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04x13 - Reality Check

Posted: 11/17/15 15:09
by bunniefuu
Nate: 10 couples have fallen.

Only two remain.

They've survived every challenge...

And each other...

To get to the finals and their chance at $1 million.

Can Les and Colleen Dickerhoof pull it out in the end, or will Chip and Donna Cochran, the couple we love to hate, be the first across the finish line... again?

[ Screaming ]

[ Groans ]

Don't miss "American Scavenger Hunt"...

This Wednesday night.

It's all come down to this.

Sykes: That's her. Donna Cochran.

Her husband, Chip, was thrown from the vehicle...

Injured but alive. He's on his way to the hospital.



Why two steering wheels?

Sanchez: They were installed in the car as part of a reality-show challenge.

Each vehicle had two drivers, sir.

Yeah, all the contestants are dysfunctional married couples competing for $1 million.


Husband and wife driving the same vehicle, arguing about money.

What could possibly go wrong?

So, where did the car fall from?

There's a switchback 300 feet above us.

They must have lost control at the turn and...

Husband was found halfway down the hill, Tao.

Really? Interesting.

Any witnesses?

Another vehicle like this one was about 50 yards ahead of the curve, and a small production crew was about the same distance behind, but no one was near enough to see the car when it went over the edge.

And this production crew is where?

Tailed the ambulance that took the husband, filming the whole thing.

Something's not right here.

There are lots of small cameras positioned inside the car.

I'll unload the video at the print shed.

Maybe we can see what happened.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Yes, Lieutenant.

Julio, where are you?!

I'm in Griffith Park on Mount Hollywood Drive, around...

No, you're not! I'm on Mount Hollywood Drive!

And why am I up here by myself, surrounded by press everywhere?!

Sir, you went where the car drove off the cliff.

We're 300 feet below, where the car crashed.

Tao thinks it might not be an accident.

Uh... back! Get back!

Make sure they stay 50 yards.

Push them back 50 yards.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Ye gods, it's Flynn calling... again.

You get Tao up here...





Flynn, you better be dying.

I'm watching you on the news.

Tragedy on the TV set of "American Scavenger Hunt."

You look better from behind than you do from the front.

You're supposed to be resting.

I'm just enjoying your show.

Ask the Lieutenant to have Julio meet me at the hospital.

Yeah, Sharon says she would like...

[ Beep ] Hello?

What? He hung up on me.

[ Chuckles ] I'll call him on my way.

Would you send me something to do?

You're not supposed to be working.

Please? I'm fine, really.

I mean, I can watch television and work on field cards at the same t...

Apparently, um, Patrice is standing by if you need her.

I'm good, and Slider's lawyer is coming, so...

Oh, right.

And if anything goes wrong with Andy, you call...

Call 911 first, and then call you.

And drove over the cliff.

Donna Cochran died at the scene.

Chip has serious injuries and was taken to an area hospital.

Is this an accident or not?

I don't think so. Let me look at these skid marks.

The husband was found halfway down the cliff, supposedly thrown from his car.

But his seatbelt wasn't engaged, his airbag never went off, and his car door was ripped off during the crash.

And the woman...

In the vehicle...

Was also wearing a red bandana.

So, why is this one up here?

Sharon: Her husband was thrown from the car, or did he jump out just in time?

Maybe. The car had two sets of controls.

The husband could have forced the car to the edge and bailed out before the crash, maybe rolled down the side of the hill a bit to make it look like more of an accident, ma'am.

Hey, folks, do you mind just standing here for a moment?

Yes, we do mind. Step aside.

But we're filming. It'll... ma'am?

Les: I don't know how something like this happened.

The Scavenger Hunt team is so careful.

Safety being our number-one priority.

How was that?

Nate: Good.

Colleen, can you say a few nice words about the Cochrans?

Very few.

We want the audience to know that in the game, it may have looked like we thought Chip and Donna were total freaks, but...

[Voice breaking] Deep down, we knew they were...

They were people, not like us, but human.


What's going on here?

Uh, hi.

Nate Olin, host and...

Executive producer/creator of "American Scavenger Hunt."

This is part of my...

Mr. Olin, the police need this hallway to remain clear.

But, um, see, the waiting room is not as good a backdrop for...

Is it better than being under arrest, Nate?

[ Bag crinkles ]

'Cause I'm about to arrest you.

All right. We'll move.

Excuse me.

Sharon: Mr. Cochran.


We'd like to ask you some questions about the accident.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Did Nate send you guys in here?

'Cause I told him I'm not talking to anybody right now!

You guys need to wait.

Just make an appointment with my publicist.

You don't ask the L.A.P.D. to wait, sir.

We ask you to wait.

[ Bag crinkles ]

Is this yours?

Well, it's got to be.

I mean, it's too big for Donna's tiny brain pan.

Where is my psycho wife, anyway?

No one seems to know.

She's nearby.

Can you tell us something about the moments leading up to the crash?

Well, we were arguing.

She was jealous, you know, accusing me of dropping my pants for another woman.

At first, I thought she was just having one of her tantrums, because that's part of our brand.

But then, she starts yanking the wheel towards the edge of the cliff, driving crazy.

Why didn't you try steering yourself?

Does the fact that I couldn't get control of the car make me look responsible to you two idiots?


What makes you look responsible to us idiots is that we found this bandana one foot from the edge of the cliff.

Okay, I felt like my wife was trying to k*ll us, so I jumped from the car.

Haven't you seen what she's done to me on the show?!

Mitzy: Oh, Chip!

Oh, geez.

I can't believe Donna's gone.

Oh, no, ma'am, please.

What do you mean, gone?

Don't mess with me, Mitzy. Not today.

Ma'am, I need you to turn around and walk out of the door!

I'm not leaving after he just lost his wife and nearly died himself.

Chip, stay with me while I post this on Twitter.

Is what my sister saying true?

That Donna's...

That my wife is...

She's dead?


We're very sorry.

You're sorry?

You're standing here asking me questions, making me think my wife is in another...

Chip, honey, let me handle this.

Listen, police officers, we're gonna need some family time here.

We appreciate your public service...

So much.

Thank you.


Absolutely. You can have some time.

The doctor said you can be released in a few minutes.

The nurse will let us know when he's ready and we'll be back to take him downtown.

Nate: Sure. Yeah, we had a camera crew following the little race.

But network legal is so worried about liability, they've already confiscated all the video from the accident.

I'm sorry.

Mr. Olin, as the host of the show, did you observe the Cochrans enough to know if they got along?


This is one of cable's most popular shows, in addition to being our network's number-one series, and the Cochrans are why.

So the way he talked about his wife, that was just an act?


They're awful, hateful people with absolutely no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

But our audience loves to hate them.

See, to the fans, they're not the Cochrans, they're the Cockroaches. [ Chuckles ]

We just cut a whole promo based on them.

Eat it! Put it inside you!

Get it!

Nate: You've seen them struggle.

Eat it, Donna!

I can't even figure out how you guys got on this show.

Nate: You've watched them attack others.

What he means is, you guys are just ugly.

You know, like on the outside.

You're just... you're just... You're physically ugly.

Are they mean enough to win?

Hurry up, you idiot!

Put your foot higher, you fat loser!

Watch "American Scavenger Hunt"...

[Screams, grunts]

Wednesdays at 9:00 on Slag TV.

What a disgusting couple.

And they're pure gold.

Of course, they were a team.

Nurse: Okay, Detective.


Uh, Chip is ready to go, ma'am.

I think he may be avoiding us, ma'am.

That's an interesting reaction from someone we told to stay here.

Well, it could be Chip thinks he's still racing.

Or maybe he knows it's "game over."

[ Snoring ]

[ Knocking on door ]

Bobby G. Monroe.

Are you Rusty?

Yeah, yeah.

Thank you so much for making time to see me.

Uh, this way.

Nice to meet you, finally.


Oh, he's...

He's not gonna be here while we...

Oh, no, no.

In fact, I need to check to make sure he's not dead.

Andy. Andy.

[ Snorts ]

Slider's lawyer is here.

Hey, Bobby.

Still in the dirtbag business?

I am.

You still charging people with crimes for which they can be ex*cuted by the state?

Okay, okay. Don't answer that, Lieutenant.

Bobby is here to argue with me, not you.


You can talk till you're blue in the face.

Not gonna change a thing.

I'll be down the hall with my laptop.

Do you mind if we leap right into business?

Because Greg Rasenick isn't my only client.

But he is the only one going to court this year, isn't he?

I-I looked you up.

Lots and lots of death-penalty cases.

It's my entire practice.

Well, I'm sorry to interrupt it.

Have a seat.

Thank you for coming to me, because I'm... I'm a little pinned down today.

But I tried to interview Greg last week using the questions I had e-mailed to you.

But they weren't very helpful, because he can't read.

Oh, well, that's not unusual for a kid like him.


And he won't cooperate with me, but he admires you.

At least, he... he quotes you a lot.


And I was thinking that if you could be there the next time I try to talk to him...

Okay, look, I signed off on this whole interview thing and agreed to not treat it as evidence, but I don't see how it helps my case.

And what are you, anyway... 14?

I'm almost 20, and...

Frame the story for me in adult terms.

What's your angle?

Are you trying to get Greg to say he's sorry for what he did?

God, no. Actually, I'm barred from even asking him about the m*rder.

Well, what is it, then? Be... be honest with me.

Okay, I'm trying to figure out if Slider was always this way, or was there a turning point when he changed from street kid to k*ller?



Slider told me you're letting him take the stand.

It's not ideal, but it's the only way he'd let me represent him.

Well, then I want you to see how easily your client loses it with me when I ask him just some... some pretty simple questions.

And then I want you to imagine how he'd react at trial, under cross-examination from Andrea Hobbs.

I'm offering Slider an opportunity to practice some...

Some ordinary social interaction before you put him in front of a jury.

If I were you, I'd want to see how he behaves.

[ Phone rings ]

Julio found Miss Mitzy at her house.

He's on his way up with her right now.

And still no sign of the brother.

Does Mitzy have a criminal record?

No. Just a social one.

She says on Facebook she left her job as a dental hygienist three months ago to start her own publicity firm.

So, Chip's sister is also his publicist?


Oh, and something else that's pretty interesting...

In everyday life, Chip is a stuntman.

So he would know how to jump out of a moving vehicle.

Mike, do we have anything else on the car they both were driving?

Mechanic said good brake lines, no flat tires.

Could have been hacked, but I'd have to go over the drive-by-wire.


Cars like this, when you steer or step on the brake, a computer translates that action into a signal, which...

Oh, my God.

Are you saying that...

That this drive-by-wire could have been hacked?

Yes, and the car could be driven remotely.

As if installing an extra steering wheel and another pair of brakes didn't create enough trouble.

Sharon: Buzz, there were onboard cameras.

Yes, but no memory cards.

Everything was transmitted directly to the follow van.

Mitzy: I'm tweeting about this.

You're not accusing my brother of crashing his car without having me documenting ev... hey!

You can't cut me off from the world like that.

The world wants a break. Ma'am.


Good luck.

Tao: This is your vehicle, is it not?

You can't prove that.

I saw you helping Chip into your minivan before you drove him away.

We have video of you assisting him escape from the hospital.

Well, maybe that was me.

But Chip was overwhelmed with grief.

He just lost his wife.

He shouldn't have to answer questions from a bunch of celebrity-crazed police officers.

Would you treat Justin Bieber like this?

Who? Justin who?

Tao:Ma'am, we just need to know where your brother's gone.

Chip wanted to protect his privacy and his dignity.

Is that why you helped him escape in his hospital gown?

To protect his dignity?

No. I needed to take him somewhere where he could properly communicate his loss.

Are you talking about a lawyer?

No, I'm not talking about a lawyer.

In Hollywood, what happened to Chip can only be discussed in one forum.

He's there right now, live! [ Scoffs ]

What am I dealing with here?

Haven't you ever heard of Mario Lopez?

I'm surprised we're not watching it.

I mean, the fact is, you know, Donna and I, we shared a deep and abiding love, man, you know.

We're not hateful people. We're just misunderstood.

I mean, sure, we said some awful, awful things to each other, but that was our way of expressing our affection.

Amy, call the producers of that show and have them hold Mr. Cochran until Julio can arrest him.

I'm... I'm sorry, man, I'm a...

I'm a bit of a wreck right now.

It's all right. Listen, Chip, do you think that you might want to take a little time for yourself and just sort of get away and be out of the public eye?

I don't think so.

I think Donna would have wanted me to...

To push on with the spin-off.

Our fans, they don't call us the Cockroaches because they hate us.

They call us the Cockroaches because we're survivors.

[ Voice breaking ]Donna, if you're listening up there, I celebrate you.

You scripted his responses?

Chip helped.

You know, Chip, in an "extra" exclusive, we actually obtained footage of...

Of your crash from the network right here.


So I'd like for you to check this out.

He never told me that.

W-wait a minute.

How did Mario Lopez get footage of that crash before we did?

Exactly. I want a copy of whatever video they have...


Thoughts. I know it's some pretty sensitive stuff, but if you can please comment on the other side, that would be great.

Yeah, o... Yeah, o-okay.

Let's take a look.

You're sleeping with her, aren't you?

You and that goat-faced bitch!

[Tires squealing] Ugh!

Stop that! Stop it! I'm not doing anything!

You're yanking the steering wheel, Chip!

Stop it!

Slow down, Donna!

We're getting too close to the edge, Chip!

Stop! You're gonna k*ll us both!


Karma's a bitch, Donna!

I don't want to die!


Oh, come on! I was exaggerating.

You know, for the camera.

Look, "Scavenger Hunt" is edited so that we come off as the villains.

But my wife, she was totally sweet an... and endearing.

And accused you of an affair as you drove her off a cliff.

I already told you... That didn't happen.

She was jealous all the time.

The affair, you know, it was a figure of her imagination.

Did she also imagine you screaming "karma's a bitch" right before you jumped out of the car?

Yeah, okay, that was... That was instinct.

And training... you being a stuntman and all.

That's one hell of a lucky coincidence, don't you think?

Look, I thought the producers asked her to drive that close to the edge to see what I would do, because they've done stuff like that before.

You guys don't know how this works 'cause you're not famous.

But my wife and I, we're reality stars, okay?

We were gonna get our own spin-off.

It's a technical term. You... you wouldn't understand.

Everyone here knows what the word "spin-off" means, okay?

We also know all about motives for m*rder!

I had no motives!

Think about it... Without Donna, what would our spin-off be about?

[ Scoffs ] Of course, now I could date.

I mean, that... That would be a show.

[ Sighs deeply ]

Could he be telling the truth?

[ Cellphone chimes ]

I don't know.

But in a car with two steering wheels driven by a married couple, I'm gonna have a hard time proving intent.

[ Chuckles ]

Mike and Amy are ready for you.

Okay. Buzz...

I have an errand I need you to run.

Tao: We've gone through the timecode on the video, matching it to the corresponding points in the tire tracks from the crime scene.

While they were arguing, the Cochrans drifted onto the dirt shoulder of the road.

If you watch, the first swerve occurs right there at 4 minutes, 24 seconds into the race.

Which corresponds to this point in the tire tracks.

The swerving continues for 10 seconds, as they fight for control, back and forth, back and forth.

But then, at the 4 minute, 34 second mark, the tire tracks go straight, directly towards the edge of the cliff.


The Cochrans were definitely not in control of their vehicle.

For the last 20 yards, at least.

So, either the steering wheels locked or they were hacked.

S.I.D. is studying the car's computer now.

We should have a report shortly.

In the meantime, we need to find out who else had access to that car before the challenge, and who would want the Cochrans dead.

Wait, does this mean we need to watch them on the television?

I've got that covered.

Hey, Buzz.


The captain said you wanted something to do.


Oh, no. Don't tell me.

Welcome to all three seasons of "American Scavenger Hunt."

Thank you.


Flynn: Run, Reggie, run!

It's in the freezer... Oh, my God.

How can you walk away from the refrigerator and not open the freezer?

Sorry about that.

Hmm. It's okay.

They love that show in prison, too.

Look, how about this?

I have a motion to suppress Greg's confession in court tomorrow.

I thought you tried that already.

Three times. Four is about average.

Anyway, I'll arrange for you to videotape an interview with Slider before his hearing, and then later you devote another post of this little show of yours, "Identity," to a conversation with me about the death penalty.

Well, as a... as a journalist, I'd have to challenge everything you say.

I can handle that debate.


Oh, my God, the penguin is in the freezer!

Read the clue again!

I mean, where do they find these people?

Can I ask, are you representing Slider or your political cause?

Oh, no.

You have to interview Greg before you can interview me.



These teams made a pact with the devil just going on that show. They all knew that they were gonna be competing against the Cochrans when they auditioned.

But we were talking about Episode 9!

Oh, okay.

That's where Colleen stepped up her game.

Colleen Dickhoof, sir?

Colleen Dickerhoof.

There's an "er" between the "d*ck" and the "hoof," Julio.

And her husband's name is Les.

Colleen and Les were the couple who were giving the interview when we got to the hospital, ma'am.

Well, she seems nice.

Oh, yeah, sure. On the surface. Underneath, she's a snake... Making passes at all the men, getting each guy to play off against the other.

In Episode 9, Colleen gets her hooks in the last two husbands on the show.

That would be... Dr. Reggie Fluke, a computer engineer with sleep apnea, and Chip Cochran.

Colleen was flirting with Chip, too?

On camera in front of her husband.

I mean, besides the interviews they do with the contestants,
that was the best part of the show.

One minute, this black widow is making eyes with Reggie, and the next, she's winking at Chip.

So how does all this extracurricular romance affect the game?

Because, before they give you a clue to track down whatever crazy-ass item they want you to find, each team must complete a challenge.

And this Dickerhoof woman, she got Chip so psyched out that he tells her on camera that he sabotaged Reggie...

You know, the computer geek...

And that he made him so late that the Doctor and Mrs. Fluke could never catch up.

And then Chip and Donna drove over a cliff.

I'm telling you, it's the Dickerhoofs.

Wait, wait. When you refer to them as a couple, shouldn't it be "Dickerhooves"?

Sharon: Okay.

So, how do we know if Colleen's flirtations were real or faked for the show?

Chip: [ Chuckles ] It was real all right.

Colleen, she got in my head, you know?

We understand she's a manipulator.

But it never went anywhere.

I was attracted to her, sure.

But people loved hating me and Donna together.


Here's the deal.

We've won "Scavenger Hunt" two times running.

The audience, they're desperate for us to lose.

By flirting with Colleen, I gave them hope that that could happen.

But throwing the game because she was hot, give me a break, man.

Colleen's hot, yeah, but is she "wow, I'm gonna give up another $1 million" hot?

No way! Unh-unh.

When Donna accused you of having an affair, why didn't you tell us she thought it was with Colleen?

'Cause I knew you'd jump to conclusions and try and pin the m*rder on me.

Sanchez: Actually, Mr. Cochran, we're hoping that you can tell us who else might have wanted to hurt you and your wife.

W-what, because suddenly I'm not guilty anymore?

That's correct.

Yeah, we no longer suspect you of the m*rder.

We're considering other...

Oh, come on!

I know the "good cop, bad cop" thing.

Mr. Cochran, neither of us is accusing you of k*lling your wife.

Uh-huh, sure. What am I, an idiot?

You are no longer a suspect in your wife's death!

Do you understand?!

[ Chuckles ] Boom.


See, I'm getting to you, man!

Now you're really starting to hate me.

And that's why I'm so valuable to cable audiences.

I'm like a Tony Soprano or a Walter White...

What's going on with Julio?

A bad guy who acts good.

I mean, these people are awful, but still.

I'm not sure. He's been like this since the crime scene.

And then I can get people to hate me so bad...

Maybe you and I can talk to him later on, Captain.

You know, that spin-off, that might live after all.

I probably already know the answer to this question, but has anyone ever threatened your life?

Threats are the lifeblood of reality TV.

Go online.

Read the things they say about moi.

Tao: Mm-hmm.

Other than right this second, have you ever been concerned for your safety?

Well, there is this one guy who popped up recently in the twitterverse.

Calls himself thextermin8r, 'cause we're the cockroaches, and he's the...

We get it.

Yeah, well,that guy. Thextermin8r.


I'll check online.

With the instagram, the Twitter, and the YouTube.

Yeah. His hatred is intense.

It's like, uh, poetry.

But more vicious and hateful.

Let's go back to Mrs. Dickerhoof for a moment.

I understand Reggie Fluke was also quite taken with her.

Yeah. That was part of Colleen's strategy...

Playing Reggie and me against each other.

That's why I sabotaged fluke and his wife last week, which is what she wanted me to do.

Colleen, man.

She came to play.

So, Colleen used Chip to get rid of the Flukes.

Maybe this week she figured out a way to get rid of Chip.

Well, we can only ask her.

None of that was my idea.

Wrapping Chip around my little finger...

That was in the script.

Oh, so, there's actually a script.

Colleen: Of course, silly.

Reality doesn't just happen.

Unless you think I make it up all on my own.

Well, if anyone could, I'm sure it would be you.

The writer guides us in the situations to stir up drama.

And whatever the show suggests, you go along with...

Is that right?

Well, we don't really have a choice.

For a chance to win, you have to give them what they want.

And then give them what they want some more.


Oh, so you were only flirting with Chip because you were told to.

Of course. You're getting it.

See, honey, he's not just a silver fox.


Do you agree with that, Les?

That Colleen's flirtations aren't real?


It's all for the cameras.

I did go after Reggie on my own.

I didn't like it.

Eyes on the prize, sweetheart.

It worked, right?

Chip made sure the Flukes went home, and now we win $1 million and come back next season, so, you're welcome, Les.

So, how did Chip get the Flukes out of the way?

In last week's challenge, couples had to start a fire before getting their clue.

Reggie couldn't get a spark going.

Because Chip urinated on their wood.

Of course, I didn't suggest anything so...

So vulgar.

And we wouldn't even have known if Chip hadn't bragged about it.

"I'm responsible for us all being in the finale, bro."

But now it's just me.

And Les...

Of course.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Oh, wait a minute.

S.I.D. just sent us the decoded data from the victim's car computer.

And what's the verdict?

I'm forwarding it to your e-mail right now.

The car was definitely hacked.

Now, how is that possible?

Remotely, likely through the vehicle's infotainment system.

And you don't need physical access to the vehicle, either.

With the right computer program, you could drive the car from anywhere in the world.

Sharon: But you'd still need to know when and where the Cochrans were racing.

Can we work our way back to a computer owned by a person who could have that information?

You'd need the computer itself.

Well, let me ask you this.

What about my Civic? It's a '99.

Could someone just break in...

You're safe. Well, from hacking.

Sharon: Wait a minute.

Didn't Andy say that the contestant that was kicked off of last week's show was a computer engineer?

Dr. Reggie Fluke, yes.

He writes code for video games.

He does more than that.

Captain, I sent an emergency request to threat management, and the I.T. guy there says that the Twitter handle "thextermin8r" came back to the last guy eliminated from "Scavenger Hunt."

Reggie Fluke.

Take a look at his most recent tweet.

Okay. "Cockroaches spread disease, and disease must be eradicated.


Is it just me, or does Reggie seem like a really bad loser?

[ Door opens ]

[ Chains jangling ]

[ Door closes, lock engages ]

[ Sniffs ]

[ Handcuffs click ]

All right. Wait outside the door.

Guard: Do not approach the prisoner.

Do not feed the prisoner.

Do not hand the prisoner anything.

I'll be right here.

See the way they treat me? Like a wild animal.

You record all that?

I did, yeah.

So, what do you think?

Cool, huh? Suit, tie, haircut, mint kicks.

I look like a k*ller to you now?

Greg, remember, we're not talking about the crime today.

We're gonna talk about your life, Greg, before...

You went to jail.


You know, I always wanted to be on TV.

Uh, but don't make me look bad.

No. No, no...

The... The idea is for you...

To look like yourself.


Let me just make sure that the...

The cameras are angled properly and then we'll... we'll start.


Boom![Laughs] Yeah. Pfft!

What are you doing?! Everyone's beating us!

We'll be last to leave, Reggie!

I'm trying! I can't get it to light!

You are half a man!


That's your computer engineer with sleep apnea, Reggie Fluke, aka thextermin8r.

And he was humiliated like this on national television.

Yeah, but don't forget, Reggie auditioned for the show knowing he was gonna be on with the Cochrans.

He was hoping to win $1 million.

Not worth losing your relationship for, is it?


So, uh...

How's Julio with all of this?

Not very well.

Why do you ask?

Well, a woman k*lled in a car crash after her vehicle spins out of control?


That's exactly how his wife died.

Well, she had a seizure, but...

Oh, my God.

And Julio watched the video of Donna going over the cliff.


Is that what Julio has been so upset about?



Okay, we've only got two minutes till Chase gets here.

Let's watch this video of Reggie one more time, and I will figure out how to deal with Julio later.

[ Sighs ] Yes, ma'am.


You are half a man!

His wife left him over this fire thing, you know.

I have a doctorate in engineering from M.I.T..

Maybe I can't scavenge, but I have vast intellectual powers.

Now, that show was deliberately edited to make me look unlikable and full of myself.

My client has filed a breach of contract against the producers, so he is not at liberty to discuss the events...

I've seen this lawyer somewhere.

On every bus bench in the valley.

Look, we know that Mr. Cochran sabotaged that challenge and that he's responsible for your loss.

Of course he is.

We also know that after losing that challenge, you started posting threats on the Cochrans' social media page under the handle thextermin8r.

[ Sighs ]

[ Scoffing ] Please.

These are meaningless jests, protected by the constitution, P.S.

He posted these jokes for entertainment purposes.


Would the entertainment purposes include hacking into the Cochrans' car and driving it over a cliff?

[ Stammer, scoffs ] Never.

I only use my powers for good.

Dr. Fluke, our I.T. specialists are analyzing the program responsible for the hack right now.

If we can prove it came from your computer, there will be no more dots left to connect.

If you'd like to use your powers to stay out of prison for the rest of your life, we're open to hearing your side of the story.

Is now when I begin addressing them on a hypothetical basis?

Oh, yeah.

You know, I think "hypothetical" is my favorite kind of basis.

But technically incorrect.

There's no offer on the table.

He does have a lawyer.

Sort of.

My client will now tell you one possible way that the Cochrans' vehicle might...

Might... have been hacked.

The program disabling the vehicle was maybe run over Bluetooth.

Now, for those of you who would like to learn a little something today, Bluetooth has a range of approximately 100 yards.

I was on the other side of town when the vehicle crashed, therefore I am not your suspect.

If that were true, though, the hacker must have been very close by.

[ Knock on door ]

I just got off the phone with the network, ma'am.

They say since the "Scavenger Hunt" finale drove off a cliff, they want to put together a memorial episode, and they want to sh**t some interviews in our m*rder room.

Provenza: Oh, well, I'll tell them where to go.

No, wait, wait.

Lieutenant, they might help.


Oh, my goodness, Lieutenant, you don't think reality just happens, do you?

It needs a script.

I was far out of range when this terrible tragedy occurred.

How... how do you know the program was designed for Bluetooth, Dr. Fluke?

[ Stammers ] A-ca-ca-ba-ga-ga... ba.

My client is very happy to answer all of your questions.

I, myself, would prefer some assurances from the D.A...

In writing.

And... in exchange for a plea agreement for vehicular manslaughter, and the name of the person who was operating that hacking program, assurances will be forthcoming.

[ Door opens, phone rings, door closes ]

This experience has only reminded us of all we have to be thankful for.

Life is so precious.


Cut. Print. Moving on.

What is Reggie doing here, Nate?

Don't tell me he's coming back to the show.

We won, didn't we?

Of course.

Mr. Olin...

I'm sorry to tell you that Reggie Fluke was involved in planning yesterday's tragedy.


Oh, man.

We remind everybody that it is just a game, but, you know, some people have a hard time separating reality from, um,reality.

[ Chuckles ]

Which is why we have to try and corroborate his ridiculous story.

No, your cameraman can stay.

You might get some, uh, really great material for the show.

But first you have to sign our releases regarding your rights.

Yeah, this is just formality.

See, look, I'm signing too.

Uh, you have the right to remain silent.

Initial. And then "in a court of law," initial.

"Attorney," you have a right to one of those.

And initial, initial, initial.


You see, the L.A.P.D.

Has some pretty big liability issues itself.

Now, Reggie... Reggie claims that the show approached him about creating a Bluetooth program for safety purposes.

Hiring a loser like Fluke to ensure safety?

[ Scoffs ] Are you kidding?

Well, he was kind of a computer whiz, Colleen.

He fixed my laptop using a paper clip.

It was really neat.

Nate, if this is some sort of trick to take our $1 million...

That is a legitimate worry, Colleen, because Reggie says the person who approached him about hacking the Cochrans' car was you...

Mr. Olin.

Guys, guys... Hold on a minute.

You were in the follow van, weren't you?

Right behind Chip and Donna's car?

Yeah, that's part of my job. Why is that an issue?

Because Dr. Fluke's program runs through Bluetooth.

Whoever hacked into the Cochrans' vehicle had to be within 100 yards of them.

What are you saying?

Turn off the camera, hoodie!

Buzz, will you take over, please?

Mr. Olin, I'd like you to listen to this and see if it sounds familiar.

You paid Dr. Fluke cash to create a program to let you hack into the Cochrans' car and drive it off a cliff with them inside of it!

No. Hey, it wasn't me.

Colleen and Les were much nearer the Cochrans!

Hey, we played fair and square.

It's a nice try, Nate.

But the program runs on a cellphone, and the Dickerhoofs were not allowed to have one during the race.

Sharon: But you did have one, and we have a warrant allowing us to examine it.

I don't understand, Nate. You said the Cochrans were gold.

Why would you want them off your show?

[ Scoffs lightly ]

My show.

Are you kidding me?

Yeah, I conceived it. I produced it.

And then those Cockroaches took what I designed to be a metaphor for marriage and turned it into "the Texas chainsaw m*ssacre."

Plus, you know how much I'm getting paid?

$25,000 an episode.

Chip's already made $2 million, and he was close to getting $3 million.

Well, if you were so unhappy, why didn't you just quit?

Don't you think I tried?

I have a six-year contract.

I sold a pilot, too.

Great script.

About an autistic child who solves murders.

And the network wouldn't let me out to do it.

Hey, I went to Yale!

Yeah, I went to U.S.C. Film School!

For this?!

And the way these people talk to me?

"Hey, Shakespeare, why we eating goat testicles today?"

Because you're a bunch of attention-seeking, money-grubbing pigs, that's why.

That's a terrible thing to say!

Those... those were goat testicles?

He told me they were tater tots.

Provenza: Congratulations, Mr. Olin.

You are out of your network contract.

Sharon: But you'll probably be signing a deal with the state negotiated by your lawyer instead of your agent.

You know the real irony here?

My k*lling Donna Cochran is gonna end up making the show more popular then ever.

Could you say that one more time, sir, for camera?

Not only did I k*ll Donna Cochran, I'm just sorry I didn't get her horrible husband, too.

There, how's that?

Cut. Print. Moving on.

So, Nate Olin was offered second-degree m*rder, but he's convinced that once they've had a chance to review all the episodes of "American Scavenger Hunt," the jury will understand.

[Laughs]Too bad.

Because I really hated that scheming Dickerhoof lady.

Hey, mom.

Hi, Rusty.

How was your interview with Slider?


Knowing he was being filmed changed his attitude a little.

Oh, Sharon, did you figure out how to explain things to Julio?

Well, not exactly, but I think I've offered him a way to explain things to himself.

And Lieutenant Provenza's gonna check in on him afterwards and see how it went.

As the car began to roll over, the airbags deployed.

While they softened the initial impact, they can't stabilize the neck.

It broke on the first turn of the car.

But in a way, that's...

That's good news.

Because even though her skull fractured when her head crashed into the window...

She never felt it.

[ Sighs ]

A-anyway, it's, um, it's all in this report.

Let us know if you have any questions.

Close call, huh?

Am I lucky or what?

If you had been lucky, sir...

Your wife would have gotten out of the car instead of you, and you wouldn't have the rest of your life to wonder what...

You could have done to save her.

The L.A.P.D. sympathizes with your loss, sir.

Excuse me.


Yes, Lieutenant.

Any chance that you could, uh, help us wrap up our paperwork so we could get out of here before midnight?

Sorry, sir, I was a little distracted.

Hmm. Feeling better?

I know what's bothering me.

I guess that's better.

Yeah. It is.

It is.

I hope it is.