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05x06 - Wesen Nacht

Posted: 12/12/15 00:18
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Grimm"...

He's gonna announce that he's running for mayor of Portland.

Well, nobody gets elected without confidence nor the right people backing him.

It's Trubel. I'm taking her to a hospital.

I need to know if she's alive.

Who is this?



Is that her motorcycle?

She might've stolen it.

She was wearing body armor, carrying three false identifications and a lot of cash.

This has got to be connected to Chavez.

It's four.

You need to tell me where she is.

If you won't, you need to go to her.

They'll find her.

I got her.

[Dramatic music]

[Both grunting]

♪ ♪

Get her out. I'll get the other one.

They're gonna take me.

Not anymore.

You're with me.

♪ ♪

Remember, midnight.

Not before.

Only these addresses.

What if someone gets in our way?

You get them out of your way.

What if somebody's inside?


That's their crappy luck.

[Engines revving]

[Intense music]

♪ ♪


[Grunts and thuds]

[Breathing sharply]

Get away.


[People yelling indistinctly]


[Baby crying]


[Woman speaking indistinctly]

[Breathing sharply]

[Swelling ominous music]



[Baby crying]

Sorry, I hope I didn't wake you up.

No, I was sort of up.


I got you, guy.

[Kelly crying]

Don't worry.

Not a lot of privacy around here.

[Kelly crying]

Oh, you probably don't even know that I had the baby, do you?

I mean, how could you know?

It's not as if I sent out birth announcements.

We named him Kelly after...

Nick's mom.


I'm really glad you're okay.

I mean, we're really glad.

Nick was a little out of his mind when he couldn't find you.

How long have I been here?

Nick brought you home from the hospital last night.

Last night?

You've been asleep for about 25 hours.

[Whispering] Oh, my...

What am I wearing?

Nick's shirt.

He brought your clothes back. I washed them.

I'll take over for Nick so you guys can talk.

[Kelly crying]


[Exhales sharply]

[Dark music]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Yeah, still...


Getting the hang of that changing-the-diaper thing.

How are you feeling?

Sore, and really glad to see you.

♪ ♪

Was somebody in the hospital wesen?

Yeah, I'll tell you about that later.

Still have some questions myself, but you've got to be hungry.

A little, yeah.

Well, no, a lot.

[Bell tolling]

[Engines revving]


[Alarm blaring]

What are you doing?

That's my store.











[Glass shattering]

[Alarm continues blaring]



[Alarm blaring]


Let me go!

Don't k*ll me!

Don't k*ll me!

[Intense music]

♪ ♪



[Spray can whooshing]

♪ ♪


[Tense music]

♪ ♪

They know, Nick.

Ever since Chavez found out you were a Grimm.

I didn't tell her.

How did you find me?

Well, they've been keeping track of you 'cause that's where they found me.

They didn't know what you knew or didn't know.

And this is the group you were telling me about?

They want people like us on their side.

People with our abilities.

You're working for them?

Well, when I left here and went to take Josh home, they found me there.

Or followed me there.

Who are they?

H.W., or Hadrian's Wall, or something.


That's what they call themselves.

All I know is they're a part of the government, but a part so secret that most of the government doesn't even know they exist.

I guess they don't trust a lot of people in the government either.

But they're fighting this underground w*r.

Against who?


Nobody knows how many there are or how big a group it is, but it's all over, not just in this country.

It's everywhere, like a revolution.

[Dark music]

I had to help.

Nick, H.W. needs grimms on their side, and I'm not the only one fighting for them.

I worked with one in Lisbon, and... and I heard about another in Bangkok.

You went to Lisbon?


I never know where I'm going or what I'm supposed to do until I have to do it, but...

I mean, there are sections of H.W. all over the world.

Do they pay you for this?

Actually, yeah, they do.

In cash.

Do you know Meisner?

♪ ♪

Yeah, I do.

I told him he was gonna have to meet you.

Already has.

♪ ♪

When I was getting you out of the hospital.

Meisner was there?

If he wasn't there, you might not be here.

♪ ♪

What did they do with Juliette's body?

♪ ♪

I don't know.

Well, why did they take you that night?

Because they knew I was with you.

It all happened so fast. I...

I wanted to tell you, but they wouldn't let me, and then I got sent away.

To do what?

What grimms do.

♪ ♪

How long have they been watching Nick?

Ever since I k*lled Weston Steward, and Chavez found Nick's Grimm book on my bed.

They've been watching you too.

Me? Why?

'Cause you're a hexenbiest.


Yeah, they know about that too, and about your baby.

♪ ♪

They wouldn't.

No, they don't want your kid.

Tell me about that motorcycle.

It's mine.

You want to show me?


♪ ♪

So, they gave it to me, like, six months after I started.

It's not normal.

It does all kinds of things.

Like what?


You lift this. Yeah.

I already did that.

♪ ♪


I got more. This leaves an oil slick.

This blows out smoke big time, but you breathe it, and it knocks you down.

Over here is your Internet connection.

Your satellite tracking system, I mean, it can find any phone number any time anywhere.

It's how I found you.


♪ ♪



God, why do I always do this with you?


I just thought I'd never see you again.

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.


Oh, God.


Still hurts a little bit.

♪ ♪

I can't believe you're a dad too.

[Phone ringing]

I can't believe that either.

I mean...

[Phone ringing]

It's Hank.

Oh. Tell him I said hi.


We got a big one.

How big?

Don't know. Lot of places hit.

All right, where am I meeting you?

Where the body is: North Denver and Kilpatrick.

How's Trubel?

She's awake. She says hi.

I'll tell you more about it when I get here.

You okay here? Yeah.

I'll tell Adalind.

Looks like a g*ng-related rampage.

Happened around midnight.

This is not the only street that was hit.

It's all over the city. Three different neighborhoods.

Reports coming in are similar to what we got here.

Shops were hit, car windows broken, general mayhem.

So far, we've got one shop owner m*rder*d, another badly beaten, third one is missing.

Name of Xavier Arivaca. Owns the bakery.

Some shops were untouched?

Yep. Pretty random.

This was Ken Honeycutt.

Had the flower shop across the street.

Doesn't look g*ng-related to me.

Any idea why some shops were targeted and others were left alone?


Not according to the shop owners we talked to, but I've got my own theory.

In the bakery.

♪ ♪

We have not found this mark anywhere else tonight.

♪ ♪

Look familiar?



What do we know about our missing Baker?

Opened the bakery three years ago when he moved to Portland.

No local family.

That's all I've been able to put together so far.

We need to find out if any of the shop owners are wesen.

k*lling's definitely wesen.


[Dark music]

Now we go to Brenda Braxton...

You got to hear this.


What happened last night.

Last night's violent rampage. Brenda?

Last night, several streets in the Portland area were vandalized in a spree of g*ng-related v*olence.

One shop owner, Ken Honeycutt, was brutally beaten to death...

Oh, my God.

Down the street from Ken's flowers, a shop he's owned for nine years.

And three doors down from Ken's flowers, the owner of Xavier's artisan bakery...


Xavier Arivaca, was dragged from his shop, and is currently missing.

Somebody took Xavier?

They k*ll a guy on the street, smash a bunch of shops, and kidnap Xavier?

What the hell is going on?

[Knocking at door]

Authorities now aren't commenting on any possible suspects at this time or a motive, but several people complained that...

Oh, thank God you're home.

I was on my way to work when I heard it on the news.

I couldn't believe it.

I-I drove right past my shop and came right here.

As the story unfolds...

Oh, you've got it on.

You got it on, just what I'm talking about.

Now receiving reports of similar incidents as far away as Eugene and Seattle.

This is unbelievable. Eugene and Seattle?

You know, they k*lled Ken Honeycutt.

I-I went to high school with his brother.

This is crazy what's happening.

You know, they kidnapped a guy too.

Yeah, we know. Xavier.

He's a friend.

How could somebody do something like that?

I've got a bad feeling about this.

I mean, a really bad feeling.

I mean, a feeling so bad that it's got to mean something.

Something bad.

[Intense music]

No! Please!


[Yelling] Why are you doing this to me?

Why are you doing this?

I didn't do anything to you!

I didn't do anything!

I don't want to die!

Shut up!

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

You know who this is?

♪ ♪


No, I don't.

Take another look.

♪ ♪


[Gasps, grunts]

You don't want to lie to me.



Witness reports are consistent.

All describe the same kind of vandalism, presumably g*ng-related.

What's unusual is they were all wearing black shirts.

Never heard of that as a g*ng uniform.

And the vandalism was crossing g*ng boundaries.

That doesn't make any sense.

Same kind of thing happened last night in Eugene and Seattle.

Why would these gangs be working together all of a sudden?

Somebody's got to be pulling them together.

These guys hate each other.

Maybe it's got something to do with this.

[Dark music]

♪ ♪

Now, Trubel told me that Chavez's group is fighting some kind of wesen uprising.

Wesen uprising?

That doesn't sound good.

[Phone ringing]

Check with the other business owners.

See if they know anything about the marks on the wall.


Nick, I hate to bother you, but do you know anything about all this vandalism last night?

No, we're just starting the investigation now.

Why? You know anything?

Yeah, we know some of the people that were hit.

We know the guy who's missing, and bud... and I know the guy that was k*lled.


Yeah, I'm here.

I'm ready if you need me.

Don't know what you might need me for, but I'm there.

Nick, all the victims we know were wesen.

Ken was one of the nicest Eisbibers you'd ever want to know.

I...I went to high school with his brother.

We found another one of those marks on the wall inside Xavier's bakery.

Oh, God.

Marks? Marks? What marks?

This... this isn't a wolfsangel thing again is it?

Both: Bud, shh.

Where are you?

Both: We're at...

I'm at Monroe and Rosalee's house.

We're on our way.

Kelly's finally asleep.

How's it going?


Look, I don't know that much about you, and whatever you know about me probably isn't that good, so now that we're living together, I thought maybe we should get to know one another a little better.

Oh, I know you tried to help Juliette, and I know you slept with Nick, which is, I guess, why you're here.

[Wrench clicking]

What do you think about Nick?

What do you mean?

Are you, like, in love with him?



No, no. That would...

That would just be too... I mean, that would be really too...

I just... I... well, I don't even know what that would be.

'Cause you guys are living together and sharing the same room.

No, that's just 'cause I get scared.

We're not sleeping together, we're just sleeping next to each other.



So, I guess you know Meisner.

Yeah, I do.

If it wasn't for him, I probably wouldn't be alive.

Did he tell you anything about me?

He didn't, no.

[Wrench clicking]

He was with me when I gave birth to Diana.

[Solemn music]

Losing her is the worst thing that ever happened to me.

♪ ♪

I never got a chance to thank you for trying to get her back.

♪ ♪

I think she's gonna be okay.

You don't know the royals like I do.

♪ ♪

So, this organization you work for, did they want you to k*ll Juliette?

When you left bud's, I figured you were probably going back to Nick's place.

You went back for her, didn't you?

♪ ♪

Yeah, I did.

♪ ♪

But Nick doesn't know that.

I'm not gonna tell him, but you probably should at some point.

[Kelly crying]

[Sighs] Looks like he's getting up.

That was an unfortunately short nap.

[Kelly crying]


This is unbelievable, a thing like this happening in Portland.

Well, not just here.

Half a dozen cities were hit.

Why would they kidnap Xavier?

He wouldn't hurt a fly.

Well, he actually would hurt a fly.

I mean, he's a Hasenfussige Schnecke.

They think of flies as a kind of delicacy, but point taken.

It's not a woge you forget.

God knows you want to.

Look, every time we've seen this mark, it's involved a wesen.

And... and two of the people who were att*cked we know are wesen.

Judging by the way Ken the florist was k*lled, these g*ng guys could be wesen too.

Oh, my God.

Look what those bastards did to Ken.

So when are wesen attacking wesen?

And why are they all wearing black shirts?

A coordinated effort, that's for sure.

Occultatum libera.

Occul... what?

It means "free the hidden."

Who's hidden?

The wesen that are using that mark.

A kind of warning.


Kind of looks like a claw mark, I think.

So, did you talk with the other shop owners about what happened?


Nobody seems to be talking to anybody.

We're too busy cleaning up.

Just one more question.

You ever seen this before?


You know, it was inside the bakery.

I don't know anything about it.

Look, I got to get back to cleaning up.


It's gonna be hard for us to help you if you won't help us.

[Eerie music]

♪ ♪

[Metal clangs softly]

♪ ♪

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪



[Whimpers] Help me.

Help me, please.

Hello, I'm Sean Renard.

I spent the last 20 years in law enforcement.

Now, I have never endorsed a political candidate before, but this election, I'm making an exception because we have an exceptional candidate running for mayor.

His name is Andrew Dixon.

I know him to be honest, hard working, and as concerned about this city as I am.

Go to his website, learn more about what he stands for.

I hope you vote in this election, and I urge you to vote for Andrew Dixon.

And that's a cut.

How was that? Was that all right?

It was great. Just what we need.

You don't need me to do another one?

Actually, I do.

Oh, okay. [Chuckles]

How did I screw up?

You didn't, but it would be great if we could get one a little less police Captain, and a little more neighbor.

It's not what you're saying, it's how you're saying it.

Just be more relaxed.

How about I take my g*n off?


Yeah, like that.

Have fun with it.

All right, we're going again.

Can we get the little shine off his forehead?

Thank you.

A lot of street v*olence is not happenstance.

I mean, some of it is, of course, but just so you know...


The majority of street riots are instigated by wesen.

It's not something we're proud of, and certainly not something the history books will tell you, but there it is.

Here's a good example.

Réveillon riots. Paris, 1789.

That's a good one.

Everyone thinks this started because one factory was unionized and the others weren't.

But actually it was wesen factory owners going up against this guy, Réveillon, who was not wesen.

Réveillon was Kehrseite, and they looked down on him.

And here's the crazy irony, though.

A lot of his workers were wesen, and they were loyal to him because he, you know, treated them well.

The wesen who worked for Réveillon were targeted and k*lled in these riots.

Right, so on the surface, looked like a union problem, but the truth is, it was a wesen problem.

Similar to what happened last night.

Right, and this isn't the only example.

I mean, the boxer rebellion, draft riots during the civil w*r.

I mean, the freaking Boston tea party.

All started by wesen?


No wonder history seems to repeat itself.

Nobody really knows the history.

And bottom line, don't rile us up.

Well, most of us.

So, last night was wesen on wesen.

Feels like some of us are being made an example of.

Now, your friend who was kidnapped, was he involved in any groups?

I doubt it. That bakery was his life.

That's the weird thing.

Xavier was all about the bread.

That's Ken exactly. He doesn't like groups.

He never did.

[Phone ringing]

Wu, I'm putting you on speaker.

You got anything?

Yep, I got something.


He's alive?

He's pretty beat up, but he managed to get away.

We got him under guard at the hospital.

He's had the crap scared out of him.

Which hospital?

St. Joe's.

All right, meet us there.

Bring the mug sh*ts. Xavier's alive.
He was luckier than Ken.

They had me blindfolded most of the time.

I never really got a good look at them.

The only thing I know is they all wore black shirts.

Do you know where they took you?

Some old warehouse, but it was dark, and when I got free I just ran and ran until I saw the St. John's bridge.

How did you get away?

It was horrible.

The guy watching me fell asleep.

I heard him snoring, and took off my hood.

It was just the two of us.

I picked up a brick and... [Door closes] Hit him in the head more than once.

I don't know... I don't know how many times.

There was a lot of blood.

Then I took the keys, unlocked the door, and...

Just ran until I couldn't run anymore.

Do you recognize this mark?

[Ominous music]


Is that my bakery?

They do that?

We think so.

Do you think you could recognize your captors?

No. No.

I can't, they'll k*ll me.

Xavier, we know that they att*cked you because you're wesen.

[Breathing heavily]


[Dramatic music]



♪ ♪

I've heard about you.

We can protect you.

But we need you to identify anyone you can.

What do I have to do?

Just look at some photographs.

[Dark music]

There's no hurry.

Look at each one carefully.

If you see anyone familiar, just tell us.


Do you recognize anyone?

♪ ♪

Not on this page.

I'm sorry, maybe I shouldn't do this.

Maybe I-i just can't remember.

Just take your time.

♪ ♪

I can't be sure, but...

♪ ♪

She might've been one of them.

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

We've been able to identify two of the victims as wesen.

Because of the claw mark tag, we think the people involved in the attack are wesen too.

Isn't that the same tag used by Wemlinger when he k*lled those two marshals?

It is, and I've seen it once before.

Crime scene?

Well... Sort of.

[Dark music]

♪ ♪

I had a meeting with Chavez.


The night she was k*lled.

What do you mean, Chavez was k*lled?

It was a set-up.

They att*cked us right when we got there.

You know the FBI is still looking for her, don't you?

♪ ♪

You didn't...?


No, I tried to save her, and I might have, but I was too busy fighting a Gelumcaedus.

Look, they were all wesen.

So was Chavez.

We're still trying to figure out what we're dealing with.

You knew about this?


Then for both your sakes, I suggest the FBI never find out.

♪ ♪

But the last thing Chavez said before she died was, "they're coming to Portland. It's w*r."

You think the same people who k*lled Chavez could've instigated what happened last night?

That's what it looks like.

And Billie trump might be our best chance to get them.

♪ ♪

Bring her in.

Put her in a lineup. Make sure Xavier identifies her.

I want to talk to a lawyer.

You don't need a lawyer unless you get identified in the lineup.

Then you'll need a lawyer.

This is such crap.

Only if you're innocent.

I'm not doing any stupid lineup.

[Tense music]


I-I'm not sure.

Just relax.

♪ ♪

I just don't know.

I think you do.

Don't be scared.

She can see you, and we're right here.


No, I-I'm not sure.

I'm not... not sure.

That's not her.

♪ ♪

I can't do this.

♪ ♪

You're gonna have to let her go.

We can't let her go. She'll disappear.

And if she's a part of this group, we'll never find her again.

You have any other evidence connecting her to the kidnapping or what happened?

Not yet.

You want to try getting to her directly?

Look, she won't talk.

She already asked for a lawyer.

I mean, what if she's not the right one?

No, she's the right one. The witness is just too scared.

Well, then get him unscared.

Everybody that was hit, every single one is wesen.

Every one of us knows one of them.

The shops that weren't hit weren't owned by wesen.

It's obvious. They are targeting us.

Yeah, but why?

I mean, we don't even know who they are.

Well, I heard they were wesen.

Pete Walton said that he saw one woge, and it was a Skalengeck!

Wesen attacking wesen is not right!

Calm down, everybody. Please!

We don't know anything for sure yet.

Nick is investigating the m*rder.

What about the sign in Xavier's shop?

Has he found out anything about that yet?

[Phone ringing]


I'm gonna get the phone. You deal with them.

No, I'm happy to get the phone if you'd rather... no, honey, I'm good. I'm good.

[Indistinct chatter]

Spice and tea.

Nick, things are getting crazy around here.

There's a lot of fear about what's going on.

Everybody's coming here looking for some kind of answer.

We don't know what to tell them.

I need your help. You and Monroe.

Xavier is too scared to identify one of the people who kidnapped him.

Now, we have to cut her loose unless we can convince him to ID her.

You and Monroe are friends of his.

I need you to come down here, talk to him, see if he can do the right thing.

Okay, we'll be there as soon as we can.

You just need to identify her.

[Dark music]

I want to go home.


Now, I need you to think about what you're gonna do here.

No, I got to deal with the insurance.

My bakery's destroyed.

If you don't identify her...

I-I've thought about it.

I can't.

[Door opens]

Rosalee, Monroe, what are you doing here?

Oh, we're so glad you're alright.

It's terrible what they did to you.

Nick, talk to you out here?

Why are you guys here?

Did you get hit too?

[Sighs] No.

We came to talk to you.

Burkhardt is a friend of ours.

You know he's a Grimm?


I helped him through all that when he first found out.

He's a good guy. You can trust him.

Okay. Fine.

They want me to pick out the woman who kidnapped me.

Is she the one?

I can't tell them that she's one of them.


She'll know I did, and they'll k*ll me.

Xavier, you can't let them get away with this.

They kidnapped you, man.

What's to keep them from coming after you again?

You weren't the only one. They went after a lot of us.

Yeah, they k*lled Ken Honeycutt.

What? They k*lled Ken?

We cannot let them get away with this.

Nick will protect you.

Oh, a Grimm will protect us?

I told you.

You can trust him.

With my life?

Yes. We have.

Many times.

I just...

I don't know.

It's all so...

[gags] So... ooh, no.

No, please. You don't have to do that.

Really, we're good.

It's okay.


♪ ♪

You guys really trust him that much?

You think we'd be here if we didn't?

♪ ♪

All right.

I'll do it.

Put her in custody.

Use her to get to the others.

Want to tell us about the blackshirts?

We found one in your home.

[Dark music]

♪ ♪

Making some kind of statement?

Do you know anything about this?

♪ ♪

Are you bored yet?

Billie, you have been positively identified in the kidnapping of Xavier Arivaca.

You're looking at federal and state charges, not to mention acts of terrorism and m*rder.

Where's my lawyer?

You're not getting out of this one, Billie.

Not with the victim pointing you out in the courtroom.

You're looking at a minimum of 20 years, and when the other charges stick, you're going away for a very long time.

Unless you make a deal with us.

♪ ♪

Now, we don't think you were calling the sh*ts, but you know does.

You got something we need, we got something you need.

If we walk out of here, there is no deal.

We're gonna find out whoever did this with or without you.

♪ ♪

I got nothing to say.

Billie, I know what's going on here.

I know you're wesen, and I know your friends are wesen.

So I guess you're both wesen too, right?

You think that makes us family?


Well, I don't either.

You're a cop.

I'm a cop.

He's a Grimm.

[Breathing heavily]


[Breathing heavily]

You gonna k*ll me?

'Cause I'll start screaming.

If I was gonna k*ll you, it wouldn't be in here.

And we wouldn't be talking.

Now, we know this is wesen-related.

We either do this in the justice system...

[Breathing heavily]

Give us a name.

What happens to me?

We can get you probation and Witness Protection.

One name, Billie.

Who's running this?

Just give us a name.

♪ ♪

Dallas Cruz.

[Phone ringing]

[Dramatic music]


Billie, where the hell are you?

I'm out.

They put me in a lineup, but they let me go.

Anybody follow you?

No, no. I'm good.

It freaked me out.

I need to get out of town.

Don't say any more on the phone.

Meet me at the factory.

[Phone line clicks]

[Ominous music]

[Sighs] Didn't get it.

What's the factory?

It's a place we meet.

Draw it.


'Cause you're taking us there.

[Scoffs] No.

You can't make me do that.

They can't make me do that.

Yeah, they can.

[Intense music]

♪ ♪

[Tense music]

♪ ♪

Where is it?

Off North Lombard.

That's the old sub station.

I don't know what it was.

Where do you meet?

♪ ♪

This building right here.

We call it the factory.

And where are the doors?

♪ ♪

There's one in the front, one in the back, and there's an old loading dock right here.

Any windows?

Only ones up high.

Will he see you when you drive up?

Not if I park here.

It's the backside of the building.

♪ ♪

[Lock unlatches]

Let's go.

You're going outside the wire.

[Door creaks]

I don't know the woman, but I do know Dallas Cruz.

He's a nasty Skalengeck.

How do you know him?

He had a run-in with a couple of friends of mine maybe nine, ten years ago.

My friends set him off, and he nearly k*lled them.

This guy enjoys hurting people.

I was kind of hoping he'd be dead by now.

Well, we know where he is.

And we're gonna bring him down.

I want to go too.

Monroe... look, if this guy's part of a group that's coming after wesen, how long before we're on that list?

What about Xavier? Are you taking him too?

No, just Billie.

We'll have an officer take Xavier home.

Why don't I do that?

He's pretty shook up.

And we're the ones that convinced him to do this.

I'll go tell him.

Hank and Nick, you guys are gonna ride in Billie's car.

Monroe, you ride with me.

[Engine revving]

You all right, Xavier?


I just keep reliving it over and over again.

I thought they were gonna k*ll me.

I'm so sorry you had to go through this.

I wouldn't wish it on anybody.

Well, I might wish it on a few people.

[Both chuckle]

Thank God you're okay.

[Dark music]

♪ ♪

That's Dallas's truck over there.

You got to walk the rest of the way.

You're not staying in the car.


If he seems me with you, he's gonna k*ll me.

Well, that's a chance we'll have to take.



♪ ♪

That was a really brave thing you did, identifying that woman.

Did they tell you why they took you?

I don't know.

They... They just kept me blindfolded and tied up the whole time.

How did you escape?

Can... can we not talk about this, please?

I'm sorry.

Don't worry, they'll get Cruz, and then they'll get the rest of them.

You don't know what these people are like.

I've dealt with a few.

They're crazy, what they're gonna do.

They told you?

No, no. Forget it.

I thought you said they didn't talk to you.

They didn't.

Then how do you know what they're gonna do?

♪ ♪

Xavier, what's wrong?

Tell me.

What's wrong?

Why... why did you let Monroe go with them?

What's wrong?

Tell me.

[Sobs softly]

Xavier, tell me!

What's going on?

♪ ♪

Tell me right now what's going on!

[Breathing heavily]

They made me do it. They made me.

I thought they were gonna k*ll me.

I didn't have a choice.

[Tires screeching]

♪ ♪

[Engine stops]

Did you set them up?

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

You son of a bitch!




[Dark music]



You don't seem too worried.

I don't know what you mean.

About going in there.

What's going on?

[Phone ringing]

[Gasps] Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.

It's Rosalee. I have to answer this.

Something might be wrong.

Are you okay?

Monroe, it's a trap!


Xavier set you up!

[Whispering] It's a trap.

They know!

[Suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

Inside, come on!

Go! Come on!

♪ ♪


Oh, my God, what's happening?

I don't know.

There's a lot of them.



Oh, my God.

[Both grunting]

[Gasps] My God.


[Breathing heavily]

[All grunting]

♪ ♪

This way!

[All grunting]

♪ ♪

Come in!


♪ ♪

[All groan]

Well, we sure walked into this one.

I thought you said Xavier was your friend!

He was!

Well, they got to him.

Well, now they're getting to us.





[Blackshirts slamming door]

♪ ♪

We need to conserve amm*nit*on.

I'll take the first guy through the door.


[Blackshirts grunting]

I'll take whoever you guys miss.

[Blackshirts growling]


[Blackshirt screaming]


[Blackshirt screaming, gagging]

What the hell's going on?


[Dark music]

♪ ♪

I'm going out.

Could be another trap to get us to open that door!

I got this. Bolt the door behind me.


♪ ♪

[Gasping raggedly]

We gonna bolt that door or what?


♪ ♪



[Both grunting]

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪





♪ ♪

We go out.



♪ ♪

[Suspenseful music]

♪ ♪
