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01x01 - A Suitable Donor (Pilot)

Posted: 12/26/15 05:24
by bunniefuu
Jimmy: What would you do with a second chance?

Before you answer, let me give you some advice.

Second chances can be a real monster.

[Creedence Clearwater Revival's "Bad Moon Rising" plays]

I'm gonna call the police.

No need for that.

♪ I see a bad moon rising ♪

That same music over and over.

I'm gonna get the cops up here.

FBI. Will that do?

♪ I see trouble on the way ♪
♪ I see earthquakes and lightnin' ♪

Neighbors are complaining about the noise again, Dad.

♪ I see ♪

Why don't you go ahead and let me have that smoke, too?

Come on.

I was having a lot more fun before you showed up.

It's 3:00 in the afternoon.

Are you planning on getting dressed today?

I will take it under advisement.

What's all this?

Is this my case?

You're working my case now?

[chuckles] Someone has to.

Six bank jobs in 12 months, dead security guard, nobody locked up for it.

[chuckles] In my day, we would've done...

What needed to get done.

Yeah, I'm pretty much aware of that.

[toilet flushes]

[keys jingle]

Dad, is somebody else here?

Oh. Hey.

I was just on my way out.

Duval, this is Bettina.

Bettina is a member of my, uh, music appreciation club.

We meet once a week.

Don't worry.

He's too old to really do much of anything.

And how much does not really doing much of anything cost him?

Don't answer that!

It's impolite to talk about money.

My son should know that.

Don't be rude, Duval.

I'll see you. You know where to find me.

Oh! Hello.


Oh, geez.

Are you here for the music appreciation club?

The music... I'm sorry. The what club?

Gracie, I thought I told you to wait in the car.

Well, I wanted to come say hi to Grandpa.

I'll see you next week.

Who was that?

No one. Gracie, as long as you're here, go ahead and empty the rest of that bourbon in the kitchen sink.

Grandpa, what does the doctor say about mixing your meds and bourbon?

Oh, that I had to give one of them up.

Can't remember which one.

Oh, you know, I used to have a lot more records.

You know what happened to them?

Yeah, they're with the boxes from when we shut down your house... after Mom died.


They're up in our attic.

I can go up there when we get back.

Remember? Dad's taking me on a College Gracie tour.

You can take the time?

It's two days with my daughter.

I've been on this case for a year.

You know best. Kiddo.

Gracie, come on, let's go.


I, uh, I poured a little of the bourbon into a glass by the sink.

Oh, you are an understanding child.


You'll always be the Sheriff.


Don't let your father hear you say that.

He doesn't like it.

[both chuckle]

I'll see you later.

[door closes]

♪ Every day, you wake up in the morning ♪
♪ Trying to ignore the way you feel ♪
♪ Reading all the bad news in the papers ♪
♪ Of all the people that are sleeping at the wheel ♪
♪ Can't believe a thing your daddy told ya ♪
♪ Couldn't ever even walk a line ♪
♪ Mama always had her best intentions ♪
♪ Telling you everything will be fine ♪

I don't know what face that is.

It's my reassuring face, Otto.


I thought maybe it was anxious.

Maybe it's a bit of both.

The board needs me to do interviews to ease the shareholders' minds.

They'll ask what you've been doing, Otto.

[speaking twin-speak]

Not in twin-speak, Otto. In English.

You won't tell them, will you?


I won't tell them.

It works with the fish. I want to go to human trials.

After mice, rats, and chimps. You know that, Otto.

But we can't wait.

You're too sick, Mary.

They were dead.

We brought them back.

♪ So, don't close your eyes ♪
♪ Or time will pass you by ♪
♪ Oh, oh ♪
♪ Don't hear, don't see, don't speak no evil ♪
♪ Don't hear, don't see, don't speak no evil ♪
♪ Don't hear, don't see, don't speak no evil ♪

[crickets chirping]



[paper rips]

Jimmy: What the hell are you doing in my son's office?!

Just take it easy.

I asked you a question.

Answer me!

Look me in the eye!

Or we will both find out if I remember how to throw this knife.

No, don't do it!



Man: Get what we need.

Clean this place up like it never happened.

Go to hell!

I got a better idea, Sheriff.

You were depressed, drinking too much.

[grunts] [coughs]

After what you put your family through.

I'm surprised it took you so long to do it.

All right, get him over!


Do it!

He's seen our faces!

Come on, man, do it now!

My son will catch you!

No, Mr. Pritchard, he won't.


[indistinct shouting]

[g*ns cock]

[police radio chatter]

Reporter: In what is being ruled a su1c1de, ex-King County Sheriff Jimmy Pritchard took his own life nearly 15 years after stepping down from his office in the wake of a widespread corruption scandal.

Pritchard is survived by two children and one grandchild.


4-year-old Otto Goodwin, unable to connect with the world around him, constructed a private language consisting of over 3,000 words.

His twin sister, Mary, was the only person he taught it to.

He would speak to her. She would speak to the world.

Within a few years, he would give Mary the algorithm for Lookinglass, and she would turn it into a $10-billion social-media giant.

Morgan: Mary, when you and your twin brother started Lookinglass nearly 10 years ago now, did you ever imagine you'd end up with a billion users?

Otto wrote that code to help people connect.

That number one billion shows how hungry people are to connect with each other.

But human connection is something that Otto has always struggled with, and he spoke only to you till he was 9 years old and then only the language of his own invention.

And people are saying two things.

I want to put these to you very strongly tonight.

The obvious question for you...

Otto: Come on, Mary. Otto burnt out?

Say yes.

Can Lookinglass survive without him?

Say yes.

Otto's become very distant, almost disappeared off the face of the Earth, and his absence has created a vacuum where competitors can pounce into the market.

I'm sorry, Otto. Mary says no.

Why? Doesn't she know that by the time we find another donor, it'll be too late? Why would she say no?!

You know why, Otto.

Your sister still hasn't given the go ahead for human testing.

But it's the only thing that'll save her!

...a lot of waiting.

Arthur, how long will Mary be in New York?

She has one more day of interviews.


He's essentially just disappeared.


Most concerning...

Switch the serial numbers. Procure the body.

She is going to be angry. You know that.





[monitor beeping]

What did you do, Otto?

Please don't be mad.

Arthur, terminate the process!

Turn it off! Turn it all off now!

Arthur: Yes, Mary. Give me a moment.

Please, Mary, don't.

We had no right to do this... to take a body without asking!

Shutting down in 25 seconds.

Please, Mary, don't!

We need to send him back. He shouldn't be here!

Please, let me just tell you who he is first.

[beeping continues]

It's who we've been waiting for.

[beeping continues]

You don't have to die, Mary.

His genetic variation is 1 in 10 million.

15 seconds.

It works with him, Mary.

He's here to save us.

Please don't leave me alone.

My father, Jimmy Pritchard, was in the department for 30 years, and... they didn't even send a couple of lousy motorcycles.

Without departmental honors.

He didn't expect anything of anyone.

Didn't expect anything of me.

All right, that's... that's enough now, Helen.


You've had too much to drink.

Oh! [laughs]

Well, it's the only thing he taught me.

Meet me in my office.

[cabinet closes]

You remember the guard they k*lled on the first job?

You've got to be kidding me, partner. We're not working today.

I got to thinking, maybe he was in on it, and they were cleaning up when they k*lled him.

So I pulled his phone records.

Okay. Pulled his phone records, and...

Nothing connects him to it.

Why can't we get these guys?

Duval, that's for tomorrow.

Today's about your family, your dad.

My dad would've wanted me to work today, believe me.

His cells, recoded for optimum growth and capacity, will allow us to begin Mary's treatment on schedule.

Arthur: Otto, may I ask a question?

What is it, Arthur?

If the specimen in the t*nk regains consciousness, what should I refer to him as?

Jimmy Pritchard is dead.

Refer to him as...

Proprietary Goodwin Technology.

Should I run that name by Mary?

[telephone ringing]

[glasses beeping]

[indistinct conversations]

Mary? Your oncologist is on the line.

Thank you, Doctor.

As always, I appreciate your discretion.

[breathes deeply]

What's our current price per share?


Still holding even... good.

The interviews you're doing have stabilized the stock.

Let's line up some more.

Set a meeting with P.R.

Right away.

Ted talks have always wanted you, as well.

They've always wanted Otto, but they'll take me, so make that happen, and, uh...


Okay, Alexa.

What's with the mother hen look?

I'm sorry.

Can I ask what the doctor said?

My numbers are getting worse. Chemo still isn't working.

Then is it time to let the board and the public know your ill and that your illness is what's distracting Otto and...

Get ahead of the story?

Of course, you've already considered everything.

Otto's not ready for anyone to know I'm sick.

I'm just your assistant.

And this is probably not my place, but if the chemo isn't working, won't Otto have to start getting ready?

There are no other treatments, are there?

Phase one complete.

Should I attempt to restore consciousness?

[monitor beeping]

Mom and Dad believed in God, Otto.

They would've said what we're about to do should be left to God.

[beeping continues]

They would've said we'd be punished for what we're about to do.

They would've wanted us to take care of each other.

[beeping continues]

From now on, no more decisions on your own.

Do you understand?

[beeping continues]

I promise.

Initiate phase two, Arthur.

[beeping, electricity crackling]

[g*ns cock]

[camera shutters click]

[beeping, crackling continues]


Mary, please restate.

I am not programmed to recognize twin-speak.


Phase two complete.



[breathes deeply]

Your cigarettes have been removed.

[sighs, grunts]


And who would you be?

My name's Mary... Mary Goodwin.

I don't want you to be afraid.

Do I look afraid?

[grunts, coughs]

So [coughs] did we, uh... do I owe you for something?

No. You don't owe me anything.

What are you doing in my apartment, Mary?

You know this is your apartment?

Good. That's really good.

Yeah, I know this is my apartment.

I want to know what you're doing in it.

And why you took my smokes.

Because they cause cancer.

And what about your name? Can you tell me your name?

Well, let's see. I've had it for 75 years.

It's Jimmy Pritchard.

What are you... some kind of... visiting nurse?

Social worker? Is that it?

Did my kids send you to check on me?

Well, you can put in your report to my special agent son that I know who I am.

I don't need anybody to take care of me.

And I feel fine.

I even got my appetite back.

I thought you might be hungry. I made a sandwich for you.

[muffled] Mmm, God, that's good.

Usually, my teeth would bother me with something like this.

[inhales deeply]

[plate clinks]

Mr. Pritchard, can you tell me the last thing you remember?

Why is my hand like this?

Who are you?

His respiration rate is rising.

Mary Goodwin. I'm here to help you.

[birds chirping]

Then why is my... hand not my hand, Mary?

My voice sounds funny. Was there an accident?

No. Not an accident.

You've been through something, but it's going to be okay, I promise.

What do you remember?

[sighing] My son's house and...

[sighs] ...a bridge.

There used to be a mirror right here.

Why did you take it down?

Because we need to do this slowly.

Do... what... slowly?

I know you.

Blood pressure 170 over 120.

I know you. You're one of those...
rich computer twits.

The hell are you doing in my apartment?

I think we need to stop now, okay?



We need to stop now, okay?


You're gonna feel tired.

...get out of there!

I need you to sleep.

When you wake up, we can start again.

Okay, but right now... Aah!

I fell!


I hit the ground! I...

[crying continues]

I hit the ground.


I died.


[breathing heavily]


Why didn't the sedative release?!

It did release.

His body needed 12 times the prescribed amount.

He's stronger than predicted.

[birds chirping]

We need to know how much.

Keep him sedated until we run more tests.

I can't. The capsule under his skin is now empty.



[metal clatters]



Jimmy: Open it!

[pounding on door]

Let me out!



[alarm blaring]

He's broken through the back wall of the room.

He's in the house.

[breathing heavily]

[birds chirping]



Mary: We're offering you another chance.

What? Why did you do this to me?

You have a very rare genetic precursor which allowed us to recode and regenerate your cells.

I don't know what any of that means, but this... this is me. But this isn't me!

This is the best version of you.

You're the first to journey all the way back.

To get another chance.


Don't you want it?

[monitor beeping]

With another chance, maybe you don't have to end it that way.

[sighs] Is... is that what people think?

They think I jumped... off that bridge?

Your memory's been through a shock.

You might not be ready to remember what you did.

No! There was a break-in in my son's house.

I caught them, and then they threw me off that bridge.

No, wait.

It was not a... not a... not a break-in.

They were... they were looking for something, but...

I was just an old man, so they just... tossed me like a bag of dirt.

I was just an old man, wasn't I?

I don't care if you believe me. My son is in trouble.



[breathing heavily]

[birds chirping]

[heart beating loudly]

[bird cries]

[insects buzzing]

[wings whirring]

[leash rattling]

[dog growling, barks]

[dog barking]

[breathing heavily]

[dog growling]

[dog panting]

Nice day for a hike.

Yeah, it is.

Trainer, right? Gym or private?


What do you do... TRX, P90X, kettlebells, SLT?

Because... you feel this? [sighs]

No matter what I do, there's like 2% that I can't get rid of.

Feel that.

[birds chirping]

Yep, I feel it.

Are you taking new clients?


Um... no, not right now.


See you then.



Mary: He was in the Sheriff's department for 30 years.

He'll try to find out who broke into his son's house.

He'll try to solve the crime.

Mary, I don't mean to disagree with you about Mr. Pritchard's current intentions, but my list of his priorities ranks law enforcement below women, alcohol, and music.

[up-tempo music playing]

[indistinct conversations]





It's loud in here!

Do I know you?

No, but...

I know a friend of yours. Jimmy Pritchard.

He said you hang out here.

Sheriff Pritchard k*lled himself.

Yeah. Yeah, I read about that, but he said that if I ever need anything, that I should see you.

And what do you want?

I want to go to your place.

You say you're a friend of Jimmy's?


I didn't see you at his funeral.

You were at m...

You were at the funeral?


How was it? Uh... real sad... I guess?


There was hardly any weeping.

Big turnout?

Would you like to buy me a drink?


The thing is, I'm kind of tapped out right now.

And so concludes our time together.

But... but I'm a friend of Jimmy's.

Then you should understand the nature of our relationship.

[up-tempo music continues]

Don't move.

Room's single use, bro.

You look fit. You do kettlebells?

Do I do kettle...



Found your secret.

You a cop?

I'm just gonna need your bankroll now, buddy.


Huh, I'll have to get a handle on that.

[up-tempo music continues]

[chuckles] This will do.

What kind of cop are you?!

Sonny, I'm the Sheriff.

♪ Don't do it, don't do it ♪
♪ Don't touch the bass ♪
♪ Don't do it, don't do it ♪
♪ Don't touch my ♪

You just want to use my computer?

It has the Internet, right?

Yes. It has... the Internet.

That's all you want to do?

My computer?


[keyboard clacking]

Well, I'm gonna go take a shower.

You can get your cyber-freak on.


Mary: What are you doing, Mr. Pritchard?

Here, Mr. Pritchard, on the screen.

Your friend Bettina's on Lookinglass.

We've been listening for your voice pattern.

On her computer?

On two billion computers and devices.

Is it your plan to have sex with that woman?

Is it my plan to have what?

If you do, you're most likely super-potent.

Do you have protection?

Super... Lady, I'm just trying to find out about the break-in at my son's house.

There's no record of a break-in.

I've searched every database for one.

Well, then he doesn't know they were there.

I mean, how could he not notice that somebody's gone through his things?

I mean, where's his head at?

I have to sit him down about that.

Mr. Pritchard, you can't sit him down about anything.

Your family buried you.


Make it bigger.


[inhales sharply] Son of a bitch.

My k*ller was carrying my own damn casket.

"John Strayburn."

I know that name. That's my son's partner.

You done?

We need you to get back here right...

Baby, it is messed up if you would rather do it online like that... than when you have someone here in the flesh.

♪ Ba-boom, ba-boom, ba-boom ♪
♪ Boom, boom, boom ♪
♪ Ba-boom, ba-boom, ba-boom ♪

This does nothing for you?

♪ Boom, boom, boom ♪
♪ Ba-boom, ba-boom, ba-boom ♪
♪ Boom, boom, boom ♪

You know...

♪ Ba-boom, ba-boom, ba-boom ♪

Pritchard told me that he, uh, was too old to really do much of anything.

I don't really like to talk about my other clients.


♪ Boom, boom, boom ♪
♪ Ba-boom, ba-boom, ba-boom ♪
♪ Boom, boom, boom ♪
♪ Ba-boom, ba-boom, ba-boom ♪
♪ Boom, boom, boom ♪
♪ Ba-boom, ba-boom, ba-boom ♪

Mm, uh...

♪ Boom, boom, boom ♪

Do you have protection? 'Cause...

♪ Ba-boom, ba-boom, ba-boom ♪

...there's a chance I might be super-potent.


♪ Don't touch my ♪

Man: There you go! Good!

Coach... [indistinct shouting]

That's it! That's it! There you go!

A lot of hustle there!

You girls will be in in a minute, all right?

Damn it, he's the coach.

Good! Bring it around!

That's it! There you go!

Give her a target on the wing!

I ask that parents stay over there.

Jackie, watch that left foot!

Woman: Oh, yeah!

Uh... I'm not a parent.

I knew your father.

And, uh, there's something we need to talk about.

Nice job, Sarah!

Cut down that angle!

Man: Block, Gina!

Let me guess. He owed you money?

No. Nothing like that.

I'm coaching my girl's soccer game, all right?

Wait over there, and I'll give you five minutes when it's over.

This is important.

So is this. We'll talk later.

Gracie: Dad?


Can Robin and I switch? She wants to play right-mid?


Say it's okay.

[indistinct shouting]

Sorry. Mister, do I know you?

No. You don't know me.

There you go! Watch that left foot!


Tell Robin right-mid, okay?

Why are you still standing here?

I'll wait over there.


That's it, that's it! That was good!

Lots of hustle!

Woman: You're gonna have to cut that off!

[indistinct shouting]

[shouting echoes, warbling]

Man: Team looks good, girls!

Make sure you're ready.

Saw you talking to super dad. [chuckles]

He's my big brother.



[shouting echoes]

[echoing] Are you okay?


Something's wrong. It's...

The process is like a transplant.

Your body's going into rejection.

My son is in trouble.

You can't help him like this.

Come with me now before it's too late.


I know you can see me, so look.

I'm going to help you help your son.

Deposits into Strayburn's account after each robbery.

Texts to Strayburn before each robbery.

Show this to Duval.

[inhales deeply]

[exhales sharply]

[birds chirping]

Why'd you really do this to me, Mary?


I have cancer. There's no cure.

Chemo stopped working six months ago.

[monitor beeps]

Otto recoded your red blood cells to fight off death.

Now he's using them to fight the cancer in my blood.

This is you going in me.


You brought me back... to save you?

And... that in there, that's... that's me?

[birds chirping]

[sighs] Look, I'm 75 years old.

I've seen a lot of my friends go to cancer, and it ain't pretty.

I feel for you.

But other people don't do this.

Otto is not other people.

Otto? You're the one dying.

Otto can't be without me.

Maybe Otto could find himself a woman who isn't his sister?

My room, 1988!

Arthur: You know you're not supposed to manage your feelings this way.

Mary prefers you stay present.

I spoke for him until he was 9.

He experiences the world through me.

If I go, he'll retreat into himself.

He'll be lost.

So go save your son.

But then come back to us.

You'll be needing a car.


It was our father's.

Suits you.

You have 12 hours before you need to be back in the t*nk.

Set the timer on the phone for you.

Maybe you dig this cops-and-robbers stuff.

♪ But they said it at the big and tall ♪
♪ A faded king, like a prince ♪
♪ And a joker's pair of coveralls ♪
♪ When the motor chase starts ♪

Oh, yeah.

This will do.

♪ There's no getting out of this one ♪

You've got 10 seconds to explain why you're outside my house.

Read this. Then we'll talk.

[birds chirping]

It's a nice house.

Looks like a real nice place to raise a family.

Until I figure out what you want, it's best you don't mention my family.

This is crap. I don't believe it.

You go check it out then.

And you came by this how?


Your father didn't trust Strayburn.

My father?

I didn't think he knew my partner.

[chirping continues]

I looked through these records. I didn't see any of this.

Just use the file, Duval.

Close the case. It'll make your career.

And how exactly did you know my father?

I did some work for him. Used to talk about you.

Said how proud he was of you raising that little girl, Gracie, on your own.

He wasn't always amazed at how well you turned out seeing what a terrible father he was.

You're not gonna dispute that, huh?

Why don't you come in with me?

Just put this under anonymous tip.

Just keep my name that way, too.

It's funny.

My partner was more family to me than my dad ever was.

[sighs] You know, he did what he had to do to keep this county and his family safe.

"What he had to do"? [scoffs]


You mean like planting evidence instead of coming home at night?

No. He did what he wanted to do.

He was selfish to the end.

Like walking off that bridge.

You sound relieved he's gone.

Okay, kid.

I'll stay gone. [sighs]

[car door closes]

Arthur: Mr. Pritchard has left his son.

He seems to be entering a bar.

[Creedence Clearwater Revival's "Bad Moon Rising" plays]

Jimmy: ♪ I see the bad moon rising ♪
♪ I see trouble on the way ♪
♪ I see earthquakes and lightnin' ♪

[keyboard clacking]

[monitor beeps]

[door closes]

I didn't want to believe it, but [sighs] it all checks out, Chief.

He's dirty.

[monitor beeping]

[cheers and applause]

What if it's not just my son's partner?

What if it goes deeper?

[cellphone ringing]

Helen: Hey.

Hey. Remember that guy at the soccer game the other day?

Sure, I remember him. Why? What about him?

I saw him today.

You and me made a deal with these guys, so this needs to go away... right now.

[suspenseful music plays]

It's like I knew him, but I'd never met him.

He was close with Dad.

You know, Dad wasn't always exactly faithful to Mom.

What are you saying... we have a brother we didn't know about?


[cellphone ringing]

[beep] You've reached the voicemail for Duval Pritchard.

Please leave a message.

Thought I was done with him, but [sighs] you're never done with your kids.

Please, just... help me find him.

You have less than an hour. Look at your timer.

You need to come back now.

Full rejection leaves us with nothing to work with.

Death this time is for good.


Are you showing any signs of rejection?


Where'd you get the file, Duval?

How could you get into business with these guys?

You're my partner.

And you know how it is.

You take a little, and then you take a little more, and then you can't get out.

You should've come to me!

Where did you get that file?!

Go to hell.

Funny. That's what your dad said.

All right, we're here. Bring him out.

Your son's phone should be 50 yards straight ahead.

Do you see him?

[monitor beeping]

[engine revving]

[tires screech]

[crickets chirping]




He's not here.

[engine turns over]

[engine revving]

I was never there for him before.

Maybe I'm not just back to save you.

The men who took Duval have their phones turned off.

Your son could be anywhere.


Not anywhere.

[engine revving]

Duval: [grunts]

John: Easy there.



Whoa! [grunts]

[both grunting]

I told you my son would get you!

[g*n cocks]


Duval: Don't you do it! Don't!




He k*lled your father!

He was gonna k*ll you! He was in your house!

[breathing heavily] Then he's my case, if I want to bring the rest of them down!


Put your hands behind your head!

And get down on your knees.

I'm not gonna do that.

Who the hell are you?!

[breathes heavily]

What is your connection to my father?!

Like I said...

I did some work for him.

What if we took a blood test, you and me?

What would that show?

Not right now, no. I have to go.

[engine revving, tires squealing]




[tires screeching]

[crickets chirping]


[keys jingling]

Mr. Pritchard?! Mr. Pritchard?!

[normal voice] Mr. Pritchard?!

Mr. Pritchard?!

[blades whirring]

What is... what is that?

Prototype Lookinglass.

U.A.V. Rescue.

Can you open the door and reach for the straps?

Mr. Pritchard, can you open the door for me?



Arrests were made today tying upper-level FBI agents to a series of local bank robberies.

Man: We appreciate your difficulty in turning in your partner and boss.

Your work has allowed us to clear the bank robberies, as well as uncover corruption in the Bureau.

But this hearing focuses solely on the events on the Liberty Bridge, so please tell this panel exactly what you saw.

What happened was, we fought.

I used a tire iron to render Kernie and my partner unconscious.

There were only the three of us on the bridge that night.


Arthur, zoom in on Mary.

I don't know what face that is.

Arthur: I believe those features represent longing.

[keyboard clacking]

I stand here accused of corruption, witness intimidation, brutality.

[distorted] I confess to doing my job.

Younger Jimmy: I confess to keeping this town's peace.

Mary: Do you know who you are?


Yeah, Miss Goodwin, I sure do.

I'm Sheriff Jimmy Pritchard.
