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01x07 - Truth

Posted: 11/21/15 12:36
by bunniefuu
I'm disappointed, Joe.

I... I really wanted to be wrong about you.

But here we are in my office in the middle of the night.

I know you've been lying to me since you got back from Canon City, but I wanted to know how far you'd go.

Truth time.

Tell me about the girl.

New gift.

"New gift needs to go behind the curtain.

This one wasn't made in Kansas."

Frank, I'm sorry.

Yeah, I'm sorry, too.

You've been crying?

Yeah, for Laura and the kids.


After they were k*lled, I had this rage inside me.

I felt like I was going to lose my mind.

And I... I knew...

I knew I had to do something, like you.

So I made a g*n, a real g*n, to sh**t the Jap prince.

I bought the b*ll*ts. I was about to do it.

I was just about to.

And then I, uh...

I saw this... this... this boy, this little... this little Japanese boy.

And when I... I looked into his eyes...

I don't know. It was...

It was like, uh...

It was like... like I saw myself.

In... In that moment, I... I knew k*lling that guy... it wasn't the answer.

Her name is Juliana. Juliana Crain.

She had a film.

She thought the SD agent was her contact.

He tried to k*ll her.

She put up a fight. He went off the bridge.

I helped get rid of the body to keep my cover intact, and that's it.

That's all there is.

Why did you keep it from me, Joe?

Do you have feelings for her?


About that, uh, car crash.

That was her, right?

The body burnt beyond recognition.



We wanted to look like it was her.

You wanted to protect her.

She's just a girl.

Get dressed.

Get your things.

Where are we going?


Hey, honey, it's me.

I'm sorry to call so early.

Could you please come over here and sit with your mom?

She's been in a... a mood the last few days. She took a sleeping pill last night. She's still asleep.

Why? What is it? What's wrong with her?

I don't know. Maybe it's what happened to Frank's sister and the kids.

I don't know. Could you just come over here?

I got to go in early.

Thanks, Jules.

Who was that?


Oh, God.

What does he want?

He said Mom's upset.

He wants me to go over there.

Are you okay?

Frank, he works for the Japanese.

Arnold works at the Post Office.

No, he works in a surveillance room inside the Nippon Building listening to people's calls.

I got in there last night, and I saw him.

Did he see you?


Are they making him do it?

No. If anything, it looked like he was in charge.

Oh, my God.

He's been lying to all of us.

If he's working for them, you have to be even more careful, Jules.

We both do.

American Artistic Handcrafts, Incorporated.

Moshi moshi.

Mr. Childan, this is Mrs. Kasoura.

Well, I tried calling you back, but you weren't at home.

I am struggling to keep those pieces I set aside for you from being snapped up.

My husband wonders, would you like to come for dinner at our house this evening?

I'd be honored.

And I could bring the pieces with me then.

Oh, no.

My husband said there's no need.

This evening is only dinner.

What, as a... not for business, just as a friend?

Uh, who... who else will be attending?

No one else. Just you.

Would 5:30 suit?

We do not keep late hours.


Just me?

It's an honor.

Thank you.

The trouble with humans, Joe, is that we're weak.

A man sees a pretty face, he wants her.

It's natural. It's animal.

We have to learn to override these impulses, Joe.

Juliana Crain is not a suitable choice for romance.

She's a traitor, Joe, an enemy of the state.

And so are you if you try to protect her.

We should have put a b*llet in your brain already.

He can prevent that. Can't you, Joe?

You can use your budding romance in the services of the Fatherland.

Our sources in San Francisco tell us a new film has been found.

Find Juliana Crain.

Find the film.

If you succeed, I'll be prepared to accept that you've learned from your mistakes.

If you fail, the girl dies with you.

Is that clear?

Yes, sir.


Call her. That's her number.

Be pleasant.


Ask her how she got the film.


Just a second.

It's for you.

Who is it?


Hey, Juliana. It's, uh, It's me. It's Joe.

How did you get my number?

I pulled in a favor.

Uh, listen, I can't talk right now.

Let me call you back tonight.


Uh, how about you take my number?

All right.

Go ahead.

Uh, JL5-0172.

Okay, it might be late in your time.

Is that all right?

That's fine.



Was that him?


What did he want?

I don't know. He didn't say much.

I told him I couldn't talk.

Frank, you know nothing happened between us, right?


If you tell me that, I believe you.

All right, I'll see you tonight.


Put a wire tap on his home phone.

Yes, sir.

Don't f*ck it up, Joe.




Thank you so much for coming.

You know, they got me going in early.

Crazy. The Post Office, you know, they have us working all hours.

How come? Is there something special going on?


Look who's up. There she is.

Honey, she's going to sit with you for a while.

I got to go to work.


You girls have a good time.

See you later, Jules. Thanks.


Take care.

I suppose he got you over here, right?

Said I was going crazy.

No, he just said he was worried about you.

What's going on?

I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to worry.

I got it into my head that we lost your sister.

I got the same feeling I had when your father died.

This tight knot in my gut.

I mean, he was 5,000 miles away in the South Pacific, but I felt it, and I knew he was gone.

And I was feeling that way about your sister, but then I woke up this morning... and it was gone, just like that.

I feel her again, just like nothing ever happened.

So everything's okay.

Do you want some coffee?



Hey, buddy. How you doing?

Better now.


Everything okay?

Ah, some kids down the block were teasing him because he doesn't have a dad.

Well, you got me, right?

How did you get on with that homework that we did?

I got a B+.

You got a B+?

That's better than I ever did.

How about... I brought you back a little something.

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

The man said it's a good one.

Read that in the kitchen, Bud, all right?

Joe and me need a little time to talk.

You didn't call.

I thought something had happened to you.

Has something happened?

No. Why?

I'm expecting an important call.

It needs to be me who answers it, and I need you and Buddy to be quiet.

So there's going to be more driving, then?

You're going to go again?


Just the one job.

Now I'm back.

I hate sleeping alone without you.

I don't feel safe.

I hate it when you're away.


Tagomi-san, I marvel at your magic way with the flowers.

If only I could learn your secret.

No secret.

You plant them, they grow.

Of course, you must water them.


Trade Minister, Chief Inspector Kido is here.

Ah. Chief Inspector Kido.

Have you been offered some tea?

I've learned you have in your employment Juliana Crain.

Yes. That's correct.

She is the sister to a known subversive.

Thank you for the information.

I will take it seriously.

There is no doubt about it.

I tell you to assist you, to save you from embarrassment.

Thank you, Chief Inspector.

The responsibility for the girl and all her actions lies with you.

Miss Crain.

Trade Minister.

I apologize.

I have caused you embarrassment.

I should have told you that the Kempeitai had questioned me, and I will resign.

Or you will dismiss me.

No. In life there are too many questions with a lack of time to answer them.

You may not understand this.

I live by a 5,000-year-old book.

I ask it questions as if it were alive.

It is alive.

It tells me you have a purpose.

It says superior person in an inferior position.

Accepting a task graciously brings good fortune to all.

We must all have faith in something, Miss Crain.

We cannot see ahead alone.

When I was a young man in Kyoto, we had beautiful garden, my wife and I.

We... We grew flowers.

I'm sorry for your loss.


Send this to the personnel department to add this room number to your clearance.

Trade Minister, why do you disregard Chief Inspector Kido's warning?

What do you owe this woman that you would risk so much for her?

Find out about her sister.

All right! Listen up!

Want to shut that down, Bob?


Everybody's going to be sent home early.

Yeah, but you're going to be searched on the way out, so just form a line right here.

Then they're going to shake down the factory.

Frank, get out of here.




From the Trade Minister.


What are you doing here?

Same as you.

I work here.

Meet me at the diner on the corner after you've finished.

Hey, Frank.



Two salmon, please.

Hey, you guys.

You're early.

Yeah. The, uh, Kempeitai are turning over the factory.

Um, listen.

Go, uh, pick some stuff up.

Just don't go far.

Here you go.

Why are they doing that?

I'm not sure.

How are you doing?

Well, last night helped. Thanks.

But the truth is I don't know.

I understand.

I have to say I don't understand you.

Yeah? Why is that?

You have Jewish blood, just like me, just like Laura, and you not only decide to have kids, but you raise them Jewish?

That's right.

I know you get how dangerous that is for you and for them.

I'm not going to pretend that it's easy.

I struggled with it for a while.

But... this is who I am.

This is who my ancestors were.

I'm not going to let them take that away from me.

And you think it's worth dying for?

I don't plan on dying, Frank, but you can't live your life in fear.

I was back east at the end of the w*r, in Boston.

Oh, Jesus.

You had to see it to believe it, Frank.

Overnight, lynch mobs were murdering Jews because suddenly we were less than human.

And what did you do?

Well, those of us who came out in one piece.

We buried service weapons underground, well wrapped in oil, and we vowed revenge.

I got a life to lead, got kids to raise.

And Hitler and the Nazis...

I mean, I don't care how it looks.

They won't last.

One thing I realized about my people is we got a different sense of time.

These may be dark years, but we'll survive. We always do.

You've just got to find something to hold on to.

Faith, you mean.

Yeah, faith.

I don't have any of that.

Well, what about art?

You're supposed to be an artist.

Why are you making fake g*ns?

Because no one wants to buy my art.

So do it for yourself.

Beauty is important, Frank.

It gives us hope.

I don't know.

I don't know where it would get me.

Yeah. Right.

You don't need anybody to keep you down because you got your own little inner fascist right there telling you what you can and cannot do.

That's how you let them win.

If you change your mind, I can source that metal for you.

Time to get ready for bed, Bud.

You're not in any trouble, are you?

No. Of course not.

I wouldn't do that to you and Buddy.


Robert Childan here to see the Kasouras.

Mrs. Kasoura, you look I'm afraid I may be early.

Not too early.

Enter, Mr. Childan.

I have brought a gift to graft, to invite your most favorable attitude.

Most kind of you.

Selected from the finest objets d'art of America's dying culture.

Uh, a flavor of our bygone days.

Flappers used to wear them in the 1920s.

I saw you looking at them in the store.

It's decadent, of course, but still...

Thank you.

Please, a drink?


Yes. Thank you, Mr. Kasoura.


Oh. Very tasteful.

I sense the wabi here, the harmony.

Arigato, Kasoura-san.

Please, call me Paul.

And Betty.

Then I am Robert.

Mm. Is this your collection?

Would you like to see it?

Oh, yes. Thank you.

The p*stol is our prized possession.

Colt .44 from 1860.

Issued to the Union Army.

Boys in blue brought it into the second Bull Run.


Thank you.

So tell me, how do you verify what's real from any fakes?

I have a practiced eye.

What a wonderful sense of history it exudes.

Dinner is ready.

Shall we?

What the hell do you think you're doing snooping around the Nippon Building?

Two coffees, please.

I could say the same to you.

What choice do you think I had?

I had a family to support.

How do you think I kept all of you safe?

I swallowed my pride, and I did what I had to do.

Did you have any idea that your sister was involved with these insurgents?

I heard her on the wire.

So did all the other listeners.

I had to throw myself on the mercy of... our benevolent employers.

I had to identify her.

I told them she was a kid.

I told them she was my kid.

I mean, hell, I worked for them for 16 years.

It's got to be worth something.

16 years?

Did you know she had a film?

She did.

And now there's another one.

Juliana, you listen to me very carefully.

You cannot get involved in this.

There's something different about this one, isn't there?

I don't know what it is, but I can tell you they got us working around the clock trying to find it.

They screamed at me so loud, I thought they were going to sh**t us both.

But everything I said checked out, so they let her and that idiot boyfriend of hers escape to the Neutral Zone.

And thank God, Juliana, because if anything happened to Trudy...

I'd be finished.

Mm. I mean, this steak is delicious.

We like to eat American food.

You cook it to perfection, Betty.

Thank you.

Robert, do you like music?


Say, Bunk Johnson, Kid Ory?

Dixieland jazz.

You know, Paul, I'm afraid I'm not familiar with n*gro music.

Wagner, Beethoven, sometimes Bach.

Perhaps if I played you a selection from the New Orleans Rhythm Kings.

Paul, he does not know it.

Robert, yesterday I saw an American say to his friend "Hey, you old bastard," but bastard is an insult, is it not?

Ah, well, yes...

And "old" is also impolite.

Sometimes insults can show affection, and we address strangers as friends to show we're angry.


For instance, "pal" or "buddy."

Hey, pal, back off.

Yeah, it's confusing.

It's stupid, really.


Robert, perhaps you can help me with a book I'm reading.

It's a novel from the 1930s by U.S. author Nathaniel West.

The novel is Miss Lonelyhearts.

I like it, but I can't seem to grasp the author's meaning.

I have not read that book, I fear.


What a shame.

The author has interesting things to say on suffering, unlike Christians, who believe there must be sin to account for it.

Mr. West suggest that he might be suffering with no cause, due to his being a Semite.

Oh. Well, we all suffered during the w*r, but if Japan and Germany had not been victorious, then Semites would be running the world today.

Which, I'm sure, you would agree would be most...


Hey, Joe.

It's Juliana. Is this a good time?


I couldn't talk from home. The lines are tapped.

Hey, Joe, I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to say goodbye.

That's okay. Don't worry about it.

So how you been?

Uh, yeah, okay.

Did you hear anything about this new film?

What do you know about it?

Nothing, really, just rumors that there is one.

Uh, yeah. Not much.

Just, uh... just there's something different about this one.

What do you mean? Different how?

I don't know.

Um... so, uh, how about you, Joe?

What's your news?

Please insert more coins.

Hey, Juliana, put some more money on your phone, or just give me your number there.

Please insert more coins.



Who is she?

She's no one.

It doesn't matter.

I have to go out.

We hope you enjoyed your dinner, Mr. Childan.

Mm. Yes, I did. Thank you.

Although, um... it's, uh, it's still early.

We like to learn, you see.

We're still new to this country, so there's much that is strange.

Oh, I'm sure there must be, although inferior, of course, to the Japanese way of life.


Well, next time you must come to me.

How about, um, dinner next week?

I can make rice and miso soup.

Next week we are busy, but thank you for your time tonight.

Well, uh... week after, then?

It was instructive. Thank you.


Of course.

Well, I hope I've proved a useful research opportunity.

Arigato for your hospitality.

Did you hear anything about this new film?

Uh, yeah. Not much.

Just, uh... just there's something different about this one.

Different how?

I don't know.

So, uh, how...

You think she knows more about the film than she's saying?

Yes. Absolutely.

Sorry. She just said it was different, sir.

Different to the others.

What's your feeling, Joe?

Do you think that she can get to it on her own, using her contacts there?

Maybe. I don't know.

Perhaps you're going to have to help her.

You're going on another trip, Joe, and you'd better hope you find that film.

You call in every day.

Tell me everyone you meet, every little detail, everything.

No omissions, no mistakes.

I noticed yesterday you were very good with my little girls.

Is that because of... Buddy?

Heil Hitler, hmm?

What do you want?

I got a proposition for you.

How about I make you g*ns to sell?

We split the profits 50-50.

Get out of here.

Hey, don't make out that you're above it.

You sold me b*ll*ts. What's wrong with g*ns to fire them from?

All right, look.

I hollow out the barrel of a fake, and then it's done.

I'm not an arms supplier, pal.

I sell antiques, authentic items only, and fake g*ns aren't my thing.

Tell me something, Frink-san, how good a craftsman are you?

I mean, seriously, how good?

I'm good. Real good.

Could you make this?

Because I've got a chump lined up to buy it.


Their brains are different.

I'm sure they eat from English bone china, and they listen to n*gro music, but it's all just on the surface, ersatz as the day is long.

Condescending bastards look down on me.

Here. Look at this.

Two Zippo lighters.

Yeah. Look the same, don't they?

Go ahead, hold them.

One of them has "historicity" in it.

What the f*ck is that?

It's worth 100,000 yen on a collector's market.

Don't you feel it?


One of those two Zippo lighters was in Franklin D. Roosevelt's pocket the day he was assassinated, so it's got historicity as much as any object ever had.

And the other one has nothing.

That's your point?

It's all a giant racket?

And they're playing it on themselves.

I mean, a g*n goes through a famous battle, and it's just the same as if it hadn't unless you know. It's all in here, in the mind.

So who's to say our jeweled choker isn't Sitting Bull's original?

All right, so which one is it?

This one.

Won't he spot that it's a fake?

The man's already got a forgery in his esteemed collection: p*stol aged by an acid chemical, He can't distinguish what's fake from what's real.

Let's screw him over.

80,000 yen split two ways.

Just make sure it looks good enough.

60-40. I got materials to cover.



Where have you been?

I was with Arnold.

He saw me at work, so I had to go and talk to him.

What did he say?

He said... that he did it to support us.

And that he thinks he saved Trudy.

He thinks he's the one who got the Japanese to let her go to the Neutral Zone.

Did you tell him she's dead?


What's wrong?

Frank, I saw Trudy.


I was in the market, and I saw her.

You saw the pawns sh**t her.

I know it sounds crazy, but I... I saw her.

Jules, we have to get out of here.

The Kempeitai came to the factory today looking for the sh**t.

Do you think they were looking for you?

Ed told me they didn't ask for anyone by name.

I got out before they saw me.

Look, the Kempeitai won't let this go until they've got someone, and now with Arnold, Jules, I have to get out of here.

And when they come looking for me, you can't be here, either.

Okay, so what, we go to the Neutral Zone?


You've got to trust me.

But, Frank.

What if she is still around somehow?

She isn't, Jules.

She's gone.

Trudy Walker.

We don't know what she was involved in?

No, Trade Minister.

Yesterday you knew my wife was dead, even though I told you nothing.

Your compassion has placed me under your debt.

Trudy Walker.


You know she's missing.

It's not easy.

I have to tell you.

She's dead.

And, uh... how do you know?

I was given information by Japanese authorities.

I'm sorry.

Did they tell you anything?

Where she is?

Her body.

It's a horrible place to see.

I was taught that in your culture, truth is of the highest importance and only with the truth can one move forward.

When you find her, ask her to forgive us.

And bid her spirit to cross the river to Anoyo on the other side.

Thank you.


You wait! Japanese go first!