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01x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 05/12/10 03:28
by bunniefuu
You're gonna fall, Henry.





John: Alice Morgan is a malignant narcissist.

This is about prestige, power, self-affirmation.

She k*lled her parents.

Rose: No forensics, no witnesses.

Send her home!

John: I still love you, Zoe.

You care more about the dead than the living.

That's where your heart is.

John: Do you love him?


I didn't ask you for it, did I?


Hello, John.


You may be very, very clever.

But you're wrong.

There is love in the world.

So you lose.


Lima Sierra 219 to Control. Confirm, we do have a white male down.

Mid 20s, possible g*nsh*t wounds, over.

Woman: (ON POLICE RADIO) Received, Lima Sierra 279.

Ambulance en route, ETA four minutes, over.

♪ Love is like a sin, my love ♪
♪ For the ones that feel it the most ♪
♪ Look at her with her eyes like a flame ♪
♪ She will love you like a fly ♪
♪ Will never love you again ♪

Rose: Thank you for coming in so early.

As you know, DCI Luther is facing a charge of as*ault occasioning actual bodily harm.

These are matters we take very seriously indeed.

But I need to know from you, Mr North, without prejudice exactly what happened yesterday.

Did DCI Luther as*ault you?

Look, uh, the truth is...

DCI Luther was defending himself.

I'm not proud to tell you this, but I threw the first punch.

And, um, quite honestly, I thought the police were heavy handed.

Rose: I will ask you to sign a statement to this effect.

Mark: That's why I 'm here.


This is DCI John Luther, leave a message.


I know how hard that was for you.

I'm fine.

I might work from home today, though.

Thank you.

Ian: You might want to try answering your phone.

John: Get a reputation for answering phones and all they do is ring.

Ian: You've spoken to Zoe?


Ah, well.

Then, you should know that Mark North gave you a pass.

He's not pressing charges.

So how about we finish this chat away from the edge?

Do you never do this?

Come up to a really high place and wonder what it would be like just... fall?

Fall or jump?

Same thing.

I beg to differ.

But, mostly I go home, watch America 's Next Top Model.

Do you not worry you're on the devil's side without even knowing it?


Just let it go, John.

I already let him go.

Just didn't finish the job off properly, did I?

And nobody shed a tear.

That doesn't make it right.

Makes it a little bit less wrong, though.

So, you going to jump?

Probably not.

Well, then I'm bored of this game.

John: You going back to the factory?

I've been on 18 hours straight.

I'm going home, mate. You should try it.

I might.


Or I might not.

This is Mike Eppley.

Over here, this is Steve Gorman.

John: Yeah.

You knew them?

A little bit.


Don't be sorry.

If you see Gorman and Eppley, you go blind. See the scene.

Tell me what you see.

Right. Well, Gorman was shot at close range.

Double tap to the chest.

Entry wounds are two-three inches apart.

That's good sh**ting, that is.

And this blood here, it's real but it won't be the sh**t's.

It looks staged to me.

Staged. Look, look, look.

This is an execution.

There can't be. There's no way the sh**t would know that Gorman and Eppley would attend this call-out.

No, I didn't say he was targeting Gorman and Eppley.

I said it was an execution.

I don't understand what that means.

Nor do I. Excuse me, bag that.

Grab that. Thank you.

All right.

Morning, Corinne.

Any suspects, John? Off the record?

You've got my number.

Yeah, memorised. Six, six, six.

Direct line.


Justin: Yeah, yeah. Could be.

Cobden Lane links Northlight Road and Stockwood Hill here to here. Yeah?


Less than three minutes after the sh**ting, this man crossed the road half a kilometre from the Stockwood Hill exit.

John: Is that it?

Well, we're lucky to get that.

Yeah, where does he go?

Um, ducks behind shops on Hamilton Row. Behind that, there's another lane.

Gives out onto allotments, gardens, a canal.

No more CCTV?

No. Coverage is spotty at best.

Plus, a lot of cameras in the area have been vandalised.

Vandalised, when?

Uh, well, four were reported down...

Four went down Monday night.

Yeah, the sh**t would have taken them out, wouldn't he?

(SIGHING) All right, so we need to review the footage going back seven days before the sabotage, see if we can't find our man on his recce.

Can I hear that 999 call again?


Man: There's been a sh**ting, a man's lying face down at the north end of Cobden Lane.

Yeah, listen to that, that's a very efficient call.

No ambiguity, just essential information.


People leaving crime scenes, yeah, they hunch, look at the ground, avoid eye-contact.

Look at him, straight back, square shoulders.

He's alert, he's calm, he's aware of his surroundings.

I bet you any money, he's armed forces.

What, you get that from this?

You ever been in a pub or bar, whatever, and you know, you just know the guy next to you is a copper?

Yeah, sometimes.

Yeah, well, I grew up around soldiers.

The way he walks, talks, sh**t.

That's a soldier.

All right, so we need to look up army personnel that have suffered at the hands of the police.

Dig up aggravated arrest complaints filed by veterans on behalf of themselves, friends, family, all right?

Justin: It'll be a long list.

Those soldiers coming back from w*r don't find it easy.

They get depressed, they drink, they fight, they get arrested.

Justin, this was an execution.

I'm not saying the assassin was targeting Gorman and Eppley.

But I'm saying, what if he was targeting their uniforms?



Right, I get it. I'm on it.

What do you want?

Alice: I've been reading Bertrand Russell to a friend of yours.

"Often, the good suffer, and the wicked prosper, and one hardly knows which of those is the more annoying."

What are you talking about? Where... Where are you?

If only he could speak.

What tales he could tell.

What are you playing at, Alice?

I'm investigating you.

I don't know what that means.

What it means?

I am curious about how Henry came to be here like this.

Well, there's no need to be curious.

He k*lled children, he tried to run away, I caught him, he fell.

And who actually believes that?

Everyone that matters.

Zoe, for example?


Because do you know what I think?

I can't imagine.

I think you gave in to your true nature, just for a second, and let him fall.

And you couldn't take it. You gave in to guilt and self-loathing.

How am I doing?

Not so well.

But mostly, you were terrified that Zoe might discover what you'd done and learn what kind of man you actually are.

You don't know anything about me, let alone my marriage.

Well, I can always ask her myself. See what she says.

Alice, I know this is just a sport to you, but you need to stop.

Just stop.

Don't go anywhere near Zoe. Anywhere near her.

And don't say a word about this to anyone, do you understand me?

Why, exactly?

Are you scared of what I'll find out or what she will?

Hey, have we got anything?

Justin: Half a dozen names hit key markers.

Mostly drunk and disorderly, aggravated as*ault.

But I'm thinking, "Nah, it's not enough for our boy."

All right, then, we'll broaden the search parameters.

Go back to veterans from the first Gulf w*r, Northern Ireland, Falklands...

He's in there somewhere.

Male newscaster: (ON TV) Police say the k*ller is armed and extremely dangerous.

Members of the public who see him should not attempt to apprehend him, but immediately dial 999. Police, at present, are refusing to comment on a possible motive for the murders, but wish to re-assure the public that they are doing everything possible to catch the k*ller.

John: Terry Lynch. Ex-46 Commando, Royal Marines.

Decorated veteran.

Eighteen months ago, k*lled a police officer while resisting an arrest.

Yeah, I remember this. Dennis Sorrel. Decent bloke.

Lynch was in a bar, got into an argument.

Sorrel was the first responder, tried to calm things down.

Lynch glassed him. Sorrel bled out.


And Lynch pleaded "combat stress".

Justin: That's maybe not so mad as it sounds.

About 10% of the prison population is comprised of veterans, 12,000 from Iraq and Afghanistan.

I don't care what Terry Lynch did at Goose Green, Desert Storm, Operation Enduring Freedom.

It doesn't give him a free pass to k*ll coppers!

Anyway, he can't be our man. He's inside. "Life without possibility."

Well, this is his son, Owen Lynch.

Also 46 Commando. Returned from Afghanistan last year.

Forced to leave under "administrative discharge," which means he had mental health issues.

Army left him high and dry.

Got an address?

Uh, statement from his wife, Rachel.

She threw him out because, "The man who came back wasn't the man who left."

Yeah, well, he's taken it out on her once too often, she's thrown him out.

And that was the last time he showed up on the radar, until Gorman and Eppley last night.

Gorman and Eppley had nothing to do with his father being sent down?


Is this as bad as it sounds?


Yeah, false alarm. Prank call. That's me done for the day.

Put the kettle on, over.


Boss! We've got another officer down. Harthill Estate.

Come on!


Where was the sh**t?

As far as we could establish, he turned the corner into the street down here.

He just walked right up and shot her.

Point blank?

In the abdomen.

This isn't right.


Well, last night, he fires four perfect sh*ts in the dark.

And today, in broad daylight, he messes up and leaves Hanson alive.

That's not right.

It's not right, it's not right.

Oh, no.

Everyone, take cover!



Reporter: (OVER TV) After an unprecedented six fatalities in less than 24 hours, there is a sense on the streets of London that the police presence is being greatly reduced in response to these killings.

Despite the Metropolitan Police's strident denials, can the emergency services afford to maintain their 9-9-9 response commitment to ordinary people of the capital?

This is Corinne Day, BBC News, London.

Ian: You all right?


No. I've never been shot at before.

You know, there's people you can speak to these days.

If you need to.

What, like a counsellor?

Yeah. Why not?

If my dad knew if I'd seen a counsellor, he'd sh**t me himself.

Rose: All right, everyone. Roll up, roll up.

Orders from on high.

All personnel will be issued with b*llet-proof vests, where available.

Now, I know "where available" isn't what you want to hear, but it's the best we can do, there we go.

(SIGHING) Any questions?


Now, this has been a bad day.

The worst day most of us have seen on the job.

Looking around, I'm reminded that many of us are bedraggled old fossils with quite a few bad days behind us.

So, what we're going to do, ladies and gents, is sniff out this bastard, then show him and the rest of the world that no one can do this to us.

So, let's get out there and get him.

Let's have it, then!


My name is Owen Lynch, ex-46 Commandos, Royal Marines.

This is my dad...

Terry Lynch, also 46 Commando, Royal Marines.

He was at Bluff Cove when they shot down an Argentine jet using r*fles.

After that, he did two tours in County Armagh.

His final tour was in the Helmand province.

Last year, he went to prison for a crime that would never have been committed if this country had given him the respect that he deserved.

But that doesn't happen.

More men who served in the Falklands have committed su1c1de since than died in the w*r itself.

That may soon be true of men serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.

My dad was defending himself from a belligerent arrest.

He shouldn't be in prison for m*rder.

Police officers will continue to die until justice is done.

No negotiations will be entered into, and there will be no further communication from me.

Freedom for Terry Lynch.


How many views so far?

Thirty thousand and counting.

All major news media outlets have picked up on it.

It's out there, it's not coming back.

He hardly mentions himself.

Does that not strike you as weird?

I mean, he's just got back from the w*r, his life's in shreds, but this whole declaration's about what his dad's done and what his dad's achieved, where his dad served.

Find out whether Owen has visited Terry Lynch in prison.

Justin: Sir.


(GROANING) I've got to get this.

Stop stalking me, Alice, you're yesterday's news.

Yes, I heard about the dead policemen.

I was worried about you, John.

About what, that someone else might get me?

I know how hard men like you take the death of fellow officers.

It must be like losing family.

I'm not discussing cases with you.

Not even interesting ones?

This isn't interesting, all right?

These are good cops doing good jobs, being gunned down on the streets like...

Like what?

That's something we all do, isn't it, in the end...
judge who's worth more than whom.

Hitler or Gandhi?

The very young, the very old?

But, to be fair, most of us don't do it to the extent that you do.

But it does mean the difference between us is one of degree, not category.

Ask Henry Madsen.

All right, you win, okay?

You're too clever for me, Alice.

Flattery to appease a malignant narcissist, that's a frivolous tactic.

Are you afraid of me?



You know why.

Do you want me to leave you alone?

Yes, I do.

Then answer my questions.


To help with my investigation.

I've got means, opportunity.

You still haven't given me motive.

Why did you let Henry Madsen fall?

I can't say what you want to hear, okay?

Do you think Zoe could clarify the situation for me?

Last time you spoke to Zoe, you shoved a knife in her ear, so I think she'll be disinclined to chat.

It wasn't a knife and I wasn't asking permission.

And believe me, if I pay her a visit, she'll talk.

Hey, listen, I don't respond well to threats.

Hmm, I think coffee, do you want some?


Tea? Builder's?


Is it John?



Have you got a minute?

Not to argue, I don't.

No, just, I want to ask you something.

Um, I need you to leave London.

Not for long. just a few days.

Go to your mum and dad's or, um, Mark's parents, or whatever.

What's wrong? Why?

I've received a viable threat.

What kind of a threat?

From Alice Morgan.

He's playing mind games, right? It's a control thing.

He wants to control you. He always did.

You don't know him!

It's pathetic. Honestly... What is he going to do next?

Is he going to bang you on the head, drag you to a cave by the hair?

Do you like this kind of thing?

This controlling, macho bullshit?

I can't believe you're being so childish about this.

I can't believe you let this man turn you into such an arsehole.

He received a threat.

Says him.

Oh, come on, we're not interrogating your masculinity here!

Yeah, well, we don't have to worry about that, do we? I'm secure enough to weather any comparison you care to make with your ex-husband.

Of course you are. And you shouldn't be questioning my motives.

It's just... Look, John knows this stuff, and if he thinks we should leave, I honestly think we should take him seriously.

Do you know what I think?

What, this last half hour wasn't it?

You know what I think?

If there was a threat... If there was a threat, a genuine threat to your safety, there would already be a security detail outside the door.

Zoe, the police look after their own. He's lying.

I don't know why he's lying, but he's lying.

That's really not fair.

Well, a simple solution.

Why don't we just pick up the phone and dial his boss?

See what she thinks about this threat.

I got what you wanted.

John: Footage from the prison?

Okay, so you look here at Owen Lynch's most recent visit to his dad, should be just over two weeks ago. No audio, of course.

John: No hugs. No smiles.

Owen's nervous. Whatever Terry's saying, Owen's finding it profoundly stressful.

When did Terry lose his appeal?

Uh, about a month ago.

So this is, what, two weeks ago?

Justin: Yeah.

Do you know what we're looking at?

We're looking at Owen receiving his orders.


Don't tell me.

I've got a visitor.

Ian: Gotcha.

Right, you brief John, I'll trace this number.

Two schoolgirls are coming home from Sunday school one day, and one turns to the other and says, "Do you believe in the devil?"

The other one says, "Don't be silly, of course not.

"The devil's like Santa.

"It's only your dad."


I always thought that was funny.

The thing is about little boys is that they worship their dads like gods.

The more invisible he is, the more arbitrary in his punishment and rewards, the more they crave his approval.

I know what it must be like for Owen. My dad was a soldier.

1st Armoured Division, 7th Armoured Brigade.

So, Germany, mostly.

Canada, a little bit of Cyprus.

I bet your old man was a right old hard bastard, wasn't he?

Well, see, it was tough for him, you see. 'Cause here I am, a big lad, eager to please, wanting to care about the things he cared about, Army, sports.

No, there was nothing.

He wanted me to box, and I just wanted to read books, write, meet girls.

In the end, I just gave up trying to make him proud, 'cause I just knew it was never going to happen.

But this daft bastard, he hasn't given up, though, has he?

More than anything, he just wants to make his dad proud.

Now, Terry.

I know you gave him a job to do, but I don't think you quite appreciate the implications.

In crimes like this, half the offenders end up sh**ting themselves in the face and the other half get shot by police.

Your boy's going to die unless you help him.

Oh, yeah?

By doing what?

Go on camera. Tell him to stop. Rescind the order.

All right, I could do that, yeah.


I need a reduction in sentence.

That's not going to happen, Terry. You k*lled a police officer.

I'm not asking for a pardon. I'm asking for a reduction.

I got life for m*rder.

It should've been five years for manslaughter, with diminished.

Now, I'll take that, with time served.

Even if there was a precedent, there'd be no time.

I don't know about that, 'cause Owen can look after himself, can't he?

He could be out there for weeks, mate, before you catch him.

Weeks and weeks...

This is your son we're talking about!

And you're sitting in here, k*lling him.

Not if you give me what I want.

You're not getting what you want!

Five years with time served and transfer to an open prison.

Now, if you can do that for me, you can come back and you can bring all the cameras that you want.

Boss, we've triangulated the signal.

Static? Mobile?

No movement. He's keeping his head down.

Sensible boy.

This is Teller. We've got a possible location for Owen Lynch.

We need to scramble Tactical Support. Address?

Justin: We found a SIM card, one number listed in the contacts.

Belongs to a pay-as-you-go, which we've traced to 185 Ellwyn Mews.

That's a vacant property, overlooked by a trading estate.

Commercial buildings. Makes for a decent bolt hole.

Owen Lynch won't let himself get caught. He'd rather die.

Yeah, and nobody seems to be having much of a problem with that.

Are you worried about something?

Getting shot at, mostly.

That's it, is it?

Be a good boy. Use your words.

It's just, I've been thinking.


One number on the SIM card.

One number.

One number, one son.

Yeah, I know, but it's niggling me.

On a day like this, if all you've got is a niggle, you're laughing, mate.

I know, but you're in prison, got nothing else to think about but one number, one important number.

Well, you memorise it, don't you?

You don't write it down. You memorise it.

Ian, we've got a Special Forces nutjob out there gunning down uniforms.

And this phone is our sole lead. And we don't ignore leads.

So, all we can do is go in hard and noisy and as ready as is humanly possible to be.

We let Tactical do their job, and when it's done, we buy them a drink and tell them their biceps are sexy.




Good, let's go.

Officer 1: (OVER MEGAPHONE) Armed police! Lay down your weapons!

Armed police! Lay down your weapons!

Room clear! Room clear! Room clear!

Officer 2: Get out! Get out!

Officer 1: Oh, my God, get out!



Rose: (ON POLICE RADIO) Repeat, CO19 were in the building. People lost.

Get them all ambulances, and get them now.



Four confirmed, six injured.

Well, if there's one thing you learn from being in Iraq, it's how to make an IED.


Still searching.

Helicopters, ground units, dogs, door to door.

No sign.

But it was a remote-detonated b*mb.

He had to be close by, watching.

I mean that puts him within 500 metres, line of sight.

I don't get it. How could he just slip away like that?

All right, it's not your fault.

Ian: He wanted us to find that SIM card.

I bit down on it like a...

...Mars bar. Of course it's my fault.

Rose: It's official.

As of five minutes ago, the Owen Lynch operation was passed up to Anti-Terrorism.

It's out of our hands.

All they're gonna do is give Terry Lynch what he wants.

More blood. More dead coppers. We can't let him do that.

I don't have much choice, do I?

Look, we don't have to like it, but we do have to accept it.

We're off the case. Suck it up, move on.

Where are you going?



What's this now?

Eppley's radio.

Right, listen, we use Airwave, right? Secure, digital.

It's impossible for civilians to buy a scanner and listen in.


(SIGHING) Owen swapped them.

He swapped it. You need to call Anti-Terrorism, and tell them he's listening to everything we say.

Okay, I need you to understand, Detective Chief Inspector, that to alert them is all we can do.

We can't act on this information because this case is no longer ours.

All right? Am I being transparent, here? Tell me if I'm being at all ambiguous.

Because there's nothing we can do with this, except pass it on.

There's nothing we can do 'cause no one knows where Owen Lynch is.

And he's going to keep k*lling until someone finds him and stops him.

They'll find him.

Oh, yeah? How?


John: So, here's what's gonna happen. Anti-Terrorism's gonna go in big and noisy and Owen dies.

Yeah, well, then, he dies happy, doesn't he, doing the job he loves.

That's more than most of us get, isn't it?

Yeah, that's gonna be a damn sight more than you're gonna get.

What's that then, eh? You going to bash me up, are you?


Or do you think I can't take a slap?

Oh, I'm sure you can take a slap.

I'm going to send my boy for you.

Yeah, you know, picture the scene, doorbell rings, click, bang!

Your skull goes splat, straight out.

So, go on then, do your worst.

I'd really like to.

But murdering people leaves a lot of fuss and bother behind.

So, I thought, “No, there's got to be another way."

Now, I know a lot of people in this prison.

Lot of screws, lot of inmates, lot of nasty people, really.

But they don't bother you.

Because the thing about you, Terry, is that you're a hard bastard, aren't you?


I mean, you can't be seen giving into threats 'cause then you wouldn't be a hard bastard any more, would you?

And you'd rather die than lose all the respect that you've earned in here.

I'm gonna strip you of that dignity and make you the most reviled prisoner in here.

Oh, I'd like to see you try.

(LAUGHING) I'm so glad you said that because everyone knows I searched your cell.

It would be the easiest thing in the world to show them that this is what we found.

Terry: Yeah?

Go on, have a look.

What've you been up to, you wonky bastard, eh?

Go on.

I have to tell you, I haven't been able to take a look at them myself, but I am told that none of those little boys are more than nine years old.

It's giving you that little thrill, isn't it?

Oh, all right. There's Terry Lynch the hard man.

But now there's Terry Lynch the nunce.

No, no, no one would believe it.

No one, right? That's what I thought, no one, but then I thought to myself, "Terry's got a boy."

A boy.

And he can get his boy to do anything he tells him.

Hey, even k*ll cops.

What do you have to do to a boy to get him to do that, eh? To have that kind of control?

Terry, will you tell me?


What did you do to young Owen? What did you do?

You're a piece of shit! Ain't you?

This is a onetime deal, Terry.

One time only. So, you better give me what I want.


Have you left yet?

No, we're still here.

What, I don't believe it. Why?

John, it's illegal to thr*aten someone's life.

If Alice Morgan threatened me, why don't you just arrest her?

I can't, okay?

Why not?

It's complicated.

It always is.

What's this woman got on you? What have you done?

Listen, I haven't got time for this, all right.

I just need you to trust me.

(SIGHING) Thing is, I'm not sure I do.

If I called Rose Teller, would she know about this?

Have you called her?

Not yet.

Should I?

No, don't do that. Don't call her.

Well, that tells me everything, doesn't it?

So, what's really going on? What have you done?

Listen, I need you to trust me, all right?

At the very least, I need you to lock your doors, lock your windows.

And if anything happens, you call me immediately, all right?

So, you were right.

He's lying.

I've had 20 years.

When do I learn, it's 20 years.

God, I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

When does this go out?

Lead story, main bulletin, say ten past 10:00.

Definitely sure about this?


Okay, let's go.

Cameraman: And we're rolling.

Male newscaster: (ON TV) And as night falls on a stunned capital as the police, ambulance and fire crews respond to 999 calls in full body armour...

Thank you.

Corrine Day has been talking to Detective Chief Inspector John Luther.


Senior Investigating Officer...


...of the so-called 999 sh**t.

Corrine: Detective Chief Inspector Luther, what do we know about Owen Lynch's motivation?

We know that Owen prides himself on being a soldier from a long line of soldiers, but we've interviewed his commanding officers, military doctors, psychiatrists...

Holy shit.

Oh, no, no, no! Sergeant Ripley!

John: Owen had an impressive number of kills to his name.

They were very aware of his character flaws.

Corrine: What flaws are they?

John: Well, Owen was never soldier material.

He was a, uh, maladjusted child who was raised on too much TV and video games.

Is any of this even true?

Not even slightly.

What we do know, um, is that on his return from Afghanistan, Owen developed severe sexual difficulties, and, uh, despite his claims on a so-called mission, it's quite likely that these murders are a sexual release.

A way of dealing with his sexual and personal demons.

God, what's he doing?

Justin: He's making himself into a target, drawing Lynch's fire from the police force in general.

This is su1c1de.

And partly because his dad isn't quite the hero he'd have us believe.

His dad is an alcoholic. All right? A wife beater.

Who, incidentally, denies all knowledge of his son's activities.

Corrine: And how close did you say you were to catching him?

Corinne, I've just had a long conversation with his dad, who has provided me with vital information and, uh...

Owen, you'll see me soon.

Male newscaster: Thank you, Corinne, and now to other news.

Prime Minister...


What's that?


Alice: Mmm.

Zoe: Alice Morgan.

A friend of John's.

We've met before, actually.

Leave, right now, please.


Well, go ahead. But it won't be good for John.

Bollocks to John.

So, how can we help you?

I've been wondering, why do you think he does it?

Why does who do what?

John. His job.

It takes such a toll.

Why does he put himself through it?

I don't see how this is relevant.

Well, it is. Right this second, you might actually be helping him.

What do you think compels him to do it?

He believes one life is all we have.

Life and love.

Whoever takes life steals everything.

And do you agree?

I don't know.

Zoe: I think if he'd read a different book by a different writer at just the right time in his life, he'd have been a different man.

He'd have been happier as a priest than...

Than what?

Than what he is.

It must have been difficult for you.

Impossible, really.

How does anyone compete with a calling like that?

Zoe: He wasn't blind.

He knew what it was costing him.

What, like his marriage?

Zoe: That's part of it, yeah.

But you don't sound bitter.

I'm not bitter. I'm...

I'm proud of him.

You just don't want to be married to him.

Not any more, no.

Why not?

I'm not going to answer that.

Alice: Is it because he tried to k*ll Henry Madsen?


But that is what you believe.

Do you know what Henry Madsen did?

I have some idea, yes.

He was a freak of nature.

Anyone would be tempted.

We're not talking about anyone, we're talking about John.

Do you think he tried to k*ll him on behalf of the dead?


I think that answers the question.

It was lovely meeting you both.

Thank you for your time.

Oh, my God.


He seriously told you nothing?

He seriously told me nothing.




John: Detective Chief Inspector John Luther to Control. Over.


Detective Chief Inspector John Luther to Control. Over.

This is Control, DCI Luther.

What is your status? Over.

I'm en route to the Kings Hill Estate. Over.

Please clarify. Over.

There's a flat there that belonged to one of Terry Lynch's old pals.

Owen used to visit it when he was a boy.

Now, I'm betting that he's been there, maybe left something behind that we can use to find him. Over.

Well, hang back on that. Do not proceed unassisted to the Kings Hill Estate.

This is now a matter for Anti-Terrorism. Do not proceed.

Repeat, do not proceed to the Kings Hill Estate. Over.


I'm three minutes away.

I repeat. I am three minutes away. Over.

We cannot provide armed backup. Do you read me?

We cannot provide armed backup. Over.

Get CO19 out there.

This is DCI Reed.

We need a first response tactical unit to the Kings Hill Estate.

It's Owen Lynch.

We have an unarmed, unassisted officer going in there, so do it now!

He wanted to guarantee that Owen Lynch overheard him when he made that call.

He brought Eppley's radio to me so I'd warn Anti-Terrorism and they'd shut down their comms.

We cleared the airwaves for him.

He's made Owen Lynch hate him.

It's like he's waving a white flag, stepping onto enemy territory.

As if he's going there to...


Ian: Boss.

Rose: What?

I found John up on the roof this morning. Right on the edge.

Rose: So?

It's just...

I'm not completely sure he expects to walk away from this.

Rose: CO19?

ETA, 13 minutes.

That's not quick enough.

He's dead. The bloody idiot, he's dead.

Owen: Luther, is it?

John. Yeah.

Why are you here, John?

Because I want you to stop.

You ex-services? You look it.

A lot of coppers are.

Mike Eppley, the man you k*lled the other night. He was. But me?

No, I...

I grew up around it.

Lace your hands on top of your head, John.

You got a death wish?


Then what?

Oh, God!

Oh, God!


Terry... Terry gave you up, Owen.

I threatened him and he cried and sobbed like a girl.

And he begged me not to hurt him.

And he just gave you up. Just like that.

You liar.



You're right.

I am lying. He didn't cry and he didn't sob.

I just said that to make you feel better.

No, he just gave you up because he was frightened.

Hey. Hey!

John: God!


Come on. Owen.

How do you think I knew you were here?

How do you think I found you, eh?

Who else knew you were here?

You didn't... You didn't even want to be a soldier, did you?


You used to piss your bed, at 11 years old, piss your bed, and Daddy used to come in and beat you for it.

And the more he hit you, the more you pissed your bed.

And you were scared, weren't you?

You were scared of him, scared of the dogs, scared of...

Owen: Shut up!

Get down now! On your face!

Get down! On your knees. On your knees, get on your knees.


Get down!

I told him.

I said, "You're k*lling your boy!"

You know what he said?

He said, "Well, at least he dies doing something he loves."

You recognise that as something he's said to you before?


You're an embarrassment to him, Owen.

He's ashamed of you.

He's ashamed of you, he's embarrassed of you.

He asked you to do one thing, just one thing!

And you couldn't even do that, could you?

You couldn't do it!

He told me all your secrets.

Just so I could humiliate you.

He even told me that when you got back from the w*r, you pissed your bed even more, and he started laughing.

That's why I'm here, Owen!

That's why I'm here.

I'm just here to tell you the type of man that your dad is!

Don't die for him, Owen. God! Don't die for him.

Not him, not him, not him.

What do I do?

What do you do?

You come with me.

My dad k*lled one copper.

Look what happened to him.

Owen, you're not your dad.

You're not your dad.


I'm not.

What are you doing?

Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ, what are you doing?

Do you ever get the feeling that you've been cheated?




All right.


Four down, eh?

Two to go.



Stay down! Stay down, stay down!

You'll be all right.

You'll be all right.



Ian: Okay, Owen, we know that you're scared.

We know that right now you feel like you're in enemy territory, but that's not how it is, okay?

You're protected by the law.

We're not going to hurt you.

We need you to understand that we're not your enemy.

We know that you're not responsible for what you did.

Not really. I'd like to acknowledge that here on record.

In the light of this, we are prepared to make certain recommendations when it comes to trial and sentencing.

Owen, as far as we're concerned, the ultimate responsibility for the death of these officers lies with your dad.

It's your dad we want.

But we need your help if we're going to do that.

If we're going to punish this man for what he did to you, we need your help.

My name is Owen Lynch.

Sergeant, Royal Marines.


Owen, we're trying to help you here. Let us help you.

My name is Owen Lynch.

Sergeant, Royal Marines.



My name is Owen Lynch.

Sergeant, Royal Marines. 2-5-2-3-3-0-1.

So, what do you have to say that can't be said on the phone?

If you don't leave Zoe alone, Alice, I will k*ll you.

You'd do that, would you?

If that's what it takes to stop you.

Is that what it took to stop Henry Madsen?

You need to let it be.

I mean, you really do.

Don't worry, I've concluded my investigation.

I think I got the right man.

I like her, by the way.



I don't know what that means coming from your mouth.

She's strong.

She has dignity.

She loves you a great deal.

Well, she has a funny way of showing it.

She knows what you did.

How do you mean?

She's always known.

It didn't change anything.

It's not why she left.

You made her watch what it did to you and never told her why.

She couldn't look at it any more, what you...

Do to yourself.

She felt she'd lost you to the dead.

Why do you do this? I don't understand. I'm... I'm lost.

Because we're friends.

I want to make you feel better.

We're not friends.

I don't know what we are, but we're not friends.

Whatever else has happened, it's in the past.

The past isn't dead, Alice. It's not even the past.

Are you still frightened of me?


Because I have no wish to hurt you and I certainly have no wish to hurt Zoe. I think she's admirable.

Are you saying you'll leave her alone?

I need you to leave her alone.

Brownie's honour.


One coffee doesn't make us friends.

Justin: We think it's blood.


Change the state of play.

You're a police officer. What you're doing's wrong.