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04x17 - #FindKaylaWeber

Posted: 12/15/15 08:08
by bunniefuu
Taylor: At 6:35 A.M. this morning, the L.A.P.D. was notified that 5-year-old Kayla Weber, daughter of baseball pitcher Jim Weber was missing from her Brentwood home and may have been abducted.

We have declared a citywide tactical alert... detailing over 150 officers and detectives to find Kayla and bring her home.

Who called in the abduction?

Kayla's mother, Lori Weber.

I was in the kitchen, making Kayla's smoothie like I do every morning.

What time was this?

[ Sighs ]

Oh, I don't know, around 6:15?

Kayla usually wakes when she hears the blender, and she comes into the kitchen, but she didn't come.

And... and when I went to see if she was getting out of bed...

Oh, my god.

The house was locked! Every door!

Tao: Window screen is in the bushes.

Then there's the gouges to the exterior window frame.

Looks like someone pried the window open from the outside.

Whoever broke in here knew which room was Kayla's.

What about Jim Weber? Where was he during his daughter's abduction?

Jim wasn't home last night.

I dropped him off at, um, Santa Monica airport around 8:30.

He got on a helicopter and took off.

Provenza: Where was he going?

I don't know.

You don't know? You're his bodyguard.

I thought it's part of your job to know where he is.

If Jim doesn't tell me, I don't ask. Also part of my job.

Where were you when you found out Kayla was missing?

In the pool house, where I stay.

[ Dog barking ]

Okay, talk me through last night.

Before turning in, I checked the property, made sure the gates were locked and the doors were secure.

Uh, Curtis texted me that he was back at the pool house if I needed anything, and that was at 9:00.

Did you speak to Curtis again before this morning?


So, he left. And then what did you do?

I was late finishing up dinner.


Kayla... She loves pizza.

And then I-I poured a glass of wine and fell asleep with the TV on.

And during the night, you didn't hear anything?


An odd noise, a vehicle on the street?

A house alarm?

No, but see, the thing is...

And this is gonna sound bad, but...

Jim didn't want me setting the alarm.


Why the hell not?

Buzz: Their home security provider has confirmed that for the past two weeks, the Webers have been experiencing false alarms and outages on the security cameras... about one every three days.

Why didn't they get it fixed?

It's not their house.

They're just renting while Jim negotiates with different baseball teams.

Now, the landlord sent a bunch of techs to check out the alarm, but nobody can find anything wrong.

So, this alarm is being triggered on purpose just to make the Webers stop using it altogether?

If that's the case, it worked.

Excuse me, sir, I don't know if it means anything, but two different K9 units converged on the driveway up to the Webers' house.

But Kayla probably went that way all the time.

Okay, Buzz, we need security video from every house in this fancy-schmancy neighborhood.

Maybe one of them recorded something that can help us.

I just got word Jim Weber will be arriving at P.A.B. in 40 minutes.

I want to be there when he arrives.

Tell your captain.

[ Elevator bell dings ]

Diminished capacity is usually what the defense argues for in a case like this.

Diminished capacity... that was thrown out before the trial.

Oh, that's so the little creep couldn't plead insanity.

But in the penalty phase, all that Slider's lawyer needs to do is get one person on the jury to decide that the dirtbag, you know, wasn't all there, and he's set for life.

Oh, hey, Dr. Joe.

Morning, Lieutenant. Rusty.

Are you ready for today?


In fact, I'm...

Nervous and mad.


These attorneys on both sides, actually.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Look, you're only here to tell the truth.

Uh, like therapy with you.

Except no yelling at anyone.

Uh, kid, I'm gonna have to leave you with your shrink.

I'll check in with you later. Good luck.

I don't even know if I believe in the death penalty.

That's for the jury to decide, not us.

Thank god.

Jim: Thank you for your help, and ask me anything.

I need my daughter back.

Oh, my god, I can't believe this is happening.

Sharon: Mr. Weber, your wife and your bodyguard both say that you were away last night.

Can you tell us where?

We have to establish a timeline, sir.

I flew downtown.

You mean by helicopter?

In traffic, it's an hour.

Helicopter gets me there in five minutes.

When you landed, where did you go?

I worked out at the gym for two hours.

And then I spent the night at the downtown Canyon Spa.

Were you alone?

Uh, Mr. Weber, we apologize, but for the sake of your daughter, we need you to cooperate.

You and your wife, you have a good relationship?

We do, yes.

And I was alone, though...

I could have taken Kayla.

I sometimes bring her to give my wife some alone time.

Mr. Weber, your wife said that your phone has the most recent photos of Kayla.

It would be very helpful to us to be able to distribute those pictures to the press.

Yeah. Sure.


Ah, there's one taken a couple of days ago.

May I ask you to sign this consent form so that we can borrow your phone?

That will allow us to print out these pictures.

Sure, whatever you need.

Thank you, sir.

I'll get this back to you as soon as I can.

Mr. Weber, have you noticed any new people taking an interest in you?

No more than usual.

Have you had any deliveries or visitors, or someone trying to learn about your family?

Or the location of Kayla's room... reporters, neighbors?

No, no one knew. No one.

How about staff? Maids? Gardeners?

All of that is taken care of by the landlords.

The only staff I have is Curtis.

He's more of a friend.

You trust him?

I do.

But I'm also really, really mad at him.

I mean, so angry I'm not sure I could even look at him right now.

Mr. Weber, since you became a free agent, I'm very aware that there are many upset fans from your old team.

But all of those threats are directed at me, not my little girl.

[ Voice breaking ] Not my little girl.

Not my little girl.

Provenza: Everything he said matches with what we've been told here, except I assumed Mr. Weber was further away.

The fact that he was only downtown...

Well, that's news.

It's not just news. It's a lie.

Weber told us he was at the gym and spent the night at the downtown Canyon Spa.

Well, according to the location services on his phone, he was at a luxury high-rise building in Beverly Hills for the entire night.

No wonder his bodyguard covered for him.

Jim was with someone else.

The night his daughter went missing.

In the four hours I spent with Mr. Rasenick, I found him to be emotionally rigid, easily frustrated, resentful of authority, while at the same time unconsciously expressing feelings of social inadequacy for which he overcompensated with threats, boasting, and rage.

Hobbs: So your conclusion?

Mr. Rasenick has a violent inferiority complex and instead of accepting responsibility for his actions, believes people have ganged up on him, that the changes he's made in his own life should outweigh his previous actions in murdering Mariana Wallace, for whom he has expressed not one word of sympathy or remorse.

Thank you, doctor. Your Honor.

Mr. Monroe?

Doctor, you mentioned my client's inferiority complex.

Have you ever heard of something called "performance impact"?

Of course.

Isn't the performance impact a severe manifestation of the inferiority complex you diagnosed?

Doesn't it affect the self-esteem of those who have it in such a way that they're incapable of organizing and completing everyday tasks?


But performance impact doesn't affect our ability to tell right from wrong.


But we're no longer determining guilt or innocence, but whether this young man lives or dies.

As the jury considers their penalty, I want them to understand Greg's emotional and intellectual capacity.

Don't you think performance impact, which has been shown to lead to serious drug abuse, might make it harder for my client to comprehend what murdering Mariana Wallace even meant?

No, I don't think he's that mentally damaged, nor is there any need to complicate the issue.

Mr. Rasenick got angry and consciously chose to k*ll the person who made him mad, and that Mr. Rasenick continues to avoid responsibility for the m*rder indicates he believes, to some extent, that he should get away with it.

Tao: Currently, S.O.B. is expanding its grid search to a five-mile radius.

Amy is checking out the sex-offender database.

Oh, and we sent some officers to Beverly Hills to look into that building Jim went to last night.

My guess is we'll find Weber's mistress.

But that's just me.

You know, an affair can push a parent to get rid of a kid.

This way, Weber can divorce his wife and start fresh with nothing tying him down.

I can't say that to reporters, Andy, and right now, Jim and his wife are cooperating.

E-except for the whole lying about "where were you when your daughter went missing" part.

But if Jim thinks we're trying to connect him to the disappearance of his daughter, the next time we talk to him, he'll be behind a whole wall of attorneys.

Here's something that might help.

I wouldn't release it to the press, but it's progress.

So, Captain, the house the Webers rent is way off the main streets, backing up to Parkland.

And between the hours of midnight and 4:00 A.M. last night, collating all the security footage from the neighborhood, we can find only one car driving up and down the road leading to the residence.

Where's the road run?

From their driveway to 1/4 of a mile due south on the other side of the State Park.

The image is very low-res.

Any way to clean it up so we can see more detail?

Unfortunately, no.

The house is too far back from the street.

But based on the direction of the car, it leads us to this footage about a minute and a half later.

And... and you're sure it's the same car?

From the abduction point to here, there are no other streets to turn off to.

So it's definitely the same car.

It's a grayish-green Chrysler 300 with a matte-black finish on the roof and the hood.

You can tell all that from this video?

Even in this light, we can tell the color of a car.

And when it's passing under lights, no hard reflection from the top...

Okay, look, look, look... If Mike says it's a grayish-green Chrysler with black matte accents, then let's put out a broadcast to that effect.

We're in a hurry here.

Hold on.

I just got an update from Computer Sciences.

They've been monitoring the Webers' social-media accounts.

This was just posted on Instagram, and they tagged Jim Weber.

It's hers. It's Kayla's. She loves that bunny blanket.

But because Kayla isn't in the picture, we have to question whether it's her specific blanket or one bought to look like it.

That's Kayla's. She chewed on it when she was teething.

That's how the ear got torn.

She... she sleeps with it.

So whoever posted this, what do they want?


Sharon: We don't know.

There was no ransom demands, no instructions.

Flynn: But Kayla's kidnapper tagged this photo with your name on it, along with adding the hashtag "FindkaylaWeber."

Whoever took this picture wanted it to be seen by you.


Is it proof of life? Is that what they call it?

Hey, Jim, this could be a good thing.

Move over there.

And shut up.

So how do we get in contact with whoever posted this?

I'll give them what they want.

And what if they want the truth about where you were last night?

Last night?

I-I already told you where I was last night...

At the downtown Canyon Spa.

Downtown Canyon Spa.

We have reason to believe you were elsewhere, like Beverly Hills, for example, in a high-rise on Wilshire.

And, you see, that's odd, because we're looking for your daughter and you lied to us.

You think Jim had something to do with Kayla going missing?

We don't know what to think.

Flynn: Because normally when children are kidnapped, the parents are incredibly truthful.

And you haven't been, Jim.

Do we need a lawyer?

I don't know. Do you?

Okay. Okay, fine, I'll tell you.


No, I have to, for Kayla.

Jim, you don't need...

Ooh, did I not tell you to shut your damn mouth?

Do you want me to shut it for you?

I need to know that what I'm about to tell you does not leave this room.

You have our word.


I was seeing a doctor.


In the middle of the night?


Last year, late season, I started having shoulder trouble.

I didn't tell anybody about it because I knew it would affect me going free-agent.

But the pain got worse.

Turns out, I tore some cartilage. I needed surgery.

So, last night, you were having an operation?

Minimally invasive, simple.

Should heal in six weeks.

But you can see why I don't want this getting out.

This arm is worth over $100 million, and I'd let you cut it off right now if it meant getting back my little girl.

What can I do to help?

Where did this picture of her blanket come from?

We're serving a warrant right now to find out, I promise you.

Provenza: Does the Instagram have a name for us or any other identifying information?

Tao: Just the username... Weberfan7... and the e-mail, Weberfan7 @ gmail.Com.

W-what about personal information?

Uh, like an address, a phone number?

All that's needed to create the Instagram account is a login name and an e-mail address, which could be fake.

So the dirtbag can show the kid's blanket to the world without us tracking him?

His location service is off, which is not surprising.

Maybe I can find him.


Well, how?

In addition to the username, e-mail address, and password, the... the Instagram provided us with the original sign-up I.P. address used to create the account.

Now, all I.P. addresses, static and dynamic, are unique to the user.

What does that mean?

Buzz: It means if the person who posted the blanket photograph did it from his home desktop or laptop or phone instead of a proxy, we can trace them.

Tao: Let's ping it, see where it came from.

[ Computer beeps ]

Looks like our Instagrammer posted from Compton.

Or a four-block radius therein, the center being the intersection of Holmes and Douglas.

Lots of apartment buildings, sir.

Okay, okay, before we light up the town, Mike, get down there.

Discreetly call S.I.S.

Have Sykes meet you there.

Comb that neighborhood completely for a grayish-green Chrysler 300 with a black matte roof and hood.

I'll let the Captain know that we might have a lead.

Parking spot is reserved for Apartment Number 2.

The Chrysler's plates come back to an Ike Gibson, arrested twice for dealing.

[ Doorbell rings ]

Hey, Ike, I need you to move your car.

Yeah? Who are you?

Sykes: Uh, is that your Chrysler in the driveway?

Yeah, is something wrong with it?

What the hell? What the hell?!

You broke my nose! Hey!

Hey! Let go of me!

Let go of me! Get off!

Get him some medical attention and read him his rights.


The guy moved. I saw this blanket.

Did not see Kayla. Amy, bedroom.

Julio, kitchen. [ Groaning ]

Clear! Clear!



[ Grunts, sighs ]

[ Sighs ]

Found her.

I was searching for my sister for a whole year after she died.

Hoping, praying to hear her voice.

And this man, this man...

Drowned her and threw her in the trash like she didn't matter.

It's not that I think Mariana is that important or that I'm so important, but we were important to each other.

And this guy... he k*lled her without a second thought.

Thank you, Mr. Wallace.

Mr. Monroe?

Uh, no questions, Your Honor.

The witness may step down.

Morales: I'm not really ready to talk to you.

I'm... I'm barely finished with my prelim.

As you know, this is a very high-profile case.

If you have any...

The media is not my concern, and I don't work for you.

Now, if someone here wants to cut open a 5-year-old girl, see how it makes you feel, be my guest.

Doctor, we need to break the news to this little girl's parents.

They haven't been notified yet?


Is there a reason for that?

We don't work for you, either.

[ Sighs ]

Okay, guys, could we...

Okay, I just... I don't want anything I say here showing up on "Live at 5:00."

It won't.

I see no signs of abuse or sexual molestation.

Thank god.

Time of death?

Kind of impossible to say just yet. She was... refrigerated.

[ Cellphone beeping ]

So that slowed down decomp.

Yes, Amy. What's up?

Our suspect's lawyer just arrived.

Well, that's disappointing, but Ike has the right to call an attorney.

That's the problem, Lieutenant.

Ike didn't call anybody yet. The lawyer just showed up.

I mean, how did he know?



[ Cellphone beeps ]

Andy, what's wrong?

I'll tell you what's wrong... Everything.

Starting with how one of your detectives assaulted my client and then busted into his apartment without a warrant.

We had exigent circumstances, sir.

Which we contest.

A 5-year-old girl went missing.

And her body was in your client's refrigerator, dead.

How do you argue with that?

The assh*le's about to tell you.

My client isn't the only one with keys to that apartment.

The landlord had the key. The handyman has the key.

Oh, so someone else put Kayla's body in your client's refrigerator without his knowledge.

Sanchez: And Ike never noticed all the food and shelves cleared out to make room for the body?

His attention was elsewhere.

Was it on the half a pound of cocaine we found on your kitchen table?

Were you looking for dr*gs or for the girl?

I can't remember which one was on the warrant.

Oh, that's right. You didn't have a warrant.

Which is why everything you found in the last two hours is inadmissible.

Unless ike is confessing, we should isolate the Webers right now.


Someone posted a picture of us grabbing Ike on Instagram.

Read the comments.

"Same cops were at the Webers' in Brentwood. #FindKaylaWeber."

"Looks like they caught the guy. #FindKaylaWeber."

I asked you guys to be discreet.

Everybody's phone has a camera, sir.

We can be discreet.

Invisible is a little harder.

Flynn, grab the Webers from their conference room...

[ Telephone rings ]

And walk 'em down to my office.

Buzz: Major crimes.

And make sure they stay off of their devices.

Buzz Watson.

Thank you.

It's Dr. Morales. He's determined cause of death.

All right, uh, pull the Captain out of that interview.

Transfer that call to Mike.

Hold on one second, doctor.
Tao: It's not good.

Provenza: Well, under the circumstances, Mike, what would be a good cause of death?

Something other than a cocaine overdose.


How did that happen?

It was administered orally, and there was food in Kayla Weber's stomach at the time of death.

All right, Mrs. Weber said that they had pizza for dinner, but that was around 9:00 P.M.

Did Kayla eat anything after that?


And based on the digestion of that pizza, Morales places time of death close to 9:30 P.M.

The security videos show Ike's car in the Webers' neighborhood after 1:00 in the morning.

So, Ike drove away with Kayla aftershe was dead.

[ Door opens ] Mr. Gibson, you're under arrest.

Detective Sanchez will escort your client to booking.

Don't worry. We'll talk soon.

Oh, I'd worry, Ike. I'd worry quite a lot.

You and your attorney here will not be talking again before you enter the courtroom for your arraignment.

The hell's going on?

I need my lawyer back. You hear?

You hear me?

Yes, yes, we hear you.

But we can't do that.


That's a violation of my rights.

Just be quiet.

Don't speak, and listen.

Sanchez: Your vehicle was filmed early this morning leaving the Webers' neighborhood.

You posted a photo of Kayla Weber's blanket on Instagram.

And her body was found in your refrigerator wrapped in plastic and stuffed into a box!

So you were involved, assh*le!

He's going to confess.

Provenza: However, Ike, we have our doubts Confess to what?

Is it even a m*rder? about how involved you were.

That's the question.

Which is why we're willing to let you revoke your rights just long enough for you to tell us who overdosed Kayla with cocaine.

Or you can sit there like a dumb-ass and say nothing.

We'll let the justice system decide what to do with a drug-dealer who keeps 5-year-old girls in his refrigerator.

Yeah, do you really want to go into County as a child k*ller?

Child k*ller? Shit, shit.

I hadn't thought of that.

'Cause I ain't no child k*ller, man!

No, no, no, no.

You do not get to explain yourself until you revoke.

Oh, I revoke. I, uh...

I got the call, right?

And I thought, you know, I'm about to do a solid for Jim and we'd be good again.

But Jim wasn't even there.

And they handed me this heavy-ass box.

And, man, and this... And this blanket and shit?

Wait, wait, wait a minute. Who called you?

Who gave you Kayla's body?


Curtis Turner?

The Webers' bodyguard?

Yeah. Curtis the one gave me that box.

But he said it was an accident, man.

What was an accident?

That although Lori had told Kayla to stay out of them, Kayla had got into Lori's dr*gs and swallowed all of her cocaine.

That can't be right.

What can't be right?

[ Sighs ]

If ike is telling the truth...

Kayla's death is not a m*rder.

Monroe: Mr. Beck, you've been involved with my client for some time.

You even have an in-depth video blog in which you're doing a story about his life.

Is that right?


Why are you so interested in Greg?

Well, my first story was about Mariana, the girl he m*rder*d.

And as I got to know the victim, I felt I needed to know more about the character of...

Of her k*ller.

And so you studied Greg. What did you find out?


That he had a troubled childhood.

Uh, his... his father was largely absent from his life and ended up k*lling his mother right in front of him.

And his family let him go into foster care, I think, because he had some kind of learning disability, maybe dyslexia.

I'm not sure.

But none of that was helped by the extensive drug use he began at the age of 12, a-an addiction that he admits fueled his criminal activity.

Wouldn't you say, though, that being left on the street at a young age...

Well, he actually wasn't on the street for his entire teens.

Do you... do you want me to talk about that?


No, I'm just saying he was, for a while, an unsupervised minor and had no adult to care for him.

Do you not see that as a mitigating factor in sentencing?

W-well, I... the same could be said about me.

My... my mother and her boyfriend abandoned me when I was 15.

The victim was also 15 with no one there to care for her.

And neither of us k*lled anyone.

Do you not think Greg was a victim of institutional neglect, and that society is at least partly responsible for what happened the day Mariana died?

Yeah, society may have neglected him, yes, but it didn't force him to do meth.

That was a choice, and I'm sorry, but when you use the word "victim," I think of Mariana.

Not your client.

Thank you. No more questions.

D.D.A. Hobbs?

The people have no questions for this witness, Your Honor.

Taylor: There are some things we're not ready to talk about, but we want to bring you up to date with where we are in the investigation.

And I believe Ike Gibson was a friend of yours.

Mm, we used to hang.

He used to work for me until I found out he was dealing dr*gs on the side.

Why are you asking about Ike? Does he have something to do with Kayla?

We believe so, yes, so we've brought him in for questioning.

But Ike's attorney appeared before he even called one.

And that almost never happens, really.

So now there are certain things that Ike can't tell us.

Jim: Okay, I don't understand.

How is Ike connected to Kayla?

Mr. Weber, I'm afraid we have some very bad news for you.


Unfortunately, sir, ma'am, we found your daughter's body in Ike's refrigerator, in a box wrapped in a plastic bag.




No! No.


No, that can't be right.

Kayla's not dead. No. How?

W-what did Ike do to her? W-what did he do to her?

I'm sure this is hard to hear, but Kayla went missing much earlier than we thought last night, when she died of an overdose of cocaine.

[ Sobbing ]

What?! Cocaine?!

He did this to her?

Ike gave her cocaine?

He did this to Kayla?

We are trying to determine if...

Do you have Ike here?

Mr. Weber, I hate to ask you this, but Ike's defense attorney will suggest it, so I have to know.

Do you ever have cocaine in your home?

Why would you ask me that?

Because Ike has an alibi for Kayla's time of death.

Sharon: Do you ever have cocaine in your home?

I need an answer.

Please, Mr. Weber.

Answer the question.

Do you think...

When all the trouble I went to in order to have surgery that I would risk my career and my daughter's life by having cocaine anywhere near me or my family?

I am so sorry, Jim.


We can hold off on the rest of the questioning until tomorrow.

We'll get the two of you a ride home.

And you know what? Maybe Curtis here can help us clear up some outstanding issues.


I need...

Oh, dear. Geez.

You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you by the state.

Sorry about reading you your rights again, Curtis, but Jim is not the only free agent in L.A. tonight looking for a deal.

Yeah, your good friend Ike wants to negotiate, too.

So we're going to ask you about how Kayla overdosed on cocaine.

She... She was abducted.

Tao: It was made to look that way.

We believe someone screwed around with the window in Kayla's bedroom, but it was done after her death.

Then we found out that this vehicle showed up not far from the Webers' house last night.

It's a Chrysler 300. It's owned by Ike Gibson.

Isn't that a coincidence?

Because you and Ike and Jim grew up together, and then Ike just happened to be in your neighborhood after Kayla died.

And then in another coincidence, Ike's attorney just happened to show up.

Or maybe it's not a coincidence.

We have nothing to hold the Webers on, so we've sent them home for the night.

Maybe you called Ike's lawyer.

The patrol is staying on the road that leads away from the house.

Because we can see right here on Ike's phone...

I don't know what for. It's not a m*rder.

Where you definitely called... Last night at 11:00 P.M.

The best you can do here is parental negligence and illegal disposal of human remains.

And that depends on Curtis confirming Ike's statement.

Tao: You need some good news.

Now, you can tell us the exact same story Ike told us and that you had nothing to do with how Kayla swallowed so much cocaine, and we won't charge you for k*lling a child.

[ Voice breaking ] k*lling Kayla?

I loved that little girl.

I was there the day she was born.

And you were there the night that she died!

You were there the night she died.

You have no idea how awful that was.

Seeing her like that.

Who do you think played with her more... me or Jim?

Who do you think took her to the movies and to kindergarten and picked her up every day?

You think Jim and Lori did that?

She may not have been my blood, but she was my little girl, too, so screw them!

Screw who?

Screw who?

Curtis: Lori called me in the middle of the night, screaming, saying, "help me, help me, something's wrong with Kayla."

What was wrong with her?

Kayla swallowed all of Lori's cocaine.

[ Sobs ]

And Lori didn't notice because she was drunk and passed out on the sofa.

But later, when she woke up, she stuck her head in Kayla's room.

But Kayla was...

She was already dead.

Still not m*rder.

Are you kidding?

Jim... He's my friend.

What is it, then?

Hold on. Let's... let's hear the whole story.

I was just trying to protect him.

I thought a kidnapping would look better than what happened, so I helped Lori wrap up Kayla's body.

And I put it in a box.

And I gave it to Ike, along with Kayla's blanket, so he could post it and make it look like an abduction by some weirdo.

I guess you have a civil suit against the Webers.

I messed with the window myself.

They should reimburse the city for the cost of the critical missing.

What could he say that would alter the dynamics here?

I did it every time Ike rolled through because Jim didn't want him around.

But Lori... she was always very serious with Kayla about staying out of her cocaine.

[ Scoffs ]

Kayla knew that Lori was using, but Jim didn't?

Kayla was around Lori more.

She... she saw her mother snorting it.

Lori told her it was...

Her mama's special sugar.

Not news.

We already know she's a terrible mother.

I'll file on negligence if you want and try to think of something else.

Mama's sugar. And Kayla knew where she kept it?

Do you not see how a little girl might be tempted by this?!



I told Lori after the first incident to move the blow out of Kayla's closet.

She kept the cocaine in Kayla's closet?!

She thought Kayla couldn't reach it.

'Cause Jim never went in there, she thought it was a good idea.

Wait, wait, wait, wait. First incident?!

You mean there was a prior incident?

If this is a pattern, Andrea...

I might get manslaughter.

Not as bad as this one, but yes.

Kayla put the cocaine all over her cereal one morning.

I took her to the team doctor and pumped her stomach.

I thought she'd never do that again.

If we find the doctor that treated Kayla after the first overdose...

And if he corroborates this story...

Provenza: I'll find him...

If it takes all night and all day tomorrow, I will find the son of a bitch, and he'll confirm it.

God honest, I was just trying to protect all of them.

Just remember, when you get the doctor's statement...

Unless she deliberately poisoned her daughter, it's not a m*rder.

I wish it were me. I wish it were me instead of Kayla.

Why couldn't it have been me?

Hard to disagree with him.

So Greg, is there anything you'd like the jury to know before they determine your sentencing?

Yes, sir.

[ Microphone feedback ]

Uh, first, I'm really sorry about what happened to Alice...

Mariana, I mean.

We hung out some and everything.

And I'm sorry I-I followed her into the house where she was working and that I robbed it.

I was on some bad dr*gs back then.

High all the time, and that put me in a bad place.

But, see, this lady that Alice... Mariana... worked for, she was insured.

Okay, she was rich.

And I didn't think she'd have Alice arrested over the... the stuff I stole.

Uh, excuse me, Greg.

Can you tell me if you've thought about Mariana since you've been in jail?

All the time.

I mean, if she hadn't died, I wouldn't be here right now, would I?

So, like her brother said, her dying was the worst thing that could have happened to me.

I totally agree with that. I totally agree.

I understand why he's upset.

And I'm sorry for him, too, man.

Very sorry.

Would the People like to ask the defendant anything?

In your apology, did I hear you say anything about remorse for the m*rder of Mariana Wallace?

Did you say you were sorry for k*lling her?


Even though you tricked people into believing that, I can't be sorry for what I didn't do, can I?

No further questions.

Thank you, Mr. Rasenick.

You may step down.

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, it's now time for you to deliberate on Mr. Rasenick's sentencing.

If you have any questions, please communicate them through the bailiff.

And we will reconvene when you've reached a decision.

Meanwhile, we're adjourned.

[ Chatter ]


The doctor confirmed Curtis' story, so it's still not a m*rder.

And Mrs. Weber will probably have the most expensive lawyer that money can buy.

I don't care, Lieutenant. Serve the search warrant.

Arrest her for manslaughter.

We'll see what happens.


Hey. Um...

I'm... I-I'm sorry I lost my temper the other day.


I caught up with... with your story.

You know, maybe I-I-I let other feelings get mixed up in what was going on between us.

Crossed signals, right?

Gus, uh...

This is hard to say, but...

You don't know me, really.

And... and the truth is, you'd be... better off not caring about me so much.

Yeah. [ Chuckles ]

Light years better.

But I do care.

And... and that's the problem.

Only, it's... it's my problem.

So y-you don't have to worry about it.

In a week or two, I'll be gone.

We won't see each other again.

Thanks for...

For being nice about it.

[ Knock on door ]

Mr. Weber, I have a warrant to search these premises.

Uh, if you would step aside, sir.

I don't want to hurt your shoulder, sir.

Looks like his stitches are coming undone.

Sanchez, take Buzz, head to Kayla's room.

Mike, the master.

And, Sykes, with me, please.

Um, Mr. Weber, we need to talk to your wife.

She doesn't have anything to say to you.

We have a warrant for her arrest, and we're not leaving without her.

Hey, guys... Guys, hang on a second.

Mr. Weber, how did your stitches come loose?


Where... is your wife?

In the backyard.

Let's grab a seat.


Let's... Let's do that.

Uh, I'm...

[ Sighs ]

I'm really tired.


Just keep filming, Buzz. Keep filming, you understand?

Looks fairly recent, sir.

I-I'd say dead less than an hour.


Now it's a m*rder.