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07x10 - KSR

Posted: 12/14/15 12:43
by bunniefuu
(Air conditioner running quietly)

(Ringtone playing)

Cary: Brian... it's Cary.

Thanks for pulling an all-nighter.

Um, Ethan Carver's coming in an hour earlier today, so we should meet up at 6:00 a.m. sharp.

(Elevator bell dings)

(Speed dialing)

Cedric, I just left a message for Brian.

I'm not sure if you guys went home to take a shower or crashed on the 27th floor, but I got donuts up here on the 28th.


(Ringtone playing)

(Phone beeps, ringtone stops)


(Ringtone playing)

Where the hell is my defendant?

Your Honor...

Oh, how I love to hear those two words.

But, Mrs. Florrick, if the next word out of your mouth isn't “right here” or “dead,” then I will be very upset.

He's in surgery.

Is that the 21st-century equivalent of “my dog ate my homework”?

No, he's literally in surgery.

Really? That's one of those words that doesn't often mean “literally.”

For example, I am literally thunderstruck.

Was he in an accident?

No, sir. He's performing the operation.

Ah, all is becoming clear to me now.

Your client is a surgeon and he has scheduled surgery on the day he's supposed to be in court with me.

No, Your Honor, the surgery went long.

Dr. Portnow is one of the best cardiac surgeons in the country.

And on trial for criminal conspiracy.

And he is in the middle of operating on a four-month-old baby...

A jury's been empanelled.


And my client has had this baby on the table with her chest open for the past five hours.

Your Honor, this is obscene. It's staged.

This surgery was intended to go long so you would wonder how a doctor could do such villainous things.

That is not true, Matan.

That's exactly...

The surgery went two hours longer...

Wait! Wait!

Mrs. Florrick, your client had an appearance time of 10:00 a.m.

Now, I don't know if this was staged or not, but I will treat your client like he was any other.

I am issuing a warrant for Dr. Portnow.

Your Honor, this is...

Sheriff, please arrest Dr. Portnow as soon as he puts down his scalpel.

(Gavel bangs)

Diane: Have any warning?

David: Have to figure out what the damage is.


Did anybody have any warning?

Have to use my cell phone?

Just a minute. Please. Cary.

Diane: Who is it? Who left?

David: The devil's spawn.

Seriously, David.

What, you're worried about offending them?

Cary, could you join us here?

David: Yes, can we talk about the idiots you hired?

Hey, I didn't hire them by myself.

Well, I was only convinced I won't take the blame... because you were saying...

(Talking over each other)

Stop it! That's enough!

Is there anybody left, Cary?

From Dipple's team?


Typical Ivy League morons.

Let 'em in the door, they foment a rebellion.

All young associates are snakes.

And you wonder why they walked out.

You're not seriously blaming us?

They just wanted good work.

Which we gave them.


And only because they were willing to bust their asses on a highly technical case.

Hold on. You got Dipple's man.

How long can I say to get this filed?

Just a few hours. I put together the strategy.

The associates just ground out the filing and the exhibits.



When you and Alicia stole our clients...

We didn't steal your clients. didn't you purge ongoing work product from our computers?

I'll check.


We have hundreds of pages of scientific explanations and diagrams...

I'll check.

♪ ♪

“AAMOF.” What is that?

“As a matter of fact.”


Mr. Carver, how are you?

You know what I hate about acronyms?

They make you do all the work.

It's not an acronym.

An acronym has to form another word.

Like NATO.


We're arguing even before we say hello?

I said hello.

Mr. Dipple is impressed you're willing to take this on.

Go out on a limb... that's where the fruit is.

Ethan: So I can tell Mr. Dipple we're set to file?

Um... just give me one minute.

They wiped them clean.

Everything, all of their work product.

We need to talk, Cary.

I'm not falling on my sword for hiring people that everybody wanted...

That's not what this is about.

You turned it into a generational fight...

It is a generational fight. which blinded you to the fact that they played you.

They played you, Cary.

No. No, you know what I see?

I see you, David, Howard and a half-dozen other partners froze the associates out That's a complete misrepresentation.

And no matter why this happened, you need to make it right, Cary.


The thought of you in here with no view depresses me.

This is an L.A. artist, Jose Ramirez.

It's a little big.

I wanted you to be swallowed up in it.

Oh, that won't be a problem.


So how are we?

Are we good?

It's just... it's weird to be dating a billionaire.


Not a billionaire.

$185 million.

You going to see Ruth?


She wants to talk about Alicia.


Tell her I handled it.

I need your help, Ms. Paige.

With the campaign?

Yes, in a way.

Alicia Florrick has an investigator in her law firm.

Jason Crouse?

Are you worried something untoward's going on between the two of them?

How did you know?

Well, Eli said there wasn't.

Yes, Eli has a way of not wanting to face facts... at least not with Alicia.


Are they having an affair?

I don't think so.


Well, what can I do?

(Ringtone playing)


Paige: Hello. Is this Jason Crouse?

It might be. Who's this?

Courtney Paige, Mr. Crouse.

I'm looking for an investigator, and you come highly recommended.

Well, that's good news. From who?

Someone I'd rather not name.

Are you available?

That depends.

How does $50,000 sound?

For two months' work.


(Indistinct chatter)

Cary: Good morning.

How'd you find us?

Where's the brief?

Dirk: Don't you want to know why we left?

No. I want the brief.

It's nothing personal.

We like you.

We just... don't want to be like you.

I don't give a damn.

Give me back the brief.

There is no brief. We never started it.

You erased the files.

I could file a criminal suit for spoliation.

Brian: Come on, Cary.

You know we're too smart for that.

That's why you hired us, right?

Brian made sure we didn't look at anything in Dipple's files.

Pretty much put up our Chinese wall.

You avoided conflicting yourselves out, so... so what?

So you could start your own firm?

No. You told us how hard that was.

We're going to Canning.

Canning represents Dipple's opponent.

He wants us.

God... you are the devil's spawn.

Alicia: Be humble.

Apologize for missing the start of the trial.


Tell the judge you recognize the authority of this court, that this will never happen again.

Well, well.

Who do we have here?

Your Honor, Dr. Portnow is present.

I'd like to apologize, Your Honor.

I was in surgery...

I can see that.

The scrubs are a really nice touch.

That was not our choice, Your Honor.

He was arrested and...

Okay, sir.

Your bail has been revoked.

Your Honor!

No, the three of you chose theatrics over my valuable time.

I don't care who you are, sir, or what your reputation is.

Far as I'm concerned, you're a defendant, charged with conspiring to kidnap, sedate and r*pe a woman.

And to make sure Dr. Portnow isn't too busy or distracted to make his court dates, he'll be placed in the care of the Cook County Department of Corrections.

Just until we get this rescheduled.

Whenever that may be.

Your Honor, I have patients lined up... a newborn with hypoplastic left heart syndrome.


(Gavel bangs)

Your Honor, a moment of your time, please?

No, Mrs. Florrick, another time.

Actually, sir, I think now is a good time.

I'm sure you know as well as I, ma'am, this is an ex parte conversation.

Yes, but I don't think you would want the court to be aware that you are using personal bias to penalize my client.


What personal bias?

Bias against me.

Your client is accused of conspiring to r*pe the mother of one of his patients.

I'm not sure how our relationship figures into this.


I'm waiting.

You were bribed, sir.

Excuse me?

The FBI targeted you for a bribe.


They targeted me.

That means nothing.

I didn't take it.

Because Eli Gold warned you.

Get out of here.

Your Honor, all I'm asking for is fairness.

I said get out of here, ma'am.


I said now!

♪ ♪

It's the splash page for

It's an online meeting place for people with dark sexual fetishes... r*pe, t*rture, sexual humiliation.

Matan: And was the defendant active on this site?

Rodriguez: He was. Over the course of eight months, he logged in 182 times.

Matan: And was he just a lurker...

I just want the jury to see me touch you so you don't look like a threat.

Now nod.

Rodriguez: commented on other people's posts, but then, on June 23, he posted a photo of a woman we I.D.'d as Lucy Van Gaal.

Matan: Can you read the message he attached to the first of these photos?

“Can't get this one off my mind.

Tasty target. KSR anyone?”

And do you know what “KSR” means?

I do.

It's used on the site for “kidnap, sedate, r*pe.”

Did anyone respond to Dr. Portnow?

Yes, another user, Ortolan246.

He wrote he was “up for the KSR,” and then they set up a private chat.

And how specific were they?


They worked out how the defendant was going to kidnap Ms. Van Gaal, what he would use to sedate her, what the two of them wanted to do to her sexually.

Your Honor, I'd like to enter 211 of the defendant's posts as evidence.

Objection. The sheer volume is prejudicial.

They're directly relevant to proving the first element of the conspiracy: the defendant's agreement with Ortolan to do something illegal.

If you'd rather, Mrs. Florrick, we can read into the record, and I'll rule on them one by one.

Matan: So, for a number of months, you tracked the defendant's plan to kidnap, sedate and r*pe Lucy Van Gaal.

But how did you decide when to arrest him?

We waited until the night before he was going to abduct her.

He had just been online, finalizing the plan with Ortolan.

Can you tell us what they agreed to?

Ortolan said he was gonna call in sick to the bank he worked at in Tampa and then drive overnight to Chicago.

While the defendant kidnapped Ms. Van Gaal, Ortolan was responsible for arranging a place where they could take her and r*pe her undisturbed.

And did you find any real-world evidence consistent with that plan?

In the trunk of the defendant's car... rubber tubing, syringes, propofol, which matched exactly what he described in his posts.

There has to be an easier way.

The easier way walked out the door this morning.

Oh, come on, this is fun.

First case I ever worked on was a patent.

For what, the wheel?

They went over to Canning.

You're kidding.

Did you get back their work product?

They sandbagged us.

They never did a thing.

We're dead in the water.


We have to pull this together.

What, in three and a half hours?

How much time do you think we need?

David: A week to find new associates.

Another week to figure out what the hell this is.

I need to come clean with Carver.

Howard: I could call the judge.

You know Nico Terzzi?


Can ask him for some breathing room on this filing deadline.

And I'll go get us some help.

Alicia: Detective, do you remember how Dr. Portnow said he had selected Ms. Van Gaal?

Yes, he said she was a passenger on a recent flight he'd piloted.

Was that true?

Rodriguez: What do you mean?

Alicia: Were Dr. Portnow and Ms. Van Gaal on a flight together?

I don't believe so.

You don't believe so? Didn't you check it?

I did.

So don't you know it not to be true?

I do.

So it was all just a fantasy, right?

That part was.

Well, what about his plan?

You called the tubing, the syringes and propofol evidence, but aren't those reasonable things for a surgeon to have?

I found it unusual he had them in the trunk of his car.

Even though Dr. Portnow explained how medical device company reps often give him samples and he just tosses them in his car?

He did say that, yes.

So Dr. Portnow created a fantasy where he was a pilot, which he's not, and Lucy Van Gaal was a passenger, which she wasn't.

And he talked about using tools that turned out to be leftover medical supplies...

Objection, Judge.

Detective Rodriguez is supposed to be testifying, not Mrs. Florrick.


Detective, Dr. Portnow wrote some upsetting things online.

But he never kidnapped or sedated or r*ped anyone, did he?

No, but that's because Thank you so much, we stopped him before he could.

Detective. We appreciate you testifying.

How's it going?

Lucca: Skeptical jury, skeevy client... harder than it should be with someone who's not guilty.

All right, what can I do to help?

Alicia: Check out the dark fetish Web site.

Find out if anyone on there has ever committed an actual crime.

Congratulations, there's a lot of weird porn in your future.

I may have to raise my rate.

I didn't realize you were such a prude.

I've been offered $200 an hour.

Diane wants you that bad?


Courtney Paige.

She wants to hire you?

Someplace out of town.

San Jose.


Yep. That's Eli's doing.

He's worried about us.

The offer was for two months.

I can't beat $200.

I know.

We want to offer you the job.

You do?

Um, look, we made a mistake not hiring you the first time around, but, uh, I thought we worked well together on Chumhum.

And that's why you want me back?

Because we worked well together?

Yes, of course.

(Indistinct shouting)

(Clears throat)

I want the same salary the other associates were getting, and 250 protected pro bono hours.

Lucy: Dr. Portnow was my hero.

Bella's had three open heart surgeries, and Dr. Portnow was there every step of the way.

So when did you first become aware of your role in the defendant's r*pe fantasies?

After he was arrested, Detective Rodriguez showed me the things he posted on that Web site.

Could you please read this?

Objection. Your Honor, these posts are already in evidence.

Matan: Ms. Van Gaal's interpretation of the posts is necessary to establish their relationship.

He's reaching.

I disagree. Overruled.

“We're ready. I know where that bitch lives, and she worships me, so this won't be hard. I just need to get her alone. Once I stick her with the sedative, it's seconds till she twilights, then I'll take her limp body...”

I can't read this.

Matan: That post is from October 23.

The next day, October 24, did the defendant call you?

He said he was checking up on Bella.

Matan: But when you told him you were home alone, that Bella was out at a play date, did he ask if he could come by anyway?

He said he'd be in the neighborhood.

And if he hadn't been arrested and had stopped by, you wouldn't have hesitated to let him in, would you?

Lucca: In all the times you were with Dr. Portnow, did he ever say or do anything inappropriate?

No, never.

You always found him to be a good physician and a caring person?

I thought so, but...

Lucy, October 24 wasn't the first time Dr. Portnow called to check up on Bella, was it?


Do you remember his calls to you on June 13, July 11 and July 25?

Not specifically, but Bella had a surgery during the summer.

Are you aware that Dr. Portnow posted on the fetish Web site that he went to your house on those days?


So he may have had fantasies about you, but he never acted on any of them, did he?

I guess not.

I don't know if I want to win this one.

Why, 'cause you think he did it?

I mean, intended to do it?

I don't know.

But when you fantasize about something that much, I don't think it makes a difference.

Yet there are 50 children alive today because of him.

Yeah, and if we lose, there will be hundreds more who won't live because he'll be in prison.

It's odd.

That someone can be so good, yet think things so bad.

It's people.

They're all scum.

Damaged much?

No, observant.

Don't expect anything of anybody and you'll never be disappointed.

That's a sad way to live.

It doesn't have to be.

You and I are just sitting here, having a pleasant drink.

But I don't expect anything of you, and you don't expect anything of me.

Still, I'm not gonna k*ll you.

Not yet, anyway.

Bourbon neat, please.

Good time on the fetish site?

Ha-ha. Talked to a buddy in cybercrimes, said they've never had a case of someone on the Brutal Mercy site actually committing a crime.

Good. That helps.


But he is familiar with the case 'cause CPD is working it alongside the S.A.'s office.

They have tracked down Ortolan246.

The banker who shared Portnow's fantasy.

Yeah, actually, he's a registered sex offender in Milwaukee, and he is testifying for the prosecution.



Jason: Alicia, can I talk to you for a second?


Listen, I don't want to leave you in the lurch, but I'm on a plane tomorrow.

I can delay a week if you want me to finish this out.

No, you shouldn't.


Good luck.

How long will you be gone?

Couple months.

I... I understand if I don't have a job when I come back.

Will you call me?

Um... when you get back.


You ever spent any time in Northern California?


Too much fleece, too many ironic beards.




Good-bye, Alicia.
(Door opens, closes)


Oh, Monica, there you are.

Appendix to the Federal Rules.

I flagged Form 18.

I still need the conforming examples...

Not until you get me on the phone with the egghead from Chicago Polytech.

I tracked down Professor Kennedy's secretary.

She is waking him.

Monica, is Form 18...?

It's a template for simplified pleading.

We don't need more than that.


If you want to grab a quick nap...

When this is over.

(Howard grunting)

I... didn't want to eat this.

We're not gonna make this filing deadline, are we?


Where are you going?

We need more bodies.

Manny Hofstadter, aka Ortolan246.

Are you a convicted sex offender, Mr. Hofstadter?

You could say that.

And what is your occupation?

Trucker, long-haul.

That's an isolating life, isn't it?

I guess you could also say that.

So when you're driving and you stop for the night, what do you do?

Ah, hang out in the back of my rig, read some.

Mostly go online.

Do you visit a lot of fetish sites?

Used to.

Then I really got into Brutal Mercy.

Which is where you connected with the defendant.

Hofstadter: Yeah, TheAlgea.

Yeah, that's his screen name.

The Greek spirits of pain and suffering.


I liked that.

Matan: You also liked his plan to “KSR” Lucy Van Gaal.

I did. I still do.

It wasn't just a fantasy for you?

I was all set to go through with it.

So was TheAlgea.



Whoa, whoa, whoa. One at a time.

Speculation, Your Honor.

Schakowsky: Sustained. The jury will disregard the comment about what the defendant did or did not intend to do.

Matan: Does it change your opinion to know TheAlgea wasn't a pilot?

Nah, we all use fake online personas.

Feeds the fantasy.

Matan: So what made you think this time was more than just fantasy?

I could tell TheAlgea really knew Lucy, and the plan he had, uh, it wasn't just made-up kink.

It was too real.

And I wanted in.


Your sex offender status, is that the result of any violent or nonconsensual crime?

Nah, I got popped a few times with lot lizards.

You solicited prostitutes?

Like he said, road's a lonely place.

And in exchange for your testimony today, your most recent solicitation charge was dropped, wasn't it?

Oh, yeah.

Before today, before you walked into this room, you'd never even seen Dr. Portnow before, had you?

Hofstadter: Never.

Lucca: Did you have a phone number for him?

Or an e-mail?

He didn't give them to me.

So even though you had no way of connecting in the real world, you still thought you two were going through with this plan?

We were gonna use the site.

He was supposed to put up a post that had the word “hooked” in it when he grabbed up Lucy.

But did you actually arrange a place?


That's odd.

Your company driving records show you were out of state this whole time.

Objection, Your Honor. Not in evidence.

That's right.

I think Lucca wants to put it into evidence.

Lucca: Yes, Your Honor. Here's his cargo manifest.

So how were you planning to participate all the way from Santa Fe, New Mexico; Bakersfield, California; and Santa Cruz?

Hofstadter: I could get back.


2,965 miles, a drive that would take four days.

If he'd have written me, I would've driven back.

Yes, and your cargo of fresh fruit and vegetables...

I guess you'd just drop those beside the road.

Yeah, if he had written me.

All right. Sure. Stick with that.

Matan: Objection.



How are you?

Good. Heading out.

Northern California, here I come.

You're relocating?

(Chuckles) For a while.

Hey, if you see Alicia, tell her I left something for her.

Sure. Where?

She'll know.

(Cell phone ringing)


Paige: Hi.

Oh, hey, Courtney.

What's up?

What are you doing?

Nothing, nothing.

Just waiting for your call.

Do you have time to see me tonight?

Well, I didn't until you asked.

How does 8:15 sound?

That's very specific.

Well, I'm a specific kind of girl.

Okay, I'll see you at 8:16.

I'm demonstrating my independence by being late.

See you then.



Alicia, hi. How are you?

What do you need?

I've come to talk to you about something slightly sensitive.

Jackie and Howard.

Is everything all right?


Yeah, what do you need?

Peter thinks she should have a prenup.


Jackie... and Howard.

Eli, I don't give a single damn.

Why are you in my life, Eli?

(Scoffs) Why am I...?

Yes, why are you telling my investigator to go move to Silicon Valley?

Why are...?

I didn't.

Why are you letting your paranoia rule my business?

Alicia, wait.

No, seriously.

Eli, I have been very fluid with the lines between your needs and mine, but we're done.

Alicia, I haven't done anything.

He's going to work for Courtney Paige.

I can't find a good investigator in the same price range, and I probably won't be able to afford him when he gets back.

And what business is it of yours what I'm doing with my private life?


My life is my life, and I want you to back the hell up!

I wasn't sleeping with Jason.

But even if I was, that's my business.

It wasn't me.

I don't know how he came to Courtney's attention, but...

Actually, I do know how he came to Courtney's attention.

Eli, leave.

It was Ruth, not me.

Leave, Eli. I have a client.

She's just with someone right now.

Thank you so much for...

Alicia, I swear.

I don't care.

Now, I have work to do.

Work that will be twice as hard because I don't have an investigator.

Now leave.


So is it final?

Is what final?

Did you sign the contracts with Canning?

Not yet. Brian's pushing to get us a ten percent bonus if we crack 2,500 hours.

It's all over but the shouting.

Well, if it's not over over, then I have a pitch.

We're willing to offer you 20% billables bonus if you come back.

You serious?


You're desperate.


But I'm willing to beat whatever Canning is offering you salary-wise.

It's not just about the money, Cary. We told you.

It's the lack of upward mobility, the culture.

Cary: And if we change that.

You tried already.

Didn't work.

Cary: 'Cause I didn't have the leverage.

Now, with the threat of Dipple walking, I do.

Can't just have idle promises.

Instead of eight years to partner, we'll guarantee you five.

Full equity.

And you pick your cases, no mandatory rotations.

We need it in writing.

Yes, but you have to commit right now and get back to work immediately; the only way this works is we get on the Dipple case right now.

How do we know you're serious about this?

Got $80,000 in signing bonuses to back it up.

Lucca: Thank you for testifying for your husband.

I know how difficult this must be, having to confront all of this.

Patricia: Things are only difficult if you don't understand them.

You understand your husband?

He's highly compartmentalized.

Most extraordinarily successful people are.

That's true.

My husband's online activities provide a safe space where he can explore and exhaust his darker thoughts so they don't spill over into the rest of his life.

They're a necessary release.

I know you're a therapist...

I'm a clinical psychiatrist.


But we're calling you as a wife.

We want you to explain why you trust your husband, why the jury should, too.

Because he's superlative at what he does.

He supports my professional goals and respects my personal boundaries, and I extend the same courtesies to him.


But... we're worried, to a jury, this analysis could come off a bit...


You want me to be less clinical?

How you would be at home with your husband.

This is how I am with my husband.

She's a disaster.

What do we do?

We need someone to explain these fantasies.

Put the good doctor on the stand?

Okay, that was, uh...


(Both chuckle)

(Cell phone ringing)


I turned off mine.


Okay, 20 minutes.

We should get room service.

You should.

You have to go back to work?

(Sighs) Yeah.

You haven't got another hour?


That was fun.

Yeah, it... was.

Wh... What are we referring to?



I have to get back home.

To the Bay Area?


When will you be back?

In a while.

What's a while?

A year?


So that's it.

What do you mean?


Between us.



No, no, no, no, no.

I know that voice.

I've used that voice.

This was fun.


It was fun.

Like a carnival ride.


I like you.

And I like you.

So Ruth got you to buy off Jason Crouse?


Alicia's investigator.

Well, yeah.

He's coming out to work for a little while.

Isn't that what you wanted, too?

Look, I'm in the heat of a political campaign, and normally all I'd be thinking about is tracking polls and spot media, but right now I don't give a damn about any of it.

I don't know what this is, but I like it.

I think you're perfect.

For me.

So please don't go.

Or go... or go, but come back.



The way you feel about campaigns, that's the way I feel about my business.

And right now, that's my focus, business.

You understand that, right?

I loved every moment of our being together.

Know that.

♪ ♪

Alicia: Those posts on Brutal Mercy... did you write them?

Every word.


I've asked myself that a lot, and the simple answer is... they made me feel good.

Good? How?

Not like a good person, believe me, but, uh... excited, and, other times... relaxed.

Oh, it's hard to say this out loud.

But it wasn't hard to share these thoughts with Ortolan246?


I didn't know who he was.

Or where he was.

Well, then, why make plans with him?

They weren't real plans.

But they were so... specific.

That made them seem more real.

I know how that sounds, but I needed the release.

The stress of what I do, the stakes of my job, can be unbearable.

But I can't just walk away.

Too many people depend on me.

And the site... it became a way for me to decompress.

And I knew it was okay because Lucy was safe.

I knew I couldn't hurt her.

That's not who I am.

Alicia: Your Honor, we ask that you lay out not just the statutory elements of conspiracy, but that you give examples from specific cases...

This is a smoke screen, Your Honor.

The defense wants to confuse the jury with a lot of case law.

Lucca: It's the jury instructions, Your Honor.

I'm not sure where else you instruct the jury.

Matan: They have their instructions.

The Illinois Pattern Jury Instructions.

It's a simple matter of intent.

What did Dr. Portnow intend to do?

No, what constitutes a fantasy?

If we can be convicted for our fantasies, we're at the start of a slippery slope.

That's ridiculous.

Intent is almost always an issue in criminal cases.

Whether you intend to k*ll is the difference between m*rder and manslaughter.

Thoughts matter.

But to be criminal, thoughts have to be coupled with actions, and the jury needs to be clear on that.

Okay. I've decided.

The jury will be instructed on all the statutory elements of conspiracy.

Your Honor...

No. The jury needs it.

And I will hear on what legal precedents to mention.

(Elevator bell dings)

It's weird to be back here so soon.

I'm sure it is, but we don't have a lot of time.

So what do you need from us?

Our strategy on the Dipple claim is to prove infringement of core technique and block any novel process argument.


Actually, come to think of it, we don't want your help. You're all fired.

Excuse me?

Yes. Diane, what do you think about that?

You're right. I don't think we need them.

What was that about? You just brought us here to embarrass us?

No, you just heard about our side of the case.

Now you're conflicted out of working for Canning on his side.

You can't do that.

Diane: We just did.

Thank you for your service.

You can go now.

And the signing bonuses?

They're real.

But I don't think it'll look too good for you when I spread the word of how easy it was to blow you out of a multimillion-dollar claim for 80 grand.

Jobs may be hard to come by.

Go to hell.

Oh, yes. Thank you.

Not that I needed it, but you just gave me cause to fire you.


(Elevator bell dings)


God, that was fun.


They were out less than 15 minutes.

Is that a good or bad thing?

It means the jury was swayed powerfully, but I have no idea if it was by the judge's instructions.

Madam foreperson, do we have a verdict?

We do, Your Honor.

In the matter of People vs. Portnow, on the charge of conspiracy to commit kidnapping... we find the defendant guilty.

(Gallery cheering)

We find the defendant guilty.

(Gallery cheering)

How can I be going to jail for something that I didn't do, that was... it was never gonna happen?

We'll appeal.

That could take years.

Matan: Your Honor, we'd like to calendar a sentencing hearing.

And, prior to sentencing, we ask that Dr. Portnow continue to be held without bail.

You're jumping the g*n, Matan.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the point where I normally thank you for your service.

But I'm not going to do that today.

You took an oath to render an impartial verdict, based on the law and the evidence.

Each and every one of you violated that oath.

Matan: Judge!

Save it, Matan.

As a matter of law, I find there was insufficient evidence to support a conviction here, so I am vacating the jury's verdict and entering a judgment of acquittal.

(Gallery murmuring)


Schakowsky: Come.

Mrs. Florrick.

How else can I help you?

What you did up there...

Your Honor, we earned that, right?

That wasn't about what I said in here earlier?

Because I didn't...

Mrs. Florrick.

Why don't you just say “thank you”?

I have work to do. You can go.

Paige (recorded): Eli, I wanted to say good-bye to you.

I had a great time, and I'll miss you.

I hope you know...

(Phone beeps)

Eli, I wanted to say good-bye to you.

I had a great time, and I'll miss you.

I hope...

(Phone beeps)



I know. I'm packing for Iowa now.


I'm sorry.

Eli, can we do this...

I had no idea they were sending Jason out of town.


And I know have been too involved in your private matters.

Okay, Eli.

You're forgiven.

I have to go pack.

Good night.


You seem more upset than I do.

I started to care about someone.

Courtney Paige?

I don't care about a lot of people.

Too much work.

I mean, too much work to make it... work.

But I thought, “This isn't so bad.

“With her.

I could get used to this”.

Then do.

Be happy, Eli.

I wanted to.

She went away.



Well, for how long?

A year.

She had... work.

I'm sorry, Eli.

You're nice to me.

No. Just listening.

I'm sorry Jason was sent away.


He's my investigator, that's all.

I know.

Yeah, I know.

I don't know why I'm telling you this, Alicia, but I think you should be happy. Call Jason.

I'm okay, Eli.

I don't want to be in the way.

You're not. He was my investigator.

Don't let the campaign get in your way.

Okay, Eli.

I'm... fine.

Six years ago, you got a message from Will Gardner, a voice mail, and I erased it.

You were about to go onstage and stand beside Peter for his S.A. run, and I didn't want to hurt that.

I listened to the voice mail.

Will said he loved you and would give up everything to be with you.

And I erased it.

I never let you hear it.

And I've been sick about it ever since.

And I don't want to stand in the way of your happiness again.

That's why I'm sorry.

Get out.