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03x08 - Novus Ordo Seclorum

Posted: 11/20/15 03:27
by bunniefuu
Previously on Sleepy Hollow...

Bear witness...


Trees are often associated with the underworld.

I thought the Shard of Anubis was a metallic lump.

Turns out that was just an outer casing, and when I took it, it disintegrated.

Wait a minute, you guys went and saw Nevins after I told you to steer clear?

Nevins is an FBI target.

Nevins: The energy from the Shard is very important to someone I work for, someone who makes Pandora look like a homeroom teacher.

Where is Jenny Mills?

Drop the g*n, Atticus!

Sophie Foster, FBI!

Reynolds is gonna lose it.

Abbie: Jenny?

She's not here.

Joe: Her veins were glowing the same color as the Shard.


Joe: Guys, where is she?

Behold, I have arrived.

♪ ♪

I have waited millennia for this moment.

What have they done to my world?

Entire species, gone forever.

Their absence only echoes.

This foulness.


Even the water is tainted.

The mortals who infest this world care nothing for its beauty.

Our presence has been sorely missed, my love.

(heart beating, gasping)

My eye... has bonded to a human?

She is the sister to one of the Witnesses.

Think of her as a vessel from which you drink in its power.

Witnesses, they still exist to plague us.

And they prove useful.

As they did in the past.

Let us test that usefulness now.

Reynolds: He's giving us nothing.

From where I'm sitting, you compromised a six-month-in-the-making deep-cover op.

Which could have been avoided if you would have told me a single thing about her.

First of all, I have a name.

Second, it's rude to point.

And it's rude to interrupt, especially when people should be apologizing.

As Special Agent in Charge, it's my prerogative who knows about deep-cover operations.

Oh, well, obviously, I didn't rate.

Whatever went down, we can still salvage this, all right, if you share what you know.

Starting with why Nevins was looking for your sister in the first place.

Ask him yourself.

He-He's not talking.

I told Jenny to stay away from Nevins.

She said that she would.

If she went against that, she probably had a really good reason.

Where's Jenny right now?

I do not have time for this.

We're trying to help you.

I do not know where she is.

After I find my sister, I promise, I will come back here and we can do the rest of this dance.

Crane: Careful.

Joe: There's no sign of her.

She's on foot.

Her phone's still here.

And her g*n.

That's not like her.

No, it is not.

The Shard within her brought visions.

Perhaps it's taken on a more permanent state.

That's why we need to find her fast.

We must tread cautiously.

Miss Jenny's trail leads towards a most formidable intersection of ley lines.

If that is her destination, we must assume Pandora is there, too.

Joe: Well, let's hope she is.

I got a few choice words for her.

Abbie: So do I.

Which way?


Abbie: I'll take point.

Pandora: He that I love has returned to my side.

He that I love from the Catacombs dark tide.

He that I love has returned from the grave.

(heart beating)

He that I love shall be remade.

So hungry.

You yearn to feast, but go slowly, my love.

My strength returns.

We shall bend this world to our will again.

But too quickly and her frail body will give out.

The power of the Eye will explode from her and be lost.

For you...

I would break Eternity.


I should've never taken my eyes off of her, not for one second.


This thing we do, I can k*ll Yaoguai until the berserkers come home, but I can't protect my own flesh and blood?

I share in your frustration, Lieutenant.

The sisters Mills are as close to family as I have left.

But she is not lost.

And if we're to help her, we must have faith.

If we wage a w*r fearing loss, we surrender to defeat before a battle has begun.

Where am I?

Who the hell are you?


The Eye lies within you, mortal.

It speaks of all that was.

(Jenny screaming)


Abbie: Where is she?

She was just here with Pandora.

Joe: And that thing, what the hell was that thing?

It was d*sfigured... almost mummified.

Where the hell did they go?

This is Sumerian.

We've seen its like before.

The tablet, the one that called us the destroyers.

Crane: These symbols...

...would suggest a threat far worse than we could have imagined.

What is it, Crane? What kind of monster.

Crane: No... no... are we dealing with this time? no monster.

I believe we are facing a living, breathing... god.

May the hidden one ever remain unseen.

His domain is the place of death.

He is uncreation, unbeing.

Pray his eye does not fall upon you, for his gaze is power infinite.

He's really a god.

Like Zeus or Poseidon.

She is the Pandora of legend.

Does it not follow that she might attempt to raise an ancient deity?

Okay, I don't care who he is or what he is, we need to head out to that lair and take him down.

Rushing into battle against a power this mighty would severely diminish Miss Jenny's chances of survival.

Abbie: No rushing, just hurry up, figure out who he is, so we can k*ll him faster.

Right, his name is "Etu 'Ilu," roughly translated as "the Hidden One."

This staff, the gem on top is meant to represent his absolute power.

The same power that's trapped inside of Jenny.

The Shard, yes, referred to here as the All-Seeing Eye.


Of course.

She did it on purpose.

Crane: Miss Jenny drew these whilst experiencing visions brought on by the Eye.

It's like her brain was overloading.

She couldn't get it out fast enough.

Hey, that staff, it's the same shape as the one in the book.

Crane, can you read this?


"Bring me my All-Seeing Eye, that I be made whole. With divine providence, I will reorder the world as I see fit."

Some kind of clue, l-look at this.

This is printed on the back of every piece of paper currency.

Crane: The Great Seal of the United States.

Known then as the Eye of Providence.

Novus ordo seclorum.

"New order of the ages."

A warning against the threat of imperialism.

Or an ancient evil.

How did that end up on the back of a sawbuck?

Ugh, a certain someone insisted on it.

The most confounding of Founding Fathers.

His favorite, Ben Franklin.

Crane: He was forever boasting about his part in designing a new currency.

In fact... he wrote a treatise on the Eye of Providence.

'Tis in The First Book of the Masonic Law.

Which I'm gonna just assume we have upstairs?

(scoffs) No.

'Tis the most important text in the Masonic order.

Its pages are privy only to Grand Master Masons.

One copy exists.

'Tis kept in the chapter room of the oldest lodge house in the Masonic Order.

The book has the answers, we go and get it.

You were once a Mason, Crane.

Where's this lodge house?

The state capital, Albany, at the university, where it may be protected and studied by the brightest, most learned minds in academia.

♪ You know you make me want to ♪
♪ Kick my heels back and ♪
♪ Throw my head back and ♪
♪ Throw my hands up and ♪
♪ Come on now ♪
♪ Don't forget to say you will ♪
♪ Don't forget to say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah... ♪
Shout... Shout...

Crane: Why is emulating a Roman senate gone amok considered celebratory?

Oh, it's a... it's a college tradition.

Like winter carnival, spring break... naked summer solstice sprint around the quad.

Beer can make a guy do strange things.

From time immemorial.



Let's just find the book and get out of here before the fumes k*ll us.


In the study.

A secret compartment behind the stone hearth.

This way.

Whoa, brothers only, dude.

Well met, brother.

What the hell are you doing?

The Tubalcain.

It's the handshake.

You are a Master Mason?

What the hell did you just call me, you freak?

(guests exclaiming)


Hey, everybody calm down, all right?

Yo, I'm calm.

♪ Put your hands up and ♪
♪ Come on, now ♪
♪ Don't forget to say you will... ♪


♪ Don't forget to say... ♪
♪ Say you will... ♪
♪ Come on now, baby ♪
♪ Say you will ♪
♪ Come on, come on ♪
Say you will...

(singer vocalizing, improvising)

♪ Say you will... ♪

Man: Fight!

(music, shouting, laughter continue in distance)

(Crane mutters quietly)

Abbie: Whoo!

(Crane exhales)

Now, Franklin's treatise was not, in fact, the definitive history of the Eye of Providence.

That was written by... his fellow Mason Paul Revere.

Okay, I'm still not used to the way you name-drop.

What does it say?

The article was penned in 1776, shortly after Washington crossed the Delaware River.

Faced with his enemy General Howe's continued use of arcane power, Washington sought out a supernatural w*apon of his own... the self-same Eye of Providence.

General Washington called for Paul Revere in his capacity as arcane weaponsmith.

Revere brought with him his nephew and apprentice, Jonathan Revere.

He asked Revere to examine a w*apon he had procured, a power that could potentially turn the tide of the w*r.

An ancient gemstone said to possess the power of the gods.

The power of the Eye was absorbed by young Jonathan,
just as it was by our Miss Jenny.

What happened to him?

Crane: Revere begged his protégé to return with him to Washington's camp, hopeful they could find a cure for his condition.

Johnny knew he did not have long.

He made a heroic sacrifice that Revere was powerless to avert.

We need to stop him before this Hidden One drains the Eye's energy out of Jenny.

Or it goes critical and takes out the town.

Well, that is not a viable option.

So all we have is a working knowledge of Sumerian and a very depressing Masonic book?

Crane: Nevins.

What about Nevins?

He was in the employ of Pandora.

He's not talking. If we want to find her secrets, we'll have to do it on our own.

I know my sister.

She'll hold on until we do.



No offense, lady, but your man is damn ugly.

Hidden One: It is your world that has become deformed.

A cancer, unchecked, despoiling a paradise built to reward the pious.

Ravaged by heathens.

A cleansing must begin, this world reborn.

The plague of humanity must be burned away by righteous fire.

A fire that you shall return to me.


Revere holds the key.

His account of the Eye features a series of seemingly arbitrary numbers in the marginalia.

A Dumas code.

Revere left a final encrypted entry the day following the death of young Jonathan.

The energy of the Eye dispersed, leaving destruction in its wake.

Yet the artifact itself, now freed from its hold on poor Jonathan, remained intact.

Revere then used the staff from whence the Eye had come to draw it out.

Now, Washington decreed the Eye too dangerous.

'Twas to be hidden, to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands...

Hold on, hold on.

That staff, it was like an Eye magnet?

If we could find it, we could use it.

The staff. Of course.

I really hope you're about to say, "I think I've seen this staff before."


The final hours of 1776, I visited Revere in his Boston silversmithy.


Major Revere?

Major Revere!

What is it you want, Crane?

General Mercer inquires after his Fishkill cutlass, damaged in the fighting at Princeton. - Tell Mercer his sword will be ready tomorrow, once I deal with more pressing matters.

An order for General Washington.

Very good.

Thank you, Major.

I heard Master Jonathan was lost to the pox.


That brutal plague.

My sympathies, Paul.

He was kind.

A hard-working lad.

Don't let anyone in too close.

When you lose them, it'll break you.

Crane: Revere was smelting down the staff on Washington's orders, reshaping its inscrutable metal into an iron mold.

Revere's mold was two halves of a sphere, right?

Do you think you could sketch what he was forging?

Can I sketch...

I was painting oils while Gilbert Stuart was still shredding snuff in Narragansett.

So that's a yes?


Jenny and I had that.

That's the same casing that held the Eye.

So Revere melted down the staff to make the casing to contain the Eye's catastrophic energies.

More than contain.

Pandora always seems to know about all sorts of things that she shouldn't, but she couldn't find the Eye.

What if the casing can contain the power and hide it?

That would explain why she needed Nevins to procure it for her.

So if we can find the casing, we can draw the Eye out of Jenny.

Save her life without having to destroy half the county.

Nevins still had that casing when the feds took him in.

It should still be in lockup with the rest of the evidence.

Back as soon as I can.

(Jenny screams)

Can you taste the magic of the old world?

Feel the ichor of life running through your veins?


The sensation of rebirth is intoxicating.

Oh, my love...

(moans passionately)
(door opens)

It's good to see you again.

I wish our visit could last longer, but in about five minutes, some friends of mine are gonna come throw you in a van and drive you to D.C., where a damn alphabet soup of FBI, DEA, A*F and DOJ will be waiting to Q&A.

So... if you have any last words, fond farewells...


Hmm? Nada?

Hey, man, I get it, you're pissed at me, hm?

But I'm gonna be honest, Even though you're some... criminal mastermind and, well, kind of a bastard, I like you.

All that time we spent together, you were a good boss, man.

And I can't help feeling like I want to do you a solid.

All we need are some names.

You can help yourself by cooperating here.

Are you trying to play me?

You think I'm scared of the feds?

Or prison?


There's no way I'm making it that far.

If somebody wants you dead, we can protect you.

Like hell!


Like hell.

Time's up, Foster.

Judge signed the custodial transfer.

Transpo's waiting.

Abbie Mills.

I've got information for her.

You tell her if she helps me, I'll help you.

You trying to play me?


He's yours.

Guy's done enough damage already.

Let's go.

Sophie: Mills.

He wants to talk to you.


That's what happens when you lie to someone for six months.

They tend not to trust you.

You know, I never lied to you.

Okay, Reynolds did.

If Nevins knows something about my sister, put me in a room with him.

How about a van?

(quiet, indistinct conversation)

Pandora: Hello, Atticus.

And good-bye.

I did my best.

I found the Eye, like you ordered me to.

And you allowed it to fall into the hands of a mortal.

But that isn't the real problem, is it?

You see, my husband is back in town.

And I need to do some housecleaning.

I mean, think of how it would look if he found out that an insignificant worm (gagging) like you used my box.



It was a gift from my husband.

(gagging): Oh, please, I'll do anything.

I'll pay anything.

(gasping, gagging)

What the hell?

(quietly): Damn...

Aw, damn it!

They're dead.

(quietly): Oh, damn.

Check the van.

We got men down, suspect on the loose, transpo bay one.

Man (over radio): Copy that. Security teams, lock down the facility.

No one gets in or out.

All agents report to your posts.

We are on high alert.

Stay put. I'll be back.

High alert status. Agents report to your posts.

All agents.


That's far enough.

Uh, is this about Nevins?

That wicked man gave me what he owed me.

My sister, where is she?

You know, you don't have to fight us, Abbie.

There is a place for you two Witnesses in the new world.

You have a right by lineage.

I swear, if you do anything to harm her...

That is beautiful. That's loyalty to family.

But I'm sensing something else underneath.

There's an old wound.

It's festering.

You've failed her before, haven't you?


Tell them what you saw, Abbie!

Tell them!

And it's so tragic.


What the hell are you doing?

Thought I saw something.

Reynolds wants you in his office.


Crane: For a structure that was once an armory, and despite my best efforts, we are still in limited supply of armaments.

I'm not sure what good any w*apon's gonna do against a god.

Crane: The Grimoire of Lycanthropic Curses.

Master Corbin, you were afflicted with one of the most insidious of the lycan curses, the blood thirst of the Wendigo.



Not a subject to revisit.

I'd do anything to save Jenny.

You went to w*apon up.

I thought that... (sighs) if there was some way that I could access that power again, that ferocity, but control it...

There are lines we do not cross.

Forces we do not unleash.

Or else we risk the very humanity for which we fight.

Yeah, I get the logic.

Just doesn't make me feel any better.

I know.

Often, when love grips the heart, logic can abandon the mind.

We will save Miss Jenny, and when we do, she will need you in the form of a man, not a beast.


The more bodies that we throw at this Nevins thing, the more chance we have of catching him before he slips the nets.

I should be out there look...

You should park it in that chair.

My case aside, our relationship aside, Nevins is a dangerous man.

Withholding information...

If you're implying I know where he is, I don't.

Your sister was involved.

Jenny has an interest in antiquities.

She was tracking something down.

Did money change hands?

Did she get what she was looking for?

Well, that has no bearings in your case.

I'll decide that.


While I was down in D.C., you pulled surveillance off of Nevins' base of operations.

Agent Foster caught your friend Crane snooping around, and then, just an hour ago, the one person Nevins asked for, the one person he thinks can cover his ass...

Mills, you do not walk out on me.

I'm your superior officer.

Are you gonna tell me that this isn't personal?

We both made promises, Danny.

And guess what? We both broke them.

You haven't been straight with me from the second I pulled into this town.

At least I tried to be honest with you.

I want to tell you everything, but I can't.

All I ask is that you try to understand.

Yeah, I can't do that, and if you can't give me the answers I need...


(line ringing)

Walters: You were told not to call this number, Agent Reynolds.

Unless I had a problem, and this rates.

The asset we were cultivating, we just lost her.

This is Abby Mills, you know what to do.

And if this is you, Crane, I mean it, wait for the beep.


Reynolds: It's me. Look...

I know you think we each have a different dog in this fight, but we're on the same side.

I haven't filed your resignation yet.

Come in, figure this thing out, I don't have to.

State and local are on this now.

Setting up road blocks in a 20-mile radius.

Also, we have people at the train and bus stations, Westchester County Airport.

The river?

Yeah, Ossining has double patrols on the Hudson.

It's getting dark now.

He's likely injured, but he could still cover some ground overnight.

Something else?

I know you and Agent Mills were close, but if I had known that you...

Was there anything else, Agent Foster?

Yeah, there sure as hell is.

Before she turned in her security pass, Mills requested all this from Tactical.

as*ault breaching equipment, night vision goggles, high expl*sive ordnance?

That's heavy gear for someone who just turned in their badge.

Is she even trained to use all that stuff?

I knew her at Quantico.

If the situation calls, she's trained to wage w*r.

You don't owe me this, Foster, but I need you to find her.

(g*n clicking)

This is a rescue mission, pure and simple.

We go in hard and fast, grab Jenny, get the Eye out of her, and get the hell out of there.

You are not pulling any punches.

I haven't seen hardware like this since my last tour.

If Pandora and her boyfriend get in our face, we put them down.

Roger that.

Heartily seconded.

Let's put this stuff in the car and go.

I found this in lockup. Belonged to Nevins.

Looked old, magical, you know, Crane-ish.

Thought it might come in handy.

The Ynglinga Saga?

Oh, my.

Wait, look.

These are summoning spells.

Some in Latin, some in Norse.

Wait, Norse like those berserkers that came after Jenny?

Nevins must have used this to summon them.

Now I'm curious.

What other creatures could this raise?

I like where you're headed with this.

Wait, so that book can pull monsters out of Pandora's box?

If it can, it may be very handy indeed.

Let's go get my sister.

The time has come to return what is mine.

(weakly): I hope... you choke on it.

Pandora: Wait.

Just a moment, dearest.

I want to watch.

Of course.

From this moment on, as we planned all those thousands of years ago, we shall be together in all things.

I'm in position.

Abbie (over radio): Copy that, Joe.

How do you like our odds, Crane?

Be honest.

Three mortals facing a woman of legend and an ancient deity.

Obviously, we don't stand a chance.

I did say "Be honest."

I'd like to think you and I have developed, over the years, Lieutenant.

We have fought off horsemen, demons, witches.

Norse berserkers, whispering wraiths.

Zombie redcoats.

Evil scarecrows, golem.

And we sent them packing.



Yeah, we did.

This is our first god, though.

This plan of ours is crazy, huh?

Is that a question?

I mean it, Crane.

What if my judgment is impaired because it's Jenny out there?

"To wage w*r fearing loss is to give in to defeat."

And yet the only thing running through my mind is, I am going to lose my sister.

With all respect to my fellow compatriot, Major Revere, your spirit and mine is made of far heartier stock.

Hence our most impressive roster of victories.

'Tis because we care.

Come what may.

Come what may.

We're moving in, Joe. Stand by.

Standing by.

You ready to fight some bad guys, Crane?


My man.

Abbie: All clear.

Pop the door.

(latch thuds, door creaks)

Abbie: We're in.

Let's move.

(Jenny groaning, moaning)

(Jenny cries out, sobs)

She's alive.

Joe, I got eyes on Jenny.

(over radio): She's still with us.

Joe (over radio): We need to move quickly, before that thing inside her blows.

Ready to shock and awe.

Good to go.

Cover me.

Intruders, my love.

No, no, no.

Let me.

Enjoy your feast.

(Jenny gasps)

Nothing more irritating than unannounced guests.

Yeah, I thought about your offer, and I came to tell you you can go to hell.

Time and again, you resist the fact that fate cannot be changed.

Yours is sealed, as is your sister's.

We're stubborn that way.

Fire in the hole.

(Pandora groans)

Abbie, you have to get out of here.

It's too late.

Hold on.

I'm going to get that thing out of you.


(heart beating) You have to go.

There's no time.

I'm not leaving you.

Never again.

Vocat agmina nostra tellure antiquis temporibus processit... continentiam vacuum irrumperent... emergere.

How dare you!

Entia vacuum.



Hidden One: Humans... often refuse to accept when they have been defeated.

Let me help you with that.



Oh, no.

You have no idea what you are doing.

Oh, I rather think I do.

Let us see what creatures from within heed my call.

(both speaking Latin)


Entia vacuum...

Emergere! Continentiam

(speaking Latin)

vacuum... irrumperent!

(Jenny sobbing)

Hold on, Jenny.

Come on... come on.





Jenny: Abbie, what have you done?


I have to do this.

It's the only way that I can save you.

Abbie! Don't!



Take care of each other.






Oh, thank God.

Oh, no.

