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01x07 - The Reaper

Posted: 12/13/15 16:11
by bunniefuu
Hyde's blood. He's the one can heal himself, not you.

We have to use this.

Do it for me.

It's done.

We want you to help us find the monster and we want you to help us k*ll it!

I won't help you, not this way. we thought you might need persuading.

Ra... Ravi!


I can't believe you're still alive!

I'll hang onto these for the time being as security. This one For Your Eyes Only.

Spring Heeled Jack claims another victim.

My name's Burton. Spring Heeled Jack was my grandfather.

We should work together. We make a great team. Both our families have history of fighting evil.

It's a Kephri.

It's the god of creation and rebirth, also known as a Reaper bug.

Creation? It's nicking body parts.

What if it's stealing them for something...


Burton! We can help you.


Daily Truth! It's the truth. Read all about it!

There weren't no Spring Heeled Jack. It was all the work of foreigners.

Do you hear that, missus? London's safe again.

Tell your old man he can take you out tonight.

Daily Truth! It's the truth. Read all about it!

Get your Daily Truth!

There are no monsters.

Read all about...




Er, yes, hello. My name's Dr Robert Jekyll.

Please hang up and step outside.


Get in, mate.

Doctor Jekyll. You've certainly brightened up a very dull Monday morning.

I've come to trade, Bulstrode.

(LAUGHS) You'll be wanting your pills, I suppose.

No. I want my files.

The ones you stole from Ravi.

And in return?


What do you know?

Have you k*lled our monster, as promised?

It's a Kephri.

Erm... a Reaper bug.

Parasitic. It lives in your body, eating it from the inside.

Then moves on to a new host.

Unique ability to take organs from one victim and transplant them.

It certainly fits with what we've seen.

And what I've seen.

And you know where it is?

Well, a friend of mine is... looking after it.

Oh, don't tell me. Spring Heeled Burton? (LAUGHS)

He's a harmless flea.

His grandfather did some work for the department a long time ago.

Are you saying the Reaper has got into him?

There's only way it will come out.

When it has liquefied his organs and there's nothing left to chew on.

What if it was forced out?

It can be done.

k*ll the host and the bug has to emerge.

No. No, I'll find another way.

There is no other way.

Let us do it for you.

You lead us to him --


No. I've already lost somebody to this thing.

I'm not going to lose somebody else. Let me do it my way.

Very well.

We'll keep this for insurance. Always good to have an ace in the hole.

k*ll the bug -- it's yours.


How can they get away with printing these lies?

Mind you, from what I've seen of MIO, they can get away with anything.

Perhaps they're right to try and protect the world against monsters.

Monsters like me.

And Burton?

We have to find him, Ravi.

We have to hope that there's still enough of him left to save.

It's horrible. The idea of it eating you from the inside.

Never say die, Ravi.

I'm telling you. It's come down out of the sky like a great big bat or something.

Have you been watching them Boris Karloff films again, Colander?

Go on, clear off, before I clip you one.

No. It lives up there. On them roofs.

But he feeds down here.

Takes his harvest to Tenebrae.

Spring Heeled Jack. Whooosh!


Spring Heeled Jack himself.

Tenebrae? Is this to do with them?

How does he know?

The truth sometimes lives in the mind of madness.

Come on.

One thing about Burton, he never had his feet on the ground.

Robert, over there.

Poor lad.


Did you have to bring him here?

Garson, he's still alive.

That's what bothers me. What's happened to him?

Isn't it obvious? The parasitic organism inside him obviously shares characteristics with the Lepidoptera species.

Utilising a metamorphic development cycle.


Like a caterpillar with a cocoon.


At least no butterfly will come out of that.

No. Which is why I have to stop the cycle before it's too late.

You mean this isn't too late?

Robert, are you sure?

How far advanced is it?

If only we could see what the Reaper was doing inside him.

There might be some clues in the body it was in before.

You think Burton's gonna end up like that?

Not if I can help it.

But that thing's inside him.

Ravi, examine the policeman's body properly.

Garson, get that stuff off Burton.

And, both of you, whatever happens be careful.

If there's any sign of the Reaper emerging, you run.

You lock the door and you wait for me.

And where will you be going as if we didn't know?


I need an X-ray machine.

Well, perhaps if you're very good, Santa Claus might bring you one.

I can't wait for Christmas.

But I thought that perhaps your friend Harry might be able to help.

So... you've forgiven me for seeing Harry?

Harry who?

Harry, who got all this equipment for me.

Harry, who had these made for me.

The Robert Jekyll inhaler mark two.


Excellent. Well, erm...

Be sure to thank him for me.

I'll give him a great big kiss.

Lily, I'm very close to a breakthrough, but I need an X-ray machine to see what's going on inside... me.

Harry will expect something in return.

Well, I'll see to that.

You'll let him take you for dinner? Dance with him?

Let him hold you just a little too tight?

You don't...?

But that's extortion.

Do you want a clear conscience or a picture of your insides?

Listen, you...

You'd never let Harry go that far, would you?

I don't know. An X-ray machine can be rather expensive.

He'll be expecting more than a handshake and a pat on the head.

Maybe you'd better remind me again why it is I prefer you.

It moved.



Don't you mean Burton?

We mean 'it'.

He's not moving at all any more.

I hope to hell he's still alive.



Ravi, stay clear, I can handle this.



Leave him alone!

Burton, listen. Listen to me.

If there is any part of you still conscious in there, fight the thing inside you.

I can help you. We can defeat the Reaper.



Burton! Burton!


I think he's gone.

I have to go after him. If there's any chance I can still save him.

If you go after him it's you who'll need saving.

Can't you change?

No. This thing is too effective.

Besides, we need a doctor, not a monster.


Yeah, go on. Go. He'll need you.


Hannigan: That's enough.

It's come back to the body. k*ll it.

Wait. Wait!

This is MIO business.

I've got my orders.

Take him alive. Please.

Let me try and work out a way to k*ll the thing inside.

Too risky. Too late.

Please. Please.

We're only doing what you should have done, Jekyll. Sorry.

There was an old woman who swallowed a fly. Of course she'll die.





Help me.

Robert... help me. Robert...

Stand away from him.

Please. Leave us alone. Let me help him.

You can't. We have to k*ll him.


It's the only way.

I can do this.

I can do this. (MUTTERS)

Please. Please, just let me try.

I'll do anything Bulstrode wants.

No. No!


He's dead, Robert. It's over.

You're nothing but a g*ng of butchers.

Tell Bulstrode all deals are off.

I'll have nothing to do with any of you.




Now see what you've done!



Don't let that happen to me. Please!

sh**t the boy, Sackler!


The bug's inside him. Do it now, man!

Out of the way, Jekyll. Sackler!

Run, Ravi. Run!

Do it now, man! sh**t!

Let them go.

We know where he'll take the boy.


The Reaper should have returned by now.

Without its harvest Captain Dance will rot.

We will have to start again.

Can't you just send out some of Silas's thugs and go and find some fresh offal for him?

You think it is so easy?

Could you remove a thyroid gland without harming it and preserve it long enough to replace his damaged one?

I must admit it's not something I've ever tried.


Silas, you need to look for it.

But I've had the boys out there searching.

No. You have another way to look.

What do you mean?

The toad.

You can use it to see through other's eyes if you can make the link.

What? I don't...

The Reaper is a Kephri. It is one of ours.

Reach out to it. It will help to guide you.

Is there no other way?

Nothing quicker.


Try to make a link with the Reaper.

I was stupid, Robert. I turned my back on it and it's inside me.

Look, it's all right. It's all right.

This is all my fault.

It took over Burton's mind.

Listen. Listen. We are going to find a way of getting this thing out of you, I promise.

Never say die, Ravi.

Maybe I can purge it. Like at home, with green chillies.

I need lots of green chillies.

This is worse than some water-borne bacteria.

Then tell me what to do, Robert. Help me.

Ravi? You need to be calm.

Yes. Breathe, Ravi.

Try and slow your metabolism. It might buy us some time.

Like the Yogi father taught us when we were children.

Yes. Yes. Now, breathe.

Breathe. Count to ten. Feel the life-force flowing through you.



Ravi. Ravi. Ravi!



(GASPS) It's happening.


Would MIO ring the bell?

Er... hide Ravi in the tunnel. Just in case.

And stay with him.

Lily. I...


You're transparent. Or at least you soon will be.

Come on, Ravi.

Yes, all right.

That's it. Go carefully, it's a rather expensive X-ray machine.

Listen, erm...

Thank you for this, Harry.

Anything for Lily.

You probably have things to do.

I'll need to set it up. If you don't know how to work it, you risk damaging it.

Well, I'm not really sure I want another man in my lab.

I can show Robert how it works, Harry.

After all, you gave me a very thorough demonstration.


So, finally, I get to see what's behind the secret door.

It's all right. It's all right, boy.

You're gonna be fine. Either way.

Here, Lily, erm... help me with the machine.

Here, show me how this works. What do I do with this?


You need to treat it with respect.

It's very delicate.

Nice and slow.


This is for the screen.



Just be patient.


It just takes a moment to warm up.


Strip off.

You er... best take the X-ray.

Before I catch cold.

You... stand there.



What was that?

We are...

We're very close to an Underground line here.


Hurry, Silas. Have you made the link?

I think so. I don't know.

I can feel something, but I can't see nothing. Just darkness.

No, it's all right. It's all right. Everything's gonna be fine.

Erm... thank you for helping me.

And I hope that you saw that there's nothing evil inside me.

Nor me.

Thank you.

You must see something.

You're not trying, Silas.

See what it sees. Make the link.


(RASPY VOICE) This body is mine.


We have to hold him still, if you can.

I need to see what that thing's doing inside him.


I can see!



Silas. What happened? What did you see?

Something blocked the link. That hurts.

I think I've gone blind.

How many fingers am I holding up?


People always hold up three fingers when they say that.

Parasite's growing fast. It's attached itself to the boy's brain.

Reaper: You think you can destroy us like that? You're pathetic.




It didn't like the radiation from the X-ray machine.

Perhaps Ravi's right. Perhaps we can purge it from his system.

We just need something stronger than green chilies.

There's nothing for you here, Hannigan.

We're not going anywhere.

And neither are you. Until you either give us the bug or you give us the boy.

That boy is my brother and his name is Ravi.

Not for much longer. In a little while he'll be something very different indeed.

A servant of evil. A Reaper himself.

This harvest is plentiful, but our workers are few.

You've seen what it will do to him. Show him some mercy.

I'm not going to k*ll my brother.

It's the only way.

Soon there won't be anything left of him, but a shrivelled husk.

End it quickly. For Ravi's sake.

Or we can.

Reaper: Come on, Jekyll. Cut me loose from this. Free me.

Free you?

I've promised to destroy you.

You don't have the guts. Not like this.

But we know what you really are.

We asked you to join us. Why don't you set I free?
Where's Ravi? Let me speak to him.

He's ours now.



Help me! Aargh!


We are watching you, Jekyll. We have a thousand eyes. You can't escape us.

We are the flood. We are Tenebrae.


What was that all about? Do you think Tenebrae really can see us?

Know what's going on?

I'm sure they can. We have to be alert.

Robert, I can't stand it. Get it out of my head.



You've failed your brother, Jekyll.

Just as you've failed everyone you've ever cared for.

Aargh! Urgh!


Robert, Robert, Robert.

The beast is strong. The flesh is weak.

Hyde is strong. Jekyll is weak.

Tenebrae's rising. Join us!


Robert, we have to do something, for pity's sake.

He's getting torn apart.

(PANTING) Never say die.

(TWO g*nshots)

Did you hear something?

It sounded like g*nshots.


You tell Bulstrode he got what he wanted.

Now you leave me alone.

For ever.

This isn't the boy.

No, sir. It's what's left of a previous host.

He fobbed us off with a ringer.

Don't tell me you fell for the oldest trick in the book, Mr Hannigan.

Ye old switcheroo!

They've gone, I'm afraid, sir. No-one at the house.

Don't know how they got past us.

But... they did.

They did.


What can you see? Talk to me, Silas.

Where is the Reaper? Is it alive?





I saw Hyde.

Through the Reaper's eyes?

Hyde has the Reaper? Where?

I don't know. It all went dark again.

The Reaper lives.

You hear that, Protheroe? The Reaper lives. There is still time.

Yeah, if Hyde has it, doesn't that rather complicate things?

No. We find Hyde, we find the Reaper.

And Hyde kicks you all into next Friday. What an excellent plan.

I know. We must be careful. Hyde could destroy all this.

Give me a drink.

After I've had a rest, I'll try and find out where he is.

You know you are everything that's wrong with the British working classes, Silas.

You are a lazy, work-shy drunk.


You gotta be kidding me.

I know. I know it's not ideal.

But we need time and we need a safe place.

Robert did help you when Ginnie had the parasite inside her.

Yeah! And I thought I was rid of it.

And now he brings it right back here inside the boy.

Just when I'd got things running nice again.

I don't want another bug scuttling around in there.

I'll put Ravi in your room. You lock it tight and you'll be safe.

That room was built to keep bad things out, not to lock them in.


I have nowhere else to go.


I'm trying to save my brother's life.

Before he ends up like Ginnie.

Poor little boy.

Get him inside, quick.

Before I change my mind.

Thank you.

Thanks to your staggering incompetence we're now back to square one.

We haven't even got the game out of the box. Put yourself in Hyde's shoes.

Where would he go? Who would he ask for help?

You need to twist some arms.

He's setting up his equipment.

How do you know a man like that?

How can anyone get close?

Never knowing who he's gonna be when he turns up. What he's gonna do.

He does try and do the right thing.

He's got a good heart... when he's Jekyll.

And when he's Hyde?

I can't imagine what it would be like to have that power.

Knowing you're invulnerable.

All the gods go mad.

Can't anything hurt him?

Nothing physical.

Bella? Beer delivery in the back yard. They need you to sign for it.

But it's not due till tomorrow.

The world's upside down, Garson.

Where's the usual guy?

(g*n CLICKS)

You've gotta be joking.

Bella Charming?

That's my name.

I'd like to thank you for something.

We didn't know what was going to happen after your father died.

We've been highly entertained watching a young woman building a criminal empire.

Most refreshing.

Are you the police or something?

'Or something'.

Now, it's no skin off my nose how you make a living.

But if I so desired...

I could shut you down in a single day.

Is that right?

You can avoid any unpleasantness, Bella, if you'll only tell us where Jekyll is.

I don't know what you're talking about.


You gonna make life hard for me?


Give over!

I've been there and I'm still here!

So you can stick your threats where the sun don't shine.

Actually, in my case, as you shall see, that's exactly where the sun shines out of.


Reaper: Robert, listen.

Can you hear us?

We want to help you.

We can make everything better for you.

Stop this! You're one of us!

Don't be listening, boy.

That's Tenebrae talking.

I've had enough of that thing.

I want my brother back.

You think it's gonna work?

And we can force the parasite out of him?

With the right poison, yes.

Monocane. Nasty stuff. Never trusted it.

Well, then, trust me.

You know, all we need is... some of Hyde's blood.

No other way?

My grandfather's original potion.

To turn the upstanding Dr Jekyll into our old friend Mr Hyde.

And you've never even tried it.

There's no other way.

You have to take my blood when I'm high. Jekyll's blood is useless.

We'll get enough monocane into Ravi... to k*ll him.

Force the Reaper out.

And then use the Hyde blood as an antidote.

Bring Ravi back.

Well, it worked on Maggie.

There's not a thing about this plan what I like.

Do you have a better one?


Ravi: Robert!

Make an alcohol solution.

But how will we know to get the right dose?

This stuff is powerful.

We need a lab rat to test it on.

Not enough monocane we won't be able to draw the Reaper out. Too much... we won't be able to undo the harm done to Ravi.

Reaper: Smug Dr Jekyll knows it all.

Use me.


Test the stuff on me.

I'm old. I've had a life.

Save the boy's.

You're tough as old boots, Garson.

I'm not sure even monocane would crack your constitution.

Besides... I have a better idea.


Oi! What do you think you're doing?

Let her alone!

She's a thief.

You're making a big mistake here.

You don't know what you're doing. You don't know who we are.

We know who you are, all right.

You're Bella's girls.

Oh, you wait until she hears about this.

The sooner the better.



Bella: Open this door right now! Robert!

Let me in!

Get this door open!


I want you out. You're putting everything I've built up here at risk.

What is that stuff? Ginnie had it too.

Does that mean he's coming out?

I don't know.

Exactly. You don't know how to help him.


He's still my brother. He's still just a boy.

Look. Look.


Look into his eyes... and tell me there's nothing I can do for him.

Tell me to leave.

Tell me to let him die.



That's not just a boy.


I've got 'em. I can see Bella Charming. They're at the Empire.

Get some men together. Now you can do what you do best.

Just give me till the morning. I'm begging you.


This is the weakest dose. We try this first.

Then this one. And this -- this is the strongest.



You all know what to do. Find the Reaper and get it out of there.

Anyone tries to stop you, you just sh**t 'em.

What about Hyde?

What about him? If you move quick enough, he won't even see ya.

So... where you gonna be in all this, boss?

Someone's gotta keep lookout, right?

I'll be watching your backs.

Right. So you're not coming in, then?


Go on, then.


Do you hear that?

They've taken the bait.





Come on, Garson. You're too old and too slow.

Do this before I change my mind.


So... shall we?




Try upstairs.

Oh. He's paralysed, but it didn't k*ll him.


Dose not strong enough.

Well... your turn next, Dr Garson.




All right. All right.




Well... still not a strong enough dose.

Better get it right next time.

There's only one left.




Hey. Pssst!


No respiration, no heartbeat. You k*lled him.

Hyde: Whoops.

You must administer the antidote before it's too late.

Why don't we just let him die, hm?

Let who die?



What's going on?

These are Cyclops Silas's boys.

What they doing in my place?

We need to know how much monocane to use.

To save Ravi.

You mean you invited them here?


You did. When I showed them that beautiful face of yours.

You just don't care about me, do you?

So long as you get what you want.

Well, this is the last time!






Boys? Boys!


OK, sunshine. Come on. Time to wake up.





What do you know? It's only gone and worked, ain't it?


Listen, I've thought over your proposal.

I can give you what you want.

Come to the Empire. Alone.

If I think for one minute you're bringing company, the deal's off. You understand?


It's all right.

He went back to Jekyll's place for more chemicals.

Have you come alone like we agreed?

No weapons. No company.

Search me if you like.

Another time.


Is that what you want?

You said you weren't armed.

Oh, come off it!

No, you come off it.

Sit down and shut up.

Now... I'm going to tell you what I want.

You're going to... listen. And then you're going to give me what I want.


You're locking me in here with a monster?

Ah... two monsters.

Now... I want my file.

And then you're going to leave me alone.

You're going to leave Ravi alone, and you're going to leave Bella alone.

Make me.



I was so hoping you were going to say that.


Because I'm going to force the Reaper out of little Ravi.

You'll have to k*ll him first.


Now you know all about monocane, how deadly it is to ordinary people like him.



Your own brother?

Well, that's what you want, isn't it?

For me to k*ll him? I thought that was the only humane way.

Reaper: I only want your insides, cut you open nicely.


If that's the floor show, it's no wonder Bella's losing punters.


You ain't seen nothing yet.

It's coming out, Bulstrode, and it's going to want a nice, juicy, new host.


Where are they?


Don't be stupid, Hyde. Infecting me is no solution.

Actually, it is the perfect solution.

You see, Ravi gets to go free and your men will be forced to k*ll you.


I love it.





What have you done?

Open up, Hyde.

Don't worry, Ravi. This will bring you back.

Come on.

Hyde. Keep it away from me.



Oh, dear. Oh, dear.

You know it's weak, Bulstrode. It wasn't quite ready to come out.

So it's going to be desperate to find a new host.

For heaven's sake stamp on the damn thing!

You wanted me to work with you. Well, this is how I operate.

Do you really want that?


Open this door, Hyde. Open up!

Oh, dear.

It's going to take them about a week to break in here.

Open up, Hyde!

Are you sure you have time to wait?

Get away from me. I'll give you anything you want.

You know what I want.

Anything! Just k*ll it!

Your word.

I swear. Everything you want.

And you'll never see me again.

And Bella?


For pity's sake. Help me!




Ravi. Ravi!

Ravi. Ravi.



Never say die, eh, Ravi?

But did we have to get so close?

You lied to me.

Come off it.



It had better be good. I've had a very trying evening.

Just come in, sir. I thought you'd better see it.

Can't be another Reaper victim.

No, sir.

Something much worse.

A vampire? That's all we need.

Why do you think they're so afraid of you?

You are the only one who can destroy them.