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01x04 - The Calyx

Posted: 11/23/15 03:16
by bunniefuu
I don't understand.

I had a life before I had to go and bring Mother home from Ceylon.

I studied biochemistry at Cambridge.

Be careful with that. It's rather fragile.

Stand aside!


Let's get to work, shall we?

Everything OK?

She's been hit. (ROARS)

The heart of Lord Trash.

How did you get past the defences?

The Soviets did it for us.

They k*lled the monks who were guarding the heart and destroyed the monastery.

We simply walked in and rescued the Calyx from the ruins.

But we can't ever open it.

Hyde has been found.


Hidden away in Ceylon.

Hyde has the power to open the Calyx.

If he's like his father, he will take some persuading.

I am sending you to deal with this.

We can at last start his heart beating again and wake Lord Trash.

Hyde has the power to open the jar, but he also has the power to destroy us.

Use this to persuade him.

He must join us.


And if he won't?

The black monocane is strong enough to turn him to dust.

Find Hyde. Do what you have to do.

It will be my pleasure.

We will be gods once more.

We are the flood and we will drown our enemies.

(They chuckle)

Always sneaking about, Olalla, like a ghost.

Daddy has to go away.

Don't worry, I'll be home before you know it.

And I'll bring you... a very special present.

Soon we will have Hyde and it will all be over, my darling.

No. It's only just beginning.

When you came to my door... just for a heartbeat I... I thought you were him... my boy Louis come home.

When did you last see my father?

I know so little about him.

You say that I'm like him.

Maggie? Maggie!


No, no, no, she's gone again.

You really shouldn't tire her.

There's still so much that I need to find out.

The men that shot her are the same ones that tried to k*ll you.

So maybe somebody doesn't want you to find out about your past.

Maggie has the answers. And that's why we need to talk to her.

Well, she's out for the count. You'll have to wait.

No, it's not that simple.

The wound's infected. Sepsis.


Blood poisoning. She should be in hospital.

What can they do for her that I can't? They don't have a cure.

But I won't sit here and watch her die.


This is twice you've failed me, Silas.

If I didn't need the manpower I would feed every one of you to my Vetala.


There's no need for that.

Silas: It was the Cutter's fault. He's done this.


Hell's teeth.

(Growls and screeches)

(Big Ben chimes)

It's a long time since I've set eyes on you, Bulstrode.

I assume that since you've roused yourself from your lair you think it's important.

Very important, Home Secretary.

I shall be the judge of that.

It concerns the case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde.

Not here.

The walls have ears.

Ears, eyes, noses... and daggers with which to s*ab you in the back.

And rather ghastly wallpaper.

Dammit, Bulstrode.

I thought we were done with the Jekylls.

Her blood's already teeming with bacteria.

We're fighting monsters too small even to be seen.

If someone could find a way to k*ll it safely, they would change the world.


The drug that cures all.

The magic b*llet.

Yeah, but where do we start?

And Maggie's fading fast.

What kind of a useless doctor am I?

I can heal myself. Why can't I heal anyone else?


What is it in you that allows you to heal yourself?

Maybe it's in your blood, boy, whatever it is we need to make your magic b*llet.

Garson, I could kiss you!

(Whirring and clanking)

They need to work faster, Silas.

We can't bring Hyde in until the circle is complete.

So, er... so you're not going to punish me?

I need someone to look after my pet for me.

Your pet?

(Fedora whispers)


Is it all right? It looks a bit deformed.

Fedora: It's called a Seeing Toad.

Some people lick them to gain mystical knowledge and second sight.

(Chuckles) Well, I'm certainly not gonna lick it.

The thing of it is, Silas, is that you're not really one of us, are you?

A monster.

Well, I wouldn't never go as far as to describe you as a monster, Captain Dance, sir.

What then?

I don't know the word I'd use.

Perhaps this will give you some insight.

Hold still.

(Silas screams)

(Dance and Fedora laugh)

Damn it all, Bulstrode, why are you only coming to me now?

I should have been told the moment Jekyll set foot in the country.

And what would your orders have been, sir?

To k*ll him, of course.

That is precisely why we didn't tell you.

Jekyll has been very useful to us. We've been using him as bait.

Tenebrae are here.

The devil, you say?

The devil indeed.

Captain Dance himself, lured by the scent of Jekyll.

We can deal a hammer blow to Tenebrae if we k*ll their man.

But Dance is not a man.

So, just how do you intend to k*ll him?


Nice shot, Mr Sackler.

Thank you, Mr Hannigan.

But with Captain Dance you'll have to aim for the heart.

Stop his heart and you'll put him down for good.

"Tell me where is fancy bred, Or in the heart or in the head?"


A sn*per's b*llet won't put Dance down.

Which is why we've made some special b*ll*ts, tipped with an amalgam of wormwood, silver, mercury...

You know as well as I do, you might as well tip them with fairy dust if you don't have monocane.


I really don't like that "aha" face, Bulstrode.


Who'd have thought it? Your blood looks like everyone else's.

Yes, but what if it works, Garson?

What if we can save not just Maggie, but millions more?

Yeah, well, we'll save the world later, boy.

There's a long way to go and I'm no expert on bacteria.

No, but I know someone who is.

You're not going to see Lily?

I'll be prepared.



That stuff is poison, right?

It's making you sick.


But it's the one thing that keeps Hyde away, so... cheers.


No more monsters!

(Toad croaks)

Fedora: It will take some time for the two of you to work as one.

Keep the shutters down for now.


Captain Dance: Good to have you on our side properly, Silas.

Gooba gobble. We accept you.

One of us.


Now... we make our next move.


Thanks. Luckily it's nothing fragile.

Like my heart. Ha-ha!

Must look where I'm going in future.

Not at all.

It was entirely my fault.

Actually, I'd been meaning to make an introduction, albeit a less clumsy one.

We've recently moved in opposite.


I hope it's not been too noisy, with all our... alterations.

Oh, I don't mind a bit of noise. It's nice to have neighbours.

That warehouse has been empty for too long.

We used to use it to store old paperwork, but that was eons ago.

(She giggles)


I'm sure I shall see you again.

Good day.

Good day.

(Rings doorbell)


We have to drop everything we've been working on.

My problems are not important right now.

When you were studying biochemistry at Cambridge...

What about Cambridge?

You must have learnt about antibacterials, blood poisoning?

We'll talk about this another time.

You can't just burst in here like this.

There's no time, Lily. No time at all.

Don't go in there.




This is a friend of mine. Harry Ballantyne.

Harry, this is Robert Jekyll who I was telling you about.

Hello, Jekyll. Pleased to meet you.

Harry was just leaving, weren't you, Harry?

Yes. Yes, I was.

Well, goodbye, Miss Clarke.

(Toad croaks)

Sweet mother of mischief!

Are you all right, boss?

Argh! What was that for?

I was just checking you was real.

Right, I need you to go down the slaughterhouse, pick up some more bones.

If I'd wanted to be a butcher's boy, I wouldn't have got into a life of crime. Argh!

I'm real, boss, OK?

That one was for moaning.

And don't... get... recognised. Come on.

Brannigan here has managed to extract monocane from some pills we, er... borrowed from Jekyll.

Good afternoon, sir. We have just enough for two of those.

Well, if Sackler's as good as he looks, two will be plenty.

Do you want them to be expl*sive as well, sir? They're very effective.

We don't want a mess! This will suffice.

Is it ready for use?

Very nearly.

I must say, it is all rather exciting, isn't it, sir?

You know I take a personal interest in this business.


Edward Hyde m*rder*d my father, Sir Danvers Carew.

Harry's father owns a company that makes medical equipment.

It's useful to keep him sweet.


So why didn't you tell me about him before?

Because I didn't want you making a scene.

(Shouts) I'm...

I am not making a scene.

Oh, yes.

You're hoping your mother will ring the bell and save you from any unpleasantness.

Robert, you are behaving like an ass.

I mean, how does she do it?

You know, I sometimes think you don't have a mother at all.

It's just a trick of yours.

Maybe it's Harry you go to upstairs.

Do you have a good laugh about me behind my back?

Robert Yokel fresh off the boat from Ceylon.

(Bell buzzes)

Right on cue.

Tell me... do you operate it with your foot, or something?

I don't expect to find you here when I get back.

(Door closes)



Oi! What do you think you're doing?


(As chauffeur) "Oi. What do you think you're doing?"

Synchronise watches.

Dance has been building a trap of sorts here in London.

We're putting a man on the inside to find out its exact nature.

What do Tenebrae want with Jekyll?

Nothing. It's Hyde they want.

If they can bring him over to their side he would be an enormously powerful w*apon.

(Sighs) Then we must stop them. We have two of those b*ll*ts, after all.

sh**t Hyde and then Dance.

But if we recruit him ourselves, sir, turn the w*apon against Tenebrae?

He's a monster, Bulstrode!

But he could be our monster!

Do you really want to fight for his soul between us and Tenebrae?

His soul is ours if he can prove that Jekyll is stronger than Hyde.


And if not?


We need one last load. And hurry, we need to finish this.

Yeah, sorry. I got lost today.

(Laughter) Come on!

Hang on, Bella!

I think we lost them.

That was too close.


Get this lot upstairs.

(Piano music)


♪ Sugar and spice and all things nice ♪
♪ That's what little girls are made of ♪

And what are... little boys made of?

Blood and guts and monkey nuts.

What are you doing here?

I came here to ask you some questions.

Not now. It's late and I'm knackered.


So, um... skedaddle, why don't you?

(Piano music stops)


Do you, er... do you still want me to leave?

I can handle this.

You've gone too far this time, lady. You come onto my turf, there are consequences.

Well, this... this is my turf, Beef.

Get out now and don't come back.

(Chuckles) You think I'm scared of you and your little girls?

Oh, speaking of girls.

I have this, er... friend and he's seeing one. - (Whistles)


(Cracks nut)

But, er... he doesn't trust her.

She's got this mother.

They always do.

She has a habit of interfering.

They always do.

She's demented apparently, but this girl, let's call her, I don't know, Lily, she has a habit of running off: "Oh, no, mother needs me!"

She's got him wrapped around her little finger.


She'll have other fellows in tow.


Well, he does have his suspicions. He even got jealous, bless him.

He's a fool. He needs to find another pond to fish in.

Robert: Hm.

(Cocks g*n)

Oh, dear.

Would you like a hand now?

Go on, then.




I think that means you're barred.


So, I'll see them off for you, but first I have a question.

My friend.

He owes the girl nothing?


Then I'll be back.

(Low moaning)

Wake up.

I'm not going to hurt you.

That's what Louis always said.

"I'm not going to hurt you, Mum."

Tell me about him.

When he was a little boy... he was the best in the world.

Then... as he grew older... he changed.

One day he att*cked me. Half k*lled me.

And then he ran away.

And you never saw him again?

He came back one time.

He was half mad.

Wouldn't tell me anything, just that he'd done terrible things.

And that I was in danger.

And Bella from The Empire, her father helped you?

Yeah. He hid me again.

Hid you from what?

(Door opens)

What are you doing, boy? She needs to sleep.

(Sniggers) The great doctor Garson's been hard at it, has he?

You let him in. Into the house.


This is my house!

This is what I am!

I'm Hyde.

What happened?


Is the potion not strong enough anymore?

Oh, what, this?


(Glass smashes)

You shouldn't have come back like this. You're gonna ruin everything.


Ruin what exactly? Tell me.

What do you see in your little microscope, Doctor Garson?



(Glass smashes)

We need more time.


This is a waste of time!

Jekyll is hiding from the world. Trying to solve everything through science!


There are real monsters out there. That's what we need to be fighting.

And Maggie?


What are you going to do? Kick the bacteria to death?



Magic blood?

I don't think so.

There's nothing you can do for her.

Jekyll is a fool.


I wish I could stay like this forever!

You can't give up on Maggie!




Can't you ever use the door like a normal person?

Well, aren't you going to thank me?

How's Garson?


Are you keeping him safe?

I need him back here.

Oh, he's safe... for now.

What you got him into?

I think you know the answer to that.

It's to do with Maggie Kendall, isn't it?


I had a visit from a funny little thing called Hils.

(Imitates Hils) "Where's Maggie? Where's Maggie?"

Garson knew Maggie... when she sang here in my granddad's day.


And your father helped hide her... during the w*r, hm?

Helped hide her from... Tenebrae.

What do you know about them, hm?

I got questions of my own.

You come and go here like The Shadow.

Who are you?

What's Maggie to you?

She's my grandmother.

You're a proper lady, Bella.

I'm no lady.

Neither am I.

I'll tell you everything I know about Tenebrae, if you tell me who exactly you are.

(Bell tolls)

(Ship's horn blows)


(Sniffs) Oh.

(Exhales sharply)

That can't be right.


Hils! Emergency!

Can you open this? It's defeated me, I'm afraid.

I don't know what you'd do without me.

(Knocking on door)

Oh, get rid. It's breakfast time!

Oh, really!

Someone to see you, Mr Utterson.

Good morning.

Where the hell have you been, boy?

No, no, don't answer that.

I went to see Bella.

She misses you.


And she told me what Tenebrae is.

An army of monsters.



My father fought against them.

And now they want me.

Hyde was right.

We're wasting our time here.

If you let Maggie die, they've won.

Garson... we've already lost that fight.


Some of your blood got into that petri dish. It was alive with bacteria.

It's all gone.


The bacteria's been k*lled.

But we tried my blood before.

We tried Jekyll's blood, not Hyde's.

That's Hyde's blood in there.

He's the one can heal himself, not you.

Hyde. It's always Hyde.

He's stronger than me.

Don't be tempted, boy.

Hyde is evil.

That's not how he sees it.

Come on.

We have to use this.

I'm not giving in to Hyde.

No! We're not ready yet!

It's madness, Maggie. I've argued with him...

So what if it kills me?

I'll either get this over quick... or your magic b*llet will make me better.




(Doorbell rings)

It hurts so much.

Yeah, I know. I know.

But you must rest now, Maggie.

I'll rest when I'm dead.

You always did try to look out for me, Garson.

And I threw my love away on... Edward Hyde.

Do it for me.


It could be exactly what you've been searching for, Robert.

They found some files in the warehouse to do with your grandfather and your father.

But I can't leave Maggie. She's too ill.

I can help here. Make soup. You could take the car. Be back in no time.

It's done. She's sleeping.

I hope the injection works. Nothing to do now but wait.


It's started.


(Lift bell pings)

Sir, we've had the call. Dance is going into his end game.

This jar Dance has, do we know what it is yet?

We believe it to be the Calyx, sir, recently stolen from the Ukraine.


It's a sealed Coptic jar containing the heart of Lord Trash.


Lord Trash was one of the old Gods.

We don't call them that any more, Bulstrode.

We call them monsters.

Yes, sir.

Well, Trash was one of the most important monsters of all time.

A lord of chaos, sustained by human sacrifice.

He was defeated by the Normans, who sealed his body underground.

Now, his vital organs were removed and scattered, protected by guardians.

So this jar, this Calyx, contains his heart?

If Tenebrae restarts it, they could potentially wake Trash and bring him back.

But there are powerful seals in place to prevent them from ever opening the Calyx.

How worried should I be?

Hyde! That's what all this has been about!

They want Hyde to open it.

Then stop him before he gets a chance.

Don't you see, sir? This is the test we need.

Out of the question.

We will close this operation down now.

I should never have listened to you, Bulstrode.

I want you to see to this in person.

First, k*ll Dance.

Then you stop Hyde getting anywhere near that Calyx, and then k*ll him too.

Max: How fascinating.

(Indistinct conversation)

(Conversation continues)

(Door slams)

Oh, here's Robert now.


He drives a little too fast for my liking, but, er... other than that...

I can't stay long, Max. I've got to get back.

This is Captain Dance, our new neighbour.

I'm sorry, do I know you?

Well, I must say you seem familiar.

Weren't you at Royal Ascot last year?

Er, no.

I'm sure one of us will remember.

Did I tell you, Robert, my father used to rent some storage space in here?

Max, Max. I'm not sure about this.

I thought everything had been cleared out. Apparently not.

I think you're going to be amazed.

I have this for you.


And this for you.

(Cosh blow)

All right, lads, get to it.


Change of plans. Sir Marian wants to sh**t Jekyll.

I'm afraid somebody's beaten us to it, sir.


(Gasps and whimpers)

Ah! Welcome back to the land of the living.

My apologies if it turns out to be rather a short stay.

Robert! What do you want, exactly?

From you? Not a great deal.

Think of yourself as a snack.


Oh, my giddy aunt!



Yes! Well done.

So, come on then, k*ll me.

Well, I'd rather not, if it's all the same to you.

Isn't that what this is all about?

Not for one moment.

We want you, Robert.

You're one of us.

You're a Hyde.

Sir marian: You will do as ordered, Bulstrode.

I'm simply saying, sir, that we have a unique opportunity to learn about Tenebrae's plans.

You have a unique opportunity to let all hell loose on London!

Sir, if he so much as looks at the Calyx we'll sh**t him.

Just give me a few more minutes.

Sir, I urge you... Sir, are you there?

You have powers you haven't even dreamt of yet.

What's stopping you from being what you could be?

Robert Jekyll, the worthless stain on the bottom of Hyde's boot.

I am Robert Jekyll.

Oh, you think so?

Don't be comical.

Hyde is your true self. Can't you see that?

Hyde is a sickness.


I'd like to talk to him. Can you put me through, please, operator?

Please, no!




Aargh! Aargh!

Deep down, don't you feel it? The power and the glory of Hyde.

The corner of the curtain's been pulled back and you have glimpsed the face of the great god, Pan.

You've been fighting the wrong enemy.

Don't listen to him, Robert.

Oh, do shut up, Max.

This is starting to get interesting.

What are you?


Belt and braces.

All right, then.

What exactly is it you are offering me?

Robert, no!

Ssh, ssh, ssh, ssh, ssh, ssh.

I'm offering you your true self.

Oh, is that all?

What do you want? Gold? Silver? Beautiful women?

Slaves grovelling at your feet? Armies at your command?

Or... the life of a small-town doctor?

Prescribing pills to fat old men with piles.

That's not how it is, Robert.


All you have to do... is open that jar and all your problems will be over.

Now you wouldn't be lying to me, would you?

Captain Dance: We are your true friends.

We shall all be gods again when you open that jar.

So are you ready to have some fun?

It's all I've ever wanted.

Who do I sh**t first?

Hyde still has a choice. If he touches the jar, sh**t him.

"'I,' said the Sparrow, 'With the bow and arrow, I'll k*ll Cock Robin.'"

Why won't they tell you what's in this thing? Why do they need you?

They're not gods. If they could open the jar themselves they would.

If the jar touches you, Mr Utterson, it'll stop your heart.


I like the simple methods. Belt and braces, carrot and stick.

Open the jar or I will k*ll Max.

Like you tried to do to Maggie and Garson.

Like you did do to my parents.

Doctor Najaran was not your father. Your real father... was one of us.

Your father was one of Tenebrae.

We look after our own. We're not the ones who k*ll monsters.

Robert, if the choice is between me and your humanity... sacrifice yourself, old chap.



Make your choice.

All right.

He's got it. He's got the Calyx.



He threw it.

What's happening? What's going on?

Sir, I...


Are you nervous?



(Vetala screeches)



Now I don't know what the truth is, but, until I do, I'm not going to join any clubs.

So why don't I just smash this damned thing?

You could have been something glorious. But if we can't have you, no-one will.

(Chuckles) You can't hurt me.

I'm a Hyde!

You've seen what these darts can do.

Green made you Jekyll, red made you Hyde, but this one is black.


So, open the jar!

Stop this now! Just k*ll the man!

Do it!

"Dead, long dead, and my heart is a handful of dust."

(Glass shatters)


(Coughs and gasps)

No! Darling.

Robert, I'm feeling a tad vulnerable, if the truth be known.

Could you possibly...?


Did you hit him?

I never miss.

Right in the heart, but he's not dead.

One b*llet left, sir, two monsters still standing.

Tell me what's happening! Are they both dead or not?

Finish it!



(Shockwave passes through)





Time we were leaving.

What about Hyde?



He passed the test.

(b*ll*ts ricochet)



Oh, oh.

I'm sorry about all this, but he seemed like such a nice man.

We need to get you home.

Jolly good!

You deliberately disobeyed my order.

A breakdown in communication. The world didn't end.

Dance is dead, so now we can recruit Hyde.

From what your Mr Wax has told us, he might not want to join our club.

Then we need to use our gentle powers of persuasion.

Just what am I supposed to be looking at?

A bargaining tool.

Bulstrode: Robert Jekyll's brother.


If you're very lucky, you may get out alive.