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01x05 - La guerre fait toujours rage en toi, dis-lui Halte !

Posted: 12/28/15 12:19
by bunniefuu


(Intro music)

♪ I'm the King of my own land ♪
♪ Facing tempests of dust ♪
♪ I'll fight until the end ♪
♪ Creatures of my dreams, rise up and dance with me ♪
♪ Now and forever ♪
♪ I'm your King ♪

Live for France, or die for the King.

Your choice.

How much are they paying you, gentlemen?

I assure you, it is not enough.


Marie-Thérèse: I'm happy to return home, but you're troubled?

When I was young, ten years old, I learned what fear was.

I saw my mother scared to death.

The nobles were coming. She thought she was about to die.

Ever since, I've had a plan to keep it from happening again.

You are protected.

You have a guard, a palace, an army that marches for you.

They do not fear me.

What power does any man have over you?

Are we there yet? I am bored.

Decidedly so.


Don't expect any wine.

I'm looking for conversation.

It's hard to make small talk after k*lling so many Spaniards.

Why are we stopped?

The rains, perhaps.

Rains destroyed the road at Chaville.

Marie-Thérèse: We're close.

Stay here.

A shipment from Paris, stripped of its valuables, the company k*lled.

You know that man?

I do not, Sire, it pains me to say.

He's breathing.

What is this? (Philippe)

This one's alive!


Deliver him to a doctor. If he speaks, it will be to me.



For what?

The treaty, our w*r has ended.

Has it?


So beautiful, so pure.

Do you loiter often in ladies' dressing rooms?

Whenever I can.

I live for it.

There's nothing like a lady at her toilette.

Is that so?

No, I'm lying.

I can think of five more appealing things: warm fire, new stockings, down pillow, a gentle breeze on a summer day...

Cabbages, they're fun. That reminds me, I love your hair.

You are a kind and gentle soul.

I am. I only hope he's worth the trouble.


He? Who would that be, he?

Your husband, of course. What other man could inspire you so?

The mind boggles.

Doesn't it?

Yours rattles, like a dead mouse in a box.

I do enjoy your tongue.

So do I.

I'm a great admirer of its edge, honed and keen, a lacerating organ, if ever I saw one.

No doubt you've seen a few.

Do you know, you remind me of a swan on a river?

So graceful on top, but underneath two fat flippers, just thrashing away.

And a beak that can break your arm.

Please don't.

It's been a long campaign. I hope you were patient.

I adore waiting. Just think of what it does for wine.

Personally, I think it all comes down to the grapes.

We have won the peace. We must use it.

We will unite the country in celebration here.

We will host a grand entertainment for the world to see.

Every noble family will be represented. Our victory is theirs.

Has Cassel replied to our invitation?


Send another.

Have Louvois tell my armies there is work here, for any man who wants it The King grows impatient.

The nobles, the building, the road.

Your failure is beginning to reflect on us all.

He will have justice.

The builders, I think.

(Clearing throat)

Welcome home.

I brought you a gift.

It's a book.

Is it now?

I rescued it from a burning monastery.

Sacred anthems written by chaste men.

Naturally, I thought of you.

You know me so well. (Chuckling)

Someone scribbled in it, on every page.

Give it back. You shall have no present.


Have a psalm.


I have waited months for this.

Lies. You wait for no one!

What has gotten into you?

That's the interesting thing about w*r.

You learn so much about yourself.

Know what I discovered, sweet Chevalier?

When the enemy att*cked, when the fighting was close and urgent, the blood flowing bright, in the glorious moments nearest my death, my heart thundered, and my breeches grew tight, because the sword inside them was hard and full, like a baby's arm clenching his fist.


Can you imagine?

Being in the middle of a battle with your prick about to burst?

I never knew a Scotsman, but now I know what a sporran's really for.

Let me be!





Have you tasted champagne?

You may be about to.

Honestly, I don't know what you see in him.


You're home but have not arrived.

The body travels on wheels, the soul travels on foot.

You're not a faithful man, I know.

You can deny it, but I see it in your eyes.

I never saw you in love before Versailles.

I never saw it shine in you.

Now you want to share it, even with those who wish you ill.

If they come.

You reach for the stick instead of offering the carrot.

What is it that men truly want?

It's simple if you are a woman.


How was w*r?

Full of mud, and death.

What men do to each other.

What we do to each other.

We're so harsh?

If w*r was run by women, what then?

There would be no cannons.

And far fewer balls.


Not in front of the baby.

A man can love more than one woman.

They make space so they can hold more hate in their heart.


She looks so sad.

I wonder why.

It's not for us to judge.

What else is there to do?

Do you recall the favor I asked?

Of course.

The King asked for time alone in the chapel this afternoon.

Perhaps today is a good day to thank God for our victory.

Hmm, lucky me.


To have a friend like you, the luck is all mine.

(Talking indistinctly)

Cassel will come.

And if he does not, Sire?


If he does not, then neither will de Havilland, de Menthon, de Gagnac, nor any of the northern nobles who are Cassels' clients.

You will be all alone, Sire.

How kind of you to remind me.

Colbert: Watch your tongue.

Unless you're twice the idiot I think you are.

I thought we won the w*r.

We would have.

If you had only let us.

Official business, brother, let the men work.

Everyone knows the reason the w*r is over.

We're in it.

Sire, your brother has returned to court without remembering, perhaps, where he is.

Unlike Louvois, my brother knows just where he is.

Of that I'm sure.

Three cheers then.

Let us dance on the broken backs of your bravest men.


Sorry, what was that?

Oh! You mean "Halt".

A real order.

Sire, your brother is not himself.

If not himself, then who?

I am the sound of distant thunder.

Leave us.

Your first act on returning is to mortify me.

You took my victory.

So I take from you your pride, Your victory? your glory, Your victory? and everything you hold dear.

You are not well.

I wish you could see yourself.

Death to advice, blinded by sin.

Aware only of your own dreams.

No matter how great, you will have your palace.

What did I say, in the wood?

Good men died in the lie that you spun.

I trusted you.

You knew the outcome before the first canon fired. A game!

You said you had my back!

Where am I now?


Cassel: Now the King invites me to a party.

Those barrels are so familiar.

Oh yes, of course, they're mine.

Thieves, my lord, on the road. (Laughing)

Cassel: Is that so?

Terrible business.

You attack a cargo in the shadow of the King's convoy and k*ll my driver?

We had bad information.

Has whoring got to your brain?

Six thousand soldiers home from the w*r, new uniforms on the road, a force to police it, all of it.

Why didn't you attack earlier? You had everything you needed.

And, I appear to be missing a man.

Tomas is dead.

A fine servant. The King may trace him back to me.

No witnesses were left alive.

You better be right. You're the only one who hangs for this.

Cheer up, Montcourt. You can have Tomas' share.

Just try and stay alive long enough to spend it.

The King commands you to save this man.

His heart is still beating.

I'm not medically minded, but I would consider that a good omen.

It would take a miracle to save him.

So be it.

The blue bottle on the table, the kettle, the saw.

Hand me your belt.

I meant cure him, not cook him.

He loses his life or his leg. Your choice.

Very well then.

Hold him.

I'm sorry.


I come here when I need to think.

I do the same.

I must confess, Sire, my thoughts today concern you.

And mine.

I believe you know the Duc de Cassel.

Yes, I am quite well acquainted with that person.

You've known him a long time, I'm told.

As a girl, I knew him very well.

I don't care to remember.

I want you to go to him.

He refuses to attend our celebration.

Since he knows you so well, he may listen to you.

I need you to persuade him he's wrong.

You knew I would be here, did you not?

So you know my answer.

Take whoever you need.

There is someone.

And you shall have them.

And when you return, you shall also have your reward.


Hurry up. You mustn't keep Henriette waiting.

You go ahead, Mother.

Very well.

(Meet me at noon in the rose garden. I miss you.)


Give that back!

Shut up.

You will not see him.

You can't tell me who to speak to.

You haven't the slightest clue what you're dealing with or doing to me.

I'm late.

Promise you will never see him.

Or you'll destroy everything.

Do you understand me?

What is wrong?

The King wants proof. You must know.

He's demanding we all show our proof.

But it's coming from Pau, Mother. You said it.

It isn't coming, is it?

We're not who we claim to be.

I don't understand.

You were born a Huguenot, like me.

Mother please, stop.

I found a way to make us noble.

If you act against me, you'll destroy everything I've worked for.

If the King finds out?

We hang with the rest!


Oh dear.

Are you scared?

Is your mother scaring you?


Let it out. I'm sorry. Let it out.

Good girl.


Never do that again.


I don't believe you.

You better. Your life depends on doing what I tell you.


There you are.

Madame de Montespan.

I need you for an errand.

My lady will not permit it.

At the King's request.

What sort of errand?

To help me deliver a message, to an old acquaintance, the Duc de Cassel.

Of course, the King expects you to serve his request with full devotion.


I'll tell you what I've learned.

A woman will bring you trouble, even when she isn't trying to.

A diverting volume?

I'm afraid not.

I've stolen your lady. Madame de Montespan needed a young girl.

I see.

Of course. Anything for Athénaïs.

And the book?

My husband brought it back from the front for the Chevalier.

A hand-me-down.

I'm used to it.

Where did my brother find this?

How is Sophie settling in?

She's showing promise.

Why was she seen leaving in a coach with Madame de Montespan?

I had no idea.

When she returns, I want a full report on how Henriette spends her time, who she meets, what she writes. All of it.

That's why you placed her there.

You surprise me, cousin.

I thought you were two steps ahead.

I would make sure of it.

And get your papers in order!

Your lack of compliance reflects poorly on me.

Our papers are to come by road.

I would pray hard for their swift arrival.

This is a Cistercian codex from the low countries.

Very rare, almost forgotten.

Used, it appears, as an alternative to Roman numerals.

Louvois: They're numbers? Which correspond to letters.

The book hails from Cambrai in the Spanish Netherlands, suggesting that the plot to k*ll you started there.

The Dutch were nervous of our w*r and meant to stop it by any means.

William of Orange would have me k*lled?

I believe so, Sire.

They were sent to find a friendly face, which means they have supporters among us, and they will try again.
(Raining, thunder)



I wasn't expecting you tonight. Oh, my king!


I recognize your caress anywhere.


It runs in the family, my dear.

Christ have mercy!


I will say this for my brother: he has great taste.

Get out! Get out! I will tell the king.

Tell him what? My dear heart.

I am his brother and always will be.

You are merely passing through.

I'd enjoy it while you can, because it's warm when the sun shines, but believe me, when he's done with you, all the lights go out.

You are bathed in sin!



Forgive me.

(Door closing)

I will do the talking, and if he does succeed in cornering you, pretend to enjoy it.

He loses interest if there's no one to fight.

Yes, my lady.

Good girl.

You do not speak much, I like that.

I'm here to serve you, Lady.

And my king, of course.

I'm in your debt.

How is your husband?

Oh dear, you were doing so well.

Do you miss him?

As a child, I had dysentery, typhus and rickets.

I miss them all more than him.

Marry for power and rut for love.

If you retain anything from this, let it be that.

My little fig, what an unexpected pleasure.

My Lord. Delightful to see you.

Little Athénaïs, all grown up.

So much beauty in one afternoon. How lucky I am.

I am here, Sir, on the king's business.

You haven't responded to his invite.

Did I not reply? How remiss. I've been indisposed.

I'm so sorry.

My apologies to His Majesty.

I trust he will understand that I cannot come to his party.

As joyful as I am at our glorious ceasefire.

The gathering is a celebration, but it is also a memorial, an homage to those who died for this peace.

Thank His Majesty.

But I would prefer to pay my homages alone.

I appreciate you coming so far to act as the king's postman.

I would be honored if you and your lady dined with me.

Be advised, my mind is made up.

I hope I might be able to persuade you otherwise.

You have done well for yourself.

I knew you would.

I flatter myself that you have come so far.

Admit it. I taught you well, didn't I?

Doesn't Christ teach that we reach heaven only by going through hell?

So I suppose yes, I do have you to thank for that.


Sweet Athénaïs, always fighting back.

The first message is simple. "k*ll the men who bring the map."

The second one is more intriguing.

A riddle, in fact.

The end is near.

Make your peace with God.


The King cannot imagine his celebration without you, as I'm sure you're aware.

(Chuckling) His Majesty flatters me.

He is aware of your love of your lands, so he has an alternative.

If you can't come to the party, the party will come to you.

What do you mean?

You will host the party. The King will move the court here.

He will send an army of builders to rebuild the chateau, to be ready to receive his thousands of guests.

The King jokes at my expense.

No, the party will be at your expense.

That wouldn't be a problem.

Come now.

I've seen your house before: frayed cushions and moldy walls.

A bit like you, Cassel, a decent exterior, but underneath, rotten to the core.


I am wealthy beyond your reckoning.

You used to be.

You brag of your proxies in Paris, but they're not working anymore.

I bet your staff haven't been paid in a while.

It would be inconvenient for his Majesty.

Not as inconvenient as your absence at Versailles.

She's beautiful, no?

So pure. She will, of course, be there.

I promise.

How old are you?



Come here.

(Clearing throat)



I love when they play hard to get.

Isn't that right, my little fig?



Help me, please.

I shall call him Lazarus.

And you, I do not yet know what I shall call you.

Who is this man?

What did he do?

He's done nothing, said nothing.

Please, do not undo the work.

Quiet, please.


Charlotte Parthenay died in my arms.


Your musket, was it?


I wouldn't try to run.

Might give you a shock.

(Gasping) I didn't k*ll her.


But you were there.

Who did?

Who did?

I did not see.

You did not see?

You were not looking.

I guess you won't need this.


Oh my god!


For your collection.

Please let him live.

I just need him to answer a simple question.

Whom do you serve?

De Cassel.


He drank nine bumpers of the Turin Rosa Solis after supper.

And three more after arriving here. Then he fell asleep.

He's like a child when he sleeps.

We all are.


Oh, it's you.

My brother, the magician.


Her brother in England with allies against you, the prospect of a winter campaign, grain supplies running low.

Only you could sign a ceasefire and call it victory.

We'll talk tomorrow.

Now, Brother.

I do not think I will be awake tomorrow.

You haven't replied to the invite.


I assume you are coming.

Yes, sir!

I do as commanded by my superiors.

Drink your fill tonight. You will not do this at the party.

I will entertain myself.

As you say, Brother, the greatest glory is to die for King and country.

I have to disagree. From experience, the greater glory lies in living.

What can w*r do to a man?

You are no stranger to that, Sire.

But when he returns home, for example?

No man leaves a b*ttlefield unchanged.

Many see ghosts, even the sight of a fountain can spark memories.

Some go mad, some take to drink, some take their own lives.

Others grow orange trees for their kings.

You returned as another?

I felt aggrieved only when I wasn't paid.

What happened then?

I did whatever was necessary.

What did your family think?

I lost my family to w*r.


Three sons, all dead.

In your service.

MY prayers.

There's no need.

God has no place for us.

He does if you confess.

I need no confession, Sire, for I know I committed no sin.

If you say so.

May your gathering be glorious.

I will make sure of it. I always do.

(Chamber music)

Enchanting evening, isn't it?

Yes, Sire, delightful.



Cassel, you surprise me.

How could I stay away?

Sophie's done well.

Perhaps Montespan's the best place for her.

I must return her. She's not mine to give away.

She's on loan. Go. Be free.

You c**t.

I know you meant that as an insult, but I am a proud c**t.

You, if I remember right, are a prick, a tiny, shriveled prick.

You'll pay for this.

I already have. Believe me.


It is done, Sire.

Bow to your King.



You ignored my invitation.

I could not come.

My duty called me elsewhere.

I want to believe you.

Please try.

Follow me.


You want to. I can tell.

It can never be between us.

I know.


So? Come with me.

Louis: We are told not to play with fire, but they enjoy it.

I see no merit in it, no skill.

Oh I don't know.

A little burning is good for the soul, don't you think?

Joan of Arc might disagree with you, or Lucifer.

I fancy that in another life, we might have been friends.

I don't have time to give myself to fancy.

That's a surprise.

Nor do I care for those.

How unfortunate for you.


So soon?

I've seen burning paper before.

I'm leaving. Bring my horse.

He's finally gone.

Drink with me.

You look splendid.

I'm grateful you're here, Brother.

I believe you for once, Brother.


I was promised a walk in the garden.

We're in a garden now.

So we are.






On the field, I saw a man, young like we were.

He carried his brother in a sack over his shoulder.

He told me he had promised their mother to take him home.

Would you do that for me?

I would, but you?

I do not know.

You think because I'm King, I'm not also a brother?

That I have everything and want nothing?

A King does not live the life he wants.

You live those moments for me.

You live the life a King yearns for.

The w*r still rages in you.

It will never cease.

You mean halt.

You cannot resist the last word, can you?


Don't. Leave me. I command you.


When I was 12, Cassel took away my childhood.

What was left of it.

I'm grateful to you, Madame.

You understand more than anyone.

Understand what, Sire?

That in order to rule the first thing you must learn is sacrifice.


(Fire burning)

The King requires your papers.

Your noble papers, Sire, your lineage.

They're ashes.

Then you are without proof.

Only true nobles are exempt from tax. Arrears to be repaid in full.

I have nothing. It's all gone.

You're in his debt.

Arrest this man.