh, three more counties to go, Ted.

Just three more counties.

And you have four and a half hours to go.

Sloan-Jacob (chanting): We can do it. Who can do it?

All: We can do it!

Sloan-Jacob: Who can do it?

All: We can do it!

(Slow electric guitar intro playing)

♪ No one's more happy ♪
♪ Than you ♪
♪ ♪

(Song fading): ♪ Even the sky... ♪

Don't worry.

Peter will be happy when you surround him with cheering people.

I hope this campaign isn't over tomorrow.

I'd really like to get to know you, Alicia.


You're... interesting.

You don't let things confuse you.

I'm not sure that's true.

I used to think I knew what life was about, but I don't have a clue.

Cherish that moment.

When you realize you don't know what life's about.

That's truth.

You think you could ever be happy?

If you had taken a... left instead of a right or went up instead of down, you would've been happy?



You can't control fate.

It's in your genes.

Can't change that.

So whatever I do, whatever I did...

I'd end up right back here?

Well, maybe not here, but someplace like here.

At the end of every fork, there's a cliff.

Go ahead, take "the road less traveled."

You'll still find that cliff.

I think if I could go back to Georgetown right now... back to Criminal Law 101, seat 35L... that was my seat...

I would've said yes.

Yes to what?

There was a young man... in love with me.

Um, why don't we go on the bus, Alicia?

No, I'm good.

(Fading in): ♪ ... happy than you ♪

(No voices)

♪ Even the sky's ♪
♪ Feeling blue ♪
♪ ♪
♪ And you don't believe ♪
♪ But it's true... ♪
♪ ♪
♪ No one's more happy ♪
♪ Than you. ♪

Did you file a discriminatory hiring claim with FEPA?

Excuse me?

Did you file a discriminatory hiring claim with FEPA?

You know you can't ask me that.

You did, didn't you?

I didn't file it with FEPA, I filed it with the EEOC. But I withdrew it.

As soon as I started working here, I withdrew the complaint.

Unfortunately, Illinois has a work-share agreement with the Feds.

Well, then I'll just withdraw the complaint.

Cary: You can't... not once they start investigating.

They started?

Yes, the rep is in our conference room right now.

That's too bad, isn't it?

Is that sarcasm? Because we hired you.


After you didn't.

Monica... this is serious.

I need you to drive faster.

We have to get to Merrill by 2:00.

So tell us about "the Full Monty," Mr. Gold.

The Full Grassley.

The Full... I don't understand.

Uh, Grassley, I think that's what you mean.

"Monty" means taking off your clothes.

(Chuckles) We certainly don't want any of that here, do we, sir? (Chuckles)

Could you just give me a second?

Alicia, give me five minutes.

You don't need to talk.

Just listen to me for five minutes.

It's a nightmare just watching you like this.

You know what the nightmare is?

Being here, when I want to be home.

Being on a bus in the middle of Iowa.

That's the nightmare.

Now leave me alone.

David: It was a clerical error, Howard.

I'm sorry if it caused you and Jackie strife.

Well, maybe it wasn't a clerical error.

Maybe the money really is mine.

(Both laugh)

No, it was a mistake.

But for tax reasons, it's a little difficult to unravel.

So what I'd like you to do is just play along, admit the money is yours.

And we will make it worth your while.

What, um, what does that mean, "worth my while"?

It means I'll be appreciative.

(Chuckling): No. No, no, no.

How much?



Half of it.

(Laughing): What?

Are you kidding?

It's all in my name, all 2.2 million.

(Chuckling): I don't see why I shouldn't keep all of it.

Governor Florrick is on pace to complete the Full Grassley.

It's a bold move and one...

"Bold move." That's what we want.

No one's counting the crowd in Rock Valley.

Matthews is an outlier. No one else is talking about it.

Zach: Backroom is.

Josh: Backroom... talks about Trump sneezing if it gets them more clicks.

(Triumphant brass intro playing)

♪ Let's sing of grand old Ioway ♪
♪ Yo-ho, yo-ho, yo-ho ♪
♪ Our love is stronger every day ♪

Here we go. Merrill.


What delicacy do we eat here?

Loose meat sandwiches.


Don't let anyone hear you say that.

Iowans have no sense of humor about their loose meat sandwiches.

♪ Ioway! State of all the land... ♪

Well, at least there's more people here.

Yeah. Press is doing their job.

Governor! Alicia! Kids, let's go.

We have to hurry. Ten minutes here, eat a sandwich, back on the bus, or we'll never make it to Anthon! Let's go!

(Crowd booing)

(Angry shouting and booing)

Peter Florrick for president!

Peter Florrick for president!

Sloan-Jacob: Peter! Peter Florrick for president! Peter...

("Iowa Corn Song" finishes with a flourish)

Would anyone mind telling me what the hell is going on in Plymouth County?

We didn't spend on the media budget.

And that makes them angry?

You guys should probably check out Glare.

Alicia: You know what the nightmare is?

Being here when I want to be home. Being on a bus in the middle of Iowa. That's the nightmare.

What the...? How did...?

Alicia: Now leave me alone.

You're not here to record private conversations.

You're here to record the news.

Yes, sorry. That wasn't me.

That was my producer.

Yeah, but you recorded it.

Not intentionally.

Please don't be mad at me.

Alicia: What do you want me to do?

I need you to apologize for the "nightmare" comment.


Say it was only a nightmare to be here because you were concerned for your children. Grace has a cold, and you wanted to be home with her.

Does Grace have a cold?

Sniffles. All the media attention is hard on a mother who's protective of her children. Can you say that?


I'll get Ted to interview you.

We need to get this out there before we hit the last county.

Still thinking about first love?

Sit back down.

I was in love.

A long time ago.

He was a pollster. I was a lowly volunteer.

I won't tell you what campaign, 'cause it'll date me.

He wanted children; I didn't. So that was it.

I remember the last time I saw him.

Everything about it.

It was the middle of a sidewalk.

The light just turned yellow, and I had to go one way and he had to go the other.

And it was the best kiss of my life.

The absolute best.

For a long time, I wondered how my life would've changed if I'd said yes to him.

Until I saw last year he was sent to prison for mail fraud.

That looked like it was gonna go somewhere.

Whatever you think you could've changed in your life or in his, you couldn't have.


I don't know if that's true.

(Whispers): It is true.

You know why?

I just told you.

Willoughby: Mrs. Florrick, how are you?

Good, Ted. It's a beautiful day in Iowa.

And we are sampling all the great food in each town as we pass through.

And I guess that you feel that some remarks that we reported were... misreported on you.

Yes. When I was caught saying it was a nightmare to be here.

What I actually meant was it was a nightmare to be away from my kitchen, when one of my kids has a cold.

I was hoping to take care of my kids.

I'm sure every mom can relate.

I'm so sorry, my dear, but I wasn't trying to hide anything from you. It's just that I simply forgot.

$2.2 million?

It happens all the time. Just last week...

We're going to need a full accounting.

Times, dates, all the specifics.

Be my guest. But I am innocent of everything, except being old.

Last night, I left the fridge door open.

Everything melted, including that marzipan you gave me.

That's unfortunate, but we're still going to need documentation.


Excuse us for a moment.

Would you?

You're buying this?

When you get to my age, you see this happen.

And it only gets worse, which is why this prenup will need to account for more than just finances.

What do you have in mind?

If I'm going to be taking care of Howard, I'll need full power of attorney.

Cary: Do you think she's selling us out?


How'd it go?

She saw the interview video I posted online.

I thought you took that down.

I did.

But I might have included a link to it in my EEOC complaint.

Of course.

She thinks you hired me just so I'd withdraw the complaint.

I kept telling her that's not true, but... she wants to talk to both of you.

(Triumphant brass intro playing)

♪ Let's sing to grand old Ioway ♪
♪ Yo-ho, yo-ho, yo-ho... ♪

Sloan-Jacob (distant): Are you ready for Peter Florrick?

Are you ready for the man himself?

(Crowd cheering)

Peter's smarter...

The important thing is we did it... the Full Grassley with five minutes to spare.

♪ I'm right, Peter's gonna win come election night! ♪

So now, you get off, you shake a few hands, eat a last loose meat sandwich...

Oh, please, please, not another one.

Five minutes of the stump, and we're back on the bus for Des Moines.

Is this really gonna matter?

We do what we can.

The good Lord does the rest.

♪ Peter's smarter than Einstein ♪
♪ He's got brains like L.A.'s got sunshine ♪
♪ Let me hear you now ♪
♪ Tell me that I'm right ♪
♪ Peter's gonna win come election night ♪
♪ I never hesitate to talk about my Peter ♪
♪ There are other names, but Peter's gonna beat 'em ♪
♪ Peter's gonna win come election night ♪

(Crowd clamoring, cheering)

♪ Peter's gonna win come election night... ♪

It sounds like a party's going on there.

Woman: Yes, Chris, the mood here is infectious, as Peter Florrick finishes the Full Grassley with five minutes to spare.

Chris Matthews: Five minutes? Wow!

We did it.


I need a drink. (Chuckles)

Reporter: Here's a highlight from the rally.

♪ I need to hear you now, tell me that I'm right ♪
♪ Peter's gonna win come election night! ♪

So, 24 more hours?

Just the caucus tomorrow and all will be revealed.

What's considered winning?

For us?

Second place.

And... losing?

Third place.

Can we do it?

Do you want to do it?

I have no idea.

Well, then fasten your seatbelt.

You think today was crazy?

Tomorrow will show you how insane democracy can get.

♪ Catch Florrick Fever! You've got Florrick Fever! ♪
♪ Peter Florrick, 2016! ♪


Newswoman: Chris, is Governor Florrick spitting out his loose meat sandwich?

So, turning to the next issue: power of attorney.

Power of attorney? In case of incapacitation?

Power of attorney now.


Jackie: Howard... you're not in the same shape you once were.

I do the Jack LaLanne thing every morning.

I am ripped.

I mean mentally.

You're... declining.

I'm sharper than the serpent's tooth.

Lucca: That's King Lear.

And he lost his mind.

It's from the first act, and Lear was still completely in charge of his faculties.

And what about the $2.2 million you just forgot about?

People of sound mind don't just forget about money like that.


And if you can't face the reality of your situation...

I need the room.

David... young ethnically ambitious woman, I need a moment alone with my intended.

(Door closes)

It's all a sham, baby.


I didn't forget about the money.

I never knew about the money.

The firm was trying to do this thing to hide some cash, and I played along, hoping they would cut me in... uh, cut... us in.

This has all been very taxing.

We can resume these discussions later.

How'd it go?

I think the storm is setting in.

He's not just losing his memory, he's becoming delusional.

That's what FEPA needs, and that's what we're going to give them.

An apology.

We're too far down the rabbit hole for anything else.

Who do you have in mind?


No way.

You saw the video.

Howard Lyman was the worst offender.

Cary, you blatantly stated that Lockhart/Agos/Lee doesn't employ African-Americans in every position.

And you made it seem like a badge of honor.

That is not what I meant.

That doesn't matter.

You need to do it for the firm.

The firm with your name.

Hurry! Caucus starts in three minutes.

This is the bellwether precinct.

We need this one to go our way.

But, Ruth, how bad was Dad's...?

Loose meat incident?

The goodwill we generated with the "Full Grassley" might have dissipated.

That just sounds so wrong.

But Iowans are savvy voters.

If we lost some votes, this is our shot to get them back... right here on the caucus floor.

Grace: Oh, wow. I did not expect it to be this crazy.

Unlike the GOP, Democrats don't do secret ballots.

This is old-style Athenian democracy.

A what?

Athenian democracy.

Literally, a gathering of neighbors trying to convince each other to support their candidate.

Every candidate has a corner.

Okay, that's Hillary's corner.

People (chanting): Hillary! Hillary!

And there's Bernie's.

(Chanting): There's no debate. Bernie's great, great, great!

Eh, oh, and those are the people for O'Malley.

(Chanting): Martin O'Malley! Martin! O'Malley!

Where's Dad's corner?

Oh, there it is.

Ruth: Oh... my... God.

Grace: Where is everybody?

Ruth: There are supposed to be 30 people here.

How do you know there were supposed to be 30?

We had promises from people.

Well, what do we do now?

Peter can't be on the floor, but you can.

You've got to convince people to vote for him.


You can't approach caucus-goers directly.

What? Why not?

You're not registered Iowa voters.

How do we convince people to vote for Dad if we can't approach them?

You get them to come to you.

Who are you phoning?

The cavalry.

How-how do we get them to come to us?

You've been all over the local news.

You make yourself visible, people will come to you... and when they do, you talk about how much Peter loves Iowa and everything it stands for.

Josh, what are you doing?

Poll numbers. How's it going?

Alicia: Disaster.

What do you mean?

There's no one here. No one for Peter.

We need 30 people in 30 minutes to stand under his sign, or he's out.

Are you kidding me? Where are the local workers?

Where's the volunteers?

Alicia: Uh, Josh, Josh... less anger, more action.

Where are you going?

I'll be right here circulating.

Just remember the number 29.

We need 29 supporters in our group when they call the vote if we want to stay in the game.

(Buzzer sounds)

Now, go! We have half an hour.

29 people. Yeah.

We can do this!

It's not about the sandwiches, it's about doing unpleasant things.


Every other candidate showed up and did it... just ate those sandwiches, and didn't go spitting it out, and that tells you something.

I-I can just...

It makes you think, maybe he doesn't have the stomach for the job.

Alicia: I don't think he...

Being able to handle what's being given to you is a big part of...

Hey. You go?

Uh, next year. I got early acceptance.

Congrats. Yeah. I'm there, too.


A freshman. Yeah, you're gonna love it.

It's a great school.

I can tell you're really smart.

Oh, is that right?

Which is why I'm wondering why you're voting for this guy and not my dad.

You're Zach Florrick?

Your sister is Grace, right?

Uh, yeah.

Look, my dad accepted Jesus Christ five years ago, and he is trying to bring Christian stewardship into his office.

I'm from Iowa.

I went to Roosevelt High School in Des Moines, and I wouldn't be here if I didn't believe in Governor Florrick.

Woman: Look at Obama with health care.

That was an unpleasant thing.

But he did it. If Hillary...

Edna, we appreciate your insights, but if you don't mind, I think we'd all like to hear what Mrs. Florrick has to say.

I'm not stopping her.

I could make a laundry list of all the hard things my husband's done, but I'll just say... that when he's faced with any tough decisions, my husband always asks himself one question: will this make a positive impact (Buzzer sounds) on people's lives.

Man: Time's up!

Join your preference group for viability call!

(Overlapping, indistinct conversations)

...25, 26, 27...

28... ah!

We're short one.

We just need one person.

Just... one.

Someone call someone. Come on!

Come on, Sam. Your candidate doesn't need you... we do.

And we got pretty signs.

We have pretty signs.

Pretty blue... just... come on over here.

I can get you a signed photo.


Tell her to come over.

If she doesn't come for you, she won't for me.

She likes you.


Hey! I'm Grace.


Hey, come on... I've got an extra sign for you over here.

I have one over here, too. You come here.

I'm sorry, I can't.

But it was really nice meeting you.

(Group jeering, booing)

(Chanting): We need Florrick!

29. We got it.

We're viable!

(Chanting): We need Florrick! We need Florrick!

We need Florrick! We need Florrick!

We need Florrick!

We need Florrick!

Hi, Jason? I'm still in the prenup.

Do you think you can find anything on the provenance of Howard's shell company?

Um, I'm having trouble hearing you.

(Bell clanging)

Is it my phone or yours?

I'm in San Francisco.

Reception can't get any clearer.

Alicia didn't say anything about you being in California.

Is everything all right with you two?

(Clanging fades)

Yeah. I took a job. She knows.


Well, if I'd known you were out of state, I wouldn't have called.

No, I can still take care of it.

Multitasking is all the rage out here.

Good. Well, whatever you can find.

We're mid-battle, and I think there's something suspicious.

Thanks. Bye.

Creech: It seems quite clear that Lockhart/Agos/Lee has in fact fostered a r*cist culture.

I was afraid you'd say that, but... frankly, I don't disagree.

Diane: Well, your investigation has forced some unstinting self reflection.

Cary: Things like this, things that are so embedded in the corporate culture, they... they don't happen overnight.

In our case, it was handed down by a longstanding senior partner named Howard Lyman, you may recall him from Ms. Timmons' undercover tape.



Cary, why don't we discuss this?

I just want to tell her about her position.

We've decided to invite Howard to take emeritus status.

This will limit his voting rights and his contact with the associates.

Would that be a satisfactory remedy for your agency?


Yes, I think it would.

Consider it done, then.

You used the FEPA complaint to get what you wanted all along.


I did what needed to be done to save the firm.

Man: 25, 26,

27, 28... you're one short.

No, we're not. What happened?

Sorry, Ruth, you're not viable.

Wait, we had 29. What happened?

It's the youth minister. She's gone.

I'm not giving you additional time to find your lost sheep.

Come on, Carl.

Even a youth minister has to powder her nose.


I have worked six caucuses, and never once seen a precinct chair reject a request for a reasonable accommodation on time.

Letter of the law, spirit of it, too.

Alicia: Sir, your denial of our request violates procedural due process.

I may not be a high-priced lawyer, Mrs. Florrick, but I know the rules: no extra time.

Mr. Peltola?

Pursuant to Rule 7B, a precinct chair must certify all votes cast and the number of voters registered at the precinct.

I know the rules.

If a voter is missing, it is encuincumbentmbent upon you to find out whether or not the voter has, in fact, left the premises.

First Ruth tells me she's powdering her nose, now you tell me Elvis left the building.

No, I checked the ladies' room. She's not there.

Listen up, everybody!

We're adding five additional minutes to the vote to locate a voter.

(All groaning, murmuring)

Nice job, ladies.

Let's just find that minister.

Yeah, Jason, what do you got?

Ugh. Enough antioxidants running through my system to ensure that I never die.

Where are you?

You don't want to know.

I followed the paper trail on the whole Howard thing.

That was fast.

I found out who moved the money. It wasn't Howard.

Who was it?

David Lee.

Makes sense.

What's his angle? Is he embezzling?

No idea.

Alicia probably has a better sense of it than me.

Okay. I'll see if I can use this.

And don't become a stranger, okay?

Hey, never, Lucca. You know me.

That's what I mean.

I do know you. And I like Alicia.

Ouch. What'd I do?

What you always do.

Flirt with everyone.


All right, can I go now, Mom?

Behave. Please.


I found her... the youth minister.

Oh, thank God. Where is she?

She joined the Hillary supporters.


Since when?

We're not gonna be viable.

(Fanfare playing over speaker)

♪ Mine eyes have seen the glory ♪
♪ Of a dozen tiny towns ♪
♪ He is trampling out the bullying... ♪

Oh, my God, make it stop.

♪ The sadness, and the frowns ♪


♪ He has loosed his ♪
♪ Faithful Alicia on every Iowan town ♪
♪ His campaign is marching on... ♪

He's working for one of the other candidates. He has to be.

We can't drag him out of here.

♪ Peter, Peter ♪

We'll just create a scene.

♪ Peter Florrick ♪

It already is a scene.

♪ Peter, Peter ♪
♪ Peter Florrick ♪

I can't stop it.

Why not?

♪ Peter ♪
♪ Peter, Peter Florrick ♪
♪ His truth ♪
♪ Is marching on ♪

Ruth: People like him.

This can't really be happening, can it?

♪ Peter, Peter, Peter Florrick ♪

I told you: Iowa is different.

♪ Peter, Peter ♪
♪ Peter Florrick ♪
♪ His truth is marching on ♪

To the White House!

We've just gotten word of the projected winner at the 79th precinct in Polk County.

In a surprise upset, it's Governor Peter Florrick.

(Ruth shrieking happily)

(Laughter, cheering)

That's quite an upset for Hillary.

Oh, 123 votes, Governor.


That's a 79-vote margin... in this bellwether precinct that counts as an order of magnitude.

Ruth, I'm a convert.

I don't know what you did in there!

It was a group effort.

Well, keep on paving the way to the Promised Land.

Doing my best, sir.

This next precinct is pivotal.

One second.

Hillary won't be pleased.

(Scoffing laugh) It's one precinct. We got a very long way to go.

Listen, as long as I have you here, I have to ask.

That argument you had with Eli... what was it about?

I think you'd prefer not to know.

Well, is there something going on between you and Eli?

It's about the past.

Ruth: Sorry to interrupt, folks. Moment of truth time.

The networks are about to announce the projected winner of the caucus.


Reporter: We have the final coming in... Chris.

Chris Matthews: We now can project the winner of the 2016

Iowa caucuses. It is, with 51 counties in her column, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Uh, second place, Governor... that keeps us in the game.

Matthews: And for second place, here it is, it's coming through now... with 27 counties, Bernie Sanders.

And for third place, Martin O'Malley.

It looks like all the candidates finished pretty much as predicted. The big surprise, though, is Peter Florrick, from neighboring Illinois.

He finished a distant fourth.

A very distant fourth.

Florrick won a meager four out of 99 counties: Polk and the three he visited yesterday.

It looks like his Full Grassley wasn't full enough.

Florrick won a meager four of 99 counties...

Polk and the three he visited yesterday.

It looks like his Full Grassley wasn't full enough.

(Turns off TV)


I'm sorry.

(Sighs heavily)

Do you know what was invented in Iowa?


Neither do I. Because Iowa has contributed nothing to our union, and I don't understand why a state so insignificant gets the right to kick off a presidential primary.

Do you want to go home?


I want to settle this tonight.

Well, the $2.2 million in Howard's account... it was put there by David Lee.

Howard knew nothing about it.

So Howard was telling the truth?


And he isn't senile?

He isn't.

(Sighs with relief)

That is good news.

Where are you going?

To my fiancé.


I'm awake. I'm awake.


I'm sorry, sweetheart, I should never have doubted you.

(Wry chuckle) Everybody makes mistakes.

Worst one of all: doubting me.

Let's just forget about this silly prenup.

You sure?

It seemed your son was pretty serious about it.

He won't push it. Not after tonight.

What do you mean, tonight?

He lost the presidency.



So am I.

(Sighs contentedly): Mm.

I hope we have some time together.

Mm. We will.


You overreached.

You sweet-talked Peter, convinced him he could win the presidency.

You att*cked the frontrunner and ended up alienating voters.

I don't need the Monday morning quarterbacking, Eli.

I did exactly as you would have: followed the polling data...

For any other candidate, yes.

But not this one.

You were with him 24/7 for months, and you missed the most fundamental thing about the man.

Peter Florrick is not number one.

Not nationally.

She is.

Yes, Eli, we all know Hillary Rodham Clinton is a giant.

No, not Hillary.


♪ No one's more happy ♪
♪ Than you ♪
♪ Even the sky's ♪
♪ Feeling blue ♪
♪ And you don't believe ♪
♪ But it's true ♪
♪ No one's ♪
♪ More happy ♪
♪ Than you ♪
♪ No one's ♪
♪ More happy ♪
♪ Than you ♪
♪ No one's ♪
♪ More happy ♪
♪ Than you ♪
♪ No one. ♪