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01x05 - Where Todd and Brent Misjudge the Mood of a Solemn Day

Posted: 10/31/10 04:48
by bunniefuu
Previously, on "The increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret"...

Winston: Todd Margaret, he's a temp.

He has no experience in a national market.

Brent Wilts: Bullshit.

He's perfect.

Woman: Two weeks ago, I made the mistake of sleeping with you.

That mistake doesn't make me your girlfriend.

What the f*ck are you doing here!

Actually I'm here to ask you a few questions.

You're fired!



Alice: This is your boss.

This is the chick you wanna bang?

Hudson: Hello, I'm Hudson.

I'm from Canada.

He's down for the weekend.

He's staying here.

Dave: You grew up in Leeds?

My dad lives in Leeds.

He lived in Leeds.

He's dead.

My dad lived in Leeds.


Oh, f*ck.

f*ck, f*ck, f*ck.

Steve Davis: Snooker.



Not snucker.

Not sniker.

You sold all the Thunder Muscle?

Yeah, the turkish people from the news agency, they came in to buy all the Thunder Muscle we have in stock.

Ahmed: For my best friend.


I'm fairly confident this is a forgery.


S01E05 - Where Todd and Brent Misjudge the Mood of a Solemn Day
Original Air Date on October 29, 2010

The charges include antisocial behavior, disruption of national solemnity, money laundering, lewd sexist behavior, failure to pay for a cranberry juice.


Silence in court!

[ Phone rings ]

Hello, Mr. Wilts.

I want my money, fuckstick!

Yes, sir.

And I'm not gonna take "no" for an answer.

I said "yes".


You listen up, douchenozzle, you better get it right this time.

I want that money or I'm gonna f*ck you like Mike Tyson on E!.

Yeah, okay, uh, I'll meet you at your hotel as soon as I can.

No, f*ck this place.

A bunch of stuck up frigid b*tches.

Meet me at that bar down on the corner.

Todd, tell me that you nailed that cafe vag-Jay-Jay last night, buddy.

Oh, boy, did I.

I didn't, no.

Ah, come on, stud!

It ain't gonna happen.

I'm clearly not her type.

She goes for something, uh, a bit more exotic, if you catch my drift.

Listen, man, if you wanna plug that weeping hole, here's what you gotta do.

Whatever he type is, be her type.


Yeah, dude.

You ju gotta look the part.

All right, yeah.

Look the part.


Mr. Wilts?




Hello, Dave, it's Todd Margaret, your ex-boss.

Um, just wanted to let you know that I'm going to be calling the cops and having you arrested.

I don't know how dumb you think I am, but, uh, the fact that I feel compelled to leave a telephone warning, I think, speaks volumes.


Number one, I want my money or I will f*ck you like Mike Tyson on E!.

I can't do this.

Give me my money or I will rip off your arm and stuff it down your cockhole.

Down your cockhole.

What am I doing?

Hi, Miss Plimpton.

Brent Wilts calling you Brent Wilts calling you from the marketing department over here at Dynamic Integrated Business Solutions.

Do you mind taking a brief survey?

We'll send you a ten dollar coupon good for nasal spray.

Would you describe your toilet in the following way?

A, luxurious, B, functional yet savvy, C, Orwellian, D-- hello?


Miss Plimpton?

Oh, cheese at Christmas.

Woman: Come on, Wilts, this is pathetic!

You couldn't sell crack to a crackwhore!

No, I know, I fudged that up.

I'll say you fudged that up.

You f*ckin' fudged that up real good.

You better start showing me something by the end of today or I'm gonna reach down your throat, I'm gonna grab your balls, and I'm gonna pull with vigor.

And I'm gonna take your balls and throw them out the window.

Then I'm gonna leave this office, get in my car, find the ball pile, and I'm gonna run over it back and forth and back and forth.

And I'm gonna get outta my car and I'm gonna hover over the ball pile that's now been flattened.

I'm gonna defecate on it.

Miss Turgid, there's a Mr. Moundford on line one for you.

I've gotta take a phone call.

Why don't you get back to not selling things?




I'm turning it around.

Hey, dickbreath.

As you know, the Falcons did not cover the spread.

Payment, please.

This is Turgid.

Double or nothin', right?

Come on, what do you say?

Let's do it.

Brent Wilts.

He's a temp.

He has no skills internationally.

Bet, right?

What do you say?

Bet, man.


Pam: Bon jour, monsieur naked.

What was you doing last night sneaking in in your wet underpants?


I got a good look at that there, and Pam likey what she see.

What are you doing in my bath?

How long have you been here?

Calm down!

I told you I couldn't use mine.

There's a spider in it.

Is that my tooth brush?

I thought it was a bit small.

Haven't you got a loofa?

Pam, you gotta go, okay?

I've gotta go which means you gotta go, all right, and-and now I gotta get a new tooth brush.

Thanks a lot.

Might need a new razor as well.


Got it.

Oh, sorry.



Oh, God!

That's okay.

Simple mistake.

You'll be all right, won't you?


Oh, got it.

What the hell!


Please, that was a mistake, too!

That was a mistake!

I'm from Leeds!

Excuse me.

What's going on?

Are we at w*r?


This is Remembrance Sunday, the day when we remember our fallen soldiers.

Oh, Memorial Day.

No, Remembrance Sunday.

Thank you very much.

What are these?

Oh, they're just symbolic, just a way to show respect.

You know what, I'd like to show some respect.

Put this in here.

I'll only take five pounds back.

You can keep the change.

Why thank you, sir.

Um, this isn't for charity, is it?

Yes, all the money goes to help injured soldiers, w*r heroes.

I'll tell ya what.

Thirty, sixty, ninety pounds.

God bless you, sir.

And I'll just take a little bit back for old time's sake, huh?


Okay, great.

You enjoy.

Now it's time to look the part.

Oh, hey, Alice.

I was just on my way to play hockey in honor of remembering day.

Do you have any maple syrup?



Oh, sh**t.

Uh, mousse?

Any mousse?

No, Todd, I have no mousse.

I really wanted some maple covered mousse.

All right, well, I'll be oot and aboot.

Oh, Canada, to me you are the best.

Is that Todd?


Is he making fun of me 'cause I'm a Canadian?

I don't know.

Is he all right?



He's just-- he's harmless.

You know.

Hey, I've got an idea.

Why don't I invite some friends over tonight?

You could screen your movie.

I could maybe digitize some appetizers.

That would be very nice.


But not Todd, right?

Oh, God, no!


Oh, that is a lot sperm, but it's all for a good cause.

Uh, cranberry juice.

And finally, you think your flat stinks.

Well, here's a story from Portland, Oregon in America.

A hundred and twelve people found themselves homeless when their entire building was condemned after one tenant left over 30 cans of tuna open in 30 degree heat for over six days.

Now apparently this attracted various animals which then att*cked and k*lled each other.


That's amazing.


Apparently the smell was visible from outer space.

Police are looking for this man, the tenant responsible, for questioning.

Well, he's certainly caused quite a stink.

And now we return to our coverage of the Remembrance Sunday ceremony.

There you go, mate.

That's one pound twenty, please.

I can't go home.

Um, is everything okay?

I, uh, oh, my Fanny.

My building's been condemned.

The police found Fanny rotting in it.

Can you turn this from the news?

Put it on anything else, please.

Oh, well, this is gonna be on every channel, I'm afraid.

It's the Remembrance Sunday ceremony.

It's live, so.

This is live on every channel?



Hey, nutbreath.

Hey there, Mr. Wilts.

What the f*ck are you wearing?

Oh, I took your advice about being Alice's type.

This has happened to me before.

The girl I was seeing in Portland had a thing for Texans.

Why the f*ck did I ask?

What the hell is going on on your face?

Oh, um, I was in the park and there was this little boy and, uh, oh, man, I saw his balls comin' at me, and, uh, it has been a long time, and I don't have the best control, and I ended up just splatting him right in the face, and his dad didn't take too kindly to that.

Been there, done that.

No judgment here.

Do you have my wallet?

Yes, do you got that Thunder Muscle money for me?

Not exactly.

Are you f*cking kidding me?

I'm gonna rip your f*cking arms off and shove 'em up your cockhole, you stupid f*ck!

Oh, no! Oh, no!

I've got the money. I've got the money right here. I've got 30,000 pounds in this briefcase.

All right, close enough.

No, no, wait, wait, wait, wait!

No, you can't-you can't have it yet.

f*ck that.

I gotta get back to my hotel and send this out today, get that fucker off my back.

No, no, you can't.

Why not?

Because... It's fake.

How's that?

It's counterfeit. I messed up. I got ripped off.

You stupid m*therf*cker! You worthless piece of shit!

Pack your shit up and go back to Portland right now.

No, no, no! I can't! I can't go home! I can't go home!

You give me a briefcase full of counterfeit money, you expect to keep your job?

Oh, no! No, sir! I'm sorry. You thought the money is fake. I meant the briefcase is fake.

The-the, yeah, the briefcase.

I'm so sorry. It's-it's fake leather. It's, uh, uh, leatherine, a counterfeit, leather-like substance.

The f*cking briefcase!

Yes, I'm so sorry.


Todd, I don't give a shit about that!

Oh, okay! I didn't know. I thought maybe-- so you're telling me that there's 30,000 pounds in here, right?

You know, minus a handful of 30 pound notes.

That is so f*cking great.

Now wait, wait, wait, Frank.

This whole briefcase scenario has got me thinking.

Um, we should really have a lawyer on retainer.



Great idea.

Uh, yesterday I was googling "Young and Not Legal" and they look quite attractive.

Well, you oughta try "tight, willing, and fresh".

Where are they based out of?

I don't know, Bangkok.

Listen, it's crunch time.

Sixteen thousand more crates of Thunder Muscles are being unloaded right now.

I know, okay!




Am very excited about it.

I was tryin' to say that you're doin' a good job up 'til now, Margaret.

But you need to step it up now.

What else you got?

I think I figured out a way to get the word out about Thunder Muscle to all of Britain for free.

How is that?

Uh, yes, is this the Human Resources Department at Dynamic Integrated Business Solutions?

I'd like to lodge a formal complaint against Brent Wilts.

Wilts, w-I--

No, not the telemarketer.

He's the President of Global National.

The company that owns Dynamic Solutions .

W-I-l-t... s.

And, um...

Wait are you telling me that Brent Wilts is not the President of Global National?

Global National.

Look it-look it up.

Keep looking!

Excuse me.

Please don't use that tone of voice with me.

I-- you know what, um, what's your name.

Um, I'm gonna add your name to the complaint list also.

Excuse me, sir.

Excuse me.

Please don't speak to me that way.

Kindness would be appreciated right now, sir.

Excuse me.


That's-that's inappropriate.

Stop looking at me that way.

Okay, so, yeah, Andre, you can get changed in there if you want.

She should be here soon.

You know the basic plot, right?

I f*ck her on the desk?

Pretty much, yeah.

Okay, cool.

Good call on the outfits.

It's all about fittin' in.

Now we gotta get some of those tomato pins.

Those show double respect.

Yeah, what the f*ck is Remembrance Day?

It's just a day that all of us Englanders get together and remember how awesome w*r can be, and this our parade.

Are there gonna be floats?

Uh, yeah.

Are they gonna have Spiderman?

Uh, yeah, but the English Spiderman, a little different.

Oh, there's some tomato pins.

I've got to get some tomato pins.

Sorry, mate.

You know what we should do, find one of these old f*ckers with a bunch of w*r medals on and get him to drink this shit on camera.

Hey, guy, what w*r did you fight in, the w*r on big fat, 'cause you lost.

Kidding, relax.

He's Todd Margaret.

Uh, hi, um, I'd like to tell you about a great new energy drink called Thunder Muscle.

Now's not the time.

It's always a good time for Thunder Muscle.

Oh, piss off!

f*ck this douche.

Let's find a cr*pple.

Oh, this is a frickin' layup.

What are you a nurse?

Hopefully of the wet variety.

Hey, you look like you could use a little get up and go or-or probably just go.

This one I got for mass bravery.

And this one I got for bringing over 1,000 women to a very satisfying climax.

Uh, how about a can of Thunder Muscle?

Is it free?

Is it free?

Is it-is it free?



Not this kid.

What, he's a w*r hero.

He's not a w*r hero.

It's just some kid with aids.

I don't have aids.

Or cancer.


Whatever the f*ck it is, I don't want it associated with Thunder Muscle.

Come on, Margaret, what the hell is it with you.

You haven't impressed me at all today.

I-I-I'm sorry.

I'm just-- this is all reminding of my dad.

He used to love Remembrance Day.

He looked forward to marching in it every year.

He's kind of like a mascot for them sorry about yelling at you before.

Hey, check it out.

It's your dad's old company!


Leeds, right?


Oh, great.


Hey, Uncle Ernie!

Uncle Ere!

That's not my real Uncle.

It's just a nickname.

You gotta sell 'em some Thunder Muscle.

I don't know if that's really-- what are you talkin' about!

Get the f*ck in there!

But I-- sell 'em the God damn Thunder Muscle!

Come on!

Don't be a p*ssy, Margaret.


Hello, gents.

Don't worry.

I'm from Leeds, meself.

You must be thirsty with all this marching, huh?

Piss off!

Well, try this great new energy drink, Thunder Muscle.

Oh, piss off, you American twat.

Well, it's all right.

Oh, hey!

No need to shove!






Oh, yeah.

Oh, yes!


And cut!

Okay, brilliant work, guys.

That's another episode of "there's a n*gro in my wife" in the can.

Uh, please, help yourself to a complimentary case of Thunder Muscle.

You guys have earned it.

Oh, great job, Svetlana.

Can you tell me when this will be airing?



May I come to the edit.

Oh, no.

What does S.A.S stand for, shitty and mean!

Hey, what the hell, Margaret?

We've been here two solid hours.

You haven't sold shit!

I think I'm beginning to see what you're all about.

I got it figured out.

Don't worry, I'm not angry.

I'm in the same situation.

I think it's time that we fess up.

All right, look, I mean, you-you can't blame me.

I mean, you know, I-I-I-I was-I was a temp.

We need to get you laid, right?

Little boy, am I right?


Two little boys?

Two little brown ones?

A little brown and a little yellow one?

Like f*ckin' a bag of M&M's.

No, no, no, it's not boys at all.

Oh, girls.

It's that-it's that Alice chick, right?

All right, here's what we're gonna do.

I got a sack of rufies.

No, no, Mr. Wilts.

It's not that.

What the f*ck is it then?

'Cause all of a sudden you can't sell shit.

I brought you all the way over here.

Do you want me to send you back, is that it?

No, no, no, sir.

No, sir.

You get out there and you sell this shit.


All right?


Sell it, and I'll have the God damn camera on you.


Here we go.

Here we go.

Oh, man, that k*lled.

Don't worry, take five.

I got it.

Hey, everybody, I wanna introduce you to a brand new energy drink that you are gonna love.

It's called Thunder Muscle and it's totally awesome!

[ Music gets louder ]

Seriously, I just wanna try to tell you about a-a great, new energy drink.

Please, if I could just get-- you guys wanna take five, please.

Uh, okay.

Thunder Muscle, oh, it's so good and good for you.


Just-- can I just get two g*dd*mn minutes of silence, please!

[ Silence ]

Thank you.


[ Big Ben tolls ]

Like I was sayin', Thunder Muscle, it tastes great, chalk full of energy and vitamins, and science-- can we lose the bells!

Be quiet!

Show some respect!

Hey, shut the f*ck up, grandpa!

Listen to what he's saying!

Jesus Christ!

If you pussies would've had some Thunder Muscle during the w*r, we wouldn't have had to come out and bail your f*gg*t asses out!

Am I right?


Holy shit!

No, hey!

No, wait, wait, wait, wait!

This is a misunderstanding!

Wait, no, I'm American!

Mean, I grew up in Leeds.

Church Avenue.

But, uh, drink Thunder Muscle!

Brent, Mr. Wilts, help!


This morning's Remembrance Ceremony was interrupted by a mentally ill American protesting against Britain's alleged cowardess in all wars, ever.



Hudson, I'm just going to pop out for a bit.

Oh, don't tell me you're gonna leave because of this guy.

Well, somebody's gotta help him.

Oh, Alice.

We've only got a couple of hours left.

Sorry, everybody, enjoy your Vietnamese, cafe Milan infused torch beams.

And Rachel, don't-don't eat the batteries.

They're not Kosher.


Drink Thunder Muscle!

[ Music ]

Man: Oh, no!


[ Music ]

I just thought that was terrible.

The worst film I've ever seen.

Worst film I've ever seen.

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