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01x08 - The American Dream

Posted: 11/17/15 03:29
by bunniefuu
Dash (woozily): Okay... it's time.

Arthur, get dressed.



Gonna be late.


Hey, hey, hey.

Easy, easy, Dash.

Not again, this damn cocktail.

Dash (woozily): Okay, it's time.

It's okay. Arthur is right here.

He's right here.

We're gonna be late for breakfast.


Oh, no, no. Not now, not now.

(gasping, shivering)

Please don't!

(woman screaming, sobbing)

How was school today?



Big plans for the weekend?

Woman: He has a game.

I was talking to Guillermo.

(silverware clinks on plate)

May I be excused?

Of course... No, you may not!

We're gonna sit here and finish dinner like a family.


You're not family!

Mijo, go to your room.

Who puts food on this table, huh?!

Not you!

Honey, please, he didn't mean it. Hon...

(screams) Don't touch her!

(low rumbling, plates rattling)

Don't move!

Metro P.D.!


What is this?! Get off me!

Woman: What's going on?


Positive I.D. on Dante Blake.


Woman: No. Mr. Blake, by mandate of the District of Columbia Precrime division, I'm placing you under arrest for the future-m*rder of your wife Imani Blake.

What?! (gasps)

I didn't do anything wrong! Bring it out.

Imani: Wait, please! Oh, my God.

Oh, God, is that...? N-No!

Please, don't! No! Wait! Wait!

No! No!




Is everybody okay here?

He was going to k*ll her?

You think you can take care of your mom from here, son?


Yes, sir.

You'll be notified regarding details of your husband's detention.

(sobs) You both have a good night.

Tweak the knee again?

Officer: Yeah. No guts, no glory.

(woozily): We're gonna be... late for breakfast.

It's okay.

You still have another hour.

Just go back to sleep.


Another hour.

Dash: There are three of us: Agatha, Arthur and me, Dash. We were called the Precognitives. We can see murders before they happen. For six years, we were held against our will and used to save lives. But after the government's Precrime program was shut down, we were finally released. We kept ourselves safe and hidden from the world, until now.

Sorry, got held up by Blake at the precinct.

What'd you get?

So, a guy in this baseball cap firing a g*n, two people k*lled.


And a drawing of an octopus.

(fireworks whistling, popping)

What's this?

It's, uh, fireworks in the shape of a torch.

Lady Liberty's torch.

This is for Amnesty Day.

What's that?

A holiday.

The day we gave amnesty to ten million undocumented residents.

They celebrate it on the Southside.

So when's Amnesty Day?


Which means the sh**ting happens tomorrow night.

We need to run the sh**t.

The logo on the hat belongs to Cafe Ogun, a Sino-African restaurant in the Southside.

Looks like Hawk-Eye flagged it twice last month as a potential hot spot.

The system keeps track of every paying customer, profiles them for criminal record, violent history.

It is my day job, you know.

So... ex-cons eat for free at this place.

Wonder what else is going on.

Akeela: This is interesting.

The cafe's owner, Martin Epe, was flagged also for dodging surveillance cameras around the Southside.

You think Martin knows our sh**t?

Well, he might work there.

Let's hit Wally's and scrub your vision and then have a word with this guy.

You're welcome.

Thank you, Keela.




Sorry, uh, in a rush. Got a lead.

Great. I'm coming with you.

What for?

The D.I.A.'s been looking into you.

I was unaware.

Fine, let 'em.

You guys have been kicking enough ass out there to make everybody here look bad.

Oh, no, that's not our intention.

(chuckles): No, it's okay.

It's okay. I told them I'd take a closer look.

See what you guys are doing right.

So maybe the rest of us could learn.

Is this about my C.I.?


(chuckles): No, of course not.

I just want to see the dynamic duo in action.

Come on. Buy you lunch.


Female voice: Space cruise, Mile 62.

We are proud to serve all...

(food sizzling)

You know, it's been a while since you and I worked a beat together.

This is around the time where you say, uh, "Not long enough, Lieutenant."

No, I'm happy you're here.

And so am I.

Blake (chuckles): Okay.

Tell me about this Hawk-Eye person of interest.

His name is Martin Epe...

I'm sorry, I-I was asking the analyst.

Oh, me? Sure.

Martin Epe was flagged for suspicious movement patterns.

Most likely for avoiding surveillance cameras.

Also his cafe was deemed a hot spot for ex-cons.

You think they're running something else besides, uh, fusion dinners out here?

Uh, it's possible.

All we do is check up on a lead the system gives us and cross it off a list.


Nothing too exciting.

Let's walk the beat.

(doorbells jingle)

Here's your order.

Thank you.

Have a good day.

Hey. How you doing?


Hot plate.


There he is.

Good afternoon.

You Martin Epe?


Can I help you?

Detective Laura Vega, Metro P.D.

Okay, that was subtle.

Mr. Epe, you've been placed under close watch for 48 hours.

What'd I do?

Vega: Hawk-Eye detected suspicious movement patterns.

Were you trying to avoid surveillance cameras?

Nah, man, I'm trying to stay out of trouble.

This isn't the safest neighborhood.

Sometimes I have to take side streets to stay clear of gangs.

Blake: Yeah, I used to do that, too.

I grew up a few blocks from here.

Then you know.

Oh, yeah.

Does that guy work here?

Epe: Felix.

He's my delivery boy.

Mind if we speak with him?

Nah, it's not a good time.

You know, he's got some deliveries.



I... I got to go.

You're not going anywhere.

Not here.

♪ ♪

Vega: Okay, what makes a delivery boy so nervous about cops?

Well, it depends on what he's delivering.

All right, which one is not like the others?

He's a runner.

Worse than that.

Not just dr*gs.

Black market.

Martin is using the cafe as his cover.

And Felix is his courier.

Question is: who is he afraid of?

So that guy in there is our sh**t?

Think so.

But we still don't know who he sh**t or why.

Have you talked to your brother?

He hasn't called me back yet.

Plus, Blake has been breathing down our necks all day.


Yeah, this one's personal for him.

System says Felix is a fourteen.

A fourteen?

Right, you missed social studies.

40 years ago, Congress gave amnesty to all undocumented immigrants living here in the States, and as a compromise, they closed the doors on everybody else.

The 14th Amendment was repealed.

Which means even if you're born here, you're not given a*t*matic citizenship.

Exactly. We call those people fourteens.

They don't get any government benefits, and they work off the grid.

Not fun.

So why is it personal for Blake?

Because he was one.

Blake: All right, Felix.

We want to help you.

(scoffs) Help?

You think that's what this does?

People seeing me with cops?

Well, as far as anyone knows, you were arrested.

Not cooperating.


Your boss is using his business to deliver more than takeout, isn't he?

What were you gonna do with the g*n, Felix?

What g*n?

The one that's in your delivery bag.

I don't know what's in the bags.

I never look inside them, ever.

That's the rule.

You're lying.

Vega, he doesn't know what he's carrying.

I'm telling you, he's gonna use that g*n.

How do you know?


Then give us a name.

The man at the restaurant, the one with the tattoo.

I don't know who you mean.

So you're telling me you don't recognize this symbol?

Where did you get this?

He saw you talking to us, Felix.

That's why you tried to run.


I don't know what you're talking about.

I don't know about any of this.


Who is he?

Your boss? An enemy?

Give us a name.

Blake: Vega.

We're done here.

You can go.


Can I have my deliveries back?


You're making a mistake.

He's lying.

He's gonna commit a crime.

We can hold him on possession.

I know we could, but he didn't know, Lara.

What makes you so sure?

What makes you so sure that he's gonna commit a crime?

If I didn't know you any better, I'd say you were profiling.

Me? Profiling?


What do you think Hawk-Eye does?

There's billions of dollars worth of technology doing the profiling as we speak.

That is the tool we were given.

That tool has helped you get the best arrest record at Metro.

And you know why I do better at using Hawk-Eye than any other cop?

Because I trust my instincts.

Is that right?

Did your instincts give you this?

Or your informant?

So you want to do this dance again?

No, I don't want to do this dance again.

I want you to do what you have to do.

And make sure you're right.

What happened? Where's he going?

He's letting us do our job.

Got a minute?

Yeah, come on in.

So I just sent you an encrypted archive of everything I could dig up on you that the D.I.A. could find, like you asked.

Anything good?

You? No. Unfortunately, you're really boring.


But I wanted to give you a heads-up, because I think they'll probably be asking about your father's Precrime conviction.


My real father died when I was four.


Yeah, the next couple years after that were, uh...

They were rough.

I'll bet.

Then my mother met Dante.

And he was, uh... successful.

So my mother married him... to give me a better life.

Well, you'd never know, having met her now, what she must have been through.

She's always very happy.

Of course she is.

She has a good son, takes care of her, pays for her unlimited trips to the salon.


I seriously have no idea how many times she's gonna color her hair.


Well, I doubt the D.I.A. is gonna hold Dante's sins against you, but I wanted to give you a heads-up.

I really appreciate it.

Hey, Akeela?


What happened to Dante after Precrime ended?

He, uh, he died at Open Vistas.

Memento Mori.

That's the name of the group we believe is planning a t*rror1st attack on the District.

Now, they may already be embedded in the area, which is why we're alerting all law enforcement around our nation's capital.

What do you even know of the group's operations?


Coded message cards delivered to scientists around the country.

Each one stamped with this blurred shape.

The anamorphic image of a human skull.

What medieval Christians called memento mori.

A reminder of our own mortality.

Is that a threat?

Could be an invitation.

After receiving these messages, 16 prominent researchers disappeared.

Geneticists, chemists, computational biologists.

No bodies were found.

So they were kidnapped?

Or recruited.

For what?

Terror cells of scientists?


What are they planning?

That's a good question, Lieutenant.

Which is what we're gonna need all of your help to find out.


Took you two long enough.

Didn't think you'd want to stop this one.

I called you; you never called me back.

Oh, right.

So, did you see anything?

Did you get a name?

Remember when this was a quid pro quo?

Yeah, then you got me kidnapped and my finger chopped off.

There's barely a scar.

I'd still say you owe me one.

Felix Alvarez.

He's the sh**t, we know.

Who were the victims?

The only other name I got was Guinta.

Tendo Guinta.


Akeela, I need you to run a name.

Tendo Guinta-- known g*ng leader for Los Pulpos, the Octopus.

Does he have a tattoo of an octopus on his forearm?

Uh, yep.

Where is he now?

We need a location.

Uh, last eye-dent puts him at Cafe Ogun.

Thanks, Akeela.

He went back to the restaurant.


Following Felix?

Maybe it's a drug deal that goes bad.

If Tendo finds Felix, maybe the sh**ting happens at the cafe.

It's fun watching you kids work.

Forgot this.

I take it this is yours?


Now, who the hell are you?

I'll start. You're an informant.

You've helped Detective Vega on several cases.

That means you've helped me.

Lieutenant Blake, Metro P.D.


Not sure what you mean, but, okay, I'll take that.

And you're welcome.

And don't try to bob and weave.

I do this for a living.

Harass innocent men while they try to eat lunch?

Question criminals.

You think I'm a criminal?

Well, I'm guessing you call yourself a businessman.

Connected, though.

To who?

The Tongs?

The Kenyans?

Independent contractor.

Ah, no loyalty, then?

I have one.


Hmm. A criminal who only cares about himself doesn't help cops.

You have a conscience.

In my circles, that's an insult.

Look, I know Vega promised not to out you.

I'll honor that.

Vega's a good cop.

But she's also a cowboy.

And sooner or later, she'll put us both at risk.

From now on, you should be coming to me.

Help you?

My assistant. She's very... proprietary.


I'd say that was a nice lunch, but...


Well, if you get another tip... you know where to find me.

I'll be in touch.

Look into that.

All options are on the table.

(doorbells jingle)

Well, looks like the lunch rush is over.

No Felix, no Tendo.

(door creaks)

We are closed.

Well, your sign says you're open.

You followed us?

You want to tell me why you ran an eye-dent search on Tendo Guinta?

Hawk-Eye showed...

You can go ahead and stop lying to me now.

I met Arthur.

How did you...


Though I assume that was his alias.

You're probably right.

Why are you looking for Tendo?

You know him?

Of him.

El Pulpo.

That's his sign, the octopus.

He united eight ethnic gangs in a truce.

Now he runs the Southside.

We think it was a drug deal gone sideways.

Maybe Felix stole product that he was supposed to deliver to Tendo.

She's not a waitress.


They're robbing the place.

There are three of them, counting the woman. Only one is armed.

Ready? Go.

Young man: It's gonna be okay.

(man groaning)

Young man: They went off that way.

Stop! Move!

Metro P.D.!


Now it's safe.

You knew how many there were.

You knew one of them was armed.

You're one of them.

How long have you known?

Vega: Does it matter?

Did you recruit him?

No. He came to me.

See, the next step would have been...

Me coming to you and then you saying no, and then a dozen people dying violently today.

No. Blake...

You lied to me!

I was stopping murders. I was saving lives.

Don't you get it? You can lose your job over this!

I think a judge would be sympathetic.

I think a judge would throw out every case you worked on with Dash, because he's a Precog.

But they won't find out.

Not if you don't say anything.

How long did you really think you were gonna keep this a secret?

You mean without your help?

Or with it?

So you want to bring me down, too?


I have a career, Vega.

And having Dash can only help that.

He's led to more closed cases than this department has seen since...

Since Precrime?

It was banned.

It's illegal and unethical.

Not if we're careful.

Oh, Vega...

I can't cover this up.

I have to tell them the truth.

And then what?

What? Then the brass thinks that you planned the whole thing to pad your stats?

Upwardly mobile lieutenant, always hungry for the next promotion. Why not use a Precog?

Not if I'm the one who turns him in.

Then they'll think that you're incompetent.

You vetted Dash yourself.

A Precog was hired under your watch.

Are you threatening me, Vega?


I'll tell them that you had no idea.

I have your back.

But it won't matter.

You'll have to resign.

You heard.

I heard.

I'm sorry I got you involved in all of this.

I'm not.

The cameras just went down, along with the lights.

Imagine that.

Akeela, why are you doing this?

You could lose your job.

You spent your entire life saving other people.

It's about time someone did you a favor.

Good luck.


Thank you.

♪ ♪


But we can still get out in front of it.

In front? How?

What... what are you thinking?


He thinks we never should have ended Precrime.

That means he can help us.


By using this...


...the right way, while covering our asses.

No, Blake.

Dash is a human being, not just a-a tool.

He's a w*apon, and we should hand him to the good guys before anyone else gets ahold of him.

Do you even have any idea who the good guys are?

You want to trust the D.I.A.?

Precrime failed because the government misused it.

They watched when my dad died, and they did nothing.

So don't talk to me about who the good guys are, because you don't know.

I know a lot more than you think, Lara.

Where are you going?

How'd it go?



What?'s about to get worse.

What did you do?

I don't know what you want to do with me, but it can wait.

Those fireworks I saw-- they happen tonight.

That is how long we have to stop a double homicide.

And we could use your help.

Come on, Lieutenant.

Before you turn me in, don't you want to run with a Precog?

Just once?

Blake: And this is how you've been stopping all those murders?

By taking art classes?

More or less.

Who's Arthur? Is he your brother?

Let's keep Arthur out of this for now.

I want the truth on everything.


But is it worth someone being m*rder*d?

Dash: Because there are no time-outs, doing what we do.

The clock keeps ticking.

All right.


Tell me everything.

Here's what we know.

Felix works for Martin Epe.

He's a black market runner.

And tonight, he's gonna have a showdown with Tendo's men, k*lling two of them.

What we don't know is the where and the why.

Not much to go on.

There never is.

Well, I would start by going to El Pulpo's corner on 7th and 9th.


See how the tentacles cross?

It forms two digits.

Seven, nine.

Yeah. 7th Street and 9th Avenue.

If I was looking for Tendo, that's where I'd be going.

You forgot how good I am, huh?

No. Just how cocky.

You could've told us you knew Pulpo earlier.

But then how would I have found your C.I.?

We've got to call in backup.

And tell them what?

A Precog told you?

Welcome to our snow globe.

(whistling, popping)

(dogs barking in distance)

♪ ♪

I didn't do anything.

Vega: Not yet.

We know you came here to sh**t El Pulpo.

What? No.

I don't want to sh**t anyone.

El Pulpo stole something from me.

And I need it back.

Dash: What did they steal?

One of your deliveries?



My boss was behind on his protection payments, so Pulpo found other ways to get his protection money.

Like steal our deliveries.

Today they robbed the restaurant.

What did they take from you?


I don't know.

I told you I never open the packages, but this one was important.

Important how?

My boss said the sender paid a fortune to have this package delivered.

If I don't get it back, I'm a dead man.

I know what you're thinking, okay?

It was stupid to take this job.

But... you don't understand.

Dante: Who puts food on this table, huh?!

Not you!

Mother: Honey, please! He didn't mean it.

Dante: After everything I've given to him, you, this family?!

(low rumbling)

Don't move! Metro P.D.!


Blake: I thought I wanted to k*ll my stepfather that night.

But I guess I wouldn't have gone through with it, or they would've arrested me.

But if he would've hurt my mother one more time, I would've done something stupid.

Something I couldn't take back.

I guess someone was watching over me.

I remember.

Give us the g*n, Felix.

You can't break into this g*ng's apartment and expect to get out alive.

You got that right.

(quiet chatter in Spanish)

(indistinct chatter, laughter)

Looks like business is good.

Pays the bills.

You looking to make a purchase, Detective?

(chuckles) Not exactly.

You guys have a package that belongs to my friend here.


Right now, it looks like your man Felix belongs to us.


That's big!

Coming from someone that's outnumbered, outgunned, that's big.

Let me talk.

See what I can do for you.


(whispers): Vega.

Just be ready.

(Felix grunting, man speaking Spanish)

Please, don't. Please, no. Don't!


Where are you going?


Don't move!




Get down!

Behind you!


Blake: Come out with your hands up!

Come out with your hands up!



(sirens wailing)

(officers chattering)

Hey, Felix, I can't let you take that package.


I have to.

I plan to take down your boss, Martin Epe.

I could really use your help.

Me? No, I can't.

You didn't think you were gonna get off that easy, did you?

You owe me community service for the next year.

And don't think that I won't check up on you.

Damn right.

So what happens now?

And I ask you, Lieutenant, to consider you just helped take down an illegal hijacking operation.

And kept a young man from ruining his life.

I didn't.

Hawk-Eye did.

Why is Lieutenant Blake at my favorite lunch spot?

What the hell happened to you?

He knows.

Knows what?

But we can trust him.

Vega trusts him.

And was I wrong about her?

He knows who you are?

I think he knows who you are, too.


Yeah, I was waiting for that.

This changes everything.

(door closes)

A book?

Not just any book.

It's a first edition.

Hmm. Let's run a scan, see what we can find out.

A collector reported it missing 18 months ago.

It must have made it's way to D.C. in the black market.

Well, so much for sexy headline.

"Metro Cop Busts Huge Drug Ring."

I'll get it logged and put into evidence.

All that for a book.

E-Excuse me?

Where do I go to claim a stolen piece of property?

Third floor.

Thank you.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
