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02x12 - Season 2, Episode 12

Posted: 12/21/15 03:06
by bunniefuu
Alison: Previously on The Affair...

Is this your daughter?


Everybody says she looks like Alison, but to me, she looks like her daddy.

You know what? She does to me too.

Alison: I saw Scotty this morning. He had some plan about buying The Lobster Roll and wanted me to go in with him.

I mean, it's not like The Lobster Roll's even for sale.

Alison: Well, no, it's... it's in foreclosure.

Cole: Really?

Noah: So what's going on, Alison?

I bought this place.

I heard.

With Cole.

As business partners.

How does this work? You gonna move back out here?

You taking Joanie with you?

I just hoped we could figure it out together.

Scotty: This was my idea.

I-I told you about this.

I told you both about this.

You're a f*cking junkie!

God damn it, Cole!

I could tell you something that would blow up your entire f*cking life.

Cut me in!

[bottle shatters]

[♪ tense music ♪]



I will bring you in. I promise.

You just got to go someplace that's gonna give you some help.

Ladies and gents, it's time to talk about that night.

Look, I didn't k*ll Scott Lockhart.

I guess we got to find out who did.

♪ I was screaming into the canyon ♪
♪ At the moment of my death ♪
♪ The echo I created ♪
♪ Outlasted my last breath ♪
♪ My voice it made an avalanche ♪
♪ And buried a man I never knew ♪
♪ And when he died his widowed bride ♪
♪ Met your daddy and they made you ♪
♪ I have only one thing to do and that's ♪
♪ Be the wave that I am and then ♪
♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪
♪ I have only one thing to do and that's ♪
♪ Be the wave that I am and then ♪
♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪
♪ I have only one thing to do and that's ♪
♪ Be the wave that I am and then ♪
♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪
♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪
♪ Sink back into the o ♪
♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪
♪ Sink back into the o ♪
♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪
♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪

[♪ soft music ♪]

[vehicle approaching]

♪ ♪


[♪ stirring music ♪]

♪ ♪

[seagulls calling]

[horn honking]


Alison: You're here early.

No traffic.


[lips smacking]

You need more time? I can wait.

No, no. I finished.

[sighs] How are you doing?

I'm fine. How are you?

[sighs] Yeah, I'm great.

How's Joanie?

She's good. Misses you.

[sighs] I know.

I miss her too.

Okay, let's go.

Noah: So this is where you've been living?

Alison: Yeah, what do you think?

[footsteps approaching]

It's the size of a closet.

[laughs softly] Yep, I know, but it's only three days a week, and I like living above the restaurant.

It means I can get more done.

Maximize my time out here.

I got us a room at The End tonight.

You didn't have to do that. We could just stay here.

I know, but I, uh, thought it might be a nice treat for us.

Yeah, you're right. It is.

Thank you.

So how was your week?

Oh, it was good. I filed a bunch of chapters.

Harry liked them.

Oh, you did? That's great.



Maybe he'll get off my case now.

Let me finish it at my own pace, you know?

No, I'm really happy for you.

I'm thinking of going to France sometime in the fall.

Oh, yeah?


I just can't keep writing in a vacuum.

You know, I need to do some on-the-ground research, see the battlegrounds, the archives.

Yeah, no, totally. I get it.

[birds chirping outside]

Well, I thought maybe you could come with me.

Uh, well, what about Joanie?

Well, she can come too. She's portable.

Yeah, yeah, maybe.

Come on. It'd be an adventure.

Just the three of us.

No, I'll... I'll, uh... [chuckles] I'll... I'll think about it.

I promise.

[hangers clattering]

[receptacle lid jiggles]

[zipper fastens]

[♪ soft music ♪]

Wow. [chuckles]

Look at you.

[laughs softly]

Do you like it?

Is it new?

Alison: Uh, no, it's old, actually.

I left it at Cherry's house years ago.

She just gave it back to me.

[Alison sighs]

Uh, look, I have to check in on things downstairs.

Do you want to come with me?

You know, the ceremony doesn't start until five.

No, no, I'll come with you.

Maybe I can help... lifting things, whatever.

[laughs softly]

Hey, um...


Look, thank you for being here.

I know it can't be easy on you.

I'm proud of you.

You are?

Restaurant looks great.

It's gonna be a big success, and you deserve it.

You worked your ass off for this.

[laughs softly]

Okay, let's go.

[door opens]

[indistinct chatter]

[funky music playing]

♪ Ooh, baby ♪
♪ Been so long since I've seen you, darling ♪
♪ Oh, yeah ♪
♪ When the party's over... ♪


♪ ...and the lights go out ♪
♪ Can I take you home? ♪

You look like you could use it.

I'm gonna have one too.


Thanks, Margaret.

Margaret: Bottoms up.

[indistinct chatter]

♪ Well, I know that I've lied to you ♪

What are you drinking to?


Here, sit.

Lovely job, Mom.

Well, I didn't do anything but pay for it.

What are you doing here?

I'm her date.

Where's Vik?

He's on call.

Oh, that's too bad.


Margaret: Noah, don't you have a new baby?

I do, Margaret. Yes.

Relatively. She's... she's 18 months.

Well, for God's sake, show me some pictures.

Okay, sure.

♪ Can I take you home? ♪

Uh, hang on.

♪ I've been waiting... ♪

This was yesterday.

Margaret: Oh, my God. She's so precious.

Helen: She's pretty adorable.

[all chuckling]

Alison: Hi.

Uh, mini lobster roll, anyone?

Hey, Ali, uh...

Ali, why don't you sit down?

Yeah, take my seat.

Uh, no, no, no. It's okay.

I have to do the rounds, so...

Yes, but we were just on our way.

Right, Mom?

Yes, we were.

When does the ceremony start?

Oh, it's in ten minutes.

Margaret: We better get going so we get a good seat.

Margaret: Nice to see you again, dear.

Great dress.

Will you... sit down for a second?

[sighs] Okay.

Come on, I miss you.


♪ Oh, I just wanna love you... ♪

Hey, you want to see something cute?

Took this this morning. Look.

[goofy music playing on phone]

[♪ dramatic music ♪]

What's wrong?

Look, I am sorry about this summer.

I'm... I'm sorry I left you alone with her so much.

It's okay.

She's my kid too.

Come on, we had a tough summer, but hey, you got to build this place.

I finished three new chapters of my book.

Cheer up.

We just get through tonight, tomorrow morning, we can go home together.

Joanie needs her mama back, and so do I.

officiant: I, Cole Lockhart...

Cole: I, Cole Lockhart...

officiant: ...take you, Luisa Leon, to be my wife.

Cole: ...take you, Luisa Leon, to be my wife.

officiant: I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad...

Cole: I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad...

officiant: ...and to stand by you in sickness and in health.

Cole: ...and to stand by you in sickness and in health.

officiant: And forsaking all others, I will love and honor you all the days of my life.

Cole: And forsaking all others, I will love and honor you all the days of my life.

officiant: I, Luisa Leon...

Luisa: I, Luisa Leon...

officiant: ...take you, Cole Lockhart, to be my husband.

Luisa: ...take you, Cole Lockhart, to be my husband.

officiant: I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad...

Luisa: I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad...

officiant: ...and to stand by you in sickness and in health.

[Alison crying]

Luisa: ...and to stand by you in sickness and in health.

officiant: And forsaking all others, I will love and honor you all the days of my life.

Luisa: And forsaking all others, I will love and honor you...

[Alison panting]

You okay?

[breathing heavily]

officiant: Luisa, you take these vows...

What's going on?

officiant: May God's grace bless you and bring strength to your commitment and bless you with the glorious power of his love.

And now, with the power invested in me and with the church as our witness, I now pronounce you man and wife.

[cheers and applause]

[♪ tense music ♪]


I've been looking for you.

What's going on, Alison?

Are you really that upset Cole's getting remarried?

Alison: No, no, course not.

It's got nothing to do with that.

So what's happening?

Uh... I have to tell you something.

Can you just sit down, please?

Okay, now you're scaring me.

Are you sick or something?

I don't know how to say this, Noah.


Tell me what it is.

I don't know who Joanie's father is.

What? Wha... I-I don't understand.

I, um...

I slept with Cole right around the time I got pregnant.

You slept with Cole?

It was when you were in the city dealing with Martin, and I know that doesn't make it okay, but...

[♪ dark music ♪]

I didn't know if you were ever gonna come back, and Yvonne and Robert didn't want me there, so I-I came back to Montauk.

I-I came back home and...

So wait, you're telling me Cole is Joanie's father?

No, I...

Look, I-I can find out if you want me to.

It's just, you're... you're such a wonderful...

You... you care so much about her, and I...

[Alison sighs]

I don't want to lie anymore.

We've had so many secrets between us, and... I am so tired of keeping mine.

I'm sorry. I...

Look, I love you. Please.

So how long have you been f*cking him?

No, it was just that once. I swear.

That why you bought The Lobster Roll together?

Alison: No, no.

It wasn't like that.

It happened years ago.

Why didn't you tell me when it happened?

I-I don't know. I don't know.

You were so preoccupied with Martin.

Oh, don't blame my son.

No, I-I'm not doing that.

I... yeah, I should have told you.

I know that. I was stupid.

I was selfish. I...

What else haven't you told me?

Alison: Nothing.

I promise, that's it.

Yeah, why should I believe you?

Why should I believe a f*cking word that comes out of your mouth?


Please, Noah, forgive me, please.

I never cheated on you.

I came close.

I never did.


I had this stupid idea... that you and I could make a new start together and all the pain we caused everybody else, it was for a reason because we were meant to be together.

You were my one true love.


Noah: I knew it was naive and people thought I was crazy, but I just didn't want to be one of those suckers who gets... trapped in a miserable marriage and they're too... f*cking terrified to leave or they're drinking too much or leaving a... leading a double life.

I wanted to be brave and make a choice and be happy.

And yes, it was hard, and yes, I hurt people, people I really love.

I never thought it would be all... pointless.

Wait. It's not pointless.

Isn't it?

Look, I... I made a mistake.


Maybe this was the mistake.

No, please, don't say that.

Maybe nothing's a mistake.

Maybe it's all just f*cking meaningless, all these decisions that we make ourselves sick over and these choices we think are so important.


Well, don't take this the wrong way, but... I never want to see you again.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

Helen: What the f*ck?

I'm leaving.

Oh, no, you're not.

Helen, give me those keys.

No, I saw what you just drank.

Helen, give me those f*cking keys!


[indistinct whispering]

Let's get out of here.

[seagulls calling]

[waves crashing gently]

Can I tell you something awful?

Please do.

I never even wanted Joanie.

I was furious with Alison when she told me she was pregnant.

I thought she had done it deliberately to trap me, make sure I could never go back to you.

Were you even thinking about going back to me?

I always think about it, Helen.

Being back here is so f*cking strange.

I was driving out here this morning past the farm stands and the windmills, and I felt the children in the... behind me in the car.

I felt you sitting next to me.

Even felt that pit in my stomach I used to get when we visited your parents.

Had to remind myself that wasn't my life anymore and to force myself to remember Alison and Joanie and...

It's like the last three years never happened.

They just evaporated.

Sometimes I wake up and I forget the past 25 years ever happened.

Are you trying to cheer me up, or are you trying to finish me off?

I-I... [laughs]

I'm not sure yet.

How's Vik?

He's good.

He just got a major job offer in L.A., at the Children's Hospital there.

He gonna take it?

I don't know.

I think he is waiting for me to... tell him not to.

And will you?

I don't know.

[seagulls calling]

Noah, I have no f*cking clue.

God, you'd have thought we'd be better at this by now.

What do you mean?

Well, we're not exactly young.

I'd have thought by this age, we might have figured more things out.

You know, be more in control.


It does seem to be a sort of never-ending shit show, doesn't it?



What are you doing?

Can't keep talking about this. I'll k*ll myself.

[♪ rousing music ♪]

[Helen laughs]




[both laughing]

That's not conspicuous at all.


Do you have the keys?

Where are your keys?

Look, you drive.

I can't drive.

You drive.

I can't. I'm drunk.

I'm drunk.

I have a DWI.

You drive.

Okay, okay.

Where are you... where are you staying?

My parents'. Where are you staying?

The End. I'll drop you first.

[distant upbeat music]

[passenger door closes]

[upbeat rock music on radio]

♪ Day heat wilts the skin ♪
♪ Oh, quench me from within ♪
♪ Melt with me... ♪

[country music playing on radio]

♪ Spend too much time ♪
♪ Thinking about what I could have done ♪

[soft music playing on radio]

♪ I want you ♪


♪ I still need you ♪
♪ Don't hang up and say good-bye ♪

Alison's voice: Welcome to the end of the world.

Noah's voice: I'm Noah, by the way.

Alison's voice: I'm Alison.

♪ Walking on the beach last night ♪

Helen: ♪ And hoping things will be all right ♪
♪ Later, lying on her bed ♪

Helen: ♪ It's you I saw instead ♪
♪ Thinking of the one I love ♪
♪ You know what I'm thinking of ♪

Helen's voice: I think that's the girl from The Lobster Roll.

Alison's voice: Maybe you should try living a little... And then you'll have something to write about.

Noah's voice: I can't stop thinking about you.

Alison's voice: You could just f*ck me. Get it out of your system.

Noah's voice: I don't want to hurt you. Do you want to run away with me?

Helen's voice: The whole f*cking summer.

Noah's voice: She came after me pretty hard.

Helen's voice: That makes me feel sick.

♪ San Francisco days, San Francisco nights ♪

Helen's voice: Do you know why I married you? I thought you were safe.

Noah's voice: I've been lying to you. Not just you, to myself. I'm in love with someone else.

Nina's voice: You f*cking brat.

Alison's voice: Nothing is sacred to you, nothing.

Max's voice: You had no appreciation for what you had.

Alison's voice: I don't know who Joanie's father is.

Whitney's voice: Dad, what the f*ck?

[tires screeching]

What are you doing?

I-I, uh...

What are you doing?

You're gonna have to drive.

I told you, I can't.

Please, Helen, I'm, uh...

I'm a little more f*cked up than I thought I was.

Uh, yeah, I...


[soft music on radio continues]


[doors close]

Helen: Okay.

[doors open]

[soft music on radio continues]

[passenger door closes]


♪ San Francisco days, San Francisco nights ♪

♪ I met a girl in Mexico ♪
♪ I should have told her then, I know ♪
♪ That I still think of you ♪
♪ We never will be through ♪
♪ San Francisco days, San Francisco nights ♪

♪ San Francisco days, San Francisco nights ♪

♪ I still love you ♪
♪ I still want you ♪
♪ I still need you ♪
♪ Don't hang up and say good-bye ♪

♪ Walking down on Market Street ♪
♪ Feeling my heart skip... ♪

[loud crash]

Jeez! f*ck!

f*ck. Pull over.

It was a deer.

Pull over!

It was a deer.

Helen, it wasn't a deer!

Pull the f*ck over, Helen!

It was a deer.

It was a deer.


It was a deer!


It's not a deer.

Noah. Noah!


Don't... Noah!

Helen: Noah!

[Helen shouting indistinctly]

[♪ dramatic music ♪]

[Helen screams]

[Noah sobbing]

Oh, f*ck!


Oh, God.

Oh, f...

[rustling in woods]

[branches rustling]

[vehicle approaching]

[♪ tense music ♪]

[Helen sniffles]

Listen, I want you to go inside.

Noah: Take a shower and go to bed, okay?

Just forget this ever happened.

Tell your mom you took a cab home tonight and you never saw me.


What are you gonna do?

I'll figure it out.

But I don't want you involved.

[breathes deeply]

[sniffles] I love you.

♪ ♪ ♪

[♪ dramatic music ♪]

Where'd he find it?

At the scene of the crime.

What does it prove?

It doesn't prove anything.

It suggests that she was there.

And this came from Jeffries today?

He presented it to the prosecution this morning.

Why? W-why did he go back there?

I don't know.

Said he had lingering suspicions.

Couldn't sleep.

About Alison?

I did some research a few weeks back, and something came up which I was hoping, I was praying I wouldn't have to share with you, but it doesn't look like we have that option anymore.

What is this?

[paper rustles]

It's a DNA report.

I had a sample of Joanie's DNA analyzed.

You're not her father.

I'm sorry to have to tell you that.

[♪ dark music ♪]

I know that, Jon.


Y-you... you know?

Why is this relevant?

Well, uh... I also have a video of an altercation between Scotty and Alison taken outside The Lobster Roll the night that Scott was k*lled.

I have phone records wherein it shows he called her multiple times in the months leading up to his death.

I suspected that, perhaps, Scott was Joanie's father.

Obviously, since the report came back, I realized that isn't true.

No. It's Cole.

Right. [clears throat]

Just what the test indicated.


So I started to formulate a hypothesis.

Maybe Scott knew Cole was Joanie's father.

Maybe he was blackmailing her.

Maybe she k*lled him to keep him quiet.

Come on, Jon, that... that's... that's ridiculous.

Gottlief: Not to me.

I can now put her at the site on the night of the accident.

Hey, for all we know, they got into another fight.

She pushed him in front of an oncoming car.

I don't know.

The point is that I believe we have enough evidence now to build reasonable doubt in the jurors' minds, enough to hang 'em or maybe even to get you off entirely.

By turning the blame on Alison?

Noah, look, I have been doing this a long time, and I usually can feel which way a jury is leaning in my bones.

I do not have a good feeling about this.

We're running out of time.

This is my Hail Mary pass.

I have to put Detective Jeffries on the stand.

Now, what I'm asking you is, do I have your permission to do that?

[♪ tense music ♪]


[seagulls calling]

Alison: No, that's too much.

I can get them from Danny for two bucks less.

Paul: Not for hard backs.

I don't need hard backs.

Thought you said this was a wedding.

No, we're making salad.

I need soft shells and culls.

Listen, you said wedding.

I thought you were doing something special.

Excuse me.

Okay, Paulie, how about you lose the attitude and you just give them to me for eight?

You insane? Eleven.

No way. Eleven?

I can just go to the wholesaler.

I know for a fact that Sysco gives them to Danny for seven, so eight is a good deal.

Not for these puppies.

These are from my secret place. They're sweeter.

Your "secret place"? [chuckles]

Fine. You don't believe me?

Go to Danny, if the DEC hasn't shut him down for selling undersized bugs.

You'll be lucky to get a half a pound off him, but hey, knock yourself out, sweetheart.

Okay, nine is my final offer.

Make it ten, you got a deal.
[indistinct chatter]

Fine, ten.

Good to have you back, Bailey.

[both chuckle]

[car horn honking]

Paul: Ugh.

Who's the douche bag in the Bimmer?

[♪ gentle music ♪]

Noah: When's the actual opening?

Uh, next week.

Noah: You guys ready?

Yeah, I think so.

Noah: Who's gonna look after the place when you come back to the city?

Uh, Luisa.

Noah: Really? They're not taking a honeymoon?

Actually, they've, uh... they've asked me to stay on a little longer.


Well, just until they get back from their honeymoon.

How long is that?

Uh, a few weeks.

A few weeks?

Um, look, I've been meaning to ask you, um... Cole and I have an idea that maybe we can keep the restaurant open all year.

Uh, not full-time, of course, just Thursday to Sunday.


What do you think of that?

Well, as long as you're just a silent investor, it makes no difference to me.


That was the agreement, Alison.

Alison: Yeah, I know.

Y-you work out here during the summer.

In the fall...

I know.

This was never supposed to turn into a full-time gig.

I know.

So what are you trying to tell me?


Um... I like it.

What, you like being away from us for half the week?

Wait, no, I...

I like the work.

I booked a trip to Europe in the fall.


Yeah, I know, and it's fine.

You can go, and I'll just bring Joanie out here with me and Gigi too, and...

[sighs] You know, you'd be free to do all the writing you want, you...

[knocking on door]

Uh, who is it?

Luisa: Luisa.

Look, let's talk about this tonight.

Can we?

W-we can leave as soon as the ceremony is over and we can go back to the hotel.

Yeah, fine, whatever.

Alison: No.

Look, we can...

[door opens]

I'm looking for Alison.

She's right there.

Hey. Did I interrupt something?

No, no, it's fine. [laughs softly]

Is it still okay for me to change here?

No, of course. Come in.

Alison: Put your stuff down here.

Today's gonna be wonderful, I promise.

Luisa: Thank you.

[taps microphone]

Testing. One, two, three. Testing. One, two, three. Marco? Marco?

man: Polo!

[♪ poignant music ♪]

Cole: I feel kind of hot and itchy, like, uh... I don't know.

Alison: Maybe you're having cold feet?

No, no. No, no.

This... this feels physical, like I'm coming down with something.

Nope. Feel fine to me.

No, look.


Is it red?

No. [laughs softly]

Are you sure? 'Cause it feels pretty sore.

Y-yeah, I think you'll feel fine tomorrow.


Is her family here yet?

Yeah, some of them.


There's a lot of them.

And they expect to spend a lot of time with us.

Well, then it's good you're here and not back in the city.

Cole: You know, she can be a little irrational.

Not a little irrational. I mean... you know, most of the time, we're good, I understand where she's coming from, but sometimes she is legitimately crazy.

What, Luisa?


I find that hard to imagine. Why...

Cole: No, she says she's affected by the cycles of the moon, which I thought was bullshit, but she's right.

I mean, every full moon, she's like... she's completely emotional; she makes no sense.

Okay, well, that's only a few days a month.


She can't have kids.

Did you know that?


I didn't.



Well, you have... you have talked about it, right?

Not really. No.

We talked... around it.

You know, maybe... [sighs]

...adopt in a couple years, which... I said I was cool with, but...

I think I always thought I was gonna get to be a father again... and I'd get another shot to be a dad and not f*ck it up this time, to be more... careful.

[♪ poignant music ♪]

Cole, I...

[sighs] Do you love her?


Are you sure?

Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah.


I mean, I was sure once before too.

Yeah, well... you and I were so young, and we didn't know what we were doing.


And then we were dealt the world's worst hand and... we folded.

But this is not the same thing.

You're a man now.

You know what you want, and you know how to protect it.

Y-you can wait five, ten, 20 years for the perfect girl to come along to give you the perfect child, but...

[sighs] ...what if she never shows up?

This is your chance to be happy again, Cole.

You should take it.

photographer: Beautiful.

Beautiful. You look great.

All right, can we get a little happy one?

Oh, that's good. That's great.

That's... yep.

[camera shutter clicking]

All right, let's have the wedding party come in over here.

Cole: Come on in, ladies.

[♪ somber music ♪]

photographer: All the family.

All right, guys, let's get a photo of everyone.



[indistinct chatter]

[gentle rock music playing]

♪ What's that I see? ♪

[indistinct chatter]

♪ Is that her on her way back home? ♪
♪ Do my eyes deceive me? ♪

♪ We had a falling-out the night before ♪
♪ She said she was going away ♪

♪ She put on her coat, walked through the door ♪
♪ Do those eyes deceive me? ♪

[indistinct chatter continues]

♪ I said please think about... ♪

man: Holy shit.


woman: Oh.

woman: Look, it's Scott.

woman: Oh!

man: Hey, what's up, man?

[indistinct chatter]

Noah: Hey.

I know you're busy, but can we talk for a second?

Uh, yeah, yeah, of course.

♪ I couldn't believe it happened to me ♪
♪ I cried like a fool ♪


Listen, I've been, uh...

I've been thinking about it, and, uh, this isn't gonna work for me.

Wh... what isn't gonna work?

You staying out here and commuting to the city.

It's just... I...

That wasn't the deal, Alison.

You were coming out here till Labor Day, helping fix the place up, and then come home.

Yeah, I know.

That was the deal.

Yeah, I know.

Well, I want you to come home.

I want to raise Joanie together.

I want to get married.

Do you?

Noah: Yeah.

Of course, don't you?


Come on, Alison.

I love you.

You love me. We got a kid together.

Let's stop making things so difficult for ourselves.

Let's get married and settle down, be happy, be normal, raise a family.

Isn't that what you want?

Yeah, of course I do.

[indistinct chatter continues]

Hey, look at this.

Joanie, this morning.

[goofy music playing on phone]

[Noah chuckles]

[♪ poignant music ♪]

[laughs softly]

[Noah laughs]

Cole: Luisa, I promise I will be faithful to you with my body and with my heart.

I will stay open to you, and I will bring you into my confidence.

I promise I will never make an important decision without consulting you first.

I want you to trust me above all others, and I want to be worthy of your trust.

I will support your dreams, and I will give you the space and the freedom to turn them into reality.

And I promise to show you each day how lucky I am to have you in my life.

Luisa: Cole, I promise to seek a deep understanding of your wishes, your desires, and your dreams.

I promise to be there for whenever you need me.

I promise to keep our lives exciting, passionate, and full of adventure.

[♪ dark music ♪]

[indistinct chatter in other room]

[upbeat music playing in the background]

♪ ♪

Scott? Hey.

Can I get you anything? A soda?

Alison Bailey, you are a sight for sore eyes.


God, can I get a hug?



Wow, you look great.

Oh, come on, now, you... really, you... you look terrific.

[chuckles] Thank you. That's so sweet of you.

I'm actually glad that I caught you alone for a second.

I, um... [sighs] I-I owe you an apology, like, a big one.

My behavior the last time we were together, it was, uh... it was inexcusable.

I-I was... I was out of my mind.

So I-I hope you can understand that and can maybe forgive me, 'cause I'm...

I'm really sorry.

Yeah, of course, Scott.

Come here.

Thank you, thank you.


Thank you.

[both chuckling]

Oh, man, I got to tell you.

Rehab was... was rough.

Alison: Yeah, I bet, wow.

Yeah, I mean, the whole thing, it was the pain, the sweating, the itching, countless hours just laying in bed staring at the ceiling and just thinking that the world was gonna end, and I don't think that I could've gotten through all that if it weren't for this place.


This place?

Yeah, it was like this beacon of hope throughout that whole process.

Hey, what's going on over here?

There he is, the man of the hour.


Oh, congratulations again, man.

Cole: Thank you.

Your... your vows were just awesome.

I may have even teared up a little bit.

[both chuckle]

Everything okay?

Yeah, he was just saying how important this place was during rehab.

Oh, yeah?

Yeah, man, really, I was just...

I was trying to say thank you.

I... knowing that you guys believed in me and wanting to make me a partner when I got clean, it... it... it saved me.


I mean, it saved my life.

No, no, no, seriously, you guys saved my life.

We're just happy that you're better.

You gave us a hell of a scare there, Scott.

No, I know I did, and... and I'm gonna go back for another month and, you know, dot my Is, cross my Ts, make sure that I'm free and clear, but I want you guys to know that I am fully available for... for whatever you need.

I-I can call in to meetings. You can send me figures.

Whatever you...

I mean, we got that covered.

Right? I mean, we'll be fine.

I think the best thing that you can do is go back there, take as much time as you need, get healthy, and then, you know, when you come out for good, then we can discuss our arrangement here.


What do you mean by that?

You know, Scott, I don't think this is the most appropriate place for this...

No, no, no, no, no, you're right.

You're totally right.

But, um... [chuckles] ...the... the deal is still in place, right?

I mean, we, uh... we just got to hammer out the details, but I'm still a partner in this, correct?

What the f*ck did you think was gonna happen, Scott?

You're gonna go to rehab for three months and then you just walk back into our lives and everything's forgiven?

Scotty: Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a second here.

Alison: Cole...

I am just going off of what you said.

You said that if I went to rehab, if I did... if I did the work...

And got yourself clean, really clean, for good.

Cole, I am clean.

Good, then do it for six months.

Do it for a year. Then we can talk.

No, no, no, no. That was not our deal.

Shut the f*ck up about this deal like we were in a lawyer's office signing papers.

For f*ck's sake, Scott, you were drunk.

You were high as a kite.

I was trying to save your life, get you to rehab.


Don't ruin this f*cking day for me, okay?

♪ Got no reason to stay, baby ♪

[indistinct chatter]

♪ Got no reason to stay, baby ♪
♪ Got no reason to stay, baby ♪

[♪ dark music ♪]

Hey, Scotty.


Bottoms up.

[upbeat music continues playing]

Scotty, give me that glass.

Why would I?

I'm not finished yet.

♪ It makes you someone special ♪

Look, Cole didn't mean what he said.

He just got scared.

Scared of what?

He doesn't handle surprises well.

He needs everything to be in his control.

Yeah, Ali, I've noticed that.

Look, I think there's something about what's happening to you that reminds him of what happened to your dad.

What, the failing at everything?

[lighter clicks]

Look... [sighs] ...Cole gets scared...

How's your kid?

[♪ dark music ♪]

She's fine.

Did you tell Cole yet?

'Cause, you know, she's a Lockhart, right?

God, my mother didn't think that it would be possible.

Okay, good night, Scotty.

Someone is going to tell him, Ali, and it's either you or me.

'Cause that's our baby.

That's our baby.



Bailey, you okay?

You look a little pale.

I'm fine.

[door closes]

[indistinct chatter]

Hey, hey.

This is Alison. This is my girl.



Guess what they told me.

There's a Descent tour in Montauk right now.

A tour?

Yeah, of all the places that he wrote about in his book... the lighthouse, the docks, the ranch, this restaurant.

Oh, you're kidding.

No, I'm not. Isn't it wild?

[laughs softly]

[tapping microphone]

Uh, hey, can, uh... can everybody hear me? Hmm?

[laughs softly]


Um... hey, everyone.

[laughs softly]

Uh... thank you for coming, yeah. Uh... I-I didn't get a gift for the lovely bride and groom. I think most of you know that I've, uh, been in rehab, so there's not a whole lot of time for shopping, yeah.

[♪ dark music ♪]

[Scotty smacks lips]

Uh... so instead, I thought that I would, uh, sing a song to c-commemorate this beautiful evening. It's an old one, but, man, it's a hell of a song. And... and nobody really knows what it's about, but... [inhales deeply] me, it's about family. So, you know... let's do it.

[soft guitar chords playing]

♪ There is a house ♪
♪ In New Orleans ♪

♪ They call ♪
♪ The Rising Sun ♪

♪ And it's been the ruin ♪

♪ Of many a poor boy ♪

♪ And me ♪
♪ Oh, God, I'm one ♪

♪ My mother was ♪
♪ A tailor ♪

♪ She sewed my new ♪
♪ Blue jeans ♪

♪ My father was ♪

[whispering] Joanie's not your daughter.

Scotty: ♪ A drunkard, Lord ♪

♪ Down in ♪
♪ New Orleans ♪

♪ Now, the only thing ♪

Joanie's not your daughter.

Scotty: ♪ A drunkard needs ♪
♪ Is a suitcase ♪
♪ And a trunk ♪

♪ And the only time ♪
♪ He's satisfied ♪

♪ Is when he's on ♪
♪ A drunk ♪

♪ So, Mama ♪
♪ Tell my brothers ♪

♪ Not to do ♪
♪ As I have done ♪

♪ Not to spend your days ♪
♪ In vice and misery ♪
♪ In the House ♪
♪ Of the Rising Sun ♪

♪ There is a house ♪
♪ In New Orleans ♪

♪ They call the Rising Sun ♪

♪ And it's been the ruin... ♪

[vehicle approaching]

[crickets chirping]

Scotty: Fancy meeting you here.

[sighs] What are you doing here?

[chuckling] Well, I can't exactly go back to rehab now, can I?

So I thought I'd go over to The End and see if I could get my job back, but then I realized that I'm inebriated, so... [sniffs], I thought I'd sleep it off in this here rowboat.

[♪ dark music ♪]

Would you care to join me?

No, Scotty.


How about you cut me in?

You just cut me in.

I mean, you do own half the place, right?

So you could... you really could do that if you wanted to, huh?

And, uh... oh, I got an idea.

Tell you what.

You do this for me, and I will just forget that I ever saw your daughter.

Yeah, how does that sound?

Yeah, okay, Scotty, you're really drunk.

So how about I call you a cab?

Why don't you just answer the questions?

Just answer the questions.

I'll think about it.

Are you just saying that?


f*ck you.


No, no.

Wh... why do you get to get away with everything and... and... and not me?

Why do you get to keep living your life just... just perfectly, meanwhile you are ruining mine?

Okay, Scotty...

No, no, no, no, no.



I don't...

I don't... I don't want to sleep in the rowboat.

I want to sleep with you.


What the... what the f*ck are you doing?

Just come here. No, no, no.

Get the f*ck off me. Get off me, Scotty.

Come on, Ali. Come on, Ali.

You f*cked everybody else in this town, why not me?

f*ck you!

Hey, come the f*ck over here.

[both grunting]

f*ck you!

[glass shattering]

[tires screeching]


[♪ dramatic music ♪]

Helen: No, no, stop!

Please stop!

Noah, stop!

[Helen shouting indistinctly]



Oh, shit.

Oh, no.

Alison: Shit.



[whispering] I pushed him. I pushed him. I pushed him.


[engine starts]


[vehicle departs]



[indistinct chatter]

Feels like we've been here forever.

Sure does.

[♪ tense music ♪]

[indistinct chatter]

[band playing "April Come She Will"]

♪ April ♪
♪ Come she will ♪
♪ When streams are ripe ♪
♪ And swelled with rain ♪

[dishes clattering]

♪ May, she will stay ♪

Come and dance with me.

♪ Resting in my arms ♪
♪ Again ♪

♪ June ♪
♪ She'll change her tune ♪

Is there damage to the car?

Not much.

♪ In restless walks ♪
♪ She prowls the night ♪

I gave it to a mechanic.

He'll fix it for me in the morning.

What, you told him what happened?


♪ July she will fly ♪

I told him I hit a deer.

♪ Give no warning ♪
♪ On her flight ♪

[breathing heavily]

I'm so sorry.


♪ Die she must ♪

I'm so sorry.


♪ The autumn winds blow ♪
♪ Chilly and cold ♪

Don't cry. Don't cry.

♪ September I'll remember ♪

I love you.

♪ A love once new is now... ♪

I love you too.

♪ ...growing old ♪

[Noah crying]

[Noah sniffles]

[♪ dark music ♪]

Noah: He wants to put Jeffries on the stand.

You're gonna let them do that?

He says it's my only option.

Noah, they'll go after me.

No, they won't.

Yes, they will.

Alison, if I don't do something, they're gonna convict me.

I know, just... just tell the truth.

I can't.

Why not?

Because she's the mother of my children.

[door opens]

We're back in a minute, Noah.

[door closes]

Then you'll have to choose.

[♪ tense music ♪]

[no audible dialogue]

Your Honor, permission to approach the bench.

Defense would like to call Detective Jeffries back to the stand, please.



[footsteps approaching]

Your Honor, I'd like to say something.

Gottlief: What are you doing? Sit down. Sit down.

I'm guilty. I k*lled Scott Lockhart.

What the hell are you doing? Sit down!

Sit down and stay there. Excuse me, Your Honor.

[gavel pounding]

[crowd clamoring]

[♪ soft guitar music ♪]

♪ April ♪
♪ Come she will ♪
♪ When streams are ripe ♪
♪ And swelled with rain ♪
♪ May, she will stay ♪

♪ Resting in... ♪