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04x12 - All Down the Line

Posted: 01/08/16 21:49
by bunniefuu
Do you want to come look at the flowers?


Mommy got flowers for Aunt Dana.

Do you want to see?

[baby crying louder]

Not a good idea. Okay.

Oh, he is so tired.

Someone is cranky.

I have this little trick.

I have tricks, too. Just be patient.

He's, you know, hungry, tired.

Yeah. Okay. I'll get our stuff.

Hey, what happened to the food I made?

The peas and the broccoli?

Emily: Oh, he's just... he's really into squash right now.

It's organic. It's store-bought.

You know what, it's fine.

I've just got to remember... peas gone, squash is in.

Baby, we got to go. "Peas" and thank you.

[baby crying]

I'm so sorry.

Okay, let me take you.

Let me take you.

Mommy's got to go to work.

I know.

[baby crying]

Okay. Bye-bye.




So, is this a six-month anniversary surprise?

No, it isn't.

Because you didn't know.

I did.

I just wanted to make sure you were ready for some of this.


I'll help you.

No, no, I'm okay... ooh!

Dr. Miller.

Is leaving.

You're too skinny.

You jewish-mothering me or ex-girlfriending me right now?

I didn't know we were exes.

Not really just friends, either.

Fair enough.

You're back so soon after the accident.

You sure you're okay to work?

I'd rather be here with a headache than surfing daytime television.

All right. Come meet my patient.

I want to place her with someone I trust before I go to Israel.

You trust me that much?

Well, I could refer her to Dr. Gill at the general if you prefer.

No, leave her with me.

So, Tel Aviv.

Big move.

It is.

Sure it's the right one?

There's a saying... if you don't know what you're living for, you haven't lived yet.

So much has changed for me.

You know that. You were there.

Still here.

Eat something, then meet me on the ward.



There you are, sweetheart.

Aww, the only one I care about seeing.

Mm. How are you? Crap.

No, the opposite, actually.

No, I got you flowers.

I forgot them upstairs. Damn it.

Ah, you still get the good karma points.

Oh, Alex.

So, how was Paris?

Oh, Alex, the things I did in Paris.

I bet.


But now that you're home, you're back on track with your chemo?

Dana, you have been in to see Stroman?

I mean, oncology is slammed, but he would make time for you.

Okay, enough about that.

Show me pictures of my delightful godson.


[door slams]

[speaking portuguese angrily]

English, please, so they can all hear what an ass you are!

Alex, you just won yourself a shiny new medical consult.

I'm tapping out.


[cellphone vibrates]

[siren wails in distance]

Morning, Dr. Harris.

Dr. Mirani.

Ready to start your ortho rotation today?

I am. Yeah.

Very excited.

Wow. That was unconvincing.

Let me guess... you think that orthopedics is a boys' club, glorified carpentry, all bones and power tools and no real medicine, right?

No. No, not at all.

Well, let's see if we can change your mind today.

Because bones are literally what holds it all together.

Charlie, incoming.

Margot Kay... she took a bad fall from a treehouse.

She's hypotensive with blunt trauma.

Somebody's got to get my kids from school.

Okay, 1, 2, 3.

Peter has hockey. Henry has judo.

S-saul has homework club. There's five of them.

Uh, can we reach your husband?

He took off. There's just us.

Okay, based on her vitals, I'd say a 30% to 35% loss of blood volume.

Grade III hemorrhagic shock.

I need two units of unmatched O-neg blood, stat, and push 2,000 cc of ringer's lactate through the level I.

Dr. Mirani, given her state, what should I be looking for?


An unstable pelvic fracture.

Uh, I was gonna say that.

Yeah? Say it faster next time.


Pelvis is grossly unstable.

Okay, no more hands on her till we get her to imaging.

Big arteries running through there... any bone fragments nick one and...

She's in big trouble. I'll get a binder.

Still think ortho's boring?

This isn't gonna be easy, is it?

Is this heaven?

Nope, it isn't.

Okay, let's maintain pelvic and C-spine stability.

Should we be getting someone to check in on her kids?

Let's just focus on keeping her alive for now, shall we?

Margot: I'm all they've got!

Well, Julia, my eldest, but she can't even fold her laundry right.

We'll, uh, call her kids' school, but for now, we need this binder to avoid displacement and further bleeding.

If there's bleeding, there's potential pressure necrosis.

That's very good, doctor.

Vitals are stable.


Let's get her to imaging, guys. Let's go.

Have you been under a lot of stress lately?

He works 20 hours a day, 7 days a week.

It's my grand opening in a week.

Don't forget to call the butcher.

Any unusual symptoms? Do you have pain?

Night sweats, weight loss?

He stopped eating.

I eat.

You taste.

You don't eat.

Does it hurt when you swallow?

Do you smoke?


Lady, I'm a chef.

It's not "lady." It's "doctor."

And the glands on the left side of your neck are swollen.

It doesn't hurt.

I feel fine. Are you happy?


Okay, I'd like to start with imaging to get a clear scan of your throat and chest, all right?

Can't do it. I got to go.

My kitchen needs its captain.

A sick captain is no use to anyone.


Good to have you back, Dr. Lin.


Mm, they've missed you.

I have, too.

So, apart from getting blown up, what else has been going on?

Lots. I, uh, almost got a new job.

I almost moved to Cleveland.

Oh. That's a long list of almosts.

What about you?

Has your life been a flurry of hot dates and deliveries?

[laughs] No, not exactly.

My father still won't speak to me, but my mom started sending e-mail, so that's progress.

I'm glad.

Have you talked to Herschel?

No. No, that's a burned bridge.

We're safer talking about Nicola.

You ever had one of those patients who, you know, they just...

Get to you?


Nicola's one of those.

She's had three miscarriages before this pregnancy.

If she means that much to you, why don't you postpone your move?

Because I'm moving to Israel to be with my girlfriend, and she's expecting me next week.


Dr. Katz.

I bought you some goodbye pastries, but I'm ashamed to admit I ate them all on the way in.

[both laugh]

I'm just happy your appetite's back.

Although my colleague here could have used one.


I'm Dr. Lin, and FYI, I always like a good pastry.

Nice to meet you, Dr. Lin.

I can't believe I made it this far.

20 weeks. I know.

Baruch hashem.

So, during today's exam, Dr. Lin will start with a full anatomy ultrasound.

And boy or girl? Can I find out?

Oh, I thought you and David wanted it to be a surprise?

It's more me.

I-I can't stand calling it "peanut" any longer.


I'm gonna do a full anatomy scan as soon as I've had a little feel of your tummy.

So, how's your prenatal class going?


One blind mom told me she tied bells to her son's feet when he started crawling.

Oh, that's clever.

I do wish I could see my baby.

If only for a moment.

Dr. Katz?

There's some slight dilation.

What does that mean?

Oh, that doesn't look like good news.

Is that your chef?


Hodgkin's, maybe lymphoma.

I'll have to do a biopsy to be sure.

But he's showing all the symptoms.


He should have come in sooner.

Well, people deal with these things in their own way.

As long as they are dealing with them.

I am, Alex. I am dealing with it.

Look, I'm not paying for tired-looking produce.

I saw it wilt with my own eyes.

I'll call you later.

The minute you turn your back.

Mr. Feschado, I have some preliminary results that we should talk about.

I don't think I want to hear this.

No, no, no.

You promised you'd stay until we knew.

And you promised you would... [groaning]

Let's have a look again.

Get up on the table. Help me, please.


It's nothing. It's just...

Let me be the judge of that. Open.

Other side, tongue to the left, please.

Stick it out.

Yeah, I do not like the look of that lesion.

It's just... it's just a canker sore.

Well, just to be sure, I need to do a biopsy.

[indistinct conversations]

Hey, Charlie. [chuckles]

Did you, um, did you get my message?

[sighs] Busy morning.

Yeah, busy few weeks.

[elevator bell dings]

Man: Take it easy, yeah?

Uh, Charlie, can I talk to you for a minute?

Look, I... I'm not gonna lie.

I'm starting to feel like a bit of a wet blanket.

Our talks have really helped me a lot.

[laughs] Me, too.

You know, I-I never thought I would find someone to share this with.

And I don't want to lose that.

I know.

[elevator bell dings]

We need to talk about what happened at my place with Cora.

Don't tell me you haven't thought about it.

Look, I'm off tonight.

Let me... let me buy you a cup of coffee.

Maybe we can figure out what it means.


Two minds are better than one.


Okay. Okay.

I'll talk to you later.


[door opens]

Let that freezing kick in, all right?

What kind of food do you cook?

Traditional portuguese cuisine.

My son sends everything I make back, and he's not even 2.

Let me guess... vegetable purée?



Try... try alternating his greens with apricots and peaches.

He'll come around.

But if you can't make a basic purée...

There's no hope for you.

[chuckles] Open up.

Feel that?


She's a good friend.


She's a loudmouth.

She's trouble.

But, uh, she's the best thing to happen to my kitchen.


She's my gut-check.

I like that.

Your gut-check.

You ready?

We're gonna need a large sample.

If this is the tumor that spread to your lymph nodes, we're gonna have to start treatment right away.

You're welcome.

Dr. Miller, I wanted to...


Important safety tip... never lap-dance in a swivel chair until you've locked the wheels.

I want to set the record straight about this morning.

I don't.

Dev and I just hit the six-month mark, and we're sort of celebrating.

Six months? Wow. What is that... is that chrome or paper?

Or no, wait, it's nothing because it's meaningless.

When your boyfriend works 80 hours and still has time to buy you flowers, it should be a major milestone.

What, do you have a hate-on for happy couples?

Yes. Yes, I do.

Cue door number one. What happened?

We were on our way to the church to get married!

Cole couldn't breathe, and he fell!

I can't feel my legs.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, okay, okay.

It's called an incompetent cervix.

That sounds like a bad joke.

Sydney: It means your cervix is prematurely shortening and opening, which is welcome activity around nine months of pregnancy, but at five, it's a problem.

I'd go into premature labor.

I'd lose the baby.

Well, we have options.

Dr. Lin could administer a rescue cerclage.

Maggie: I would stitch the cervix closed, protect the baby, and save the pregnancy.

You really shouldn't be alone today. Is someone here with you?

Ben. My brother-in-law.

He's waiting.

Okay, good. And where can we reach your husband?

Nicola, where's David?

David died two months ago.

Nicola, I'm so sorry.

I had no idea.

You wouldn't.

Condolences start to sound so phony.

I stopped telling people.

I'm trying really hard to... to just be a mom.

This is all I have left of him.

I can't lose this baby.

I won't.

Do you understand me?

I do.

Your legs... is it more of a tingle, a numbness, above or below the knee?

Can I pick all of the above?

Circulation's been compromised.

Looks a little pale.

Help him, please.

All right, let's, uh, let's take a look at what we got here.


Uh, not the suit.

It's a rental.

Well, prepare to lose the deposit.

Oh, my god. Cole, are those...

You wear nudes for dudes?

It's not what it looks like.


Patient's finally stable. Saw a potential bladder injury.

Yeah, blah-blah-blah.

Skip to the fun part. The bones!

Uh, right.

CT reveals three broken points on Margot's pelvis, 2.2 centimeters between the bone.

Yep, definite compression injury.

She's gonna need an ex-fix to immobilize the fracture and limit the bleed.

You mean it will tamponade the venous bleed?

That's very impressive, doctor. You do know your ortho.

I want to apologize about before.

It's not that I don't respect ortho.

I do. I'm just, um...

I'm struggling to find my specialty.

I'm struggling in general.

That's not what I hear.

Oh, about me? What do you hear?

That you're very conscientious, obsessive, even, one of our most promising young residents.

And about Lane and I...

I don't want to hear about that piece of sh... unless you want to talk about it?

No. No, not necessary.

Good, then. Well, back to business.

Back to bones, which I know is your sole obsession for the day as much as it is mine, so why don't you go in there, book an O.R. for our patient, and I will see what you've got.


That should do it with the stitches.

The tissue sample is with pathology, and once we have the results...

And if it's...

We don't want to jump to conclusions, but if it is oral cancer, we'll need to be aggressive with treatment.



We would do a neck dissection to take the diseased lymph node out of your neck.

I would then involve plastics, and we would plan on a partial glossectomy.

Which means we would have to remove part of your tongue.

Cut out my tongue?


That would be my strongest recommendation.

It is the best way to cure this thing.


I'm just gonna mark the spots for the pins along the gluteus medius pillar.

Asha: That's always the best place to anchor an ex-fix?

It's the strongest part of the bone.

Any bone fragments nick the nearby arteries, and she's bleeding out again.

Do kids even play in treehouses anymore?

Hers better. Nearly cost her her life.

[monitor beeping]

Pressure's all over the map.

She's going hypotensive again.

[beeping continues]

Carolyn, bolus.

My kids. Who'll take them if I die?



It's gonna be okay.

The first step is an amniocentesis.

No. No, no, no, no, no.

Doctor Katz...

Now, Nicola, I know your last amnio...

It cost me my pregnancy. It did.

You said the cerclage itself carries risks.

Adding another procedure on top of that feels like I'm doubling the chances of something going wrong.

Yes, the amnio could induce labor.

And I'd miscarry before we got a chance to even try the cerclage. No.

I want the absolute minimum interference.

We have to rule out an underlying infection, which could cause your tissues to weaken.

Syd, please.

If no test is what she wants, then you should respect her wishes.


Right now, you're clinically stable with no troubling symptoms, and you're not in active labor.

So why would I risk this when you don't even know if I have an infection?

Because we don't know that you don't.

And if it's missed, you risk maternal sepsis.

You're telling me she could die?

Maybe you should do the amnio.

Whose side are you on?

I'm on your side. It doesn't feel that way.

I'll-I'll bring you some water.

I don't want water. I...

I want help.

I want David.

I know.

I'm-I'm trying my best, but I...

You're not him.

No, I'm not.

Ben. Ben.

It's best for everyone if I blast out of here, trust me.

I shouldn't have moved in and taken over for David.

Your brother would be proud of how you're taking care of your fam...

You don't get it.

I'm in love with her.

What kind of person would let that happen?

With his dead brother's wife.

Nudes for dudes.


These fluids are going to hydrate your pressed muscle fibers in your legs.

Nudes for dudes... for the look that eludes.

Cassie: Ma'am...

Mika, please stop with the slogan.

And we're getting married. secrets between us just aren't right.

Nothing about this has been right.


Mika: - What's that supposed to mean?


I thought you wanted...

I wanted to drop 80 grand on, and I quote, "a world-class event"?

80 grand?!

80 grand?

Mika: - You work hard!

Why can't we spend a little money?

You know what?

I love you, but I'm nearly naked...


In an E.R. on my wedding day 'cause you think I'm fat.

Don't deny it.

Diet books, exercise plans.

I couldn't keep up with who you wanted me to be.

Great, that's it.

Can I just get out of here?


Whoa, whoa!

Sir, sir, please don't move. Don't move.

You kids are skipping right to the sickness and health part, huh?


Hey, Miss Amari, the liver transplant from yesterday?


Those numbers look right?

Yeah, she should normalize in a day or two.

Still, I'd keep an eye on her.

Thanks. What are you working on?

A stage 3B squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue.

He's a chef.

Ooh, tough luck. How'd he take it?

We'll see. I'm waiting on Dr. Storms.


I don't know him. Is he...

Dana: A second-rate surgeon?

Yeah. He is.

You paged another plastics when you knew I was in the hospital.

What the hell, Alex?

Come on, let's go.

You can brief me on the way.

Chef needed a minute.

He's freaking out.

You have to do something.

In other kitchens, I'm eye candy, but chef made me his equal.

He gave me a chance.

I want him to have one.

Do you think he left the hospital?

No. I'm his ride.

Is he religious?

Maybe he's in our chapel.

What do you think, Fiona?

You got a kitchen?

That's his chapel.

[monitor beeping]

[drill whirring]

[monitor beeping rapidly]

Carolyn: B.P. is crashing.

I need blood and pressors, stat.

Okay, something's wrong.

Is it bile?

Is it... is it bowels?

Fast was clear.

Dr. Bishop reported no punctures.

You missed a contrast blush, Dr. Mirani.

I what?

Contrast blush in the superior gluteal artery... you missed a bleed.

S.G.A bleed will cause bruising on the buttocks.

I don't understand.

Charlie: We're operating as if it's a venous bleed... it's arterial.

She's bleeding to death.

She should have never been allowed in the O.R.

I can't believe I missed that contrast blush.

Look, you know your stuff, okay?

Radiologists are on this, an embolization coil is being put in to stop the bleeding. So...

An arterial bleed.

That's my mistake.

Good doctoring isn't a one-person job.

You're part of a team.

And the team caught the issue.

No, Dr. Bishop caught the issue.

You know, lucky for me, right, because when one person screws up, the entire team goes down.

I like her.

She's got high standards.

Yeah, surgeons are like that.

[chuckles] I am, too.

Five kids and a job and I never, ever let them down.

Hey, I can't even imagine.

After their father left, I didn't want my kids growing up thinking that they were a burden, so I made sure they knew that mom could do it all.

Meals, coaching, homework, shopping.

That's an awful lot to sustain.

Why else am I here if not for them?

Well, you've got to think about yourself, too. I mean, what you're doing for your kids is admirable, but, um, there's difficulties and complications.

Mm, accidents.

This is about my treehouse.

You took on a five-person job all by yourself and you got five kids.

I mean, why not do it together?

They're not ready for that. They're children, not laborers. My oldest is only 16.

Old enough to drive a car, old enough to swing a hammer, don't you think?

You have kids?

Uh, I do, actually. I have a son.

You don't see me telling you how to raise him, do you?

Mind your own business.
You guys skin your tomatoes when you make your sauce?

All right, I'm gonna show you a little trick.

Cut the tomato in half.

Grab a grater, right down to the skin.

Prep time goes faster, sauce more flavorful.

[clears throat]


You guys really clear a room.

This is Dr. Kinney. She's a plastic surgeon.

We had a look at your scans.

Your cancer is treatable.

Will I be able to talk?

Your speech will be affected, but after reconstruction, your voice, your ability to swallow... it will all be restored eventually.

But I won't be able to taste anything.

Alex: You will still have your taste, just in a reduced capacity.

Beethoven was deaf... he still composed.

You can still open your restaurant.

[chuckles] It's not just about the restaurant.


That's good.

I worked 20 years in crappy kitchens to be able to do that.


Maybe we can try something else... a different treatment.

Something natural. If that doesn't work...

Tell me, have either of you ever tried fugu?

Japanese blowfish?

I can't say that I have.


Well, you're missing out.

A true delicacy.

A single dish starts over $200.

You know what makes it so special?

Poison. Worse than cyanide.

And the most poisonous part... the ovaries.

[laughs] Got to love that.

But people train for years to be trusted to serve this dish because one slip, and it will k*ll anybody who, uh, who eats it.

So we're not so different, you and I.

Chefs and surgeons.

Both crafts take mastery and diligence.

A perfect surgery is like a perfect meal.

It's all about the artistry.

Lorenzo: Impressive.

If you ever want a job, jump on my line.


But I'm dying.

Faster than you are.

Stage 3 breast cancer.

So I know what it's like to be afraid, to be so close to the poison.

But I see you in here teaching people how to cook.

And I know you're not ready to die yet.

You didn't work 20 years in crappy kitchens just to give up now.


How's our "nudes kid on the block"?

"Orange is the nude black."

"Gangs of Nude York."

Are you kidding me? I'm giving you gold here.

Inguinal hernia.

He's been lifting weights.

With the added abdominal pressure... poor guy just wanted to look good in his wedding photos.

Yeah, well, that's the cost of love.

It'll get you.

Well, weddings make even the sane a little nutty.

Don't be too hard on them.

Those two are never gonna make it.


Because he's already trying to be someone different for her, and that's a recipe for disaster.

He's not trying to be different.

He's trying to be his best self.

Love inspires you.


Or it puts you in tights and gives you a hernia.

I see right through you, Dr. Miller.

You used to be a romantic.

Then you had your heart broken... probably more than once.

You know, bitterness suits some people.

But you're not one of them.

[monitors beeping]

Baby's heart rate is 145.

That's good.

He really didn't say anything else when he rushed out?

Uh, no. Not that I recall.

He's so much more sensitive than David ever was.

Were they close?


Ben took David's death hard.

David had been his only ally in that family.

Even I didn't see it at first.

See what?

How much Ben cares about everyone. He's just...

He's not good at showing it.


Dr. Katz, can you come take a look at this, please?

What's wrong? is everything okay?

What do prolapsed membranes mean?

It means the membranes are bulging into your dilated cervix.

We call it hourglassing.

We need to operate.

No, no, no, no, no, no. This can't be happening.

Hold strong, Nicola. Think of the baby.

If we rupture the membrane, we essentially terminate her pregnancy on the spot.

What do you suggest?

Bed rest.

In four weeks, we can start fetal steroids and get closer to viable pregnancy if she goes into labor.

Bed rest isn't gonna lower the current risks.

I don't think the baby's gonna survive without an intervention.

It's the safest option we have.

Unless... Trendelenburg position?

You want to tilt her head-down?

Yeah, we can use gravity to help us get the amniotic membrane before infection.

Forget gravity.

Foley catheter.

To push the membrane back in.

And then pete tape to suture.

Get the ring forceps, counterclockwise, 12, 9, 6, 3.

And then we tie the knot.

Ooh, I forgot how much I love doing this.

Julia's here.

Where are the others?

Julia Kay?


Hi, I'm Dr. Harris.

I'm about to bring your mother back into the operating room.

Is she gonna be okay?

We certainly hope so.

But she made me promise to find out if you and your brothers and sisters were okay.

They're fine. My brother's watching the younger ones.

He can't take care of three kids on his own, Julia.

Dr. Harris, what was she doing?

Um, I think she said that she was building a treehouse for your sister.

Geez, mom, give it a rest.


Am I gonna remember all this?

Don't get me wrong.

She's the best mom.

It's just I told her like 100 times that I'd help her out with it.

Yeah. Your mom seems, um... quite driven.

You could also say that she doesn't trust her kids enough to let them help her.

I'm sorry.

I don't know why I'm so mad.

No, don't worry about it.

Stress brings out emotions you-you don't expect.

Maybe you could check in at home for me?


Hey, Peter. Um...

No, no news.

Did you guys eat?

Your kids want to help you, Margot.

Okay, they brush their teeth?

Are you gonna let them?

Because, um...

What about homework?

I kind of think you need them as much as they need you.

Don't stay up too late, okay?

Everything's good at home.


So, um... if something bad happens to mom...

No, no, no.

It's not gonna come to that.

Not if I have anything to say about it.

Why don't you grab a seat, and I'll come see you when her surgery's done?



[monitors beeping]

Feeling confident with a neck dissection?

Alex: Yes.

Metastasized nodes are in the dish.

How's that flap coming along?

Just finished dissecting distally.

Time to clip some of these branches and give this chef his brand-new tongue.

You sound like a kid in a candy store.


Well, give me some radial vessels to clear... mama's good as gold.

Oh, it's been too long.

Well, Paris has nothing over the O.R.

I wouldn't quite say that.

Paris had Joshua.


Tumor is resected.


1 centimeter all around.

Suction, please.

Okay, I'm just clearing some muscle.

And I will close this site.

It's amazing how you tapped into his will to fight.


[clears throat]

You know, the bride shouldn't look that sad until after the honeymoon.


Here, you need this more than I do.

Dr. Williams has everything under control.

You'll be able to go up and see him in recovery soon enough.

Do all your patients say things they don't mean because of the pain?

I find that pain is usually the precipice for the truth, yeah.

[sighs] He's totally right.

I kept hinting about his weight.


What an awful thing to do to a person you love.

His weight bothered you?


That's what's so stupid.

I thought it bothered him.

I wanted him to feel good about himself.

Noble impulse.

Poor execution, but...

It's noble.

Enjoy the coffee.

I got to call our families and let them know he's in surgery and the rest.

You know, I-I think you should probably talk to Cole first.

I don't know what to say.

I probably do.

[monitors beeping]

And I'd say reconstruction is complete.

It's a beauty of a tongue.

Let's hope he sees it that way.

Well, as soon as he gets through his next irate dinner tirade, he will be.

Great work, Dana.

Yeah, anything else?


Come on, Reid. Spit it out.

You've been sitting on it all day.

[monitor beeping rapidly]

Doctors, we have a problem.

Yes, we do.

The tongue is swelling, and fast.

Arteries are pumping. Venous anastamosis seems fine.

Venous drainage isn't working in the flap.

It's congested. What should we do?

The only thing we can do.

Get the leeches.

[beeping continues]

We used a tension-free mesh, so your hernia recurrence rate will be much lower.

Just stay away from the weights or any twisting for a little while.

Because you're thinking of dumping me on our wedding day, and we have 400 people waiting for us at a gaudy banquet hall my dad picked out...

That we're paying for.

I'm sorry. I'm totally listening.


I'm proposing to you.


Someone told me that true love is being able to say the good things behind your partner's back and the bad things to their face.

And judging from today, I don't think we have a problem with that.

I don't want you to be different.

I want you to be happy.

I want to make you happy.


I love cheeseburgers and I hate running, okay?


I-if someday that changes and I start hitting the gym, that's my thing.

I-I don't need reminders.

Just like I don't need reminders about bills or the "did you really need to buy that" look.


The wedding will happen when it happens.



It lives!

Okay, first pin is set.

Now drilling the second.

Dr. Mirani. Good to see you.

Power in numbers, right, Dr. Harris?

You know, why don't you give this a whirl?

I'll hold the sleeve.

You want me to use the drill?


[drill whirring]

Dana: Come here, little guy.


Okay, little buddy.

Let's get in there.

How long do you leave them on for?

Oh, I like my leeches nice and juicy.

There goes any chance of ever enjoying sushi.

Oh, come on, Wayne.

A little unagi really hit the spot.

That's eel.

This is just all kinds of gross.

Swelling's subsiding.

Told you.

[monitors beeping]

[fetal heartbeat whooshing]

Sydney: You don't need total bed rest with this cerclage, but I do recommend some.

I'll call the blind federation tomorrow.

If Ben needs space, I should figure out some options.

Ben: Don't do that.

Ben, I'm sorry for what I said.

You've done so much.

I'm sorry I left.

I just...

I'm here.

Whatever you need.

Would you still like to know the baby's gender?

Oh, absolutely.

Miss peanut.


The baby is safe. Mazel tov.

My god.

A girl.

I'm having a baby girl.




So, tonight, I can't do another bad cup of coffee, so I was thinking instead, we could go to this little bar.

It's just down the street.

Okay, Kris.

This thing we have, right, it's pretty powerful.


Because of it, we have this connection.

So I think that when you... what are you doing?

Well, I just...

Well, you said our connection...

Our... our connection because of what we have... because of what we can do.


Kris, I told you, I'm in love with Alex.

She'll never understand you the way I do.

If I've misled you in any way, I'm very sorry.

I think it's best that we just... we go back to doing this on our own from now on.

Oh, and, what?

Just pretend like we never met, like none of this ever happened?


I'm very sorry.

Nicola: Syd, I know you're not the type to stay in touch, but I h-hope I can e-mail.

Of course.

Just, you know, keep the baby pics to a respectable amount.

[both laugh]

[knock on door]

I just had this printed at the lab for you.

What is it?

This... is your baby girl.

It's her.

Oh, my god.


My girl.

[door opens]

So, just like that, you're dying?

Pathology said the margins are negative, right?

Chef's prognosis looks good.

Oh, how beautiful. Let me get a vase and some water.


So you bother to keep some stupid flowers alive?

Alex, I don't want to have this disc...

You know, Dana, when you're fighting for somebody else's life, I have seen you do amazing things, which is why I can't stand by and watch you do this.

I will not be a passive friend.

Certainly nothing passive about paging Storms today.

Got your attention, didn't it?

You paged him because you thought since I'm not fighting for my life in the way you think I should that I'm not gonna fight for my patients?

I don't know what to think.

I don't know who you are.

Who stops their chemo and runs off with some guy they just met?

What about Molly?

Who am I?

I'm not the person who's gonna spend my final moments being poisoned, watching my kid sit around, waiting for some miracle!

That's not who I am.

Time to accept that.

No, I do not accept that.

I will not accept that.

This is beatable.

[chuckles] Hey.

Let's pick a night, drink some barolo, just be us for a while.

Isn't that a good plan?



A good plan is finding more time for you to be with us, with Molly, and for your work.


Which is truly art.

Dana, I don't see this in your face.

All due respect, sweetheart, who do you think you are?

Someone who loves you.

So, Margot's gonna be okay.

The question is, are you?

Ah, failure is something I've never been able to accept, but I do seem to attract it a lot lately.

That's because you're chasing perfection.


The secret isn't trying to be perfect.

The secret is just trying to get better every day.

Well, thank you for everything today, Dr. Harris.

You're welcome.

Do you think, uh, ortho might be your thing someday?

Oh, well, I'm keeping an open mind.

I do dig the power tools, though.


And you're still here, and that's not good.

Actually, it is.

You know how long it's been since I had any time to myself?

Were you building that treehouse so you'd have somewhere to hide for a nap?

The kids are looking after themselves, right?

I only want one more hour.

You know, you didn't have to walk me out. and have you guilt-trip me for the rest of my life?

No, thanks.

You're a great doctor, Maggie.

I had a great teacher.

Have. I'm not dead.

[both chuckle]

Tel Aviv. It's a long way.

It is.


Your girlfriend's a lucky woman.

Thank you.

Goodbyes really aren't my thing, so...

Tell me something I don't know.

You're the only almost I ever think about.

And I do think about you, Maggie.

I owed you one.

[the dubarrys' "undress your soul" plays]

♪ undress your soul ♪
♪ I'll tell you mine ♪

No, I want red tomatoes.

♪ if you tell me yours ♪
♪ it'll all be fine ♪
♪ lie on the beach ♪
♪ closed those eyes ♪
♪ listen slowly as the ♪
♪ water reaches your thighs ♪

I totally did not remember that today was our six-month anniversary.

And I totally noticed that in a very embarrassing way.


I'm sorry, I just...

I'm not the kind of person who remembers things like that.

♪ I heard the race is only just begun ♪

I'll remember when your favorite band is in town, and I'll always bring you soup when you're sick.

But anniversaries, I'll forget.

♪ don't give it up now ♪

What can I say, Cass?

I like a reason to celebrate, and I think we're worth celebrating.

♪ don't give it up now ♪

What if tonight, we start a new anniversary?


Minus the swivel chair.

♪ don't give it up now ♪
♪ you see them free ♪

All right, mommy's gonna try out this new recipe on you.

Broccoli with a little bit of peaches.

It's gonna be good! You want to try?

No? I-I get it.

Okay, let me... let me try.

♪ some people ride the biggest tides ♪


Really good.

We might make a big mess again.

Mmm, that daddy's gonna be cleaning up.

Yes, he is.

Yes, he will.


Yes, he will.


[cellphone vibrates]

Okay, let's try this again, all right?

It's like a train.

[imitating train chugging]

♪ I heard the race is only begun ♪

Mmm. Really good.

You like that?

Aww, should I not try to make food?

♪ don't give it up now ♪

Put it back in.

You won't put it back in?

Why not?


What was that?

Uh, absolutely nothing.

Yay. Here, daddy.

Mmm, can I try some now?

Oh, that looks so good.

Daddy wants to try some.



It's actually pretty good.

I would buy it. Swallow.


[both laugh]