05x07 - The Dark One - Abilene, TX

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dead Files". Aired: September 2011 to present.*
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"The Dead Files" features two independent investigations into locations that are reported to be haunted. One investigation is performed by a psychic medium, while a former NYPD homicide detective investigates. Each show concludes with a meeting, where they discuss their findings together with the victims.
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05x07 - The Dark One - Abilene, TX

Post by bunniefuu »

There's this creature thing.

People worship it.

It's sucking the life out of me.

Intense pressure.

It was so cold,

and I just wanted it to go away.

It's causing sickness.

My dad is so sick,
and no one can figure out why.

They just get tortured
by this [Bleep] thing.

"You're mine. You can't escape."

My name is Amy Allan.

What's happening?

I see dead people.

It seems like a devil.

I speak to dead people.

He's pissed off.

And they speak to me.

I felt real fear.

But there's only one way to
know if my findings are real.

I think she's being m*rder*d.

I rely on my partner.

I'm Steve Di Schiavi.

I'm a retired New York
City homicide detective.

Serial k*ller pops in my head.

And I know every person,
every house has secrets.

Nobody believes me.

It's my job to reveal them.

- Do you think there's still bodies there?
- I do.

But Steve and I never speak...

We never communicate
during an investigation.

...until the very end.

You got problems. I got news for you.

When we uncover if it's
safe for you to stay...

This is our house...
whether they like it or not.

Or time to get out.

This is their house, the house of the dead.

I'm in Abilene, Texas.

It's a small city about
two hours west of Dallas.

Amy and I were called in

by a retired Air Force veteran named Sean.

Sean knows danger when he sees it,

but he says that whatever's in this house

is trying to k*ll him.

I really hope we can help this veteran out.

Before Amy arrives,

I look for any leading information.

Family photos and religious icons

can influence her findings.

So it's important that I
cover or remove them all

before she begins her walk.

I saw this church,

and it was filled with
people and it was all good,

but the church fell apart,
and the roof fell in.

Then there's, like, this...creature thing.

It creates paranoia and anger

and fear and negativity
and obsessive thoughts.

And it told me that it
can only take the souls

of those who damn themselves.

But it'll take on any
form to help them do that.

Well, Sean, I'm glad I'm here now

'cause I'm a fellow vet like yourself,

and when we spoke on the phone,
you sounded pretty upset.

So why don't you tell me what's going on?

We have apparitions.

There's banging on the wall.

Touching people, objects moving.

I've been in some pretty rough situations,

and what I've seen in Afghanistan and Iraq

doesn't compare to what
I've seen in this house.

Are you sure it's not post-traumatic stress,

- anything like that?
- No.

What makes you so sure?

I've gone through counseling, evaluations.

You name it, I've had it,
and nobody can explain it.

Now, who lives here with you?

We have eight family members in my house.

- There's my mom...
- Okay.

...and myself and my wife, Elizabeth;

my oldest daughter is Tracy;

my oldest son, Sean Jr.;

my middle daughter, Rebecca;

and then my middle son, Derek;

and my youngest son, Nicholas.

Now, let me ask you something...

do you know any history
about the house at all?

I know that the land, originally, way back,

was Native American land.

Okay, so how long are you living here?

We've lived here since June of 2006.

Okay, so why are you calling us in now?

When we first moved here, things were minor.

And over the last couple of years,

things began just getting
a lot more extreme.

Shortly after that happened,

my health started to deteriorate.

What kind of health issues
are we talking about here?

I've had a stroke.

I've had major embolisms with blood clots.

I've got problems with my heart,
with my liver, with my lungs.

I've gone to every type
of doctor you can name,

and they don't have answers.

Okay, how old are you?

- 38 years old.
- You're 38.

This is stuff 75-years-old go through.

Here I have some pictures.

As you can see, I was a fit person.

I look much different.

My life has gone on a complete turn

since everything started.

- You feel whatever's here is trying
to physically harm you. - Correct.

I believe it's sucking the life out of me.

I'm seeing this creature thing.

It's causing a lot of
sickness for living people.

They can't breathe.

Intense pressure on their chest,
their stomach.

To me, it's weird that the thing is in Texas

and in a neighborhood like this.

I think I know what this creature is,

but I'm not sure because

it's something usually seen
in other parts of the world.

Whatever it is,
I know it's capable of causing major damage.

People here...

they just get [Bleep] tortured
by this [Bleep] thing.

This room is very active for me.

I was sleeping in bed with my wife.

It was about 3:00 in the morning.

My son Nicholas woke up screaming.

I get up to pick up my son,
and he's pointing.

And I look over here towards the closet,

and both doors are wide open.

I know when I went to bed,
the doors were closed.

Did they open by themselves

'cause they were off-kilter or something?

No, they have a device in the top of them

that clicks in place.

- So you remember shutting it.
- Correct.

I see what you're saying. So it locks in.

Anything else in this room?

So one morning, I wake up,

I walk across the hallway right there,

and as I step up into the laundry
room to go into the kitchen,

I feel this just ice-cold
hand grab the back of my neck

and squeeze my neck.

At the same time,
I'm kind of looking to see who's behind me.

There's nothing there.

This creature thing is, like,

putting its hands on their shoulders.

And it almost feels like
if you took your finger

and, like, pushed all the way back.

It's like this intense, sharp pressure.

So, anything else?

I had woken up, opened my eyes,

and I see a figure... completely black.

It was very lanky, tall.

He scuttled across the ceiling,

and then its head turned,

and it just real fast looked at me.

It was human-somewhat-looking,

but it had large eyes that were sunken in.

It didn't really have a distinct mouth,

but it looked angry.

So it wasn't anything like a shadow

- coming from outside that
could have made that? - No.

- Cat walking by, anything crazy?
- No, no, no.

The feeling that I get from this thing

is that it's looking for me.

It's after me.

- You think it wants to get you out
of the picture here? - I think so.

And my fear is that once it does,

it's just gonna move on to my family.

This creature thing...

I see it on the ceiling.

So that's interesting.

It's just, like, hanging there and,
like, looking down.

Its arms and its legs are,
like, stretched thin.

It turns its head all the way
around to face the person.

It's almost like an image of a human face.

And I hear someone say, "Oh, my God.

"We're gonna die, aren't we?

This is going to k*ll us."

So, Beth,
I was talking to your husband, Sean.

He was telling me
everything that's happening.

That's got to be tough on you. I mean...
- Absolutely.

I mean, he believes that it's attacking him

and that it could actually k*ll him.

I know there's something there,
but I just can't see it.

Now, what about yourself?

Have you ever experienced
anything in the house?

Yeah, one time,
I was getting ready to go in the shower,

and all of a sudden, I hear the door,

and it's, like, shaking.

So I open the door,
and there's nobody there.

So I yell. I'm like, "Sean!"

So he's like, "What, what? What's going on?"

I'm like, "Watch. Don't touch the door."

And we waited, and then all of a sudden,

the door just started shaking
all again all by itself.

- In front of the both of you?
- Yeah.

- Okay, it wasn't a heavy truck going
by down the road that... - Nope. No.

- ...caused that?
- No. It was scary.

Up until now,
I thought whatever's going on here

was brought on by Sean's stress.

But speaking with his wife,

I get the feeling the activity
here isn't in his head.

So psychologically,
that's got to be taking a toll on yourself.


I try to keep it together, but it's hard.

It's very stressful on the family.

How are you dealing with it?

We try, but the tension in the house

sometimes gets really crazy.

I think this thing...

it creates a very hostile
and negative environment.

Whatever's going on within this family

is a direct result of its influence.

They're just always, all of them,

functioning out of anger or fear,

hating on each other, basically.

It's also making them do things...

that they normally wouldn't do.

Divide and conquer.

That's kind of, I think,
what it's doing here.

Rebecca, I was talking to Mom, Dad.

There seems to be a lot of
stuff going on in the house.

Let me ask you a question...
How old are you?

- 13.
- Are you afraid to be here?

Yeah, there's noises,
knocking, stuff like that.

Explain it to me. What are you hearing?

I'll wake up, and I'll feel like

someone's standing in the doorway,

and they're just staring at me, like...

I'll run to my grandma's room sometimes.

- You will?
- Yeah.

- Are you close with your parents?
- Not really.



What bothers you?

Why are you crying? Tell me.

'Cause it just
annoys me how my dad is so sick,

and no one can figure out why.

It seems like this is bothering you

- a lot more than you're telling people, right?
- Yes.

I will never stay here alone.

There's this kid.

She's got long, brown hair, brown eyes.

Maybe a teenager.

She's very angry.

I'm seeing a direct
interaction with a child...

a female child...

and this...thing.

They're telling her what
they can do to her parents.

And then this thing can come, and it says,


You want me to take care of them for you?"

It's saying,

"I take the souls of the
ones who damn themselves."

So, Wilma, I was talking to your son,

and he's going through a lot here.

Oh, really a lot. We almost lost him.

Every part of his body is being att*cked,

and nobody knows why.

It's that...

- It's hard to talk about, huh?
- Yeah.

I'm so glad you're here.

Yesterday, the house was very quiet.

They were all out, except me,

and I got up and I walked around.

You know how you can feel
someone staring at you

but there's no one there?

And I challenged it, and I told him.

I said, "I'm old,
but I'll do whatever you want me to do,

but leave my son alone."

And I said, "We believe in God,
and I'm not afraid of you."

And when you say "him,"
what are we talking about?

I think it's a man.

And it's very evil.

- I have seen it.
- What do you see?

I told Sean
and he drew a picture.

And I have it here. Let me see.

Sean drew this.

Okay, but have you seen this thing?

I believe that is the shadow figure

that came down the hallway.

I had gone to bed,

and I saw a shadow,

and I'm saying, "Oh, please go away.
Please go away."

And then I could hear

And the air was coming on my neck.

It was so cold.

And I
just wanted it to go away.

I said, "Please,"
'cause little Derek was next to me.

And I was saying,
"Please don't hurt the baby."

- I'm sorry.
- No.

Here. Take that.

Now, have you ever seen
any other apparitions?

I see children in this room.

How many kids are you seeing?

- Three.
- Three.

The girl and the boy and the older one.


You can hear walking and
whispering and giggling.

I don't let the kids go far from me.

I don't even know...
could they take them or not?

Like, I just see dirt,

blood, dead bodies.

These are the damned.
These are the lost ones.

There is a lot of them.

They make a lot of noise.

And I feel like...

...people around see them.

I just see a bunch of dead people,

like, coming in through the wall

and just... being in this area.

And there's, like,

something inside of the bed in the mattress

kind of scaring people.

They just follow this thing.

He...has them.

I believe that this thing
caused their downfalls.

What does it want with the living?

For them to run their lives into the ground,

to do bad things to
themselves and other people,

to damn themselves.

Sean told me he thought

his property was once Native American land.

Now, when clients tell
me this kind of stuff,

I take it with a grain of salt.

But I called a local author,
and he said Sean's right

and that he has information
that might help my case.

Well, Dr. Frazier,
thanks for meeting with me.

- I appreciate that.
- Gladly.

So you mentioned on the
phone my client was right.

He thought that his property
was once Native American land.


I mean, this place was a transit point

for a lot of different
tribes over the years,

- not just one.
- Okay.

But the Jumanos occupied this land

when the Spanish first show up.

So they were here until
probably about the early 1700s.

Early 1700s, Plains Apaches then come in

- and displace the largely pedestrian Jumanos.
- Wow.

I've never heard of Indians
displacing each other.

This was a blood feud.

So how bloody of a battle
are we talking about?

If you're a fallen warrior,

you can expect to have
your corpse mutilated.

They'd cut off hands, cut off fingers.

- Really?
- Very brutal.

And then, the Apaches are
driven out by the Comanches.

Goes for 100 years.

So we're talking from the mid 1700s?

Yeah, all the way into
the early 19th century.

I mean, they fought the
Apaches hammer and tongs.

I mean, they never gave
up fighting the Apaches

- until the very, very end.
- Geez.

They scalped people.
They'd eat livers sometimes.

If they could make you
scream or beg for mercy,

that's the ultimate power.

These guys sound like

- not somebody you want to mess with.
- Right.

How do the white settlers
wind up dealing with it?

Well, the settlers were on the losing end

for several decades.

I mean, really,
the Comanches ruled the roost out here

from about 1770 to about 1870.

There is a lot of anonymous
dying in this part of the world.

There's a lot of panic.

This old dude is talking.

He's, like, saying,
"There's all of these wars that happened."

And he's talking about the Native Americans.

Well, like, with the Native Amer...

I just see them, like, fighting.

And then I just see them dead.

I see their blood on the ground.

There's other people later.

So I keep seeing, like,

different groups of people over time,

and they're just dead on the ground,

So what I'm thinking

is that this thing...

is causing... causing it.

It's, like, instigating and fueling it.

Yes. Yes.

Now, Dr. Frazier, do you have any idea

who the original white settler was

on the property I'm investigating?

John Hunter Herndon.
This is a picture of him.

- Where's he from?
- He's a Kentuckian.

And he's like so many Southerners.

He's looking to establish some
sort of agricultural empire

in Texas in the 1830s, '40s, and '50s.

And he comes to Texas to make his fortune.

He's carrying some bank with him.

- He's coming for money, hunting for money.
- Okay.

His main businesses were
down on the Texas coast.

That's where his plantations were.

That's where his slaves were.

That's where his entire
economic enterprise was.

So when we...
how many slaves did this guy have?

- Do we have any idea?
- Yeah, low hundreds.


And everything is really
on the climb for him,

- but he bets big on the Confederacy.
- Oh.

And, as you know,
the Confederates came in 2nd.

So his money was all in Confederate money,
I guess.

Correct. Correct.

His slaves were emancipated,
and so at the end of his life...

I mean, here's his obituary.

At the end of his life,
he ends up essentially getting ruined.

He gambled and lost.

So, do we know what he died of?

Probably died of a broken heart,
if you ask me.

There's one thing that controls all.

It already took down those people outside.

I just keep hearing bad decisions.

The thing that caused the issues here...

this main nasty thing... makes people crazy.

Now that I know my client's property

was the site of a brutal Native American w*r

and owned by a wealthy plantation owner,

I need to see if there's anything else.

Searching through the archives,

I find a man named Otto Steffens,

who lived on Sean's land.

Turns out he was one of
Abilene's first millionaires.

I actually managed to track
down one of his descendants.

He tells me the second

Otto Steffens landed on
my client's property,

his life spiraled out of control.

Clinton, thanks for meeting with me.
I appreciate that.

Now, I understand the
property I'm investigating...

your great grandfather owned
that property at one point.

- Right.
- Okay, now, what do you know about him?

He moved to Texas with
his folks around 1851.

- Okay, from where?
- Germany.

He was the epitome of the American dream.

So how does he wind up coming to Abilene?

He buys a bank from a man named Louding.


- And do we know when that was?
- 1883.

Then he moves to Abilene.

In fact, this is pretty close

to what he would have
looked like about that time.

That's Otto Steffens.

He buys a parcel of land.

This is the parcel of
land in blue right here.

Do you know where my client's
property would be right now?

Your client's property is right here.

- Where this dot is?
- Where the dot is.

You mentioned on the phone
that things went bad for him.

What did you mean by that?

He became president of the
Abilene Fire Department,

and the first fire they
went to was his house.

They set up a pumper truck,
and it failed to work.

And so the house burned down.

So you weren't kidding
about his luck changing.

No, it went from there even to worse
'cause in 1905,

there was a failure with the bank.

The federal government came in

and pressed charges against
him for embezzlement.

He was convicted on three charges.

Louding was convicted on 18 charges.

Now, during the appeals,

Walter, his son, committed su1c1de...

shot himself.

So now the son commits su1c1de.
He's under indictment.

What happens with him?

Otto, with the stress of the trials,

had a heart attack and died.

And how old was he when he died?

- He was 56.
- He was a young man.

He was a pillar of the
community as an empire builder.

And all of a sudden,
everything just went down the tubes.

Do you know what this thing is?

I know what it's not,

and it's not a devil and it's not a demon.

Was it ever a human?

I don't think so.

I can't talk about what it is right now.


'Cause I'm trying to protect myself.

People worship it.

If you use its name, it's like a summoning.

During my research,
I noticed something strange.

There seemed to be an
unusual amount of murders

surrounding my client's property.

Now, it's a small town, so it seems odd.

I'm heading over to meet
with a local police sergeant

who actually worked on
a couple of those cases.

You mentioned on the
phone you actually worked

- on a couple of the cases that I came across.
- I did.

What can you tell me about the first one?

The first one was the
m*rder of Geneva Jackson.

Happened in '73.

She was a schoolteacher for
the Abilene School District.

Her body was found the 15th of December

about 3/10 of a mile

from the location that
y'all are investigating.

I did come across that.
It's in one of my articles here.

Okay, what happened with this case?

Some friends found her in her bathtub.

She'd actually drowned,

but she'd also been stabbed multiple times.

And is that an open case?

- It's still open, yes.
- What else did you find?

There was another one about
a little over a mile away

that was a m*rder-su1c1de that happened

where a married couple

had had a domestic disturbance
at a local restaurant

over some marital issues.

Then when she returned home

after getting off her
shift at the restaurant,

he was waiting for her.

Shot her eight times
and then k*lled himself.

Any kids in the house, anything like that?

They did have children
arriving home from school

- about the time that this happened.
- Oh, geez.

Okay, so now we've got an unsolved m*rder

and then a m*rder-su1c1de

real close to the property
I'm investigating.

And there's a third one I think
might be of interest to you...

a su1c1de from just about a block away.

- A block away.
- Right.

36-year-old woman in 1975

committed su1c1de with a.22 r*fle.

Left behind four kids in that case.

Was there any reason why?

- Was there a note left? Anything like that?
- No.

I saw several entities during my walk,

but one is responsible for most
of the trouble in my house,

and I got a good look at
it in one of the bedrooms.

The child was in a bed.

There was an entity that
was above the child.

It's, like, hanging from the ceiling,

and it has, like,
human eyes and a human mouth.

This entity... is
he rather transparent?

No, he's black.

Is this what you saw?


Now that Amy and I have
completed our investigations,

we're ready to reveal our
findings to each other

and our clients for the first time.

Amy, I'd like you to meet Sean,

his wife, Beth, and this is his mom, Wilma.

They all live here in this house

with Sean and Beth's five kids.

- They range from 18 to 21/2?
- Correct.

Sean's an Air Force veteran.

He's done tours in Iraq and Afghanistan.

So this guy knows what danger's all about.

When he called me and he said
this house was k*lling him,

I knew we had to come and help
out and see what was going on.

Now that Amy knows

a little bit about what
this situation is here,

I'm gonna ask her to tell us about her walk.

When I got here,
there was this little, old man,

and he was telling me

there was a lot of fighting here, or wars.

There were several different
ones over many years.

It seemed, to me,
to start with the Native American issue,

and there were all of these bodies.

And these were all of the people
who had died over the years.


you had thought this was Native
American land at one point.

- Correct.
- You were 100% right.

The original Native Americans
here were called the Jumanos.

And this is going back to the 1700s.

But the Apaches decided that
they wanted to live here,

and they att*cked.

And after the Apaches settled here,

the Comanches decided they wanted this area.

- Oh, man.
- So they came in,

and the warring was going
on for over 100 years.

They were pretty brutal.

These guys were scalping each other.

Then they'd eat their livers on some of them

and dismembered them.

A lot of people got k*lled on this property.

I saw a lot of the dead
people outside the house,

and I saw a lot of dead
people inside the house.

I saw them in the master bedroom.

I saw them coming through that wall.

And some of them, actually,

would get inside of the
mattress and be in the bed.

These people were the damned.

You can hear them.

You know, like,
I can hear them outside in the front yard.

You go look. There's nobody there.

You hear them in here,
like there's people here.

Nobody here.

So this is, like, the kind of stuff they do.

There are a lot of times

that I'll go in that master bedroom,
and I'm there

and you just feel like your
life is being sucked from you.

And I feel like there's people
just standing around me.

Like, they're just standing there.

Well, they are.

Everything that's been going on,
everything that's here,

all of the people still being here

from these wars and fights

goes back to a single entity.

And I'm referring to it as "The Dark One."

What it does is it pushes people

into basically damning themselves.

This, to me,
is definitely the biggest issue.

This Dark One affects you in many ways.

One way is psychological.

I got that it creates obsessive thoughts,

promotes negativity,

a lot of tension, a lot of fighting.

It feeds off of that.

In the master bedroom,
I heard, "Divide and conquer,"

and that's what it's
trying to do to the family.

You're being manipulated,

and you're being influenced

to create, you know, bad decisions.

You guys have been fighting,
right, a little bit?

A lot.

Like, you just hit the nail on the head.

I mean, every member in our family fights.

It's just completely tense.

Also, we make a decision,
and then we find out,

like, "What were we thinking?"


It's funny you say that because

this land has had a history of that.

People that wouldn't
normally make bad decisions

making bad decisions.

One of the original settlers
that bought your track of land

was this guy Otto Steffens.

You see what I have highlighted in blue?

This is the track of land that he bought.

That dot's your house.

This is him here.

He's a self-made guy, successful.

Now, Otto was doing really
well till he came to Abilene

and hooked up with this guy, Louding.

And they opened up a bank together.

Things started going downhill from there.

His home burned down to the ground.

1905... the bank failed,

and then the federal government came in

and they investigated him.

He got hit up with embezzlement charges

and all kind of bank fraud.

So they went to trial.

And after the first conviction,

this guy's son went to Fort
Worth and k*lled himself.

Two more trials later,

appeal after appeal,
he winds up having a heart attack.

He was only 56 when he died.

Now, another guy that made a bad decision

was this guy John Herndon,

who was actually here before Steffens.

This is him right here.

He's a land speculator,
basically, in this area.

Well-to-do guy from Kentucky,
came from money,

made great business decisions.

But the bad decision this guy made was

he put everything he had
into the Confederacy.

Well, he lost everything.

He wound up dying broke and alone.

How are you guys like as far
as the bad decision making?

We have a lot of debt.


And then with the obsessive thoughts?

- That's a big one for me.
- Yeah?

I am OCD crazy with a lot of things.

Not you.

You're being influenced by outside forces.

How else is this thing affecting them?

It's also physical.

When I was in the office,

I actually saw a female sitting there.

She could feel sharp pain in her neck,

like all in this area.

Wilma, tell them about the
thing with your neck.

I was laying on my side in my bed.

I happened to get a glance.

It was a black figure.

And I came down the hallway,

and I could tell that it was bad.

He touched my neck.

It was so cold.

- Yeah.
- So cold.

And then he started breathing.

And the air was so, so cold

that my whole shoulder and
my neck was just frozen.

When I woke up in the morning,

here on this side and here was red.

Well, this thing is completely capable

of doing this, you know.

And did you get anything
else from this thing?

It does cause illnesses, muscular problems,

stomach issues,

breathing issues, and chest issues.

Well, that's the main reason we're here.

Now, Sean's 38 years old, okay?

This is what he looked like
only a couple of years ago.

What? What happened?

I had a stroke,

and then I had a massive pulmonary
embolism with multiple clots.

And then from then, I have diabetes,

heart problems, liver problems.

I've gone to doctors.

Nobody can tell me why.

Oh, my gosh.

And that's why he thinks that
this house is k*lling him.

Unfortunately, one of the things that I saw

is that it specifically is interacting

with a child between the age of 9 and 12.

She did have her hair back.

It was brown, like, in a ponytail, long-ish.

Her and this thing have bonded,

so it's manipulated her

into thinking that it's friendly.

She's able to hear it.

She's able to see it.

Whenever she gets into fights
or she gets in trouble,

this thing is like,

"I'll take care of it. I'll punish them."

The only one that sounds like is Rebecca.

I think she has abilities.

Becca and I... we clash a lot.

I'm stunned. Just...

I did do a sketch of The Dark One

when I saw it in the child's room.

What the [Bleep]


I did do a sketch of The Dark One

when I saw it in the child's room.

What the [Bleep]


Is it okay if I show her what you gave me?


This is a sketch he did for what he saw.


Oh, yeah.


What is it, and what does it want?

This is where it gets really strange.

I knew it wasn't a devil
and it wasn't a demon.

I am calling it "The Dark One"
because I can't say its name

because that could put me in danger.

This particular being is native to Africa.

It's utilized in the voodoo tradition.

Usually, how this entity comes into being

is that a voodoo practitioner
will do a summoning.

And the entity

will then form a direct
attachment to the summoner.

It will always be with that person,

okay, for their entire life.

And the family, then,
can inherit this entity.

You have to honor it and respect it,

and if you don't,

it becomes very volatile, very destructive.

So I'm very confused

because this one seems to have gone rogue.

And that was one of my questions...

you know,
were there slaves ever in the area?

Well, this guy John Herndon

owned the property here at one time,

- and he had over 100 slaves.
- Yeah, I think this thing...

it had to have been more...

I think directly, you know, somehow here.

So how it got here I think
is gonna remain a mystery,

but I know what I saw,
and I know what it is.

And I know what it's doing. It terrified me.

I knew, you know,
that things were happening,

and I knew it was bad.

I told him, "I'm old," you know,
"to leave my family alone."

So what does it want to do to our client?

It wants to cause destruction and mayhem

and cause them to, you know,
destroy themselves.

Well, Sean,
you served your country in two wars.

You came home to another w*r.

My question is is this a w*r
or a battle that you can win,

and can your family live here
safely and normally once again?

For that answer,
I'm gonna turn it over to Amy.

I'm extremely, extremely worried.

I want you to bring in a voodoo priest.

I want the entire family to
go through a ritual with him

where he can protect you

and remove any attachments that may exist.

Now, you'll be protected
from this thing forever.

The problem is anyone who's not there

having this ritual done

is going to be subjected to this entity.

Any friends you have over,
any family you have over,

this thing's gonna be
gunning for them big time.

There's no way we can get rid of it?

You might be able to knock
it out and take care of it.

We can have hope.

But if he doesn't,
you're gonna have to move.

So when the voodoo priest does this ritual,

will it help the dead people that are here?


They're attached to The Dark One.

When it's gone, will they just go?

Oh, yes, they're gonna be set free.

I believe it's intelligent.

I mean, it knows what's going on.

It knows what we're doing.

It's preparing for... w*r.

So here's the million-dollar question...

are you gonna be vigilant
and do this or what?

- Definitely.
- Mm-hmm.

Well, I feel a little bit better

that there's some hope
at the end of the tunnel.


Wilma, are you on board?

It's life or death.
I mean, that's what I think.

Sean and his family

have an extremely difficult
fight ahead of them.

Contacting the voodoo
priest is their only chance

of ridding themselves of The Dark One,

whose sights are set on destroying them.
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