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02x09 - The Mystery of the Triple Threat

Posted: 01/07/16 18:18
by bunniefuu
No, Seth, don't...

I'm here for you man.

It's too late.

(Camera clicking)

I already got it.

Bro it's too dangerous to do by yourself.

We are supposed to be a team.


It's perfectly safe up here.

Oh, my god!

Holy crap.

Man: (On TV) Come on down to our showroom...

Use your key, Alicia.

(Door bell rings)


Nicholas: Mom, my shoes aren't in the laundry basket.

(Door opens)

Harrison: Mom, Nicholas won't help me.


My day just went from crappy, to uncrappy.

Harrison: Nicholas took my shoes.

Too amazing!

Let's do that again.

Actually, uh, we need to talk.

Talk as in talk?

Uh, I'm kind of in the middle of a coffee crisis.

Harrison: Mom, I can't find Kanye.

And apparently also a hamster crisis.

I thought weekends were supposed to be relaxing.

This won't take long.

I have a dentist appointment.

And Alicia is on her way over right now.

I just need 60 seconds.

That should be doable.

Nicholas: Mom, we have to trap them.

Mom, we need keys!

Alicia: Calm down. I'm here.

(Gasps) Alicia.

Oh, yay!

Um, this is crossing the line a little.

I think Tony is trying to dump me. Do not leave my side.

Oh, hello there handsome.

Hello, gorgeous.

Are you going to the movies with the boys and me?

'Cause I don't think you're going to the dentist.

I actually just need to talk to Laura for a minute.

Oh. Uh-huh.

He's under my bed. I need cheese.

Mom, where are my vans?

How many times have I told you, I'm not the shoe police.

I know, I know, 60 seconds. Stand by.


(Phone ringing)

Jake, what's up? (Mouthing)

Dead body? Yay!

I mean on my way.

Uh-huh. Okay.

I need an address. Mmm-hmm.

Okay, got it. I just have to cancel a dentist appointment.

What movie?

That's what I'm talking about.

Stick with me.

Jake: Oh, there you are. Body's at the far end with Reynaldo.

Look at us walking down the aisle. Takes me back.

Laura: I had an iron print on my dress.

Jake: I wasn't looking at the iron print.

Laura: Strategic bouquet placement.

You always knew how to make things work out.

Can't say the same thing for this guy.

Doesn't look like a su1c1de. Jumpers usually go face first.

Yep. And this guy's got contusions around the face consistent with a fight.

Probably pushed from the choir loft.

Died on impact. No wallet, no ID, no phone.

Could be a robbery or someone trying to make it look like one.

I don't see any security cameras.

Because they do not have any.

St. Brigid's keeping private things private.

Priest says congregants can come and go as they please.

Doors are open 24 hours.

Well he's not a congregant. The priest said he'd never seen him before.

Let's see what he can tell us.

Married. Could afford a snazzy ring.

Chewed his finger nails.

Blood's almost dry around his head.

So what? Dead maybe an hour?

No more than that given the degree of clotting.

Well if he was pushed maybe we can get some touch DNA off his clothes.

We will certainly try.

These two, find them?

Yeah. While climbing on the choir loft bannister, I might add.

Why would anyone in their right mind do that?

For the treasure.

Treasure? What are you, pirates?

We're contestants in the New Gotham Treasure Hunt.

Never heard of it.

That's kind of the point.

It's all anonymous.

How does that even work?

Secure site on the dark web. We register with code names.

When the game starts we get the first clue texted to us.

What's the end game?

Finding and deciphering all the clues.

When you have all 10, you can figure out the location of the finish line and find the prize.

Flash drive with $100,000 in bitcoin.

Wow! Who put up that kind of nerd money?

Oh, right. Anonymous.

I don't suppose you two could tell me where you were the last few hours?

We were looking for clues. Here. The photos with time stamps on them.

Keep an eye on these two.

You think the victim could be another treasure hunter?

Makes sense.

The body was found just below where they had to climb up.

Maybe the victim was in the lead, second place comes along, shoves him off the ledge to get in first place.

Then stole his phone to see if first place had any clues that the k*ller hadn't gotten yet.

Plausible. Which means the perp is still in the race.

And still in first.

Why not join these two on the hot track, catch up with number one?

Why don't I?

Oh, no.

You cheater. You cheater.


Head back to the precinct.

See if Meredith can decode the website.

If you win, we're splitting the nerd money.

(Theme song playing)

(Sirens wailing)

Meredith: This treasure hunt is legit but secretive as hell.

I've only got limited access to the server.

Let me try this.

Meredith: Hello! What do you open.


Booyah what?

These are the first few photos clues texted this morning.

Yeah. And we already had those photos.

Can we trace the numbers receiving the texts?


Or the number doing the texting?

The texting phone isn't even a phone. It's a pinger.

Don't make up words.

The pinger is a phone number associated only with a computer IP.

There's no actual phone to trace.

What about the prize money, can we trace that?

Nope. Bitcoin on flash drive. Sitting at the finish line somewhere.

Uh, booyah was premature.

I have some bad news.

Oh, great. We already have tons of that.

Then I have good news.

We got touch DNA samples from the victim's shirt and bruises.

And it doesn't match anyone in the system?

Now that was the bad news.

Accessing more photos.

Laura: Oh, hey. Okay.

There's a stained glass moon. Who sent that in?

Meredith: Okay, let's see.

Only one player. GX4 sent one hour before the body was found.

Putting him in the church right near the time of death.

Can you figure out who GX4 is?

That's gonna take long time.

And as soon as the winner claims the bitcoin this whole entire site's just gonna vanish into thin air.

And so will the k*ller.

We've got to beat him to the finish line.

Jake's working that angle, right?

He's hours behind the perp, but I'll check in.

Meanwhile start brain storming.

We've got to solve this puzzle, now.

Okay. So we've got the eagle for the U.S., we've the Chinese dragon, if this is a French crown then something to do with the UN?

Could be. But many of these seem important mythologically.

Eagle, the dragon, the Crescent moon.

Mythological Brooklyn bridge?

Ah, I assume there's a case beneath this arts and crafts project?

We're trying to beat a m*rder*r at his own game.

And figure out where our m*rder*r is headed.

You're never gonna find him that way. There's a hundred different interpretations that you could come up with.

It could be a transportation thing.

Look, you got the...

Light house, the bridge...

And the bird could mean flight.

Or the elements. We've got fire, water...

Does Jake have anything?

What? What do you see?

(Laura humming)

Why is she humming Sesame Street?

Situations like this, I've learned best not to ask.

Hours and hours of children's programing...

Has helped me see that this episode is brought to us by the letters...









Son of a g*n.

I'd like to buy a "U", pat.

(Siren wailing)

(Siren stops wailing)

Suspects on the roof. We need units at all exits, now.

Final clue's on top of a movie soundstage?

Big Hollywood finish.


Billy: Hey! Police, don't move.



You're too late.

I win.

Actually you lose.

Freeze! Hands in the air!

Elliott Lansky, breaking and entering.

Trespassing. Oh, another trespass.

Now it looks like you're adding m*rder.

m*rder? I didn't k*ll anybody.

Why'd you run from us when we said we were cops?

I didn't believe you. In this race, people will do anything to slow down the competition.

Last year, I pulled the fire alarm to get a competitor out of a building.

That's a crime, FYI.

Sounds like you'll do anything to win.

Which brings us to the body in the church.

No idea what you're talking about.


Maybe this will jog your memory.

That's the victim's blood on your shoe.

Hey, look. I saw a body.

But I swear he was already dead when I got there.

Let me get this straight.

Your story is that you saw a dead body and you continued on with your game?

It's a competition. I trained all year for this.

I wasn't gonna settle for second place again.

And that sounds exactly like motive.

That guy was in first place.

He dies and you wind up with this?

I won that flash drive fair and square.

That's a $100,000 by the way and it is mine.

No. It's not. Now it's part of a m*rder investigation.


I can prove I didn't do it.

This guy filmed the entire event?

With a GoPro?

I hate it when narcissism pays off.

Well he didn't even go near the body.

He must have. He had John Doe's blood all over his shoes.

Fast forward.

He comes back to steal a dead guy's camera?



Well. That is grand larceny genius.

And a new low for humanity.

Wait. Did Elliott have that camera on him when he was arrested?

Yeah. It's in booking. You want me to go grab it?

Yes. Please. It's the victim's camera.

Should have a photographic trail of his last hours.

Be right back.



How's the thing we don't talk about.

Still not talking about it.

(Laughs) Okay.

I can relate. I don't tell the twins that Tony sleeps over.

That way I don't have to explain why I'm choosing him over their father.

So you are choosing him over Jake?

(Sighs) I don't know.

Lately Jake has been annoyingly...


I kind of like not choosing.

Well, what's not to like?

I don't think Tony is willing to put up with that anymore.

Victim's camera.

Okay. Bluetooth capabilities.

So he could text in those photos.

Let's see.

Laura: Hmm...

Just a bunch of sh*ts of black and white fabrics.

So not a treasure hunter.

But maybe we can use these photos to narrow in on his identity.

Call fabric suppliers, wholesalers?

Sure, and while you do that I'll just to pull up his name and address.

RFID chip.

Look at you.

Oh, get a room.

Anti-theft device.

The victim low jacked his camera?


Oh, genius.

Chip activation requires complete registration.

Name and address.

Peter Drake. 3A, this must be it.

I'll never get used to this.

Can I help you?


Is this Peter Drake's apartment?

Yes. I'm his wife.

Is something wrong?

Man: Babe, who is it?

I'm sorry. And you are...

Oh, this is Chris, my husband.

My other husband.

Chris: The state didn't recognize it, of course.

But this was a marriage...

We both lost a husband.

I'm so sorry.

I just need to understand.

So this was a three-way marriage?

The Post mentioned us in an article last month.

They called what we have a "throuple".

So just to clarify the three of you...

Live together. Sleep together.

Wow. Sorry.

It's okay, it's a new concept for most people.

We just have to ask, can you tell me where the two of you were between 11:00 and noon?

Yeah. We were at brunch together.

A new restaurant in Hoboken.

Peter couldn't join us, he left the apartment before we did.

He said he had an appointment. I don't know what it was.

Peter was found in a church on the lower eastside.

We think he may have been involved in a competitive scavenger hunt.

It doesn't sound like Peter.

Chris: The only time we ever saw him go to church was for work.

What he do?

He was an event planner.

Weddings, galas, bar mitzvahs. All amazing.

This portfolio here...

Wife: He may have thrown it out.

His business recently imploded.

He'd been so demoralized.

Is this from it?


That was the Van Owen account.

When he lost that, he lost everything.

Jake: Can you elaborate?

Chris: Peter had been doing small parties for years.

Then he met the socialite Sylvia Van Owen, and landed her annual holiday party.

Wife: He pitched her this lavish black and white Venetian masquerade.

That explains the photos of the black and white fabric on the camera.

Huge budget. Would have launched him into a whole new Echelon of clients.

Chris: He hired an assistant, turned down other work.

Put all of his energy and money into that one event.

We will need the assistant's name.

Ingrid Bower.

His designs are beautiful. What went wrong?

A month ago someone stole the account. Peter was devastated.

I've seen a lot in this job, but that was my first throuple.

Maybe they're on to something. Some people say we aren't meant to be with just one person our whole lives.

Some people named Jake?

You're the one juggling two guys.

Ah, seemed to work for Maya. Chris, too.

I don't think either one of them had anything to do with Peter's death.

I agree.

Whoa, whoa. Did you put sugar in my tea?

Sorry. That one's mine.

Since when do you add sugar?

Did you take your pill today?

I take it every day.

Maybe it was about his work. Somebody sabotaged Peter's business.

So Peter found out, confronted him and was pushed off the balcony.

It's a solid motive. Event planning is big business.

A Van Owen party easily could go into six figures.

(Chuckles) Wow. That's six figures more than our wedding reception.

And Niss Van Owen probably isn't serving Cheetos.

Fair point. If I could go back, I would probably take everything ending in "eetos" off the menu.

What would you change?

Not one thing.

Ooh, we're having a moment. And now we are having an awkward moment.

And I'm just gonna keep talking because I found an address for Ingrid the assistant. Yippie!

If there's anyone who knows who sabotaged Peter's business...

It would be her, let's go.

Okay, bye!

I'm just gonna stay here and wash some mugs.

Excuse me. We are looking for Ingrid Bower.

I am Ingrid, can I help you?

You just did.

Morning, Ingrid. I brought you a coffee.

I don't want coffee, I just want to get out of here.


So, tell me where you were yesterday morning.

With my client, Sylvia Van Owen, prepping for her party.

I was there all morning her staff can tell you.

Your client?

So you sabotaged your own boss' business.

You stole it right out from under him.

You're half right. Someone was sabotaging his business.

But it wasn't me. It was Peter himself.

How exactly does that work?

Mrs. Van Owen makes the tea party look liberal.

Once she found out Peter was in a three-way marriage... That was it.

So you went behind his back and offered to take over.

I didn't do anything wrong.

Well you certainly didn't do anything right.

You stole his clients...

And you stole every single one of his ideas.

Peter wouldn't have cared. He never reused an idea.

Because every party was uniquely crafted around a person.

He had this genius technique.

Jake: Which was?

Asking clients questions in an unguarded moment.

Their off-the-cuff responses would reveal their truth and he'd conceive that party around that truth.

It sounds more like psychobabble than party planning.

You ever been married?

It's none of your business, but yes.

You kiss her on your first date?

Really? That's none of your business.

What was the first thing you noticed about her?

Her eyes.

My boobs, liar.

Ingrid: That's a start. Now let's get more specific.

What about her eyes?

They glowed.

They twinkled.

Ingrid: That's what Peter would do.

Then he'd create an entire event based on glowing, twinkling night stars.

Color scheme might be the same as her eyes, her hair.

Well he sounds like a talented guy.

Any idea why he was at St. Brigid's Church yesterday morning?

Not really, he'd been going through a lot, lately.

Maybe just to reflect.

Can you think of anyone who'd want to harm Peter?

That Post article wasn't doing him any favors.

What do you mean?

After it came out someone kept calling, harassing him.

After one event someone even spray painted the words "deviant pig" on his car.

And this event, where he was tagged, where was it?

We did a fundraiser for the Metropolitan Artists Ensemble.

Max: Kabuki Uncle Vanya, seriously?

Get to the point.


They do have excellent security cameras.

Thus, this footage of a shadowy figure leaving the parking lot the night of the fundraiser.

Please note the spray can.

Ninety-nine point something percent of all taggers are male.

Great! So, now we can assume it's a male shadowy figure.

We have any idea who that might be?

I'm not magical.

I might be.

I've already been running the footage.

Let's see if we got any hits.

Chris and Maya's alibi checked out.

Restaurant confirmed they were miles away when Peter died.

I was sure the love triangle would be the motive.

There's gonna be crazy jealousy in a throuple.

I don't know. Maybe it's possible to love two people at the same time.

I don't think I could have that many people touching my stuff.

Mmm, I could.

Don't even think about it.

I just ran footage through our badass facial recognition software which cross-checks contour and bone structure with all available data in social media.

And I was wrong. He is a she.


Allison Beck.

Spray painter, throuple hater...

And a possible k*ller.

Meredith: Oh!

According to her Facebook page she's a first chair violinist in a production at the Kings Theater.

All right, I have got Reynaldo going back through the PCR amplification of the touched DNA. Could give us race and gender.

So, what do you got?

New suspect.

Who may have had an issue with Peter's less-than-conventional relationship.

All right, well, it's intriguing, but it is not enough to get a warrant for her DNA to run against the touch sample.

Well, as long as you don't need this napkin.

I don't need a warrant.

(Opera music playing)

Jake: We think this woman saw an article about a throuple and freaked out?

Who does that?

Well, we've both seen hate crimes over less.

Conductor: Now trumpet only.

Excuse me, we're in the middle of a closed rehearsal.

And we're in the middle of an open investigation.

Oh, sorry, uh...

Conductor: Patricia. Really?

We have to keep our voices down.

The acoustics in the hall are unbelievable and your voices travel.

We're looking for Allison Beck.

Over there, first chair violin, but she really can't be interrupted.

Do you know if she was here yesterday?

We started rehearsal at noon. I'm not sure what time she arrived, uh, we can check the entry log at security.

If you lead, I will follow.

Excuse me! We're working here.

(Sighs) Keep your pants on maestro, it will only take a second.

Allison Beck.

Detective Laura Diamond, NYPD. I'd like to talk to you about Peter Drake.

This isn't a good time.

Oh, sure it is, I don't see you violining. Come on!

I heard about Peter's death. It's terrible.

I'm not sure I can tell you anything helpful.

Other than you thought he was a deviant pig.

I didn't react well to some of his choices.

And it's your place to judge?

A commitment-phobe suddenly committing to two people?

Uh, yeah!

Your problem wasn't that he was with two people...

It was that he wasn't with you.

We were engaged.

But he dumped me because he said he needed to be alone.

And then you read the article in the Post and realized he lied.

He just couldn't be with you.

It's complicated.

I think I can simplify.

You were upset, you spray painted his car and then you k*lled him.

No, no, no. After I acted like a child with his car, Peter showed up at my door and we talked.

He apologized and so did I and we...

We were good.

Care to be specific about how good you were?

We slept together. That night and then a few times again.

He'd been having doubts about his own arrangement.

But we finally moved on.

(Voice trembling) We loved each other.

But we weren't in love anymore.

(Conductor speaking indistinctly)

(Softly) Here.

Cry me a DNA sample.

Works every time.

When was the last time you spoke to Peter?

(Crying) Yesterday.

He had locked his bag in his apartment and it had everything in it that he needed.

He called to see if I still had a copy of the key, but I didn't.

Why would you have a key to his apartment?

Wouldn't he have just called Maya or Chris?

Not that apartment. He hung onto his old rent-stabilized place on Bleecker Street.

Sometimes he'd go there to work or to meet me.

(Softly) I will need that address as well.

Conductor: First chair violin.

Mind joining us?

I'm sorry, but we simply must begin rehearsal now.

Conductor: Everyone.

I'll take the napkin.

No, I'm good.

Well, not every time.


Laura's operation DNA turned out to be a bust.

Oh, you mean operation I told you so?

Turns out we didn't need the DNA.

The suspect alibied out.

She was already at Kings Theater at the time of death.

We did get the address of Peter's old apartment in the village...

Apparently, he was using it as a love shack.

Billy and I are headed to my pl...

Pilates class.

So we can check it out for you.

(Whispers) Okay.


(Siren wailing)

Will you stop stressing out? Everybody knows.

It doesn't matter.

If we're on the DL, they have deniability when one PP starts asking questions.

I don't want either of us to get transferred.

Yeah, well, I love you too.

Relax. Okay.

In a casual no-commitment-on-the-DL kinda way.

(Door opens)

Man: There you go.

Thanks, man.


Either Peter needed a housekeeper or this place has been tossed.

No forced entry.

(Meredith groans)

NYPD. Get off of her!




Officer down! Suspect is wearing all black, on foot, going east on Bleecker.

(Moans in pain)

Come on, baby. Easy, all right?

There you go. Easy.

Just lean back.

(Groans) What happened?

Son of a bitch jumped you.

He was going through your pockets when I found you.

He took off out the window.

That's a 15-foot drop.

It's okay.

We got prints, perspiration. We'll get him.

He picked the wrong day to rob a dead guy's apartment.

I think he was here to rob me.

Why do you say that?

This is the pocket where I put the bitcoin flash drive...

Right in front of Elliot Lansky.

Yeah, but you didn't have a flash drive, you signed it into Evidence.

I know that, but Elliot doesn't.

You would do anything to get that flash drive back, wouldn't you?

Even attacking a cop.

You think I att*cked a cop?

Of course not. You were locked up in holding, but I think your partner did.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

You saw Detective Bose put the flash drive in her pocket and then you called your partner and told him where the money was.

I called my lawyer. I don't have a partner.

I train alone, I enter competitions alone and I win them alone.

You told my colleague that you trained all year for this treasure hunt, pushing yourself to climb faster, jump farther.

Yeah. Sure.

A guy who att*cked Detective Bose jumped from 15 feet to the pavement.

And then disappeared.

I don't know who that guy is, but he's not a treasure hunter.

And you're so certain because?

No way you pull off a 15-foot drop on the pavement without a rolled ankle, broken foot.

The Amsterdam hunt is in two weeks, with a pot twice as big as this one.

A jump like that now is not worth it.

Or worth it when there's a cop pointing a g*n at your back?

It wasn't me or anyone I know.

See what we got here.


Suck it up. Gotta take care of that big brain of yours.

Unfortunate news. Elliot's one phone call was to Hal Leven, criminal defense attorney.

Lawyers can be accomplices too.

Not this one. He was in court all day.

So he wasn't Elliot's partner in crime.

Which means my head-bashing had nothing to do with the flash drive.

But still could have plenty to do with Peter Drake's m*rder.

To wit, I am also the bearer of excellent news.

The fingerprints on the window in Peter's apartment aren't in the system...

That is not excellent.

But the DNA from the sweat mark on the window matches the DNA we found on Peter's body.

Which means the guy who took a swing at me is Peter's k*ller.

What kind of k*ller breaks into the victim's apartment a day after the body's found.

The kind who's desperate to get whatever the victim had.

The question is, what?

I'm going back.

I'm coming with you.

You're not. You're staying right here. I'm sending reinforcements.

I don't need rein...

A little mom trick.

Is that your hat, hmm?


Didn't you have a life scare a while ago?

Oh, it was just a scare.

Tony: Hey!


Hey, is now a good time for that 60 second I owe you or you owe me?

I... I'm just now heading out with, uh, with Billy and Jake.

What are you, a throuple? You don't need three detectives to check one apartment.

Actually, um, Meredith might have a concussion and she really should not be left unsupervised.

(Laughs) I think I can handle 60 seconds.

Yeah, good. (Clears throat)

Don't do this.

Why are you so paranoid?

Nothing good can be accomplished in 60 seconds.

But the bad? Bad goes down fast.

I got a job offer.

Executive chef.

(Laughs) That's amazing!

It's in Vegas.

(Gasps) Oh.


Executive chef.

It's your dream job.

I totally understand.

No, I don't think you do.

It is a hell of a job, but you're my dream.

What are you saying?

Tell me we have a future, a real future, and I'll stay.

You kept this relationship on simmer for a long time now, and that's fine.

I know what I signed up for, but I can't keep putting my life on hold.

I don't expect you to.

I wanna be with you Laura far more than I want a sexy gig and a sun tan, but if you can't commit to us, I'm gonna go.

And I got three seconds to spare. Look at that.

Oh, I need more than three seconds to wrap my head around this.

Of course.


I told the wild men that I'd be over at your place to make pizza tonight.

So I'll see you there.

And I'll need an answer.


I don't know, maybe the perp got what he was looking for.

Well, if he did, it was in his pocket 'cause he wasn't carrying anything when he went diving out that window.

Well, time of death of this lead. Right about now.

I'm with you. Anything resembling lunch in there?

No, I'm not looking for food. Doing a little WWLD.

What would Laura do?

A little game I used to play back when I was her partner.

Oh, I will crush this.

Laura used to store her sweaters in the vegetable bin.

She used to store candy in the crock pot...

Billy: I already checked the hamper.

Used to store passports in a waffle maker. I don't see one.

And her summer shoes in the oven.

Oven? Really?


I'll be damned.

And I will be Diamond.

Allison said that Peter wanted back in the apartment so he could get his bag.

Maybe the k*ller wanted it just as bad.

So, what's inside that's worth k*lling for?

Meredith: Mmm, 'kay.

Driver's license, a couple of hundred bucks, ATM card...

Worth hiding in the oven not worth committing m*rder.

Uh, we've also got Peter's portfolio.

And that's all.

No smoking g*n there.

All of Peter's personalized party ideas.

Maya and Chris thought he destroyed this.

Not all of it. He did tear a page out.

Yeah, the Van Owen page.

That's the one Laura found in the trash.

I don't see why a k*ller would risk breaking into Peter's apartment over a portfolio.

Maybe Ingrid the assistant.

She wanted to use the material to chase new clients.

But she alibied out.

So, who?

Peter's last client.

Van Owen was the last client, Ingrid said so.

Ingrid was mistaken. The Van Owen page was ripped out here, but what do we have here?

One more design concept.

Laura: And then it's all blank pages after that.

I think Peter Drake met a mystery client at the church to plan a wedding.

Okay, so bridezilla or groomzilla met up with Peter, they fight about something and then Peter gets pushed off a balcony?

What if Peter was lured to the church not to plan a wedding but to k*ll him there?

In which case the k*ller might have broken into the apartment to take the portfolio so as not to be linked to Peter.

But there's no name, no identifying info.

Peter could capture the essence of a person through his rapid fire out-of-the-blue questioning.

That was his event planning super power.

Look at this.

The gothic arches are the same ones that are in St. Bridget's.

Red and gold velvet. We just saw like ten tons of it.

At Kings Theater.

Billy: Okay what's with the hieroglyphics?


There was pyramid on the AIDA posters at the concert hall.

And the emeralds?

Color scheme might be the same as her eyes.

We were good.

Laura: Son of a bitch!


Allison? Can we have a minute?

Uh, I'm actually late.

We just need to ask you a few more questions about yesterday morning.

I told you I was a rehearsal.

(Phone pings)

We know you signed in and out. We're interested in what happened between then.

Did you leave?

No, I told you.

I told you everything.

Well, you didn't mention that you were planning a wedding.

We weren't. Peter and I were over.

I don't think Peter agreed.

He did this whole design for you. He was planning a wedding for the two of you.

That doesn't make sense. Peter knew I had moved on and he was fine with that.

Are you with me?

Uh, yep.

Moved on to another man?

You seeing someone new?

As a matter of fact, yes. I'm practically engaged to someone else.

For god's sake.

And who would that be?

It's actually not for public consumption.

But if you must know... Niles Volant.

Jake: The conductor?

I'm sorry I can't help you but I have no idea what happened to Peter.

We believe you. You didn't k*ll Peter. We know who did. Thank you.

Requesting back up at Kings Theater.


Omaha, Omaha. Hike.

Laura: Sorry to interrupt. Me again.

Wow! The acoustics in here really are perfect.

Can I help you, detective?

That explains how you overheard Allison telling me about Peter's missing bag.

(Softly) You panicked.

Thinking there might be something incriminating inside?

Your name, cell number...

I'm sorry I don't know what you're talking about... a bag?

It was in the oven, by the way, and what we found was incriminating. Peter's portfolio page.

Everything about it pointed to Allison.


I'm sure Allison hasn't done anything wrong.

Well, we see that. Now.

It pointed to Allison because you described everything about her and yourself to Peter.

This is beyond insulting.

You were so jealous of Peter Drake.

I wasn't jealous of anyone.

I've never even met Peter Drake.

So, no chance your DNA is gonna match the DNA we found on Peter's shirt.

That's what I thought.

What, you just... Lost it?

When you found out about the affair.

It wasn't an affair! It was a mistake. He manipulated her.

It's over, maestro. Finito.

Coming right at you.

NYPD don't move!

Watch it!

He's heading up. Block the staircases.

Split up and wait for my go.

Laura: Buddy, where do you think you're going?

There's no beanstalk up there.

You're thinking of jumping? I wouldn't do that.

Not after that drop from Peter's window. You rolled your ankle, am I right?

Laura: You're just making it worse on yourself.



She told you not to jump.

(Both groan)

People should really listen to me more.

(Jake laughing)

Meredith: Okay.

Come on, bring it.




And the curtain comes down on another case.

Take a bow, Diamond.



Thank you.

What are you drinking? I'm buying.

Oh! My twinkling eyes and I...

Will gladly take a beer.

Oh! And potato skins.

(Laughs) Of course.

Follow me.

The lady says follow her, I mean...



Take it back.

Excuse me?


Detective why did you fail to apprehend the fleeing k*ller when he was apparently well within your grasp.

Because I'm in love with my partner?

Policing 101?

You render assistance to a fallen officer.

You were unconscious. I was following protocol.

I would've done the exact same thing even if we weren't...

But we are!

And if Santiani or anyone else has any doubt about our police work, one of us is out of here.

I'm willing to take that risk.

I'm not.

I can't imagine not working with you every day.

Just take it back, please.

I take it back.

Thank you.

(Cell phone rings)

(Clears throat) Hello?

Uh, no. He's not available right now. Can I take a message?

Yes. His wife.

Thank you.

Potato skins are coming.


Dr. misset called to follow up on your CAT scan.

You answered my phone?

It was the third call.

I was worried.

You said that you passed that test with flying colors.

Your neurologist disagrees.


You knew all along.

That it was not just a minor heart condition, that it was your brain too.

(Shakily) You lied.


All this time that you have been asking for a second chance, the only thing holding me back has been trust.

I don't trust you, Jake!

I don't think I ever will!

(Music playing)



I'm in.

Hell yeah!
