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01x07 - Fight or Flight

Posted: 11/09/15 03:21
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Blood & Oil"...

Losing the baby is too much.

You're gonna pay for what you did to my wife!

[Glass shatters]


We leave him here. We walk away. Oh, God.

Come work for me.

He's taking advantage of your situation to reel you back in.

There's not one person willing to back Billy.

There just might be.

Please hold for Annie Briggs.

I ended it with Hap.

Be more convincing.

You wouldn't dare tell Wick.


Where were you the night of the rig fire?

Just getting some drinks with some friends.

Damn it, Wick.

Cody: Just a minute.




Hi. This is a surprise.

These are for you. I heard you were doing better.

Thank you. These are beautiful.

[Clears throat]

Um, well, do you want to come in?

No, uh, actually, I was hoping I could talk to Billy outside for a second.

Yeah, let's go outside, have a chat.

I'll be one minute, honey.

Billy: Hey.

Wick: It's been three days.

I haven't heard anything yet.

That's because Gary's dead, man.

Yeah, but they haven't found the body yet.

He... he's in a ravine somewhere deep in the woods, okay?

I mean, it could take weeks to find him, man.

All right.


And look, even if they do, Gary was on the run, okay?

He was on dr*gs. He fell.

And anyone who finds him is gonna think that, including the sheriff.


Hey, thanks. Look, I was just checking, you know, 'cause I've been trying to get Gary off my back for weeks now.

It's just hard to believe that it could finally be over.

I know you have, okay?

But everything's gonna be okay.

And listen.

There is no way this will ever come back on us.

Just remember that.

[Panting] Hey, wait up.

[Breathes deeply]

[Inhales deeply]

[Gasps] Oh, my God!

Whoa. Stay back.

No, stop. Wait, what are you doing?

He's alive.

♪ Oh, well, I'm remembering when ♪
♪ we were so young and innocent ♪
♪ oh, oh ♪
♪ so young and free ♪
♪ the smell of pine on my mind ♪
♪ running through some drudges ♪

Billy: What is he doing?

What are you?

♪ Oh, oh ♪
♪ on the hi-line ♪

Emma: Billy, pull over!

Well, what the hell, Clifton?

You auditioning for "Fast and Furious 8" or something?

Why aren't you answering your phone?

We've been chasing you for over two miles.

Yeah, I can see that.

I mean, what's so important it couldn't wait, huh?

An opportunity, son.

One that could change your life.


So, what's so important you needed me to come down here?

I didn't need you to come down here.

These people did.

Tip: All yours.

Thank you, sheriff.

Good morning, Mr. Briggs.

I'm Agent Reese. This is Agent Bender.

And we work out of the FBI regional office.

What's this about?

A classified geological report was stolen from the North Dakota oil and gas office.

[Clears throat] And, um, I care why?

We believe your father was the recipient of that document.


My father wouldn't jeopardize Briggs Oil by stealing something like that.

Mm, we think otherwise.

And we were hoping to enlist your cooperation into building a case against him.

Well, I think the only cooperation you're gonna get from me is to recommend just how far up your ass you can stick your proposal.

Some parting words of advice.

This conversation stays between us, or...

You might find our office willing to suddenly help Sheriff Hamilton in any unresolved cases.

And I bet that if we were to dig half a second, we might find something with your name on it.

Should you reconsider.

Billy: So, what was so urgent?

Bucky Carmichael d*ed last week.

Oh. I'm sorry.

Eh, don't be. The man was a jackass.

The point is he had a plot of land right next to McCutching.

And now that he's passed, his family's eager to put it on the market.

Okay, I'm just gonna stop you right there, all right?

Listen, guys, I'm taking a job with Hap today.

I was on my way to accept it when you pulled me over.

Besides, even if I was interested, Hap's driven up the mineral rights for everything around McCutching.


Clifton, I know you don't have that kind of money.

We found a financial backer to stake us.

Someone who's garnered a lot of success by investing in underdogs with big aspirations.

Plus she hates Hap as much as we do.

Okay, yeah, what's her name? Who is it?

Her name's Annie Briggs.

Hap's first wife.

Real messy divorce.

Lot of bridges b*rned, lines drawn.

She's on the hook, but she wants to meet you before she'll agree to be our angel.

Face-to-face - in Houston... Today.

She sent her plane.

Now, come on. Hap can wait 24 hours.

What's the harm in giving it one more try?

Hap: Earlier today, Carla and I were informed by the oil and gas commissioner that we're being investigated by the U.S. government.

For what?

Well, it seems they think that we got our hands on a U.S.G.S. Report illegally.

Where would they get that idea?


He's clean.

I cloned his phone.

[Door opens]


I didn't get the memo about a family meeting.

Close the door, please.

What's going on?

The feds think dad stole a land survey.

[Scoffs] Are you kidding me?

Our taxes pay those morons' salaries.

Well, don't worry.

I've got the best lawyers in the country punching overtime to make sure that our asses are covered.

But that doesn't mean we can't do our part around here.

Everybody's got a job to do.

Lacey, you and A.J. pull the Briggs Oil personnel file.

What are we looking for?

Vulnerable people with secrets.

The kind the government can leverage into talking.

What can I do, pops?

You're with me.

Pack a bag.

We're gonna go hit all of our rigs.

We got to make sure all of our drilling operations are squeaky clean.

With the government snooping around, we can't afford to be sloppy right now.

Meet me back here in an hour.

Lacey: Okay.

Relax, baby.

This isn't the first time that the feds have taken a run at old Hap Briggs.

Well, unlike the last time, I hope everyone comes out alive.

Yeah, that'd be nice.

[Door opens]

Hey. Jules, you in here?

Jules: Yeah.

Man, I've had a morning.

Me, too.

Actually, a little bit longer than that.

What's that?

As far as I can tell, these are the clothes you were wearing the night of the rig fire.

The night you almost k*lled your own father.

Finn: Another double white meat, extra spicy!

Kess: Two doubles straight out of hell.

There's your change.

All right, who's next?

I'll take a number six, well done, special sauce on the side.

You got it.

Five even.

Special sauce.

Hey, you enjoy now, brother.

Seems like they can't get enough of that special sauce, huh?

[Chuckles] All right, who's next? Talk to me.

Jules, I was angry, okay, at Hap for cutting me off from the business, from my inheritance.

Do you realize what you've done?


Theft, attempted m*rder.

You could go to prison for 20 years, Wick.

No one was supposed to be out at that rig that night, okay?

Billy and Hap just showed up.

[Scoffs] The fire was an accident, Jules.

What would it do to your father, eh?

If he knew his own son almost k*lled him.

Don't you think I ask myself that?

I have to live with this for the rest of my life.

But you want to know what the craziest part is?

That night changed me.

[Scoffs] It changed me, Jules.

It made me realize who I want to be, and now Hap is willing to give me that second chance to be a better man.

[Chuckles] A better man?


[Laughs] That's great.

How, Wick?

By lying to me and everyone else about what happened that night?


Don't. No, come here.

No, come here. Listen.

I love you.

I do. I love you.

And I will... I will do anything that you ask me to do if we can just... [Sighs] just put this behind us, please, and start over.

I'm sorry.


But there's no starting over.

Not for me.

What? Are you gonna tell the police? You gonna tell my father?

I don't know what I'm gonna do, Wick... except tell you to get out.

Emma: You ever flown private before?

Oh, yeah.

All the time.

Me neither.

Clifton: Well, good luck to you.

You know, Annie really wants to get back in the game up here.

It's yours to lose.

Wait, I thought...

I thought you were going with us.

Oh, well, I'd love to, but, uh, my ticker being what it is, the docs won't give me clearance for takeoff.

Oh. Well, uh... Okay, then.

Thanks, Clifton.

Want to see how the 1% roll? Let's do it.

Hap: Okay.

All right.

Well, that's good to know.

Thank you very much.

[Hangs up telephone]


Is there a problem?


I was just...

I wanted to say how much I appreciate you trusting me enough to bring me in on this.

Oh, when the going gets tough, that's when the Briggs circle the wagons.

It's family first.

[Cellphone ringing]

Oh. Hold on.

[Ringing continues]

I got to take this.

[Cellphone beeps]


Hi, Walt.

I could really use a friend today.


[Sighs] Okay.

Uh, hold on one sec.

Change of plans.

This is the attorneys.

They need to see me right now.

So, I'm gonna need you to go to Williston on your own.

Okay, well, I mean, it's... Four hours away.

Why don't I just wait for you?

Because this is what I need from you right now, son.

Unless you're telling me that you can't handle it.

No, no. No, I can handle it.

It's fine. I'll do it.


I knew I could count on you.

All right, the, uh, codes for Williston are up on Carla's desk. Okay.

All right, um, sit tight, and I'll, uh, be there as soon as possible.

[Cellphone beeps]

Walt again?


You want some company?

Well, I'd love that, except that you have to stay on top of the oil and gas commissioner.

We can't afford to have him going off the rails right now, now can we?

No, of course not, Hap.


Hello, Walt.

So, I really just wanted to thank you for everything that you did for me.

Thank you. They're beautiful, Cody.

You should call my husband to give him pointers.

You have much better taste.


How you feeling, honey?


We got a John Doe here.

B.P. is 80 over 50 and he's tachycardiac.

Woman: Let's put him on telemetry in ICU 3.

Woman: Cody?

I-I know who that is.

Ma'am, ma'am, you need to stay back.

No, no, but I know him!

No. No. You need to call the sheriff.

That's the man that att*cked me.

Cortner to labor and delivery.

Man: Medical tech supervisor to ICU.

Medical tech supervisor to ICU.

Uh, is he gonna survive, sheriff?

Doctor's saying he'll be lucky to make it through the night.

Quite the coincidence, huh?

What is?

Few days after that man att*cks you, he's rolled in here half dead.

But it... it was an accident, right?

I mean, he fell.

That's what the nurse's told me.

Well, either way, we got our man.

Take care.

Ms. Lundegren. Mr. LeFever.

That's us.

Ms. Briggs welcomes you to Houston.

You'll meet her later tonight at a charity gala.

A charity gala?

We're not exactly dressed for it.

That's not a problem.

Ms. Briggs has already taken care of that.

Ms. Lundegren, you're a size two.



Whew, Annie Briggs doesn't mess around, does she?

[Cellphone ringing]

Just one minute.

[Cellphone beeps]

Hey, baby, what's going on? I was about to call you.


I've gone to voicemail like 50 times.

No, I know. I'm sorry, honey.

I've been in and out of cell range all day, okay?

Uh, how's your first day back with Hap?

Are you showing him that, uh, Billy LeFever spirit?

[Chuckles] I sure am.

No, it's good. Hap's good.

He's just, uh, had me run errands all day, keeping me busy, you know?

Are you okay?

Uh, yeah.


You remember what you said about the guy who att*cked me, how you said you were gonna let the police handle it?

I promise you. That guy is long gone.

You need to stop worrying about him, all right?

Just one minute.

Sorry, I'll be right there.

[Sighs] Cody, did you hear me?

Yeah. Uh...

Look, never mind.

We'll, uh, talk about it when you get home.

Go make Hap another billion, okay?

I will do.

I love you, baby. I'll talk to you then. Bye.

Well, I'm off to check on the rig.

I was afraid this would happen.

Afraid what would happen?

Hap would give Lacey the real work and you the grunt work.

Anyone can go loiter around the rigs and collect papers.

He's the way he's always been.

And I love my sister, so...

Well, he's never gonna change unless you stand up for yourself, Wick.

Tell him you're ready to handle some real responsibility.

He wants to be a better father, then let him prove it.

He has a lunch meeting at the Tack Room now.

Go remind him you're his son.

I don't know what you're talking about, Ada.

You must think I'm stupid...

Come on now.

Or blind.

That you can just play me for a fool.

I'm serious, Kess.

I don't want to talk about this.

Don't walk away from me.

Hey, is everything okay?

I found this in Kess' car.


Indian casino?

People come here to start over.

We are no different.

We had to leave Nigeria because of Kess' gambling.


You never told me.

It's not something you just... Say.

I walked away from my mother, my sisters, my old friends.

Every day I miss them, and for what?

So he can ruin things here, too?

It's just a matchbook, Ada.

You don't know anything for sure.

I asked him if he was gambling again.

He denied it.

But let's be honest, Cody.

We know what our husbands are capable of.



What was so urgent?

I broke things off with Wick today.

And, uh, well, I thought that you should know.


Because I couldn't be with a man that lied to me.

What did Wick lie to you about?


It doesn't matter.

[Indistinct conversations]

♪ I don't want to to feel like this ♪
♪ I don't wanna let them know ♪

I'm just... Glad that you're here.

♪ I will always be alone ♪
♪ I will always be alone ♪
♪ tell me if I hold on to my faith ♪
♪ that's when the miracle awaits ♪
♪ got one foot in the door ♪
♪ or one foot in the grave ♪
♪ misery ♪
♪ always taunting me ♪
♪ won't let me be ♪
♪ dragging me down ♪
♪ I can't pay the price ♪

Jules: [Giggles]

♪ Lay down and die ♪
♪ lay down and die ♪
♪ lay down and die ♪
♪ And I'm out all night ♪
♪ shake, shake it, you got that right ♪
♪ I'm so bad ♪
♪ you know I won't be leaving here alone ♪

♪ I'll flirt with all your friends ♪
Do you have any idea how much this dress costs?

I could pay off my student loans with it.


What? I look ridiculous, right?

No, you look like a billion-dollar heiress...

Or the bachelorette.


You don't look too bad yourself, LeFever.

Thank you.

I guess it's show time.

You ready?

Let's do this.

♪ Ooh, watch out ♪
♪ ooh, watch out ♪

You were right.

So, the feds went straight for Wick, huh?

How'd my boy do?

He told them to shove it up their federal asses.

[Chuckles] That's my boy.

Wick and I have had our issues in the past, but when the chips are down, he's still a Briggs.

Appreciate your tip.


Uh, listen.

Not that I don't trust Wick.

I will keep an eye on him.

And if the feds make another run at him...

Hap, you will be my first call.

Emma: Someone should've warned Annie we're not easily impressed.

I mean, look at this place.

We're a long way from Rock Springs.

The understatement of the century.

Welcome to Houston... Oil capital of the world.

Ms. Briggs, nice to meet you. Billy LeFever.

You really didn't have to go to all this trouble for us.

I mean... think of it as my way of showing how much I respect your ambition.

Clifton claims you're one to watch, Billy.

A tenacious young wildcatter.


And you must be...

Emma Lundegren.

My grandfather's told us so much about you.

Oh, I can only imagine how that conversation went.

I've always appreciated Clifton's honesty.

It's proven invaluable more than once.

Which is why I was willing to review your proposal.

Shall we?


These are the spec sheets.

I like a man who gets to the point quickly.

So, the property we're looking to buy is a solid investment, even if it came up dry, which trust me, it isn't...

'cause if Hap's nearby, chances are he knows something the rest of us don't.

He's gonna hate having to share it with us, that's for sure.

Sharing's not in Hap's vocabulary unless it involves other men's wives.


It's a smart play.

Really smart play.

I hate that I have to pass.


Ms. Briggs, we haven't even given you the pitch yet.

Just let us... I was tempted by your offer.

But I've spent enough of my life playing w*r games with Hap Briggs.

But you brought us all this way.

Because unlike my ex-husband, I'm not afraid to look someone in the eye when I deliver bad news.

I'd like it if you'd stay for the gala.

It's in my honor.

I find disappointment washes down easier with champagne.



[Engine turns over]



What the hell do you think you're doing?

What do you mean?

Selling our famous chicken.

Don't lie to me.

I saw you, Kess, dealing dr*gs right off the truck.

So help me, if you open your mouth to lie to me...

[Scoffs] It was my only option.

Kess... to save my business, my marriage.


I know you.

You're a good man, a family man.

You're not a drug dealer.

I don't want to... No.

Don't you see what happens?

People come up here chasing dreams and then this place turns them into someone else until one day you barely recognize them anymore.

I don't want that to happen to you.


Tonight I think you need to sit Ada down and tell her that you've got a great idea.

And what is that?

That you're ready to leave Rock Springs and go home.

[Inhales deeply]

You think Hap taught Annie how to screw people over?

Or was it the other way around?

Hard to say.

It's very chicken and egg.

See, the thing I don't get is why?

Why send a plane, you know, and a tailored tux, and whatever it is you're wearing...

A $10,000 dress.

If you have no intention of saying yes?

I mean, normal people don't do stuff like that.

Mm. She's not normal.

She married Hap Briggs.

On purpose.

[Chuckles] Look.

Either one of two things happened today.

Either Annie Briggs has a Scrooge McDuck pile of money and nothing better to do than prank a couple of strangers, or...

She was gonna say "yes," and then changed her mind while we were somewhere over the Great Plains.

Emma, you're brilliant.

And I think I know exactly why she changed it.

I'll be right back.

Woman: Oh, what a glorious age, right?

Is there something I can help you with, Billy?

Look, I know you didn't fly us all the way down here just to say no.

I don't think this is the time...

You changed your mind about going into business with us, so I have to ask you.

Did Hap scare you away?

Watch yourself, Billy.

The last time a man talked to me like that...

He used your trust fund as seed money?

Traded on your family's name until he b*rned every bridge he crossed and left you to sweep up the ashes.


You're out of your depth, Billy.

Clifton told me what happened between you and Hap.

It was a genuine love story. It really was.

You started a family, a business.

You know, the real American dream till one day without any explanation, it was over...

For him.

I mean, he broke your heart.

And to add insult to injury, he took your stake in Briggs Oil with him.


So tell me, what happened?

Did you get cold feet?

Or you just can't live with the thought of losing to Hap Briggs all over again?

I learned to take the high road a long time ago.

Maybe you should do the same.

Maybe you're still in love with him and that's why you changed your mind, why you won't go up against him, and that's why you kept his last name after all these years.

You should've just enjoyed the party.

[Beeps] Carla: Long day?


They're all gonna be long days until we get Uncle Sam off our backs.

It's late.

Did the lawyers keep you, or just...

No. I stopped by McCutching, and then I, uh, covered our bases with the sheriff.

That's it?

You didn't stop anywhere else?

What the hell, Carla?

Since when do you need a play-by-play?

I'm sorry.

Wick was looking for you earlier, and I just wondered if he had found you.


I haven't seen him since I sent him out to the rigs this morning.

Sorry. I didn't mean to snap.

This is getting to me a little more than I'm letting on.

Want to join me for a drink by the river?

I'm right behind you.

[Cellphone beeps, ringing]

Hey, Carla, what's up?

I take it you didn't see your father today.

You know what?

After we talked this morning, I got to thinking.

I was being extremely rash earlier.

I'm never gonna earn dad's respect by acting like a hothead.

So I decided to drive to Williston, like he told me to.

And you know what?

From now on, I'm gonna deal with dad in a more mature way, the way he would deal with me.

You think that's smart, Wick?

Trust me, Carla.

This is the best way to deal with my father.

[Cellphone beeps]

Why are we meeting here?

There seems to be a leak in the sheriff's office.

Don't worry. You're safe.

Okay, so...

This case you're building against my father, it's...

It's airtight, right?


Given his age, your father's more than likely gonna spend the rest of his life in prison.


I'm in.

What do you need me to do?

We're going back home - to Nigeria.

Kess wants to leave tonight.


I can't believe it.

I already told my family.

They are so excited.

I can barely believe it myself.

Huh. Well, I'm gonna miss you guys.

I will miss you more.

And we are going to pay back the money you loaned us for the food truck as soon as we get back on our feet.

And don't try and fight us on this.


We owe you and Billy.

Where is Billy? We want to say goodbye.

Oh, long day at his new job.


Then tell him he has a very smart wife.

[Laughs] Perhaps it's time he found his way back home, eh?

I will tell him just that.

Thank you.

Lacey: Here's a guy.

He's only worked for my dad for a year, and he has a prior record.


Shoplifting is a gateway crime.

The guy took a Snapple and a pack of cigarettes.

Look, I know I'm reaching, but sometimes the people we least expect are the ones that betray us.


So... Yeah.

So, this guy has a record and definitely a lot of inside access.


Check it out.

Hey, your father said we have to consider everybody.

Look, my brother may have his flaws, but he would never turn against his family.

All I'm saying is Wick's got skeletons.

And for all we know, the feds could have strong-armed him...

Yeah, said the guy who was strong-armed by the Saudis.

Oh, all right, yeah, that's it.


Yeah, I lied to you about who I was, yes.

Yeah. All right, yeah.

But I'm trying to help your family, here.

All right, I'm tired of your rich-bitch attitude.

And you know what?

Next time you have something snarky to say, save it for your Twitter feed.


That was kind of hot.

Thanks for today.

I know it didn't quite work out, but it made my grandpa happy to see you try.

Yeah, well, what can you do, you know?

So, what's next for you?

There's a research position opening up at Ohio State.

That's where I was headed before I got sidetracked by all this.

Oh, I see. What about you?

I'm guessing you're gonna take that job with Hap?

Oh, yeah, you know, for once in my life, I'm gonna, uh, stop chasing the dream and do the responsible thing.

Well, take the job if you have to.

Whatever you do, don't let Hap Briggs k*ll the dreamer in you.

It's what sets you apart.

Yeah, well, I'll do my best.

[Horn honking]

Billy: Hey, babe. [Chuckles]

What are you doing up?

You okay?

Um, I went to the hospital today to thank the nurses.

Oh, well, that was nice of you.

I wanted to talk to you all day.

[Sighs] I know, babe. I know.

I'm sorry. I wanted to talk to you, too.

I just was in one of those no-cell zones.

And I just, you know, one of those things.

They found the man that att*cked me.

He's in the hospital. He's on life support.

They don't know if he's gonna make it.


What happened?

The sheriff doesn't know.

Some joggers found him at the base of a cliff.


Did you do something to him?

Did I do something?

Of course I didn't do anything to him, Cody.

I told you that.

I know what you said.

That's not... That's not what I'm asking.

Wait, are you asking me?

Because it sounds a whole lot more like you're accusing me of something.

Okay, baby, I'm telling you.

I had nothing to do with that.



Because even after what he did to me, I... Just wouldn't want to inflict that kind of suffering on anyone, you know?

Yeah. Me neither.


I'm gonna go to bed.

Want to come?

Yeah, I'll be there in a minute.

Hey, Wick, it's me.


We've got a major problem.


So, uh, what did you find out?

They don't expect Gary to live.


Or to ever wake up.

[Scoffs] Are you sure? How do you know?

I have a friend who's a nurse down at the hospital.

We don't have to worry about it.

Oh, my God.

[Sighs] Man.

I mean, that's great.


Well... You know, look, there was something else I was gonna talk to you about.

When Cody was in the ICU, your dad offered me a job.

I'm gonna take it.

Yeah, look, honestly...

I don't know if now is such a good time to go work for Briggs Oil.

Well, why not?

Just trust me, all right?

Think twice before you take that job.


[Cellphone rings]

[Clears throat] Hello?

Woman: Please hold for Annie Briggs.

I told you I didn't want you here.

It's okay. This will only take a minute.

When I left this morning...

I was so afraid of losing you...

Until I realized I never really had you in the first place.

What are you talking about, Wick?

How long have you been screwing my father?


How long have you been screwing my father?

All right, listen, Wick, you're mixed up, okay?

You don't know what you're saying.

Don't lie to me, Jules!

I saw you two kissing right here.

I can explain.

Can you?


Go ahead. I want to hear it.

Look, the thing with...

The thing with me and Hap, it's... it's, uh...

I knew him long before I met you, so...

Oh, okay. All right, great.

So what does that make me, then, hmm?

A consolation prize?

No, Wick, of course not. I care about you.

But you love him.

And he...

He loves you, too?

Is that it?



You know how many of you there have been?

Do you?


Oil execs, waitresses, my friends' moms.


You know the redhead who manages the Edson out on Route 29?

They've been going at it for years.

Stop it.

What did he do? Did he buy you a necklace?


No, no.

No, only the special ones get earrings.

Don't you get it?

He was screwing you to get to me.

So congrats, Jules.

Now you know what happens when you love Hap Briggs.

You get played.

[Door opens]

[Door closes]

Thanks for seeing me on such short notice.

Well, of course.

I'm hoping you're here to accept the job offer.

And it's for that offer and for what you did for my wife that I'll always be grateful. I will.


But I can't accept a job.

You see, it just simply comes down to this.

I can't put my future and the future of my family in the hands of a man I...

Well, I just can't trust.


Well, you could have told me that over the phone.

I could have.

Yeah, but someone told me recently that bad news was best delivered in person.

I think you might know her...

She's my new business partner.

Hap Briggs.

Look at you.

Every bit as handsome as the day you walked out on me.

Well, hello, Annie.

I see you still know how to make an entrance.

Pity what you did to the house, by the way.

I hear your latest wife was a model.

Clearly she isn't a decorator.


So, you're backing Billy?

Not so much backing Billy, as I am coming after you.

Bucky Carmichael's land is mine...

Mine and Billy's.

Paid twice market for it.

But that's what it took to b*at out an aggressive, anonymous bidder.

Guess that makes us neighbors.


I taught you well, Annie.

And here I thought I was the one who taught you.


Come on, Billy. We have a lot of work to do.




Um, Billy.

You know, we've all heard all the stories, you know, about David and Goliath and how the upstart takes down the king.

Do you know why we like those stories?

Because they're fairy tales.

[Laughs] [Laughs]

So, good luck to you.

'Cause if you're coming after me, son, you're gonna need it.

Well, may the best man win.

Oh, I will.


Annie Briggs.

Well, at least it won't be dull.

Woman: Paging Dr. Donaldson. 10 South, room 12. Paging Dr. Donaldson. 10 South, room 12.

[Monitor beeping]
