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01x07 - Go

Posted: 11/09/15 03:55
by bunniefuu and I've been framed.

It all started eight months ago at the FBI Academy.

Liam: What the hell are you doing here?

Look, I told you, your job watching Alex Parrish is over.

Ryan: You need to stop talking.

You just blew your own op with Alex.

Nimah? You ready?


What the hell is happening?

Simon, please, just...

What is happening?! Who are you?! just give us a second to figure this out.

[pounding on door]

Simon: Let me out of here!

I think Agent Booth is in contact with Parrish.

He may be helping her.

Simon: That's one of the twins.

At Grand Central. That's days before the attack.

It's them.

Look, three-quarters of a million people pass through Grand Central every day.

All right, coincidence is not evidence.

This is solid evidence.

These are sh*ts of Nimah or Raina all over Grand Central two days before the expl*si*n!

We don't even know which one it is.

It could be both.

Yeah, well, I don't plan to find out.

Simon... no one has heard from the twins in months.

Running out of NATs who were close enough to frame me, and with Caleb chasing down the same footage, I am running out of time.

This is a real lead.

I know you have risked so much already.

And with everything that's happened between...

I'd understand if you didn't want to help.

But I can't find the twins without you.


I might be able to find them.


That's maybe.

I'll take maybe.

This is the twins' burner phone from their last undercover op.

You may be able to trace their location, but only if they're still using it.

This isn't my operation anymore.

Hasn't been for a long time.

I know.

Thank you.


The twins may not be the people you remember.

Be careful. Keep Alex safe.

You're right. He's working with her.

We can arrest him as soon as he gets up here.

You know, make a show of it.

Let everyone know now...

No, no, no, no.

Look, you follow Agent Booth. He leads you to Parrish.

Don't do anything until you know she's with him.

We can't lose her again.


You're a third of the way through your training, which means one thing... your first exam.

We know what you're thinking.

Hasn't this been one long exam?


This week, we're going to push you past your limit to see how much of what we've taught you you've actually retained, which means you're going to use your skills of interrogation.

You cannot conveniently forget our boiler room date just because I demanded reciprocity.

That is unfair, unacceptable, and quite frankly, I'm just gonna stop letting you...

Dad, Shelby. Shelby, my dad.

Executive Assistant Director Haas.

I-I-I've heard so much about you and, um... good.

Well, now we've heard so much about each other.

Caleb, I'll meet you downstairs.

♪ Till we learn to get together ♪
♪ And see who we really are ♪
♪ Ain't nothing gonna change ♪


♪ Ain't nothing gonna change ♪
♪ If nobody's gonna wake up ♪
♪ And start asking who's in charge ♪

Brandon, you almost done?

Brandon: Out in a minute, babe.

♪ Ain't nothing gonna change ♪

Miranda: And finally, surveillance.

Clayton: And Parrish?

Liam: She has exhausted every avenue there is for digging into her father.

She's done.

As long as you're sure.

I am.

Booth's the only one I'm worried about now.

When he followed orders in Chicago, I thought we could trust him.

We make Quantico hard to ensure that only the strong survive so that those of you who can't don't get a badge!

Liam: This is the physical component of your exam.

Beat your scores from your first fitness test, or you're out.

♪ Ain't nothing gonna change ♪

You did 22 last time, Fletcher.

I better see 23 right now.

I took my eyes off the ball in surveillance, my marksmanship scores are off.

You're breezing through, and I'm barely hanging on.

What's your secret?


He has so many, who can keep track?

Man: Analysts, you have five minutes to track your target.

Hamas loves Hulu.

I found my wannabe t*rror1st in under 10.

If I knew I was giving up high six figures to type 100 words a minute for the FBI, I might have reconsidered.

So, are you gonna tell me how you and Ryan went from hot and bothered to the cold shoulder in 24 hours, or do I get three guesses?

Well, you'd only need one.

Turns out I have a type.

Pathological liars.

Wait, what'd he lie about?

You know what? You don't have to answer that.

We shouldn't even be having this conversation.

Relationships are forbidden at Quantico for a reason.

They knock you off your game.


Especially when your game is playing Hoover and Clyde Tolson in the boiler room and Clyde's dad catches you.

[laughing] Oh, my God.

All right, if Caleb's father wanted to bust you guys, you'd be in front of the N.A.R.B. by now.

Well, it just wasn't the intro to the Executive Assistant Director that I had hoped for.

I barely survived.

But you did.

I got your back on the next exercise.

We're all in it together, right?

Where's Simon?

I'm sorry about all this.

I'm sure you have questions.

You ever read "Hapgood"?

It's a play about the KGB's use of twins during the Cold w*r.

How they used them to infiltrate places with large amounts of intel but limited access.

Swap one out, debrief, switch again.

Constant flow of information without any of that pesky "where'd that girl we trusted with our terror plot go?"

I'm a pretty smart guy.


And yet you chose two women who couldn't remember to keep their door closed, who jeopardized your career by locking me in this bathroom.

So, no, I don't have questions.

I have plans.

Don't you dare help me.

I know you think you have me in your cross hairs, Mr. Asher.

But let me assure you no one's jeopardizing the twins or their training.

And why the hell not?

Because you're a good agent.

You put your country first and your ego second, and when faced with ruining a good project and all the good it can do or keeping a secret and having your probation struck from your record...

I don't want to see them right now.


Trainee Wyatt, I just wanted to properly introduce myself.

Sir, about earlier, I...

I'm the one who owes you an apology for violating your privacy.

You're not upset?

How do you think I met his mother?

[chuckles] Yeah, we're gonna skip that story.

Yeah, okay, well, we won't go into it, but it was a pleasure to finally meet you, Shelby.

And hope to do it again sometime, and, if you don't mind, I have to talk with my son.

Pleasure's all mine.

Well, your mother and I wanted you to know how proud we are that you've made it this far.

But we want you to be realistic.

No, I'm near the top of my class.


But we both want to know that you're prepared for that status change.

So, do you have a contingency plan?

Kid, you're 25 years old. You need a safety net.

I don't need a safety net.

I was there the last time you screwed up, and the time before that, okay?

So, look. I'll make you an offer.

You fail this midterm, I'll unlock your trust fund.

That's 10k a month to do whatever you want as long as it has nothing to do with the FBI.

You know, for a second there, I actually thought that you believed in me.

I do.

I believe you'll make the right decision.

Defending this country is not a job.

It's not a skill set.

It's not a stepping stone to something else.

It's an honor.

And it's an honor that you have to earn.

As I was walking through the campus this morning, I was thinking back to how difficult this training was, but also how rewarding.

And I look forward to seeing who among you has what it takes to become a special agent.

Good luck.

You okay?

I will be as long as you stay away from me.

That's both of you.

Miranda: Upon your arrival at Quantico, I promised myself that I would graduate the best class the Academy has ever seen.

We don't need more agents. We need better ones.

This test is designed to see not only what you have learned so far, but what you have become.

In front of you is a piece of paper and a pencil.

When I leave this classroom, the exam begins.

When it ends is up to you.

[door opens, closes]

It's blank. What's the test?


[praying softly]


Why are you pointing a g*n at me?

And what are you doing with her?

Alex: The better question is, what were you doing at Grand Central two days before the bombing, Raina?

We saw you on cameras.

You saw Nimah.

She's still alive?

Yes, that's Nimah.

But I don't know what she was doing at Grand Central.

Last Friday, she missed our swap, and then she missed it again.

Five days without hearing from her or seeing her, and then the b*mb.

I worry she may be hurt or worse.

Raina, do you think Nimah could have anything to do with the bombing?

Don't you dare accuse my sister.

You're the one everyone's looking for.

Okay, where's Nimah now?

Three months ago, we infiltrated a terror cell living in a house across the street.

They are a part of the Islamic front.

They've been looking to send a message to America.

We knew they were targeting landmarks, but they didn't tell us where.

They never told us anything.

Yeah, or maybe they told Nimah, and that's when she went dark.

So she could help them carry out the bombing.

She would never do that, not unless they forced her to.

Yeah, nobody's ever forced Nimah to do anything.

Yeah, well, nobody's ever forced you to do anything, either.

Alex: Okay, okay.

Bottom line is, Raina, we both want to find your sister.

Do you think she's still in that house?

I don't know.

I've been watching, hoping to see something, anything that would allow me to know if Nimah was still alive.

Nobody's come in or out, and we can't see inside.

I can.

[cellphone chimes]

[cellphone chimes]


Thermal goggles... courtesy of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

How is a blank piece of paper a test?

How's a raven like a writing desk?

Just another twisted Quantico psychological experiment.

Maybe we're supposed to write an essay?

On what?

Why we deserve to be here.

Then leave yours blank.

You guys, maybe it's evidence.

Of what?

Well, Miranda did say they're testing all the skills that we've learned so far, and the only thing this falls under is evidence.

Vasquez: I can't believe I'm agreeing with you, but it's worth a shot.


All right, everyone. Give them up.

Let's take a look.

8 1/2 by 11 and 3/8 inches tall.

Maybe it fits somewhere?

Or maybe it has something to do with the number.



Wait, are you sure?

I did it three times.

There's 61 of us here.

Did anyone not hand in their piece of paper?

Or not get one at all?

Okay, whoever is holding out could be the key to cracking this exam, so you better speak up now.

Nimah: If no one's gonna come clean, we can always move to surveillance.


Shelby: What are you doing?

Combing through footage I found of one of the Amin twins outside Grand Central Station to see if she might be a Parrish co-conspirator.

You think they were involved?

Is that really what you walked all the way over here to talk to me about?

That... and to say thank you for not telling your dad that...

That I know that he's screwing my ex?

No, I'm gonna save that little tidbit for my psychopharmacologist.

Well, you took the high road, and I appreciate it.

Okay, let's just make one thing clear.

I didn't do it for you. I did it for my mom.

Do you have any idea how close she is to becoming the Democratic Choice for V.P.?

I'm gonna tell you something.

When Clayton finds out that she's the nominee, he will drop you and he will run back to her in a heartbeat.

I just can't wait to see that happen.

You're still just a sad little boy.

Good luck finding Nimah.

Who said that it was Nimah?

You did.

Now get your hand off of me before I hurt you.

Ryan, I think I just blew our cover.

Follow me.

[indistinct conversations]

Guess it must be kind of boring the second time around, huh?

We didn't have a written exam when I went here.


Just a practical on how to lie, manipulate, and seduce.

Hey, look, you asked me to leave you alone, and I did.

You came over to talk to me, so... which is it?

Why didn't you say no to Liam when he asked you?

Why didn't you tell me when you should have?

And, more importantly, your job is done.

What are you still doing here?

You think I want to be stuck in this room with you seeing how much it's k*lling you?

I hate seeing what I did to you.

Almost as much as I hate knowing that you'll never look at me again the way I look at you.

I don't suppose your dad gave you an inside track on this test?

[chuckles] Yeah, right.

I'm sure he designed it specifically for me to fail.

You're crazy. Your dad is great.

More like The Great Santini.

Come on. He's really proud of you.

Proud? Shelby, he offered me money to fail today, right now just so I wouldn't ruin his reputation.

Okay, I'm sure that's not what he meant.

Maybe if you just show him how hard you're working, if you could explain...

No, I can easily see why you'd say that.

'Cause you don't know what it's like to disappoint your parents.

You're always gonna be their perfect daughter preserved in amber, but for the rest of us who have to sit across from them at the dinner table...

Okay, I'm gonna pretend that you didn't just say I'm lucky that my parents are dead and walk away from this conversation right now.

Shelby, I...

[sighs] Is this how the FBI trains its agents?

By playing games and setting us up to fail?

All right, Big Brother is always watching.

Last chance to come clean.

Alex: Wait, stop.

Ryan: Why didn't you say something?

Nobody likes a coward.

You saw how much I was screwing up out there.

And you thought keeping this from us would help?

When I didn't get a paper, I figured it was how they were kicking me out, and when it turned out all the papers were blank, I-I thought it was a game and I didn't want to mess that up, so I just kept my mouth shut.

Yeah, and made this take twice as long.

Haven't you figured it out?

This isn't some complicated test.

There are 60 pages because I'm not supposed to be here.

They wouldn't put you in this room if they wanted you gone!

You don't know half the things I've done, okay?!

Screw it, I... I'm not gonna wait for them to tell me.

I just have to... I have to go.

Brandon, wait. [sighs]

Well, that was interesting.

Wait, did you guys hear that?

The A/C just turned off.

[alarm blaring]

Nimah: Is that the fire alarm?

Vasquez: Should we evacuate?

[blaring continues]

Nimah: The door is locked!

Yeah, so is this one.

Elias: Hey, guys.

I just found this under Brandon's chair.

Either Brandon is a stickler for punctuality, or something really weird is going on right now.

[blaring continues]

I see heat signatures of... of five men.

There should be six. One must be out.

There's a female form, too.

She really is alive.

Why hasn't she contacted me?


Even if the cell is responsible, my sister would have never willingly helped those men do what they did!

You and your sister, you might look alike, but you are both very, very different people.

She's a good person.

There is an explanation for that.

Yes, that explanation might involve her framing me for a mass m*rder she's responsible for.

Interesting how someone who's wrongly accused finds it so easy to point the finger.

She's innocent!


Even if you're right... and there's a big if... she knows something.

She has answers that we both want, and she won't come out willingly.

We have to flush her out.


Where are you going?

To see her?

[sighs] I tried to tell you, but you wouldn't listen.

She's using you.

No, she's innocent.

She shot you!

No, I only said that she did so I could help her.

After what she did to me, I wanted to believe that she was guilty, but someone set her up.

Natalie, I know you have to bring us in, but just... give us a little more time, please?

You've got one hour.

[engine turns over]

When we know Nimah's alone in the house, we'll give you the signal.

There's a bathroom in the back away from the men.

Wait until she's in there, and then I'll go in.


What if someone spots me?

Simon: Just do what you always do.

Pretend to be Nimah.





Nimah: There's nobody in the hallway.

Can you break the window?

Look, it's... it's bulletproof.

Look, does anybody have any tools?

Search your pockets, guys. Tha... thank you.

The wire to the hydraulic lock's been cut in two, meaning the next time this door closed, it'd lock tight.

Nimah: Are you saying Brandon locked us in here... just before he left?

Yeah, I know, it doesn't make any sense, but... Can you guys just give me some space here, guys?

Just clear out just a little bit. Thank you.

This is feeling less like an exam and more like the last 10 minutes of "Saw."

Come on, you guys. They've pulled this stunt on us before.

It's all some mind game meant to test us.

Shelby: Like when Miranda told us to choose 3 or she would cut 10.

Or like when Elder Eric ate a b*llet in the interrogation room.

I know for a fact that the Bureau opened their doors wider this year.

A guy like Eric got in with skeletons in his closet.

Do you really think that there's not room for another psychopath?

What, are you saying that JFK Jr. just snapped?

That's insane.

You mean unlike all the other well-balanced kids of politicians?

You know how many children from prominent families I've kept out of jail the last three years?

He fits the profile.

That's it! That's the next step.

His profile.

Ryan: I agree with Alex.

If this were real and something was going on, I would have heard about it.

[pounding on door]

If something really was going on out there, your sister would come for us, right?

If she's not trapped or hurt, yes.

She'd come for me.


And for you.

You guys, let's not get bogged down by accusations, okay?

We need to keep playing Miranda's game so we don't lose.

Evidence led us to the papers, surveillance led us to Brandon.

That can't be a coincidence.

So, what's left? H.R.T.?

I suspect that we're the "H" in that scenario.

Yeah, no sign of the "R."

What about interrogation?

Interrogate who?

Who knows Brandon best?

Vasquez. She's sleeping with him.

Mind your own business.

Isn't personal. I just want to finish the test.

Fletcher's not crazy.

Okay, if he was, I'd be having way more fun.


If you guys think I have the answers, interrogate away.

Nimah's in position. Raina, go.

[door opens, closes]

What the hell are you doing outside?

I went shopping.

In the middle of a lockdown?

Nobody saw me.

Don't worry. I'm careful.

I'm always careful.

[cartoon music and sound effects play on TV]

What are you doing here?


You will do exactly what I say so we don't both die.

[knock on door]

Kamran: Everything all right in there?

I'm fine. I'll be out in a minute.



We can't waste time running down her friends.

We need them to lead us to her.

Well, if we cut off her resources, she'll be easier to find.

She's always been a team player.


Take her team away and...

She'll just find someone else.


Booth and Shelby slipped out.

You lost them?

No, but he thinks I did.

I put a tracker in his jacket.

He'll lead us right to her.

Excellent work.

For someone who's sleeping with Brandon, you don't seem to know an awful lot about him.

Well, what we did didn't involve a lot of talking.

See, not all of us grow so attached so quickly.

You know what? Just... just give me anything.

We have half an hour left on this midterm, and I know you want to keep us in this 100-degree oven.

She doesn't know anything because this clearly isn't part of the exam!

Really? Then how do you explain the blank pages?

Who cares about the paper?

You could look at this any way you want, but I saw the panic in Brandon's eyes when he ran out of here.

And it's the same exact panic that was in Eric's eyes when we went into the interrogation room on day one.

It's the same exact thing.

He's right.

Brandon hasn't been himself lately.

Last night, he went on a walk alone for hours.

He came back talking about how mismanaged the FBI is and how something needed to be done about it.

He's also on a bunch of meds.

Sometimes he doesn't take them.

Wait, what time did Brandon go out last night?

10:00, maybe 10:30.


That might be our next step.

Simon, rewind the footage, please.

Ryan: Yeah, that's Fletcher.


What the hell is he doing?


Looks like Brandon left us a parting gift.

Elias: Is it real? It looks real.

Caleb: Yes, it's real. Of course it's real.

We just watched J. Crew put it in there!

Alex: Come on. It can't be real.

He had to have been told to put it there.

It's obviously a part of the test.

What if you're wrong?

Haven't you heard? Parrish is never wrong.

She has "instincts."

Yeah, but unlike last time, if she's wrong here, we're dead.

Okay, if it is real, then we have to disarm it 'cause we can't go anywhere anyway.

And if it's not real, if it's part of the test, like I think it is, then disarming it gets us out of here.

I'm presuming this "b*mb" is connected to the doors.

Oh, okay, so you just want to disarm the b*mb just in case it's real.

But none of us know how to do that.

He might. He's been around bombs before.

All right, it's an integrated timer with built-in redundancies to prevent tampering.

Dual batteries, dual mercury switches, which act as pressure sensors.

And 10 pounds of C-4.

That doesn't sound fake.

Do you think you can disarm this thing?

In 20 minutes?



Just, uh, give me some space, okay?


Nimah: Do you idiots have any idea how badly you've screwed everything up?!

You think you were helping?

Everything you've done has put my sister's life at risk.

I need to get back in there before she gets hurt.

I need to protect her.

Alex: From what?!

Simon: From you?

We know you were at Grand Central!

Why were you there?

Because after months of undercover work, we knew the cell's att*cks were imminent but we didn't know where.

I was searching every landmark for any sign of a planned attack, but I haven't found anything.

If that's true, why didn't you come out after the bombing?

Hamza, the leader of the cell, was to blow up a symbol of American strength.

He left two days before the bombing, and he hasn't returned since.

I was waiting for him.

I realized that only he knew what was gonna happen, and in the days leading up to the bombing, I got close enough for him to trust me.

You slept with him?

[sighs] I was handling it.

And I wasn't about to ask that of Raina.

Now we have to get her out of there before Hamza is back.

He might expect something from her.

[knock on door]


She's trapped.

[pounding on door]

The FBI is onto us. All of us.

We're not going anywhere without Raina.

Look, I think I can disarm it if I can cut the battery power, but... but if I'm wrong...

Do it.

Alex: Yeah.


[lock disengages]

Woman: Okay.

Man: Okay. The door's open. Let's get going.

[rapid beeping]

No, wait!

What the hell just happened?

There must've been a secondary trigger.

A motion sensor, or someone did it remotely.

Is there another way to stop it?

We're supposed to be learning how to save the world, not dying in a classroom. Let's just go, Simon.

Look, I don't know if this is a real b*mb or if this is some screwed-up test, but I can't take my hands off these wires.

You guys volunteered. I... I was recruited.

I didn't grow up wanting this like you.

I'm... I'm sorry, I...

Just... just go.

It's fine.

Just go. Okay.

Rest of you should go, too.

How can we help? Talk me through it.

Tell me what you want me to do.

Okay. We need to get to the circuitry behind the timer panel, but to do that, we need to remove the mercury switches, so, Shelby, Ryan, I need you to take those off.

Okay, which ones are the mercury switches?

It's the two corner boxes.

These two?


All right.

But I need you to take them off very, very carefully.

All right. Shelby, you good?

All right, three, two, one.


Simon: Okay.

Alex, I need you to slide that panel off.

This one?


All right, you're looking for a blue wire.

There is no blue wire.

Okay, then I need you and Vasquez to pull the purple and the red wire at exactly the same time.

Three, two, one.

[all sigh]

Okay, if there is a chance this is real, you both should go.

We're not going anywhere.

We are in this together.

I really want to pray right now, [chuckling] but the only thing I can think of are Joan Osborne lyrics.


Think I know about four songs from "Pippin."

Maybe some "Fantasticks."

I think we're more okay with dying than hearing you sing.




Your country appreciates your sacrifice.

[all sighing]

I can't believe you did that.

Well, if the Assistant Director asks you to play along, you play along.

What about everyone else?

Well, if they ran, then they failed.

Well, that's a bit harsh, isn't it?

If you're not willing to sacrifice yourself for your country, why are you here?

Nimah: Hamza is still planning something.

If it wasn't the attack on Grand Central, it will be something else tomorrow.

What are you saying?

If you storm in there g*ns out, we will never know the truth.

Swap me back in.

That's not happening. It's too dangerous.

He's in there. I can get our answers.

Or help finish his work.

It's not what I'm doing. This is my assignment.

If he tries anything with her, he'll know Raina's not me and he will k*ll her!

Please. You have to let me go.


I can't compromise a fellow agent just because it might save me.

I'll get us the truth. I promise.

[sighs] All right.

Look, we'll be 30 seconds away if you need us.

Just get your sister out and then we'll keep her safe, all right?


Nimah's swapping back in.

Alley door. Two minutes.

I knew you were right, B.T. Dubs, about that b*mb being fake.

No, you didn't.

But you didn't run.

Yeah. Stupid, right?

That's not the word I was thinking.

Thank you for trying to save our lives.

Well, trying to save yours was incidental.

Listen, I know you're angry.

But do you have any idea how painful it is to have to hide yourself from the world?

All this time, you've only thought about how it's affected you.

It's been hard on us, too.

I'm fine.

No, you're not fine. You're angry.

I threw away a seven-figure, partner-track job for some ridiculous notion that I was meant to serve truth, justice, and all that Superman crap.

And then I abandoned it with seconds left to spare.


I'm sorry.

Whatever hang-ups you have about what happened in Gaza, you're a man who saves everyone, and I'm a man who runs from a firecracker.


I should go.

It sucks.

[inhales deeply]

But it's right.


Last chance to unveil the mystery that is Simon Asher.

Probably better that way.

Always keep them wanting more.

I'm gonna miss you.



♪ Shattered at dawn ♪
♪ So far for so long ♪
♪ Feeling newly baptized ♪

You have a very strange definition of "stay away from me."

Look, I would say I'm sorry if...

You have to stop apologizing.

I trusted you. That was on me.

I made choices. That was on me, too.

We both came into this with secrets.

Me my father, you... Chicago.

♪ Coffee-colored sheets ♪
♪ Looking down at pale knees ♪


♪ With a cigarette and my morning beat ♪


I guess that is the Ryan Booth way, isn't it, or should I say Agent Booth?

"Special Agent," if we're being technical.

You know the only reason I didn't tell anyone your secret is because it wasn't mine to tell.

That was on me. This one, it's all you.

Chicago was a blown sting.

♪ Sky high ♪

Someone above me screwed up, and, uh... [sighs, chuckles] and people got hurt.

I took the blame. I'm a good soldier.

I did what my superior asked me, and you can see how well that's worked out.

Liam was your superior.

I didn't want this assignment.

Okay, I told Liam "no" more times than I could even count.

But he said if I wanted a future in the Bureau, I had to.

All this time, I...

I blamed you for taking this assignment.

You had no choice.

I'm sorry, Ryan.

I'm sorry, too.

Um, if you're looking for Caleb, he went to say goodbye to the analysts who got the ax.

He passed?

Miranda's test and yours.

You didn't really want him to take the bribe, did you?

Miss Wyatt, my son is a screw-up.

I want him to find his place in the world.

I just don't believe for a second it's here.

And if you're honest with yourself, you'd agree.

No, I don't.

You will.

Caleb is a smart, brave, capable person, and he does belong here.

Miss Wyatt, I'm not hard on my son because I don't believe in him.

I'm hard on him because it's the only thing keeping him alive.

He's a greater danger to himself than you know.

But I do.

I was there.

I saved his life and the lives of those around him with my own two hands.

Pleasure seeing you again, Wyatt.

Hope it's not the last.

My sister and I can't continue to keep this operation a secret.

Asher has been handled.

It's not just him. It's our class.

We can't keep lying to them.

Lying is a small price to pay for the good of this project.

I know you think you're protecting us, but you expect us to put our lives in each other's hands.

That requires honesty.

It requires trust.

Everyone in that room deserves to know who we are.

If we can't trust them with our secret, how can you trust them with our lives?

Congratulations on passing...

What have you done?

Let's just say I know things you don't want me to know.

I told you everything.

No, you didn't. We both know that.

So, I'll make you a deal, Liam.

I'll forget about everything I heard, stop looking into my father, his relationship with you and the E.A.D. if you let Special Agent Booth get back the career that he worked so hard for.

And if I don't?

Then I'll keep digging until I find whatever it is that you and Clayton had him cover up in Chicago.

Your call.

Alex: I hope Nimah can pull this off.

When this is over, you need to stay away from me.

Too many people I care about are getting hurt.

I think we're way past that.

Why are you doing all this?

Vasquez, you are a go.

FBI! FBI! Don't move!

On the ground!

Get on the ground right now!

Get out! Get out! We're blown! We're blown!

All right, stay back. Get back.

Come on! Let's go! Let's go!

[siren wailing]

Yalla. Yalla!

We kidnapped you two. You did nothing wrong.


You guys, you got... Aah!

[both gasp]

Go! Go!

[siren wails, tires screech]

Man: Go! Go! Go! Go!

[indistinct shouting]

This test was not only about survival...

It was about sacrifice.

Survival and sacrifice... they go hand in hand.

Why would they cut Nimah?

Out in the field, you have to stand with your fellow agents no matter the cost.

Where's all their stuff?

♪ New York ♪

Your boy didn't tell you?

♪ She sits and cries ♪

The analysts graduated.

This wasn't their midterm. It was their final.

♪ She's had her moment of glory ♪

Well, for those who made it through, anyway.

Miranda: Because this job will test you.

It will push you beyond the limits.

This better be good. I'm missing class.

Actually, you're not.

You've been reinstated.

Think the words you're looking for are "thank you."

Can I think about it?

I think the words you're looking for are "yes, Booth, you can think about it."

You owe me at least that.

♪ But she goes on ♪

It will throw curves at you... and it will never not surprise you.

So, what, you're done?

You're just leaving without saying goodbye?

Wait, why are you wearing that?

They told me that they weren't quite done with me yet and they bumped me back to NAT.

I-I don't know what you said to my dad, but thank you.

Is that okay?


♪ It ain't how you spend your time ♪

This exam showed me you are capable of sacrifice for the greater good.

It is why all of you are here and the rest are not.

I believe it is time for me to share something with you myself.

♪ How I say a lie ♪
♪ I'm infatuated with the human mind, yeah ♪

I have been running a project with Nimah Amin and her sister, Raina, since you arrived.

And I am trusting all of you that you will stand with and protect these two brave women and keep their secret.

Caleb: There's two of them?


I'm Raina.


♪ And we go on ♪
♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪
♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪

Miranda: You can either stay alive together or you can die alone.

The choice is up to you.

[engine turns over]

♪ When we go on and on, on, on ♪
♪ And when we go on and on and on ♪
♪ When we go, go on ♪

[breathing heavily]

Come on.

Freeze! Drop your weapons... now!


Don't move!


Hands where I can see them... now!

Okay, okay.


Natalie, I give up.

I-I mean it.

You can take me. Just... just please help Ryan right now.


Ryan: Natalie, please.


Go now!


