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01x05 - Five Spies

Posted: 11/12/15 11:06
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Romeo Section...

Eva: I don't want to screw him over.

I want to help him.

Then the best way to help him is to gain his trust.

I know how to vet an asset.

You have an awfully hands-on technique.

I feel like my every move is being watched.

They're not used to me having visitors.

I lost my lighter.

When did you last use it?

He was one of Mao's Red Army guys who got thrown in prison during the cultural revolution, and when he got out, he brought half a f*cking army with him to Hong Kong.

Make sure it lands safely.

It's in a cargo yard off the docks.

We got eyes on it.

So do we.

He's talking about rehab for you.

[crying in protest]

They're trying to kidnap me!

Open the door!

Five Spies

[call dialing]

Are you watching?

We got it.

Any movement?

Nothing unusual.

We shall see.

[call dialing]

Go now.

[pleading] You need help me. I need to see my son.

I'm not supposed to be here...

That isn't helping anybody!

[weeping quietly]

[muttered prayers]

Neither is that.

I don't know what to say.

Well, don't thank me yet.

There's still a deportation order dangling over your head.

How do I fix that?

Go home, get a shower, get some sleep.

Starting tomorrow, you check in with me every day.


I'll text you.

If you ever take longer than three hours to respond, the deportation order goes back in the system, and you get shipped back home to face the music.

What do you want me to do?

Just go back to getting about with your life the way you always have.

Don't arouse suspicion.

Who else knows that you were detained down here?


A couple people.

My lawyer, my girlfriend.

Couple girlfriends.

Okay, your story is the government of Canada was kind enough to grant you temporary asylum.

Is that official?

I can get you some paperwork that'll back that up.

Is there any money in the cards here?

Be f*cking grateful.

Just be happy for this little turn of events.

That's it.

You can get out.


You get a look in your eye sometimes.

Do I?

Someone who can be in two places at once.

Here and not here at the same time.

Distant one minute, present the next.

Here, not here.

You know, that's not the first time I've heard that.

Where does that come from?

Good question.

My father had a military background.

Maybe that's it.

He used to be able to walk into a room and just... clock everything instantly.

I think these kind of things maybe trickle down.


My father, my grandfather, his father, most of my uncles...

All military, going all the way back.

I see.

We'd play checkers in the garden, and my grandfather would say, "Lily, everything is w*r. Look at the clouds waging w*r on the sun. Look at the ivy doing battle with the brick."

And in my case, they said, look how the son battles the father.

Are you a black sheep, too?

If I'm not already, I think I may become one.

I like black sheep.

They're the interesting ones.


[distant voices murmur gently]

[nature documentaries play on television]

Need a cigarette?

We're not supposed to light each other's cigarettes.

[starts engine]

[sirens wail]

I take it Dee's trip to rehab went smoothly.


"Smooth" is maybe not the word I would use.

Now that she's gone, I don't know what to do with myself.

I slept 18 hours straight.

My head's clearing.


Now is your opportunity to get cozier with the boss.


What's he been up to?

He's had a few meetings with a new Chinese connection.

Who's that?

Some young dude, pretty slick.

Seems like he's a heavyweight.

I'm interested in where that goes.

Me too.

Feels like a big play is coming down.

I arranged for a decoy to park near the container.

Obvious, but not too obvious.

He watched it overnight.

At sunrise, he drove away.

Two blocks away, police pull him over for running a stop sign.

Did he run the stop sign?

He was instructed to follow every rule of the road.

GPS tracker on the box, now this.

Somebody's watching.

We must assume.

Yo, Ruf'!


What's up, bud?

How's that stash box coming along?

Almost got it.

I put in the trap door, in case you want to drop something on the road.

Just gotta hit the rear defrost button three times, opens right up.


That it is.

Hey, you know who this Wing Lei guy is, where he came from?

Outta Hong Kong.

Red Mountain Triad.

Looks like he could be a player.


I heard Vince saying something about him being the new top man over here.

So, who's the old top man?

Who's he replacing?

That guy they call "The General."

I got no idea who that is.

My old man used to talk about him.

He came over about 30 years ago, took over the heroin market from the Montreal boys.

Where's he at now?

Ask Vince. He knows him.

When you think you can be done with this?

It'll be ready tomorrow.

Just gotta put a cover plate on.

Tell me when it's ready.


[shower running]

[water stops, shower curtain rattles back]

I let you sleep.

Thank you.

I think we should admit right away this love we share will not last.

Sometimes, you sound like poetry.

Everything you say sounds like it to me.

[door opens]

[footsteps approach slowly]

It's Ortelli.

Miguel, are you awake?


Just getting up.

I smell some good coffee.

I can pour you one.

Yeah, just make it black.

Simple things for me.

Good morning.

Good morning.

You slept well.

I did.

You know, sometimes, all it takes is a good night in bed to make a new man of you.

You've heard something?


Good news.

The congregation has voted to support you in your immigration appeal.

We are dedicated to providing the sanctuary you need, for as long as it might take.



Good morning.

How'd you sleep?


Why do you ask?

You look refreshed.


I heard his whole story.

Not all of it, but most of it, and... it's awful.

Well, write it down for me, best you can remember.

Now it's time for a second opinion.


He's not going to talk to you.

He really doesn't have a choice anymore.

It's going to be a part of whatever deal he gets if he gets one.

No talk, no deal.

If he says no?

Then I step out of this, and let the chips fall where they may.

Where do they fall?

Use your imagination.

Talk to him immediately.

I can come to him.

Where is he?

I'll ask him, and then you get your answer.

Now's not the time to f*ck with me.

Now's the time to do what's best for Miguel, and it's his decision to make, not ours.

Glad you could see me on such short notice, Al.

These gates are always open to you, Fred, you know that.

Hey, a rugby player.

[chuckles] Yeah. A while back.

You know, a friend of mine developed an infectious skin disease playing rugby.

Are you sure it was rugby?

Yeah, something about all that grinding against all the other players. That ever happen to you?

No, it did not.

Well, anyway, it was enough to put me off.

Why don't we talk about our little refugee problem?

Well, I think I told you we can't help.

Well, here's what we got on Miguel Padilla.

I should warn you that he is no saint.

So very few of us these days.

They found child pornography on his home computer.

Oh, that old chestnut.

You know, as a prosecutor, he had everyone in his pocket, which is understandable. Down there, you don't take a payoff, nobody respects you.


That's not specific to Mexico, is it?

No, please, you... You can keep that.

We still don't know where he is.

You know, I heard a little something about your... What was it, schoolteachers that got busted over there in the middle kingdom...

The Gastons.

Coynes. Gascoynes.


Martha and, uh...


I got briefed on them as well.

You, uh, get Padilla to us, we would be willing to do your schoolteachers a good turn.

You could swing that, could you?

Well, I could... I could get it started.


Easy to start, hard to finish.

[chuckles shortly]


What would you be looking for, Al?

Straight swap.

Package delivered to my doorstep.

Two for one.


And what would you be looking for?

No questions asked.

I don't know his schedule.

I'm not his secretary.

Good morning, Professor. How goes it?

Uh, Professor, I left you a message.

Good morning, Professor.

Good so far.

You left a message on what number?

I don't know, the one you put on the syllabus.

Yeah, I don't answer that phone anymore. You should try me here at the office.

Okay, that's what I'm doing.

Bad timing, I'm afraid.

It's a tight window.

How long until he comes back out?

Could be all day. My theory is he's built a tunnel in there.

Last time, we talked about nations as drug cartels.

We talked about how the British used opium as a means of opening up the Chinese markets.

Where else do we see this strategy?

One of the great heroin highways of the world runs right through Kashmir.

Along the border region of Punjab, a whole generation of young men are addicted to heroin.

This is not by accident.

Pakistan is using the same strategy now in India as the British used against the Chinese... using the drug trade to destabilize the economy politically, socially, and financially.

We see this all over... South America, West Africa, Ukraine.

Is it possible this is what's going on here?

Is it possible that the cocaine and heroin economies are being used as a destabilizing w*apon against the West?

Is it a deliberate strategy or an unintended consequence?

What we do know for certain is that history has a way of enacting its revenge.
So sorry I'm late. I got caught up in one of Professor McGee's lectures.

Oh, yes. I hear those can be entertaining. Please, have a seat.

Thank you.

How long has he been here at the University?


Oh, gosh, since dinosaurs roamed the earth.

Where was he prior to this?

He was an Oxford boy, I believe.

He did some consulting for the government, wrote a couple books about China.

That's all I know.

Thank you, Lois.

You're welcome.

What I wanted to talk to you about was our global connections program.

We're positioning the program as something young, and fresh, and vital, so I thought of you.

Well, thank you.

[pump inflating]

Where did they put my cell phone?

They're holding onto all your stuff, don't you worry.

I need to call my husband.

You'll get to talk to your family eventually.

This is urgent, though. Is there a payphone or anything?

There is. You get phone privileges in a week.

A f*cking week?

Give yourself a chance to get settled.

Forget about the outside world.

Everything is taken care of.

Not really.

How are you feeling right now?


I was in detox five days before I could even stand up.

Open up.


I believe you have a tooth that could come out.

I do?

Oh, yeah.

It's ready to go.

You don't feel that?


You will.


We're gonna get you all fixed up, sweetie.

Good as new.

That girl from the Asian Studies Department.

Professor Song.

She met with the Dean earlier.

What about?

She was asking about you.



And what exactly was she asking about?

Where you studied, what you've had published, and how long you lived in China.

[organist practicing]


Can I see you in the office, please?

[organ music reverberating]

Take a chair.

I have to ask you to leave the church immediately, and you know why.

Do you realize the danger you may have put Miguel in?

I don't think he could be in much more danger than he already is.

Have you ever mentioned to anyone that he is hiding with us?

This is a place of forgiveness and truth.

You should know that by now.

Not for me.

I'm sorry.

You told someone.


Who are you?

Rupert Holmby.

I need to talk with you.

Talk about what?

How you can stay in Canada as a free man.

May I come in?

Go around to the back door.

That way.

Go around. I will let you in.




[sighs heavily]


An old trick.

Coincidence, or poor driver?

I believe in old tricks.

That presents a challenge.

Moving forward is a risk.

We can feed them the gwailo.

That's what he's here for.

Somebody is watching the treasure.

[sighs deeply]

It's time for me to take a nap.

Here, read to me for a while.

You called?

I picked up some rims you might want to take a look at.

I can give 'em to you.

I'll give you a little something for 'em.

Nah, it's all right.

I got 'em for nothing.

Thanks, bro.

So, uh, who's this new Chinese guy Vince has been getting all cozy with?

He's out of Hong Kong, coming to take over for the General.

Where's the General at now?

Vince goes out to the farm to see him.

That, uh, white collar joint in the valley.

Grab one. Let's get these out of here.

Yeah, load it up.

If they are watching the shipment, my advice is, let this one go.

Walk away.

It's the cost of doing business.

As long as we're still standing to catch the next one.

I'm not asking for your advice.

I was assured you'd have the ability to deliver my shipment to me safely.

If not, I must find somebody who can.

You got a box full of dope sitting in a yard under police surveillance, and you want us to get it out from under their noses.

The General expects this of you.

If it's too big of a task, tell me.

We can handle it.

Show me how.

That yard has specific challenges.

You got cameras here, here, here, and here.

And that's just the surveillance we know about, never mind the cops.

What you're talking about is external surveillance.

There are other kinds of surveillance.

There are five types of spies.

Local spies, inward spies.

Converted spies, doomed spies, and surviving spies.

Which kind are you?

The surviving kind.

Whatever it takes, we'll get it done.

In detention, you mentioned the name Malcolm Song.

Yeah, the military attaché.

What else can you tell me about him?

Not a lot, except if anybody was having trouble, Malcolm was the fixer at the consulate you could talk to.

This was years ago now.

Is he still here?

Last I heard, he was back in Hong Kong.

Well, that's something I'd like you to focus on, see what you can find out.

Does he have any family here, children, brothers, sisters?

Not that I know about.

Well, poke around, will you?

Without kicking up too much of a fuss.

Think you can do that?

Of course.

It's a simple plot, Tony.

It's like a movie.

Produce a good picture for me, and I will buy a ticket.

[call ringing]

[cell phone vibrates and rings]


Cindy, hey.


How you doing?

I don't know how long I'm gonna last.

This place is ridiculous.

Just give it a chance for a little while at least.

Yeah, we'll see.

Everybody is so proud of you.

So, what's going on with Vince?

He hasn't even called me.

He hasn't?

Dee, hang up now.


I haven't heard anything from him or anyone.

I'm kind of getting worried.

He's probably letting you get settled in.

But everything's okay out there?


Yeah, yeah, yeah, everything is fine.

Don't worry.

We're all thinking about you.

Dee, hang up now.


Okay, come visit me.

I love you.

All done.

Thank you very much.

You got a smoke for me?

Help yourself.


So, now we got all this surveillance, how we gonna deal with this container?

How much weight you think is in it?

[flicks lighter]

Enough they're willing to not walk away.

That's my lighter.

I've been looking all over for it.

How'd you get it?

I found it in some of Dee's things.


I must've left it at the barbecue or something.

Yeah, I thought you might want it back.

Yeah, I do.

My dad gave it to me.

They're beautiful.

I feel guilty keeping them in a small pond.

They're none the wiser.

I feel trapped in a small pond, isolated.

My family say they did that for my own safety, but I don't feel that way.

What were they protecting you from?

My family, they are military, but they are also politically connected in China, and so as their daughter, they worry someone might approach me to... want to use me in some way.

Who would that be?

You're not naive about China.

You've lived there.

They have a secret service that keeps an eye on everyone.


I fear, sometimes, they are keeping an eye on me.

As if one day, they might come tap me on the shoulder and say, "We need you now."

And they would thr*aten my parents to make me cooperate.

I see.

Anyway, I just... wanted you to know that about me.

How you doing?


I was going for a smoke if you wanted one.

Are you a banger?

I used to be.

No more.

What happened?

I lost a few friends, did a couple years federal time.

What did you do?

I lost my temper with somebody.

Yeah, I know how that is.

I got it under control now.

How did you do that?

I quit the dope, taking it one day at a time, walking the razor's edge.

Guess I could use a smoke.

It came in off a ship.

From where?

I don't know.

Vince is convinced it's being watched.

And he wants you to steal it out from underneath?


How are you gonna do that?

I have no f*cking idea.

Well, who's watching it?

I was thinking maybe that's something you could tell me.


You would be wise to assume that whoever it is, you have an informant in the story somewhere.

[pen scribbling]

[door opens]

[women laughing]

Picked up, like, a million and a half, easy money, so sweet and everything...

Go ahead, make yourselves at home.


What are you doing here?

I was expecting you to be in L.A.

I was.

I'm back.

How was your trip?


Lots of interest.

Some investors lined up.

Sorry, I didn't know anybody was going to be here.

We needed to use your apartment.

No problem.

How long are you going to be in here?

Maybe you should go to a hotel.


We could do that.

You go.

She can stay.

You crack it yet?

There's no f*cking way, bro.

It won't happen.

You got a load being clocked, you gotta forget about that load, 'cause that's 20 years in the pen if you even look at the damn thing.

It's not worth it.

We just need to get the container off the lot somehow.

Even if you get it out, they're still gonna be watching it.

No matter where you go, they're gonna be on it, waiting for you to unload.

Where's the hot sauce?

If you ask me, it's a walk-away.

It's not a walk-away.

I think I got the idea how to do it.

Your dope... is in this container.


I'm in this one.

Trojan Horse.

It's an old trick.

Simple, though, right?

Simple is beautiful.

She's just come home.

I'm off the clock.

Why did you betray me?

I didn't.

Don't lie to me.

Tell the truth!

Tell me who the man is.

He came to the basement!

Let me go!

He stopped me on the street before I even spoke to you.

[knock on door]

It's probably just the neighbor looking in on me.

[cocks g*n]

Did someone order a pizza?


[cries out, sh*ts blast]


Oh, my God, you're bleeding.

They'll be back.

[muffled shouts of panic and barking dogs]

Come on. Come!

[tenants shouting in alarm]

[distant sirens wailing]