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01x09 - The Incubus

Posted: 12/28/15 07:58
by bunniefuu
At the beginning of the last century, the family split.

You Jekylls went one way.

And the Jezequiels carried on here.

Renato, Gideon and Brant Jezequiel still alive.

I'm here on family business with Gideon Jezequiel.

Mr Jezequiel died a year ago. It's just his widow now.

I think you might be a relative of mine.

I can't help you.

Listen, please!

A relative? Perhaps you better come in.

I'm you, Robert.


I'm a Hyde. I'm your sister.

I won't be taken prisoner!

I was in its head.

What? What do you mean?

Listen, you're just sick. It's a fever dream.

Not a dream.

I was seeing through its eyes.




♪ A maiden so fair ♪
♪ And a flower so rare ♪
♪ Together they grew in the valley ♪


Georgie. I was scared you wouldn't be here.

You haven't told anyone about us?

Not a soul. It's our secret.

My father would k*ll me if he knew I was seeing you.

We can be together for always.

Tell me how much you love me, Amelia.

I'll love you till the end of the world.

And what would you do for my love?

I'd do anything.

Say the words.

I'd die for you, Georgie Collins.

Then I give you my love.







Gideon, darling. Where have you been?

Out walking. Did you miss me?

I miss you every moment you're gone.

My darling. My beautiful lady.

My Renata.


Dance: Find them! They must be here.

Keres: You are too wild, Olalla. You must obey our rules.

I will bend you to our will or I will break you.


Dance: Daddy has to go away.

But don't worry. I'll be home before you know it.


Robert: You all right?

I'm here with you.

You sold me out to MIO.

Does this look like an MIO cell?

You have to trust me. You're safe for now.

Something feels wrong.

Well, MIO shot you with enough monocane to keep you as Jekyll for a week.

I can't stay like this.

Like you.

Give me my other blood spike.

We're safe here.

This is Renata Jezequiel's house.

She's family.

She... understands what we are.

I brought you here so we could make plans.

MIO and Tenebrae are both after us.


Why can't you accept that you're Hyde and he is the only thing who can destroy Dance?


Rob, I want to fight them with you.

The three of us together. We can go back to London, find Captain Dance.

No, we need a plan first.

But I don't like it here, Robert.

There's something about Renata.

She's lost her husband - and her son.

I know, but... she gives me the spooks.




Uh, Renata, I um...

I just wanted to say... You don't have to keep thanking me.

I'm just aware that I've foisted rather a lot of my family on you.

Our family.

Where is she?


Maggie. It's so good to see you.


How are you?

All in position, sir.

Mouse... trap.



Is that a code, sir?





Remember, we want both of them.



Mornin', lads.


You should've told me you were coming.

I'd have brewed up a pot.

Not much point when I'm home alone.

'Big cheese for a little chap. Spells curtains.' Nine letters.

Where's Jekyll and his sister?

What, you lost him? That's a shame.

I was hoping you could tell me what they were up to.

No sign of them. Clean as a nun's whistle.

Where is he?

You're not gonna do anything unpleasant to me, are you?

I'd really rather you didn't. I'm a bit old for all that.

A bit tired.

You're welcome to stay till they come back.

Shall I put the kettle on?


Ah, thank you.

I'll get rid of them.

I'll tell them it's not safe here.

You haven't told them anything else?

Anything about me?

Of course not. They wouldn't understand.

I'd have to leave you again, my darling.


I couldn't bear it.

I'd go with you.

I know you would, my love.

I'd bring you back from hell itself.

Don't worry.

Let me deal with them.

First I find I have a grandson, and now I find I have a granddaughter as well.

What next?

Twin sister I never knew about?

Maybe I'm one of triplets.

Or what about great-grandchildren?

It seems that I've somehow, sort of... proposed to Lily.

I thought you'd be pleased.

Robert... can't live like other people.

Oh... you sound like Olalla.

I know what I'm talking about. I loved a Hyde.

Well, that wasn't love.

Then you don't know what love is.

It's not always hearts and flowers.

But whatever it was I felt for him... it ruined me.

You can't ruin that girl the same way.

I can control it.

Olalla: - Ha!

I was in love once.


He was the most handsome boy you'd ever seen.

He was my life.

But it was a matter of moments to k*ll him.

May I present your charming granddaughter, Olalla Jekyll.

Olalla Hyde.

Promise me, Robert, you'll break it off with Lily.


You must.

Everyone around us comes to harm.

If you really love her, don't ever see her again.

I'll prove you both wrong.

Please, Garson. I just need to know that Robert's all right.

He's just gone away for a couple of days.

If he didn't tell you where, then I can't, can I? - Oh, he's maddening.

You know he's asked me to marry him?

Er... yeah.


It's... so much to plan.

With Mother not being well and...

I worry so much about him.

Something bad always happens when he runs off.

Poor Max.

Look, I...

I can't tell you where he is, Lily, because I really don't know.

But he tells you everything.

He hides so much from me.

What is it, Garson?

What is it he can't tell me?


Told me everything he knows.

You see, Hannigan? The feminine touch.

I raise my glass to you, Lily.

'Wine comes in at the mouth, love comes in at the eye.

That's all we shall know of truth before we grow old and die.'


I wish my wife would pretend to love me the way you do Jekyll.

Drive, why don't you?







What are you doing here?

I came to find you, Robert.

You shouldn't have come here, Lily.

Don't you want to see me?

Not here. Not like this.

It's all right, darling.

Garson told me everything.

Not just where you'd gone. Everything.

You don't have to keep secrets from me any more.

What... exactly did he tell you?

What you are, Robert.

I know that you change... into someone else.

I wish you'd told me before.

It doesn't matter, Robert.

I only love you more.

Lily... I can't tell you how much this means.

I thought you'd hate me for what I was. - No.

No, my darling, never.

And now that I know the truth... nothing can harm us.

We'll be together for all time.

My handsome boy.

My love.

My Robert.

Not a sniff of him, sir. I'm afraid we've lost him.

Was Garson telling us the truth?

He knows nothing. I tried every trick in your Mata Hari field manual on him.

Mm, lucky man. We have to get him back on side.

With Dance being reborn, Jekyll's the only one can stop him.

I'll do what I can but I'm not sure how much longer I can keep this up.

And if he finds out the truth about me... - He mustn't.

We need a Plan B, sir.

If Jekyll's gone, we have to work out a way how to deal with Dance.

We have the black monocane.

We pump him full of this... good night, sweetheart.

We have to find him first!


I don't know what to do any more, my love.

I've tried everything I can think of.

I very much doubt what's left of your boyfriend can still hear you.

Who told you you could come in here?

Well, I own this building.

I own the door I just stepped through.

I own the room I just came into.

But Captain Dance is still in command.


What are my orders, Captain Dance, sir?

What's that you say?

I should give Fedora the message from Tenebrae?

Straightaway, sir.




Oh, sorry.

Do you know what an incubus is?

Yes. A demon.

They appear to you in the form of the person you love most in the world.

They feed on your soul, drain your life force.


It seems one of them has escaped into this world.

I don't understand every word of that but...

Keres's juju men have... sensed its vibrations.

You are to drop everything and find it.

A demon? That don't sound good.

It would be our demon, Silas.

Its powers would help us enormously.

But what about him?

The incubus is more important.

Your number's up, Dance, old son.

Too bad. Life has bowled you a googly.

(CHUCKLES) Oh... chin up.

There are plenty more fish in the ocean.

Shall I...

..put him out with the rubbish?

When this is over, I'm going to k*ll you.

Four of clubs?

Five of clubs.

Jack of hearts.

You're getting better.

King of spades.

Eight of spades.

Six of diamonds.

Three of clubs.

The question is...

Could you see through the eyes of Tenebrae, lead us to Dance?

Where have you been?


So, Ravi, can you do it?

Can you see through anyone's eyes?

Do not stand at my grave and weep.

I am not dead. I do not sleep.

I am a thousand winds that blow.

I am the diamond glints in snow.

I am the sunlight on ripened grain.

I am the gen...

Renata? Mrs Jezequiel?

I'm sorry.

I didn't think about what I was reading.

Let me talk to her.

Olalla: I'm not sure I really want you in my head, Ravi.

I can only see. I can't... read minds.


I want you all to leave.

Keep practising.

We have to find Dance, and right now you're our only hope.

We might have a problem closer to home.

There's something here.

We need to concentrate on Dance.


Why won't you accept that something is going on?

What's the matter with you?


Renata isn't telling you everything.

She's one of us.


And that's a good thing?

Look what we are. Look what her son did. Look what I've done.

Listen, Tenebrae made you do it.

They made you what you are.

They're the enemy.

As long as they were giving me the mixture to keep me as Hyde, I was happy to be one of them.

I don't believe you.

There's only one thing I regret.

Falling in love.


He was a Tenebrae soldier.

One day Dance came to me and said that he had betrayed Tenebrae.

To prove my loyalty...

..I had to k*ll the traitor.

It was a test... to bind me to them with his blood.

To prove my love for Dance.

Which I did.


You say that I'm the only one that can k*ll Dance?

But we're twins. We share the same blood.

I understand now.

It's not that you can't k*ll Dance.

It's that you won't.

That's impossible.

Where is everyone?

Olalla's upstairs and Robert's outside... - Find him. Quick.

How can the boy discover our secret?

If you love me, you won't tell him.

You don't understand. He has the sight.

All that matters is that you give me your love.

Would you die for me... Renata?

Olalla! Olalla!

Say the word.

I'd die for you, my love.

Then I give you my love.

Ravi: - Olalla!




Quick! It's Renata!


Argh! Argh!


No, Robert!

What was that thing?

I don't know.

It was attacking Renata.

It was horrible.

But not through her eyes.

You saw him.

Your husband.

What are you protecting?



Don't be afraid.


Why have you come back here?

We arranged it. Remember?

Yes. Y... Did we?

I can't remember... anything.

Except for you.

You're all I can think of.

I know.

Ah, you have to get out of here. There's this creature. I think it's...

Hang on. I was following it.

No, Robert. I'm all right.

You're not safe here.

I'm always safe in your arms.

You do love me, don't you, Robert?

Of course I love you.

You're all there is in my world.

There will never be another.

Show me how much you love me.

I don't have to be afraid of kissing you any more.

I've said the words you wanted to hear.

Now you say the words I want to hear.


Would you die for me, Robert?

A thousand times.

Then I give you... my love.


Well, this is interesting.

As you said, there's nothing to be scared of.


Now, unless you've got the same identity issues as me, you've got some explaining to do.

I don't have a problem at all, darlin'.


I'm all woman.

Are you?

See, I think there might just be a little bit of corpse in you.

I can give you... anything... (GROWLS) want.

I'm good at that.

Knowing what people want.

Are you?

And what do I want, hm?

To be what you are.

Something... special.

To be like your sister... wild and free.

Forget Lily.

There's not enough of her for you.

You fooled yourself that you've been protecting her from what you are when deep down you run... because you don't want her.

You want me.

Otherwise... why would I be here?

Well, that is just the thing.

Why are you here?

It's gonna take more than some shadowy subterranean canoodling to convince me that this is real.

What are you?

Whatever... you want me to be.

Two for the price of one.

And I thought you loved me.

Oh, I do.

I want you.

Oh! Hyah!




What is that?





I thought you were that thing.

Mm. I'm touched.

It takes on the form of the person you most love.


Well, I'm afraid I confused the hell out of it. Whatever it is.

It's a demon.

An incubus.

It's taken over Gideon's corpse.

Ravi, would you tell me what this is for?

We have to protect ourselves.

Then shouldn't we be looking for g*ns or, I don't know, cudgels?

I mean, how do you fight a monster?

I never knew.

I saw it. After it att*cked Renata.

It was afraid of something.

What could something like that be afraid of?


I just didn't know what was real.

Of course, I knew he was really gone, but... every night I'd dream that he was alive, that I'd made a terrible mistake thinking him dead.

And then, when he came back to me, I wanted to believe, even though I knew it couldn't be.

I understand. - No, you don't, because I deserted my post!

I had a duty, as a Jezequiel, to guard this place.

The tomb has been destroyed.

The sword has been broken. What is there left to guard?

Tell us, Renata. I am sick of secrets and lies.

This place is a gateway.

A sealed entrance to the city of Dis. The city beneath the earth.

And what lives down there?

Not "lives" exactly.

Lord Trash, one of the old gods.

When you damaged the wall, you cracked the seal... just enough for one tiny thing to escape, in spirit form, like a sliver of living energy.

And it's taken over Gideon's body.

Only until it's sucked enough life from its victims.

Then it will be able to form its own body here in this world.

No, we can't let that happen.

And why not, exactly?

Because that would be the answer to Tenebrae's prayers.

Wonderful work.

If the incubus takes its demon form in this world, it will have the power and the knowledge to break the seal that is keeping Lord Trash prisoner.

So... find it for us, Silas.

But it hurts, Fedora.

More or less than that?

All right. I get the point.

What's the hurry?

I thought this incubus was a demon.

All-singing, all-dancing, all-powerful.

Oh... the incubus is vulnerable.

Like a soft-shell crab waiting for its new shell to harden.

Its only power is enchantment.

Before it takes enough lives, it could be sent back to Lord Trash's realm.

This will help you to focus.

Find the incubus. Get into its mind.

Find out what is there.

See what it sees.

Your family have spent hundreds of years guarding the seal, waiting for something to emerge.

The moment one finally does, you make it a cup of tea and give it a great big kiss!

It tricked me!

I'd lost everything everyone I'd ever loved, all I thought I was.

Why not accept the dream?

Because dreams turn into nightmares.

I gave you that book to take away from this house.

I don't want it back here.

Well, bad luck because here it is.

I need answers.

It all comes back to Lord Trash.

When he was defeated, Tenebrae lost most of their power.

Who defeated him?

Who do you think?

One of us.

Olalla: Look. Here it is, using a man as its host.

Right. What do we know?

We know it couldn't cope with me. It couldn't hold more than one form at once.

And it fears its own reflection.

Right. So we trap it, using Ravi's mirrors.

It's weak when it feeds.

It has to lower its defences.

Are you suggesting we let it feed on one of us?

Well, we'd have to find it first.

Let me help.

My sight. Perhaps I can get a glimpse inside its mind.

All right. Try.

What is it? What do you see?

Come on! Talk to me! What is it?

What do you see? Come on, talk to me.

Fedora: What do you see?

Are you in its mind?


What did you see?

I'm not sure.

I saw through the demon's eyes.

But also someone else's.


They're searching for the demon.

But... if you could see through their eyes, then maybe they could see through yours.

We have to hurry.

We have to destroy the incubus before Tenebrae get to it.


It's close.

That's not enough mirrors. We need more.


You handsome devil!


Are you ready to give me my blood spike back?

Well, I don't think that wicked little Olalla should have her toy.

Not until she's learned to behave herself.

Oh, come on.

I don't want a moral sermon from you of all people.

I've never seen you happier.

Why don't you just admit that you're tempted to use that on yourself?

Live as you are now all the time.

Which is why Robert Jekyll wants to get rid of this damn thing.

But... what if I gave it to you and you just simply ran off?

You know I never run from a fight.




Gideon's voice: Renata. My darling.

They've lied to you about me.

I know. I know. I can't bear it.

They're plotting to send you back where you came from.

We need to get you away.

Follow me, my love.

This way.

Darling... wait.

Take what you need.


You are all I need.


One last kiss.

One last life.

You know, I don't blame you.

I wouldn't want to catch my reflection if I looked like the devil's backside.

Ah, Bella. I'm so glad you could join the party.

You can't be all things to all people.

Robert, stop this, please!

Oh, that ship has sailed, my darling.

One more kiss and I will be reborn.

I don't love you.

You do.

I am the only one you can love because I am the only one whose soul is as dark as yours.


Let me die.

I give you my love.

Take me!

Kiss this!

What happened there? Who did you see?



Bury him again. Deeper this time.

Will you be all right?


I'm sorry this house wasn't as safe as it should have been.

I deserve everything.

Don't blame yourself, Renata.

Nobody else does.

Love isn't rational.

It does strange things to us.

Makes us mad.

Who was it you saw?

It was Robert's grandfather I saw.

Edward Hyde.

I spent my life trying to forget him.


You told me before that Captain Dance had a jar, a stone jar.

A Calyx.


You have to find it.

It's the key to destroying Dance.

He... He told me to open it.

You're the only one who can.

Bring it to me here, if you can.


I will.

But where's Olalla?

She went to get the book.

I'll fetch her.

My love.


'I'm sorry, Robert. I must be myself. Good luck.'


She said she'd never run.

I was ready to accept her, Maggie.

Accept her for what she was.

What I am.

Hyde is part of us.

It makes us what we are.

Let's go, Robert. We have things to do.


You sure you know where the incubus is, Silas?

You don't want to look again?

I know what I seen and I'm not looking again. I thought it would burn my brains out.

That wouldn't take long.

We know where the incubus is, Protheroe.

Then get after it.


No need to hurry.

It's coming to us.

She'll come back, Robert.

She's family.

She loves you. We all do.

My Robert.

My boy.

Open the Calyx.

That's exactly what Tenebrae want.