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02x07 - Season 2, Episode 7

Posted: 11/16/15 04:34
by bunniefuu
Alison: Previously on The Affair...

realtor: We're here from Marla Bay Real Estate.

Scotty Lockhart, he asked us to let him know what we thought we could put it on the market for.

This is my place. It's not for sale.

This is f*cking bullshit. Don't ever do that again.

No, no, no. Listen to me, okay? I've got something for us.

You could invest half of your profit in this and you would still be doing great.

Luisa: You know what, Scotty?

I need to go. I'm late for work.

Uh, you two know each other or something?

Mind if I sit here for a drink?


I'm not my brother.

Just thought you should know that.


Alison: I read your book, Noah.

I'm sex. I'm the reason the word was invented.

No marriage could survive me?

Before you judge, will you please just read the whole book?

We end up together. It's a happy ending.

Wasn't that the end that Harry wants you to change?

Scotty: You f*cked her, didn't you?

This is the problem. You're a g*dd*mn narcissist.

It's all about your pain, your loss, your kid!

Alison: Cole!

Noah: I blew up my life for you, Alison.

I don't belong to you. We're not living in your book.

You can't control me.

I'm pregnant.

Jon: I got a lead recently from a guy who claims to have a piece of evidence that could blow this whole case wide open.

Why doesn't he just call the police?

The police won't pay him.

♪ I was screaming into the canyon ♪
♪ At the moment of my death ♪
♪ The echo I created ♪
♪ Outlasted my last breath ♪
♪ My voice it made an avalanche ♪
♪ And buried a man I never knew ♪
♪ And when he died his widowed bride ♪
♪ Met your daddy and they made you ♪
♪ I have only one thing to do and that's ♪
♪ Be the wave that I am and then ♪
♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪
♪ I have only one thing to do and that's ♪
♪ Be the wave that I am and then ♪
♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪
♪ I have only one thing to do and that's ♪
♪ Be the wave that I am and then ♪
♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪
♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪
♪ Sink back into the o ♪
♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪
♪ Sink back into the o ♪
♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪
♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪

[marching band playing outside]

[people chatting]

Oh, thank you.

Joan: Do you remember Endless Love by Scott Spencer?

Alison: Excuse me.

Joan: Very same tone.

Alison: Thank you.

Joan: Somewhere between pulp and literature.

Excuse me, I'm just trying to get through, thank you.

Joan: Much more attractive in person, don't you think?

Will you tell Noah this is supposed to be my party?

[chuckles] I will.

Sorry. Thank you.


Oh. I'm so sorry.

There she is. I thought I'd lost you.


She's always sort of around.

Joan: We have our own little community out there, so I'll introduce you.

He's friendly when he wants to be.

[chuckles] Yes.

He's a little strange.

When he needs something.

He's a little strange.

You do your work, you hope for the best.

Joan: Oh, listen to him. He's so modest.

We were having dinner with Philip Roth last night... he's my neighbor in the country... and he was talking about the press this book is getting.



In fact, it was all he could talk about.

Philip likes to play the mad genius at his little farm in Warren, but I mean, all he cares about... all any author cares about... is a rave in the Times.

Joan: So here's to you.

Thanks. [laughs]

[glasses clinking]

What do you think of Noah's masterpiece?

Uh, I...

She hasn't read it.

Joan: Oh, you're kidding.

Well, he has enough critics.

[both laughing]

Paul: What is it you do, Alison?

Um, at the moment, just this.

Alison used to be a nurse, but she's taking time off.

Nurse, yeah. Is that your first?


Eden: Noah, need you. Excuse us.

Denise: Oh, please don't steal him, Eden.

Someone more important wants to talk to him.

[scoffs] You publicists, you're everything that's wrong with the industry.

I'll be back.

No, we really have to go.

Just give me five minutes with him, I'm begging you.

Uh... yeah, sure.


You doing all right, sweetheart?

Oh. I'm fine, thanks.

Those heels are significant.

Oh, they were a big mistake.

[both laughing]

I usually wear flats.

I'm Cynthia.


How do you know this crew, Alison?

Uh, I'm with Noah Solloway.

You must be his wife.


I thought... in the book jacket it says he lives in Brooklyn with his wife and four children.

Ugh, yeah, that's a mistake.

The publisher pulled the bio from his first book without checking with him.

Oh. How awful for you.

Well, no, it's okay. It's getting corrected in the next printing, so...


Congratulations on the second printing.

That's wonderful news.

Oh, thank you.

[both laughing]

Although I had nothing to do with it. It's...

I'm sure you had quite a bit to do with it.

When's the baby due?

Uh, April.

I'm sorry to be nosy, but...

Is Noah even divorced?

Uh, almost.

Really, Cynthia?

Just cocktail chatter, Eden.

Alison, need you. Excuse us.

That was getting weird.

That was Cynthia Rainer. Ring any bells?

Page Six. She's a gossip columnist.

Oh, shit.

Yeah, exactly.

Listen, please don't talk with anyone else without clearing it with me first, okay?

[♪ pensive music]


Do you mind if I sit here for a while?

Of course not.

Thank you.

You okay?

Yeah, I'm just a little tired.

Oh. Let me get you some more water.

Thank you.

And stay in here as long as you'd like.

That's a pretty intense scene out there.

Yeah, it is. [chuckles]

Can I ask you a question?

Have you read a book called Descent?

I have two jobs and a kid at home, so there's no time to read. Why?

Oh, no reason.



Eden: I think I can get them to squeeze us onto the 6:30.

Look, we have to go. Athena's showing up any minute.

I still have to pick up the turkey.

My flight tomorrow has been canceled.

Big nor'easter. We need to get him out tonight.

Tonight is Thanksgiving.

Eden: I can't do anything about that.

Give us a moment, will you?

Of course.

I need to call my contact at Virgin.

Noah: Thanks.

I hate her.

She's just doing her job.

You can't leave tonight. Everyone is coming over.

I know, just look... okay, give me 20 more minutes here, okay?

No, we've got so much to do. Come on, Noah.

I know. You go and meet your mom.

I'll be right behind you, and I'll pick up the turkey.

Come on, this is work for me, Alison.

I know it doesn't look like it, but it is.

This room is filled with people who can make or break my book, so please, just understand how important this is to me... to us.

Eden: Franzen's here. He'd like a word.

Jonathan Franzen?

No, Pericles Franzen. Yes, Jonathan, come on.

No, we were just leaving.

I'll be right behind you. I swear.


Thank you.

Oh, sorry.

No, no, no, you don't owe me an apology.

I know you're in overwhelm. This boy, however, seems to be saving his sorrys for someone else.

It's our policy not to allow entry to visitors without prior instruction.

It's fine, Bradley.

I told him I was your mother.


We have a few more guests. Just send them up.


Thank you.

Wait, how long do you think you're staying?

Do me a favor, don't look so terrified.


I got it.

I got it, I got it, I got it.



Oh, my God.

How much does this cost?

Not a polite question, Athena.


Please, tell me how much this costs.


Whoo! Is this suede?

This is suede. Mmm.



You want a tour?

Are you charging for tours?


Maybe you should be.

So this is the boys' room. We respect their privacy.

[laughs] Right.

How is that all going with his kids?

Oh, the young ones are okay, they like me, but the older ones... trickier.


And this is for Stacey.

Oh, cute.

And Whitney, if she ever decides to stay with us.

She's the oldest one, right, the one who had that thing with Scott?

Yeah. That's her.

Hmm. She is never gonna stay in this room.

No, I know.

But Noah doesn't.

I want to see the nursery.

Uh... it's this way.

I'm confused.

Noah's using this room as an office, just until the baby comes.

Ah, until the baby comes.

Yes, that's right.

You are aware that it's customary to prepare a space for the baby before it actually arrives, right?

Yes. I'm well aware.


Come on, let's cook.

Oh, you brought it. I was sure you'd forget.

Is that nice?

Wait, can I see it?

Oh, my God.

Oh. Wow.

Oh, my God, look at this.


Whew. Okay, I'm gonna start here. What about you?

Pies, they take the longest.

Okay, I think I got everything you wanted.

Just check the fridge.

Fridge, fridge.

Ah, Fri... the fridge.


Where's the turkey?

Oh, Noah's picking it up on his way home.

He's what?

Yeah, we ordered it from Dean and Deluca.


That's right.

You ordered a cooked turkey for Thanksgiving?

Don't judge me, Athena.

I'm not, of course I'm not.

I'm just trying to wrap my head around the concept.


Stop talking, start cooking, okay?

[text sent alert]

Are you sure you don't want any?

I'm pregnant.

I drank an occasional glass with you.

[laughs] I don't want to know.

Oh, nothing happened. You're fine.

Did he take any money from his ex-wife?


Then exactly how much did his book make?

Why is it so important to you?

I just want to make sure he can afford all this.

We'll be fine.

You're not paying for any of it, are you?

Shouldn't I be? I'm living here.

But, sweetie, you don't have any money.

I have my house.

Wha... wait. [scoffs]

You are not selling your grandparents' house.

I'm living here now. I'm done living there.

You don't know that. Is he asking you to do this?


Then don't be an idiot.

He's a famous author now. He can afford to keep you.

Five minutes ago, you said he didn't have enough money, now...

For this place, for this... this crazy coffee maker.

Athena, unlike you, I'm not happy being a freeloader.

Oh. Jesus, Alison.

How long are you gonna spend seeing every single decision life offers you as another opportunity to prove you're not me?

That house is your inheritance.

Just please make dinner. Please.

It is the only thing you have in the world that has any value.

No, it's not. I have him.

He is valuable to me.

We're having a child, Athena.

I don't expect you to understand what all of this means to me.

You spent your life bouncing from one man to the next.

You never had a home.

I had a home once. I gave it to you.

Grandma gave it to me. She didn't trust you with it.

No. I gave it to you.

Or rather, I asked your grandmother to bypass me in her will when you were born.

I made her do it.



I knew I wouldn't be able to give you much else as a mother in the way of security, so I gave you what I could.

I know you hate the choices I've made, and I can't say I blame you, but I protected you the one way I knew how.

Now it's your turn to protect your baby.

Let Noah worry about how to pay for this apartment.

He's the one who wanted this, not you.

Keep your grandparents' house.

That way, if, God forbid, this doesn't work out, you and your kid'll have a place to go.

We forgot wine glasses.

Have you read his book?

Not yet.

Why not?

I'm... I'm not ready to, okay?

Just promise me you'll read it before you make any decisions about the house.

Look, it's too late, Athena.

The house is in escrow. It's done.

Gonna take a shower.

[doorbell ringing, soft rock music playing]

Oh, my God.

I can't believe I know someone that lives here.

I know, right?

Oh, I am so glad you came.


[both laughing]

These are for you.

Oh, thank you. So sweet.

Come in.

Look at this fancy place!

And your f*cking belly.

It's been what, a year since I've seen you?

[laughs] Just about. Take a seat.

Well, you got a lot done.

Yeah, I know.

Oh, what about you? What's going on?

Catch me up.

[sighs] Well, I finished school.

Oh, amazing.

Yup. Yeah, so now I'm just another unemployed visual artist trying to eat in the city.

[both laughing]

So tell me about this sugar daddy.

I-I don't know him that well. He's Noah's best friend.


Yeah, and he's very rich.


[both laughing]

But we might have to get you a little drunk before you meet him.

Why? What, is he ugly?

No, no, no, no, no, he's very cute.

He's just... he's kind of obnoxious.

Is he r*cist?

Uh, no, I don't think so.

A Republican?

I have no idea.

Okay, if he's not r*cist or Republican, I'll be okay.


[both laughing]

[sighs] Oh, my God.

I know.

What are we drinking?

I know. Martini?


Yes, please.

So? What about you?



How you feeling about all this?

Oh, um, really well, I-I think.

You think?

Well, it's just been really quick.

You know, it...

Well, have you been back to Montauk since you left?

No, I haven't.

Max: [laughs]

You know what, maybe Noah got temporary amnesia and went back to his house in Brooklyn.

[both laughing]

Ha ha.

Sorry, joke.

She thought it was funny.

Didn't you, beautiful woman?

Are you a Republican?

I'm agnostic.

Hmm. Let's get married.

[Jane laughs]

Max: Let's not get married.

What should we do? Should we just eat?

Athena: Did you call him?

He's not answering his phone.

Let's give him another half an hour.

I have an idea how to k*ll some time.


Athena: Darling...


Athena: ...bring your tongue back into your own mouth.

Follow me, please. This is for ladies, come on.

Where are we going?



Oh, that is magic. That is really just magic.

My turn. Don't hog it.


[laughs] Wow.

It's your baby, Alison.

Let me listen.


I-I can't hear anything. I...

Shh, shh, shh.


Close your eyes.


Wait, there it is.


Stop, stop.

[heart beating]

Remember, there are two of you now.

Noah: Why's everybody in here?

We're just listening to your child's heartbeat.


[all laughing]

You're really late.

My fault, totally my fault.

Ah, Eden.

Eden: Franzen took Noah to drinks.

Oh, God, I kept trying to leave, and he just monologues.

Alison: What are you doing here? You...

She has nowhere else to go.


That's not how we spin this.

Have I taught you nothing?

Wha... where's the turkey?

Oh, f*ck!

You're kidding.

Shit, I knew we forgot something.

I'll go get it right now.

No, it's closed.

I'm sure it's not.

Yes, they are. They close at 6:00.

Oh, f*ck.

You had plenty of time.

This is totally my fault.

Noah, do you want to listen to your baby's heartbeat?

Of course, yeah. Yeah.

Where is it?

Right here.

Gets me every time.

Wait, what do you mean? She's not here.

She said what?

Oh, God, Helen, she just played us both.

Dear, we're at the table now, so...

And everything looks so yummy.

Noah: Okay, just calm down. Don't panic.

I'm sure she's out with a friend or something.

I'll... of course, as soon as I hear anything.

Can I say hello to the other kids?
Hey, buddy, happy Thanksgiving. I know, I'm sad too, you know?

Ahh. Okay.

[chuckles] So, Athena and I, we made all this from my grandmother's cookbook.

It was first published in 1927.

Right, right, '27.

That's amazing. Thank you, guys.

Oh, you're so welcome.

Max: That is amazing, thank you.

And thank you for having us. Like to... let me propose a little toast. Can I?

We should wait for Noah, don't you think?

Where did he go?

Oh, he's just on the phone with his kids.

Max: You know, if I know Helen at all, she's gonna do everything in her power to keep him on the phone for the rest of the night, so... toast. Yeah?

To, um, new friends and old men that I've known for...

Eden: I can get us out on the 11th, but they can only do business, not first, is that okay?

Noah: Great.

Eden: Okay, we need to leave no later than 9:00.

Eden, sweetheart, I'm trying to make a toast here.

Eden: Yes.

Oh, what are we drinking to?

To you, man, to your success, and to the radiant woman sitting across the table from you, because if she hadn't come along, you'd still be the same broke, unhappy, unsuccessful Park Slope dad living off your wife's parents.

Look at you now, and it's all because of her.

Yeah, so, it's really nice to see you happy, Noah Solloway; it's been a long time.

Thanks, Max.



You know, I would like to toast as well.

Can't we just eat, please?

To Noah, for opening himself up to his abundance.

Noah: Thank you.

May he make himself worthy of it.

Alison: Okay, I think that's enough toasting.



woman: Okay.

woman: Here.

Max: You want some green beans?

Noah: Yeah. All right, buddy.

Alison: Here.

Eden: Nice.

[cell phone pings]

Alison: Athena, potatoes?

Yes, yes.

Noah: Yes, potatoes.

Athena: Oh, that's deep.

Eden: Holy shit.

Noah: What's wrong?

Eden: Alison?


Do you recall your conversation with Cynthia Rainer this morning?

Uh, yes.

You made quite the impression.

"Hot author steps out with pregnant fiancée.

One hitch, he's still hitched."

It's on the Post website.

Oh, f*ck.

Shit, uh...

God, well, I-I... she was so nice to me at the party, I didn't know who she was. I'm sorry.

That's okay. Can we do anything about it?

Can we get 'em to take it down?

It's been live for 15 minutes and it's already got...

[laughs] 150 comments and... twice as many shares.

Noah: Shit.

Eden: No.

No, this is good. This is really, really good.


Starting tomorrow, you need to align yourself as much as possible with the story of Descent.

I-I'm talking the whole sordid history, how you were both married to other people when you met, and she's a waitress with the abusive husband, the whole 9 yards.

Sorry, excuse me? What?

People are going to eat this up.

Reviews are great, but they don't sell books.

Personalities sell books, and thanks to Alison here, you finally have a personality.



Noah, you're not really... considering this, are you?

I-I don't know.


Look, can we talk about this later?

No, I want to talk about this now.

You said the book is fiction.

Of course it is, but it's based on true events.

Have you read the book?

She's read parts of it.

No, I-I've read the whole thing. No, I...

You have? I thought you said you didn't...

No, I've read the whole f*cking thing.

So you're gonna say this book is true.

I mean, that's insane.

That's not me.

You make it seem like I came onto you, like I practically threw myself at you.

Didn't you?


He threw himself at me.

He basically, what, followed me home one night and watched me having sex with my husband.

Which you did for my benefit.


I didn't even know you were there!

And then you make it out that I'm some kind of coldhearted, drug-dealing psychopath.

Okay, calm down, Alison, please.

No, nothing is sacred to you, nothing.

I mean, you wrote that I begged you to come to the hospital when my grandmother was dying.

You did.

No, I did not.

You offered to help.

Max: Guys... You know what...

I think we're just having some minor differences of opinion about some events you both agree on.

And then you k*lled me.

You k*lled me at the end of your book.

Did that happen, Noah?

Am I remembering that part correctly?

[♪ tense music]


No, hi, yeah, let me just step outside.

If you'll excuse me. Hi.

[knocking at the door]


Go away.

Look, I know you're hurt, and you have every reason to be, but...


Harry made me write that ending.

He wouldn't accept the book until I changed it.


Look, it's fiction, of course it is.

Eden's just trying to help it sell, but... I mean, if that makes you uncomfortable, then I won't say anything about my real life in interviews. I'll cancel the whole book tour if that makes you happy.

No, I didn't say that. I just...

I just...

Do you even want this baby?

[sighs] Of course I do.


You want to be a family? The three of us?


You sure?


You don't want to run me over with a car... so you can just make all this go away and...

The book, it's just a story, it...

This is real, this.

This is my real life.

[doorbell ringing]

[writing on paper]

And you told Jeffries that you left the wedding before Scotty.

That's right.

You didn't notice anything strange about him that night?

No. We barely spoke.

I see. Would you say that you were on good terms with him at the time of his death?


I mean, he wasn't thrilled about what happened with the lobster roll, but that was between him and Cole.

We were fine.

Well, if that's all in keeping with what you told Jeffries, that's good.

Will I have to testify?

I will only call you... if I call you at all... as a character witness for Noah.

[heavy breathing]

[breathing heavily]

[both groaning]

Te amo.

What did you say?





What's going on?

What just happened?

It's nothing.

[seagull crying]

Be careful. It's hot.

[clears throat]

Happy Thanksgiving.


Hey, um... I wanted to ask you... and you can tell me if it's too soon... but I was wondering if you wanted to come to Queens tonight.

You know I don't like the city.

That's because you haven't been to my part of the city.


What part's that, the barrio?

[laughs] The barrio, yeah.

[muttering in Spanish]

What's that?

Come. I've been here every weekend.

It's your turn.

And Margaret gave my mom the day off, and I don't usually get to spend time with her...

I can't. I have plans.

What are you doing?

It's Thanksgiving, I'm gonna go... see my family, go see my mom.

Oh, I didn't know you were back in touch with her.

Well, you don't know everything about me, do you?



Do you want to talk about what happened in there?

What do you mean?

Well, I-I said, "I love you," and you lost your erection.

Uh... [laughs]

Do you want muffins?

Come on, Cole.

I'm starving, I'm starving.

Just gonna run out for a sec.

Are you kidding me?

[phone ringing]

Aw, dude, I'm right behind you.


That was a little rude, don't you think?

How you been, Scotty?


I heard she finally sold the house.


She hasn't divorced you yet, has she?

Look, man, I know that things haven't been exactly good between us, but I'm just looking out for you here.

I don't want her to f*ck you over again.

That's nice of you, Scotty.

All this time I thought you were just after the money.

Actually, now that you mention it.

[clears throat] Check it out.

What's that supposed to be?

It's our logo, man.

I want to call the place Lockharts, you know, lock, heart.

What place?

Our nightclub, man.

This goes on the napkins, the glasses, everything.

Hey, look, you're... you're coming to Thanksgiving, right?

No, I don't think that's a good idea.

Cole, come on, man.

You haven't spoken to Mom in what, like, six months?

Just... just come. Surprise her, bring her some flowers. Just... the cold w*r has gone on for long enough.

Scotty, nobody wants me there.

I want you there.

I can't. I promised Luisa I'd go into the city, spend it with her family.

That's cool. They... they... they celebrate Thanksgiving?

Look, Cole, I-I hate to be the one to tell you this, but she's just using you for a green card.

She tried to pull the same shit with me.

Oh! What's up, rock stars?

Well, if it isn't Montauk's f*cking finest.

Ahh! Come on, now, Scotty.

Don't you think we should all choose our words a little more carefully now that we're celebrities?


Oh, don't tell me you haven't read it.

Haven't read what?

Solloway's book. [laughs]

Why would we?

'Cause you're f*cking all over it.

dr*gs, the moonshine, he even put in the stuff about the feud between our families.

He used me as a source. [laughs]

Are you f*cking kidding me?

I am not, Scott. I gave him gold, dramatic gold.

When they make the movie, I told them I want to play myself. [laughs]

Oh, Scott, one more thing.

I heard you been sniffing around The Lobster Roll.

Yeah, you may want to read that book.

I don't know where your capital is coming from these days, but I wouldn't want a real estate attorney combing through my finances right now if I were you.

Just some advice.


[footsteps approaching]

Luisa: There's plenty of hot water left if you want to...

Why did you move this?

Uh, I was just looking at it. It's a beautiful picture.

What are you doing?


Um... I'm gonna go back to the city.

Are you sure you don't want to come with me?

I already told you, I'm having dinner with my mom.

I don't believe you.

I don't want you to be alone today.

Where's my money clip?

What money clip?

The money clip that was right here when I left.

I don't know, maybe in your pants.

No, I took some cash before I left and I put the money clip right there.

Are you accusing me of stealing?

There was $150 in there! Where is it?

You need to apologize to me right now, Cole.

Where's my money?

Go f*ck yourself.

I hope you f*cking rot here.

[door slams shut]

[♪ somber music]


man: Yeah, I'll grab the turkey, Mom.

Don't worry about it.

Mary Kate: Thank you.

Cole: I heard that you lost the baby.

I'm sorry.

We held a Mass for him.

A month ago.

I know you did. And I'm sorry I wasn't there.

I'm sure you had very important things to do.

Scotty: Hey, he's here now.

Maybe a little forgiveness, a little gratitude?

What day is today? Hmm?

Let's pray.

Our Father...

all: Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

[text alert]


all: Give us this day our daily bread, forgive us those trespasses as we forgive those who have trespassed against us, and lead us not into temptation.

But deliver us from evil. Amen.

All right, dig in.

What was that about?

Somebody's gotta take care of this family.

Caleb: Okay, who's up first?

Caleb, not this year.

Hey, come on, who are we without our tradition?

Listen to Mom, Caleb.

Caleb: What are you talking about?

Come on, we do this every year, right?

Right? And this year we have something to celebrate.

Cole's home. To our brother.

Oh, Jesus Christ. That's like lighter fluid.

How much more of this stuff you got left?

Just one case.

Okay, you hear that, everyone?

Grandpa Silas's moonshine is almost gone.

Mary Kate, here.

Hal: Leave her alone.

Caleb: Come on.

I am grateful for you, Cherry, for helping me through all of this.

man: Hear, hear.


Caleb: Ooh is right, I know.

Hal, you go.

Hal: Yeah, I'll go. I'm...

I'm grateful for Dad.

For Dad?

Yeah, you know, being our father and bringing us into this world.

I got one.

To Noah Solloway...

Scotty: Cole.

...for writing his book, about Alison, about me, and about all of you.


Anybody read it?


Oh, you should, 'cause we are all over it.

He calls us the Rineharts and makes us out to be some kind of lowlife drug dealers.

Wait a minute, what?

Just be... just relax, it's a novel. It's fiction.

For your sake I hope it is, since you're the only one left dealing.

Shut your mouth, Cole.

[laughs] You're right, that's what I should do, 'cause that's what we're good at.

I should shut my mouth.

I mean, there can be a shit storm raining down on us and we just turn the other way and pray it's all right, but I'll tell you, he makes a pretty compelling case that this is in our blood 'cause Grandpa Silas was a bootlegger.

Caleb: How'd he know that?

So you know what?

Here's to Silas.

Okay, that's it, you're done. Okay, I'm putting this away.

Cole: No, no, you know what?

How about this? You want to hear some of it?

It's good. You should hear this.


Did you read it?

I wanna read it.

[all talking at once]

Some interesting things about our family in here.

Go ahead.

Leave us alone.

Hold on, hold on.

Where is it? There we go.

"The brothers kept the summer people high on cocaine, a glamorous drug for the glamorous set.

They disdained their clientele as if they were somehow above them, keepers of old Montauk, knights of a forgotten round table, but they were delusional.

There was no nobility in their blood.

These common boys were and always would be, like their murderous grandfather, bootleggers."

Oh, my God. "Murderous"?

Oh, it gets better.

That's enough.

You don't want to hear about our feud with the Hodges?

'Cause apparently, we started it.

I mean, all these years, we thought Thomas Hodges burned Silas's land, but apparently, arson isn't interesting enough for Solloway, so he turned our grandfather into a baby-k*ller.

Mary Kate: What? Oh, my God.


Look, I've tried to understand this man...

I swear to God I have, and I have even tried to forgive him lately, but he is a parasite.

He's a leech! He knows exactly what this family has been through and he took our story and twisted it into something grotesque!

I mean, what kind of mind does that?

Why do you two keep looking at each other?

Tell him, Mom.

Because it's true.

The baby's name was Eamon.


Ma, what are you talking about?

Your grandfather Silas was a terrible person, boys.

He was a drunk who beat his wife.

He beat your dad.

And your grandmother had an affair with Thomas Hodges, and she got pregnant, and when Silas found out that the baby wasn't his, he drowned it.

That's why Hodges torched Silas's land, Cole, revenge.

If this is true, why... why... Why didn't we know about it?

Because your father didn't want you to know.

He... he... he worried it would do to you what it did to him.

What it did to him?

You don't recover from that kind of childhood, Cole.

Oh, so that's what it was?

Dad had a rough childhood; that's what was wrong with him?

Not the fact that he was a stumble-down drunk?

You don't know what you're talking about.

You're right, I'm having a hard time following this.

Our father didn't want anybody to know this deep, dark family secret, so nobody did except for you, the most clearheaded member of our family?

Jesus Christ, Cole. Mom just told me, okay?

Because she's worried about you.

Well, thank you for your concern, Mother, but I'm fine.

It's you who've gone off the deep end.

Why should we believe anything that you say?

You have lied to us.

She told you you were sitting on millions, and the whole time, our inheritance, our land was already gone!

Everything that I did was to protect you, from the day you were born.

Is that what you tell yourself?

Our family is cursed, Cole.

What did you say?

I remember Cora, before she died, she was trying to tell me.

This happens in families when something so evil has occurred.

The sins of the father are visited upon the children, and now it's the grandchildren.

Stop this.

First, your sweet Gabriel.

Then Scotty's baby with the Solloway girl.

Now it's Hal and Mary Kate.

Don't you see what's happening?

There will never be another Lockhart.

I said stop talking.

Your father loved you so much, and he tried so hard to get through what happened to him, and in the end, he couldn't do it.

But let me tell you something.

You think you're better than him?

You think you're different than him?

You're not.

The last time I saw a man as bad off as you, he hung himself.


[door opening and closing]


Leave me alone, Scott.

Just... just come back inside, will ya?

She's gone crazy, and you're enabling her.

That is why we need you, okay?

We need you to come back and be a part of this family again, and we... we need your f*cking money, okay?

So that we can invest in something real and move forward, okay, because if we don't, if we stay here, it will be the end of the Lockharts!

You are the only one who has the ability to change everything!

What the f*ck are you waiting for?



Scotty, can I talk to you?


Hey, how... wait, wait, how did you find me?

You texted me, like, ten minutes ago.

That was... that was you?

Jesus Christ, Scott!

I didn't know it was her, okay?

How the f*ck did you get my phone number?

Oh, please, ask anybody who snorts blow in Montauk.

Oh, my God.

Scotty: Go... you have to go!

No, please, I need to talk to you for five minutes.

No, no! If the police show up, I go to f*cking prison. Do you not understand that?

Five minutes, give me five minutes.

Get out of here, now. Get out of here, I got this.

Stop, give me five...

I'm sorry, you can't.

Are you f*cking kidding me?

You can't!

Don't f*cking touch me!


Stop it! Don't touch...



Hey, don't... you can't.

Scotty! Scotty!

You can't.

Don't f*cking touch me!





Your parents out here with you?

No, I took the train.

Where are you supposed to be right now?

[sighs] I don't f*cking know.


Come on, I'll give you a ride back into the city.


Do you remember that time you tried to k*ll me?


You pointed a g*n at my head.

I think I was pointing it at your father.

Well, I remember you pointing it at my head.


I'm sorry you had to see that.



You gotta stop coming after Scotty.

You have to leave him alone.

He got me pregnant.

[sighs] I know he did.

I really care about him.


I think he really cares about me.

He doesn't.

Why not?

'Cause that's just not the way it works.

Just because you love somebody does not mean they have to love you back.

I'm sorry.

And, look, I'm sure you don't want to spend the rest of your life chasing after my idiot brother, right?

I mean, you must have bigger plans than that.

Do you know my dad wrote a book?

Yeah, I heard.

You're in it.

I know.

I'm not.

You know, maybe that was just his way of protecting you.

Or maybe I'm just not as important to him as I thought I was.

My father hung himself on my tenth birthday.

Which I used to think just meant that he didn't give a shit about me, or anybody else for that matter.

But now...

I don't know, I think...

I think maybe he was just drowning.


[doorbell ringing]


Jesus Christ, what the f*ck is going on?

I came here instead of Mom's. Don't make me regret it.

She came looking for Scotty.

I thought it'd be better for everybody if I got her out of Montauk.

I don't know what that kid is trying to prove.

She thinks she's in love.

[people chatting]

You want to come in for a drink?





[sirens wailing]


[people chattering in Spanish]


This is for you.

I want to apologize for this morning.

What you said to me was unforgivable.


Yeah, I come from a long line of unforgivable men.


I think that I got used to being alone.

It's been a while since I've had someone I cared about, so I wanted to come here and apologize to you because I behaved like an assh*le and I know that.

And I did it on purpose.

I was trying to hurt you, I was trying to get you out of my house, and as soon as you walked out that door, I wanted you back.


Look, I can't promise you I'm going to be the best thing that ever happens to you, but I promise you I will never hurt you like that again, and I am good for my word, Luisa.

You can ask anyone.

I may not be good for much, but I am good for my word.


There's one other thing.

Te amo tambien.

[laughs, sniffles]

Come in. You must be starving.



It's good to see you.

That doesn't look like good terms to me.

No, it does not.

I'd give my right nut to know what he's saying.

I can tell you.

I was standing out back not more than 20 feet away, smoking.

And I believe that's what you call in legal circles "proximity."

So what's he saying?

[laughs] That's gonna cost you extra.


You know what, you can tell me now, or I'll subpoena your ass, and then you can explain to the court why you hid evidence from the police.

"That's our baby."


Hey, Bob, rewind the tape.

"That's our baby." Heard it as plain as day.

"That's our baby."