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01x04 - Dumped

Posted: 12/16/13 15:02
by bunniefuu
( piano playing )

( sniffing )

Excuse me?


Hey, Antoine.

Who is this?

Oh! sh**t.

I don't know.

Okay, uh.

( breathing through mouth )

Excuse me?

Sir? Ma'am?

May I... Can you sit up?

Can you hear me?

Antoine, how did she get here?

( Didi breathing through mouth )

This is unbelievable.

Dawn: She just wandered in off the street, saw the gurney, climbed up to get some sleep.

Let's try to get her up on that bed.

Maybe she should be in the E.R.

She's already got a patient I.D. bracelet, so there's clearly some kind of extended-care issues involved.

You know what?

Let's gown up.

All right, ma'am. I'm gonna move your arm out here.

I'm gonna take it out of the jacket if you can hear me, okay?

That's what's going on.

There's like two more jackets.

Dawn: Okay. Oh, okay.

Just moving... oh, it's worse when she moves.

It's spilling out of everywhere here.

Okay. Ew.

Can we just stop for a second and get used to the smell on this layer?

Okay, ma'am, I'm just gonna take your shoes off.

Can we do that last, please?

No no, we gotta do that... oh.

I can't see. Oh God.

I told you!

I need goggles or something.

Don't open your mouth, 'cause if the smell goes in your mouth, you'll taste it.

There's something...

I can't... there's like a...

It's like a newspaper crammed into her underpants or something.

Oh God.

( exhales )

"The Las Vegas Sun."

It's the entertainment section.

Those Nevada douchebags.

They dump their psych patients on us.

They discharge them from their hospitals and they buy them one-way bus tickets and send them off to us.

Dawn, come look at this.

It's all stuck together.

It's fused to the... the fabric is fused to the skin.

What should we do about that?

Hand me the scissors.

Should we wet it?

We don't want to hurt her.

No, just pull this down over here, please?

No, the other way.

Poor, poor creature.

( shouts )


Ugh. I'm going to call security...

Didi: What?

And see if anyone saw her...


Come in.

( piano playing )

Hi. How may I help you today?

Yes, I'm looking for my mother Fiona Sullivan.

I'm her daughter Phyllis Marmatan.

Right. Your mama's in 106.

Right this way.

I didn't wanna leave my suitcase in the car.

I parked next to one of those pickup trucks with the weird decals.

You'd think my brother could come down 'cause he's only an hour away, but no.

( sighs ) Well...


Hi, Mommy.

It's me.

I'm sorry it took me so long.

Do you want to see pictures?

Look, here's me and the boys.

Darcy in the dryer.

That dumb cat Darcy.

What happened to your nightgown, Mom?

Why is she wearing this nightgown?

I got her two very nice yellow nightgowns.

She had a few accidents.

She wet herself?

It happens to the best of us.

Me especially these days, but I sent them out to the wash.

Well, I sent a Security Cam Review Form to the Video Surveillance Control Manager, but did either of you at the front desk see the homeless woman enter?

Okay. Well, can you talk to him and then get back to me?

Thank you.

Dr. James.

How was the conference?


I presented my paper before a packed house.

A vigorous Q & A afterwards, moderated by Dr. Hector Rabinowitz.

Long story short, there is a new gold standard for stool charts.


Thank you.

And it's on to new horizons.

And the hot topic is geriatric exercise.

Everybody was buzzing about it in the cloakrooms.

So I've already ordered a meeting with the Physical Therapy department to get things moving around here.

I see by your pin that the "Make Someone Happy" campaign is still underway.

( piano music playing )

Yes. We had a really great kickoff seminar.

Do you like the new fountain?


The whole world knows that this looks ridiculous?

Well, that's just a temporary one until they can afford a new built-in one.

Temporary fountain?


We also have Ambient Piano Mornings.

Plus weekly Caregiver Concerts.

Mm-hmm. Well, my new focus on physical fitness will deliver an astonishing range of proven clinical results and not merely improving patients' perceptions.

So exciting.

Here you go.

Yes. Oh, good.

Let me just drop this off and get ready for rounds.

Good morning, Mrs. Dayward.

Good morning.

So if I recall correctly, you're supposed to be running a marathon next month?

That was the plan. That was the reason I had the surgery in the first place.

Yes, not sure that that's gonna happen.

We've hit a little unfortunate bump on our road to recovery, a badly swollen knee.

So, gentlemen, what we have here is a nasty little infection, acute inflammation, significant drainage.

What do we do?

Take an enlarged needle and suck out some septic pustulence.

Turbid pus, yes. How much?

Around 40 mil?

Very good. Yeah, very good.

Little bit more if we can.

So we're gonna start you in physical therapy soon, but first we really need to deal with this infection. ( Sighs )

All right?



Dawn, where to next?

( exhales, soft gasps )

Well, I'll say that our first clue here is quite literally in the air.

Everyone come here.

Press in, everyone. Come in.


Uh, Jane Doe from Nevada.

She got dumped.

She had a Vegas newspaper as a panty liner.

Of all the states in the Union I'd like to kick out, Nevada is near the top.

Dumping patients is unconscionable.

Dawn: Somehow she got past security and climbed up on the gurney.

It's like a sea turtle throwing itself up on a beach to finally lay its eggs.

I've got her laying face down at the moment 'cause she has a sore bottom.

All right, she has a sore bottom, or anus.

Team, differential diagnosis?

Thrombosed hemorrhoids?

Herpes infection?

LGV of the rectum?

All possible. Or...

Perianal abscess?

Rectal prolapse? a**l fistulae?

a**l cancer...

Of course, it could be none of the above.

This is an ideal learning experience for someone to get a closer peek.

Andrew, what about you?

Don't be shy.

It's a chance not to be missed.

Come have a poke around.

Slip those on quickly.

Dawn, could you help here?

Don't wave the sheet around so much.

( student coughs )

Okay. Just...

Yeah. Just right on in.

Go on. You have to take a closer look.

( inhales, holds breath )

Andrew: I think that's a perianal abscess.

I'll just have a quick peek.


That's a perianal abscess.

Looks like it's about ready to rupture.

Clearly we need to set up a course of antibiotics.

Prepare the forms for me to sign, Dawn...

And that's it.

All right, now we're cooking.

So what's this I hear about some new ward-wide physical fitness program?

It's Dr. James' latest project.

It was all the buzz in Cleveland.

Didi? Mrs. Warren's IV needs changing, please.

Does administration know about this?

Has she even run it by the committee?

She sent a memo from the Denver airport.

I was CC'ed.

Which is not consulting or working with.

CC-ing is just, "Oh, you. You're not really involved, but what the heck."

I think maybe you're reading into it a little bit.

Are you taking her side?

It feels like you're taking her side.


Don't even look at me, okay?

He and I are so over.


We went out on Friday.


Dawn: We had this long, involved sex scene.

I think I tore my meniscus by climbing out of the back of his Karmann Ghia.

My knee's all swollen.

But he didn't call me all weekend, so, you know, that is not happening.

Good. Move on.

I know.

What are you doing?

Taking my professional refresher.

I have to... to end the hearing.

Oh, good.

So thank you all for coming to the kickoff of my new fitness program.

Excuse me, I was just wondering if all of this has been cleared through the proper channels?


Geriatric exercise promotes cognitive functioning, bone density, plaque retardation, and it's not too shabby for depression either.

And it all starts with the first step.

So let's get moving on the count of three.

One, two, three.

No no. You know, we do have hoist belts and lifts.

Yes, all exceptionally unnecessary.

Old school is best. Grab the panties, seize the panties.

Madam, I'm going to lift you up on the count of three.

Ready? One, two, three.

( grunts, gasps )

Put your hands up here.

Jenna: Oh no, nurse. Nurse, no. Not the gown.

Um, pull up on the hem to form a saddle, and then you can smoothly hoist using the entire undercarriage.


I understand, but...

May I?


All right, you find the panties.

Oh oh, me.

Trying to find the pant... oh, there they are.


One, two, three.

Oh... oh.

Oh, that's a thong.

Yes, ma'am, it is.

All right. Well, everybody, it doesn't work the same way with a thong.


Lesson learned there.

Oh my God.

( chuckles )

Didi, I won.

I won!

All those raffle tickets I bought, I won the whole magilla.

I won the weekend in Pechanga gift basket.

Vouchers to the Tomahawk suite.

A Town Car to the casino... a chauffeur.

I'm going to...

I won!

All those raffle tickets I bought, I won the whole magilla.

I won the weekend in Pechanga gift basket.

Vouchers to the Tomahawk suite.

A Town Car to the casino... a chauffeur.

I'm going to Pechanga.

Roasted Mojave piñon nuts.

Here. For you.


And this.

Oh, thank you.

What is it?

Anasazi champagne truffles.

I want you to have them.

I can't eat them. I'm still on my diet for Mr. Right, for Mr. I have never won anything in my life.

Ever. Nothing nice has ever happened to me.

Got any cheese in there?

I always wanted to be able to say "keep the change" or, you know, "Order whatever you like. I'll get the check."

'Cause usually they have cheese in here.

Remy, I won the raffle.

You can give them to your daughter when she visits.


I won the Indian gift basket.

Geronimo's rum pears for you.

Oh oh!

Mrs. Lomax, dreamcatcher hand soap.

( sniffs )

Ow, my knee.



Who else wants something from the gift basket?

( knocks on door )

Come in.

You wanted to see me?

I did.

If you have a minute.

Sit down?

Um, the thing is I'm pretty busy.

I've got a liver failure on the ward, and, like, my fifth Nevada dumpee this month.

I just wanted to address what's been going on between us.

Nothing's going on between us.

I think we're both just moving on.

Well, we have to move on, so...

Well, I know.

I'm definitely moving on.


That's... well, that's good.

Yeah. I know it's good.

That's why I said it.

Well, that's why I said it too, first.

Oh, I'm not so sure about that.

Because I was feeling it.

No, well, I did say it on Saturday.

Fine. We don't even know if you're gay, so...

The thing is, Dawn, I just...

I don't know if I have moved on.

Can we at least talk about it again?






Just not at work.


I mean, how about Delbert's at 7:00?


I'm still on my diet, but maybe like some grilled vegetables and a protein.



Oh, what exactly is... is that?

Oh, your husband's raffle basket.

You want these Indian hot buns?

No one else does.

No no, I have some of those.

But who won the basket?


Oh, Dawn won.

Oh, Dawn, good.

That's good. That's nice.

Good. It's good. She needed a little psychic boost.

And look, she's given all the nice treats away.
Jenna: Dawn, could I speak with you for a second?

Sure. Do I need to grab a chart?

No no no. It's not a... medical matter.

It's just a brief little...

I just wanted to have a quick word with you about the raffle.

Oh my God. Isn't it amazing?

I can't believe it.

When you won the raffle, Dawn, at the time that you won it...

Right. it's just that you hadn't exactly paid me the money for the ticket.

Oh, I'm such a dumb-dumb.

I can give it to you right now.

Well, no, see...

The thing of it is I bought the three books of tickets, and at the moment when that ticket was drawn, since you hadn't actually paid me the money...

You see where I'm heading?

That the ticket was still yours?


When I intended to pay for it?

Yes, but you didn't pay for it though.

Did you?

That's the point.

So you're saying that in some kind of alternate universe that I didn't win the raffle after all?

No, in this universe.

No, what you're saying is that I should give it back and that you get to win it.

Except you've already given away half of the treats.

Just when my life is finally going good for me, you just have to dump all over it.

I have not dumped on anything.

You know what? You've been so negative and mean...


...All day... yes!

I said the fountain was stupid and the piano was stupid.

Those were not mean things.

Those were facts.

But what else?

( stammers )

I'm sure we need to catalogue every single drop of supposed offending negativity.

You're just sore because I don't like your program.

And I prefer a program with proven clinical results.

( scoffs ) Dawn, what?

Now stop.

( whispers ) She should just see what people say about her behind her back.

What was that?

What did you just say?


No, I believe...

I'm sure that we would all like to hear it.

Didi, I understand that your husband is a tradesman?

Um, yeah. Darnell does masonry...


I wonder if he would like to have a crack at my driveway. It needs repaving.

As a favor...?


I'm not nearly as mean or cheap as you may have been led to believe.

Is he licensed and bonded?

He's had this company for 15 years.

You know, he can get you lighting fixtures wholesale.

Oh, thanks. No, I don't like wholesale.

That's a bit grubby.

But if you would have him give me a call, that would be great.

Okay, seats, everyone.

Let's get started.

( chuckles )

In nursing school, they said the most important thing is picking an inspired mentor.

So I've got my eye on you.



Okay, making someone happy is a transformational experience.

People come to us frightened, hurting, in pain.

Look at me when I say this - in order to change the culture of the workplace to one that "CARES," we must break down the barriers between departments, between Nursing and Housekeeping.

We must become interdepartmental pods.

So, everyone, welcome Manny from Janitorial, and Rita and Pablo from Food Services.

( applause )

So then the light came on from Birdy's room, and even though I had like 10 other things to do, I chose to take just a little bit longer on the call knowing that between efficiency and courtesy...

Both: Courtesy trumps.

Excellent. Nurse Ortley, did you witness Nurse Forchette doing this?




Okay, so would you like to nominate her?

Nominate who?

For a CARES award.

Sure, I guess. I nominate Dawn for who cares.

( applause )

Excuse me.

Excuse me? Excuse me?


Yes, I'd like to talk to somebody about my mother's treatment plan.

Oh yes. Absolutely. I know Dr. James was dealing with the oncologist.

Oh, well, I don't want to be a bother.

Oh, no no no. Do you want to speak with her?

That would be really great.

Because I can get her.

Phyllis: Isn't that her?

Dawn: That is Dr. James.

Ohh. Did I hear my name?

Um, yes. This is Phyllis Marmatan.


Mrs. Sullivan's daughter.

Phyllis Marmatan, Dr. Jenna James.

How can I help?

Yeah, my mother's in a lot of pain.

Yes, we're doing the very best we can to alleviate that.

Yes, it's just that I... gosh, I know nothing about this, of course, but I did read on the internet...

We caution relatives not to do too much Googling.

"A little knowledge..."

I did drive seven hours to get here, so I feel a responsibility to be my mom's advocate.

And I did read that people with my mother's level of pain should be on either Tramadol, or a more, like, morphine-based drug like Oramorph.

Well, the internet is awash with the dr*gs that people could be on. But rest assured, we are doing our very best.

I just...

I printed up this.

With all respect to you.

Yeah no.

It could be this, it could be that.

But I've considered the many choices.

What Dr. James is saying is that there's always alternatives.

Absolutely. It could be oxycodone, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, Percocet, pethidine, morphine, Atchison, Topeka and the Santa Fe.

You know what? I really feel like nobody's listening to me.

I'm trying to show you this and I feel like nobody's letting me talk.

You're absolutely talking.

And I'm absolutely listening.

I'm trying to tell you that she is in pain.

She needs more help in dealing with her chemotherapy.

No no. There's no chemo.

What do you mean "There's no chemo"?

Well, the tumors were much more invasive than we thought, and we're well beyond chemo.

Dr. Lucini said that this was all explained on the phone.

This was not explained to me.

Dr. Lucini told me that he would be sending her to rehab.

Yes, well, sometimes rehab is the, um, palliative, uh... I'm sure there's a note in the notes.

Well, may I see the notes?

No, you won't be able to understand...

But they're my mom's notes, so I think I have a right... I'd like to see the notes.

Yes, but they are misunderstood or misinterpreted, and in usually very negative ways.

For example "S.O.B.," that's not gonna mean what you think it's gonna mean.

So "palliative"?

So... so what are you saying?

Are you saying she's dying?

Yes. Or...


I'm very sorry.


How long?

One week, maybe two.

No more.

And we will obviously do everything that we can.

And I will gladly take these and read them.

( tearfully ) If you could please, I would really appreciate it.

Of course I will.

So I just spoke to Nurse De La Serda, and he indicated to me that once you finish your professional refresher course and successfully pass the exam, he's willing to put an end to the matter.

What exam?

The one at the end of your 18-hour course.

18 hours? I thought I just had to watch that stupid video and that was it?

Come on, Didi.

Times may be changing, but borderline h*m* remarks like yours still cut very deep when someone is gay.

But... technically he's not gay.

Can I ask how you know he's not gay?

'Cause he's having sex with a woman and that means not gay.

He's having sex with a woman that works at this medical center?

I'm really not at liberty to say.

Uh-huh, I see.

So if I guessed the name?

I really can't say, 'Cause it might be someone I work closely with.

So if I guessed, you wouldn't be saying who it is, then you wouldn't have broken any confidences.

Mm-mm. I wouldn't feel comfortable with that.

Because obviously the first person that comes to mind is... is Dawn.


And physical activity also decreases beta-amyloid proteins, leading to less disruption between brain neurons.

Well, gosh.

That's excellent, Jenna.

But I'm thinking whether this is the right time for a comprehensive rethink of patient fitness, that's the rub.

I've brought two fat packets of information. For both of you.

We're very committed to the Disney program and changing corporate culture, as you know, is like trying to turn the Queen Mary.

You can't go port and starboard at the same time.


But listen, as long as we have you here, uh, have a seat.

Paul: We wanted to give you just a... a tiny heads up.

They're asking you to reapply for your job over here.

Say again?

It's an HR thing.

Hospital jumped the g*n just a little bit.

You were given the position before it was fully offered up to the wider community.

Apparently there were three other candidates.


So I have to reapply for the job that I didn't want in the first place, and there's three other candidates?

Paul: You're not doing very well on the surveys, Jenna.

What surveys?

The "Make Someone Happy" surveys.

They've been going on for weeks.

Doctor: You're at 2.3 overall.


On a scale from one to 10.

Okay. That's inaccurate.

Well, it's technically very poor.


Caring, 1.8.


( stammers ) See, now... I actually don't think these are my scores.

Because I care, and I think that somebody might be out for me.

I think it could be some sort of a vendetta.

Paul: It's your patients, Jenna.

That's how they regard you.

How I'm regarded?

And some staff.

Staff too. Okay.

Nothing's etched in stone. We all have room for improvement, right?

Yes. Yes. I never claimed to be perfect.

Well, of course not.

( chuckles )

Paul: Listen, we'll be in touch about the interviews and let's put a pin in the exercise program for the time being.

Change is in the air, Jenna.


So let's all just focus on...

"Make Someone Happy" for now, okay?

Change is good.

All aboard.

And thank you.

( piano playing )

It's yours.

Just take it.

Dawn, I'm truly sorry if I made such a big...

If I hurt your feelings in any way, that was not my intention.

Well, it's fine.

You should just take it.

No, Dawn. No, I just really want you to have it.

And I'm sorry.

What are you... What are you doing?

I want to make sure you receive it.

Oh, here we go with the attitude.

I sincerely do not want it.

It was a matter of principle.

If it makes anybody happy, I'll take it.

All right, fine.

There you go.

Half-eaten hemp sticks, whatever those are.

Dawn, just... why don't you have some nougat?

I don't... we don't eat sugar.

No thank you.

I don't care for nougat.

What about the tickets to Pechanga?

And the limo. I don't gamble.

You couldn't pay me to go to Pechanga.

I'll go to Pechanga.

Alright, fine. They'll just go to waste.

I'm out $300. Nobody cares about that.

Checking in.

How you doing?

I'm doing okay.

I'm fine, thanks.

I went and checked the laundry cart for Mom's gowns, but I didn't see them.

That can't be.

I saw them myself.

I really wanted her to have them to wear.

One was petite-medium, the other was petite-large.

I'm just so scared they're gone.

She'll be so lost. I don't know what she's gonna do without them.

We'll find them.

They were on that cart.

Things don't just usually disappear around here.

This is from 6:10 this morning.

The camera out front caught this all on tape.

Those are her trash bags and that's her coming up the walkway.

Go back?

Go back, go back, go back.

And that's our van.

Yeah. Why is she getting out of a Mount Palms van?

I don't know.

Why don't you know?

I wasn't here at the time.

Dr. Rabinowitz?

It's Jenna James.

No, my flight back was exceptionally uneventful.

Thank you so much for asking.

Well, I was thinking about the position at the clinic that you had mentioned.

I adore my colleagues and all of our warm, professional relationships.

Yes. I would be open to relocating to Cleveland.


I got a call to come see Dawn?

Oh, I'm Dawn.

David from the E.R. I got a message you needed to see me?

David, yes. Thank you for coming.

Yeah. So what do you need?

If you ever refuse care for someone in your E.R., I don't care who or where they're from, and then drive them two blocks to dump them on us, I will have you brought up on ethics charges faster than you can say "what happened to my medical career?" because you're a lousy dumper.

Excuse me?

You know what? You're a jerk.

Okay well, I'm reporting you for that.

You know what?

Maybe I'm reporting you.

Yeah? Well, you're just a nobody in Extended Care.

Didi, did you hear that?


So who's gonna believe you two over me?

I don't know.

Let's find out.

Dawn, he's a doctor.

Excuse me.

Did you hear what Nurse Forchette has told you?

Yes, Dr. James.

And I expect you to treat my nurses with respect, is that clear?

Yes, ma'am.

( ukulele music playing )

♪ I wonder why I'm always lonesome ♪
♪ And what the trouble can be ♪
♪ Some fellas find their mate ♪
♪ Somehow it seems my fate ♪
♪ Has made a monkey out of me ♪
♪ I'm like a raindrop in a cloud ♪
♪ I feel so all alone ♪
♪ When I'm out in a crowd Believe me ♪
♪ I'm a lonesome little raindrop ♪
♪ Looking for a place to fall ♪
♪ Pitter-pat, pitter-pat ♪
♪ Pitter-pat ♪
♪ The clouds are dark ♪
♪ But that don't matter ♪
♪ 'Cause into some fair garden ♪
♪ I'll go pitter- patter-patter ♪
♪ Girlies, oh, so fair ♪
♪ They all give me the air ♪
♪ I keep on falling falling ♪
♪ But can't land anywhere ♪
♪ Oh, I'm a lonesome little raindrop ♪
♪ Splash, looking for a place ♪
♪ To fall ♪
♪ Does anybody want a raindrop? ♪