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03x07 - Out of the Easy

Posted: 11/20/15 08:27
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Originals"...

Freya: If this prophesy is fulfilled, you will all fall... one by friend, one by foe, and one by family.

Aurora: In the moments before you asked me to flee with you, I saw your brother.

Elijah: You must only think of him as the monster that he truly is.

Aurora: I see him as the monster that he is.

Van: Those remains used to be my mom.

Davina: I'm so sorry.

Van: I'm gonna find out how this happened.

Cami: Even if we figure out who k*lled this guy, it's a vampire.

Lucien: I think you know exactly where my medallion is.

Cami: Take it. It's in here.

Aurora: My brother and Lucien want to use it to lock you and your siblings away forever.

Klaus: Which is why they sent a legion of Strix to collect my sister.

Freya: I can't find her, her witch body.

Freya: It's as if it just vanished.

Aurora: Two of the men sent to retrieve her were from my sire line. They procured your sister's body. Now come back to bed.

[ St. Louis Cathedral / Mikaelson compound ]

Hayley: So where is Klaus?

Freya: When I told him about Rebekah, he said he's pursue another lead.

Elijah: Forget Niklaus. You will find her.

Marcel: Now, you sure you got enough juju for a worldwide locator spell?

Freya: She's my family. I won't lose her.



Damn it.

Hayley: So much for witch GPS.

Freya: I assumed they'd cloak her. I didn't expect a spell this strong.

Elijah: No doubt conjured by the very witch who lured Rebekah into this trap.

Freya: You should all go. I have my work cut out for me.

Marcel: The Strix trust me. If they know where Rebekah is, I can find her.

Elijah: We don't have time. You need to stop Davina from activating Lucien and Tristan's w*apon.

Marcel: We need to find Rebekah.

Elijah: Marcel, I will not rest until my sister is found.

Marcel: All right. Fine. I'll handle Davina.

Hayley: Well, in the meantime, please tell me that we're gonna k*ll someone.

Elijah: Oh, we will k*ll many someones, but first, if we're to start a w*r, let us determine where our allegiances lie.

Elijah: Niklaus? Niklaus.

Klaus: You shout loud enough to wake the dead.

Elijah: Can't pick up your phone? Your sister is missing.

Aurora: Well, she's not exactly missing... And as long as everyone behaves themselves, you can trust me to tell you where she is. Hello, Elijah.

Elijah: Give me my sister, or perhaps I could pay a little visit to your brother Tristan.

Klaus: Elijah, please. Aurora and I have come to an agreement.

Aurora: Yes. Nik and I find that, now your vile act of compulsion has been revealed, there's really no reason why we can't pick up where we left off a thousand years ago.

Klaus: Go on, luv. I need to have a word with my brother.

Elijah: Am I to assume that you've gone completely mad?

Klaus: You see madness. I see method.

Elijah: And that method would be what, Niklaus, to fornicate with the she-devil who took our sister?

Klaus: To be clear, The Strix took our sister. Aurora simply h*jacked her. I will get Rebekah back, trust me. Keeping Aurora close garners the goodwill we need.

Elijah: Well, it is a bold, if somewhat lecherous plan. Will you employ the same tactic when it comes time to retrieve the medallion from Lucien and Tristan?

Klaus: They're not really my type. There must be another way.

Elijah: Aurora will always protect Tristan, and, given that he and Lucien are aligned, the 3 of them together have a distinct advantage, unless... unless we break that advantage.

Klaus: Now, there's a strategy I wholeheartedly endorse. What do you have in mind?

Elijah: It's Thanksgiving. Let's invite them for a friendly meal, systematically turn them against one another, and then devastate their pitiful alliance. I can feel the holiday spirit already.

The Originals
Season 03 Episode 07
Out of the Easy
Original air date: November 19, 2015

[ Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport ]

(Jet airplane passes)

Aurora: Perhaps I should apologize. I know you were expecting to find Rebekah's body, but I've got other plans.

Tristan: Aurora... What am I to do with you?

Aurora: Oh, my dear brother, after all this time, why not simply choose to trust me?

Tristan: Well, because I know you arrived in this city days ago. You've had time to poison Lucien's witch and see your infamous ex, but you've all but ignored your own brother.

Aurora: Well, next time, don't leave me a prisoner in some stuffy monastery.

Tristan: Message received, unfortunately for those poor monks. May I ask what you did with the head of your sire line? Acquiring her was part of my plan.

Aurora: Oh, yes, that plan, that plan that you and Lucien were keeping from me.

Tristan: You were recovering, and, if you must know, we needed Rebekah as bait to lure Klaus and Elijah. She'd have been perfectly safe with us. You'd have been safe.

Aurora: Yes. Well, I prefer to be in control of my own fate.

Tristan: Hmm. Should I even bother to ask what these are?

Aurora: Call it insurance. Perhaps you'll trust me now. You'll need to if you are to join me for dinner at the Mikaelsons'.

Tristan: I received their invitation to this Thanksgiving summit. It's clearly a trap.

Aurora: Open the envelope. Put your mind at ease. You're my family, Tristan. You have always taken care of me. Allow me to return the favor.

[ Lucien's penthouse ]

(Gurufish's "funky atmosphere" playing)

(Crowd cheering)

Jimmy St. James:
♪ And shake it to the groove ♪
♪ Hey ♪
♪ Contradiction ♪
♪ Everywhere ♪
♪ Revolution in the air ♪
♪ In the air ♪ brothers and sisters... ♪

Lucien: Oh, don't you look lovely. Something wrong?

Cami: Should I make a list? You tortured detective Kinney, gave him a compulsion lobotomy, not to mention you're holding me against my will and using up all of my minutes. I mean, I appreciate your dead witch's hand-me-downs and remembering to feed me, but did you really think I was just going to smile and eat up?

Lucien: Well, think of all the poor people who are starving in... well, somewhere. I'd join you, but I've been called to dine with the Mikaelsons.

Cami: Are they going to serve your head on a platter?

Lucien: Doubtful. Niklaus and I are allies now that the evil Tristan is in town. Um, let me ask, are you more likely to tell Vincent that you're drowning in a tub of bourbon or awash in a sea of chardonnay?

Cami: Go to hell.

Lucien: Bourbon it is.

Cami: Do you really think you can trick my friends into thinking I'm fine? Someone's gonna notice that I'm gone, and when they do, they'll track me here.

Lucien: Well, not within the next few hours, by which time, you'll be free of vervain, and I'll be able to compel you to forget everything, including all manner of tortures and punishments I might yet employ should you continue to prove disrespectful. (Knocks on door) That'll be the nanny. (Chuckles) This is Anton, a very loyal and very dangerous friend. Tread carefully, oh, and, uh, Anton, if you should not hear from my by nightfall, go on and k*ll her... But do it quickly. Oh, and for God's sake, don't ask if she has any final words. You'll be here through the weekend.

(Door closes)

[ St. Anne's Church ]

Marcel: You said you'd be here 15 minutes ago.

Davina: I got held up. What's the problem?

Marcel: The problem is that there's a new group of vampires in town.

Davina: Oh, The Strix? Come on, Marcel. You think the ancestors wouldn't give me a heads-up?

Marcel: Did the ancestors also give you a heads-up that The Strix are looking for you? The Strix want you to help them take down the Mikaelsons. Now, if you say no, they will k*ll you. If you say yes, Klaus will do something much worse. Please, D., let me help you get out of town.

Davina: I'm not going anywhere. Marcel, you still see me as this little girl in the attic. I'm not that girl anymore. I don't run from anyone.

[ Kenner apartment ]

(Crowd cheering)

Hayley: Hey, Hope is down for a nap. I thought if I leave now, I could be back in time for dinner.

Jackson: I can't believe you're seriously considering this.

Hayley: I want to be here with you and Hope, but I can't just do nothing, and, Jack, those sire-line losers took Rebekah.

Jackson: Yeah. They also went after you. Look. Let Klaus and Elijah handle this.

Hayley: Rebekah kept Hope safe for months. She's my friend, and she's Hope's family. I'm not gonna look my daughter in the eye one day and explain to her that I sat back and did nothing while those people just kidnapped her aunt.

Jackson: Hayley, you didn't do nothing. You kept your daughter safe. You let Klaus do things his way. This dinner is gonna be a bloodbath, and last time I checked, the Mikaelsons didn't need any help k*lling anyone. (Sighs) Look, babe. It's Thanksgiving. I... I don't see where this has to be a fight.

Hayley: It doesn't. I hear you.

[ Mikaelson compound ]

Lucien: Ah, flowers for me. You shouldn't have.

Tristan: That's for the lady of the house. The well-mannered bring a gift when invited to dinner. I assume you brought nothing.

Lucien: Nothing but my deepest respect for you.

Klaus: Lovely. We're all getting along.

Lucien: Mm, like a fuse and a match.

Klaus: I take it Aurora is on her way.

Aurora: I'm sorry I'm late. Just freshening up. I did want to look pretty. Well, well. If it isn't my old friend Lucien.

Lucien: Hello, Aurora. It's been ages. You look...

Klaus: You look ravishing.

Elijah: Welcome to our home. I do wish it was under better circumstances. We all face a common threat... A prophecy warning that my siblings and I would all fall within a year. I fear my sister already has.

Tristan: Only as a precautionary measure, I assure you.

Elijah: Interesting. You see, I would have called it an entirely unnecessary measure. We need to unite to prevent the prophecy from coming to pass, and since any alliance is impossible without honesty, let us begin this evening's proceedings by formally acknowledging your clandestine alliance.

Lucien: Now, gentlemen, before...

Elijah: Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh. Lucien, please. Let's not ruin the dinner before it begins.

Klaus: And do try to bear in mind, we expect an honest and productive negotiation this evening.

Tristan: Mm-hmm.

Elijah: Shall we begin?

[ Rousseau's ]

St. James: ♪ People don't testify ♪
♪ To your game ♪
♪ Living like a whore ♪
♪ In L.A. ♪
♪ Sacrifice your soul for your fame ♪
♪ 'ause you're a bona fide masquerader ♪
♪ Hiding behind all your pictures... ♪

Vincent: Do I look like I need company?

Marcel: I tracked you down. Least you can do is hear me out.

Vincent: Forgive me if I don't feel like drinking with one of your kind.

Marcel: I don't care if you don't like me. Some new vampires are in the Quarter from out of town, way out of town, and they want the Regent on their side, and if Davina says no, they're going to k*ll her, and I want her to leave town, but she would rather, of course, stay and fight, and I'd rather not sit back and watch her get herself k*lled.

Vincent: There might be a way to get her out of trouble, but you ain't gonna like it.

[ Mikaelson compound ]

Lucien: It's a bit odd, isn't it, celebrating an American holiday?

Elijah: Well, you know, Lucien, I rather enjoy Thanksgiving... the turkey, the cranberry sauce, the lies, the deceit, the betrayal. Perhaps we should begin this evening's proceedings with a little confession, and do help yourselves.

Aurora: So this entire dinner is meant to be some boorish inquisition. How rude.

Klaus: Nonsense, luv. My brother merely wishes to make certain we're all on the same page, so who would like to begin?

Tristan: Well, Lucien and I have always loathed each other. Had we arrived as allies with news of a bleak future, you would have doubted us. We sought to remove suspicion by maintaining appearances.

Elijah: Oh, my. Dear, these pathetic lies promise to be as difficult to swallow as your stuffing this year, Niklaus. Walnuts. Honestly.

Klaus: Ha ha ha!

Lucien: The bottom line is, we came to protect you and ourselves. We have never wavered on this point.

Klaus: And the bodies on my streets, is that your protection, as well?

Lucien: It's business as usual for The Strix.

Tristan: An old tactic used often and to great success... Jack the Ripper, Son of Sam. A frightened human populace is that much easier to control. If tourism should decline and the local vampires are deprived of fresh blood, well, you saw how quickly Marcel joined our ranks.

Klaus: Pedestrian. I would've expected more from such gaudy theatrics.

Lucien: Well, if one wanted to obtain a certain item in, say, a private collection but one was not invited to the home where said private collection was located, police investigation could come in very handy to remove these items as evidence.

Elijah: I take it that you are referring to the medallion.

Tristan: I suppose it was my sister who shared that bit of information.

Klaus: Don't blame Aurora. You two are hardly conspiratorial geniuses.

Lucien: Funny story... it turns out all along that the medallion was in the hands of Nik's friend Camille the bartender-slash-therapist. Had to get her arrested in order to search her goodies, so to speak, but I would never allow any harm to come to her, knowing the great affection you have for her.

[ Lucien's penthouse ]

Cami: Seriously? Football? You're a vampire.

Anton: Shut up and get me a beer.

Man on TV: Razzle dazzle from butch Jones. What a...

Anton: Should I find another way to quench my thirst?

Man on TV: 37 yards, Cincinnati back on top.

Different man on TV: First of all, where can they go but up the center?

(Continues indistinctly)

Man on TV: So the lefty with the dump-off pass, what a gutsy call and great execution.

(Continues indistinctly)

Anton: I can't k*ll you, but I can hurt you... break bones, slice up your pretty face, heal you, then do it all over again. Next time, that's how this goes down. Got it?

Cami: Got it.

Anton: Drink up. You ain't going anywhere.

[ Mikaelson compound ]

Klaus: A medallion that could lock us away hardly seems like a wise strategy for those come to protect us. Hand it over. And release Rebekah.

Lucien: Uh, just a tick. Aurora has Rebekah, hmm?

Aurora: No reason why I shouldn't be trusted with my sire's safety.

Lucien: Of course, unless you were to have one of your episodes.

Tristan: Easy, Lucien. My sister sought leverage to protect herself. Who among us would do otherwise?

Elijah: Niklaus, would you politely remind me why we shouldn't just compel them all to give us what we want?

Aurora: Ha ha ha!

(Both laughing)

Klaus: I'm sorry. Did Elijah say something amusing?

Aurora: We lost a century to compulsion, my love, and some of us lost a great deal more. Surely you can't believe we'd allow ourselves to come here vulnerable.

Elijah: My dearest Aurora, compulsion is not my only party trick.

Aurora: I do not like these threats.

Tristan: Our continued existence depends on the Mikaelsons.

Tristan: We've known that since Finn and Kol died. Unfortunately, so does every other vampire in the world. Given that the sire lines have declared w*r against one another, you can imagine how many young upstarts have come to the same conclusion... k*ll an Original, wipe out an entire line of rivals.

Tristan: Heavy burden, isn't it, the lives of thousands of sired vampires resting on your shoulders? In a perfect world, you'd allow us to seal you away forever, thus eliminating the threat.

Klaus: Fortunately, the world is far from perfect.

[ St. Louis Cathedral ]

Marcel: Anything?

Freya: I can't find the continent she's on, let alone the city.

Marcel: Maybe you just need something of hers, maybe a... a hair brush or...

Freya: .. her blood is in my veins. That should be enough.

Marcel: Wait. Hey, Freya, you can't just give up.

Freya: I'm not giving up.

[ Lafayette Cemetery ]


Davina: What did you want?

Vincent: Marcel told me what was going on.

Davina: Mm, and you decided to care? This is witch business, Vincent. You don't even practice anymore... And as for The Strix, if they come after me, I'll deal with it. I'm not afraid.

Vincent: Maybe you should be.

Davina: You trying to scare me?

Vincent: No, Davina. I'm trying to warn you, but you don't like it when people disagree with you. From what I hear, you get pretty mad.

Davina: What makes me mad is getting lectured by the guy who walked away from being a witch.

Vincent: Well, then I best be careful, or else I'm gonna end up like all the people you got mad at last time, right?

Davina: Kara Nguyen att*cked me.

Vincent: So you had her k*lled? You gonna k*ll anybody who disagrees with you, Davina?

Davina: I took care of a threat. That's what leaders do, and if anyone tries to stand against me, I'll do it again.

Van: Funny thing about a willow hoop... never know what you're gonna see. Told you I'd find out what you did. Now everyone else knows, too.

[ Mikaelson compound ]

Elijah: (Sighs) With all the nauseating dinner theater we've endured throughout the centuries, these performances are, by far, the worst.

Tristan: Aurora, my sister...

Klaus: Aurora is quite aware of our desire to see Rebekah home, and I'm sure she'll do everything in her power to oblige.


Freya: We're welcoming our enemies to the dinner table now? Convenient, given she's the one who has the answers I want.

Aurora: Oh, for heaven's sake, now I have to deal with the long-lost sister? Nik, please spare me your family's rage and paranoia. It is exactly this kind of lunacy which led me to steal Rebekah in the first place.

Klaus: What did you do with her?

Aurora: Oh, I'm sorry, luv, but this prophecy has you all acting as fools, and I've no intention of risking my life to foolishness. Now, I can't trust Rebekah with any of you, and I certainly can't trust the silly dear to endure on her own, so I decided to put her someplace safe. Imagine a spot where no harm could come to her, where, in fact, no one could possibly even track her down. Yes. Rest assured, Rebekah is perfectly fine... at the bottom of the ocean.

Klaus: You're bluffing. Tell me you're bluffing.

Aurora: Oh, you should all be thanking me. Rebekah's never been safer. She has plenty of company down there. There's all the little crabs and octopus and...

Tristan: Harm my sister, and I'll be forced to return the favor.

Lucien: Oh, this all escalated very quickly.

Klaus: Shut up, Lucien, or I'll tear your tongue from your head.

Lucien: Be careful with your threats, Nik. Anything should happen to me, I won't be able to protect your precious Cami.

Aurora: Ok. That is the second time I've heard her name. Just who is this Cami?

Freya: You have bigger problems.

Klaus: Freya!

Elijah: Niklaus... Which of these two vulgar parasites would you first like to t*rture?

Klaus: Well, it's half a dozen of one and 6 of the other, isn't it? Why don't you take the stable boy? Tristan and I are long overdue a good catch-up. Oh, if anything happens to Camille...

Elijah: Oh, I'm quite certain Lucien's aware, devastating error.

[ Lafayette Cemetery ]

Van: You all heard her. She admitted it herself. Davina Claire is a m*rder*r.

Davina: No. I... I was trying to stop a mutiny. I'm sorry for what happened, but it was my responsibility...

Vincent: It's over, Davina. You k*ll a witch, you lose your place among the witches. For what you've done, you need to be shunned.

[ Mikaelson compound ]

Klaus: When Aurora wakes, you will convince her to return my sister.

Tristan: Oh, would that it were so simple. Aurora has made it clear she means to control her own fate. I presume that includes keeping her own counsel, as well.

Klaus: I think she might be more amenable if she's forced to watch as I tear you limb from limb.

Tristan: You could t*rture me, but even if my sister decided to return yours as a result, Rebekah's homecoming would be marred by The Strix, who would descend upon the city like a plague of locusts, k*lling whomever stood in their way.

Klaus: v*olence is unavoidable, then. Well, I tried.

Tristan: Think, Niklaus. All these threats, this needless escalation of v*olence, we play into the worst possible outcome of this prophecy. There's a better solution.

Klaus: What might that be?

Tristan: We cannot prevent fate, but we can take control of it.

Tristan: Keep your siblings alive by helping me seal them away. Let them fall only for the year and leave yourself free to stand guard over them. If you care for them at all, it really is your only choice.

Lucien: No doubt you're angry... Rightfully so. For what it's worth, I was horrified by Aurora's thoughtless actions, but, I assure you, Cami will be fine, provided I'm allowed to leave here with my head intact.

Elijah: Give me Camille and the medallion, and then we may consider the future of your head.

Lucien: Elijah, I have always been consistent. I only wanted to stop the prophecy to thereby save myself.

Elijah: And how do I know that you're not the author of this very prophecy? Alexis was your little fortune teller, and anything that may have come to pass could be the result of your own duplicitous, little games.

Lucien: Well, you give me far too much credit for being clever. Instead consider the rift between Niklaus and yourself, made worse, thanks to Aurora. One shall fall by family. That does not bode well for you.

Elijah: What ever differences we have and how ever smitten my brother may be... I am certain Niklaus will always put family first.

Lucien: Really? Aurora drops your sister in the bottom of the ocean, yet Klaus does not seem particularly inclined to make her suffer for it. I wonder why.


Aurora: Mm...

(Clears throat)

Freya: Took you long enough.

Aurora: Oh, are we to play a fun game?

Freya: Actually, yes, and now that my spell has made it so that no one can hear what happens...

Hayley: We're gonna have a lot of fun.

Aurora: Hayley, the mother of Niklaus' child. Ooh, I was really hoping I'd get to meet you.

Hayley: Feeling's not mutual.

Aurora: Oh, ok, so then what, pray tell, are we doing here?

Hayley: You're gonna tell us where to find Rebekah, or we're going to k*ll you.

Aurora: Oh. Hmm.

[ Lafayette Cemetery ]

Vincent: "By order of the law set forth by the ancestors, in accordance to the decree of the nine covens, Davina Claire, you are henceforth banished from this community. Your title is revoked, as is your link to those that have come before. You will no longer have contact with the ancestors. To the New Orleans witches, it will be as though you were never born."

Elder witches: Traitor! Traitor! m*rder*r!

(All shouting)

(Shouting stops)

Vincent: I'm sorry, Davina. It's time.






[ Mikaelson compound ]

Aurora: Uh!

Hayley: I'm gonna ask you again... where is Rebekah?

Aurora: You're quite strong for an infant.

Aurora: Ah! Uh... Uh... Uh! Ah! Uh! Uh! Ah! Agh! Oh! Rrgh! Ha! Ah! Uh! Huh! Whoo! Ha ha ha! That actually hurt. Ha ha! Oh, I haven't felt pain since the 1700s... kind of tickles... and for that, I'm gonna make you suffer. Huh! Agh!

Hayley: How about a werewolf bite, you psychotic, little bitch?

Aurora: By all means if only I can laugh in your face when Nik heals me.

Aurora: Uh! Ah!

Freya: Maybe Klaus would heal you, but I doubt he would heal your brother. Why don't you bite him instead?

Hayley: Hmm.

Aurora: No one should dare harm my brother... Seeing as you're all going to need him if you want your precious Rebekah back.

Klaus: It's quite the conundrum, isn't it? If I k*ll you, Aurora will be furious, and she's my sister's keeper.

Tristan: Not to mention the object of your depraved desires, yet, despite all your time together, you hold no influence over her. I do, and once Elijah's safety is assured and, thus, mine, as well, I'll convince Aurora to turn Rebekah over to us.

Klaus: And were I to dagger Elijah, were I to lock my brother in a box, that would fulfill 2/3 of the prophecy, leaving only little, old me. Perhaps you think I'd be an easier target if I were alone.

Tristan: That's not the first time you'd have let siblings slumber while you toil on, and in a year's time when the prophecy has passed and each of our fates secure, you may wake them at your own leisure if you so choose.

Klaus: That's very bold of you to suggest I betray my own blood. Perhaps I should k*ll you right now.

Tristan: Well, there is one thing I know which you do not with regard to your beloved sister.

Aurora: You see, while I did ensure that Rebekah was dropped in the ocean, I don't know precisely where. I had some old friends do it for me, and then I k*lled them.

Tristan: Aurora has procured the exact location of Rebekah's watery grave in two sealed envelopes. Hers contained the latitude.

Aurora: And Tristan got the longitude.

Tristan: Thus, each of us has one half of the coordinates you need to find your sister...

Aurora: "X" marks the spot.

Tristan: Assuming, of course, you keep us both alive.

Aurora: So tell me, girls... Who has the advantage now?

[ Mikaelson compound ]

Lucien: Longitude and latitude. Lovely.

Tristan: Well, despite our differences, I believe great strides were made today.

Aurora: Hmm.

Elijah: Tristan, I can't m*rder you this very moment, but I could just as easily tear those eyeballs from your skull and feed them to your sister.

Klaus: Elijah, these are our guests.

Aurora: Nik, it's so sweet of you to defend us.

Klaus: You know, I doubted my brother's wisdom in bringing us all together today, but he was right. We must confront the harsh realities we all face and make difficult choices... To ensure our collective survival... And I have every confidence that my choice... Will be the right one.


(Aurora gasps)

Klaus: Were you anyone else, the servants would already be mopping your blood from the floor. If you do not bring my sister home, Tristan will die slowly and in tremendous pain.

Aurora: You betray me after all your promises of love.

Klaus: I meant to keep those promises! It was you who shattered them when you took Rebekah! Now I have your brother, a sibling for a sibling. I want Rebekah back.

Aurora: You will regret this. Huh!

Freya: After everything today, you just let her go?

Elijah: Aurora should be easy enough to control. We have Tristan now.

Klaus: Lucien... You will take me to Camille, and you will surrender the medallion, or you will meet an end so cruel, the devil will weep.

[ Lucien's penthouse ]

Anton: Thought I told you to sit still.

Cami: No. You told me to drink, so I drank, and now I'm cleaning up. How much do you know about Klaus Mikaelson? Because the chances of Lucien coming back are, um, kind of slim.

Anton: You better hope you're wrong, or you might not make it through the night.

Cami: Oh, I don't think you want to hurt me. See, Klaus is the most ruthless vampire in all of history, and guess what. He kind of likes me, so maybe you should be the one worrying about whether or not you make it through the night.

Anton: You're a bad drunk. Oh! Aagh!

Cami: I think I'm a pretty good drunk.

Anton: Ooh! (Sizzling) I'm gonna k*ll you. Oh...

Cami: Not while the sun's still out.


Aurora: You must be Cami.

(Trolley bell rings)

Anton: Uh!

Klaus: Rrgh! Raagh! Where is she?

Anton: I told you. She took my daylight ring and ran.

Klaus: Uhh! This is your fault.

Lucien: Well, to be fair, if Cami had done as she was told, she'd still be here, so technically, it's her fault.

Lucien: Ah, ah. Now, you may hate me for involving your pretty friend, but I needed your full attention. You certainly don't listen to me, despite my nonstop efforts to keep you alive.

Klaus: If that really is the w*apon that can lock me away for eternity, why hand it over?

Lucien: Proof of my loyalty. Yes. I sided with Tristan, but it's quite clear his devotion to Aurora outweighs even the value he places on his own life. Take it. It's yours.

[ Gillespie's pub ]

("Ruelle's deep end" playing)

Ruelle: ♪ Oh, yeah ♪
♪ Oh, yeah ♪
♪ Where can I go? ♪
♪ When the shadows are calling? ♪

Marcel: Can you help her?

Vincent: If she lets me. I'm not holding my breath. She's been through a lot.

Marcel: She's alive. That's what counts.

Vincent: Yeah. We'll keep telling ourselves that, won't we?

[ Cami's apartment / Outside Lucien's penthouse ]

Ruelle: ♪ Pulling me underneath ♪
♪ It's getting close ♪

Klaus: Cami? Camille?

Ruelle: ♪ It's taking over ♪

(Telephone rings)

Cami (on phone): It's Cami. Leave a message. (Beep)

Klaus: I need... I need to know you're safe. Call me back, please.

Ruelle: ♪ I'm slipping ♪
♪ Into the deep end ♪
♪ Feel the current within ♪
♪ I can't help, I give in ♪


Ruelle: ♪ Like light in my veins ♪
♪ Darnkess is sinking ♪
♪ Darnkess is sinking me ♪

[ Kenner apartment ]

Hayley: Jack, I am so sorry. I thought I would be back in time. Is Hope still up?

Jackson: Hope's asleep. She cried a little bit and finally went down.

Hayley: The family needed my help.

Jackson: I asked you for one thing today... just leave it be. Don't make it a fight. That's all I wanted.

Hayley: And I wanted to give that to you, but...

Jackson: .. but nothing. I should know this by now. No matter what Klaus does to you, to me, to the pack, whenever the Mikaelsons come calling, you will always be there to answer.

Hayley: Where are you going?

Jackson: Out to the bayou. I figured I'd spend the rest of this holiday with my family.

Hayley: Jack...

[ Mikaelson compound / French Quarter ]

Ruelle: ♪ Current within ♪
♪ I can't help, I give in ♪
♪ I'm lost in the deep end ♪
♪ Oh, yeah ♪
♪ I'm lost in the deep end ♪

Elijah: Have you found Camille?

Klaus, on phone: Not yet, but I will.

Elijah: Niklaus, do you think it was wise, allowing Aurora to go free?

Klaus: With her brother captured, she has no choice but to bring our sister home.

Elijah: Do you love her?

Klaus: My affections are not the point. What matters now is that we have this maddening prophecy under control.

Elijah: Perhaps.
