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01x09 - Kindness

Posted: 11/23/15 01:20
by bunniefuu
♪ Edelweiss, edelweiss ♪
♪ Small and white ♪
♪ Clean and bright ♪
♪ Blossom of snow, may you bloom and grow ♪
♪ Bloom and grow forever ♪
♪ Edelweiss, edelweiss ♪
♪ Bless my homeland forever ♪

Man: Walk.

[indistinct shouting]



Frank and I were supposed to leave on the 11:00 bus.

What do you mean, leave?

In some kind of trouble?

Yeah. He is.

I'm stuck in here, and if he doesn't get on that bus--

You got to get on now.

Not without Jules.

Frank, this is your last chance. Go.

I'll put her on another bus tomorrow.

What if something's happened to her?

I-- I can't.

You fellas getting on or not?



It's no.


[engine starts]

I'm sorry, Juliana.

It's not your fault.

You wouldn't be in here if it weren't for me.

How'd you know anyway?


Someone told me the Kempeitai were going to raid that club.


It doesn't matter, does it?

The film's gone.

You ready to go?

Just about.


Don't worry. I'm okay.

Thomas, I warned you about racing down those stairs.

I wasn't, Mother. I promise. I--

I don't know what happened.

I must have-- I must have slipped.

It's called being a clumsy oaf.

Shut up, Amy.

Come on, girls.

Are you all right?

Yeah, I'm-- I'm fine.

It's-- It's nothing.

You, uh, you go on.

I'll drop him off on the way.

Let's see if we can get you cleaned up, shall we?

So where were you and Frank headed?

The Neutral Zone.

Were you going to live there?

Maybe try to get down to South America.

I don't know, really.

So if I would have come here a day later, then I would have never seen you again.

Frank must really be in some kind of trouble.

What did he do?

I can't-- I can't talk about it, Joe.


Where are you taking her?

[shouts in Japanese]

Hey! Where are you taking her?


Juliana! Hey!

Oh, here she is.

Are you quite unharmed, Miss Crain?

Yes, I'm fine.

Here you go. 10,000 yen.

You may go.

Aren't you forgetting something?

The film.

What about it?

We paid for it last night. It's ours.

That was before you brought the Kempeitai upon my place of business.

That money will serve as a compensation.



If you can come up with the same sum again--


Hey. What about Joe?

We spent all the money we had on you.

We're not leaving him here.

We don't have a choice.

What will you do with him?

If no ransom is paid, deliver him to the authorities.

They'll k*ll him.

I expect they will.

I'll get you 10,000 yen.

Your friend is a member of the East Coast Resistance.

That makes him of considerably greater value.

How much greater?

50,000 yen.

I'll get it.

You have 50,000 yen?

I said I'd get it.

Karen: Where are you going to get that kind of money?

That's my business.

Lemuel: I just spent 10,000 yen getting you out.

Yeah, what makes me so valuable to you anyway?

You've got a job at the Nippon.

I told you that could be useful to us.

Oh, I see. So I work for you now.

We just saved your life, Juliana, and you don't seem very appreciative.

Of course I'm appreciative.

I'm worried about Joe. Okay?

Okay, look, this may be hard, but if you can get your hands on 50,000 yen, we can't spend it on him.

You have to spend it trying to get back the film.

You'll let him die for a film.

My husband Dom gave his life for one of those films last year.

So did my two brothers.

A month later, we got the name of a guard at Folsom.

He helped ten of our people in solitary to escape.

Because you delivered a film?

How does that even work?

The point is if you're going to be one of us, you got to be ready to sacrifice.

I'm sorry. I'm not ready to do that.

Good morning, Erich.


It's... good to see you awake.

You look much better.

I'm sure I couldn't have looked much worse.


I, uh...

I owe you my life, Erich.

And I owe you mine, sir.

We still don't know who told those Semites where to hit us?

Well, whoever it was, I think they're working under the orders of Oberstgruppenführer Heydrich.


Why would he want you dead?

I'm not certain.



If anything should happen to me...

I want you to do everything you can to get this directly to the Führer and only the Führer. Do you understand me?

Yes, Obergruppenführer.

I don't think they'll come after you, but I had a guard put outside, just in case.

Thank you, sir.

You get well quickly now, Erich.

I need good men around me.

Men I can trust.


[muffled speaking]

[muffled speaking]

Trade Minister?


I'm sorry to intrude, Trade Minister, but Chief Inspector Kido is here to see you.

Very well. Show him in.

Trade Minister.

Chief Inspector.

Your ministry keeps records on the import activity of ships reaching our port from Osaka.


We require them.

Why, may I ask?

We believe the Yakuza has been using them to smuggle heroin.

Well, surely this is no surprise to you.

My understanding is that the Kempeitai has long tolerated such smuggling.

Perhaps, but no more.

Has something happened?

You will provide the records as requested, please.

Psst. Jules.

You have to come with me right now.

Good morning, Frank.

Good morning, Mr. McCarthy.

You care for some coffee?

No, thanks.

I heard you come in last night.

Yeah. Sorry if we woke you.

It was kind of late.

You slept here?

Yeah, I hope you don't mind.

What's wrong with your place?

[door opens]

Hey, Ed.



I'm, uh, sorry about last night.

What happened last night?

We were supposed to meet at the bar.

Ed: Hey, Grandpa, want some coffee?

Frank already offered.

All right, let me get you another cup.

Here we go.

Frank, let me explain.

What the f*ck happened?

Listen, there was a raid by the Kempeitai.

You said you'd be there.

Yes, I know I did, and I tried to get there.

And I was waiting and waiting and waiting.

I understand. I tried.

I couldn't get there, Frank. I would have been there--

What about your friends?

The guy from the Resistance, Joe Blake, is being held by the Yakuza.

What has the Yakuza got to do with this?

They've got a film that he's trying to buy.

Oh, another g*dd*mn film.

Yes, another film.

Yes. Okay. Now they've got him.

And if they don't get 50,000 yen, they're going to turn him in and they're gonna k*ll him, Frank.

You're not asking for my money.

That's our way out, our future.

I know.

I can't just let him die, Frank.

Why not?

Why not?

Yeah. Let him die.

Juliana, let him die.

Let him die? Frank, who are you?

Lots of people die, okay?

The Kempeitai could come for me at any second.

I can't even go home.

I understand. We'll find another way.

There is no other way. I should have left last night.

Maybe, but you didn't.

You stayed for me, Frank.

Yeah. Yeah, and now I'm wondering why, you know, if you've always got another excuse.

Why do you care so much about him anyway?

Frank, Look at me.

I want to be with you.

You hear me?

But that man saved my life.

I've got to try.

I can't just let him die.

I've got to try. I won't be able to live with myself.

Please understand me.

I mean, you know I've only got 46,000.


Yeah. Maybe it'll be enough.

I could convince him that it'll be enough.

All right. No. I will.

No, you will what? What do you mean?

Well, it's my money, all right?

I'm going.

You go?


You can't.

You can't. They're expecting me.

They're expecting cash.

They're not going to care who brings it.

I'll get him out of there.

And then I'm getting out of here, okay?

With or without you.

[door closes]

♪ If we stop to gaze upon our stars ♪
♪ People talk about how bad we are ♪
♪ Ours is not an easy age ♪
♪ We're like tigers in a cage ♪
♪ What a town without pity can do ♪

You appreciate wine, Colonel Wegener?

I'm no connoisseur, Oberstgruppenführer, but I will certainly drink it.

Enjoy it.


Interesting interrogation technique.

Do you intend to k*ll me with kindness?

Not with kindness.

I'm aware of the treason you committed in the Pacific States: stealing the design for the Heisenberg device from Reichforschungarat, passing it to the Japanese Science Minister.

That Officer Muller. He recognized me.

We decoded Japanese transmissions a few days ago, confirming our suspicions.

Why am I not in front of a firing squad?


Because our brave Führer is a great man but not infallible.

He's had the poor judgment to maintain peace with the Japanese, and for some reason, he sees merit in you.

I have the Führer's trust.


And that is why I traveled to New York and brought you out of your cell and back into uniform to exploit that trust.

Whatever you want, surely you don't expect me to help you.

Your life is over.

I think we both know that.

But you have a wife, children, Whether their lives are spared depends on you.

Who are you?

I brought the money for, uh, Joe Blake.

50,000 yen.


That's-- That's all I have.

[man shouts in Japanese]

What are you reading, Mr. McCarthy?


"The Adventures of Miyamoto Musashi."

Do you know who that was?

Samurai, wasn't he?

k*lled his first man at 13.

But he was utterly ruthless.

That's what the Pons understand that we don't.

You want to win, there's no room for mercy.

You got to be prepared to do anything.

[door opens]

Hey, Jules, could I show you something?


We've got a problem.

What is it?

I went to the bus station to get you and Frank new tickets, but now they won't sell them, not without I.D.

You think they're looking for Frank?

Yeah, they must be.

How do we get out of here?

Where's Juliana?

She's fine.

Who the hell are you?

The guy who's saving your ass.

Can we go now?


Now wait a second.

What about the film?

You have lost it.

No. I paid good money for that thing.

It no longer belongs to you.

I'm not leaving here without it.

Then you won't be leaving here at all.

Come on. We're going now.

Give it to me!

Give it to me.


Come on, come on!

You're Frank, right?

You stupid son of a bitch!

You f*ck. You k*lled those men.

I needed that film.

Okay, that was the Yakuza, you understand?

The Yakuza, and I live here.

Yeah, not for much longer.

What do you know about that?

Just that you and Juliana are leaving.

That's right. You want to f*ck up your own life, you go ahead, but leave us the hell out of it.

Where are you taking her, Frank?

I'm going to take her someplace you'll never see her again.

You're going to want this.

Yeah, right.

Now you used up all the b*ll*ts.

Chief Inspector, we received a call from Taishi Okamura.

What does he want?

He says the film he was peddling last night has been stolen.

Not inclined to believe Yakuza lies, Sergeant.

He claims the thief was an East Coast Resistance operative who k*lled two of his men.

Did he leave a name?

Joe Blake.

He was with another man fitting the description of Frank Frink.

[clock ticks]

You and Frank.

Are you in some kind of trouble?

Everything's fine, Grandpa.

I can't use my legs, but my eyes work just fine.

Don't lie to me.

Yes, sir.

We are.

How dare you bring this upon my house, upon my grandson.

They're my friends.

Friends wouldn't involve you in their mess like this.

Grandpa, they need help.

The Japs will k*ll you, Ed.

They'll k*ll me, too.

He's right.

We're very sorry, Mr. McCarthy.

You have ten minutes.

Then I want you out of here.

Or I call the Kempeitai myself.

[door opens, closes]

You okay?

Not exactly.

I got him out.

You did?

Thank you.

The problem now is how to get you guys out.


He, uh, tried to get the bus tickets.

They're demanding I.D. papers.

You got to be kidding me.

Ed: I'm sorry, Frank.

Your friends from last night, could they help us?

No. No, they're not going to help us.

They want me working in the Nippon Building where I can serve them.

f*ck, f*ck.

There's got to be another way.

Major. Good afternoon.

Good afternoon.

Have you seen Obergruppenführer Smith?

No. He hasn't been in today.

That's odd, isn't it?

Is it?

Do you know where he went?

I'm right here, Captain.


I was concerned. You didn't phone in this morning.

Well, you needn't worry, as you can see.

Might I have a brief word in private?





What are you doing?

What's it look like I'm doing?

We can't-- We can't take this.

No, no, Jules. Listen.

I know it's not much.

It's only a few hundred yen, but it's better than nothing.

Ed, come on.

Don't argue with me, all right?

Where you guys are going, you're going to need all the help you can get.

Take it.

What about the g*n?

I got it.

All right. Then give it to me.

I'll get rid of it.

I don't know if I'll see you again, so--

Oh, no, no. I'll see you again.



Come here.

You're a good friend.

Thank you.

All right.



Come on.

Sir, if this is about yesterday, I'd like to apologize for surprising you with Oberstgruppenführer Heydrich.

Oh, you don't have to apologize, Captain.

You didn't know he was coming.

Did you?


But you did know that he takes four sugars in his coffee.

And you-- you did have access to the travel routes for me and Hauptsturmführer Lautz on the day our cars were ambushed and to the cell where the t*rror1st Semite supposedly slit his own throat.

Sir, you can't suspect me. We've been through this.


But I didn't know then that it was Heydrich who gave the order.

Now, if it was Heydrich, I can see why a man might be prepared to take a b*llet to the back of the head before you betray him.

Oh, I understand.

You were just following orders.

You probably don't even know why he wanted me and Lautz out of the way.

No, sir. I don't.

I didn't think so.


Major Klemm, alert the police.

There's been a su1c1de.

[siren blares in distance]


Not that way. What are you doing here?

We need your help.

They're checking identity papers at the bus station.

We need another way out of the city.

Why don't you ask Karen and Lem?

Because we're asking you.

Can you help us, Joe?

I can try.

You're going to have to do a hell of a lot more than try.

[Man shouting in Japanese]

What is he saying?

He's telling you to stop.

[shouting in Japanese]

Take this. I'm going to lose him.

Where can I meet you later?

There's a school around the corner. It'll be closed today.


Be careful.

[shouting in Japanese]


You look rested.


You've had time to reflect on your situation.

I have.

This is a list of names, not just my wife and children but her father and the rest of her family.

Ten lives in exchange for yours.

That's the deal.

You need not worry, Colonel.

Come. You have a rocket to board.

Where am I going?


What is it you expect me to do there?

I thought it was obvious, Colonel.

The Führer is old and ill, standing in the way of the empire he built.

Am I meant to talk to him?

No, Colonel Wegener.

You're meant to k*ll him.

[speaking Japanese]

General Hata.

Trade Minister.


You have compiled the data on the uranium deposits in the Neutral Zone?

We are collecting it now, General.

May I ask what it concerns?

You are aware that our failure to develop the Heisenberg device has put us at a strategic disadvantage to the n*zi Empire.

Yes, of course.

While our Science Minister was here for the Crown Prince's address, he discovered a roll of microfilm in his suit pocket.

It contained the technical information needed to build our own device.

That is wonderful, General.

If we develop our own w*apon, we will have parity with the Nazis.

We have no interest in parity.

But surely a balance in power would achieve the Crown Prince's dream of a sustainable peace.

The Crown Prince is a changed man since the attempted assassination.

He has woken up to the n*zi threat.

Whoever gave those plans to the Science Minister cannot have intended them to promote w*r.

What relevance could that possibly have?

If we strike with such a terrible w*apon, you must know the Nazis will retaliate.

Millions will die.

These matters are not of your concern, Trade Minister.

You will please supply the necessary information on the uranium deposits.

Good night, Major.

Good night, Obergruppenführer.


This is Major Klemm.


It's Joe Blake.

[door closes]

Yes, Joe?

I got the film, sir.

Well done.

I'm pleased.

There's a... a little bit of a problem.

I had to k*ll two men to get it.

They were members of the Yakuza.

The police are looking for me, sir.

I'm going to need help getting out of the city.

Oh, we can manage that.

Can you stay someplace out of sight for a few hours?

Yes, sir.

I'm going to need to take some people with me, sir.

What are you talking about?

Juliana Crain.

She helped me.


Look, I need--

I need to get her out and her boyfriend, too.

That's not how it works.

She risked her life for me, sir.

That was her decision.

I owe her my life.

Is she with you now?

No, sir.

You owe her nothing, Joe.

That woman is an operative for the Resistance.

Next time you see her, she's not to be rescued.

She is to be shot.

Do you understand me?

Yes, sir.

We are looking for the man who k*lled your guards, but I assume that's not why you asked me here.

You impounded heroin at the docks this afternoon.

Am I to conclude that this was in retaliation?

You may conclude as you wish.

Such behavior is futile, Chief Inspector.

The Yakuza cannot be destroyed any more than the sun can destroy the shade.

This has been understood in our homeland for centuries.

I cannot destroy the shadows you cast, but I can and will contain it.

That is my duty.

Just as it is your duty to arrest the man who shot the Crown Prince.

I'm told if you do not make an arrest by tomorrow, Tokyo demands that you commit seppuku.

No one need remind me of my duty.

I have a suspect close at hand.

You mean that hakujin?

The one who works in the replica factory?

The real assassin fired from a clock tower with a sn*per's r*fle.

Your so-called inconclusive ballistics report told you as much.

What's your point?

I believe you have pursued a false suspect to disguise a truth you have known from the start: that the assassin is a n*zi agent.

If it were known that a n*zi fired at our Prince, that would be an act of w*r, a w*r many in the Reich would be happy to see but one our empire would almost certainly lose.

I do not deny your accusation, nor will I confirm it.

I don't need you to, Chief Inspector.

You see, I have the name of the assassin, the real assassin.

Name your price.

My price cannot be paid with money, Chief Inspector, but it is very, very high.


Helen: In here.


Reinhard. What a surprise.

As I told you, I'm staying in East Hampton.

I thought I would drop in and see you on my way home.

He's been regaling the children with his w*r stories.

I must admit to a certain nostalgia.

The duty of maintaining order is never as thrilling as the challenge of establishing it.

Those tribal chieftains in Africa-- certainly very fierce.

Subhuman, of course, but proud.

It required great strength of will to subdue them.

I can't wait until I'm old enough to see Africa.

One day, my boy.

Can I fix you another drink, Reinhard?

I wish I could, but my family's expecting me.

Could I have a word in private?


So... what can I, uh, help you with?

I was concerned, John, after I heard about the death of Captain Connolly this afternoon.

Yes. It's a terrible thing, that, su1c1de.

Had he been depressed?

Not that I know of.

I guess you never can tell what's going on inside a man.

No. You can't.

John, I'm going hunting in the morning.

I'd be delighted if you would join me.

That's very kind of you, but I'm afraid I'm working tomorrow morning.

Work can wait. I insist.

Very well, then.

Your boy Thomas, he's a fine young man.

Bring him along.

Let's leave our families out of this, shall we?

The address is here.

Is 7 too early?

7's fine.

[Kotomichi speaking Japanese]

Are you all right, Trade Minister?

Just feeling far from home.

I understand.


Where are you from in Japan?



Beautiful city.

Yes. It is.

Aren't you going home, Trade Minister?

Soon, soon.

Good night, Kotomichi.

God, this is the shit they have these kids draw?

Their art?

It'll be dark soon.

Maybe he's not coming.

He'll come.

I have his film.

Why is this one so important anyway?

This isn't like the other film.


That's me.