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03x07 - Lost and Found

Posted: 11/10/15 17:56
by bunniefuu


Was machst du da?

Hörst du mich?

Thank you.

What's going on, Ellie?

Dorn's called an emergency meeting in the conference room.

You coming, Arabela?

Yes, I'll be right there.


How many is that?

Three, if you're counting.

In sub-zero weather, early this morning.

This, a yet unidentified woman, staggered off an Austrian mountain side onto a rail-road bridge, falling into the Thaya River.

A passer-by pulled her out of the water, but she is barely alive.

This algorithm is on her back.

Is that a tattoo?

No, I've seen this before.

A similar combination of numbers and letters written in permanent marker on the back of a kidnapped girl we recovered a few years ago in Milan.

She was abducted by a member of the Tisso g*ng.

As in Branick Tisso.


He's a sex-trafficker.

He and his g*ng may be responsible for the abduction and enslavement of more than 3,000 girls, every year.

Tisso threatens their families.

To keep the girls under control.

A few times we recovered his victims they refuse to talk.

The ICC has been trying for the past six years to mount a case against the Tisso organisation, but with, minimal headway.

That area is pretty remote.

Her abductors could still be in the vicinity.

And if they are, they'll probably want her back, or silenced.

Keep me in the loop, will you, please?


Our plane leaves in an hour.

Can I help you?

Yes, Inspector Marco Costante from the ICC, we're here to see the patient, Officer...


But she's still asleep.

Then perhaps, you could locate her doctor so we could discuss waking her?

Thank you ever so much, Officer Strolz.

So polite.

Good manners never hurt anyone.

I guess you don't see much of this in a classroom.

Defensive wounds.

Bruising around the wrist.

Deep-egde cut.

And, uh, she has black soil under her fingernails.

Yeah, whatever hell she was in, she clawed her way out.

RETZ'S POLICE STATION, Austria She was out at night wearing only this?

I don't know how she survived.

There seemed to be two sources of blood.

There's um... there's pooling, and then there's...

Yeah, you're right.

That's high-velocity blood spatter.

Most likely from a g*nsh*t wound.

Right next to her, at close range.

That puts two other people with her.

Yeah. The... the sh**t, and another victim.

I've been asked to give the patient a stimulant.

Hey, hey, hey. You're OK, you're OK. You're in a hospital.

She may not understand English.

Excuse me, please.


It's OK. It will be fine.

You're fine.

You're fine.

She can't speak.

Shhh... it's OK.

She can't see.

Grazie Andrea, tutto bene. Ciao.

The files are being sent to Sebastian right now, from Milan.

What did the doctor say?

CT scan, EEG, completely normal. There's nothing wrong with her eyes, or her vocal cords.

So, why is she blind and mute?

It's conversion disorder.

Physical symptoms present as a result of extreme trauma.

It's commonly known as hysterical blindness.

What's the prognosis?

Most regain their faculties, sometimes suddenly, but it could take days, years, there's no way of telling.

So the victim survives, but she can't communicate.

I guess we're gonna have to speak for her.

What can I do?

Just talk to her, Ellie.



You can do it.

Just keep us informed on how she is.


I wasn't expecting company.

Well, I hope your mind is not this cluttered.

"If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?"

Mr. Einstein.

Also German, of course.

Famously cluttered.

What can I do for you?

I just wanted to make sure that the tattoos, those algorithms, weren't giving any trouble.

Well, I've compared the number/letter combinations from our victim and Marco's case in Italy.

The photo on the left, is the girl found in Milan.

She was later identified as being from Croatia.

"HR" is the Croatian country code.

She was... 16 years old, and abducted on September 12, hence "129HR16".

Using the same logic, markings on our girl found today, "113": March 11, she was abducted four days ago.

Age 17.


And the country code, "SK".


So, it's really more of a cypher than al algorithm.

And the numbers at the end?

I'm still working on those.

But, uh... here's our girl.


Yana Županová of Bratislava, Slovakia.

Grew up in youth welfare.

Works at the café.

She was reported missing three days ago.

Check and see if there are any other missing persons in Slovakia on that date.

Ema Tesarová and Margita Baníková.

Both 19, flatmates.

They worked at the same café as Yana Županová .

So we have two more out there.

This is Felix.

Go ahead.

No! The pick-up will happen. You get ready!

Make everything ready.

Yes! One girl escaped.

But we still have two that we can deliver.

Don't worry.

OK? I'll make sure they're at the transfer point in time.

RETZ'S POLICE STATION, Austria The sexual as*ault kit came back negative.

Sebastian said she was kidnapped four days ago.

She was with sex traffickers for four days, and she wasn't r*ped?!

To the contrary, she's still a virgin.

And in Tisso's trade, a virgin girl is worth their weight in gold.

That's the only reason why they didn't touch her.

I just hope the same is true for the other two girls.

Let's follow up on the blood spatter on the nightgown.

If we can figure out who was shot next to Yana, it might lead us to the gunman.


Hello, Yana.

It's nice to meet you.

My name's Ellie Delfont-Bogard.

You can call me Ellie.

I'm here to help, Yana.

There's nothing here you should be frightened of.

We're gonna get through this.


I've been looking into known associates of the Tisso g*ng, I, ah... cross-referenced the names on Dorn's Tisso file, against the Strafregister and sex offenders database... and got a hit.

Near Retz?

Accessory to kidnapping a minor.

His name's Christoph Abner, and he's 25 kilometres south of Retz, in Hollabrunn, to be exact.

Christoph Abner?

We're from the ICC.

We'd like to ask you a few questions, if you don't mind.

Branick Tisso went in touch with you lately?

Offering you a way to make a little extra cash.

Traffic a few girls.

I stopped all that years ago.

Nice Pony.

You afford all this on a caretaker salary?

I rebuilt it from nothing.

For next to nothing.

It's taken me years.

Anything else?

Can I look around?

We've been closed for months.

There's nothing to see.


We'll be in touch.


Mustang. He's lying.

Maybe not about Tisso, but about something.

Those parts were all factory new.

Ah, that custom steering wheel alone would go for two grand.

Well, where there is a little lie, there is a big lie.

We'll keep an eye on him.

I didn't know you were such a motor-head, boss.

There's a lot you don't know about me, Inspector.


What a drop.

It's gonna be difficult to find those other girls in a terrain like this.

I assume she followed the tracks.

Witness said she came from this direction.

Look here.

What is it?


I found this on your Facebook page.

You and your friends, Margita and Ema.

I've been learning about you.

Growing up in a home must have been really difficult.

But you know, sometimes, difficult things make us stronger.

The best detectives in Europe are out there, Yana, finding your friends.

You didn't give up, and neither will they.

Hello, Yana.

Nice to have you back.


Yana, hello?

Walking this far in zero degrees.

She would have been hypothermic in no time at all.

She's wandering, in the dark, she's disorientated.

Maybe she already lost her vision as well.

Some deep tyre tracks here.


Someone's jumped from that window.

I'll check 'round the back.



Found this by the front door.

Addressed to Noah and Agetta Lang.

Dating about six weeks ago, so it must be junk mail.

Looks like a holiday home.

This must be where she escaped.

Yeah, but what was she escaping from?

What's that?

Looks like blood.

Smells like bleach.

Well, bleach'll have compromise the DNA.

Make it difficult to identify the victim.

Unless, we can find a pure sample here somewhere.

Should see what this things picks up in the hotels the MET puts us up in.

Word to the wise, never use a hotel duvet.


Thanks for that.


And lots of it.

I think we can safely assume, this is our primary crime scene.

Looks like the housekeeper wasn't so thorough after all.

It's high-velocity blood splatter.

Just like on the night dress.

Was zum Teufel?


What are you doing here?

An alarm came through at the station, that there was a break-in.

Wait, there's an alarm?

Silent alarm notifies the station.

And did this alarm go off last night?


This is where our victim was brought.

We need you to call the owners and find out who else had the security code.

Whoever was here knew how to reset the alarm when they left.

And let's see if we can get any usable fingerprints from the keypad.

Yes, ma'am.

According to foot and tyre tracks, the sh**t may have headed north-west, possibly with a body in his vehicle.

We need to widen the search for the missing girls.

And there could be another dead body.

There are thousands hectares of forest in that direction.

Well, then we're going to need a bigger search party.

I know you can hear me, Yana.

And we all know how strong you are.

Yana, I need you to be strong.

For Margita and Ema.

I'm going to tap your hand, OK?

If you can understand me, tap back.


Maybe we should stop.

You're probably sick of the sound of my voice. I know I am.

Sebastian, tell us something good.

The blood on the night dress has two contributors.

One is our Yana Županová , the other, an unknown male.

Then it wasn't one of the other girls who was hurt.

The male blood has a distinctive marker for an aggressive bone cancer called leiomyosarcoma.

I found the match at the hospital in Marbella, Spain.

Is there an I.D.?

Due to patient confidentiality, there is no name, just an identification number.

I, er... could hack in...


Thank you, Sebastian. Let's keep it clean. I'm on it.


I need you in the air.

***, Ema.


Ema, ***.

The hospital confirmed the blood found in the cottage belonged to Alonso Caro.

He's been given less than a month to live.

He's a philanthropist and a social activist, last seen two days ago at a fund-raiser in Vienna.

That's only a few hours from here.

Caro didn't have a next of kin, but he had a long-term personal assistant.

I'm on my way to see her now.

Good work. Thank you, Arabela.

What have you found?

Huh? What have you found?

You read Polish, Berger?

I, uh... just wanted to make sure you heard about the body they found in the woods, Alonso Caro.

I did.

I met him, just once.

Alonso Caro was a one-man army, in the fight against human trafficking.

Great loss.

There's something else?

Yes, actually, there... is something else.

I was part of this unit for two years. You asked me back, so... why does it feel like I'm on probation again?

It's a new team. New players.

New rules.

I play by the rules.

Mm. Continue on that course.

Oh, uh, by the way, in the code, the last letter "J" stands for "jungfrau".

German for "virgin".


We have to catch that son of a bitch.

I worked alongside him for almost a decade.


When was the last time you spoke to Mr. Caro?

He rang me two nights ago.

He had an enthusiasm in his voice I hadn't heard since his diagnosis.

I assume you knew what he was doing in Retz.

He told me less than he usually does.

He said he was meeting someone at the corporate retreat. That's it.

Did he mention if he had anything to do with a man called Branick Tisso?

I don't know.

I think I would recall if he had mentioned that name.

Hey, Sebastian, did you find anything on our victim?

Caro made a bank transfer yesterday in Retz.

100,000 Euros to an account in the Caymans.

Are you able to identify the owner of the account?

Not legally.

Caymans privacy laws are extremely strict.

Caro's a billionaire, busy guy, d-doesn't he have people to run his banking errands for him?

Clearly it was a transaction he wanted kept secret.

Thank you.

Arabela, any news from Spain?

Alonso Caro's assistant knew he was in Retz.

She didn't know who he was meeting there, but given his crusade against sex trafficking it would be too coincidental for it not to be about Tisso.

Right. Anything else?

She gave the address of where he was staying.

Text me the address.

Call Luke, tell him to meet us there.
Carine Strand, with the ICC.

We're here about a member of yours, Alonso Caro.

Oh, yes, good afternoon.

We all welcome you at the Bachelor Sin Club.

What club?

Bachelor Sin.

Oh, it means a little castle in the forest.

Of course, to us it means so much more.

Mr. Caro was staying here?

Corporate retreat.

We're obviously in the wrong job.

Mr. Caro's assistant said that he was staying here, yes?

And his body was found six kilometres from here.

Oh, that's shocking news, really.

We'll need to speak with anyone here that he may have, uh... interacted with.

Mr. Caro is a new member, but we never had the pleasure of meeting him. He didn't check in last night.

Please, do follow us.

We're gonna need to check your CCTV.

Oh, there is none.

All security cameras are deactivated for the duration of the retreat.

To protect the reputations of our members.

So we cannot confirm that he wasn't here last night.

You have my word.

In addition, I assure you this business is a lawful operation.

It exists only for pleasure and recreation.

Everyone here in our club is here by their own free will.

We abide by Austrian law.

And we conduct background checks on staff and members alike.

We'd like to see those records.

Unfortunately, I cannot oblige without a warrant.


While you worry about legalities, there are two missing girls out there whose lives are in danger, right now!

Yes, I'm very sorry about that.

But our hands are tied.


I'm here.

Good girl.



Yana, were there two or more men in the cottage with you?

One for yes, two for no.

Yana, two or more men?

Do you remember?

One for yes, two for no.

OK. Do you know a man named Alonso Caro.

Does the name Alonso Caro mean anything to you, Yana?

Do you remember the names of the man you were with?

Yana, you're doing really well, OK?

Now, Margita and Ema, are they being kept near the cottage?

Officer, can I speak with you?

Of course.

I'm still waiting to hear back from the owners of the cottage.

What do you know of the activity up at the Waldschlösschen Club?

You mean the bonga-bonga parties?

I've only heard rumours.

Have you heard of any complaints or reports against the club?


And I can't imagine the guests have any complaints either.


Yana, are you OK?

Oh my god. I'm sorry, I'm sorry!



Shut up!

Shut up!

Damn it!

Get up! Come here!

OK, let's go, it's time!

Let's go. Go!

You need to get these people outta here.

Come on, people. Party's over!

Let's get dressed!

We have a warrant to search this place from top to bottom.

If this place is a front, it's the most legit front I've ever seen.

50,000 Euros per year.

That's what a membership to this club will cost you.

It's outrageous!

Were you thinking on filling out an application?

Come on. Don't need to pay for it!

Here he is.

Alonso Caro.

Good-looking, loaded, pillar of society.

Look, he only joined the club last month.

He was dying, he wanted to sow some wild oats...

I get it. What I can't seem to reconcile is how he ended up in that cottage with Yana. It's...

Hold on a minute.

What is it?

Tha'ts Raphael Strolz.

He was moonlighting as private security at the club.

He said he'd never been there.

He lied to me.

Let's have a chat with Officer Strolz.



Looks like a cell.

Big enough to hold two girls.





Should I have knocked?

Just tell us where are the other girls.

I don't know. I swear it.

It was just for a couple of days.

Then they went over the border.

It was just a one-time thing.

Just "one-time thing"?

That backyard prison of yours looks pretty broken-in to me!

When we run a DNA tests what are we gonna find, Strolz?

How many girls were locked up there?

Wow... that many?

I needed the money.

When I wanted out, they wouldn't let me.

If you want me to talk, I need you to promise me protection.

Protection from who, exactly? Huh?

Branick Tisso.

He's watching me.

He'll k*ll me with his bare hands.

Branick Tisso is a big fish.

What would he want with a little nobody like you?

That's why he's so dangerous.

He never leaves anything to chance.

So what?

You've seen him?

Yes, I have.

OK, we can give you the protection.

But you have to give me a description, OK?

I see him everywhere.

His real name is Felix.

We know you work for the club.

Is that... is that the transfer point?

They move the girls in horse carriers, through the mansion stables.

Some club members, like Caro, they want something... extra pure, at a premium.


I have good news.

The detectives have arrested one of the men that hurt you, and he says your friends are still alive.

They're being transferred tonight, and we're going to be there to save them.

It's over.

He's late!

He'll be here.

Listen, Raphy, I'm...

I'm sorry to have to do this.

I don't believe them.

I'll be right down the hall if you need anything.

Keep your eyes open.

You wait here!

Come on! Come on!

Go, go. Come on, come on girls!

No! No!

Come on! We're late!


Hurry up!

Bring them here. Come on!

Take 'em.


Step away from the girls!

f*ck! Shut up!

Back off! Back off!

Or I'll f*cking sh**t her!

Drop the g*n.

It's over, Felix.

Just put the g*n down, OK?

Back off!

Don't move. Put your hands back!

It's over.



I know you're in here.

You're under arrest, assh*le.

Stay where you are, or I'll f*cking k*ll her!

Ready, Marco?

I'm lined up, just say the word.

He's a good shot.

Wait, stop!


Eat something.

Help me, Lorenz.

Help me, I'm sick.

Okay, Manz. Party's over. Let's talk.

How did Caro end up in that cottage with Yana?

Caro declared w*r on Tisso, that never ends well.

For what it's worth, I didn't arrange any of it.

Arrange what?

Caro's assassination?

Now, look, the club's drivers make the deals, Caro was offered a virgin.

He thought he could buy her freedom, idealistic fool that he was.

Tisso set him up. Had I known, I would have stopped it!

So tell us everything you can about Tisso's organisation and maybe the ICC will go easy on you.

All right, I do that and Tisso will make sure I never live to see The Hague.

He's cuffed to an hospital bed. He's not going anywhere.

What? Who? Felix?

That moronic henchman?

Why do I care that Felix got shot when Branick Tisso is still out there?

Luke, I can't raise anyone at the police station. It's Strolz.

Strolz is Branick Tisso.

Let him go, Tisso.

Off him, step back!

Move up against the wall. Hands on the wall!

We know who you are.

Is he OK?



Athena you're not wearing your aegis, you should have the head of Branick Tisso hanging from it.

Him in custody.

I could not have asked for more.

He was right in front of me. Dorn, I almost let him go; But it was your work, that created the condition that allowed for success.

I'm thrilled and so should you be.

Go, walk on air for a while.

Be triumphant.

Here she is.