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11x08 - High Treason in the Holiday Season

Posted: 11/20/15 18:30
by bunniefuu
Okay, you understand I don't want him to know-- it's a secret.

But I just want to make sure that you can... do that thing that we talked about.

Okay. I'll call you later.


It was a telemarketer.

Oh, you're gonna call 'em back?

I don't want to be rude.

Oh, no.

God definitely didn't give you the lying gene.

Well, mendacity is not God-given.

It is coded into our genetics and passed down in our gene pool to ensure h*m* sapiens' survival.

Okay, stop.

The whole mumbo jumbo language that you're giving me right now is not gonna distract from the fact that you're lying to me.

I-I was thinking maybe we shouldn't have turkey this Thanksgiving.

What? What, what, now you're trying to, what, incite a fight to try to distract me?

Well, there's just the four of us, and you're the only one who eats it.

What are you talking about?

So now you're saying we should just cut out the main course that the whole holiday is based around?

Are you aware that turkeys do a dance when they are reunited with a person they recognize?

Dance? That's really...


That's great, Bones, but I guarantee you that they don't dance as good as they taste.

It's a waste of food, Booth.

My dad will be away with Russ.

There's no one to eat it all.

Oh, hey, problem solved-- we'll invite Aubrey.

I'm serious, Booth.

All right, look.

We'll invite Angela, we'll invite Hodgins, we'll invite the squints and whoever else wants to join in, just as long as I get to stuff the bird, roast him up, and I can just eat myself to unconsciousness.

(imitates snoring)

On the couch while I hear the game.

If you cook the dead bird.


Done. Deal.

Okay, so I'll tell you what.

Now that we're over that diversion, what do you say we get back to who you were talking to on the phone.

Oh, well, it's not...

Okay? Wow.

Well, what was it?

(phone beeping)


What, where is this...? What?

Ha. Body.

Uh, Christine, uh, time to get ready!

Booth: Look, I didn't say that it was a... it was a bad course.

I just said the greens are like marble.

The problem is you don't know how to read it.

Slope, velocity, a little bit of simple geometry...

It shouldn't be that difficult, okay?

I mean, shouldn't be Aristotle to play a game.

Am I allowed to talk, or is that a members-only privilege?

Typically, caddies don't speak.

Caddy? I'm not your caddy.

And golf isn't a game, it's a sport.

No, no, no.

There's no defense, no defense in golf.

No defense, no sport.

What Booth means is that if I can beat him, it's not a sport.

What I don't get is that-- you guys played here?

I mean, no one gets in here.

Well, you know, when you're married to a, I don't know, best-selling novelist, you can get in pretty much anywhere you want, right?

What if your partner's wife is a best-selling novelist?

That doesn't count.

Okay, let me change the subject here, okay?

How about this?

Invite to our house for Thanksgiving.

(sighs) Come on, it's a real turkey.

Or a very tasty Fofurkey recipe that will change the way you think about meat substitutes.


Not really looking to change the way I think about meat substitutes.

Besides, I think I just lost my appetite.

Booth: Okay!

Talk about a water hazard.

How long was he in there?

Well, it's hard to say.

The body was weighed down.

He was found by these two guys who were trawling for golf balls.

There's brushite forming all over.

Well, based on hypostasis, the closest we can estimate is that the body's been in the water about two to three weeks.

Actually, I think we can do better than that.

I would say that the body's been in there two weeks, four days, seven hours and 12 minutes.

And what bug gives you that precise a time of death?

Timexum horologium.


Hey, actually, if we can figure out when this baby went dead underwater, we can probably pinpoint when the k*ller dumped this guy.

Uh, girl.

Wear on the mandibular teeth suggests an age between approximately 55 and 60 years.

Oh, and everyone here is invited to Thanksgiving dinner.

Oh, wow, that is a nice segue there, Bones.

It seemed appropriate.

Human and turkey tissue share remarkably similar texture.

Meat substitute doesn't sound too bad right now.

So, a high-end golf course used only by the one percent of the one percent.

Maybe the k*ller was sending a message.

Or perhaps the k*ller was merely being prudent.

Bones is right.

Golf course at night's gonna be dark and empty.

Gives him about, what, a 12-hour window to come in, dump the body and get out.

Saroyan: So, smart k*ll, smart method of disposal.

Fuentes: Well, she wasn't a golfer.

Her thoracic vertebrae are fused, T5 to T7.

You play, Rodolfo?

Where would I?

After Castro took over power, he bulldozed nearly every course on the island.

Turned them into public housing and military schools.

Yeah. Some might say he was sharing the riches with the poor. I mean, look at a club like Washington Hills.

It's, like, one of the most beautiful places around, but you can only get in if you're rich.

Well, maybe so, but any time you take a thing of beauty and make it utilitarian, something is lost.

If you consider a freshly mowed lawn a thing of beauty.

Fuentes: Besides, I don't think she was a rich socialite.

I mean, why would a woman like that be in a w*r zone?

Is that shrapnel?

Yes. I think she could be ex-military, but a woman in her 50s?

There's no way she served in combat 30 years ago.

There's trace here of something metallic.

I'll swab, but my guess is that one of these golf clubs did the job.

I mean, look at that.

Just jam that jagged edge into the orbital socket and, boom, lights out.

Also, the k*ller knew the decomp gases from the stomach and the intestine would bring the body to the surface.

So he carved her open, like a Thanksgiving turkey.

♪ Bones 11x08 ♪
High Treason in the Holiday Season
Original Air Date on November 19, 2015

♪ Main Title Theme ♪
The Crystal Method
♪ ♪

Brennan: Oh, is that the victim?

Yeah, well, that's what she would have looked like without plastic surgery.

Her facial bones were shaved.

I'm working on the muscle reattachment points now.

Also, I found a callous fracture on her nasal bone.

Oh. So she had a nose job, too.

And I found sutures behind the hairline, collagen, and silicone oozing from the decomposing tissue of the face.

Hodgins: Well, the golf clubs aren't our m*rder w*apon.

They were all graphite composites or steel shafts.

Our w*apon was platinum sterling. It was very expensive, 95.5% silver.

Wow, even m*rder doesn't come cheap these days.

I also found traces of bleach on her clothes, so our k*ller doused the body before dumping it.

Meaning there's not much left to point us to the k*ller.

Oh, no.

No, no, no.

What? Do you know who she is? You don't recognize Vivian Prince? Come on. Front page, left column of The DC Sentinel.

She is... was the finest political reporter in the country.

She was the one who broke the NSA story.

Yeah, that's right. She spent the last six months showing how the NSA has been spying on the American people, world leaders. I mean, they even have their own hit squad.

She took what Snowden did and went ten steps beyond.

Well, I guess they found a way to shut her up.

Aubrey: I know that what she did was questionable, but freedom of the press should not get you k*lled.

Not in this country.

It wasn't freedom of the press.

Vivian Prince was in the wrong.

She didn't steal the files, Booth.

Okay, what, she reprinted stolen documents, she revealed secret operations, which outed operatives all over the world.

But if the NSA is breaking the law...

Then you go after the people in charge.

What you don't do is paint a bull's-eye on an operative's back.

Well, I checked out Vivian's ex-husband.

Guy's name is Sal Raymond.

He's a sportswriter. Out of town covering the Cowboys.


Roanoke Prep.

Let's just say Sal's career isn't exactly hitting on all cylinders.

He covers the high school beat.

How bad was the divorce?

Seems like he got a pretty good settlement.

And while the husband is usually our best bet, the fact that our victim just pissed off the world's most elite intelligence agency probably makes her work a better place to start.

Yeah, right.

I'll give you that one.

I've got Angela combing through the threats that the paper got after the articles ran.

We know who made the threats?

Nope. Not yet.

Hey, it's kind of quiet for a major newspaper.

Might have something to do with the fact that nobody reads the paper anymore.

Come on, what are you talking about? I do it every morning.

I got a cup of Joe in the left hand, I got the paper in the right.

I can feel the ink on my skin.

Yeah, it's a mess.

Paper, ink, newsp... What?

What are you talking about?

It's a tradition.

You're not getting it.

No, I get it. You're old.

I'm not old.

It's a tradition. Stop.

David Pyne.


Is this about the threats?

Unfortunately not.

Vivian Prince is dead.

They got her.

Who? The people who wrote in to the paper?

Uh, no, no.

Those were just, uh, crackpots.

Three weeks ago, Vivian exposes Greystream Solutions as an NSA hit squad.

Now she's dead. You do the math.

Tell me about Vivian's source for the documents, The American.

I can't.

I don't know who he or she is.

The American wants to be anonymous. He doesn't want to end up in exile like Snowden.

What was I thinking?


Get in here! Uh, give me a minute.

If we're not first on the story of my own reporter getting k*lled, I lose my job.

Is this about the threats?

Vivian's dead.


I'm on it.

16 inches on the breaking story, a sidebar on The American angle, I'll get Obit to punch up what they have.

Okay, you don't seem so choked up about this.

I report the news.

I can't afford to react to it.

So unless you guys are gonna give me something on the record, is it okay if I go?

Sure. Go ahead.

But we might have some questions for you later.

Yeah. After deadline, ask me anything.

I get the front page left?

Today. We'll talk later.

I think I'm beginning to see why Vivian felt like she needed so much plastic surgery.

You had the newer, younger model waiting in the wings.

I'm in a dying business here.

Kate's, uh, picture on the front page and the video blog attracts a lot of eyeballs.


And here I thought newspapers were all about telling the story.

Not anymore.


Excuse me.

I'm Ryan Gill, National Security Agency.

What can I do for you, Mr. Gill?

I'm here to supervise the Vivian Prince investigation.

From here forward, everything you find is gonna have to pass through me.

Good-bye, Mr. Gill.

Dr. Saroyan, you must realize there are national security implications.

I do realize that.

And, personally, I think what The American did was nothing short of treason.

He put men and women serving their country in jeopardy.

I'm glad that we're on the same page.

However, you must realize that I'm reluctant to turn over anything to an agency that has as much motive to k*ll Vivian Prince as they do to protect national security.

I'm afraid that's unacceptable.

And I'm afraid I don't work for you, I don't answer to you, and... until I see a court order saying I have to share information with you, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave the building.

Or I could call security.

Booth: I'm not saying what Greystream Solutions does is right.

But you're saying you dislike what Vivian did as much as they do.

Okay. And-and you're okay with what she did?

I take the long view.

The historical view.

George Washington, in his day, was considered a traitor.

Oh. Okay. Well, now you're just trying to piss me off.

Washington was a British subject who led an army against his own country.

It's not the same thing.

How do we know?

Sitting here today, how do we know if history will look at Vivian Prince as a patriot agitating for change or a traitor to her country?

You know what, I'm sorry, Bones, but it doesn't take me 200 years for me to know that she was wrong.

I'll catch her k*ller, but Vivian Prince was wrong.

There's very little that I can disclose that isn't above your clearance level.

I'm here purely as a courtesy.

Did you k*ll Vivian Prince?

Bones, not exactly where I was gonna start.

Brennan: Well, if he's being difficult, we might as well cut to the chase.

I like her style.

And that one I'm happy to answer.

No, Dr. Brennan, I did not k*ll her.

Did you have her k*lled?

No, but I can't say that I'm unhappy about it.

Okay, so then you admit to motive.

Anyone who read her articles knows that she decimated my organization, put lives on the line.

The FBI should be going after The American for treason, not coming after us.

You're a suspect because the forensics suggest a professional k*ller such as yourself.

Well, I can neither confirm nor deny any of the allegations Miss Prince published.

Let's speak in hypotheticals.

If my organization were the skilled hit squad she made us out to be, we wouldn't be here.

Why is that?

Because if we k*lled her, you never would have found her.

Besides, the evidence that you would view as professional, I would say was amateurish.

And how would you know what kind of evidence we have?

Didn't you read the articles?

NSA listens in on everything.

So, there you go.

You're saying that the NSA is tapping our conversations?


I'm not saying anything at all.

We're not done here.

Agent Booth, all you have is a motive and a theory.

And if we're listening in on everything that you're doing, then we'd know what evidence you have.

And you don't have jack.

So... if you'll excuse me.

From the point of impact where it fractured the orbital socket and damaged the frontal lobe, this is the shape of the w*apon that k*lled her.

What do you think?

Maybe a fireplace poker?

Given the sterling silver, I was thinking candlestick.

Huh. Could be.

Well, in any event, I'm no longer convinced that Vivian was k*lled by a professional.

In addition to the blow that k*lled her, there are perimortem blows to the skull here and here.

So it wasn't one k*lling blow.

There was a struggle.

Well, maybe.

There are no defensive wounds on her arm or hands.

I found a cracked rib, but remodeling indicates that it was fractured six months ago.

When the first of the articles attacking the NSA came out.

Ah, good, you're here.

I'm gonna need reimbursement for this.

Okay. $8,000?!

Well, yeah.

I needed to test a watch identical to Vivian's.

Lucky it wasn't a Rolex.

I know, right?

We got off cheap.

The good news is, now we have the exact time of the body dump.

Which is only four hours more precise than your original estimate.

Hey, when we drag a suspect in here, you're gonna be thanking me.

Fine. Who knows?

Maybe I can bill the NSA since they tried to take over our investigation.

Uh... ¿cómo?

Wait. The NSA-- they were here?

Yeah, don't worry.

I sent the guy packing.

I'm sure he'll be back.

No, I don't think so.

The NSA knows they have no jurisdiction.

No, if there was a power grab, it was all for show.

He probably showed up here so he could put a bunch of bugs so they can listen in.

Okay, let's not get carried away.

Hey, I hate to say it, but Dr. Hodgins is right.

All these agencies work the same, if it's Washington or Havana.

You really think they k*lled Vivian?

I don't know, but they sure as hell want to find The American.

And if our investigation leads them there, he's dead.

I'm gonna...

I'm gonna call Booth.

I'll have the place swept.

No. Give me your phones.

Big Brother is watching here, okay?

Or, more accurately, listening.

I can't believe I'm doing this.

Whatever we find from here on out, don't text, don't call, don't e-mail.

You write it down, or... we whisper.

Brennan: I suppose, given what

Cooper Blackthorn said, Dr. Hodgins is correct.

They are listening.

Which means that we shouldn't talk about the case.


So, maybe we should talk about this morning.

This morning?

Yeah, this morning.

The-the phone call.

You hung up so fast when I got in the kitchen?

You're imagining things, Booth.

No. You know what I'm imagining?

You know what I'm imagining?

It's five weeks till Christmas, right?

And you're shopping early, and you know that I've had my eye on that Jet Ski, hmm?

I am not Christmas shopping, and if I were, I assure you I would not be buying you a Jet Ski so you could k*ll yourself riding around like a 16-year-old.

Well, it would make your husband very happy.


Like a kid on Christmas morning.


Hank and Christine will be like kids on Christmas morning.

You will be like a grown-up.

Or... as grown-up as you can be.

It's Christmas morning.

Everybody acts like a kid.

No. Kids act like kids.

I'm gonna have the feetie pajamas on, and I'll be looking for the Jet Ski.


Jet Ski under the tree.

Good luck trying to get that in without making noise.

(sighs) There has to be one adult in the family at least.

Ain't gonna be me.

Not on Christmas morning.

Been three weeks since Vivian died.

Somebody's been out here.

There's tracks in the dust.

Also, this succulent is still alive.

It doesn't require much water, but it does require light.


Brennan: These shades must have been open until someone closed them recently.

NSA probably.

I'll get a full team out here, see if we can nail 'em.

If it was them, it might be difficult to find evidence, considering their professionalism.

Well, Bones, it didn't take us long to figure out that somebody else was here, so either Blackthorn overestimated his guys, or it was somebody else.

This is odd.

Vivian has a glucometer.

I don't recall anything in the file that said that she was diabetic.

Well, we got a bigger problem-- there's no laptop here.

Wasn't at work, and it wasn't on the body.

You think the NSA has it?

Maybe this isn't about the NSA at all.

Vivian Prince was amending her alimony payments.

What? To pay her ex-husband less?

She was cutting him off entirely.

Sal: No, we were amicable.

I-I thought that we could be friends again.

Even though she was cutting you off?

Actually, that was my idea.

In my experience, most people don't ask for less money in a divorce.

The divorce made me see that I didn't like who I'd become.

I didn't want to live off Vivian anymore.

I wanted to... to make it on my own.

I can see that making sense.

But you know what makes more sense?

That you broke into her house, where we found your prints, by the way.

And when she wouldn't change her mind about the alimony, you got angry.

That is crazy.

I loved Vivian.

I-I could never...

Dump her body in the pond of the 13th hole at Washington Hills?

The course where you covered the D.C. sectional high school golf championships last spring?

Listen to me. I...

I promise you, I did not want Vivian dead.

But if-if you want to find someone who did, I know exactly where to look.

You want us to go after the NSA?

(scoffs) k*lling Vivian only makes them look worse.

No, the-the person with the most to gain from Vivian being gone is Kate Kolfax.

Vivian promised her the column, but after The American stories, Vivian wasn't going anywhere.

The only way for Kate to get that front page was to get rid of Vivian.

Agent Aubrey.

Ryan Gill, NSA.


Here to tap our phones, steal a few files?

I know you don't want to believe this, but there are people in the NSA who want us to be better.

Who know things need to change.

If someone on our side of the fence k*lled Vivian Prince, we want them found.

That was a good speech.

You rehearse that?

Okay, look, you don't want my help, I get it.

But you're about to question Kate Kolfax.

Look at that. This man knows where I'm going before I do.

Let me just offer you one piece of advice.

Ask her about the encryption key.

I'll bite. What the hell is the encryption key?

Just the thing that Kate Kolfax has been using for the last three hours to try to decode the e-mails between Vivian Prince and The American.

I am interviewing Special Agent James Aubrey of the FBI.

On the record.

So, I understand you've recently learned exactly when Vivian's body was dumped at Washington Hills Country Club?

That we have.

And it's gonna help you close in on your suspects?

That it will.

You're so quotable.

I answered the question, right?

Okay, let's try being a little more specific.

Is Cooper Blackthorn a suspect?

I cannot confirm that at this time.

Sal Raymond?

No, cannot confirm that at this time.

You suck at being interviewed.

Went out on a limb to get you this much.

But, listen, I was thinking-- you and I are both young.

Moving up the ladder.

Maybe I help you, you help me.

Okay. What do you want to know?

I want to know what Vivian was really like.

Off the record?

When I first started here, I was in awe.

I thought she could show me the ropes, I could learn to be her.

But what you learn working with Vivian is there's no working with Vivian.

You sound bitter.

You asked me what she was like.

(clears throat)

Now, I helped you, so you got to give me something more.

Okay. We know that the k*ller broke into Vivian's house.

We ran the place for prints, and they'll be back any minute.

Really? You have fingerprints?

We also know that the k*ller is looking for The American, and he or she has an encryption key that Vivian had, and that he or she is trying to crack it.

And we are going to arrest him...

...or her... by the end of the day for m*rder.

This interview was just a pretext, wasn't it?

We found your prints in her house.

Okay. I was in her apartment. I didn't know how to do the story right without The American. So I broke in, I saw her laptop...

You stole her laptop.

You know what? You can have her laptop. And the encryption key. It doesn't even work.

So you didn't find The American?

What is "George Orwell"?

Yeah, I thought that was the passphrase, but it's not working. So maybe you guys can crack it. And if you do, you call me if you find this guy, you know, since I'm being so cooperative.

(chuckles softly)

Hodgins: Well, maybe it's not "George Orwell."

Well, "Orwell" should work, but the program's asking for a second code.

What if we used the...

Uh, uh, don't-don't say it out loud, Angie, just, you know, do it.

Honey, we swept for bugs. Apart from those little critters in your office, we're clean.

No. Nothing.

What about you?

I found something odd.

Dr. Brennan found this glucometer at Vivian's house, so I double-checked, and Vivian wasn't a diabetic.

So I took a look at this thing, and it's been modified somehow.

I'm trying to figure out what it is.

What if this is a dual access system?

Passphrase plus biometric encryption.

Oh, that is genius.

You're saying the messages from The American could only be decoded when Vivian typed in a passphrase and plugged in a verification code?

Drawn from her blood.

It's reading her genetic markers.

If it's not Vivian's blood, you can't crack the code.

One very big problem.

She was in the water for three weeks.

There's no more viable blood.

Fuentes: I'm pumping the medullary cavity with a diluted hydrogen peroxide solution.

In theory, it could react with any remaining hemoglobin.

No, it has to, brother.

If there's no blood, there is no way to break that code.

It would have been better if we drew this before we cleaned the bones, but I'll try.

Tibia's our best bet.

There's nothing there.

Wait, wait, wait.

Hodgins: Yes.

Hello, code breaker.

Montenegro: Here goes nothing.

Come on, baby.

Do your magic.

Okay, I'm calling up the last e-mail.

Hodgins: Yeah, this is it, this is it.

The last e-mail from The American to Vivian Prince.

Montenegro: Okay, uh...

"We need to meet. Tonight.

"The Riverbanks Inn, room 43.

Make sure you aren't followed."

The meeting happened the same night her body was dumped.

Man: I understand you need access to room 43.

Booth: Yeah, we need all the receipts and the records and charges to that room.

I'm afraid that's not possible.

You're gonna make us get a warrant?

I'm not being difficult.

I just can't give you what I don't have.

Our hotel is very particular.

We cater to Washington insiders who are trying to conduct their affairs off the grid.

What about security footage?


We don't even have records.

Cash only. Pay first.

No TV, no phone, no Wi-Fi.

I have jamming devices throughout the entire property.

But we can get into the room?

Like I told your associate ten minutes ago, I'm all for letting you people do your job. Have at it.



Hey. That isn't necessary.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.

We know who you are, okay?

Just step out of the room.

Don't touch anything either, okay?

This could be a crime scene.

It was a crime scene weeks ago.

How many people have been here since?

Like I told Agent Aubrey, I just want to help.

And you're welcome for the tip about the encryption key.


What is it, Bones?

You got some blood there?


Let's just say, given the romantic setting, the hotel should spend more on housekeeping.


Look, there's no reason for us to be at odds. We both have a job to do. You guys have a m*rder case, and I have treason.

That's great. Well, at least I'm not spying on your work to do my job.

Oh, Booth.

Is that...

Brennan: Blood spatter.

So she was k*lled here?

We'll do a full workup, see if it was just her blood or...


Stop! FBI!

Uh, partner of the FBI.

I found the m*rder w*apon.

Sterling silver.

This is the exact shape.

Okay, look, FBI, we're gonna have to keep this.

And any other lids that you might have that match it.

Look, you recognize this woman?

She checked into that room about three weeks ago.

Gill: I already asked him. They're trained to leave the carts at the door.

Yeah, yeah, we know.

Hear no evil, see no evil.

Come on, you're human.

You see people come and go.

You recognize her?

Actually, I do recognize her.

But not-not from three weeks ago.

Maybe six months ago?

She rented that room.

Her husband showed up.

Her husband?

He caught her here with another man.

You know, if we hadn't dragged him out of there...

Her husband was ready to k*ll her.

Aubrey: The word that you used was "amicable."

And as you're a writer, I made the mistake of thinking that you actually knew what the hell you were saying.

Look, Vivian and I were getting along fine, I swear it.

Except for the part where you followed her, caught her with another man, and were ready to k*ll her.

I didn't do it!

I talked to her lawyer, Sal, okay? I know about the rib she broke when you shoved her into a table.

I was humiliated.

She admitted to the affair.

We had it out.

I-I swear to you, we were on good terms.

Look, maybe it was the guy.

The guy she was sleeping with.


You know who he is?

No. But he... he had nice shoes.

Uh, Ferragamos, I think.

Wow. That is helpful.

Vivian saw me and slammed the door shut.

All I saw were his shoes.

He was too chicken to come out and face me man-to-man.

Maybe he figured you might k*ll him.

You know what I think happened, Sal?

I think you never got over it.

Then it was a Friday night, you had a few too many, you missed her, and you tracked her back to the hotel.

Wait a minute, Friday night?

No, I wasn't even here in D.C.

I was in Tallahassee.

No, I talked to the paper that you work for, okay?

You were not covering a game that night. You called in sick.

I lied to them, because I had an interview at another paper.

If I was gonna make it on my own, I couldn't afford to stay in D.C.

Ch-Check it out.

I was... I wasn't here.

Hodgins: Damn it.

How is a guy who works for an intelligence agency so stupid?

This is the third set of prints from Ryan Gill.

He comes in here like an elephant in a china shop.

And there are no prints from her ex?

The ex might not be our guy.

Now you tell us?

Turns out that the ex has an alibi.

But he gave us something about the guy that Vivian was sleeping with.

Which is?

Ferragamo shoes.

That's it?

He saw the guy's shoes?

Don't sh**t the messenger.

So how's everything coming here?

Well, we got too much and too little.

Trace from all the hotel guests and our NSA shadow, but most of the blood has been cleaned up.

Yeah. With Haemo-Sol.

It's very high-end stuff.

Our k*ller definitely knew how to minimize trace.

So we're back to Blackthorn's people?

Hey, man, truth be told, I never left them.

Are you kidding me?

This Ryan Gill really pisses me off.

He touched everything.

I mean, how stupid can...

Maybe he's not stupid at all.

What? Do you think he contaminated the scene on purpose?

To cover up the fact that he'd been here before.

So Gill is the k*ller.

Or he's the guy Vivian was sleeping with.

He did have nice shoes.

Oh, my God.

There's a third option.

Booth: This NSA slime is The American?

Vivian couldn't tell her husband who she was meeting.

She admitted to the affair to throw him off.

She ruined her marriage to protect her source?

You know what, the marriage was on its last legs anyways.

I'll bring in Gill.

Uh, no.

No, you can't.

But we have to.

He is very likely the last person to see Vivian alive.

If you bring Gill in, whoever k*lled Vivian is gonna know who The American is.

You might as well pull the trigger yourself.

Well, maybe he should've thought of that before he committed treason.

Booth, there's got to be some way you can meet with this guy and talk to him in secret.

This guy put dozens of agents' lives in jeopardy, and, what, you want me to give him some kind of special treatment?

He was trying to do the right thing.

Stop right there, okay?

You never served. You don't get the right to defend this guy.

I'm just saying, Booth...

What you're saying is that it's okay for this guy to put other people in danger.

You know what? It's not.

Booth, I think you should hear him out.

Oh, of course you're on his side, huh?

But then again, you've been all about secrets this week.

Some secrets are good secrets.

Sorry, Bones. I just disagree with you.

Hey, Dad.


Hey. What's up?

That is the secret I've been keeping. Surprise.

Hodgins: Hey, Parker.

You fly in for Thanksgiving?

Yeah, Thanksgiving dinner.

To see my new little brother.

Also, the two of you have seats behind the glass for the Flyers/Predators game on Friday night.


That's what I was on the phone about this morning.

(chuckles) Okay, some secrets I like.

Look at you. You are getting big.

Yeah. Must be all the fish and chips in London.

Right. Thanks, Bones.

Look, I really appreciate this.

Look at you.

You look great. Huh?

All right. Look at you.

I noticed tiny avulsion fractures at some of the muscle attachment sites.

Not from six months ago-- these were perimortem.

They were probably obscured by the brushite that formed in the water.

I believe they were caused by restraints placed here and here.

She was tied down?

And tortured for information.

Take a look at the fractures to the right proximal tibia.

So you think she was tortured on her shins?

That's not like any t*rture I know of.

It's called palmatória, an excruciating practice indigenous to the West African region of Guinea-Bissau.

That makes sense.

Cooper Blackthorn, the head of Greystream Solutions, he was stationed in West Africa for five years.

Why are we meeting here?

Because we're completely off the grid. There's no Wi-Fi signal.

Everything's jammed.

No one's gonna hear a word that we say.

And why is that important?

Because I know that you're The American.

We're gonna have a little chat.

Either we're gonna do it here, or we're gonna do it down at the FBI.

That's your choice.



I want you to find Vivian's k*ller, so I'll talk, but not if we're being recorded.

We're not being recorded.

Tell you what-- you can put that down.

You violated three sections of the Espionage Act.

No one's gonna want to try me for that.

They'd have to enter into evidence what I stole.

Then the case would end up being about what it should be about-- what the NSA did wrong.

So you're not taking any responsibility for what you did?

I know the cost of what I did.

It's right here in this room.

But I don't think it means that I should be ex*cuted for it.

What happened that night?

Why were you here?

The jump drive that I gave Vivian has thousands of NSA documents on it.

She was working her way through them.

We were deciding what to do next.

And what was that?

What she printed about Greystream Solutions was just the beginning.

She was going to continue hammering them.

They must have tracked her here after I left.

All right, so you're saying that Cooper Blackthorn is the one who did this?

I know that he did.

Your people found evidence that he tortured her.

Ten minutes ago.

That changes everything.

Changes things how?

Well, if we have Vivian's k*ller, your life isn't in danger.

You're under arrest for treason.

Turn around.


Bad day for the NSA.

One agent arrested for treason, another for m*rder.

Woman: My client did not commit m*rder.

And he's willing to cooperate in order to prove it.


'Cause I heard he wasn't so cooperative the other day.

Well, when the NSA throws me to the wolves, it makes taking the fall less attractive.

I was operating on their orders.

You were told to m*rder Vivian Prince?

No. To use enhanced interrogation techniques to recover documents stolen from the NSA.

So something went wrong, maybe you didn't mean to k*ll her.

Something did go wrong.

She knew that if she ended up dead, Greystream Solutions would be on the hook.

So she refused to give up the jump drive.

Ms. Prince-- she was tougher than we thought.

You just gave up and walked away?

Look, we've been tracking every move that you make, so we know what evidence you have and what you don't.

You've got me on the t*rture, but not the k*lling.

That's because I left her alive.

(quiet beeping)

Man, I knew it.

They were monitoring every word we said.

I guess what they say is true-- even paranoids have enemies.

I'm afraid this re-creation is not right.

Uh, no, I think it is.

The-the lid is a perfect match for the blow that k*lled her.


Brennan: It's a perfect fit for that blow, but the other depressions on the skull do not match the edges of this lid.

So she was hit with two weapons?

She was hit with some kind of long, rectangular w*apon, knocking her face first into this lid.

Hodgins: So, we don't know who k*lled her, and now we don't know what k*lled her?

This is great. We're moving backwards here.

Maybe I can help.

Based on Dr. Brennan's findings, I reexamined the skull.

Along with the depressions, there are tiny abrasions.

Now I believe those abrasions are from the metal prongs on a motherboard.

Montenegro: So, someone hit her on the head with a long, rectangular computer?


Aha! I got it!

Uh, nope, it's not a bug.

What is it?

It's... nothing.

What is it?

It's the earring that you lost when we were, um...


Montenegro (laughs): Oh, yeah.


What? You...

You know that we're married, right?

That's beside the point.

The point is, you found that earring by using a metal detector which is essentially a long, rectangular computer.

Booth took that from Ryan Gill, right?

The-The American?

It seems that Mr. Gill was not only Vivian's source.

He was her k*ller.

Aubrey: Shape of the metal detector matches the wounds on Vivian's head.

And the specific layout of the metal prongs on its motherboard match her wounds exactly.

We got you for treason... (sets detector on table) ...and m*rder.

I thought I could trust her... to figure out where the line was between what the public should know and what would endanger lives, but she wanted a bigger story.

You didn't want her to expose Greystream Solutions?

Not the way that she did.

Like you said, all those employees, innocent people-- suddenly, they're all targets?

So you k*lled her?

I just wanted my jump drive back.

But she had Kate Kolfax ready to take over her column.

Her editor wanted young and sexy on the front page.

The documents were just her leverage to keep her job.

You k*lled her for the documents.

I was using the wand to try to find the jump drive.

She didn't want to give it back.

She grabbed onto the wand, and I hit her.

Then she fell into the room service cart.

Where's the jump drive now?

I never found it.

Look, this-this was an accident, I swear.

Yeah. And then you carved open her body and dumped it in a pond in order to t*nk our investigation.

You see, that was not an accident.

Makes The American seem a little less patriotic now, doesn't it?

♪ ♪
♪ ♪



Go, Vivian.

You shouldn't be in here.

Hey. Hi.

Uh, I'm from the Jeffersonian. I was just... I just wanted to pay my respects.

Are you sure that's all?

No loose ends you want to tell me about?

It's Thanksgiving. You should go home.

News doesn't stop for the holidays.

Happy Thanksgiving.

♪ ♪

(instrumental jazz playing, expl*sive rumble of video game)

Tut, tut, tut.

Oh, yeah! I'll take that bonus, thank you very much.



Parker (laughing): You're pretty good.

You got to be kidding me.

Look at that, huh?

A thousand bonus. Bam.

It's nice to have your boys together, huh?

Yeah, and they all have the same maturity level.

Yeah. Well, big families are nice.

Are you and Hodgins thinking about...?

Well, I am.

You want to practice?



Here you go, Hank. (laughs)

Hi, buddy. Go with Auntie Angela.

Chicken squares are awesome.

I think that's baked tofu with artichoke hearts.

Okay, if the turkey is not a turkey, I'm going to the diner.

Booth: Oh, you got to be kidding me, huh?

Hey. Sorry I'm late. I had to run a little errand.

Oh. Hey.

Hi, buddy.

Booth: Oh!

Really?! Okay, just so we're clear, I let you win that game.

Yeah, just to be clear, no one in this room is buying that.

Oh, yeah, yeah.

I'm not buying it.

Uh, hey, um, can I borrow your dad for a minute here before your rematch?

All right, just keep your eye on the velocity, all right?

(quietly): Just for the record, I let him win that game.

Yeah, sure, Absolutely.

Yeah, okay.


I thought you should see... this.

You found it?

Yeah, I did.

I suppose you're gonna broadcast everything that's in this to blow the roof off the NSA.


No, I'm gonna give it to you.

I don't think I'm qualified to decide the right thing to do with that.

If anyone is... it's you.

You really trust me to know what to do with this?

Yeah, I do.

Destroy it, so nobody else gets hurt.

All right, time to eat.

Fofurkey for everyone!

Ah, she's joking there, Aubrey.

We got a 25-pounder in here ready to roll. Come on in here.

Brennan: He's gonna want to taste the Fofurkey.

I think it will really...

Booth: Big 25-pound bird.

Look at how nice that is.

I'll get the pie. Bones, have the pie. Here.