04x09 - Summoning Souls - Starks, ME

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dead Files". Aired: September 2011 to present.*
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"The Dead Files" features two independent investigations into locations that are reported to be haunted. One investigation is performed by a psychic medium, while a former NYPD homicide detective investigates. Each show concludes with a meeting, where they discuss their findings together with the victims.
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04x09 - Summoning Souls - Starks, ME

Post by bunniefuu »

It's just filled with darkness.

I think the house is gonna k*ll us.

He was bad.

I kept my g*ns loaded. Big mistake.

Definitely seeing blood on the floor.

He should have broken his neck.

- What?
- Really strange stuff.

It's like a freaking madhouse.

It's really bad in here.

My name is Amy Allan.

Something is not right.

I see dead people.

This person might have
been a serial k*ller.

I speak to dead people...

I get those chills.

And they speak to me.

He is darkness. He is evil.

There's only one way to
know if my findings are real.

I think she broke her neck.

I rely on my partner.

I'm Steve Di Schiavi. I'm a retired
New York City homicide Detective.

Tellin' me the truth?

I know every person,
every house has secrets.

I think the Devil is down here.

It's my job to reveal them.

Who the hell would do this?

But Steve and I never speak.

We never communicate
during an investigation...

Until the very end.

Who's he looking to k*ll?

We uncover if it's
safe for you to stay...

You need to get out of here right now.

Or time to get out.

It was like endless darkness.

Amy and I work
independently of one another.

I dig into the property's dark
past with interviews and research.

While Amy communicates with the dead.

I'm in Starks, Maine. It's a small
town about 45 minutes from Augusta.

Amy and I were called in
by a woman named Ann Marie.

She says things in her
house are out of control.

Everyone is sick all the time,
things are starting to get physical.

And that whatever's there is
picking on her elderly parents.

I'm hoping Amy and I
can help this woman out.

Before Amy arrives, I look
for any leading information.

This home has a lot of religious icons
that need to be covered or removed.

Once they're cleared, the location
will be ready for tonight's walk.

Nothing here is sacred.

- Ewe.
- What?

It does not feel good in here.

A lot of...

Anger here.

There's so much fear and
anger, like, huge, huge.

So, Ann Marie, I know you
sounded pretty concerned on

the phone about what's
going on in the house here.

You live here with your
parents, is that correct?

- Yes.
- And how old are they?

My mother is 74. My father is 79.

- And how long have you lived here?
- 13 years.

Give me a little bit of
a rundown what's going on.

There's a lot of sort
of unexplained noises.

We've seen things.
People have been touched.

You're here 13 years. Why
are you calling us now?

It seemed like things
started getting worse.

People are getting att*cked.

All three of us, our health has gone
downhill since we moved into this house.

I have breathing problems now.

All three of us have developed
kidney problems since we lived here.

What makes you think your health
issues have to do with the paranormal?

Because it's too much of a coincidence.

We see something or we
have some kind of encounter,

and then, all of a sudden,
somebody has a new health issue.

Like, within days of an encounter.

Do you know any history about the house?

We found out a few months
after we moved in that um...

A woman had k*lled herself here.

Do you know who that person
was or any information on them?

It was the person who we bought
the house from, it was his wife.

What are you hoping Amy and I
can do for you and your parents?

I just want to know what to do.

I mean, we keep getting
sicker and sicker.

I think the house is
gonna k*ll us. I really do.

It's just filled with darkness.

I just feel sick.

It's almost like nothing can live here.

There's just all these dead people,
and it's, like, all these deaths.

And there's a lot of them.

This is their house. This is,
like, the house of the dead.

You said the basement
you don't like at all.

No. Before, if I had to,
like, change a fuse or...

I don't even come down
here to do that anymore.

I call my brother-in-law,
make him do it.

I can hear it in your voice.
You sound like you're...

Yeah, yeah. I don't want to be here.

What are you feeling
when you come down here?

Every time I'm down here, I
feel like people are touching me.

Like hands are grabbing me from behind
and trying to, like, hold on to me.

And anything else?

I was down here one time with my nephew,
and two huge bins of, like, tools...

Fell on me, pinned my leg.

And it wasn't slanted
or anything like that?

It was stuff that was
stacked forever, it was...

It was solid. It never moved.

You have any animals down here
that may have knocked it over?

No, the animals never come down here.

Something bad happens every
time somebody comes down here.

Why don't we get out of here and you
show me someplace else in the house?

- Okay, okay. Yup.
- All right?

There were people hiding down there.

I want to say they were, like, robbers.

You know, but one of them was pretty bad,
on the run for a long time... a long time.

I know he ends up k*lling somebody.
He k*lled somebody down there.

I don't see a w*apon, so
I'm assuming with his hands.

I think this house is a purgatory place.

What's going on up here?

First, it started with just hearing,
like, footsteps up and down the hallway.

Okay, and it wasn't
either one of your parents?


- How often does this happen?
- This is a regular occurrence.

This is my life.

You said on the phone that
you had the house blessed.

I've blessed it, and I also
took Sage and went around.

- Did it help?
- No. It's like I'm under siege.

There are so many dead people.

There's too many. I don't know.

They make it so you can't live here.

They, like, run at the door, and
someone in here has blocked them.

So they can't come in all the time.

Well, no, it's just
one of them, I guess.

When she can't get in,
she acts like an animal.

Who is this?

One of the weird dead people.

So, is that something
that might be heard?


Is there anything else?

There's a woman, an apparition, that
comes and stands in that doorway.

Okay, describe her for me.

She's kind of shadowy,
like, kind of black.

- She's only about this tall.
- Okay.

And she looks kind of like a black mist.

- How long she last?
- More than half an hour.

- What?
- Yeah. She just stands there.

- Stares at me.
- For a half hour?

That's the first time in all
these investigations I've ever

heard anybody tell me more
than a couple of seconds.

I've walked through her.

I've come up the stairs
now three or four times,

and as I turned the corner, she
was there, and I walked through her.

Feels like the life's
being sucked out of you.

And the first time it happened...

The next day, I got
this breathing problem.

That nobody's been able to figure out.

The dead, in here, would be
perceived probably as shadow people.

They're all over.

I don't know. They're
saying they smother you.

They smother them up.

I can't breathe.

What's going on here?

My father fell down these stairs.


He was coming out of the
bathroom, like, right out here.

He ended up down there.

He said he went down
headfirst backwards.

- Okay, was his feet wet and everything?
- No.

- No dizzy spells or anything?
- No.

What did he say happened?

When we got to the hospital, he
said that somebody pushed him.

- Did you believe him?
- Oh, yeah, I believed him.

I mean, he should have broken his neck.

It's terrifying.

We had to move his bed from downstairs.

- After this incident?
- Right.

I'm just seeing these weird images of,
like, dead bodies, but they're warm.

They crowd around the house.

And they're like, if we don't get
any rest, nobody gets any rest.

And they do move strangely, too.

- How do they move?
- Like zombies.

And they're like, oh, just you wait.

So, Adam, I was talking
to your aunt Ann Marie.

She told me about the stuff that goes
on here, now, did you spend time here?

- Yeah.
- Okay.

- I spend a lot of time here, actually.
- Okay.

She's had a lot of experiences.
What about yourself?

I've definitely felt
very uneasy around here.

There's a lot of, like, kind
of weird vibes and energy.

You know, it's kind of in the air.

I've seen things that
I can't exactly explain.

- Like what?
- Halloween of 2011...

I was playing kind of superstitious
games with my ex-girlfriend.

And one game is called
Bloody Mary, where you...

You say the words Bloody Mary
into a mirror three times.

And we were holding a cross in our hands
to the mirror just because, you know,

I was kind of superstitious and
didn't want anything to happen.

Then, the cross just got a little
bit colder and a little bit colder.

And finally, we just set
it down, put the lights on.

It was very shocking.

Let me get this straight.
Were you doing that here?

- Yeah.
- Where?

- Upstairs.
- In which room?

In my aunt's room.

Does your aunt know about
this cross thing you did?

Yeah. She's not happy.

- You blame her?
- No.

Okay. You know, I think your
aunt had a right to be mad at you.

- Yeah. I think so, too.
- Yeah, so, she's a sweet lady, so...

- I know. I love her very dearly.
- Okay.

I'm very much regretful of it
now. I'm very superstitious.

Anything else you
might have pulled here?

- That nobody knows about?
- Not here, no.

You think you caused all the
problems that are happening?

I don't know what exactly
to think about all of this.

But it does seem that way.

Thinking about all the events
and tying them together,

I'm just really, like, scared
that maybe I'm responsible.

I mean, I kind of tried
to make up explanations.

I always try to believe in
a higher power, you know?

God and something that's good
and loving and protecting.

And if there's something negative
and wishing ill upon my family,

I'm very upset about that.


You know, it does sometimes feel
like we're up against something.

And I don't know... I don't want
to say that definitively, but...

I'm scared of it.

There's just some
weird [Bleep] going on.

Really strange stuff.

There's, like... somebody's doing,
like, all these seances and stuff.

But there's... but they
shouldn't be, and they know it.

Someone religious is doing it.

Steve, I was talking to
your sister-in-law Ann Marie.

And she was telling me about the
stuff going on in the house here.


She mentions you come over
once in awhile to help out.

You got to be concerned for your in-laws
I would think, and your sister-in-law.

I'm always concerned
because they've all been ill.

I've always sort of
worried about them here.

So, since you spend time here,
have you had an experience?

I have had some sort of uncomfortable
feeling about the house at times.

Okay. Any place in particular?

Well, in the basement, when
I was bracing up the shower,

the next day, I contracted kind of a
numbness throughout my hands and shoulders.

So, did anything go wrong
when you were working?

Nothing that I could say. It was
just pretty much straightforward work.

My fingers are still
numb for the most part.

- Ever since that one time you've been...
- Ever since that time.

It's been three months.

Have you been to a doctor?

Yeah, I've been to several.
They're not sure exactly what it is.

Okay. Anything else?

Sometimes, it feels like there's,
like, a darkness that settles.

It felt like there was a leaning toward,
you know, being more argumentative...

More negative about things in general.

These dead people... they
don't want to talk to me.

They know...

Exactly why the [Bleep] I'm
here, and they do not want it.

They are like, get the
[Bleep] out of here.

Thick... they're thick. They're
pretty [Bleep] strong, man.

The amount of dead people in
this house is overwhelming.

I have no idea why they're all here,

but they hate living people and
have disturbing ways of showing it.

A very emotional house.

Do you mean that it
affects people's emotions?

I would think that it might.

Because it's a very angry...

Fearful house.

Everybody's confused in this place.
It's like a freaking madhouse.

Ann Marie told me she thinks a
woman committed su1c1de in her house.

I did some digging, and
her story checks out.

I was actually able to
locate the victim's husband,

and as painful as it is, he's agreed
to tell me exactly what happened.

Well, Ron, thanks for meeting
with me. I appreciate that.

You're welcome.

I'm so sorry to hear
about your wife, Mary.


- I assume you still...
- I think of her a lot.


She was my Mary.

This is her right there.

She had a serious bone
disease in her back.

And leading up to her su1c1de,
her condition got worse?

Yes, it did.

Her back was really deteriorating.

Now, can you, if it's okay with
you, tell me about what happened?

Well, how I remember it, I had
to go to the V.A. hospital...

And uh, I came home.

My dog was going bananas.

And I found her in the dining room.

On the floor, and there was blood.

She had shot herself with my 30-30.


I kept my g*ns loaded, and
I showed her how to use them.

Big mistake.

I should have never
left her alone, but...

- And I know you must feel guilty about it.
- Oh, yes, I do.

When I left that morning, I never
said, goodbye, or, I love you.

The dead that are here...
they'll just make you miserable.


I just feel like a lot...

There was a lot of bad things
that hap... like, consecutively.

Like what?

Like I am definitely
seeing blood on the floor.

Definitely seeing blood on the floor.

Someone's like, yeah, people
met a lot of terrible ends.

Now that I know someone committed
su1c1de on my client's property...

I need to see if anything
else went down there.

So I hit the books at the local library.

And the only other death I can
uncover is a guy named Angier Gray.

Turns out he died in my
client's home in 1935.

I want to find out if
there's any more to his story.

I'm on my way to meet with a
local historian who says Gray's

time in Ann Marie's home was
filled with heartbreak and loss.

So, Ernie, during my research, I
came across this guy Angier Gray.

What can you tell me about him?

Angier was a pretty prosperous guy.

He was involved in a lot of
businesses... store keeping.

He was a farmer.

In fact, here's a photo of Angier
with his granddaughter Caroline.

Was he sick? Because he
looks a little emaciated here.

Well, that's what years of
hard work will do for you.

So, now, you had mentioned on the phone
that he had some tragedies in his life.

What were you talking about?

Angier had been given
the farm by his siblings

after his father died
but with a condition.

He had to support his mother
and his brother George.

Who was mentally disabled.

But there was actually a bit of
difficulty between George and Angier.

And in 1911, George
physically assaults Angier.

He leaves.

Angier closes the door and
never allows George back.


And Angier was estranged
from the family after that.

Now, do you know what he died of?

He died in the house you're investigating
of apoplexy, which is a stroke.

Ernie, let me ask you a question,
I know a lot of people were buried

on the property they lived on back
in those days, what about Angier?

He wouldn't have been buried there, but
there is something you might want to know.

It's that the house that
you're investigating...

Is either adjacent to or encroaches
on an old village burial ground.

Really? Okay.

There was this man...

And he was mean.

A very mean person.

He's, like, pasty, and...

He looks like an undertaker just...


But he's very here.

Like, he's very much
a part of this house.

It's really strange because I think
he was kind of deserted by his family.


He's all alone.

He was bad.

Ernie said my client's property is
either built on or next to a graveyard.

This could be a huge
development in the case.

I'm on my way to interview a local
cemetery owner to see if it's true.

So, Paul, is it true that
the house I'm investigating...

There might have been a graveyard either
under it or at least right next to it?

Yes. That's true.

In fact, my great-great-great-grandfather
was originally buried there.

He died in 1822.

And he was reburied in this cemetery.

Now, let me ask you a question.
What was a reason they got moved?

There was a concern about water
contamination of the public well

that was immediately across the
road from the graveyard site.

Okay. Now, did they all
get moved to this cemetery?

No. They were moved to a variety
of cemeteries around the town.

- Some were moved to this site.
- Okay.

But there were others in
several other cemeteries.

All right, so, when did this take place?

Well, we know the
cemetery was there in 1860.

I have a map here of
the village in 1860.

And you can see there's
a cemetery marked

adjacent to the home that
you are investigating.

Right, this is the corner, and this
is the cemetery right here, okay.

And this is an 1883
map of the same area.

And you can see there's
no cemetery at that site.

Okay. So, we know it had
to happen between that time.

That's right.

So, how did the moving process work? I
mean, did they just dig the body up and...

Well, they did in some cases.

And in other cases, the bodies may have

not been relocated, may
still be in the ground there.

There have been a number
of bones allegedly found

at the site where this
old burial ground existed.

Somehow, these people are dying here.


Died here?

It's their home. It's their place.

These dead people are...

Like, none of them are okay.

There's too many of them, and...

They're too sick and too much...

Death, and...

Like you can't escape their pain.

There are so many people's thoughts.

It just is not good.

If they did leave the body there,
what was the reason for that?

Well, possibly couldn't find it.

Some of these bodies might not
have had any headstones with them...

- Originally.
- Okay.

In other cases, the families
may have been too poor

to pay for the cost of exhuming
the body and relocating it.

This cemetery was a
privately owned cemetery.

It was not owned by the town.

So, this was a private decision
obviously with community support.

- Because of the water supply issue.
- Okay.

So, if a family member
decided, well, you know what?

I don't have the money or the
means to have the body moved,

even though they moved the cemetery,
the bodies could still be there.

That's true.

Now, would they ever move a
headstone and not the body?

Yes. Headstones are easy to move.

Bodies are much more difficult.

And some of the bones were,
in all likelihood, left behind.

- Do you think there's still bodies there?
- I do.

I don't think that they were very
well taken care of when they died.

They were saying, um...

You know, that they are like the true
lost souls, the ones that people have...

Forgotten about or
turned their backs on.

They were discarded.

They're discarded people.

I encountered dozens of
dead people during my walk.

But what has me the most concerned,

is the bizarre scene I saw
in the downstairs bedroom.

You could see their eyes,
like, in the darkness.

And there were three on each side and
then the three or four that came forward.

To talk to me at the end of the bed.

And they all had,
like, thick, long hair.

Is this what you saw?


Now that Amy and I have
completed our investigations,

we're ready to reveal our findings to each
other and our clients for the first time.

So, Amy, I'd like you to meet
Ann Marie and her nephew Adam.

Ann Marie actually lives
here with her elderly parents.

She believes that whatever's in this
house is making them all very sick.

And is possibly trying to k*ll them.

Adam's very close to his family
and is worried about them,

but he also believes that he may
have caused what's going on here.

So, with that being said, I'm gonna
ask her to describe her walk for us.

This was the first time on a walk

that I almost didn't make
it all the way through.

I almost left.

I was overwhelmed with how many dead...

Were located here.

This is a house of the dead.

It's like a purgatory or
a way station for them.

How many dead people are here?

Over 20 in the house and, like...

- God.
- Maybe like 30 or 40 outside.

I may have an explanation
for why you saw so many dead.

This house is either built on or...

Literally right next door to
what used to be a graveyard.


I got two maps...

Here, this one is from 1860.

And it shows a cemetery right
here along their property line.

Now, I have another map from 1883...

That shows the cemetery's not there.

- It makes sense.
- So, you all right with that?

I mean, I don't know if you can be all
right with a purgatory of dead people.

There's just so much stuff they didn't tell
us about this house before we bought it.

- I'd be really mad about that were I you.
- That just really, really pisses me off.

There's one male that's here.

And he is...

Not okay.

He's, like, pasty, and he
looks like an undertaker...

Just nasty.

He just seemed extremely unwell to me.

But he was very much
estranged from his family.

I might be able to maybe give
you an idea of who it could be.

There was a guy named Angier Gray
that lived here from 1917 to 1935.

I've got his death certificate.
He lived and died in this house.

He died of apoplexy, which is a stroke.

He lived on a farm with his mother
and brother not far from here.

When you said he was
estranged from the family...

Angier had to take care of
his younger brother George,

who was mentally handicapped.

But George got into a physical
fight with him and left the house.

And Angier never let him back in.

That's where the estrangement
comes with the family.

You said the guy reminded
you of, like, an undertaker.

- Yes.
- This is how he looked.

Amy, do you think this
is the guy you saw?


Do you think that this man in
particular is actively trying to harm...

Everyone here?

He's contributing.

His emotional state of
being, loneliness, anger...

That radiates out.

Can we be influenced by him?

I think that's a huge possibility, yes.

What else is going on in this house?

The basement, there was...

Four people.

One of the guys from downstairs told me
that all of them were hiding from the law.

He told me he k*lled somebody.

I think he did it with his hands.

Oh, my God.

Now, the thing is you got a cemetery
that was here from the 1700s.

There's no records on
who was buried here.

I do know that no m*rder*r
lived in the house.

But that doesn't mean that he
might not have been buried here.

You don't like to go
into the basement I could

barely get you down
there to interview you.

I always feel like
someone's grabbing me.


Like, it feels like I'm
being att*cked from behind.

Adam, can you tell Amy
what physically happened to

your father after he did
the work in the basement?

He began to have a lot of
muscle pain in his arms,

and his wrists and his hands, and
he couldn't move his hands anymore.

And no doctor can figure out
what the hell is wrong with him.


Every time someone goes in
the basement, they're ill.

Somebody gets ill or hurt right after.

I don't want to deal
with negative energies.

It's bad enough having people among
the living that are jerks, you know?

Well, the dead in this house
are very angry for a reason.

They felt that the living had turned
them away and turned their backs on them.

And that they were not well
taken care of when they died.

They feel like they're true lost
souls and that they cannot be saved.

This is where I can probably help
you out with why they're so angry.

Now, when the cemetery was moved,
a lot of bodies were left behind.

Back then, the family would
have to pay to move the body.

A lot of people didn't have the money,
so they ripped the headstones off,

and their bodies were just left behind.

What else did you see?

I was seeing seances down here
trying to communicate with the dead.

Several of these people
over the years knew that they

really should not be doing
this, but they did it anyways.

Remember when I told you,

that Adam feels he may be responsible
for what's going on over here?

Adam, why don't you tell
her what you told me?

On Halloween of 2011,
me and my ex-girlfriend,

we were, you know, just playing around,
doing, you know, spooky Halloween things.

And in the upstairs bedroom,
we played Bloody Mary.

Yeah, I know what Bloody Mary is.

A lot of the dead feel here,

you know, the disrespect feeling
like they're in purgatory.

There's a lot of animosity here,
so don't blame yourself for that.

I feel more of a clear
conscience that it's not me,

but I feel terrible about these
people who feel like they're outcasted.

- Yeah.
- Right.

Also, in the upstairs bedroom...

The dead... they couldn't
get into the room.

The interesting thing was
I saw, like, a barrier up.

One particular dead person, who's a
female, she gets crazy, and she'll, like,

act like an animal and run down the
hallway and, like, try to get in the room.

And the dead woman was pissed.

Wow, that freaks me out.

Because I Saged all the rooms
upstairs, and I did do a blessing.

So, her Saging upstairs, could that have
been what stopped the woman from coming in?

- Mm hmm.
- Are they mad at her for that?


I did do a sketch of the
dead down here in this room.

They really unnerved me.

They were congregating...

And it was all around the bed.

Oh, my God.

And that's where Ann Marie's dad sleeps.


Just don't freak out. But just...

Oh, my God.

These are the people who
feel lost, who feel discarded.

They're very angry, and unfortunately,

they're trying to become,
like, these inhuman creatures.

Now, one of the main reasons,
her breaking point for calling

us in is an incident that
happened here with her father.

Tell her what happened.

My father was coming out
of the bathroom, and he...

Fell down the stairs
backwards headfirst.

Oh, my gosh.

And when we got to the hospital...

He said he was pushed.

Seeing him in that state
and seeing all the bruises,

and all the trauma it caused,
it was just really awful.

Could they have pushed
her father down the stairs?

I think so.

Tell her about what you see upstairs.

In my doorway of my bedroom,
it was definitely shadowy.

I think it's a woman.

Never crosses the doorway
but stands and stares.

And I mean for like
30 minutes at a time.


And then, I have walked through her.

It feels like it kind of
sucks the life out of me.

The day after I walked through her...

- I came down with a breathing problem.
- Okay.

That they have not been able
to figure out what it is.

- Probably the one that you blocked out.
- That's horrible.

What am I gonna do?

So, here's how the living might
be affected by the dead here.

The dead truly believe that there
should not be living people here.

Two things that these guys
do is that they will...

Make you very ill here.

And they want to smother you.

And that's one of the ways
that they'll try to attack.

I can't walk more than 20
feet without being out of air.

It's like somebody, like,
kicked the air out of my body.

I really feel like this
house is trying to k*ll us.

They told me they won't allow
anything to live here, nothing.

It scares me to death, really.

It's so hard to live in this house.

Yeah, it just feels
like it never lets up.

I really feel like this
house is trying to k*ll us.

They told me they won't allow
anything to live here, nothing.

It scares me to death, really.

It's so hard to live in this house.

Yeah, it just feels
like it never lets up.

Now, have you seen anything else?

No. That's the gist of it.

Well, there's one major event
that did take place in this house.

There was a woman that lived here in
1997 by the name of Mary Frechette.

She shot and k*lled
herself right in this room.

So, when I spoke to her husband, Ron...

I asked him to explain what happened, he
said he came home from the V.A. hospital,

and he found her in a pool of blood.

She had been sick, you know?
Her lifestyle was deteriorating.

So, when you said you
thought somebody had died,

you know, committed
su1c1de, you were right.

Any ideas why you
might not have seen her?

I just lost a friend recently to
su1c1de, and he shot himself in the head.

So, that's probably
why I didn't see that.

Sometimes, we'll block out
things we don't want to perceive.


That was just a week and a half ago.

- Yeah.
- I'm sorry.

Yeah. Okay.

That happened.


- You all right?
- Yeah, I'm fine.

Well, I know you guys have been hit with
a lot of horrific information tonight.

But, Ann Marie, now you
know why your family's

been going through hell
since you've been here.

The question is how do you fix it.

For that answer, I'm gonna
turn it over to my partner, Amy.

What I'm going to say, um...

It's kind of difficult for me
because on the one hand I feel...

Very sorry for these people, but
they kind of damned themselves.

They've done that via attempted m*rder.

We have to proceed as if they
were some type of a demonic...


They are not demons, but they
have become a type of evil.

The first thing is to move them on.

And it has to be a religious,
holy person, so, you know,

it could be a minister, a priest, you
know, whatever you feel comfortable with.

Sit down with that person, tell
them exactly what happened here.

So that they can then
perform whatever...

Religious ceremonies they need to.

This person will move
the good people on?


The other thing is is that you are
going to have to have an exorcism done.

Of the land and the house.


You all right? You didn't want to
hear that word exorcism, did you?

I like to believe that
no one is beyond saving.

Well, in this case, you got to fight
fire with fire, kid. You know what I mean?

They are fully conscious individuals.

They know what they're doing,
and they know right from wrong.

And they're hurting my family.

And they made a decision, and
that decision is unacceptable.

- It scares me because...
- Mm hmm.

This is a real thing.

It's all very overwhelming.

I'm sorry.

I'm digging into a bottomless
pit in my heart here.

I... I'm terrified.

You're up for the fight?

Yeah. I mean, I'm not gonna let
it k*ll my family or me, either.

Are you gonna buck up, or
are you gonna sit there...

Yeah. No, I'm ready to k*ll the [Bleep].

But let's go in with compassion
and then go for the fight.

The entities inside this house will stop
at nothing to torment the living here.

But I believe if Ann Marie and
her family follow my advice...

They'll free themselves from the
evil that's been haunting them.
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