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02x08 - And the Point of Salvation

Posted: 12/14/15 01:00
by bunniefuu



Man: Attention! Officer on deck!

[Music stops, computer beeps]

And this is our core observation facility.

Now, the system runs too hot to watch in person, but if you turn your attention to the monitors, we can give you quite a show.

Mr. Hoskins, power it up, please.

Yes, doctor.

Now, the new material allows for computing capacity tens and tens of thousands times faster than what we have now.

So, are we talking artificial intelligence?

No. That's a software problem.

This is raw computing power.

More appropriate for battle analysis, it'll run millions of simulations of what could happen, predict the future with 99% accuracy within a single second, or this test will map a 3-D space and use it to model quantum teleportation.

[Power surges]

What is it? What's happening?

It's an overload in the quantum field!

Well, shut it down now!

It's not responding.

Coolant is boiling off!

Sound the alarms! Evacuate the facility!

[Alarms blaring]

Let's go! Move it!

Thrice I call thee, spirit of the hill.

Thrice I summon thee, thy fortune and thy luck.

Thrice I bind thee, subject to my will.

Thrice I name thee, free spirit... Puck.

What is this?

You lure me with sweets and then bind me?

Do you not know my power?

I will k*ll thy calve and blight thy field.

Your daughter's eyes will cross. Your son's legs will bow.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, and you know what?

That would be... whew!

So menacing if we were in medieval Ireland, and I was a simple-minded sod farmer.

But we're not, and I'm not, so it's not.


Grail knight of virtue?

I'll give thee one favor for free for such a worthy one.

Three answers truly given... nothing more, nothing less... then you are released.

If I were not desperate for information, I wouldn't risk dealing with a fey.

Are you sure? I know many things.

I know what ends your immortality.

You cannot be k*lled, but you can die, Galeas.

Is this not worth a bargain?



Three answers freely given, then you are released.

Prospero, who binds Ariel, he has the staff of Zarathustra.

Can he use it?

Hmm. His first staff was from the Tree of Knowledge.

The second is powerful, but is not his first.

He struggles.

Struggles? Struggles with what?

What is his intent?

To discover that, I must roam.

Roam. You still owe me two answers.

I will return, Knight, with the answers, whether you like them or not. [Laughs]


I hate fairies.

Quantum computing.

I mean, that is, like, the holy grail of computer technology.

Never thought I'd live long enough to see it work.

Yeah, I'm more interested in the rock.

I mean, I'm pretty good with precious gems, but I don't recognize this one.

Says it's a newly discovered, natural form of graphene.

That can't be right.

In order to overcome quantum decoherence, it would have to be a super-conducting graphene that had the properties of both a solid and a Bose-Einstein condensate.

A what?

Nothing. No. I was just... theorizing what it would take for a chunk of graphene to solve quantum computing.

Well, you just described the precise physical qualities of Atlantean Thaumatite.

So, DARPA... a top-secret, high-tech research lab... is messing around with something Atlantean?

I don't follow.

It's Atlantean.

Like Atlantis.

Like Plato's "Timaeus" and "Critias."

A large island that sank off the... who... who... what... would somebody remind me why this guy's even here?

Th-this... this use of this material is what destroyed Atlantis.

You know, DARPA does terrifying enough things with science alone... stealth bombers, military drones, Internet comments sections.

Okay, we need to recover this crystal.

But quantum computing could change the world.

The way Atlantis was changed?

This magic is too dangerous to be left in the hands of the military.

All right, people, listen up.

This is not your run-of-the-mill mission.

DARPA runs under strict military protocol.

We go in, we get the Thaumatite, we get out.

No poking around, no wandering off, no opening things, no souvenirs.

You know, sometimes I don't think you guys take me seriously.

Really? There's times you think we do?

[Alarms continue blaring] Make sure we pull everything from the server and perform a full crash wipe... every drive, every disk, everything.


So, this is strict military protocol.

It's critical now! Leave everything!

Evacuate out the front gate. Deadlock all the other Doors!

I'm initiating Faded Giant protocol.

Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!

Back through the Door now.

What about the Thaumatite?

"Faded Giant" is military code for "this place is gonna blow."

Go! Go!


[Electricity crackling]

This isn't the Annex. We're still at the base.

Why are we still here?

Why's this place trashed?

Fall back. Through the Door again.

The Annex is gone.

It's disconnected.

Whatever happened here disrupted the Back Door.

[Cell phone beeps]

It's interfering with the phones, too.

I can't reach Jenkins.

Ezekiel: We're gonna have to get out on our own.

"Best way out is always through." Robert Frost.

Then let's get the hell through.

[Exhales sharply]

Stone: Sir?


We're here to help you.

I'm Colonel Eve Baird.

Can you tell us what's...


[Growls and snarling]

[Grunting and growling]


[Continues growling]




I'm guessing that's not DARPA trying out some new kind of watchdog.

No. That was a rabid, feral, rage person.

Cassandra: Could be a radioactive reaction to the overload.

A computer overload caused this?

A magical quantum computer.

They were running the system, encountered some corrupted code, and it fritzed.


[Whoosh, high-pitched whir]

Quantum mechanics do play a crucial role in human consciousness.

An overload in the quantum field could have created a superposition state that disrupts higher brain function, effectively turning people into...

Rage people.

Not calling them "rage people."

Okay, assume it is a quantum overload thing... how do we end it?

We shut down the main computer, pull the Atlantean stone from the core.

That will collapse the superposition.

That should end the effect.

Oh, finding the computer's gonna be a treat.

This place is a maze.

You got schematics?



[Computer beeps]

We're looking for a coolant system.

Those moving lines... it looks like a road map to what's hot in the building.

So, if this place overheated...

What... what's that thing in the middle?

[Types, beep]

Ezekiel: Heavily shielded, fortified room.

That's where we find the techno-magic mojo.

Let's go.



Would you watch it with that thing?

I think I know how to handle this.

Know how to spot a taser tile?

Electrified floor plate... security measure.

We're gonna want to step over that.

You're welcome.

Whatever's causing all this is behind that door.

Can you get it open?

Oh, it's a basic Glenn-Rieder XCD.

[Keypad beeping]

I could open these in my...

Automated female voice: Invalid entry code activated.

[Alarm blaring]

That shouldn't have happened.

Some master thief.

That shouldn't have happened.

[Loud snarling]

Baird: Fall back! Fall back!

[Alarm continues blaring]

Ezekiel: That shouldn't have happened. I know those locks.

Baird: Doesn't matter now.

Cassandra: No one's blaming you, Ezekiel.

Well, I kinda am!

Here they come!




Ezekiel, run for the...

[Snarling continues]


[Snarling continues]

[Electricity crackling]

[Door closes]

This isn't the Annex. We're still in the base.

Why are we still here?

Why's this place trashed?

Fall back. Through the door again.

You're alive.

We're alive.

The Annex is gone.

It's disconnected.

Whatever happened here disrupted the Back Door as well. [Cell phone beeps]

Both: It's interfering with the phones, too.

It's a time loop. We're trapped in a time loop.

It's a time loop. We're trapped in a time loop.

We're repeating the day over, just like in that movie "Groundhog Day"... or "Star Trek" or "X-Files" or "Buffy," which means I didn't get you all k*lled.

You didn't what?

Didn't n-nothing. Whatever.

If we are in a time loop, how many fingers am I holding up?

No idea.

This is only our second time through.

Stupid time loop. You're crazy.

Crazy? So, on the scale of "Running from Minotaurs" to "Santa Claus is now a best mate of ours," where would time loop fall?

A computer overload caused this?

A magical quantum computer.


An overload in the quantum field could have created a superposition state that disrupts local space-time...

[Chuckles] Effectively creating a time loop.

No. If we're all stuck here, why are you the only one that remembers it?

I was first one through the Door.

Maybe... something-something magic?

We'll figure it out later.

Assume we are in a time loop. How do we end it?

Shut down the quantum computer. Right?


Collapse the superposition.

It should end the effect.

And what about the rage people?

The what nows?

There! Right over there, there was this angry rage-person thing.

Oh, uh, your g*n won't work, so, uh, use the crowbar.

What crowbar?

Stone's crowbar.

I-I don't have a crowbar.

I didn't... I didn't grab the crowbar.

You started talking about all this time-loop stuff, and I...


Baird: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

[Body thuds]

[Electricity crackling]

Okay. That was my bad.

This isn't the Annex. We're still in the base.

Why are we still here?

Time loop. We're trapped in a time loop.

What are you talking about?

The Annex is gone. The phones are dead.

Let's not do this whole thing again.

Time loop.

If we're in a time loop, how many fing...

You didn't actually show me last time.

Look, just follow me. You need to see the rage person.

The what now?

Oh, and, uh, stone, grab the crowbar.


[Creature snarls, crowbar clanks]

I'm guessing this wasn't DARPA cooking up some new kind of watchdog, huh?

Cassandra, how are these...

not calling them "rage people"... connected to Ezekiel's time loop?

They're not.


An overload in the quantum field could have created a superposition state that disrupts higher brain function or... one that disrupts local space-time, but I don't see how they could have affected both.


We've been through this loop a couple times now, right?


And you're the only one who ever remembers any of this?


What? What is that?

Nothing. Nothing.

It's just, a temporal loop implies a complicated interplay of cause and effect, and you're more of a... [Clicks tongue] wing-it kinda guy.

I'm just touched by your trust, really.

Now, Cassandra said if we shut the quantum computer down, this all ends.

I did? Ooh. That was clever of me.

The quantum computer is behind this door, which I definitely did not get everybody k*lled by failing to open.

Female automated voice: Warning. Access panel open.

Okay, this is not a basic Glenn-Rieder XCD.

How do you beat it?

I have no idea.

It would take hours to trace the circuit.


Hey, you're sure the time loop stays open until we pull that Atlantean doodad out of the computer, right?

Yes. Why?


So... nothing we do has any real consequences until we're out of the time loop.

Theoretically, no. We can go through as many times...


There's only four wires.

I can do this by multiple choice.

[Snips, alarm blaring]

Invalid entry code. Access denied.

Some master thief.

[Snips, alarm blaring]

Invalid entry code. Access denied.

Some master thief.

[Snips, alarm blaring]

Invalid entry code. Access denied.

Some master thief.

[Snips, alarm blaring]

Invalid entry code. Access denied.

Aah! This is impossible!

Ezekiel Jones does not lose to a lock.

Some master thief!



I said watch it with that thing.

I think I know how to handle this.

Hey. You know what?

You're right. After you.

[Electricity zapping]

[Gasping and groaning]

Have we ever just stared at it this long before?


[Exhales deeply]

You know, there... there is something weird about those lights. I just...

That red is just a half-shade off the standard LED red.

And that yellow-green... I mean, why that color?

Unless it's a key.

It's a light.

Light that color has a wavelength of 570 nanometers, frequency 523 Terahertz.


523 Terahertz. [Chuckles]

That's the same sound wave frequency as high "C."

That can't be a coincidence.

[Grunts] Nobody builds locks like that.

A-and that shade of red, 444 Terahertz.

That's high "A."


[Humming "C" and "A" notes]


So, if I just rewire this panel using an alternating pattern of electrical pulses along each of those four frequencies, it's just like rewiring a speaker.

[Computer beeps]

Computer code entry. Access granted.

[Lowered voice] Hmm.

Some master thief.

That... that... that's not how locks work!

[Coolant hissing]


Stone: That's leaking a lot of coolant.

Atlantean Thaumatite.

We remove it, and the quantum decoherence collapses the field and the time loop should end.


[Alarm blaring]

Warning. System failure.

That doesn't sound ended.

Warning. System failure.

You said it would stop them.

It should have stopped everything.

We're cut off. There's no way out.


I got a door here, but I can't get to it.

Here they come! Go!

[Growling and snarling]

This isn't the Annex. We're still in the base.

Why are we still here?

Why is this place trashed?


No! No! No! This was supposed to end!

What are you talking about?

The time loop. We're trapped in a time loop, and I'm the only one that knows it.

We shut the thing down, but nothing's changed.

Ah! How many fingers do I have behind my back?

You know what? I'm not gonna tell you.

Annoying, isn't it?

A computer overload caused this?

A magical quantum compu...

Computer. Yes.

And you said pulling out the crystal thingy was gonna shut the thing down and stop the rage people...

The what now?

...and end the time loop, but it didn't.

We're still stuck.

You sure you pulled it out right?

Yes! Yes, I did!

Okay, everybody calm down.

Let's assume it is a... time loop.

We start here. Every time.

Where does it end? Same place every time?

[Sighs] No, no, it resets when one of us dies.

Mostly you.

Wait. But if we're all stuck here, how come you're the only one that remembers it?

I don't know!

Wait, it's possible that we're stuck in some sort of quantum entanglement with the computer.

That's why it resets each time we die...

Which means you may be able to break the loop by getting all of us outside of the quantum field.

All right.

First we find the Thaumatite, then we find a way out.


[Crowbar slams, creature growls]

All right, we're here. Nearest exit?

Remember the scientist?

Everything's deadlocked but the main gate.

If we could just get to this emergency exit... that won't work.

There's a coolant leak blocking it off in the main computer core.

What kind of leak?

Warning. System failure.

Baird: They're coming!

[Alarm blaring]

Come on!

There's three different bypasses and one shot joint!

I gotta reroute lines!

And I need both hands to hold this pressure!

This pipe is 200 degrees!

It isn't real. There are no consequences.

This isn't real. There are no consequences.

[Whispers] This isn't real. There are no consequences.


[Coolant hissing]


Jones! Jones! Jones!

Do it!

[Valve squeaks]



That was actually... brave.

If I'd known how much it would have hurt, I probably wouldn't have done it.

That's it. That has to be the way out.

"Best way out is always through." Robert Frost.

Well, then let's get the hell through.

[Alarm blaring]

Go! Run!

[Loud snarling]

[Electricity crackling]

[Door slams]

And this pipe is 200 degrees!

[Coolant hissing]



No, Jones! Jones!

Do it!

[Valve squeaks]


[Hissing stops]

It's just a gate.

Ezekiel Jones does not lose to a gate.

There has to be some kind of trigger.

[Alarm blaring]

Time loop.

How many times?

I don't know. 60, give or take.

What if we tried...

Every time?

Every time.

[Alarm blaring]

[Loud snarling]

[Crowbar slams]

[Electricity crackling]

This isn't the Annex. We're still in the base.

Why are we still here? Why's this place trashed?

It's a time loop.

We're trapped in a time loop, and there's no way out.

What are you talking about?


You okay?

No, not especially.


Just... take a minute.

We'll scout around without you.

Don't. Don't go. Please.

I can't watch you die anymore.


[Crowbar slams]



[Crowbar clangs]

It's not a time loop.

It's a video game.

[Electricity crackling]

It's not a time loop. It's a video game.

This is a Save Point!

What are you talking about?

It explains everything.

Why are there ragers? They're the enemies.

That crazy lock... it's a hacking mini-game.

Why does this guy always wait until we come near?

That's his trigger point.

This whole building is a video game level.

Ezekiel, you are not making any sense.

No, no. I can prove it. Here. Watch.


A first aid kit in a crate?

It's a health pack. This is a loot drop.

This is crazy.

For crying out... here.


[g*n cocks]



What the... What?!

[Stone grunting]


[Breathing heavily]

We're in a video game?!

You wanna see the rage people?

Yeah, man!

The what now?



[Body thuds]

[Exhales sharply]

Rage people.

It's a survival horror game.

Is it... is it more of a sandbox or is it a railroad?

Okay, I'm not buying a computer overload traps us in a video game.

A magical quantum computer.

They were running the system, encountered some corrupted code, and then it fritzed.

What code? I mean, every lab geek everywhere with access to a computer has put some kind of game onto it.




So, if the core database downloaded the corrupted code from that game, then an overload in the quantum field could have created a superposition state that amplified virtual reality into actual reality.

So, we're not inside the video game.

The video game is overwriting reality.

We went through the door at the moment of the overload, so we weren't affected.

Yeah, we all went through the door.

Why are you the only one that remembers it?

Now it finally makes sense!

I-I was the first in. That made me the player.

The DARPA personnel... they became the ragers.

And you lot... It's an escort mission.

That why it resets every time one of you dies.

It's an escort mission?

I'm not jealous of you at all now.

Um, what's an escort mission?

Ugh. Only the most annoying gameplay ever, where you take a bunch of computer-controlled characters too dumb to take care of themselves from point "A" to point "B."

That's you guys.

Okay. Assume it is a video game.

How do we get out?

Easy... we find the next Save Point.

That gate's a distraction... classic video game trope.

You tell the player where to go, and right before they get there, you block them off with a rock fall or an expl*si*n.

Yeah, or...

[Crowbar taps]

A closing gate. It's a triggered event.

There's nothing you can do about it. I hate those.

However, if the player's blocked, you gotta give them another way out.

So, e-even though there's only one exit on the map...

Baird: Somewhere there's another way out.

Stone: Now we know what we're looking for.

There's a weapons cache this way. We should load up.

Shotgun on the rocket launcher!

Does that mean you want the shotgun or the rocket launcher?

Hang on.

This isn't a weapons...

[Door closes]



What are you doing, man?

I don't know what's on the other side of the gate.

It'll be a whole new set of challenges.

Jones, let us out of here.

Every person in the group adds more risk that someone will make a mistake, get ambushed, or die.

One person... better chance of learning every trap, every trick.

Once I can get myself through, I can get you guys through.

I won't be long.

Well, not long from your point of view.

Listen, if what you said is true, we all gotta work together.

I can't watch you die anymore!

This way, you sit there, nice and safe, while I go learn what's past the gate, while I figure out how to beat it.

That way, only I die.

You guys won't even remember.

We'll reset, and you guys won't remember a thing.

It's for the best.





[Bing, crackle]

[Coolant hissing]

I need to learn some engineering.

The pipeline... we would have stuck with your basic metal-seated ball valve, but these boys got fancy with an isolated solenoid valve.

Quantum overload must have blown the actuator.

Don't touch that, man. It's hot.

Let me show you how to do a pipe bleed.

Now you show me.

[Valve squeaks, hissing stops]

[Keypad beeping]

[Alarm blaring]

Invalid entry code. Access denied.

I need to learn physics.

So, that shade of red is 440 Terahertz.

That's a high "A." So, you can...

Match the signal frequency by rewiring into a different power point, right?

Good. Just watch the voltage drop.


Warning. Access panel open.

[Computer beeps]

Courtyard entry. Access granted.

[Creatures snarling]


Big arena fight.

There's gotta be a Save Point past that door.

[Snarling continues]


[Snarling continues]

[Bat clinks]

[Alarm blaring]

[Loud snarling]


Jones, what the hell?!

I need you to teach me how to fight.

[Scoffs] Hey!

[Scoffs] Seriously?

I know, right?

You still got those grenades?

Won't work in here. I've tried.

Okay. Welcome to urban tactics 101.

You're gonna want to move from here to that central stand to control their attack vectors.

Baseball bat is a lousy w*apon.

All the force is in the top 8 inches.

But if you know that, you can do some damage with it.


[Snarling continues]

[Alarm blaring]


[Alarm blaring]

[Loud snarling]

[Bat thudding, snarling continues]


We've made it to the central stand a couple times, but they all... Jones.

What if we split up and try and draw...


How many times?

I've stopped counting.

[Exhales sharply]

There's a story soldiers tell...

World w*r II, Market Garden, Allied as*ault behind enemy lines.

What happens is, these allied troops have to cross a river.

First wave of soldiers get in their little pontoon boats, get halfway across the river, and the Germans just open up their machine g*ns and just cut them all down.

None of them make it.

These two colonels are watching the bodies floating in the river, and one of them says, "those are the bravest men I've ever seen."

The second colonel points to the second wave of soldiers getting in their little pontoon boats, getting ready to cross the same river, only they saw what happened to the first guys.

They know what's coming.

And that colonel says, "no. Those are the bravest men I've ever seen."

I've lost count of the amount of times you've told me that story.

Why'd you let me tell it again?

I like the way you look at me when you tell it.

[Alarm blaring, loud snarling]


It's not gonna work.

Even if I can fight my way to that door, there's no way I can get all four of us across to that room.

And a single mistake in any of those spots...

Ezekiel, as your friend, I am concerned about you locking the rest of us in a small room.

[Knocking on door]

Hey, Jones, come here.


Come listen to me right now, okay?

Hey, you let us out.


"The best way out is always through."

To get through the level, I have to get out of the level.

Stone, you're a genius.

When did he start reading Robert Frost?

J-Jones! Jones!

[Computer beeps] Access granted.

[Hissing stops]


[Creatures snarling]



I did it! I made it!


And maybe I crashed the game.

[Loud snarling]

[Electricity crackling]

I've got it. I know the way out.

What are you talking about?

This isn't the Annex. We're still in the base.

Why are we still here?

Why's this place trashed?

Really? Still?


Right. We're trapped in a video game Save Point.

Each time one of us dies, it resets, okay?

But the game is crashing, and I know the way out.

So if you want to live, follow me.

[Lowered voice] Back through the door...

Can't help but notice you're not following.

If we are in a time loop, how many fingers am I...

Fine. We do it the long way.

[Bloop] The health pack.

I-it's gone. No, no, no.

I need that to make you guys believe me.

It's the only way you guys ever do.

The rager general... he's right over here.

Come here. I'll show you.

Okay, Ezekiel, you are not making any sense.

He's not here.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

You need to do exactly as I say and follow me right now.

Stone: All right, this is crazy.

The world is just crashing all around us, and... and you guys won't take me seriously because you guys think I'm...


You think I'm me.

[Electricity crackles]

What was that?

Uh, Cassandra, what was that?

It's a glitch in the game, and I caused it trying to save you.

I know that sounds crazy.

And I know that you all think of me as your irresponsible little brother.

But right now we are in danger.

And I don't know how to make you believe me, so I need you to trust me.


No, I'm not your friend, but you're all my friends.

You've been my friends... it's impossible to explain... for so long.

You once told me about Old Man Murphy, the old pipe monkey that taught you how to first use a wrench when you worked the pipelines.

Cassandra, I know how much you love getting lost in the math of something so deep that you forget about how unfair your tumor, about how unfair the universe is, and just for one moment, everything makes sense. Makes sense.


I know what Private Lee's widow told you when you handed her that flag.

I have seen you all die so many times when it didn't matter.

I can't... I can't let it happen now, when it actually does.

So, please...

Please, just this once, let me be the big brother.

What do you need us to do?

Speed run.

Cassandra, the Thaumatite is held in an EM containment field, like for plasma, but with magnetic mirrors on both sides.


I gotta figure out a way to bleed off some of this pressure.

There's a shutoff on the third line.

The vacuum effect will super-cool the adjacent pipes, allow you to access the flow controls.

I wouldn't have thought of that.

You did... eventually.

They're coming!

[Loud snarling]

We're climbing a pipe? Are we playing a platformer?

Uh, no. We're cheating.

Follow me.


[Snarling grows louder]

You guys good?

Right. Let's end this game.

[Electronic buzzing and whirring]

You guys good?

Right. Let's end this game.

[Electronic buzzing and whirring]

It's too far to jump.

I don't suppose you got some rope?


But I have these.

That is not rope.

We're gonna rocket jump.

You jump, and I throw the grenade at your feet.

The blast of the grenade will give you enough push to make it over the pit.

That is not how grenades work!

Not in real life, but we're in a video game.

Rocket jumping is a time-honored tradition.

[Wrench clangs]

Just run and jump?

Just run and jump.

I'm out of my mind. I'm out of my mind. I'm out of my mind.


[Exhales sharply] I'll be damned.

Come on!

Okay, just wait an extra half-second before you throw it.

The shock wave dispersal should make for a smoother landing.

Any landing you can walk away from.



[Exhales sharply]

All right.

[Crowbar clangs]

Try not to k*ll me with that thing.

I think I've k*lled you enough for one day.


[Exhales deeply]

[Buzzing sound]



[Breathing heavily]

All right, Jones! Your turn, buddy!

Just toss it gently in front of you.

You should be able to ride the blast like that.

Not gonna be a blast for me, guys.

What are you talking about?

Only had three grenades left.

But you can't jump that far by yourself.

Probably not, but it's worth a go.

All right, well, if you die, then it just resets.

No. Look around.

It'll crash before it resets.

But you guys won't. You guys have been saved.

I saved you.


Hey. It's all right.

I'm Ezekiel Jones.

Ezekiel Jones doesn't lose.

Good game, mates.

Hey. Hey!



[Electricity crackles]


We're... we're here. We're back.


Where's Ezekiel?

He gave his life for us.

Ezekiel Jones gave his life for us.


There's gotta be something we can do.

When a game crashes, you restart it.

We could do something from here.


If we reinitialize the system, we should be able to create a quantum-field superposition state that can bring him back.

He said it was a magnetic containment field.

You put this back, it should realign itself.

We're gonna need coolant.

He told me where the shutoff valves were.

I can... I can access the flow controls.


[Coolant hissing]

[Valve squeaks, hissing stops]

Okay. Here we go.

[Electricity crackling]



[Exhales sharply]

You're alive. [Exhales]

You're back.


Back... where?

Back what?

[Chuckles] You don't remember anything?

He didn't make it to the Save Point.

[Chuckles] He's an unsaved game.

Who are you people?

We're Librarians.

Oh. Thank God you're here.

I'm a what now?!

Jenkins thinks the DARPA personnel should make a full recovery.

Ah, yes. And now with the Thaumatite "breakthrough" in our possession, DARPA will have to develop quantum computing without cheating.

I really did all that stuff?

And probably more.

I mean, we only remember the final loop, so who knows what else you did in there?

You were... a different you... mature, commanding, serious.

Kind of badass.

You were a hero.

No. That doesn't sound like me.


You guys are putting me on.

A little fun at my expense. I get it.

So, you finally turn into a halfway decent person, you're not gonna own up to it?

[Scoffs] A halfway decent person?

Sounds like a step down from all awesome, don't you think?

Well, you may not know what you're capable of, but we do.

Your sheep returned, shepherd, as have I.

Care to tell me how the military got their hands on a piece of Atlantis that should have been buried at the bottom of the ocean?

Would you rather have that answer than the tale I tell?

For I've traveled under stars and over seas to bring it to thee.


I'll have my answers.

Prospero's goal is far from foul.

'Tis joy for every mortal soul he seeks.

Oh, yes, and drowning 7 million people in Manhattan... such a heartwarming opening move.

He knows the library stands against him.

He fears your librarians.

Prospero must remove your heroes before he rules o'er this world.

How? When?

You have but one answer left, Galeas.

Which shall it be?


I doubt he will be subtle, so... when?


Yes, tell me now. Now, sprite.

No, the answer... 'tis now.

Right... now!


I abjure and banish you, foul Puck!

[Laughing evilly]

[Rumbling continues]


Colonel Baird, don't! Don't!

It's a trap! Don't!

Where? What? Why... why... why go there?

There's no reason to go...

[Rumbling stops]

Oh! Tsch!

There it is.

Been a dragon, it would have bit me. [Chuckles]

[Lights clank]