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04x09 - Shattered

Posted: 11/27/15 05:22
by bunniefuu
[Indistinct conversations]

Hello, handsome.


Wow. That excited to see me?

I'm very excited.

Just, I was up half the night, so...


So, you going home to get some sleep?

Yeah, I'm gonna go see Kristine first, though.

Ah, the girlfriend.

What? She's a girl, and she's your friend.

That's all I'm saying.

I though you were okay with this.

Yeah, of course I am.

I'm glad that you can talk to her about your...




Not a word.

It is now.

Look, I get that you have questions, and maybe she can help answer some of them for you.

I am fine, seriously.

Mm, you're not fine.

You're fantastic.


I love you more than anything.

I love you.

And I need you to keep an eye on Mr. Graham's B.P.

He's had some idiopathic spikes since his thoracic surgery.


Got it.


So, you walking or running the 10k, Dr. Lin?

Do I look like I use seniors' tickets?

What? No, no, I just...

I'll be back in an hour. If there's anything, just ask Dr. Reid.



We'll have two of your finest coffees, milady, and mine with four sh*ts of espresso, please.

Uh, wow. Don't you think that's a bit much?

Thought I was the one running the race.

Trust me.

P.R. work is its own kind of marathon.


Thank you.

Thank you.

Dr. Williams, avoiding eye contact doesn't mean that I don't see you.

What? Oh, no. I wasn't, uh...

Good morning, Dr. Bell.

Did you enjoy your vacation?


O-kay. Sorry to hear that.

I had some personal things that I needed to deal with.

Tell me, Cassie, how long has that been going on?

Oh, I don't, um...

A little while now.

Sorry. I know you guys just broke up.

Don't be. I'm not.



Did Charlie ever tell you about the time we went to Vegas?


I thought that what happened there was supposed to stay there.

Well, it does...

Unless she follows you home and tries to move in.

I really don't want to know.

Don't worry.

Charlie was an absolute gentleman.

Almost a monk, really.

Be nice.

What's on the docket?


What do you say we call a plumber to take over, and you and I go hit the track?

[Laughs] Come on, Reid. Be a pal.

Pals, huh? Tell me something.

Do you think men and women could ever just be friends, or does romance always get in the way?

Is this about Charlie?

Just making conversation.

Good. 'Cause the answer's no.

Men only befriend women they want to sleep with.


With a minor adjustment for the castrati.


I am never making conversation with you again.

[Elevator bell dings]


What's this? You supposed to be some sort of stick insect?

I'm not really concerned about my appearance.

I'm more concerned about obtaining an optimal cardiovascular workout, you know?

Which reminds me... you have yet to sponsor me, Zachary.


Well, that's because I've donated to some other people.


Just some nurses.

So, get out there and... break a tentacle.

You get them, Hamza.




So, I guess I've got...

80 bucks on Maggie for the best time.

Thanks for the donation. [Chuckles]

Dev: Dr. Reid?


Do you have a sec?


I need some advice on B.P. spikes I'm seeing in one of Dr. Lin's thoracics in ward 7.

What medicine is your patient on?

Uh, yeah, yeah.

I got that right here, actually.

Um... [File thuds]

You know what?

Dr. Lin won't mind if we give her a call.

It'll give us a chance to check up on the race.

Sound like a good idea?


All right.

[Cheers and applause]

[Cellphone buzzing] Whew!

Yeah? What's up?

Hey, it's Alex. How's it going?

Well... a pregnant woman is passing me, so not that stellar.

[Chuckles] What's up?

Your thoracic in ward 7...

What did you prescribe?





What the hell was that?

I don't know.


Maggie, what just happened?

Come on, Maggie. Talk to me.

Are you okay?

[Distorted] Maggie, what's going on?

Are you okay?


[Breathes deeply]

[Breathes sharply]


[Screaming, indistinct shouting]



[Sirens wailing]

Jackson, the trauma team just got here from St. Mary's.

Hustle them in.

This is organized chaos, people.

Everyone who walks through that door gets triage-tagged.

Assess the damage and put a tag near their head. Got it?


Dev, take treatment cubicle one.

Cassie, you come with me.

Good. Okay.

Okay, hold up on cpr.


He's gone.

Call it.

Time of death... 9:47 A.M.


Was it really a bombing?

A t*rror1st attack?

No one knows.

It could have been a gas leak, but it's bad.

We're gonna be overwhelmed.

Okay, citywide, emerg is on it.

They're setting up here.

What's the blood-bank supply?

Scarce. We're gonna have to share the wealth.

[Radio chatter, siren wailing]



Did you see Maggie? Is she okay?


Oh, I-I don't know, Alex. She wasn't with us.

[Monitor beeping rapidly]

Jeremy: Hey, Reid.

Need you here.

What have we got?

John Doe.

Fast is positive.

Oh, no kidding.

I doubt there's a single internal organ that hasn't been punctured.

Guys, we're having trouble ventilating him.

Well, keep pushing 100% oxygen.

Blast lung?

Yeah, looks like it.

Somebody get me the portable X-ray!

We'll sh**t the plates here.

And give me more O-neg! He's bleeding like a sieve.


Call Charlie to come back in here.

We're gonna need everyone.


This guy's a mess.

[Doorbell rings]

Hey, Charlie.


Thanks for coming. I know it was kind of short notice.

Yeah, well, you're a pretty hard woman to say "no" to.

What's, uh... What's the big mystery?

Come in.


[Cellphone buzzes]

Wow. These are, uh...

Pretty amazing.


Yeah, I used to paint a lot more.

Do you want some tea?

Yeah, sure.

You must be Dr. Harris.

I've heard an earful about you.

You did?!

Uh, and you would be?

Dr. Boullot. But please call me Cora.

Cora. I'm Charlie.

Cora's just here for the day.

She stopped off from New York on her way to a medical conference in Vancouver.


And you two know each other from?

Well, we met online, but we've talked a lot.

Haven't we?

Mm-hmm. We have.

Modern life, right?

Right. [Breathes deeply]

Right. And, um...

Speaking of which, I left my phone in my car.

Do you need your phone to have tea?

Uh, no, no. I have an infant son, so...

You don't look like the overprotective type.

Are we, uh, gonna get along here, Cora?

Absolutely, Charlie. I'm determined to.

Really? Why would that be?

Because I'm a doctor who speaks to the dead.

And I understand from Kristine that you do, too.

[Moans] Shel, it's all right.

Zach: Maggie.

Are you okay?

I'm fine.

Everyone says they're fine. You've got a scratch on your head.

You're probably in shock.

Really, Zach, I'm fine. Okay, this is Shelby.

Where's my husband?

She's pregnant.

She has a bad laceration on her leg and probably some kind of shrapnel.

Okay, great.

Let's get her into a hall bed, 'cause there's no room in here right now.

I need you to stay here with me.


I need to take a look at that gash on your head.

Come here.

Do you know what happened out there?





Come here.

I need you to take care of this.

I need you find out if it belongs to anybody who's been admitted.

I'm looking after Dr. Lin. You're coming with me.

You had no right telling her about me.

Look at it as a chance to talk to another doctor who sees what you do.

You don't know that.

And I don't know that.

And I don't know her.

You didn't tell me he was a skeptic.

Oh, he's not. He's just...

Narrow-minded, pigheaded.



You and I saw things together in the spirit realm, Charlie.

You can't deny that.

I'm not denying it.

I'm just trying to keep an open mind about what it means, that's all.

By closing your mind?


I'm... I'm sorry. Is this an intervention?

Should I be standing up and saying, "hello. My name is Charlie Harris, and I see ghosts?"

Well, it would be a good first step.

I'm fine. It's just a couple of bruises.

Mm-hmm. Just consider me your second opinion.

Just gonna do a concussion test.

That hurt your eyes?


You feeling nauseous?

Yeah, but that's just your cologne.

Count down from 100. 99, 98...

I really need to go see Shelby.

Not until I send you up to imaging.

Fine. I'll do the scan.

But can I just stay on the floor until that happens?

You check in with me every hour.

You swear?

Pinkie swear.


Maggie. Thank God.

I knew I gave up running for a reason.

No kidding. I need to go be with my patient.

Of course.

Right after I clean up.

Zach, I need more O neg.

I've got a kid that's gonna bleed out.

Sorry, we're swamped. We don't have any.

All right, I'll push starch, albumin, and ringer's, but the second that that comes in, you let me know.



It's gonna be a hell of a blood drive.

Call down to the cafeteria, the laundry room, and the gift shop, and get every staff member who's not in this E.R.

To step up and donate.

Yeah, I got you.


[Police radio chatter]

Hi. Dawn Bell, chief of surgery.

Hi. Detective Lozio.

Detective, is this necessary?


Our assumption is, this was an act of terror.

We need to question the victims, Dr. Bell.

We'd appreciate your cooperation.

All right. As long as it doesn't interfere with their care.

You just let us know if we're stepping on any toes, doc.

I will.

And I'm sorry for your loss.

I know that our first casualty was a police officer.

Yeah, a rookie... 23 years old.

We're gonna get whoever did this.

Excuse me.


[Woman speaking indistinctly on P.A.]

Okay, Shelby.

We're still looking for your husband.

But the good news is, your fast was negative.

I'm sorry?

It means that I couldn't find any free fluid in your abdomen.

Um, I still want to check on the baby with a fetal monitor and remove the shrapnel from your leg, obviously.

What if it hurt the baby?

That's what we're gonna check.

I'm gonna do an ultrasound.

Why did I do this?

Adam didn't want me to run the 10k.

He thought it was doing too much with the baby.

Your husband was in the race, too?


Is he here?

We're working on it.



Nobody knew this was gonna happen.

We're gonna do everything in our power to make sure the baby is healthy.

Pinkie swear.

It's my new thing.


Lungs look wet, and there's a telltale butterfly effect.

Blast lung it is.

Gonna make the anesthetist's job real tricky.

He's not gonna make it to the O.R.

What are you talking about?

The blood bank's overwhelmed. There's no O neg.

I mean, we could push hydroxyethyl starch, but you and I both know more blood is the only way that he's gonna survive.

Oh, hell.

Yeah, hell.

I'm O neg.

All right, we'll do a whole blood transfusion.

Hook me up to him.


Yep. They do it on the b*ttlefield all the time.

That's pretty much what we're looking at here.

Odds are he'll react negatively to the transfusion.

Odds are he's gonna die, so...

We might as well buy the kid some more time.

[Sighs] Okay.

Let's turn you into a blood bag.

Two units... coming up.

Charlie said you were crazy.

Hey, pot and kettle, Reid.

[Machine beeps]

Fetal heart rate is normal.

No signs of trauma.

Shelby: Thank God.



Shelby, oh, my God. Baby.

Are you okay?


[Groans] I thought I'd lost you.

I thought I'd lost you.

Okay, you have to be gentle.

I know you're worried, but she's been hurt.

Who are you?

I'm taking care of Shelby. I'm Dr. Lin.

Okay, what's wrong with her?

Is the baby okay?

Nobody's told me anything.

Okay, if you sit down, I'd be happy to explain everything to you.

The baby is stable. So is Shelby.

I'm just about to remove the shrapnel from her leg.

No, you got to do that in an operating room.

No, we're gonna do it under a local here.

We have a lot of patients that need our help, and the critically injured are given O.R. priority.

Yeah, well, Shelby's my priority.

You should know that I've called our obstetrician.

Dr. Katz will be here soon.

Sydney Katz?


Man on P.A.: Dr. Barlow, please report to pediatric room 8.

For Dr. Miller.

What is it?

It's a young woman's arm.

Oh, my God.

Tell him that I assessed the zone of injury, and it's still viable for reattachment after a little clean-up.

What's the patient's name?

We don't know yet.

Just keep it here under Jane Doe till we do, please.


And this belongs to her.

[Man speaking indistinctly on P.A.]



Zach: I need the trauma bay, Alex.

What is going on here?

Every little bit counts, right?

The donor looks good. How's the patient?

It's working. He's stable.

That's good.

So you two crazy kids can get him up to the O.R.

And out of my trauma bay.


What do you mean, "no"?

The O.R. is jammed, Zach.

I'm not gonna stand in the hallway waiting for the operating room and watch him bleed out.

He's stable here.



Need you.

What the hell is this?

Reid and Bishop need to get him up into surgery.

He's gonna die while we're waiting for an operating room.

He needs to be first priority.


Because he has penetrating abdominal trauma.

Well, so do half the patients here.

Not combined with blast lung.

He has a very narrow window to be operated on.

His lungs will collapse if we wait.

Come on, Dawn. Look, he's a kid.


I need a trauma bay more than I need an argument.

Get him up to the O.R. now.

What a day.

What a lovely day.

Well, my experience isn't the same as yours.

I mean, yes, I see ghosts, but, uh...

[Sighs] I also see patients in some kind of liminal state... between life and death.

And do they stay there?

No, that's, um...

Basically, I help them.

Um, it's kind of weird, but it's become another part of my job, like charting or scrubbing or...

Tell her how things have been changing, Charlie.

You were there. You tell her.


Charlie and I saw this woman's spirit draw her soul mate into death after her.

I've never seen that before.

Have you?

Have there been other encounters that have frightened you?

Why would she ask me that?


Indulge me.

[Breathes deeply]

There was a convict who wanted me to help him to, uh... prove his innocence.

What happened?

I wavered.


And he followed me home... to my son's room... and, uh, begged me for help.

And later on, when I wouldn't help him, he threatened me.

And had any of them ever followed you home before?


So you have reason to be afraid.

I'm not afraid.

You should be.

I had an encounter like the one you describe.

It was about 5 years ago.

This is the result.

Oh, my God.


Hey. Charlie, it's me again.

I don't know where you are or why you're not answering my calls, but we need you here.

So if you get this, please, call me back.


Oh, I see you got your juice and cookies.

Yeah. What I could really go for is a single malt and cigar.

Tell me about it.

You still trying to get ahold of Charlie?

Hey, maybe he slept through the call.

He never sleeps through calls.

Okay, well maybe his ringer's off.


No way.

Not since Luke was born.

This doesn't have anything to do with what we talked about earlier, does it?

I really don't want to talk about this right now.

Okay, well, for what it's worth, I think Charlie's the one exception to that rule.

Thank you.

See you in there.

Well, you're pretty tough, Shelby.

Not even a wince.

Oh, I'm wincing.

You're doing great, baby.


Okay, keep your leg still.
Is everything okay?

There's some vaginal bleeding.

What does... What does that mean?

Heartbeat is still regular.

As soon as imaging's free, I want to get her up to another ultrasound, okay?

What's wrong with her?

It could be nothing.

What if it's not nothing?

It could be partial abruption of the placenta...

Maybe from Shelby's fall.

But I do need to prioritize the leg right now.

We will know more when we have the imaging.

Where the hell is Dr. Katz?!

I'm sure she'll be here soon.

I need to call her.

She needs to know.

We're gonna do the surgery with almost no blood and pretty much blind... No imaging at all.

Well, it's more exciting than gallbladders.

Not helping.


How about "in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king"?

All right, I'll bite.

What the hell does that mean?

It means we go for it.

Looky, looky.

Hey, where did you get those?

Thank your co-workers and the lab techies working their magic.

Hopefully it'll get us through.

Things are looking up.

Hey. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Hey! What are you doing?

Whoa, you can't be in here. I won't be long.

[Camera shutter clicks]

Hey! Hey!

I need a photo of his face.

You need to back off, pal.

You are compromising the sterile environment of my patient.

Who the hell are you, anyway?

I am the police.

And your patient is the damn bomber.

Hey, what's going on in there?

How's the stomach?


Badly perforated.

Gonna have to work on closing up these holes.


I'd add that to his liver and his bowels.

How are his lungs doing, Sharpe?

He's holding up for now.

You know what? I'm gonna have to sacrifice a huge part of this liver, but we can leave enough for it to regenerate.

The cop he k*lled was 23 years old... 3 months in.

If you think we're happy giving medical preference to him over an innocent person, you're wrong.

Just thought you should know.

I took an oath. We all did.

We're doing our jobs.

And you are welcome to leave if you've got a problem with that.

I can't, actually.

My orders are to keep him in my sights at all times.

Nurse Avery, are you all right?

My niece was hurt in the bombing.

She's at Memorial.

Go assist Dr. Hamza.

Send in another nurse, please.

I pray for your niece.

As do we.

If this kid is who you say he is, I'd like to save his life so he can pay for what he did.


Is Dr. Harris here yet?

I don't think so. Why?

Do you need him for the surgery?

Woman on P.A.: Code blue five, east 64.

Code blue five, east 64.

Geez, it's wall-to-wall in here.


How are you doing?



I mean terrible.

Although not as terrible as Dr. Reid.

What does that mean?

You haven't heard?

She's operating on the bomber.

There are cops all over the O.R.

I can't even imagine how she's feeling right now.

Did you just say he's here?

In the hospital?

My child might die, and you guys are saving the bastard who did this?

He's here? The bomber?

That's what she says.

Whoa. Hey.

Everyone, we all just need to calm down, okay?

Thank you.

You have got a very, very big mouth.

I didn't know.

You didn't know what?

That that information would fan an already-out-of-control flame?

No, she was just trying to...

You stay out of this.

If we weren't overwhelmed, you'd be done.


Both of you get back to work.

Not out there.

Dr. Miller, I'm so sorry.

Not as sorry as you're gonna be if this gets any more out of control.

We managed to divert half a dozen more critical cases to the General.


What about the code omega?

Well, mississauga's coming through big-time.

Blood, plasma, albumin should all be here soon.

Finally, some light at the end of the tunnel.

They said he's in the O.R. I know where it is. Come on.

Call security.

Word has officially hit the streets.

Picked a hell of a week to start back.


Hang in there.

Imaging's still jammed, Dr. Lin.

Hey, did you tell them how concerned I am?

I did. There's just too many other...

We don't have any more time.

What's wrong?

Your leg is still oozing blood, Shelby.

Okay, but that's not my primary concern right now.

What is?

The placental abruption is causing us problems.

Your blood won't clot, so I want to deliver the placenta as soon as possible.

She needs F.F.P. and platelets immediately.

We're gonna get Mrs. Hart up to an O.R. now to deliver.

Do you know what's gonna happen to my baby?

We're gonna do everything we can.

Look, I know you're upset, but if Dr. Katz was here, she would tell you to do the same.

I have to wait for Adam.


Maggie's the one who helped you after the b*mb went off, right?

[Breathes shakily]

She pinkie-sweared that the baby and I were gonna be okay.

I did?

Of course I did.

Let me keep that promise.

Let her take you to the O.R.

Okay, find Adam for me, please.

After I help Dr. Lin move you.



Well, it looks like the residual liver is holding its own.

How's our blood supply, Dr. Sharpe?

I wouldn't dawdle.

We're not. The O.R. is needed.

Yeah, by his victims.

It'd be a tragedy, huh, if one of them were to die while you operated on him?

You know what?

You've mastered the sit-in-the-corner part, detective.

Let's try working on the staying quiet, please.

There he is.

[Indistinct shouting]

Oh, hell. They know he's here.

Officer: Hey! Hey! Hey! Take it easy!

Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey!

I need you all to back off! Back off! Right now!

Steady, Reid.

You're doing the right thing here.

[Shouting continues]

I'm not so sure.

[Indistinct shouting]

I need everyone to calm the hell down right now and back off!

You're operating on the bomber when innocent people are hurt!

Man: Get him out of the O.R.!

You guys are operating on the man who did this?

I don't know, Shelby.

Let's go.

I am Dr. Bell! Hey! Hey!

And I am the chief of surgery here!

And you need to back off now!

He's a k*ller.

Whether or not the person in that room is responsible for today's tragedy is irrelevant.

This is a hospital, not a court of law.

Going in there and tearing him to pieces is not gonna change anything.

It's just gonna make a bad day worse, and nobody here needs that.

Now, if you have a problem with my decision, you can register a formal complaint.

Do I make myself clear?

Now go.


I think it's calming down out there.

Good, 'cause we've got a patient here who needs our focus.

You're my hero, Reid. You know that?

I think you're alone in that.

Oh, no.

Charlie will be proud.

Let's do this.

The sooner we finish here, the sooner we can make room for the next patient.

Cora: Please, listen to me.

I've learned that not all spirits are benign.

There are darker ones that are attracted to our negative energy.

You're saying it's me? I'm... I'm the problem?

You misunderstand me.

How am I misunderstanding you?

Charlie, please.

No, no, just let her finish.

Let her explain herself. How am I the problem?

If you can't see what we have as a gift, then it can turn into a curse.

What kind of gift would thr*aten my family?

Sometimes what we experience comes with a price.

Yeah, you think I don't know that?



[horn honks, tires screech]

Medic! Medic!

[Siren wailing]

Charlie? Charlie!

Charlie, what just happened?

[Breathing heavily]

I don't know.

What did you see?

I don't know. I need to go.

Charlie, talk to me, please. It's important.

Charlie, please. Talk to me.

I can't, okay? Just...

Not right now.

I just...

I wanted you to meet her so you'd know we're not alone in this.

Look, I get it. I do, okay?

I was up half the night, and I just...


What did you see, Charlie?


When I touched you, I saw a flash of... things I don't understand.

What are you talking about?

I did, Charlie.

I felt a connection.

What does it mean?

[Cellphone buzzes]

I don't know. I...

What the hell?

What is it?

I have to go.

[Vehicle door closes]

[Engine turns over]

We are not gonna be able to close.

It's too swollen.

Let's leave it open.

No doubt we'll be back in there mucking about, given the extent of these injuries.

Put a temporary covering over the incision, and let's use mesh.

We'll sew it in when you're ready.

[Door opens] How long you think, Dr. Reid?

The O.R. is almost yours, Dev.

Great, 'cause we've got a pregnant woman we need to get in here.

Is that Maggie's patient?

So, that's him.

The guy who set off the b*mb.

Not what you expected, is he?

Shelby... You okay?

Aw, Shelby.

No, no, no, no, no.

What? What is it?

Dr. Reid's almost finished.

Okay. Her pressure is dropping.

I need clotting factors right now.

Okay, I'll call down to the lab, get them sent up.

Okay. I know this is hard.

We're gonna be in the O.R. shortly.

Yeah, after they save the guy who did this to her.


Look, no one's picking up in the lab.

Do you want me to just go get it?


I know exactly where they are.

It's gonna be quicker.

Just, as soon as the O.R.'s open, get her in there, okay?


Got it?


All right, let's begin.

Is it true that the man who set the b*mb off was treated in Hope Zion?

The police have informed me that they have a suspect in custody.

Beyond that, I can't speculate.

Was he given treatment ahead of other patients?

I've been assured that all of our protocols have been strictly followed, but you're missing the real story here.

I'm so proud of all of the people at Hope Zion and all of the... the courage and the character that they've demonstrated through this crisis.

Yes, you're right.

Character is so important.

Next question.

Reporter: Tell us more about the doctors that were instrumental in helping.

I'll take that.

Uh, I think we have a great team here.

At the head, we've got Dr. Alex Reid...

It's what we call it.

What? No thank you?

Thought I did a pretty good job back there.

Last time I checked, that's what you get paid for.

So, you're welcome.

I hear you gave a pretty rousing speech yourself out in front of the O.R.

Things were out of control. I stepped in.

Yeah, moving forward, it's gonna be best for the hospital if you just, uh, keep your mouth shut.

Good for everyone involved.

I just want to get back to work.

I do have to admit, though, Dawn, you standing there, looking so pretty, did work to our advantage.

Stop following me.

Oh, Dawn.

Dawn, what happened to us?

I have nothing more to say to you.

Wait, is this 'cause of Asha?

Oh, God. That must be so awkward for you.

I get it.

I apologize if we've been less than discreet.

I've got my eyes on you.

Oh, what's that supposed to mean?

What do you think it means?

[Cellphone buzzing]

I have no idea what that... that...

[chuckles] Look at that.

There she is... Asha.

Asha's calling.

I think I'm gonna take this.

See you around, chief.

Cassie: Just let me know when the test comes back, then.

Oh, Dr. Lin.


Uh, are you all right?

Yeah, long day.

You're pretty close with Dr. Miller, right?

Two peas in a pod.

Do you think maybe you could put in a good word?

I accidentally exposed the identity of the... the bomber, and I'm worried that I might have burnt a major bridge there.

Okay, I'll see what I can do.

Right now I have to get clotting factors for my patient.

Oh, okay.

Best way to get back in Zach's good books...

Work harder.


Woman on P.A.: Clean-up, O.R. 7. Clean-up, O.R. 7.

Where are you taking him?

To the I.C.U.

I'll escort you there.

There's no need, unless you think he's gonna try and escape.

No, I think someone might try to k*ll him, and I wouldn't want you to become collateral damage.

Let's go, doctor.

You can thank me later.

Hey, where's Dr. Lin?

I thought she was delivering the baby.

She went to get more F.F.P.

You ever deliver a baby?

Technically? No.

Okay, you okay if I scrub back in, just till she returns?

If you'd like to, Dr. Bishop.

I'm sure she'll be back soon.

Where is it?

Come on.



Aah. Oh!

Dev: [Sighs] Her pressure's dangerously low.

Yeah, she is not in good shape.

The placenta's got to go... now.

Should I send someone to look for Dr. Lin?

No, she probably got caught up with another patient, and either way, this can't wait.

Ready to deliver a baby?

Let's do it.

Good man.

Good news.

Our boat's floating on red blood cells.

Mississauga Memorial came through.

Great. Let's get it up to the O.R. ASAP and take our junior resident with you.

She still in your doghouse?



Zach says you're on blood bag duty.

Oh, he hates me.

No, don't worry.

His bark is way worse than his bite.

Oh. Please. I'm looking for my daughter.

She was in the run today.

I've already been to half a dozen hospitals already.

Please. Have you seen my Lily?

I'm sorry. I haven't.

Does she have a ring like that?

Yes. Have you seen her?

I'm not sure.

Let me make some inquiries, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can, okay?

Oh, thank you. Thank you so much.

You got something for him?

I really hope I don't.

Dawn: Dr. Mirani.

Dr. Miller's looking for you.


Are you all right?

Yeah, it's just a lot, you know?

You're handling it well.

Keep up the good work.

Those look nasty. Have you had them checked out?

[Sighs] What?

Your bruises. Did you get those from the expl*si*n?


Yeah, I guess they are.

You don't remember?


I should get to work.

Lane didn't have anything to do with those, did he?

Dr. Bell, I know you and Lane had a Don't.

And you're my boss, so...

That's not what this is about.

So, then what is it about?

Is he hurting you?

Dr. Miller's looking for me, so...

I should get to work.

How we doing on the O neg situation?

Hey. We're actually swimming in it.

Everybody really stepped up today.

Code omega's officially over.

Amen to that.

All right, well, let's share the wealth.

Send some to Mississauga.

Mm. Good call.

[Breathes deeply]

You should be proud of your staff.

I always am.

I know. I just mean today.

You know, they really pulled it together.

Rolled up their sleeves... Literally.

Just 'cause they wanted some cookies and juice?

No. It's because they have a fearless leader they can get behind.

It was a great call on the internal blood bank.

Thanks, chief.

We've got to look after each other, right?




I got to go eat a sandwich or something.

I feel like I haven't eaten since Tuesday.


Yes, it is.

Yes, what is?

Handcuffing him is necessary.

Actually, I was wondering how you could be so sure this was him.

He was caught on CCTV...

That, uh, picture I showed you.

He didn't even try to hide the fact that he planted a b*mb to k*ll all those people.

Who is he?

We don't know yet, but we will.

His photo's all over the web.

How could anybody do something like this?

You having second thoughts about saving his life, Dr. Reid?

[Cellphone buzzes]

I'm needed in the O.R.

Ironic, putting a guard on his door to keep him safe.

I took an oath, too...

Whether I like it or not.


Detective, do you have a minute for an update?

Uh... Sure.

I've ordered additional officers.

The suspect's presence here could provoke more v*olence.


Okay, thank you for the briefing.


I don't envy you your job, detective.

That's okay. I don't envy you yours.

[Both chuckle]

Anything else?

Uh, when this crisis is done, I'd like to have a word with you on another matter.

Okay, can I ask you what it's about?

A sexual as*ault.

I see.

Can you give me any more details?

Not at this time, no.

24/7. My door's always open.

Doesn't have to be formal. Just a chat, yeah?


♪ Spin my tires, start my fires ♪
♪ I will wade on through ♪
♪ castle red, I'll be dead ♪
♪ long before you ♪


♪ I will die a poor man ♪
♪ covered in dust ♪
♪ dreaming of you ♪

What's her status?

Shrapnel in the leg wouldn't stop bleeding.

Placental abruption caused D.I.C., and they're about to deliver now.

Make sure you get an orthopod in to take a look at that leg.

♪ Tiptoes, plain clothes ♪
♪ I am a closed hand ♪
♪ chipped brow, somehow ♪

Hey, how are we doing?

I'll tell you when we're done.

♪ I hope you understand ♪

Cutting the peritoneum.

Almost at the womb.

Is Charlie back yet?

♪ I will die a poor man ♪

How can I help?

♪ Covered in dust ♪

Could you take that?


What can I do? Where can I help the most?



What happened?

I don't know.

♪ I will die a poor man ♪
♪ covered in dust ♪
♪ dreaming of you ♪

I feel weird.

It's because you're a ghost.

It's been a brutal day.

First came the b*mb.


Now comes the fallout.


What happened?

Where are you?

She's in trouble.

Page shahir, we need him now!


Go to Maggie.


You need to fight, for your life.

Part two of an all-new Saving Hope.