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02x20 - The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter

Posted: 11/25/15 16:18
by bunniefuu
Carter: Previously on "Finding Carter"...

Carter: I have been hanging out at Jared's.

He's way too old for you.

You don't get to tell me who I can and can't date.

If you live in this house, then you have to follow the rules.

Well, maybe I need to find somewhere else to live then.

My dad's up for parole.


I'm gonna try to get them to keep him in prison.

I did a background check on Jared.

Did you know he's married and has a daughter?

Tell them it's not true, Jared.

It's not how I wanted you to find out.

I see a future with you and my little girl.

I'm falling in love with you.

It's very difficult for me to watch you become a woman, because I didn't get to see you being a little girl.

I just need some space.


I was wondering if you wouldn't mind me staying here with you.

Of course, you're always welcome here.

♪ Think of me ♪
♪ When the chains have tied ♪

Hey, sweetie.

Sleep okay?

Um, yeah.


I'm making banana pancakes, your favorite.

Yeah, not anymore.

I'm more of a cereal kind of gal now.

Oh, um...

Well, I could run out and get some cereal.

What kind?

Oh, no, no, no, it's okay.

I have to get ready for work anyway.

Okay, um...

Carter, I know I still have a lot of making up to do, but I'm really glad you came.

I'm always here if you need me.

(loud knocking)

Where is she?


What are you doing here?

What are you doing here? Carter, get your things.

You're coming home with me right now.

♪ There you go ♪
♪ There you stay ♪
♪ Keeping low ♪
♪ Never want to play ♪
♪ You've been up and down, down ♪
♪ You've been low, low, low ♪
♪ Pretending to not feel alone ♪
♪ Pretending to not feel alone ♪

Carter, what do you think you're doing?

This is the woman that kidnapped you.

You realize that, right?

I know that, thank you, I'm not stupid.

I know you're not.

How did you even know I was here?

Did you follow me?

Educated guess. Now, grab your things.

You can't be here.

No, you can't be here, Mom.

Carter, you're coming home with me right...


No, let it go!

It's not my place to get in the middle.

You're absolutely right. It's not your place.

Carter, maybe you should just go.


What are you trying to do?

I'm trying to do what's best.

And maybe it's best if you just go home.

I can't believe either of you.

Why don't you two stay here and eat pancakes?

I have to get ready for work.

I mean, it's like Katniss staying at President Snow's house.

I'm sure she has her reasons.

Are you serious?

She basically re-kidnapped herself.

I know that it's weird, but it's not like Mom and Carter are getting along right now.

That's Mom being Mom, you just gotta deal.

Yeah, well, we've known Mom for a lot longer than Carter has.

We're used to her.

Apparently, we can't really understand why Carter feels the way she does about Lori.

I know how she should feel.

Well, you can't tell people how to feel, Grant.

Yeah, and people don't change, Taylor.

Well, maybe they would if they got on the right meds and got help.

Have they brainwashed you, too?

I'm just saying, she doesn't seem like the same crazy woman.

The same crazy woman that held you at gunpoint?

Maybe you should go live with her, too.


Grant: I lost my appetite.




You think any more about what we talked about?


You still upset with me?

You still married?

God, I have the worst timing.

I'll somewhere else, not here.

Look, Carter, I'm sorry.

I should have told you, I was wrong.


You still have feelings for her, Jared?


Then why on Earth didn't you just tell me?

Because, it was too painful and ugly.

And she's got my daughter, and the whole thing is a mess.

What kind of mess?

What are you talking about?

She won't let me see my daughter.

She holds the custody thing over my head.

She doesn't show up to court, and every time I try to file for divorce, she just hires another lawyer.

I can't afford to fight that.

She sounds awful.

She's pretty bad.

Well, you were the one who was once in love with her.

That was a long time ago.

You guys cool?

Trying to be.

We all have a past, you know?


What's she like?

His ex? Her name is Sarah.

She used to work here.

She used to work here?


Were you guys friends?

We were friendly.

I still run into her sometimes.

She works at that cute little boutique downtown.

It's always sort of awkward whenever I run into her.

I was Jared's friend first.

How long were they together?

A year, maybe?

They were a terrible couple, if it makes you feel any better.

It actually does make me feel a little better.

The fabric cavalry has arrived.

Hi, baby.

Hey. Thanks, Mom.

Boy, this area needs something bold and bright over here.

Really? I was thinking of a neutral.

What fun would that be?

How about mimosa?

Why do they always have to have stupid names?

Why can't they just call it, I don't know, yellowish-orange?

Not feeling it, okay.


Mom, I'm not picking out my fabric color based on your favorite wine.


Is there a color that's not alcohol?

I know you hate that fabric up in the sunroom.

I don't want you to make the same mistake.

Actually, I love the fabric in the sunroom.

You're the one who hates the fabric in the sunroom.

Well, it's so drab.

I don't even know why I asked you here.

I need your help, Mom, not your criticism.


For once, is it too much to ask that someone just support me?

You asked me to bring over my swatches.

I bring over my swatches.

What else am I supposed to do?

For crying out loud.


Where's your man friend?

I don't know.

In the back, not getting divorced.

Oh, God, what a mess.

Well, have you talked to him about it?


I don't know how I feel about the whole thing.

Well, you guys have to throw that thing tonight, so hopefully, you'll be cool by then.

Honestly, I don't know if we're ever gonna be cool again.

You know his wife used to work here?

What? No way.


Well, do you know if she still lives around here?

Yeah, apparently.

Stevie said she works at some boutique downtown.

For real?


♪ There's a hole in your heart ♪
♪ You wanted to die ♪
♪ And there's a hole in your heart ♪
♪ You wanted to die ♪

Hey, ladies.

I'm Sarah.

Let me know if I can help with anything.

Actually, um...

I think you can.

I'm looking for a flowy, blousy type thing to wear to a party I'm going to tonight.

Well, great.

Let me show you some stuff.

♪ It doesn't matter ♪

Okay, this one will look great on you.

Why don't you try it on?

And this one, too.


Want to try anything?

Oh, no, thanks.

I'm just here for moral support.

That's a beautiful wedding ring.

How long have you been married?

Too long.

Now I just wear it so guys don't hit on me.

I'm swearing off men for a while.

Not the best marriage?

The worst. Complete loser.

And I have a kid with him, so who's the idiot now?

I guess sometimes you just don't see it coming.


My therapist says you don't really know anyone for three to six months.

But I just felt like I knew him, you know?

Yeah, I get it.

Big mistake.

How's it going in there?

Bird: Great.

So, um... how old's your daughter?

She's two.

Most beautiful baby in the world.

That's why it's so insane to me that my ex doesn't even want to see her.



That's terrible.


How'd you do?

I'm gonna think on them.

Okay, well... thanks for coming in, ladies.

Yeah, thank you, bye.

She blamed it all on Jared.

I heard.

I don't get it.

He said she was this awful, crazy terrible person.

The woman in there was just... nice.

And really pretty and great taste in clothes, I must add.

Not helping, Bird.

Well, what are you gonna do?

I don't know.

I don't know who to believe now.

But wouldn't all their custody stuff be filed in court documents?

Wouldn't they tell the truth?

Yeah, actually.

Carter, everybody has an ex that haunts them.

Either it's a good haunt, like "Casper", or it's like the "Blair Witch".

Either way, you gotta figure out how to deal.


You know what the worst part about this is?

That the guy I'm seeing is still married and maybe a deadbeat dad?

No. I really liked those shirts.

Yeah, that truly is the worst part.

(glasses clinking)

I know it's a little early.

Not by my watch.


Consider this a peace offering.

I had a terrible morning, and I took it out on you and your swatches, and I'm sorry.


This about David?

No, David and I are fine, for once.

I mean, it's hard having him away, but he offered to come home, and I said no.

I can handle things here.

Well, it's okay to ask for help sometimes.

Here's the thing.

Carter slept over at Lori's last night.

Oh, Christ.

And I went over there this morning.


Yeah, I couldn't help it, Mom.

And seeing them together, it was terrible.

Well, I don't blame you, though, honey, I really don't.

Maybe it's time to back off from Carter for just a little bit, for a little while, you know?

Because whatever it is you're doing, it's not really working.

So I just continue to let her do whatever she wants to do?

Well, she's already doing what she wants to do.

Sometimes, you just gotta let someone make their own mistakes.

And it's really hard to watch.

I know, honey.

But you know, Carter is a survivor.

I think she's gonna do okay.

It's you I'm worried about.

You know, I get that it's hard to understand why our sister is staying at her felon mother's house, but Grant has got to get used to it.

(phone alert)

Is that about your dad?

No, it's my phone bill.

I just went over my data again.

When are you supposed to hear?

Any day.


Why does everything have to be so stressful?

Maybe you, me and Grant should just go to your place, eat a bunch of junk food, watch a movie, away from our parents and felons and grandmothers.

Let's go, I'm ready.

Will you just ask Grant for me?

Because he's still mad at me.


Oh, hey, Grant.

Yeah, I'm right across the hall.

You know I can hear everything you say.

So are you in?

Fine, I guess.

Enthusiasm is noted.

(phone alert)

I'm gonna have to meet you guys there.

I have to go take care of something.




God, I feel all incognito, like a drug dealer or something.


Thanks for meeting us.

Yeah, of course.

I miss you.

Yeah, I miss you, too.

Weird car hug?


Hey, I want in on this.

Get in.

How are you?

Good. Fine.

Terrible, I don't know, how are you?

I'm okay.

Things at the house have been kind of weird since Mom figured out you were at Lori's.

And then Grant found out, and that was hard, but...

I'm sorry.

No, it's okay.

I know you have your reasons.

So what's up?

I kind of need a favor.

Elizabeth: What are you asking me?

You want me to open sealed court documents?


What? You're the one who told Carter about the wife and the kid.

Don't you want to know the details?

Did Carter ask you to ask me?

(scoffs) No.

Oh, God, you're a horrible liar.

Okay, first she's furious when I investigated, and now she wants me to.

What is the difference?

I'm worried about her, I know you're worried about her.

Of course I am.

But if she mistrusts Jared this much, maybe she should take that as a sign.

Maybe she will.

Depending on what you find.

Why didn't she ask me herself?

Because you guys aren't in the best place right now.

You know, I've made a lot of mistakes lately, and snooping into Jared's life might be one of them.

And I had a very wise woman tell me that I should let Carter make her own mistakes.

Tell her the answer is no.


This is frickin' awesome.


How do you always do this?

I don't know.

I just picture the coolest place where I'd like to party, and then I go find it.

It's amazing.

Thanks. (cell phone vibrating)

What's wrong?

My mom said no.


I thought snooping was her thing.

Yeah, so did I.

Hey, babe.

Give me some love. I'm nervous.

You're never nervous.

This party promoter is supposed to come tonight.

Big time guy, throws the hottest parties in New York City.

Dude's name is Elliot.

This could be super huge for you.

That's so cool. How did he find out about us?

Word is getting out about these parties, you know?

They're the hot, new thing right now.

No, you're the hot thing.

No, you are.

No, you are.

No, you are.

No, you are.

Okay, you guys are gross.

I'm gonna go make some calls.



(phone ringing)

♪ The lights go dark ♪
♪ And I lose myself... ♪




Um... I'm glad you answered.

Look, I...

I know you said we shouldn't talk.

No, uh, I'm happy to hear from you.

How you doing?

Good. Yeah. How are you?

All good.

Where are you?

Um, this is my temporary office.


What's new? Tell me things.

I don't really know what to tell you.

It's all good.

It's hard, but it's fine.

Are you seeing anybody?

No. Never mind, don't answer that.

You regretted it as soon as you said it.

I did, yeah.

Carter, are you okay?

Yeah, definitely.

Um, I don't know.

I just...

I know you said that this was something I should probably do on my own, but sometimes, that's harder than I thought it would be.

I get that.

But if there's anything I learned from the Army, it's that sometimes fear is the worst part.

You can't let fear stop you from living.


man: Carter!

Um, one sec!

You gotta go?



It's okay.

It's good to see your face.

Yeah, you too.




I hate this.

What are you talking about?

This is the best game of all time.

I don't hate the game, I just hate losing.

Well, I would still like the game if I was losing.


This is great and all, you know, getting my butt kicked in a word game, but I'm starving.

Okay, what do you feel like?

A burger from that fried chicken place.

You guys wanna eat there?


No, let's go get it and bring it back here.


Uh, I'm just gonna stay here and hold down the fort.


Just don't touch anything in the fort, don't break anything in the fort, and don't...

Please, stop saying "fort."

Or we could build a fort.

Yes. But food first.

Burger and fries?

♪ So many things I want to teach you ♪
♪ But I'm not the substitute teacher ♪
♪ I want to be there all year through ♪
♪ So come on, come on, come on let me through ♪

The best party yet!



Um, it's getting kinda crowded.

No, we're still under code.

We could fit a hundred more people in here.

Seriously, we're good.

We're k*lling it. Relax.

Try to have a little fun.

Hey, listen, I know you're still upset by this whole thing with my ex.

You think tonight we should talk about it?


Yeah, we probably should talk about it.

Just so you know, if it wasn't for my kid, I'd be happy if I never saw her again.

(video game music playing)

Gluten free veggie crisps.

Max, you're k*lling me, man.

Oh, really?


Hello. What have we here?



Hey, watch it. Back off.

You back off!

Hey, stop it!



Carter: Take it outside!

Get the hell out of here, come on!

Get him out.

Hey, can you check if you got the order right?

They always screw it up.

Like, they always give me a Beef Patty when I specifically ask for a Pepper Patty.

You got a Pepper Patty?


There's a meatless option.

(phone alert)


I think it's all there.

It's not even like I mind the regular burger, it's just I prefer the Pepper Patty.

Everything okay?

Yeah. Why?

Well, I just thought maybe it was something about your dad.

You keep asking me that every time my phone rings.

It's kind of stressing me out.

Okay, sorry.

I'll tell you, though, if it is.

And I will stop asking.

Thank you.

He's not going to get out.

I know.

Look, it was bound to happen eventually.

People party, they get a little crazy.

No, that was totally uncool, we need to do something about it.

We did something, we handled it.

Barely, Jared.

I had the situation completely under control.

No, you really didn't.

And who's to say next time it won't turn into a full-on riot?

A riot? Oh, come on, what are you saying?

I'm saying, I think we need security.

More safeguards in place to make sure stuff like that doesn't happen.

Security is expensive.

If we're not turning a profit, we can't keep throwing these parties.

All right, well, yeah, maybe we take in less, but we can't just ignore something like that.

Someone could get really hurt next time.



My ex is here.


Wow, great party, Jared.

Looks like you finally found your calling.

What are you doing here?

I got on your secret special text invite list, which by the way, is not so secret, or special.

Carter, this is...

I already met your little girlfriend when she came by the store earlier today.

I knew something was up when she asked about our daughter.

Is that true? You went to her store?

How old is she, Jared?

They just keep getting younger and younger.

Back off, Sarah. What do you want?

I'm just gonna let you guys talk.

No, Carter, wait. Sarah was just leaving, right?

What if I don't?

Look, you got what you came here for, okay?

She's upset, I'm upset, what else are you here to do?

I don't know. Drink. Dance.

It's hard being a single mom.

Sarah, I'm gonna ask you nicely.

Please, go.

Good luck with him, sweetie.

You're gonna need it.

Jared, I... I told you she was crazy.

I guess you just had to see for yourself.


Hey, buddy. What you doing?


Plants are amazing, aren't they?

both: Yeah.

You know, the way that the seeds and the dirt and the water all combine to create life, and that life gives off oxygen that gives us life.

Photosynthesis, yeah.

I've been taking plants for granted all these years.


Granted, Grant.

Oh... it's a sign.

Are you okay?


Grant, did you eat these?

Yeah, I... I needed a snack, and... (sighs) you guys were taking way too long.

They're not your average cookies.

They're enhanced.

They're what?

They're peanut...

Whoa, whoa, what? What's wrong?

both: Nothing.

Was there something wrong with the cookies?



What could be wrong?

Man, my... my heart's beating really fast, is...

Is it getting hot in here?

Mmm, mmm. See?

The cookies are fine.

Totally fine.

Right, Max?




That was weird.

I don't know what got into me.

I do.


He's taken.

Excuse me?

That guy up there that you're eyeing like a hungry animal.

He comes home with me.

Actually, I go home with him, but you get the point.

Stand down, sweetie.

I'm not into him like that.

I'm not into men. I like DJs.

Wait, are you Elliot?

How great is he? He's so great.

His name is Seth, and he...

You're the girlfriend, right?

You're not really the most discerning critic.

Well, nobody else here is sleeping with him, and they seem to like him too, so...


So I'm gonna meet him after his set, so why don't you back off?

Starting now.

I know what you mean, though.

About what?

You know, I just had this, like, realization.

Everyone's thoughts are different.

Even Carter's thoughts are different than my thoughts.

We all have different thoughts, you know, you and... And Carter have completely different thoughts than me.


Isn't that insane?

Remember that time we found out we had a brother?

Yeah. Yeah.

You literally have a brother from another mother.

(chuckles) It's all relative.

I just testified to keep my dad in jail.

See? No family is perfect.


Nobody move.

Let's just sit here and pretend that we're not here.


I'll get it.

You guys relax.

It's probably my neighbor having to go to the bathroom.

It's okay.

Joan? Max.





Why are we taking attendance?

What are you guys doing here?

What do you mean, what are we doing here?

Grant called me. I did?


About a half an hour ago.

You said you'd figured out the meaning of the universe.

Yeah, I'll tell you later.

And you were really desperate for some of Gammy's chocolate brownies.

Oh, yeah, I love them.

Come here.


Oh, boy.

Are you high?


I'm high.

He is so high.

We can explain.

(phone ringing)

At the end of your message, press one.


Hey, David. It's me.

(clears throat)

I'm just...

I... I'm having a rough time.

I... seem to be making a mess of everything.

So I was thinking of your idea about coming home in between your stop in Richmond and New York, and I think it would be good, because, um...

I'm feeling...

I'd just like to see you.




Look, Jared, I know I shouldn't have gone to her store, but that was some pretty big stuff you neglected to tell me about yourself...

You can't blame me for wanting to know more.

Well, I don't know what else you want me to tell you.

I don't know. I don't know, Jared.

Why is the story you tell so different from the one she does?

Because she's a liar, Carter. Jared.

She says you left your kid, that you don't even try to see her.

Well, she didn't know who you were, right?


Yeah, well, whatever show she put on for you, that wasn't real.

(police sirens)

Hi, can I help you?

Move aside, sweetie, we'll let you know.

Um, this is a private party.

We're not doing anything wrong.

We got a noise complaint. We're doing our job.

Well, this isn't a residential area, and none of the businesses nearby are open, so who's complaining?


You have a liquor license?

I really don't think we need one, and we're not violating any fire codes, either.

I don't think you're allowed to be here.

Really? 'Cause you just said this was a noise complaint, and that sounds like a trespassing call.

Are you questioning me?

Yeah, yeah, I guess I am, 'cause my mom's a cop, actually, for Fairfax County, and she is all about probable cause.

She's also all about warrants, when they're needed.

Not needed, but maybe keep the noise down.

You all have a good evening.

You gotta be careful with edibles, guys.

First of all, you can't leave it lying around for your little brother to take, but, in our experience, you never really know what you're getting.

In your experience?

My golfing buddy, Murray?

He ate pot brownies.

Threw off his entire equilibrium.

His golf swing never recovered.

In our day, pot was just pot. It was.

Smoke it and then go about your day.

That's old school. I like it.

Yeah, and then your generation came along and mucked it up.

Simpler times.

Oh, you put pot in cookies and coffee and pizza.

Pot pizza?

I mean, do we really need that?



Look, okay, I can't judge, 'cause I smoked at your age, but you're too young.

I thought they were regular cookies, I swear.

He's telling the truth.

And I never would have let him eat those if I had known.

Yeah, and, look, I promise I won't touch the stuff again until college, just please don't tell Mom.

Well, your secret's safe with us.

Why don't you sleep it off at our house tonight, and we'll take you home in the morning.

Besides, I... I made my famous pecan pie.

Yeah, that sounds like something I would need.


Don't you think we should test it?

Oh, my God, baby, you were so good.



Seth, this is Elliot.

Oh... hey.

Um, nice to meet you.

Thanks for coming.

You were good. I liked you.

Not like that, though.

She's not into that.

Sorry, I'll be quiet.

E-mail me.

Don't call me, e-mail me.

Got it, thanks.


I'll e-mail you, too.


Close call there with the cops.

They were all talk.

They didn't actually have anything on us.

Told you she was capable of some crazy.

Yeah, I know.

Look, I'm...

I'm really sorry.

I should never have gone to her store.

But to be fair, Jared, I didn't think she'd know who I was.

Well, that's the thing about insane people.

They're also pretty smart.

I guess you know more about that than most.

Yeah, pretty crazy to call the cops.

I tried to warn you, but you didn't want to listen, because you didn't trust me.

So I guess we have bigger issues than just my ex.

Where are you going?

I don't know.

Look, Carter, my whole relationship with her was fighting and drama, and I can't do that again.

That's not what we're doing, Jared.

Then what are we doing? 'Cause it's obvious you don't trust me, and I have no interest in being in a relationship without trust.

Okay, wait a second.

I'm sorry I didn't just jump right back into trusting you right away, Jared, but can you seriously blame me?

And are you actually gonna walk away from this the second things start to get a little bit hard?

Because that's what she said you did.


(phone ringing)

Detective Wilson.

Hey, Elizabeth, it's Lopez.

Hope I didn't wake you.

Uh, I was just...

What's up?

Listen, Parker and I went to one of those underground parties tonight, and I just thought you should know, we talked to Carter.

She was there?

Not just there, no, she seemed to be running the damn thing.

Grant: Thanks for letting me spend the night... good pie.

You know we love the pie.

Listen, honey.

I know things are rough at home right now.

And when are they not?

But... don't be a stoner.

You have to face life sober.

Mostly sober.

I mean, I just miss Carter.

I wish there was something I could do.

There is... call her.

Guilt trip her.

Bribe her, beg her to come home.

You think that'll work?

Well, someone's got to do something, 'cause that girl is definitely not coming home on her own.


Oh, hey.

Hi, is Carter here?

Come on in.

I'm just gonna...



What are you doing here?

I wanted to show you these.

What's this?

These are court documents.

A year ago, when I filed for custody, and I was denied because she fought me every way she could.

My child support payments, every month, on time, for my daughter's entire life.

Jared, I'm really sorry.

I know.

And I know you're scared.

I'm scared, too.

I just want you to trust me.

I do.

I will.

I missed you last night.

I don't sleep well without you.

Yeah, I miss you, too.

Your side of the bed?

Still open, so...

♪ The sun is coming down ♪
♪ But look out where you... ♪

Okay, I'm gonna get the waffles, and you get the eggs, and then we'll split it, okay?

Whatever you want, babe.

That's what I want.

Look, I'm really, really proud of you.

I'm gonna e-mail her.

No, wait a hot second, okay?

You don't want to seem too eager.

I am, though. Babe, just think.

I get some gigs up in New York, we can get a studio apartment for the summer.

Party all night, sleep all day.

No, I will be painting during the day, and then I'll be selling my paintings on the sidewalk until a dealer takes notice, then invites me to have a show.

All while I'm asleep.

How awesome would that be?

Sounds like it.

I love you, baby.

I love you, too.


Maybe we should pull over.


Where are you going?

Oh, um... to Jared's?


Well, I know you know what you're doing, but please be careful.

You sound like Elizabeth.

Because we both sound like your mom.


Well, um... thanks for letting me stay here.




Special delivery.

Good morning.



You guys hungry?

No, I... I had pie.


Pie for breakfast.

Hey, pie is nutritious.

So you were vague when you called last night.

What inspired this sleepover?

It's a long, very uninteresting story.

How are you doing?

How am I doing?

Honestly, I'm not sure.

I'm worried.

I think Carter might have gotten herself into a little bit of trouble.

What kind of trouble?

I'm not sure.

But what if what you said about letting Carter make her own mistakes isn't right?

Don't worry about Carter. Grant's gonna call her.

He's gonna guilt her into coming home.

What happened to your hands-off approach?

I meant your hands.

But someone's got to do something.

I mean, for Christ's sake, the girl's 17.

She's got to come home.

Let's just go look at the swatches again, okay?

You know, get our minds off this.

I think that's a great idea.


♪ Did you really mean it? ♪
♪ Ooh, the things you said ♪

I should not have eaten all those brownies.

(phone alert)

♪ That are haunting me instead ♪
♪ Did I really hear you? ♪
♪ Talking through the pain ♪

My dad's getting out.

♪ To be next to you again ♪


♪ 'Cause I might find this with you ♪


Hey, let me take your bag.

Oh, thanks.

You know you don't have to knock, right?

Oh, yeah.

Just wanted to make sure you were decent.

Well, what would you have done if I wasn't?

Um... this?

So I cleaned out a drawer for you, and tomorrow, I'm gonna get you some closet space.

But for right now, don't open it, because I just took everything that was in the drawer and threw it in the closet.


Okay, well, I will consider myself warned.

Thank you.

♪ To be next to me again ♪

(phone vibrating)

♪ 'Cause I might find this with you ♪
♪ With you ♪
♪ Ooh ♪
♪ It's kindness with you, with you ♪

(phone vibrating)

Carter: Next time on "Finding Carter"...

You don't even know this man.

Mom, do you really think I would be moving in with him if I didn't know him?

I wasn't cool selling before you forced me to do it...

We got a party tomorrow night.

I'll cut you in, 20%.

I'm driving up to see my mom.

I'm worried he's gonna come by, try to contact you.

Funny you should mention that.

Hey, son.