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01x08 - Downtown Odds

Posted: 11/13/15 03:37
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Player"...

Samuel Letts is dead.

What's life without a little danger?

Yeah, some would say that the person who tempts fate has never been in real danger.

Barbara: Ginny never lived an honest day in her life.

And the sooner you accept it... the sooner you'll be able to let go.


[indistinct conversations]


[truck horn blares]

[people gasp]


[indistinct shouting]

[people gasping]

I knew you'd get it.

[chuckles] Well, that makes one of us.

I've never, like, done a project this size before.

When do you start?

Well, I, um, I haven't signed the contract yet.



It means me, like, living here full-time.

Well, what are you waiting for?

[sighs] You.

I want you here all the time.

I just needed to hear that.

♪ Like you deserve ♪

I think we both know when it's good, when it's lousy, and when it's... this.

I want a lot more of this.

♪ Come on and hold me like I'm your girl ♪
♪ And I'll hold you like I'm your girl ♪




I don't suppose you're here for pleasure.

Business, then pleasure.


Sit with me.


So, you heard?


Semi got torched in a truck stop in North Vegas.

dr*gs on board, driver got m*rder*d.

Which means somebody's gonna be very, very angry.

Question is, who?

Who? Hmm.

You know, I've been looking to expand, but I'm about $20,000 short.

And the fact that I liberated you from the 'hood made all of those introductions.

That wasn't good enough, huh?

Okay. You taught me to never give up anything for free, especially information.

Some things never change.


$15,000 gonna work?

The semi was carrying dr*gs for the 119th Street Pharaohs.

My Pharaoh clients say Los Bravos did it.

And what do your Bravos clients say?

Keeping quiet.


See, I thought we left all this g*ng nonsense behind in Chicago.

Vice in Vegas is a growth industry.

The g*ng that controls it gets a new batch of customers every weekend.

Well, I can't take another g*ng w*r.

One dead tourist, and I might as well close up shop for a month.

Bad for your business, good for mine.

It's not funny.


It's good to see you.

Good being seen.


Security-cam footage from the truck stop.

No plates, but the make and model are favored by the most powerful Mexican mafia affiliate in town.

Los Bravos.

Why am I not surprised you know them?

Carlos Salvado is the longest reigning g*ng leader in Vegas.

He's been on top of the Bravos for over a decade.

Johnson: A lifetime in g*ng years.

It's a family business.

Second-in-command is his eldest son, Hector, a frequent guest at some of Nevada's finest correctional facilities.

And there's Listo, Carlos' youngest son.

Hector's the brute.

Listo's the brains.

Where's his rap sheet?

Doesn't have one.

His job's keeping everyone else out of jail.

They make sure he never pulls a trigger.

The Bravos were top dogs until the Pharaohs took over five years ago.

In the last g*ng w*r, nearly 40 people were k*lled.

You remember it?

Yeah, I should. I was a part of it.


I was designing security for a club ran by the Pharaohs.

Before I could finish, the Bravos came in and shot up the place.

What happened?

It was a teenage girl named Imani.

She was there with her father.

I managed to get her out, but I couldn't save her old man.

When it was all over, I found out that her dad was Big Joker.

A shot caller for the Pharaohs, right?


The Pharaohs took control of Vegas through a wave of v*olence and has held on to it ruthlessly ever since.

They don't just m*rder their enemies.

They make examples of them.

Johnson: All the makings of a classic rematch.

The bet.

Pharaohs vs. Bravos.

Which g*ng will win the w*r?

That's it? That's the bet? I'm here.

You might as well use me.

Look, if I can find out who robbed that truck, I might be able to stop another g*ng w*r.

Well, unfortunately, it's the gamblers who call the game.

Not you.

That may be the case.

They may call for it, but you name the bet.

You have the final say.

Look, if this game's good for anything, it's good for this.

Let me have the resources of the House to try and stop another g*ng w*r.

Seems the one thing you dislike more than playing the game is being left out of it.

Do you really want to hear me say it?


I want in.

Very well.

Revise the bet.

[tablet beeps]

"Can Alex Kane stop the g*ng w*r?"

[computer beeps]


Which felt better?

The first tug on the line or reeling him in all the way?


You're telling me 25 crimes can be connected directly to 5 dead special operators, and it's all run by some criminal mastermind nobody's ever heard of and this... blurry blonde?

Minus the sarcasm, yeah.

And one of those operators is still very much alive.

It's a lot to buy.

Agent Cook, I'll tell you what.

Get behind my investigation.

And when I'm back in D.C. tomorrow, I won't remind them that it took me to figure out what was under your nose all along.

Not saying I don't believe you.

I'm saying it's... big.

We finally agree on something.

What do you know about Johnson?

Almost nothing.

Except he didn't like me asking questions.

Hey, Imani.

It's good to see you here.

You mean instead of hustling on 119th?


You always said I should take some classes.

Yeah, well, there's, uh, there's some good-looking guys around here.

Scruffy Face Joe over there... he seems kind of into you.

Stop it.

Hey, you still want to be an English major?

[sighs] Maybe.

For now, it's business.


The classes... are they your idea or somebody else's, huh?

Little Joker? You still banging?

It's either put in work here or sling primo back in the 'hood.

Reaper pays for school as long as it helps the crew out.

I see.

So the chemistry's to help them cook, huh?

Anything in that business book about money laundering?

You come all the way over here to check on my grades?

No. No, I didn't.

You know that truck that got hit?

Who do the Pharaohs think did it?

They think it was Hector Salvado.

You're not buying it?


That boy is wild, but even he's not crazy enough to go straight after Reaper's trucks.

Thank you.

Take care of yourself, all right?


Say hi to Scruffy Face Joe over there for me.


We need to find Hector.

Cassandra: Do you think he did it?

It doesn't matter. They do.

How do you know you have the right address?

Well, I spoke to Samson.

And who is Samson?

Hector spends a fortune customizing his cars, and when you spend that kind of money, you talk to Samson.

And this Samson just gave you the address of a g*ng leader, did he?

No, he's a friend.

You'd be amazed what talking to actual humans can get you.

Being forced to talk to you all day is quite enough, thanks.


[door creaks]


Hey, we have a problem.

What do you see?

It looks like someone beat me here.

They turned the place upside down.

If the Pharaohs have Hector, this w*r is about to erupt.


[speaks Spanish]

You mean to tell me you still don't remember where you got this from?

That ain't mine.

Yeah? What about this?


We found it in your closet.

But you know what we didn't find?


The rest of my damn money!

Look, G, all right, I'm straight.

All right?

I ain't got no idea where all that came from.



What about now, huh?

Look, look, look, all right, hey.


Look, I heard you got hit, all right?

All right? But I had nothing to do with that!

You thought I wasn't gonna find you, right?

Thought the Pharaohs was too scared to come back and get what was ours, right?




You know who I am, huh?!

My vato's gonna eat your asses up!

Yeah, I know who you are.

Right now it's about time you learn who I am.


Put that on Pharaoh.




[cellphone rings]

[cellphone beeps]

Hey. The 119th Street Pharaohs.

You still in touch with them?

Yeah, you bet. Christmas, Easter.

I never miss a game night.

I'm serious, Alex. Hector Salvado was m*rder*d.


Any of your pals bragging about taking him out?

No, I haven't heard anything.


Now, see, this is the part where you used to say, "But I'll let you know if I do."

You remember those days?


Thing is, I'm not as close to the Pharaohs as you think.

Does today's date mean anything to you?

November 9th?


Yeah, it's the 119th Street Pharaohs' hood day.

It's the biggest day of the year for the g*ng.

Well, its biggest party, too.

All the Pharaohs' shot-callers in one place.

No g*ng w*r in five years.

Now all this in 48 hours.

It's like a... [chuckles] a perfect storm.

Yeah. Maybe too perfect.

[computer beeping]

The wagers are coming in fast.

Glad to hear.

Who doesn't love a good w*r?

So, uh, how's Nick?

Fine. Why do you ask?

Oh, just checking in.

You're never just checking in.

We've discussed this. Nick is off limits.

Nobody's off limits.

They k*lled Samuel Letts.

Look, I know how much he meant to you.

Look, my point is, if he's not safe, then neither are we.

Now more than ever, we have to insulate ourselves.

Your relationship with Nick makes you vulnerable.

That's dangerous.

To whom?

Sure you're worried about me, or are you more worried about yourself?

Look, if you really care for him, the choice is easy.

I can make sure he's looked after if you end it.


I do my job, and I do it well.

The rest is none of your business.


[woman sobbing]


Here to give my condolences to Mr. Salvado.

I'll pass it on.


I want him to know Hector was framed.

Carlos: Give me a name!


I don't have one yet.

Mr. Salvado, I'm Alex Kane.

Yeah, we know who you are.

And that you're wasting our time.

Who's ever lining up this w*r, it's too perfect.

He k*lled my boy over nothing.

And whoever did that knew you'd strike back.

They knew exactly what buttons to push on both sides.

And all this happens on the Pharaohs' hood day?

It's not a coincidence. It's a plan.


Might make sense to wait.

We go after them now, they're too strong...

[speaks Spanish]



My boy here, he sees all the angles, talks it all through.

But you know why I'm still on top?

Because they talk, but I do.

Hector... he got that.


But the young ones... they still need to learn it.


You should hold off until...

I listened to what you had to say, but now it sounds like you're giving me orders.

[g*n cocks]


You should learn some respect.

My condolences.


So much for reasoning with the Bravos.

What now?

Tell Reaper to call off the hood day party.

And if they won't?

Get Imani out of there before this blows up.

[g*ns cocking]

Carlos: Bravos.


I need you to step up. You ready?


Nothing but G-rides and clean cohetes, right?

[indistinct conversation]

They won't know what hit them.

Tonight, we go back on top.

For Hector.

For Hector!



[piano music playing]

Oh, you're back.

And in my favorite spot.

I needed to get your attention.

Well, you had that since we met.


Now that I know you're listening, how about answering a few questions?

Well, I'd like to, but you've left me no place to sit.

I'm sure you can find us a table.

Actually, I was thinking of the perfect place.

Short drive out of town.

[music continues]

[cellphone beeps]




Track my phone.

Is everything okay, Nolan?

I'm fine.

Just want to stay that way.

Good evening.

Thank you.



What do you mean?

This is an actual oasis.

I bet whoever you bring here, their reservations about you just melt away.

I've never brought anybody else here.



♪ Party of the century ♪

I got eyes on Reaper.

You best move fast.

You're not the only one looking for him.

Who else and how close?

Three cars left Bravo territory 10 minutes ago.

They're heading your way.

Let him in, let him in.

[hip-hop music playing]

A.K., what's goodie with you, yo?

You partying the V.I.P. tonight, partner?


This is the last thing you're gonna want to hear.


You need to shut this party down, at least until things cool off.

You out your damn mind?

Yo, we've been planning this all year.

It's the Bravos. They're coming after you.

[chuckles] What?

We look like we scared of them?


Looks like you posted two-man teams on your doors, which means you're vulnerable to a breach from the alley.

Wow. Ssk, ssk, ssk, ssk, ssk, ssk, ssk, ssk.


Look, they rip us off?

They gonna come into our house on our night?

When we 10 deep in every corner?

Ain't nothing happening tonight, homie!


What about this?

If Imani wants to, let her come with me.

She ain't going nowhere.

Look, I can handle myself.

Alex, I'll catch you another time.


That's straight 11/9 right there.

Run deep just like her pops.

Reaper, let her have a different ending than he did.

There you go, man.

Already gave you a pass for what you did for her and Big Joker.

But let me tell you something.

She go... slate wiped clean.

Fine. Clean.


This guy right here is so funny.

Let's go.


[machine-g*n fire]



I've got you!


Let's go! Let's get out of here!


[glass shatters]

[indistinct shouting]

Stay down. Stay down.

[cellphone rings]

Excuse me.

We were just getting somewhere.

[chuckling] Well, then I'm definitely taking this.

[ringing continues]

I'll be back.


Don't leave.

What's the problem?

I'll let you decide.

Three dead and four wounded in the club.


Well, the g*ng w*r has begun.

Alex: You know, I can't tell if you're more disappointed that people died or that I lost the bet.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

You're not getting off that easily.

The bet was not if you could prevent a g*ng w*r.

It was if you could stop the g*ng w*r.

Oh, no, we're just getting started, Mr. Kane.

Just getting started.

You were two feet away from Reaper but didn't get a good look at the sh**t?

Yeah, I was trying to keep Imani alive.

Anything else?

When did solving multiple homicides become a nuisance for you?

Sorry. Ask away.

No, no, no.

I'll figure it out.

Having a friend lie to my face, it's getting real old.

Cassandra: Gets easier with time.

Yeah. What? Lying to your friends?


[indistinct conversation]


Hey, Cassandra, do you have footage of the sh**ting?

From four angles. Which would you like?

The one that shows me how Listo missed.

Where are you from, Agent Nolan?

Mr. Johnson, this has been such a lovely evening.

Don't diminish it by pretending you don't know everything about me.


Well, there's a fine line between research and stalking.

I call it investigating.


Well, you're from Philadelphia.

Your father did M&A at Mellon Bank.

Your mother...

Played tennis at the club.

Enough about me, Mr. Johnson.

You are one hell of a mystery.


Everything I find on you has the distinct aroma of... B.S.


Give me something.

I'm from the south side of Chicago.

My father died in prison when I was 11, and I don't know very much about my mother.


That is something.

Now, tell me this.

What great crime are you hiding?


I tracked Listo's cellphone to a loft in Summerlin.

That's not Bravo territory.

Not Pharaohs turf, either.

Why does he have an apartment in no-man's land?

I'm not sure, but I'm a block away.

[knock on door]


Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Nice place.

The, uh, Pharaohs paying for it?

What are you talking about, man?

You had the perfect chance to take out Reaper and Prez and all the decision-makers, but you shot high on purpose.

You see, that's where you're crazy, homeboy.


Why don't you get the hell out of here?

Yeah, you meant to miss, didn't you?


You tired of being passed over by your old man, so you cut a deal with the Pharaohs?


Hey, Imani, you can come out now.


Look, Alex, I'm sorry.


So we met last year in class, and I knew he was this big Bravo, was ready to hate on him.

When we started talking, that all went out of the window.

He was different.

And you haven't told anybody?

My pops and Hector... they were made for this life.

I tell them I want to get out, and they... they wouldn't get it.

Then they'd call us traitors.

You know traitors end up dead.

Reaper thinks of you as family. Maybe he'll let you walk.

Thinks I'm family when I put the work in.

No, I'm tired of all these people thinking I'm their family.

My real family... my parents, my brothers, my uncles... they're all dead.

And for what?

We just wanted out.

I want to help you get out.

But something's not adding up.

Who torched the truck?

A few months ago, this guy came up to me after class.

I feel stupid now, but at the time, he was saying all the right things.

Listo: We had talked about getting out of Vegas, starting fresh, new I.D.s, new car, place to live.

Did you get a name?

His name was Ivan, but I heard his boy call him Mislav.

And what did he want in return for getting you out?

Everything I knew about the supply truck.

You're both smart people.

You must have known what he was gonna do.

No, I thought he was some Eurotrash fool that was gonna get himself k*lled.

No way he could pull this off.

But he had it all planned out.

Shot up the truck...


...stole the cash, framed my brother.

Soon as Hector went missing, I knew he played us.

And I saw how bad I screwed up.

But I couldn't come clean.

I know you don't get it.

You don't know what it's like to be trapped in this life, forced to play a part.

I know a thing or two about it.


You, uh, you getting all this?

Romeo and Juliet in the desert.


We're gonna help them get out.

Uh, you're in the middle of a game.


And they're gonna help us win it.

I need you to get me everything you can on Mislav.

Okay, here's what Ada has on Mislav Subek.

Born in Croatia, wanted all over.

Produces synthetic dr*gs.

Current bestseller is called "Lisa."


Makes Molly and Flakka look like baby aspirin.

Cheap and highly addictive.

Yeah. Sounds perfect for Vegas.

Yeah, and he's also got a proven track record.

Budapest, Cape Town.

He starts a g*ng w*r and then gets the competition to k*ll each other off.

Once they've done the heavy lifting, he swoops in and fills the vacuum.

Where is he now?

He's very good at covering his tracks.

I'll keep looking until I find...

[tires screech]

Get behind me!


Get down!

[machine-g*n fire]

Stay here.


[tires screech]


Listo, watch out!


Listo: Imani!


We need an ambulance right now!

Cassandra: Yeah, I'll dispatch one right away.

Stay with us, Imani.

[engine revs]

Listo: Baby, baby.

Alex, there's so much blood, man!

Alex: You need to stop it.

Keep your hand there. Keep pressure on it.

The ambulance is here, Imani.

You're gonna be okay.


[engine turns over]

Baby, come on...

[engine revs]

[tires screech]

Cass, I need you to meet them at the hospital.

That's highly unusual.

Yeah, well, I need to know she's okay.

And Listo's gonna be a wild card until she comes out of surgery.

Sounds like Listo's not the only one.

I winged one of Mislav's guys.

[chuckles] You must be slipping.

Thanks for the vote of confidence.

A wounded animal always heads back to the nest, and I want to see where this one goes.

That was the most fun I have ever had in an interrogation.

Was that an interrogation?

Oh, I love interrogations.

Well, now I have a reason to do this again.


I look forward to what comes next.

Should I spoil the surprise?

I put you away for the rest of your life.

[tires screech]

Your theory paid off.

The sh**t fled to a warehouse in Henderson.

What's the address?

Come on, you got to stay with me, babe.

I'm here. You're gonna be okay.

Sending it to you now.

B.P. dropping. We're losing her.

No, no!

You got to let me... you got to let me in there, man!


Imani! Imani!

Alex, I have to go.

Alex: What's wrong?

It's Imani. She's crashing.



What's wrong?

They shot Imani.


Yeah, a nephew that works down at St. John's just seen them roll her in, man.

Had to be them coward-ass Bravos.

Let's go hunting.

Damn straight.

We ain't hitting no soldiers.

Cutting the head right off the snake.

[engines turn over]

[g*ns cock]




I'm afraid the b*llet nicked her carotid artery.

They're doing their best to stabilize her.

You a doctor, too?


Alex Kane asked me to make sure you're both safe.

You work for him?

He's a friend.

[cellphone vibrates]

Excuse me.


[cellphone beeps]

Alex: Cassandra, do you read me?

I do.

How's Imani?

She just got out of surgery.

And Listo?

Falling apart.

Did you find the warehouse?


I count at least two guys outside.

Can you get me eyes inside?

No, we're deaf and blind.

And I should also tell you that Ada picked up phone intercepts.

The Pharaohs and the Bravos are calling in reinforcements from three states.

Look, I know you care about Imani, but people are gonna die unless you focus on stopping this w*r instead of getting back at Mislav.

Yeah, well, Mislav started this w*r, and I'm gonna use him to end it.


You all right?

I should be the one in there.

Why'd she push me out the way, man?

Because you would have done the same for her.

We were talking about starting a family.

That's when I knew we had to leave.

Bad enough to be trapped like us, but you bring someone else into this, someone who never asked to be a part of it... we couldn't do that.


Is everything all right?

Cassandra: It will be.

You said you could help me with Nick.

I can't bring him into this.

Just say the word.

I'm saying it.

Make it go away.


[chuckles] With this?

Hell, yeah.

I can get you 10,000 doses by the weekend.

Then what are we waiting for?


[door opens]


[both grunting]







[papers rustling]

[g*n cocks]

If you would be so kind.

You're a businessman.

How about I make you an offer?

You have nothing I want.

Not even this?



How much to let me go?

Name your price.

I'm sorry. I can't count that high.

Now move.

[monitor beeping]


Get me a crash cart!

No, hey, man!

I need to see her, man! Imani!


Listo, calm down.


[paddles whine]



[g*ns cock]

On your call, G.

[g*n cocks]


Cassandra: Three Pharaoh cars just crossed into Bravo territory.

I never say thank you.

For what?

Organizing this meeting.


I'm sorry. She didn't make it.

Cassandra, how's Imani?

I'm so sorry, Alex.


The surgeons couldn't save her. Imani's gone.

[tires screech]

What are you doing? Why have you stopped?


Okay, Alex, listen to me.

She is gone.

You can't bring her back, but you can save lives by ending this w*r.


The only reason you're breathing... is because you're no good to me dead.


[engine shuts off]

[tires screech]

[horn honks]

Alex: Stop!

Wait, wait, wait! Wait!

Reaper, don't do this.

Yo, you better stay out the way.

They k*lled Imani!

No. No, they didn't. He did.

And Hector didn't hit your truck.

He did. Come here.

Get in here. Get down here.

He's the reason there's a g*ng w*r, and you're all playing into his hands.

He wants you to k*ll each other off so he can take over.

He's done this before. So here's my offer.

You call off this g*ng w*r.

[g*n cocks]

And he's all yours.


This notion that I want to take over Las Vegas... no.

I need partners.

Join me.

And together, I can make you more money than you ever dreamed of.


You need to trust me.

Do you?

He is the one who's hiding the truth.

Imani betrayed you.

She wanted to destroy you all.

Shut your damn mouth!

You don't believe me, ask him.

He knew all about it.

He was helping her and hiding it from you.

Together, we can rule Las Vegas.

All you have to do is untie me and get rid of him.

Hey. Get back down.

You're not giving orders here.


What do you say, Reaper?

Reaper: Hey, hey, hey. Slow down.

Somebody paying for Imani.

[g*ns cock]

Now, I know you do not want to believe it, but in your heart, you know she was nothing...


That was for Hector.

That bastard framed him.


[light laughter]


Esta es mijo.


You got two minutes to be gone.

And take the trash out with you.



You were right.

It was all too perfect.

[car doors closing]


[engines turn over]


They want me on a different project.

In Singapore.

It's actually a promotion.

It's a huge promotion.

It's the biggest project they've got going in Asia, and they want to put me in charge, and that... that doesn't happen.

Yes, it does.

Good things happen to good people all the time.

I'd have to move for two years minimum.

Well, I can't believe I'm saying this, but... you should take it.

[chuckles] No.

I've already thought about it.

I'm turning it down.


Work... it will always be there.

But you and I, if I walk away from this, I will regret it for the rest of my life.

Okay, look...

I like you, but the truth is, I like us long-distance.


You're fun and you're sweet, and... and you blow into town every couple of weeks and then you leave, and that's what I love about it, that's what I love about us.


So I'm sorry if you got confused, but we're never gonna be more than that.


You should take it.

I was ready to give up everything. [chuckles]

Well, now you don't have to.


Look, come on, you must have felt it, too.

No, I didn't.


[door opens]

[door closes]



Shh, shh, shh, shh.


You need to come with me.


To find Ginny.

She's in a town called Zephyr Cove.


Johnson showed me a...

That video was manipulated.

It was a composite of two different images.

Ginny was never in Miami Airport.

So Johnson's been lying to me this whole time?

I don't know that.

Johnson has enemies, and right now they're circling.

So someone could have fed him that.

But why?

And what does Ginny have to do with any of this?

I don't know.


Does he know you're helping me?


Then why?

This game... treats people like pawns.


Ginny's just a piece on someone's board.

She should never have been dragged into this.

You and Ginny deserve a chance just like Imani and Listo did.

And what about you?

Do you deserve a chance?

I don't know what I deserve.

Let's go.

How long have you known Ginny's alive?

Since I overheard Johnson say he'd help you get her back.

There it is.


[engine shuts off]




Oh, come on.

It's cleared out.

If she left, she left in a hurry.

Or she was forced to leave.

You said she was here.

I'm sorry, Alex.

I thought I could help you.

Maybe you can.


You took a chance bringing me here.

You trusted me.


This was Ginny's.

She never told me about it, about where it goes or what it opens.


Help me find out.

Help me find her.
