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09x06 - Over and Out

Posted: 11/09/15 05:06
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Heartland"...

I made a lot of mistakes in my life. A lot.

(Grass breaks)

And I appreciated the second chances that I got.

Hi. I'm Adam Barker. I'm the math tutor.

Okay. This is Georgie.

Yeah, we've met.

Jade knows that guy he's in one of her classes and she cannot stand him. He's an arrogant ass.

Amy? He's hurt. Do you see all the blood?

A bear att*ck maybe.

Yeah, that's definitely a bear.

Hey, maybe that's what we'll call him. Bear.

(Laughs) That kinda suits him.


(Hooves thud)

(Clucks her tongue) Go.

(Clucking her tongue) Whoa...

(Bear grunts, hooves thud)

(Hooves thud, Bear grunts)

(Rope whips)

(Rope whips and thunks)

Good boy, Bear.

(Tack jingles, hooves thud)

All right.

Back, Bear. Back. (Bear grunts)

Good boy.

Back, back, back.

Back, Bear. Whoa...

Back, Bear. Back, back.

That's it! Good boy!

Teaching him to be a roper?

Yeah. Dad wants to use him in his rodeo school.

Where's Caleb?

Shouldn't Tim get Caleb to do what you're doing?

They're both out of town, so Dad just asked me to teach Bear to work the rope.

Tim gets you to help him, then he takes off to a rodeo with Casey.

You know what? I don't mind. Bear is doing amazing.

He's picking up on this so quick.

(Clothes rustle)

(Light thud)

(Drawer scrapes open)

(Envelope rustles)


Lou! You're not gonna believe this...

You're right. I don't.

(Envelope thumps)

Is that what I think it is? Your final marks?

It's not what it looks like.

Well, that's a relief.

Because it looks like you lied to me.

Well, not exactly. The school did say they were sending out marks late this year...

But then it came.


I was going to tell you soon, I promise!

But I'm... kind of scared to open it.

Okay, I get that.

But you worked hard, and that's what's most important.

So whatever is in this envelope, we're gonna get through it together.


(Envelope rips)

(Report card rustles)

"B" minus!

In math?

Oh, Georgie! Muah! I am so proud of you!

See? Obviously, working with Adam is really starting to pay off.

Wait. Wh-What do you mean, "starting to"?

This just proves I don't need a tutor anymore!

Okay, I admit that this is a positive step in the right direction.

But, honey, next year's gonna be even more challenging.

Just think how well you'll do if you work with him all summer.

So are you gonna force me to have a stupid tutor forever?

(Sighs) I will make you a deal.

We can revisit this issue when you're back in school if you keep your marks up.

Well, I do have a way to get extra credit in science.

That's great. How?

Volunteering at the Wildlife Reserve.

I know I'm supposed to babysit Katie tomorrow, but Bob's having a clean-up day.

Bob Granger?

Yeah. He talked to the school and he's arranged for student volunteers to get extra credit during the summer, (Phone rings) so I signed up.

I don't know, Georgie.

That's... (Sighs)

Well, it's an easy way to boost my mark.

Jade signed up, she's going. She just texted me.

And you'll keep working with Adam?

Okay, fine.

(Phone beeps on) - Hello?

Oh, yeah, speaking.

Uh... a-a week early?

Yeah, no, no, no, that-that's fine.

I-I just um...

Okay. Thanks for letting me know.

Bye. (Phone beeps off)


What's wrong?

Nothing. I just um...

They moved Katie's ballet recital up a week earlier and now I need to find a time to make her costume.

How's training going?

Really good, actually. He's being a good boy.

Bob: Ty?!

Ty, I really need your help, man. (Panting)

I reintroduced this guy into the wild a few months back.

He's not moving much.

No. It's been that way since yesterday morning.

His mate's been back and forth, she seems fine but he hasn't left the nest... not as far as I can tell.

Ty: So you put a camera in there.

Two, actually. Infrared for night viewing and live video streams online.

Amy: Well, what for?

Well, to raise awareness, mainly, and viewers can make a donation, so it earns a few bucks for the Reserve.

Ty: Well, I'm not sure what I can do.

I wanna hire you just... to check it out.

Why don't you go?

Well, I've organized this clean-up day at the Reserve.

I have some student volunteers showing up.

Georgie's one of them, actually.

It was a hassle arranging it all with the school, so I really don't wanna reschedule unless I have to.

Thing is, bad weather's supposed to move in.

It could make the eagle's situation worse.

Somebody needs to get there before that happens.

Where's the nest?

(Map rustles)

Right here.

Uh, two paths in the mountain to get there.

This is a scenic route.

This is a shortcut, but it's a little trickier.

It only takes an hour on quad to get there from the road, so probably a couple of hours on horseback.

Look, I'm-I'm in a jam here, Ty, and if this eagle can't fly, he's in real trouble.

So... you in?

Over and Out

♪ And at the break of day you sank into your dream ♪
♪ You dreamer... ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ You dreamer ♪
♪ You dreamer ♪

Okay. So now we pour the mixture into cups...

And I put the stick thing!

That's right!

Okay, ready? Whoa. Oh, I spilled.

'Kay, go ahead.

(Door closes)

Hey! Who was that I saw driving in earlier?

That was Bob Granger. He was here to see Ty.

So what, they talked and now everything's fine?

Well, Bob paid for his mistakes.

Ty was satisfied with what he had to say, and I guess he's willing to move on.

Well, it's just Georgie is planning on volunteering at the Reserve, and frankly, I'm worried.

Well, if Ty's okay with him, that's good enough for me.

(Door opens and shuts)

Lou: Hey!

Lisa: Hi!

We're making freeze pops!

You are?

Well, that sounds like fun.

Lisa, thank you so much for picking up groceries.

Uh, dinner's gonna be ready soon.

No problem. I was in town already.

This... this is for you and me.

My place after dinner tonight maybe?

Count me in.

And you, little lady, this is for you!

Oh, Lisa, you shouldn't have!

(Tambourine jingles)

I used to have a tambourine. I saw this one, I remembered how much loved it!

Ooh! Tambourine!

Lisa and Lou: (Laugh)

(Katie hits tambourine)

Wasn't that nice of Lisa to bring you a present?

Uh, honey...

(Grabs the tambourine)

What do we say to Lisa?

Thank you!

That's right.

You're welcome.

(Banging on tambourine)

(Sighs) It's so cool you get to go too.

So just the two of you on a beautiful mountain trail together, alone?

Well, Scott can't make it.

We're pretty swamped at the clinic right now, so.

Mm-hmm. Sounds like a real tough assignment.

I don't want him going alone.

Besides, it will be good to see how Bear does in the open country.

Oh, I wish I could go.

Ty: I thought you were excited about going to the Reserve?

I am. I can't wait!

So, it looks like I need a babysitter for tomorrow.

Lisa, I don't suppose...?

Oh, yeah. Oh, no, of course.

Spend quality time with my goddaughter?

(Lou's cell phone rings) Hello?

Hey now, you two, you be careful tomorrow.

That area can be rough in spots.

Yeah, for sure we will.

Hey, Amy, I'm gonna go get us all packed up for tomorrow, okay?

Okay. I'll be out in a bit.

Yeah, I'll be right there.

(Phone beeps off) - What's wrong?

I have to run into Maggie's.

Go. We'll put her to bed.

Are you sure?

I know you two had plans.

Don't worry about it.

Get on your way.

Okay. Thank you. See ya.

(Birds chirp)

(Trailer door bangs shut)

Wait! (Amy giggles)

Well, is that for me?

It's for the picnic!

Oh, well, thank you!

That's very nice of you, Katie. (Giggles)

You know, I'm not sure we're gonna have time for a picnic.

I know, but it'll be beautiful up there, and just the two of you. You should make the most of it.

Well, I think before sunset.

Well, I'll get a few things done in the loft while you're gone.

I'm not gonna wait for Tim to get back.

Thanks, but, I mean, I'll be back so I can help you.

Oh, I'll take you up on that.


You two are gonna be tired when you get back.

You wanna come for dinner?

We'd love to. Absolutely.

Have fun. (Door bangs shut)

See you tonight.

All right!

(Engine starts, truck rumbles)

Aww! Is that the coyote puppy Ty brought?

Yeah. He's on the mend.

Gonna release him back into the wild in a couple months.

Ah, can you believe we're doing this for extra credit?

This is gonna be awesome!

(Door creaks open)

Oh, here comes the other recruit.

(Coyote whines)

I didn't know you two would be here.


(Truck rumbles)

Well, I think this is it.

(Engine shuts off)

(Doors bang shut)

I've never been here before. This place is amazing.

Don't say I never take you any place nice.


(Birds chirp)

Come on. (Clucks tongue) Step down. Come on.

(Hooves clop)

Okay. Can I see the map?


All right.

(Map rustles)

(Birds chirp, hooves thud)

Looks like this is the path we take.

(Hooves thud, birds chirp)

(Hooves clop)

Bob: Okay. So... the deal with these puppies... is that you gotta be on the same channel.

So everyone go to 22.

(Radio squawks) Okay.

So now you press this to speak. Hello, hello, hello, hello!

Then you gotta take your finger off to hear what the other guy says.

Got it? Groovy gravy.

So I got a bunch of chores and cleaning I need done, but before you guys do that, the skunk needs some water and the llamas need some hay...

(Phone rings)

Oh, sorry. I gotta take this.

You guys figure out who's doing what, all right?

Cool. Bob Granger.

Who needs these ancient things?

We all have cell phones.

Walkies convert speech into radio signals, so they are much more reliable than cell phones in an emergency because they use radio frequencies and not cell towers.

Okay, Einstein, we get it.

Fine. I don't care what I do so you guys pick.

Well, if you don't care, then why are you here?

Because the volunteer experience looks better on my university application.

University? That's eons from now.

My mom's a professor at the U of C.

She says it's never too early to start.

Okay, well, we've got the llamas, you can take the skunk.

(Tack jingles lightly)

Jack: Lou, you're heading to the Dude Ranch?

Uh, yeah, that is my first stop.

I have to get the cabins ready for check-ins and then...

I have a ton of errands.

Well, you don't have anything to worry about here.

Katie and I are gonna be just fine.

Are you sure? I mean, I know it's a lot to ask, especially after last night.

No. Not at all. I wanna help.

Okay. Oh, Grandpa, where is my sewing machine?

I swear I left it in the loft and now I just...

Aww, Tim moved all that stuff out of there.

I'll take a look.

Okay. Thank you.

That would be a big a help.

Sewing machine for what?

For, uh, making Katie a ballet costume because she has a recital coming up.

Lou, do you have time for that?

Oh, I'll make time. I used to love making my own clothes as a teenager.

Have you seen my phone? I just...

Well, I love to bake, but if I'm busy, I'm gonna go to the bakery and buy dessert so my guests can come to their own conclusions.

You know what? They never know the difference.

Okay, but you know, it's not really the same thing, Lisa, because this is for Katie, and I'm not the only mom doing it.

Some of the other mom's are too.

Well, that is fine for them, Lou, but how many of those women are running two businesses all by themselves?

Um... I have to go.

(Door opens) Well.

Bob said the nest should be visible from here.

(Birds chirp, hooves thud lightly)

(Bear snorts and huffs)

(Eagle cries)

(Birds chirp, eagle cries)

Well, I see the eagle. He's on the ground.

(Eagle cries)

He looks injured.

Oh, Katie, honey.

It's almost time for your ballet class.

Do you need help getting ready?

Nope! I can do it all by myself!

Oh, good girl. All right, you go do that.

Whoops! All right. Ah...

I don't think we're gonna get any time to ourselves.

Have you seen this schedule?

Ballet classes, trick-riding, tutoring sessions, just... wow.

Well, Lou is just trying to keep everybody on track.

Well, no wonder. Who could maintain a schedule like this?

Hard enough if you don't own a Dude Ranch or a diner.

Not to mention everything she does around here.

Something's gotta give.

Even these frozen treats are homemade!

Well, yeah. Well, we've gotta cut her some slack.

Just... Well, she's still figuring things out.

Oh, I get that.

I mean, but she already needs help covering, and then she's adding something else.

Like sewing those ballet costume?

Is a lot of extra work.

I love lending a hand, you know I do, but I get the sense that we are gonna be needed more and more and more.

Jade: Oh, can you believe that guy?

Ugh! He drives me crazy. Talk about arrogant.

Tell me about it.

But he is kind of cute.

What?! You like him?

No, of course not!

He's way too young for me.

If a guy isn't older, tortured, or completely unavailable, apparently I'm not interested.

But I'm not blind, either.

And don't get me started on that weird walkie-talkie monologue.

I mean, why does he go on like that?

I don't know, but he does it all the time.

It's the worst.

Well, he's got about a zero percent chance of ever getting a date.

I tried to get rid of him, but I'm stuck with him tutoring me the whole summer.

I've gotta ace my first few tests.

It's the only way Lou will ever let me get rid of that stuck-up know-it-all.

Jade: (over radio) That kind of attitude does not impress most girls.

Georgie: No kidding! and he's a complete control freak.

He's always trying to tell me what to do.

Jade: Yeah, I can't believe that guy.

(Birds chirp, hooves plod)

(Eagle cries) There he is.

(Grunts) (Eagle cries)

Get the slicker?


Ty, be careful.



Easy, boy.

We're here to help you.

He's beautiful.


(Whispers) Easy...

Easy now.

Easy, boy...


Easy now.

Okay. (Eagle cries)

(Struggling grunts)

Get his wing?


There. (Eagle cries)

Easy, boy. Easy. (Bird cries)



Do you wanna hold him? I could use your help.



Put your arm underneath him. Yeah, yeah. Easy, boy.

Hey, bud. I know. (Laughs)

Just put this arm down here.

You're okay. You're all right. I know.


(Door closes)- Hey!


Oh, Grandpa, you found it!

I didn't expect you back so soon.

Yeah, I finished up early, and I thought I would spend the afternoon with Katie.

Well, she's still out with Lisa.

What? Ballet ended hours ago.

I don't know.

I heard something about shopping.

(Sighs) I wish that Lisa had checked with me first.

Well, c'mon, Lou. You can't ask Lisa to help you, then be upset with how she goes about it.

I am trying to make the most out of what little time I have to spend with my daughters.

You do seem to have a lot on your plate these days...

Look, I'm trying to keep the girls busy.

I just, I want things to be as normal as possible.

Yes, I get that, but maybe you should think about pulling back a little bit.

Seems like you're taking on more and more all the time.

Is that keeping things normal?

(Sighs heavily)

(Grunting) All right.

Next, I need you guys to open up the gates to three enclosures on the west side of the property.

You're gonna have to hoof it though. It's all there in the sketch.

How far is it?

On foot?

Fifteen minutes give or take.

I'd drive you guys but I gotta stick around here for a bit.

I got a greater short-horned lizard on the way in.

Cool! They sh**t blood out of their eyes.

Bob: I'm impressed.

I could use a hand with the delivery.

One of you wanna hang back and help out?

I'll do it!

All right. Fine by me.

So you two are on your own, for now.

You cool with that?

Is there a problem?

No, no. We're on it.


Come on.

Hey, where are you going?

Where do you think?

Trying to get this over with so I can clear out of here.

Well, you might wanna try going the right direction.

Who says I'm not?

You can go your way if you want, but...

I've been here before.

(Sighs) Fine. You lead the way.

What're you doing? It's too far to walk.

Well, Bob never said anything about taking an ATV.

You can't just take it; that's stealing.

It's not stealing. It belongs to the Reserve.

I'm just borrowing it.

That's not the point.

You said you wanted to get out of here, right?

Yeah. So?

So this'll save us some time.

Besides, no one's using it.

Forget it. I'm not doing it.

Fine. Walk if you want.

(Engine starts)

(ATV putters forward)


If you're gonna do this, at least use a helmet.

(Annoyed sigh)

(ATV engine rumbles)

(ATV putters forward)

Wait! Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!

Hold on!

(Engine rumbles)

Woo-hoo! Yeah!

Hey, slow down!

Chill out, I know what I'm doing!

Georgie, I think you're going too fast!

(Engine rumbles) Ahhhhhhhhhhh!

(Engine rumbles)


Yeah, this is a blast! Woo!

(Engine rumbles)

He's emaciated. (Eagle cries)

Looks like he damaged a tendon in his wing.

It's all right.

He could possibly need some surgery.

Is he gonna be okay?

If the surgery goes well, I'd say his chances are pretty good.

But that's all we can do for him here, so we should take him back with us.

Okay. You got him?


(Cage rattles)

Okay, got the cage ready.


Okay. Yeah, easy, boy... easy.

There you go.



Can you hold that?

(Cage clangs shut)

(Blanket rustles) There we go.

Well, it's gonna be dark soon.

Probably take the shortcut?

Yeah, I think that's our best bet.

Unless you wanna spend the night under the stars.

Oh, I can think of worse things.

(Kiss, Amy laughs)
(Door opens)

Oh, hi, guys!

Oh! You were gone (kiss) a long time!

We got a little carried away, didn't we, Katie?

Mommy, I got you a present!

Really. What is it?

(Bag rustles)

Oh! I was talking to Katie's ballet teacher today, and...

Really. Uh... (Clears throat)

Lisa, you knew I was planning on making this for Katie.

Yes. Yes I did. And you're right. Um, I...

I looked at your crazy schedule and I just thought...

Lisa, I don't mean to be harsh, but I would really prefer if... if you take this back.

Oh, come on. Don't you think that's being a little ridiculous?

(Upset sigh) I'm just trying to help.

I'm sorry, but that's not what it feels like right now.

(Tambourine jingles) You are not...

What's going on in here?

Katie, honey, can you please stop?

Lisa: I'm gonna get some air. I need to take a drive.

(Sighs) Katie, Mommy said stop!

No! I don't want you! I want Lisa!

(Running footsteps, tambourine jingles)

(Jack sighs)

(Engine cuts out)

Why are you stopping?

I didn't.

I don't believe this.

What happened?

I-I don't know.

You must have done something.

No, I didn't! The motor, it just d*ed.

Yeah, because it's out of gas. You didn't check it?

No, I didn't know I was supposed to.

Well, this totally sucks. Now what?

(Grass crunches)

I don't know! You tell me. You're good at that!

(ATV rolls and crashes)


Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no!

Oh man, we're in so much trouble.


(Horses snort, hooves thud)

Just hold up a second here.

What's wrong?

We should have been at the road by now.

I'm gonna check the map.

(Birds chirp, Ty grunts)

(Map rustles)

(Eagle shifts and cries, horse snorts nervously)


Hey, whoa!

(Harley whinnies nervously)


Harley! Oh! It's steep! No! Agghhh!

(Rocks clatter, Bear whinnies nervously)


Ty, hold on.

I'm coming to get you.

(Clucks tongue)

(Tack jingles, hooves thud)

I know.

Hey, Bear.

(Bear grunts)

Okay. I need you to do something for me, all right?

It's okay. It's all right. Good boy. Whoa.

Good boy.

Okay. You're gonna help us, all right?

You can do it.

Good boy. You're a good boy.

Okay, stand nice and easy now. Easy... It's okay.




Ty, I'm coming! Hang on!

Okay, Bear, come on.

(Clucks tongue) Good boy.

(Bear grunts) Good boy. Come on.

Come on. That's it, that's it!

Good boy!

(Bear snorts softly, rocks clatter)

Ty! Hey.


Hey, it's okay. Whoa, Bear! Whoa.

Okay, come on. You're okay.

Ow, my head is k*lling me.

Oh, yeah, you got a... You got a good bump there.

Yeah, ahh...

It's okay, it's not bleeding.

Does anywhere else hurt?


You sure?

Yeah. I'm good.

Okay. We're gonna get you outta here.


Hey, no. You stay right here, all right?

I'm gonna go back up first and I'll send you down the line.


All right?

Yeah. (Light kiss)



Be careful.

I will.

(Hooves thud, rocks clatter)

Hey, Bear, (clucks her tongue) come on.

Back, Bear!

(Grunting) That's it, Bear!

Careful, Amy!

Come on! Back!

Back, Bear. (Grunting)


My dad is gonna k*ll me!

I could be charged with theft or property damage.

My whole future's on the line, here!

And it's your fault. I told you not to take it!

It's not like I forced you!

Bob's going to freak!

No, he won't. He's actually kind of cool.

Yeah, right. Like you know anything about him.

Actually, I do. My friend Ty used to work here.

I looked after a wolf puppy for him, once, and right now, Ty's rescuing an eagle for Bob.

People only see three basic colours, but eagles see five. It helps them when they're hunting.

Why do you always do that?

Do what?

Act like a "stuck-up know-it-all" or "a total control freak"?

You heard me.

That, and a lot more.

You were spying on me?

As if. Get over yourself.

You must've hit the "talk" button on your walkie by mistake.

Look, I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have said any of that stuff.

I know what it's like to be talked about behind your back.

Yeah, it sucks.

But you aren't totally wrong. I am some of those things, but... hey, you're some of them yourself.

You can be pretty bossy sometimes, and...

I'm not a stuck-up know-it-all!

No, you're not. Neither am I. Not really.

I don't-I just... I can't help it.

When I'm nervous, I start spewing random facts.

It's... it's part of my charm.

Oh, no.

You ready?

(Grunts) Here, Bear. Here.

(Bear grunts, hooves thud)

Good boy. Whoa...

Got it!

You sure you can do this?

Yeah, I'm good.

Okay. Back, Bear. Back. Back.


Back. Good boy. Back.

(Grunting) All right.

(Bear grunts)



Back, Bear. Back. Back.

All right.


(Grunts of effort) Good boy.

Good boy! Whoa... Whoa...

Okay. (Panting)

Can you get up?


Whoa... whoa!


Oh, it's all right, it's okay.


I got you.

Someone has something they wanna say to you.

I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings, Mommy.


I'm sorry too, sweetheart.

Thank you. (Light kiss)


So where'd Lisa go?

Oh, well, she went back to her place for a bit to give everyone a little space.

I am screwing everything up.


Now don't put too much stock into what Katie said.

It wasn't about Lisa.

She just wants to get her own way like every other kid.

Well, I am a little jealous of the relationship she has with Lisa, and I know it's silly.

You know, Katie is lucky. Lisa is so good to her.

Maybe a little too good at times.

It just means that you're the one that has to make all the tough calls.

You know, being a parent can be a thankless job sometimes.

The way I see it, it's not about doing more or even doing everything right.

It's about showing up, being there for your kids day in and day out.

Yeah, you're right. But that's... that's it.

I haven't been here. I've been too busy and I'm relying on you and Lisa too much, and this just proves it.

You know, maybe I'm no good at this... on my own.

Well, that's where you're wrong, Lou.

You and the girls are getting pretty used to not having Peter around that much.

Sure, Peter was away a lot, but we were still a unit.

It feels different now, Grandpa.

(Sniffs) I'm on my own.

I'm officially a single parent... (Tearing up) and it is... way harder than I thought it would be.

(Hard thump)

I thought I was pretty clear about hoofing it.

So what's the deal taking the ATV?

(Birds chirp)

The whole thing was my idea.

No, that's not true. It was my fault.

It was a stupid thing to do, and I'm really, really sorry.

I don't know what happened. I saw it and I-I took it.

If one of you guys got hurt, that'd be on me, okay?

I am busting my butt off just trying to keep this place open.

Something like this could shut it down for good.

Do you understand that?

If you could just give me another chance, I promise I won't do anything stupid again. I promise.

Okay. Fine.

You guys were lucky this time, but you have to respect the rules around here.

It's non-negotiable. We clear?

Give me your helmets.

(Mutters) Unbelievable.

(Coffee cup clunks)

Thank you for calling.

Look, Lisa... I've been leaning on you and Grandpa a lot lately, and, uh, the truth is, I don't know what I would do without you.

So... I don't tell you that enough. Thank you.

You know we love to help.

I know you do, but...

I've been taking it for granted. I'm sorry.

Well, I appreciate you saying that, because it was me that went too far. I overstepped, and it's not the first time.


I had no business buying that costume and it...

I'm happy to take it back if it... if you wanna make a new one.

It's beautiful. It really is, and Katie loves it, so... thank you.

That's the best part of being a godmother.

I can spoil her and then I don't suffer any of the consequences, which isn't really fair to you, so...

I'm gonna rein it in a little bit.

But you know that I didn't buy that dress just for Katie, right?

What do you mean?

Well, I bought it for you, too, Lou.

I mean, I couldn't do what you're doing every day.

And I know you're trying to adjust still, but you're doing a really great job, Lou, you are, and those girls are thriving.

I think you could relax and really enjoy that.

Thank you.

I want you to squeeze one more thing into that busy schedule of yours.

(Laughs) What?

A little Lou time.


(Birds chirp, fire crackles)

Well, he seems to be doing okay.

And how are you?

(Eagle bangs around in cage)

Hey, hey... I'm all right. I'm all right.

I just need... I just need a minute.

Okay, you need rest.

Oh, yeah.

And to eat something. (Groans)

(Ty groans, Amy unzips picnic basket)


(Groans) Let me take the trail mix.

(Laughs) Okay.

Oh man... (Phone beeps)

Still no service.

Yeah, lie down.


Watch your head. (Groans)

'Kay. (Sighs)

Amy, it's me again. Are you guys okay?

I thought you were coming for dinner.

Just call me back.

(Door closes, phone beeps off)

Okay, Bob. I'll keep you in the loop.

Well, they are not at the trailer and Bob hasn't heard from 'em.

Neither has Scott, and Amy's cell just keeps going straight to voice-mail.

Well, it's probably outta cell range.

Do you think we could reach them if we had walkie-talkies?

I heard they're more reliable than in emergencies, because they us radio frequencies and not cell towers.

Well, that is good thinking, but they have a limited range too, and it'd probably be worse in the mountains.

We have to do something.

Well, there's no point in getting all worked up about it.

Maybe it got late and they decided to stay put.

Katie's fast asleep.

(Phone beeps off) Ty. Hey.

Come on, it's been a couple hours.

(Grunts) All right.

Is it time for more questions?

(Laughs) Yes.

You could have a concussion.

So... do you remember what happened?

(Sighs) I uh...

I think I fell down a cliff.

Yes, you did. (Laughs)

And then this beautiful woman rappelled down and saved me.

Do you know where she went?

Hey! (Laughs)

(Laughs) Okay, you can go back to bed.

Okay, good. (Laughing)

All right. You got enough blanket there?


(Sighs heavily) (Fire crackles)

(Birds chirp)

(Fire crackles and hisses)


Over here.

He's doing pretty good.

You seem better.

Well, I feel it.

The bump's still there, but... it hurts a lot less.

You shoulda seen the other guy. (Laughs)

We should probably head out.

Yeah, we need to find cell service.

(Birds chirp, hooves thud)

(Phone rings)

(Phone beeps on) Hello?

Oh my god, Amy! Where are you guys?

He what?

Is he okay?

Okay, good. Uh...

Okay. Yup, we'll see you soon.

(Phone beeps off)

They're fine. Uh, they lost light so they decided to stay put.

Well, smart move.

Uh, but Ty had a bit of a fall.

A fall?

Yes, apparently he's okay, but they're stopping off at the doctor's on the way home just to be safe.

(Truck rumbles, screen door creaks open)

(Truck engine turns off, doors open)

You two really had us worried.

It was kind of a crazy night.

What'd Dr. Virani say?

She said I married the greatest woman in the world.

Hey, be serious.

I'm fine, I'm fine. I just have to take it easy for a few days.

So how's the eagle?

Good. Bob picked him up in town, but he's doing pretty well, all things considered.

That's awesome! I'm gonna go unload the horses.


Oh, thanks, Jack.

(Door bangs shut)

I'm so glad you guys are safe.

Hey, thanks for making us take that picnic.

Pfft! It hardly turned out to be the romantic day I hoped you'd have.

Well, it definitely got us through the night.

You always take care of everyone, even when you don't know it.

Come here. Thank you.


Here is.

Okay, so what else are we bringing on our picnic?

My tambourine!

Okay, well you better get it then.

(Laughs) Hey!


Have you heard anything about the eagle?

Yeah. The surgery went really well and Bob thinks he'll make a full recovery.


Hey, uh, do you wanna come with me and Katie on a picnic.

Uh, no, I got some stuff to do.

Okay. Guess it's just me and Katie then.

Okay, honey, let's go!

So, it sounds like that roper came in pretty handy out there.

He was incredible, Grandpa.

Actually, I've been thinking...

(Laptop thumps)

Bear might make a good police horse.

I checked out the application process online, and he's exactly what they look for.

You really think he's made of that kind of stuff?

Well, he has the right temperament.

He doesn't spook at anything.

He's a special horse.

I-I knew that before, when he led us to Buddy, but when Ty was lying out there and...

I just couldn't have done it without him.

Well, then, I say go for it.


You're something else, you know that?

You just never stop.

(Laughs and sighs)

♪ Give your heart ♪
♪ And don't hold nothing back ♪

(Text chimes)

♪ 'Cause the more you give ♪
♪ The less you're need back ♪

Need a hand?

No, thanks, Grandpa, I'm good.

There you go.

Okay, we won't be long.

Have fun! Bye!

(Door opens)

Are we finally alone?

By golly, I think we are.

(Sighs) You know what time it is?

Yes! It's five o'clock somewhere.

Yes it is.

Oh, Jack, listen.

To what?


♪ Everybody needs love today Everybody needs love... ♪

(Footsteps thunk on stairs)

Whoa, whoa, whoa. What part of take it easy don't you understand?

I feel fine, Amy. I'm just hanging up some light fixtures upstairs.

What, on a ladder? Really?

I'm sitting around and I'm going crazy up there.

Okay, but I still think you should be lying down.


Doctor Virani's orders.

Oh. Well, if the doctor ordered me to lie down, I should probably lie down.

I think so.


(Tambourine jingles)

(Laughs) That sounded pretty good.

Hey, do want Mommy to show you a thumb roll?

Okay. Hold it like this.

You gotta get your thumb wet. Ready?

(Tambourine rattles)

(Tambourine rattles)

That's cool! Let me try!

All right. You wanna hold it in your left hand.

You don't wanna press too hard with your thumb.


(Tambourine rattles) Nice!


Hey. I thought you had stuff to do.

Well, Katie and I are just glad you're here.

Aren't we, Katie?

You hungry?


This has got your name on it.

Thank you.

Hey, you know, I never got a chance to ask you about the Reserve.

How did it go?


Actually, pretty educational.

Yeah? Tell me about it.

Maybe later.

Georgie, do you know how to do a thumb roll?

What's that?

Mommy, show her!

All right. Ready?

(Tambourine rattles)

That's so cool! How do you do that?

All right. Hold out your hand, nice and easy, not too tight.

You wanna cross your thumb softly around the edge. (Tambourine rattles)

(Thumb rasps) Oh, I think Katie better show you how.

She's really good at it. (Laughing) 'Kay.

Wanna try again, Katie?

(Georgie's thumb rasps)

All right, you try again.

(Tambourine rattles, laughing)