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05x11 - Swan Song

Posted: 12/07/15 06:54
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Once Upon a Time"...

Regina: You turned Hook into a Dark One?

Emma: It was the only way to save him.

Hook: After spending centuries quelling my bloodlust, you threw me right back into that darkness! Job well done, Emma!

Nimue: Now it's time to get to work.

Hook: Nimue. Welcome to Storybrooke, love.

[ Past. Enchanted Forest. Somewhere at sea ]

(A young Killian is awake at night, as the ship is thrown around by the violent storm outside. They are in the middle of the ocean. Killian is watching a lantern that has been lit and is clearly scared. Moments later, a gust of wind blows the lantern out)

Young Killian: Father, Father! (He bolts up in bed, scared)

Brennan: (He enters the cabin calmly) It's all right, son. I'm here. (He uses a match to relight the lantern) See? There's nothing to be afraid of. (He takes a seat next to Killian's bed) Now... remember, whenever you feel scared, all you have to do is look inside. We're all braver than we think if we just look deep enough. Before you know it, you're gonna be a man, so I'm just trying to prepare you 'cause then you're gonna have to answer life's big question. What kind of man are you going to be?

Young Killian: (After a few moments, he chuckles) I want to be just like you.

Brennan: (Chuckles also) Well, that's a nice answer, son. Now, close your eyes and find that brave part deep inside yourself, hmm? And you don't have to worry about a thing. Your father will watch the light for you. Just go to sleep, Killian. Go to sleep.

(Young Killian finally falls asleep, and hours later, he wakes to see that Brennan is gone and he panics. His older brother, Liam, is asleep on the cot beside him)

Young Killian: Liam? Liam, wake up! Father's gone! (He tries to rouse Liam, but he doesn't wake. He then runs to the door and opens it, only to bump into a man)

Man: (Enters the cabin) Are you looking for your father? (He points out to the ocean) Look out there. He rowed away an hour ago.

Young Killian: Rowed away? Why?

Man: Your father ain't what you think. He's a thief, a fugitive from the law. He heard there were soldiers waiting at the next port, so he bought my old rowboat... and left.

Young Killian: Why would he leave us?

Man: How do you think he paid for the boat? He traded you and your brother into my service.

Young Killian: No! No, he wouldn't do that!

Man: Now you know what kind of man your father really is. (He leaves the cabin)

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(It's night time and Hook waits on a road somewhere in the forest as Mr Gold slowly makes his way towards him.)

Hook: It would appear I've won.

Mr Gold: (He is holding Excalibur) Oh, did you? Last time we fought, this sword ended up at your neck.

Hook: You won a battle, not the w*r. I took the dagger from you, and now you have nothing and never will.

Mr Gold: Watch it, pirate. (He attempts to run Hook through with the sword)

Hook: (Magic's himself out of the way, and appears behind Mr Gold) Aah! There's the Rumplestiltskin we know and love! This is why Belle's left you, isn't it? She knows just what kind of man you really are.

Mr Gold: And what kind is that?

Hook: The kind who loves his power more than anything... more than her, more than your dead son, which is why it's so bloody satisfying to take it away from you. Mmm, remember how good it felt?

Mr Gold: Power is only as good as the one who wields it. And you've done nothing but parlor tricks.

Hook: Oh, is that right? Well, I think you're really gonna like what's next. The trick where I finally get my revenge.

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(Emma, Henry, Mary Margaret, David, Regina and Robin are walking down Main Street in a hurried pace, trying to find Hook)

David: Emma, slow down. We need to talk about this. We need a plan.

Emma: The plan is find Hook before he resurrects all of the Dark Ones. You think dealing with one is bad.

Leroy: (He joins their group with Happy, Walter, Doc, Mr Clark, and Bashful) There's more than one Dark One?!

David: It's a long story.

Leroy: Well, no matter. There's seven of us.

Happy: Six. Dopey's still a tree.

Leroy: We may be down a dwarf, but we're ready to fight.

Emma: You won't have to. I'm going to take care of this.

David: You think you can talk him out of this?

Regina: There's no talking. We have to hit him with everything we've got.

Mary Margaret: Well, it's not his fault. He didn't want to become the Dark One.

Emma: But he did because of me. None of that matters anymore. (She stops and turns to face the group, who also stop walking) Regina's right. We need to hit him with everything.

Mary Margaret: This is a man you loved.

Emma: (She looks sad that it has come down to this) That man died back in Camelot. Now all there is, is the Dark One. So, no matter how hard this might be... we need to split up, find him, and stop him... no matter what it takes.

[ Present. Storybrooke]

(The group has all clearly gone their own separate ways in an attempt to find Hook. Regina and Robin are together, and Robin has his bow and arrow. They are walking towards the harbour)

Robin Hood: Come on. This is the fastest way to thue harbor.

Regina: And you think we'll find Hook just sipping rum by the sea? He's not exactly a pirate anymore.

Robin Hood: Once a pirate, always a pirate. Take it from a reformed thief, old habits die hard.

Zelena: (Poofs in front of them) Certainly do.

Robin Hood: (He's pointing an arrow at her in a threatening manner) Careful who you sneak up on.

Regina: Get out of our way, Zelena. We don't have time for this.

Zelena: I'd like to have a little chat about my daughter.

Robin Hood: Our daughter.

Zelena: About that. I've worked up a teeny alteration to our custody arrangement. I've decided to grant myself sole custody. See, I'd like to raise her by myself without you two getting in the way. I'm going to teach her how to be wicked.

Robin Hood: You try and take my daughter from me... (He raises his bow and arrow at her again)

Zelena: (Laughs) Oh, come on. There's no point in us fighting over our darling baby girl because, soon enough, you'll both be dead, and... then I can just take her.

Regina: What do you mean we'll be dead?

Zelena: (Indicates to two hooded dark one's heading towards them) Ask them.

Robin Hood: (Raises his bow and arrow at them) Dark One, stand back! (His threat isn't enough as they keep walking towards them)

(The scene changes to Mary Margaret and David walking towards David truck, also looking for Hook)

David: Come on. We can cover more ground in the truck. (He opens the door and in the window he sees two dark one's following Mary Margaret reflecting) Behind you!

(The scene changes to the six dwarfs who are also walking down the street, searching for Hook. Suddenly they are surrounded by numerous dark one's, who begin to close in around them, so the dwarfs can't escape)
[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(Emma is in Mr Gold's shop also looking for Hook. She walks into the back room, and doesn't see him still)

Emma: No sign of Hook! Think the next stop's Jolly Roger.

Henry: (From outside of the shop) Mom, help me!

Emma: (Comes outside and sees that Nimue is about to walk through Henry) Henry, don't move! (Raises her hand to stop Nimue)

Nimue: Too late for that. (Walks through Henry, before disappearing in a cloud of smoke).

Emma: (Runs forward) Henry! Henry, are you okay?!

Henry: I-I think so.

(Mary Margaret, David, Regina, Robin and the Dwarfs all walk up to Emma and Henry, who are still in front of Gold's shop)

Regina: What just happened to us?!

Mr Gold: (Walks up to the group) I think I may have the answer to that. Check your wrists.

(Regina, Robin, Mary Margaret and the dwarfs check their wrists, while Emma checks Henry's. The all have the same mark)

Emma: What is that?

Mr Gold: That... is the mark of Charon.

Henry: Charon? He was the ferryman in the old myths. He navigated a boat... to the Underworld.

Mr Gold: Smart lad. You see, the Dark Ones only have a... a temporary pass into this world, like a like a tourist visa. The only way for them to stay... is to trade places with living souls.

David: Meaning us?

Mr Gold: Exactly. (Points to the moon) And when the moon reaches its peak, the ferry from the underworld will arrive... and drag us down there.

David: That doesn't sound good.

Mr Gold: Speaking as one who's died and been there, it's not.

Regina: So, how do we stop it?

Mr Gold: We can't. The Underworld is worse than you can possibly imagine. It's gonna make you wish the old stories of fire and brimstone were true. It's gonna make you wish for death. And then the realization will hit... that death has already come, and this fresh t*rture is all that's left.

Emma: Gold, you're scaring Henry.

Mr Gold: Good, because we should all be scared. This is Death itself. This is a fight we cannot win.

Emma: No. I'm not marked. I'm not going to give up. There has to be something we can do

Mr Gold: You're right. There is something. Use this time wisely. Use it to say goodbye. (Walks back into his shop, leaving the others standing in the road)

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(All the Dark One's can be seen walking down the main street of Storybrooke, dressed all in black cloaks, their faces hidden, apart from Nimue, who is at the front and leading them)

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(At the docks, Hook is standing looking out to sea, and he hears Regina approaching behind him)

Regina: Thought I might find you somewhere with a view of the sea.

Hook: Oh, there's no use in hiding now.

Regina: You can't go through with this, Killian.

Hook: Oh, "Killian"? No "Captain Guyliner," (Turns to face Regina) No "One-Handed Wonder"? Where are the bon mots tonight?

Regina: I understand you think Emma betrayed you, but do you really think dragging her family to the underworld's the answer?

Hook: This from the woman who enacted the dark curse to punish Snow White for telling a secret. You of all people should know how far someone will go for revenge. And, unfortunately for you, so do all the people you've k*lled who are waiting for you in hell.

Regina: I'm not that person anymore.

Hook: Oh, tell yourself what you want, love.

Regina: You may be the Dark One, but we both know you aren't the man you were when I recruited you to k*ll my mother. When I... tested you... and when you (Gasps for air)

Hook: (Magically choking her) Not... another... word. (Walks towards her and stops in front of her, still choking her) No, we agreed we would never speak about this again. Don't test me again. Whoever you think I am, I'm not. You've got no idea the kind of man I truly am. (Stops choking her and walks away)

[ Past. Enchanted Forest ]

(Hook stands in a field, near the Evil Queen's castle, he is drinking a goblet of wine. A carriage approaches with Black Knights, which stops in front of him. The door to the carriage opens, revealing the Evil Queen, who is trying to look alluring)

Hook: If I'd known you were gonna take as long to do your hair... I'd have had another goblet of wine.

Evil Queen: (Stands up in the carriage door) I think you've had enough. I want you sharp for what you must do next.

Hook: Aye. I will k*ll your mother, and in exchange, you will bring me to a land without magic, where I can finally get my revenge on Rumplestiltskin.

Evil Queen: In... (Steps out of the carriage and is still trying to look seductive) Deed. But first... I need to know what kind of man you are. (Walks up to Hook and holds his arms in an attempt to turn him on) You don't know my mother. She's an expert at one thing: exploiting weakness. (Takes his goblet off him and steps back) And I need to make sure you have none.

Hook: Well, she sounds lovely. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Evil Queen: Shut up. (Turns back towards the carriage and re-opens the door) And get in the carriage.

Hook: Ah, a test, is it? I've been a pirate for over 100 years, and my hook has tasted the blood of dozens. (Walks to the carriage and takes back his goblet) Whatever your test, trust me... I've got the mettle for it, love. (Takes a sip and throws it away before getting into the carriage)

Evil Queen: (Laughs and gets into the carriage also, closing the door behind her)

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(Emma, Henry, David and Mary Margaret are in Regina's vault and looking through the books, in an attempt to find a way to undo the Dark One's marks)

Henry: Gold has to be missing something, right? There has to be a way to escape this mark.

Mary Margaret: Maybe Gold's right. Maybe this is a fight we can't win.

Emma: Mom, you're Snow White. You don't know how to give up. Hope is in your blood.

Mary Margaret: And I do hope, Emma, but... I don't want to spend what could be my last moments with my nose in a book. I want to make the most of my moments with my family.

Henry: Dinner at Granny's. That's what we should do.

David: Yeah. (Closes the book he is looking through) Dinner at Granny's. That's a great idea.

Emma: (Looks down at her little brother) What about Neal? He'll be left here all alone.

Mary Margaret: He won't be alone, Emma. He'll have you.

Emma: I will not give up on my own family.

Mary Margaret: (Turns and hands Neal to David) Emma, we're almost out of time. And time is what's most important... time with those we love. (Kisses Emma's forehead) I know you won't stop trying. And I hope you succeed, but... promise me that you'll... come meet us at Granny's, come say goodbye.

Emma: (Crying) I promise.

Mary Margaret: (Hugs her) I love you, Emma.

Emma: I love you, too.

(Mary Margaret pulls away, and she, David and Henry leave Emma alone in the vault. A few moments later, Regina enters)

Regina: So, I hear we're giving up.

Emma: No. Not tonight. Not ever. If I can destroy the Dark Ones, no souls will be owed, and you will all be spared.

Regina: How?

Emma: Do you remember the promise you made in Camelot... to do whatever was necessary to get rid of the darkness?

Regina: I don't like where this is going.

Emma: I need you to keep that promise now. And I need you to swear not to tell anyone else.

Regina: But to get rid of the darkness, you still have to put it in someone... and sacrifice them. Who?

Emma: Me.

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(Mr Gold is pacing in his shop, holding a small vile of potion. He is waiting for Belle who enters moments later)

Mr Gold: You got my message.

Belle: Look, I... I told you that I...

Mr Gold: (Interrupts her and hands her the potion vile) O-okay, here, here. This will save you from harm when you're crossing the town line.

Belle: (Confused) A-am I going somewhere?

Mr Gold: Well, that's up to you. You've always wanted to see the world. Well, all of it is right out there, the other side of that town line. Go when you can. See all the wonders you've dreamt of, and when you've tasted it all, maybe one day you'll come back. Go today and have a life.

Belle: Is something wrong?

Mr Gold: (Hugs her) No. No, no, no, no. Nothing's wrong. I just want you to... live out your dream. (Pulls away and hands her the car keys) Okay, look... here. You... you take the car, say goodbye to your father, and then start living.

Belle: (Smiles) I knew there was a hero in there.

Mr Gold: Goodbye, Belle.

Belle: (Walks to the door) Yeah.

(At the door, she turns to face Mr Gold again, and he nods encouragingly at her. She smiles at him again before opening the door and leaving. Mr Gold is clearly very upset as he takes a seat and examines the mark on his arm. A few moments later, the door opens again and he looks towards it, but it's Emma and Regina, not Belle)

Mr Gold: (Stands up and walks into the main part of the shop, and comes face to face with Emma and Regina) We're closed. Please, go away.

Regina: No. We're not going down without a fight. I bet there are a lot of people in the underworld who would be thrilled to see you and me.

Mr Gold: We deserve it. And it doesn't matter. There is no alternative.

Emma: There might be, but I will need Excalibur.

Mr Gold: The only possible way Excalibur would be of any use would be if...

Regina: (Interrupts) If Emma takes all the darkness into herself... and uses the sword to destroy it.

Mr Gold: And herself.

(Mr Gold looks at them for a few moments, before going into the backroom. The sound of a sword unsheathing can be heard, and a few moments later, he walks back into the main part of the shop, holding Excalibur.)

Mr Gold: Excalibur was always destined... for the hands of a true hero. (Holding the sword out for Emma)

Emma: That's it? You don't want to make a deal or something?

Mr Gold: No. (Emma takes the sword from him) You're a brave woman, Emma Swan.

Emma: (Turns and starts to leave, but Gold's voice stops her)

Mr Gold; But it might not work.

Emma: What? Why?

Mr Gold: Well, that blade... it chooses who it finds worthy. And it chooses its miracles.

Emma: It doesn't matter. Right now all that matters is I need to be with my family while I can be. Come to Granny's with me. (Looks at Regina)

Regina: No, I can't. Robin and I need to protect Roland and the baby from Zelena. I'll catch up with you later. (Leaves)

[ Past. Enchanted Forest ]

(The Evil Queen opens the door to a rowdy tavern, and she and Hook enter)

Hook: So, just a man? That's the only description I get?

Evil Queen: Oh, I'm pretty sure you'll know which one I mean. Face him, and you'll prove you have what it takes to face my mother.

Hook: I'm not sure I see...

Man: (Interrupts) Pirates ain't welcome here!

Hook: Ah. (Cockily walks forward but stops when a giant of a man blocks his path and he looks slightly shocked)

Man: Get out, pirate.

Hook: Well, it seems we are at an impasse. (Goes to strike the man with his hook)

Evil Queen: (Rolls her eyes and scoffs) Oh, for heaven sake. (She uses her magic to snap the man's neck and k*ll him) Not him. (She grabs Hook and turns him to face the person he is there to k*ll) Him.

Hook: (Looks shocked and sad) Father?

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(Regina and Robin enter the Mayor's office, and they find Zelena sat behind the desk, with her feet propped up and reading colors to paint the walls)

Zelena: Gina! Robbie! Come on in.

Regina: (Walks up to Zelena) What do you think you're doing?

Zelena: At the moment, I'm trying to decide what colour would look best on your walls. I mean, my walls. (She turns over the colous booklet, and all the one's she is looking at are green) Kelly? Hunter? Pistachio? Oh, my God, I just realized that all three of those work as baby names. (Laughs manically) It's all just coming together.

Regina: (Takes the booklet and throws it in the trash)

Zelena: Cheeky.

Regina: You're not moving in, sis.

Zelena: Well, perhaps I'm slightly premature, but in an hour, you'll both be dead, then everything that's yours... will be mine. And, of course, I get the baby.

Robin Hood: No. You see, our child deserves her best chance.

Regina: (Pulls out the Black Fairy's wand) And that's not with you.

Zelena: Oh, yes. The withered knob of that sad old man. Uh, if memory serves, the last time you tried to use it, you weren't powerful enough to make it work.

Regina: (Manages to get the wand working) If my memory serves... last time, I didn't believe in myself. But now I do, as does everyone in this town. So, let's go somewhere, just the two of us.

(Regina transports her and Zelena to the clock tower, leaving Robin at Regina's office. Zelena looks around)

Zelena: Oh, such a letdown. I thought you were gonna use the thingy.

Regina: Oh, I am. So you better hang on.

(Regina manages to summon a twister, and the glass to the clock tower smashes, and Zelena gets sucked out, just managing to hold on to the glass, whilst Regina laughs)

Zelena: I am not done! You will see me again! (Screams as she is sucked into the twister, it taking her away)

Regina: Somewhere over the rainbow! Enjoy Oz, Witch.

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(Mr Gold watches as Belle puts her last suitcase in the car and shuts the lid, before turning to hug her father goodbye. Belle gets into the car and drives away.)

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(In Granny's diner, Emma is round the back as her family are in the main part, celebrating their last moments together. She is holding an envelope in her hands. After watching her family for a few moments, she places it down on a bench the duke box)

♪ Once again ♪
♪ Once again ♪
♪ We wander through a dream ♪
♪ Once again ♪
♪ A sweet familiar scene ♪

Emma: I'm sorry.

♪ ... Keep calling our names ♪

Emma: It's the only way I can make up for what I've done. (She leaves)

♪ Once again ♪

[Present. Storybrooke ]

(From across the street, in a darkened ally, Hook watches as Emma leaves Granny's diner. Nimue appears behind him)

Nimue: You know what you need to do.

[ Past. Enchanted Forest ]

(The tavern is now closed, and Hook is the only remaining "customer" and he sits at a table, tapping his hook impatiently, before taking another sip of his ale. Brennan, who is still behind the bar spots him. Brennan steps out from behind the bar, but still keeps his distance)

Brennan: Look... I don't want any trouble, but we're closed, mate.

Hook: Why might I cause trouble? Because I'm a dirty pirate? Or because I'm a boy whose father abandoned him on the high seas?

Brennan: Killian.

Hook: Aye. (Slams his tankard down and stands up) But it's Captain Hook now. You once told me I had to decide what kind of man I wanted to be. Well, Father... this is who I became!

Brennan: How is this possible? I left nearly a century ago.

Hook: We both found a way to cheat death.

Brennan: That we did. Your brother?

Hook: Liam... was not so fortunate.

Brennan: (Sighs) But you... look at you. You grew up. Where have you been?

Hook: Neverland. I was biding my time until I found a way to k*ll myself a crocodile. It's a tale of woe and revenge but one that you don't need to be concerned with. It's your tale that matters. So, tell me, father, where does a scoundrel like you run after he's sold his sons into servitude?!

Brennan: Oh, I'm sorry, Killian. Truly, I am. I ran. I didn't get far. Not long after I left you and Liam, I got caught and put under a sleeping curse.

Hook: A sleeping curse? How the bloody hell are you awake now?

Brennan: How does anyone break a curse? True love's kiss.

Hook: Who could ever find a way to love you?

Brennan: My nurse. I could hear her speaking... as I slumbered. Her voice was so kind, so gentle. She made me see the error of my ways. I fell in love with her. And she with me. She changed me. I just... I just... wish... that I'd known her when we were together. You could've had the father you wanted. The father you deserved. I'm so sorry.

Hook: Where is this woman?

Brennan: A few years... after we married... she fell ill. (He sits down at one of the tables) The plague. She never recovered.

Hook: I came here to k*ll you, Father. Your life was the price I had to pay to finally get my revenge. But we've both lost too much.

Brennan: You're going to spare me?

Hook: In a manner of speaking. The world must believe you're dead. The queen, everyone must think I k*lled you. I can secure you a letter of transit to take you far from this place. Maybe you can start again.

Brennan: (Stands up) You'll come with me?

Hook: No, you see, I had a love, too. And she was taken from me. You can't destroy the plague that took yours, but I can destroy the plague that took mine. I must continue on.

Brennan: I hope you find peace... Son. (Places his hand on Hook's shoulder)

Hook: (Shrugs it off) We must hurry. Any delay will arouse suspicion. I'll bring the letter of transit tonight. (Begin walking to the door, but the sound of his father's voice stops him).

Brennan: Actually... would it be possible... to bring two?

Hook: Two?

Brennan: My wife and I... we had a son.

Hook: (Looks shocked)

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(Emma arrives home late at night. She heads straight for a cupboard and uses her magic to open it. She pulls out Excalibur before turning back around, unaware that Hook is now sitting at the dining table)

Hook: Sorry, love. But I can't let you use that sword. (Stands up and makes positions himself in front of the door, blocking her exit path)

Emma: Why? So you can get your precious revenge? If I do not do this, everyone I love will die.

Hook: And if you do, you'll die. Come now, hand it over. I don't want to hurt you.

Emma: Now you care what happens to me?

Hook: Like it or not, I owe you.

Emma: For what?

Hook: Well, if it weren't for what you made me, I would never have become the man I always wanted to be.

Emma: (Has tears in her eyes) This is not who Killian wanted to be. Revenge did not matter to him.

Hook: Oh, it did. You just briefly distracted me. Well, now I can finally make the Crocodile pay.

Emma: (Slowly takes a couple of steps towards him) Even if it means becoming the thing you hate? The thing you spent centuries trying to destroy?

Hook: If you didn't want me to change, you should have let me die.

Emma: I'm sorry. I couldn't watch one more person I love die.

Hook: And now, because of that, you get to watch everyone you love die.

Emma: No! (She runs forward and attempts to s*ab him with Excalibur)

Hook: (Disappears in a cloud of red smoke, and appears behind her)

Emma: (Turns to face him) I will protect my family, even if I have to k*ll you to do it! (Attempts to strike him again, but he disappears again. Only when she turns around, she is face to face with "Henry")

Henry/Hook: Mom, wait!

Emma: Henry.

Henry/Hook: (Takes the sword from Emma, before Hook changes back into his normal appearance)

Emma: Killian. Do not do this.

Hook: It's too late for that, Swan. Enjoy the time you have left with your family. (Disappears in a cloud of red smoke)

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(At Granny's diner, Henry is fussing over Neal, while Mary Margaret and David watch on with sad smiles on their faces. After a few moments, Mary Margaret gets up and places the dirty plates on the counter top, before noticing Emma's letter)

Mary Margaret: (Opens the letter and reads it) Oh, no. David?

David: (Stands up and walks over to Mary Margaret) What's wrong?

Mary Margaret: It's Emma.

David: We got to stop her.

(Mary Margaret and David look like they are ready to leave, but Nimue and two dark one's have appeared in the diner. Henry gets up from his seat)

Nimue: You don't have to worry. Captain Hook's already seen to that. Which means there's no way to stop your trip to the underworld.

(Nimue uses her magic to activate the marks on their forearms. They all groan in pain, before they are surrounded by a bright light)

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(Mary Margaret, David and Henry are transported to the lake where Nimue arrived, and Robin, Regina and Mr Gold are already there. They are surrounded by numerous Dark One's)

Regina: (Moves towards Henry) Henry? Are you all right?

Henry: I-I-I think so.

Mary Margaret: (Panicking) Neal's back at the diner!

David: Roland and the baby where are they?

Robin Hood: They're safe. They're with the fairies. They'll take Neal, as well.

Henry: So this is really it.

Hook: (Emerges from behind the dark one's and walks towards the others, carrying Excalibur) I'm afraid it is, lad. Look. The S.S. Purgatory.

(Hook indicates to the lake, where fog is appearing. From behind the fog, Charon appears on his boat, ready to take everyone who is marked to the Underworld)

Emma: (Runs out from behind the Dark One's, and runs to her family, clearly distressed) Mom, Dad! Henry! (She group hugs Henry, Mary Margaret and David)

Hook: (He looks slightly saddened for a few moments)

Emma: I'm sorry! I tried!

Mary Margaret: We know. It's okay.

Regina: (Walks up to Hook) It's time to drop the act. You can't just sit back and watch another family be destroyed to get your revenge.

Hook: What makes you think I can't?

Regina: Because of what we swore to never speak of again. I know the real reason you don't want to talk about what you did to your father.

Hook: I believe we've already had this conversation.

Regina: But this time you're going to listen because if you don't... you're gonna regret it for the rest of your life, which, in your case, means forever. So, you have to ask yourself the same question you did that night. What kind of man do you want to be?

[ Past. Enchanted Forest ]

(Hook is standing at the front of a small hut, holding a piece of paper, which will be Brennan's ticket for leaving safely. After looking at him, he pushes open the door to the small house and sees Brennan tucking Liam II in.)

Liam II: I'm scared, Father. I don't want to leave here in the morning.

Brennan: I know. But we'll be okay. You and I will find another home. What matters most is that we're together. We can face anything that way. Now, it's late. Close your eyes. And remember... whenever you're scared, all you have to do is look... inside. We're all braver than we think if we just look deep enough. Sleep tight. I'll see you in the morning, Liam. (Kisses Liam's forehead)

Hook: (Retreats out of the house, but is clearly annoyed)

(Outside, Hook waits for Brennan. Brennan comes out of the house a couple of moments after Hook does, and walks towards Hook)

Brennan: Thank you, Killian.

Hook: You named your boy Liam. After my brother, after the son... you abandoned. Was he really that easy to replace?

Brennan: I wasn't trying to replace him. I was trying to honour him, to honour you both. So I'd remember never to make the same mistake.

Hook: No, people don't change. (Angry and points at Brennan in a threatening manner) I saw what you said to him in there! It's the same thing you said to me! It was a lie then, and it's a lie now!

Brennan: Killian, please, it's not true. I have changed. I would never leave him.

Hook: But you would leave me. (He puts the piece of parchment that holds Brennan's ticket to freedom in the fire)

Brennan: Killian, please, what are you doing?!

Hook: Deciding what kind of man I want to be. You see, if the queen discovers that I've deceived her, I might not get what I need, and I can't have that. You're just not worth it. (He pulls out a dagger from inside his coat, and stabs Brennan)

Brennan: (Grunts in pain, before falling to the ground. He tries to grab Hook, but is pushed to the ground) Killian... it's never too late. You can change. Be a different man.

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(Hook still stands with the Dark One's, and Regina is back with Robin and Henry. The Charon is ready to take them to the Underworld)

Nimue: (Steps forward) It's time.

Emma: No, you're not taking the people I love! (She moves forward, ready to fight, but stops when she begins to choke)

Nimue: (Magically chokes Emma) I might not be able to k*ll you, but I can stop you from interfering.

(Nimue continues to choke Emma, preventing her from fighting. Mary Margaret, David, Regina, Robin and Henry watch on helpless. As Emma is choked, she keeps looking at Hook. After a few moments, Hook's eyes widen as he sees Emma being hurt, as he finally understands that he can't go through with this)

Hook: That's enough! (Turns to face Nimue)

Nimue: What do you think you're doing?

Hook: Being the man I want to be.

Nimue: (Still choking Emma) You can't stop us.

Hook: Yes, I can.

(Hook raises Excalibur, and slowly, all the Dark One's are absorbed into the sword. Emma watches on shocked, as Hook takes on all the darkness. The marks on the sword is now glowing red)

Emma: Killian, you can't do this.

Hook: (He is straining because the darkness is a lot of handle) We both know there's no other way, love. We have to hurry. The darkness won't stay trapped in Excalibur much longer. Take it. (Turns to face her)

Emma: (Visibly upset) No!

Hook: You have to help me, Swan. Take it.

Emma: I can't. It should be me.

Hook: Your family needs you. If anyone deserves to go to the underworld, it's me. You were right. I was weak. So let me make up for it now by being strong.

Emma: (Has tears falling from her eyes) I don't want to lose you.
Hook: And I don't want to lose you. But you have to let me go. Let me die a hero! That's the man I want you to remember, please!

(Hook is holding the sword out for Emma, and she slowly steps forward, trembling herself. She takes the sword from him, her hands lingering over his for a few moments. Emma steps back and is shakily holding the sword as she can feel how powerful the darkness is)

Emma: (Steps forward) I love you. (She kisses him)

Hook: I love you, too. (Seeing how distraught Emma is, he nods at her encouragingly)

Emma: (Steps back, but can't bring herself to k*ll him)

Hook: It's okay

(With another small nod of encouragement, Emma finally musters up the courage to drive the sword through him. He cries out in pain, and Emma begins to sob, as he hugs him. Immediately, Hook tires to comfort, despite having a sword through him. Everyone else watches on sadly. A bright light surrounds Hook and Emma, and once is disappears, Emma is no longer the Dark One and is back to her normal self. She steps back and removes the sword from him, which quickly disintegrates. Emma then turns back to Hook and sees that the wound on his neck has re-opened)

Emma: (Reaches for the wound) Oh, no.

(Hook collapses, as he attempts to point at Mr Gold, sensing that something is off. Emma catches him and lowers him to the ground, but Hook passes away before she has the chance to lay him comfortably. As everyone watches on wards with sad looks on their faces, Emma sobs over his body, not letting go)

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(Hook is now on a stretcher and the paramedics are getting ready to take his body away. Emma is still clutching his hand to her chest, not wanting to let go. As the paramedics begin to wheel away Hook's body, she starts to sob and doesn't let go of his hand until she has too. Emma turns to Mary Margaret, who says something in an attempt to comfort her, which is inaudible to the audience, before pulling Emma into a hug, David's arm also going around Emma. Regina, Robin and Henry watch from a distance, all wearing similar glum expressions)

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(The next day, Gold sits behind the desk in his shop, drinking wine from a glass when he hears the sound of a door opening).

Mr Gold: Get out. We're closed.

Belle: Rumple. (Closes the door and appears in the doorway).

Mr Gold: (Stands up, surprised to see her) What are you doing here?

Belle: (Hurriedly walks and stops in front of him) H-Henry called. He told me everything. You lied to me... again.

Mr Gold: Belle, I...

Belle: (Pulls him into a kiss) For the first time, you were truly selfless. You know, I don't need to see the world to know what I want anymore. What I want is to be with you. (Kisses him again)

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(Emma is laying on the couch in what should have been her and Hook's home. She looks grief-stricken as she stares up at the ceiling, holding Hook's ring in her fingers. After a few moments, the whispers of the dagger can be heard, and she sits up, looking confused, before standing)

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(Mr Gold finishes getting dressed, and Belle is still asleep in bed. His phone goes off and it's a text from Emma saying, "Meet me at your shop, now")

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(Emma is waiting at the counter in Gold's shop, when the door opens and Mr Gold enters and closes the door behind him)

Mr Gold: Now, you see. This isn't the library or Granny's or some bus station, Miss Swan. This is my shop. Unless the sign says "open"... you're not invited. (As he says this, he walks towards her and stands behind the counter)

Emma: I think I was invited. I hear whispering. It's the dagger. It's calling to me.

Mr Gold: You're upset, imagining things.

Emma: (Insistent) No, I'm not. It's here, isn't it? You have it, don't you?

Mr Gold: Yes, I do. (Takes the dagger out of a rag and lays it on the counter top, which once again has "Rumplestiltskin" written across it.)

Emma: (Looks shocked) You are the Dark One. Again.

Mr Gold: Yes. Had hoped to keep that secret. Wasn't expecting you to hear it. But then, most ex-Dark Ones are dead.

Emma: How is this possible?

Mr Gold: When you came to me, asking for the sword, I seen an opportunity. A chance I had never imagined would present itself again. As fate would have it, a small vial of magic was close at hand. One sprinkle... and I knew I could get it all back. I turned the sword into a conduit. So that while Hook thought he was destroying the darkness, he was actually... moving it. Channelling it someplace safe.

(As Mr Gold says this, a sequence is shown of him pulling Excalibur out of the cupboard and pouring a potion of the sword. Emma stabbing Hook is also seen)

Emma: Into you.

Mr Gold: He had no idea. And now... things are as they should be.

Emma: Hook sacrificed himself, and you took that from him! (Angry and goes to strike him with her magic)

Mr Gold: (Uses his magic to stop her) Do you honestly think that you can hurt me? I now have the combined power of every Dark One who ever lived... including you.

Emma: You found a loophole, betrayed us all again.

Mr Gold: It's what I do. It's the man I am.

Emma: Well, then, Dark One... now that you have your power back... you're going to do something for me.

Mr Gold: And why would I do anything for you?

Emma: Because I still have magic. And I'm willing to bet I can get to Belle and tell her everything before you can k*ll me.

Mr Gold: Don't test me.

Emma: (Threatening and there are tears in her eyes) Don't test me. You really want to take that chance? That she will, once again... know the kind of man you really are?

Mr Gold: What do you want, Miss Swan?

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(Emma is now at the Blanchard apartment. Mary Margaret, David, Regina, Robin and Henry are there)

Mary Margaret: (Shocked) You're going to hell?

Emma: The underworld.

David: That's quite a distinction.

Emma: I'm getting him back. This isn't fair to Killian. Gold tricked him. Everything he gave up was based on a lie.

David: Emma, you know how this works. It's a one-for-one trade. To get him back, someone else will have to die.

Mary Margaret: And you just got back from being the Dark One. You can't give in to darkness again.

Emma: (Softly) I won't. I'm giving in to love. I'm doing this right. I learned my lesson. I'm taking a page out of your book. You two share a heart. So will we.

Regina: It could work.

Emma: (Insistent) It will work.

Robin Hood: Uh, forgive me if I'm missing the obvious, but, um, how does one get to the underworld?

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(It's night time now, and Emma, Mr Gold, Mary Margaret, David, Regina, Robin and Henry are by the same lake where Charon appears. Emma and Gold are by the waters edge)

Emma: Do it.

Mr Gold: (Sighs and cuts his hand on the dagger) Are you sure about this?

Emma: Do it.

(Mr Gold turns his hand so the blood drops into the water. The fog and Charon appears. An invisible walk way in the water comes. Emma steps onto it first once again holding Hook's ring in her hand, Mary Margaret, David, Regina, Robin, Henry and Mr Gold follow, and the group walks towards the boat.)

Emma: Hook, I will find you. I will always find you.

[ End ]