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02x13 - White Out

Posted: 01/05/16 04:24
by bunniefuu
(insects trilling)

Perimeter clear.

Another 50 meters, then we RTB until order...

Son of a bitch!

(a*t*matic g*nf*re)


(indistinct shouting)

There's a structure ten meters east!

We hit 'em hard for a three-count, then Oscar Mike!


Go, go!

(g*nf*re continues)

Captain, our Intel said this quadrant was vacant.

Yeah, well, we're looking at at least 12 well-armed unfriendlies, so I'd say our Intel was wrong.

Situation's pear-shaped.

Man: Ready?

(continues indistinctly)

This is Special Forces Captain Cody Decker!

My detachment's pinned down at a rock formation 50 yards from our truck.

(upbeat music plays)

You sure you know what you're doing?

I am a hypochondriac.

I've been taking my own blood pressure since I was nine.

Walter: Why is Sylvester administering you medical care?

My doctor says my numbers are up.

He wants me to check it every morning.

You're in good shape.

Why would you have high blood pressure?

Happy New Year!

I got bagels!

You were saying?

One egg for Ralphy-boy...

A sesame for Happy...

It's all right.

It's just an accident.

Who are you? What have you done with Unhappy Quinn?

Saying “yes” to offers of kindness is easier than saying “no, thank you.”

One-third the syllables, but twice as positive.

Where have I heard that before?

It's Quincy Berkstead!

The man who stole your fiancée?

My nemesis.

(clears throat)


Your Essential Strategies for Saying Yes to Life.

Why are you reading this snake oil?

I am just trying something new for New Year's.

Be a bit more positive, a little less... mean and sarcastic.

The only thing dumber than Quincy Berkstead is a New Year's resolution based on his drivel.

Resolutions are a chopportunity.

A “challenging opportunity”?

One: please do not quote that quack to me. And two: resolutions don't work.

Do, too; you just got to have willpower.

Oh, really?

Give up the rocket fuel.

You must drink, like, 12 mugs a day.

I survived Camp Lejeune boot camp.

You don't think I can kick coffee?

Break from caffeine might help with the blood pressure.

So would a break from this place.

50 bucks you can't go one day.

Actually, defined start and end times for goals demand efficiency.

For example, Megan told me to “open up” and to not be afraid of relationships, so this year I have resolved to be more social.

That's great. Proud of you.

And research uncovered an Armenian family that is incredibly effective at social media, very popular online, though they, they do show their buttocks quite often.

Those are the Kardashians.

Stars of social media aren't “social.”

They're not actually friends with their followers.

Oh, no, on the contrary.

Online, the word “friend” is used as a verb.

Um, my analysis shows videos of animals engaged in human activity perform quite well.

Especially when set to music.

I tested my theory.

(tinny music playing)

Walter (deadpan): I am a ferret making a meal.

Is that my dollhouse furniture?

This isn't how you make friends.

It's how you lose friends.

Well, I ha-- I have 17,000 likes in ten hours.

Paige: Socialization is going out and meeting actual human beings.

Like Ralph's doing with Forestry Braves.

I just like mineralogy.

O-Okay, but there's also being outside and singing songs, tying knots...

About that...

I'm happy to go with Ralph to his campout next week and I will help him practice for his merit badges, but I draw the line at knot-tying.


It's old technology that has been replaced with clips and Velcro.

It's not efficient.

And no campfire songs.

Instead of inviting another kid to this thing, he invited you, a 32-year-old man, and that is so sad.

So you'll sing the songs and eat the s'mores.

I need Ralph making friends there.

He's not a natural at it.

I always wish I'd given him a sibling.

A single mom to two kids?

Sure, that would've fixed everything.

I just feel guilty.

And a sibling would've maybe taught him to fit in better.

So just help him be a normal kid and tie the damn knots.

Deputy Cooper.

New Year's bagel?

No, thank you.

Easier to say “yes.”

After the case we just caught, I don't have much of an appetite.

Pentagon's lost contact with one of its low geosynchronous orbit satellites.

It controls military drones used to support military missions.

And we need it fixed ASAP.

Why so urgent?

Because of this.


This is Special Forces Captain Cody Decker!

My detachment's pinned down at a rock formation 50 yards from our truck.

Estimate outnumbered 12 to four.

Limited a*mo, cannot disengage safely.

Sun just went down, but by daybreak our small numbers will be exposed and we will be neutralized.

Request immediate support!

Cooper: We received this 30 minutes ago, but the feed is unreliable.

Special Forces, small detachment, recent sunset.



We sent a four-man strike team to take out a genocidal w*rlord who's been eviscerating border-town farming villages.

So you need your geniuses to code a patch that'll reconnect the satellite so you can send in drones to give cover to Decker and his men.

So they can make their way back to their vehicle equipped with repeat-fire grenade launchers, blow out of there.

Paige: Why not send a plane instead?

Assume it's a top secret operation without congressional approval... we can't send w*r planes if we're not supposed to be there.

Do you guys even read the Constitution anymore?

Sylvester: The drone's satellite is on a polarcentric orbit.

Should be over Antarctica in 12 hours.

And that is important why?

Well, the atmosphere is thinnest at the poles.

Makes it easier for the signals to get to the satellite.

U.S. research facility McMurdo is stationed in Antarctica.

But it's in a valley, so its wireless connectivity isn't ideal.

But if we can get to one of its remote testing labs...

Set up shop, reconnect the signal; you send the drones, soldiers live.

Paige: Why send us if McMurdo's got scientists?

Toby: They're geologists.

They know mineral bed-loads, not capacity downloads.

Oy! Wordplay.

Okay, so if we leave now for the South Pole, we can get there by 10:00 p.m.

That gives us 51 minutes until the sun rises in Darfur, exposing Captain Decker to certain death.

I'll make the calls.

Walter: Okay, guys, pack up.

Oh, Sly, you're gonna have to stay here.

Track the satellite and feed us its coordinates.

Copy that.

It's gonna be cold there.

That doesn't look like hot cocoa.

♪ ♪

(wind howling)

Pilot: Storm came up from out of nowhere and it's getting bigger soon!

They're saying it's gonna rage for about an hour, so whatever you do, don't leave the hut.

A whiteout will disorient you in seconds.

You could be two feet away from somebody and not even see 'em.

Walk in the wrong direction a few steps and you're lost for good.

And at -40, you freeze to death.

Sounds great.

Excited to be here.

Time's a-wasting, let's move!

♪ ♪

(wind howling)

Okay, everybody.

Comms in.

I'm gonna connect us to the garage.

Toby: I don't know about you guys, but since I got here, kind of feel like my whole world's upside-down.

Oh, the yes girl is saying no to my South Pole humor?

I think my laptop's got a bug; my screen's been frozen since we landed.

Frozen, get it?

I will bury you in the ice.

Caffeine withdrawal makes you mean.

Okay, Sylvester, can you hear me? Comms are up and I just remote-desktopped into your laptop.

Yes, I can hear you.

And, sadly, Toby's lame jokes.

Okay. The antenna's in position.

Okay, we're ready to send my software patch up to the satellite.

What's the status on its orbit?

It's above the South Pole, well within the zone of connectivity.

You are at eight of ten signal strength.

The satellite should be back up and running once it picks up the patch.

20 seconds, tops.

12-hour flight for a two-minute job.

(wind gusting)

Blow me down, that was a big one.

I think this storm's picking up faster than the pilot predicted.

(wind gusting)

Forget about that storm picking up; I'm worried about this hut picking up.

These things are built to withstand these weather fronts.

Okay, Sly, I'm turning on the antenna.

Sending up the patch on three.

One... two... three.

You send the patch?

I got nothing over here.

This have something to do with it?

Oh, man, the signal crashed.

Okay, I'll reposition the antenna.

(wind gusting)

The antenna's not the problem.

The storm's interfering with the reception.

Well, that's gonna be an issue, because you need at least a five signal strength to get that software up to the satellite.

The pilot said the storm could last an hour.

Walter, Decker and his team don't have an hour.

Sunrise is in about 45 minutes and then they're toast.

Okay, give me a minute.

I got it.

I got it.

Walter, you thinking what I think you're thinking?

Only if you think that I'm thinking that this map shows an elevated ridge 90 meters away from the antenna that will send a stronger signal.

Remember what the helicopter man said about going outside?

Not to. He said not to.

There are four brave men out there, counting on us.

And no one else to help.

I'm aware of the stakes and I want to save them, but like the song says: baby, it's cold outside.

Let's do it.

It's all about “yes”"

Oh, really?

You want to make out?

Guys, focus.

We're about to head back into subfreezing temperatures.

Now, Toby, how do we prepare physically?

Okay, if we're gonna do this, we should each eat a protein bar, 'cause staying warm burns calories and we'll be expending energy trudging through all that snow.

All right, you heard the man, chow down.

And I'll be tying a rope around each of our waists with 15 feet in between, so we can't get separated.

Now, we're in the South Pole, so compasses don't work, so we'll have to rely on old-school navigation techniques.

Forestry Brave Ralph, any thoughts on the matter?

Count your steps and leave a trail to find your way back to base.

300-foot cable should do the trick.

We ready?

Guys, Doppler radar says you are walking out into essentially a blizzard.

Wow, what a great chopportunity.

♪ Scorpion 2x13 ♪
White Out
Original Air Date on January 4, 2016

♪ ♪

This is slower going than I thought, Paige.

Time check?

38 minutes.

Toby: I had an Aunt Edie when I was little.

300 pounds.

Hugged me so tight; it was just like this.

Couldn't see a thing and felt like you were dying.

My toes are getting numb!

You're small; you have less insulation.

You'll feel it before we do.

Hey, Walter!

Shouldn't we be there yet?

We should, but it's all estimation.

We're working blind here.

Sly, I've counted 90 meters.

How much further?

I can barely hear you, but I think you asked for a distance check?

In 20 to 30 paces, you will come to a small rock outcrop where you can set up the antenna.


Hey, Cabe, are you okay?

Yeah, I can handle it!

I'm not sure I can.

I don't think I have 20 paces left in me.

Oh, you don't have to. Look!

Happy: Look where?

I can't see you, and you're ten feet in front of me.

Cabe, do you see it?


Just a few more steps, guys!

You get that signal up to the satellite, the drones get sent to Decker, and we've got time to spare.

Happy: Okay, let's get this antenna up.

We're gonna pull this off.

Uh, oh, boy.

What happened?

The temperature dropped faster than we could've anticipated.

The poles are frozen and the connecting struts snapped.

We can't put this antenna together.

Can't you guys just hold it up?

This wind will blow the poles right out of our hands in two seconds.

I need this locked in tight, not held by people who can barely feel their fingers.

Let's wedge it in over there.

We have no other choice.

Hello? What am I looking at?

Holy cow, the feed's working again.

Is anyone there?

Captain Decker, can you hear us?

I neither confirm nor deny my identity.

Who am I speaking with?

I-I'm Paige Dineen.

This is Sylvester Dodd.

We're Homeland Security contractors helping you get the drone diversion you need.

It's almost daylight!

Once the sun comes up, they'll overtake us.

When are the drones coming?

Our team is on it.

They're working as fast as they can.

We're four men holding off a dozen unfriendlies.

There's a very short clock on us.

Special forces wear diver's watches, right?

You got a kid with you?


And you're the ones saving us?

I'm Ralph.

If you want to buy some time, you should break the glass of all your watches and throw them far from you.

The moonlight will reflect off of it, and bad guys will think there are a lot more soldiers than just you four.

They think we got bigger numbers, they'll save a*mo, fire at us less.

That works.

Guys, you heard the kid.

You never cease to amaze me.

Cabe: Is it fitting in?

Happy: Uh, I think so.

I can't see two inches in front of me.

Push down harder!


Ah, damn it!

It's just too cold.

Quitting is not an option!

We're trying, Cabe, but we can't control the weather!

No, we can't, but we can use it to our advantage.

So, everything around here freezes instantly, even metal.

So we pour water around the base of the poles.

The water instantly freezes into a solid block of ice, and not even the wind can blow it over.

Makes sense, but how do we melt ice in the Antarctic Circle?

Back in the hut, there are crates of MREs from McMurdo!

They come with mini heating units to warm food and drinks!

By the time you get down to the hut and make it back up to the ridge, you will have a small window before the satellite is out of range to make a connection.

Walter: You heard Sly, we got to move.

Follow the cable back!


What the hell is that?

I can't see for sure, but is that an ice shelf above us?

Chunks are about to come off.

Look out!

You okay?

I believe so. Toby, Toby?

Walter, is that you?


Come on, come on.

Hey, Happy, you all right?


Quinn, where you at?

Rope's 15 feet long, far enough for her not to be able to hear you in this mess.

Guys, something's wrong.

This rope has too much give.

The rope's cut!

A falling ice block must have severed it.





All: Happy! Happy!




My comm fell out.

Ah... ah.




Guys, we're not getting anything from Happy's comms here, not even a signal.

If it fell in the snow, it's as good as instantly frozen.

Guys, we got to go find her.

Shut up!

Don't tell me to shut up!

She's lost!

Just be quiet and listen!

Happy: Toby!


That's Happy!

What direction is that coming from?

Walter: Between the winds and the rock formation, you get distorted echolocation.

It makes pinpointing her impossible.

Then we have to find her.

We will, but the clock is ticking on those soldiers.

Now, we can still go after Happy when we're through.

I will not let my friend die.

Believe me, Toby.

Neither will I.

What are you doing?

She's your friend; she's the love of my life.

Cabe: I get it, Doc, but another missing person isn't gonna help us.

You could both freeze to death!

When humans sense danger, they instinctively run towards the sun.

I'll head towards the low horizon and catch up to her.

It's -40!

Oh, really? I hadn't noticed.

This is crazy, Toby.

Damn it, Walter!

If Paige was out there, would you go back to the hut?

Be careful.

Based on temperature, Happy's weight, the insulation rating of her gear and estimated thermal loss, she has 41 minutes before she freezes to death.

Toby has a little bit longer, because he's bigger.

This is bad, real bad.

I'm getting Cooper on the phone.



I can't see anything.

I have no idea where she is or where I am.

Toby, I promise, once we fix the antenna, save the soldiers, we'll figure out a way to get a rescue party back to you.

What do you mean, “no rescue party”?

You're Homeland. Do something.

I don't care about the weather.

If you can send them in there, you sure as hell can pull them out.

You know it's not her fault.

I know, I'm just scared.


Ralph: Captain Decker?

I think they're wise to the watch trick, Ralph.

I know severe stress when I see it.

Special Forces or not, a person can only take so much.

Captain Decker, your file says you're 28.

So you were 18 in 2005.

Guess so.

My mom likes songs from when she was a teenager.

I'll send you one from 2005.

By the time it's over, you'll be three minutes and 49 seconds closer to being saved.


♪ We're always sleeping in ♪
♪ And sleeping for the wrong team ♪

“Going Down Swinging,” Fall Out Boy.

You got some sense of humor, kid.

♪ I'll be your number one with a b*llet ♪

Thank you, Ralph.

♪ A loaded God complex, cock it and pull it ♪
♪ We're going down, down... ♪


♪ Down, down, down, down, down, down ♪
♪ We're going down, down... ♪


♪ A loaded God complex, cock it and pull it ♪
♪ We're going down, down in an earlier round ♪
Take aim at myself
♪ Sugar, we're going down swinging ♪
Take back what you said


♪ I'll be your number one with a b*llet ♪
Take aim at myself


♪ A loaded God complex, cock it and pull it. ♪
♪ ♪
♪ ♪
Get the heating packs.

Toby, update?

Toby: Still no sign of Happy.

Storm's kicking it up a notch.

Temp is dropping.

Cabe: You got to conserve energy.

Screw that.

Conserve energy, I slow down, and I slow down, Happy dies.

I got everything; let's go.

Hey, listen.

We stay close, we stay safe, understand?

Close, safe, simple concepts.


Sun's starting to come up.

We're taking heavy fire.

How much longer?

Depends on how long it takes our team to assemble that antenna.

13 minutes?

We can't hold out that long.

Can you still see and hear me?

Yes, sir, feed's strong.

Can you record me?

Yes, sir.


I need to record a message to my family.

Will you do that?

It's ready, Captain.



I thank God every day we found each other.

I've never been good enough for you.

And you've never minded.

And, Kyle... you're the love of my heart.

You take care of Mommy, and you help her when the baby comes.

And never, never forget.

I'm always with you.


♪ ♪


Oh. Oh.

Say yes to this, jackass!

Not good.

Toby: Walter, it's been 2,500 steps.

(shivers) Still no sign of Happy.



Walter, you there?!

Oh, come on, warm up, you piece of junk.

Oh, no.

Okay, God, maybe you can hear me.

I know I don't really believe in you, but there's no atheists in foxholes or-or blizzards.

Look, if you really need a soul that badly, take mine.

You got that?

Leave her alone!

Does that come through loud and clear?!

Okay, then.

Cabe: That water coming?

We don't have much time.

Boiling water freezes faster than cold water.

It's called the Mpemba effect.


Okay, give it a tug.

It should work.



(Walter grunts)


Antenna's up!

We are at eight of ten signal strength, ready to complete the link.

(Sylvester laughs)

Walter, it's working.

Okay, back to the hut.

I'll restart the drone's operational software.

You better hurry.

Toby and Happy's cores must be dropping fast.

(weakly): ♪ Shiny happy people ♪
♪ Holding hands ♪
♪ Shiny... ♪
♪ Happy people... ♪
♪ Shiny... ♪
♪ Happy people. ♪

Paige: You'll have the drones operational in minutes.

My guys are doing their part.

Now you need to get a search team out immediately.

I've left word repeatedly with the chairman of the joint chiefs.

They claim the storm visibility is so low...

(beeps) Uh, hold on, here's the chairman.


Chairman: Deputy Cooper, I'm sorry.

I pulled every favor imaginable, and I can't get the transport that you need.

Cooper: Mr. Chairman, Doug, you will find a way to send a CH-53 Super Stallion to get them off that glacier, or I will call your wife and tell her it was you, not the nanny, who left the door open last year when the cat ran away.

Julie really loved that cat.

Chairman: I'll get it done.

Cooper's a badass.

Toby: Happy!


It's Quincy Berkstead.

Happy. Happy!

Happy? Happy?!


Uh... uh...

Happy, I'm coming!


Come on.

Please tell me you're just ignoring me like you usually do.

Come on, come on.

Come on.

Happy. Happy.

Happy. Happy, come on, you got to have a little left in there.

There it is, there it is.

It's a slow pulse, but it's a pulse nonetheless.

You're alive, oh.

If you're wondering what you're hearing, it's me, Dr. Tobias M. Curtis, and I am talking to you because activity will help keep both of us warm-- me by working my jaw, and you by working your brain.

Come on.

I know I've called you cold and unfeeling, but this is ridiculous.

But your heart is still warm, and you'll stay okay as long as we can keep it warm.

Okay, um...

I would like to apologize for what's about to happen.

We need to get naked.

It's not the way I'd imagined, but bottom line is, I'm warmer than you, and skin-to-skin contact is the fastest way to transfer what little body heat I have over to you.


So here, okay, I'm gonna go first.


Just remember it's really cold out here.


Looks like I'm down to my sidearm.

Pretty soon the bad guys will figure that out.

(g*ns firing)

Hey, Ralph.

I'm gonna turn my camera off now, buddy.


Scorpion will save you.

Scorpion doesn't fail.

Nah, you don't got to see what's gonna happen.

I just really appreciate the song you sent.

Thanks for keeping me company, buddy.

Sly, I have the drone software linked back up, now please tell Cooper to advise the Pentagon they have control of the drones.

Sylvester: I just messaged her, but the odds of the drones making it there in time...

Walter, we need to focus on Toby and Happy.

Now, Cooper has a chopper ready, but we need to give them a location.

There's no way to know where they are, and we can't track them in this storm since we lost contact with Toby.

I learned in Forestry Braves that snakes hear with their bellies.

They feel the vibrations in the earth.

And you're on ice.

Ice conducts sound three times faster than water and 15 times faster than air, so maybe they could hear them through the ice.

Just need to, uh, build a... a listening device then.

The sonography machine that they use to test ice samples.

The electrodes on this machine emit ultrasound waves that help scientists see through the ice.

But Happy and Toby aren't under the ice, they're on it.

Yeah, but if I can reverse the generators, I can use the electrodes to pick up the sound waves and to hear through the ice.

Footsteps and yells and any human sound would have to be Happy and Toby 'cause they're the only people around here.

Precisely, so we need to get as close to them as possible.


All right.

We can slide it out on this to where we last saw Happy.

(grunting): It is uphill, though.

We'll get it there. Come on.


Your breathing's getting short.

I wonder why.

The cold's constricting your blood vessels and making your already... high blood pressure go even higher.

You got to stop.

We stop... Happy and Toby don't make it.

Sylvester: 15 meters more.

Guys, even at the most generous biological assumptions, Happy and Toby have got to be very close to death by now.

We're not gonna make it.

I'm with you.

I never thought I'd be so lucky to go out like this.

Walter: Okay!

What do you got?

I got nothing.

Here, take a few steps.

Let's test the hypothesis.

(feedback over headphones)

Okay, yeah, loud and clear.

So the crazy thing works?

I still got nothing.

Our only chance to hear anything is to get the electrodes deeper in the ice.

You want deeper?

Look out!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

(g*n fires)

Yeah, that'll do nicely.

(Walter grunts)

Tell me you got something.

(heart beating)

I got something.

It sounds like a heartbeat.

Son of a g*n.

For sure?

Yeah, it's real.

But it's only one.

Cabe: It's found their location and it's 50 paces that way!

Let's go!

Walter: Toby!


They're not moving.

Here, here.

Walter: Toby!


They're both alive!

Oh, my God... (laughs)

All right.

Toby can barely move.

Happy's not conscious.

We need to reheat them or they're dead before we can figure out a way to get them out of here.

Cabe, you got any of those MRE heating pouches in your pack?


We use those to warm them up.

Then they can walk out of here.

Those pouches are 200 degrees.

You'll burn them alive.

Not the way that I'm gonna use them.

I'm gonna heat the air that they breathe.

It'll warm them from the inside out.


Walter: Toby!

Breathe that in!


It's working.

They're moving!

Smart thinking, son.

Hey, Doc...


Oh, it's good to hear your voice.

Are we... naked?

Yeah, I saw a chopportunity and I took it.

Well, now that we know that they're alive, how we gonna get 'em out of there?

Paige: Hoist them out.

Tie a figure eight follow through in the end of the rope.

That will make a loop.

String the loop under their arms and lift them up.

I'll talk you through it.

Oh, I knew Walter wouldn't want to study knots, so I've been reading up.

♪ ♪

(Cabe grunting)

(both grunting)


Okay, we got 'em up!

(helicopter blades whirring)

(man speaking indistinctly over speaker) That's our ride!

Man: We have your location.

Hold your position.


All our friends are safe.

Not everyone.

I know.

Captain Decker was very brave.

But you know what?

He also...

Guys, look.

Team Scorpion, do you copy?

We're here.

So are we, pal!

Thanks to you.

Drones got to us just in time.

Scorpion never fails.

Guess not, kiddo.

Hey, Ralph... my wife and I haven't been able to figure out a name for our son-to-be.

Was wondering how you felt about us naming him after you.

You need to keep your core body temperature up.

If I drink any more coffee, I will jump out of my skin.

We could get in the sleeping bag again.

I'll get you a sweater.

Ditch the tea.

Bet's off.

You earned it.

Best cup I ever had.

How's Happy doing?

She's strong.

You know, Walter said he only heard one heartbeat out there on that glacier.

Maybe Happy's heart stopped for a bit.

Cardiac function ceases quickly in subzero temperatures.

Or maybe your hearts were just perfectly beating together.

That's love, kiddo.

You still owe me 50 bucks.

Oh. Posting new ferret videos?

I'm shutting down my accounts.

When I was in that blizzard, all I thought about were the real friends that I have.

You were right; maybe I should, uh, get out and meet some real, nondigital people.

Uh, I think the, uh, human way of saying that is, “I want to make new friends.”

I'd like to make new friends.

(door opens)

(door closes)


Happy: Hey, Dad.

Thanks for coming.


Uh... sorry about that weird message I left.

I just... I can't get this song out of my head and I thought it might have something to do with you, crazy as that sounds.

Well, it's not crazy.

You, um, you have something to play this relic on?

So, when you were a baby, I would hold you in my arms and we would watch this video over and over.

Woman: So, the yellow is nice...

Mr. Quinn: Mm-hmm.

...but the green, the green is really pretty.

Mr. Quinn: Pink. Pink, pink, pink.

We have to pick neutral colors.

Mr. Quinn: No, we don't.

Let's go pink, we're having a girl.

I can feel it in my bones.

Come on.

Woman: Oh...

Mr. Quinn: Pink, pink. Oh, come on...

Forget about the bumpers, forget about all of this.

Come on, we need to dance, we need to turn on music.

♪ ♪

Come on.


Get to moving.


♪ Shiny happy people holding hands ♪

(indistinct chatter)

♪ Shiny happy people laughing ♪

The room's spinning, baby.



(Mr. Quinn laughs, video stops)

I wanted you to know your mom.

I've never been as... open and carefree as you two in that video.

You come from a place of joy, and you know that, deep down, because your amazing brain remembered that song after all these years.

I want to be like you and Mom.

But even though I got a second chance at life today, I don't think I'm able.

I think you are.

You are, you just have to find out what makes you happy...


Toby: All right, put it back in the deck, anywhere.

Don't forget it.

Now, just think of the card.

Just keep it in your brain.

Keep it in your head, right there.



Paige: Guys, come up to the roof!

I have something to show you!

♪ I know I can't run from my nature... ♪


So I thought, after all that cold, we could cozy up by the fire and sing some songs.

And I've got everything we need.

Tents, flashlights...

I call not sharing with Sylvester.

He's got a snoring problem.

I have a deviated septum.

Why don't we, uh, get the s'mores going?

Come on.

♪ When you've got somewhere to go... ♪


You want to be bunkmates, cowboy?

Do you mean, like, in the same tent?

No hanky-panky, but I figure if we can nude up in the same sleeping bag together, we can share a tent.

And I might still be a little bit cold inside.

So maybe you can spoon me, warm me up a little.

♪ Gotta get back... ♪

Done and done.

Walter: Ralph.

I got something for you.

♪ ♪

Brought a bit of the South Pole back for you.

There's a bunch more in that cooler, a couple of others...

Thanks, Walter.

That is... that's very sweet.

Toby: Paige, what have we got?

Organic chocolate, here?

What kind of hippie s'mores are we...

Oh, my God.

You are so dead!

Hey, I'll cut him off, Ralph!

Get some more snowballs!

You cannot use the marshmallows!

They are for the s'mores!

I was... I was worried Ralph wouldn't connect with other people because he has no siblings, but he's got a whole bunch right here.

Yeah, they're just not as mature as he is yet.

(Ralph and Paige laugh)

You don't... start a snowball fight with a genius unless you can win a snowball fight with a genius!


♪ You're my baby... ♪
♪ You're my lady now, babe... ♪


I do not want to play, I really don't want to play, I really don't want to play.

Toby: Aah!

♪ Got to get out of the snow ♪
♪ I got to get back. ♪