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03x06 - This Red Lady from Caribee

Posted: 11/06/15 03:50
by bunniefuu
Previously on Sleepy Hollow...

Tell me what you tried to smuggle past customs.

An artifact.

I believe it holds the key to our future as Witnesses.


Well, hello.

Miss Corinth.

What a splendid surprise.

Abbie: Call her.

She's a good one.

I would be honored to escort you to supper.

Jenny: Meet the man who's after the Shard of Anubis, Mr. Atticus Nevins.

I know this guy, Jenny. He was a friend of my dad's. Here, look.

Jenny: Your dad sent me on how many missions, buying and selling strange artifacts?

And his old w*r buddy happens to be the kingpin of that entire black market?

The man I'm working to take down, his name is Atticus Nevins.

It looks like you already are a part of it.

What the hell is going on here?

One more bud to blossom, and then you'll sing.

Love is what the victors bring.

(cutlery clanging)



Zoe: Wow.

He is fast with that blade.


The technique makes for excellent theater, but in actual combat, he would be bested by the most rudimentary rapier skills. Oh, uh, speaking of skills, what secret skills do you possess?

(diners gasping in awe, laughing)

Sorry. What?

Uh... what was your favorite childhood toy?

If your house was on fire, what's the first thing you'd grab?

"20 Questions to Ask on a First Date"?

I see we both walk the same Internet paths.

My apologies.

None needed.

We were both nervous about tonight.

In a good way.

The truth is it has been some time since...

Things are so very different now.

You two lovebirds on a date?

No. Well, well... yes.


I've been accosted by a highwayman.

You belong at Tyburn, you rogue!



Got a sec?

Absolutely. Nice tie.


I got a thing tonight.

Don't eyebrow me.

It's a work thing.

I like it anyway.

You're wondering if I spoke to my sister about the Nevins investigation.

I said I would take care of it.

I don't doubt that you will. But you mentioned a family matter, and sometimes the personal may jam up the professional.

Danny, I get it.

Nevins is a criminal, and you're gonna use him to bag even bigger bad guys. Nothing gets in the way of that.

Good. 'Cause the ducks I had to line up on this one...

Homeland Security, NSA...

I had to pull 31 flavors of favors on this.

Asset's in motion.

This is the one that puts you on the map.

Hell, I land this, I own the map.

I sit down with Jenny and Joe tonight.

So do not worry.

Good luck with your thing.

It's all so close.

I can feel it.

The last flower.

A flavor of fear, both sweet and bitter.

For this, I require a most skilled emissary.

(speaking in foreign language)

There is a red lady from Caribee whose sting brings the nightmare, insanity.


One kiss and you'll flee most all you can see.

This comely red lady from Caribee.

Welcome, my lady.

Bring me the final bloom I need.

The fear of fear itself.

(quietly sniffs, sighs)


Easy there, little fella.




Ow! Son of a... mm!

Go away! Get out of here!


(distant buzzing)



No, no, no!


Abbie: You drew a lucky straw on this one, Crane.

How so?

Judge Chrysdale is a history buff.

Loves anything to do with the Revolution, Civil w*r, so on. You quote a little Jefferson, uh, offer your apologies, the whole immigration snafu goes away.

Fine. But the charges made against me remain a farce, Lieutenant.

Flagged as a risk to national security.

For transporting my own property.

You smuggled ancient artifacts into the country and got caught.

This guy is-is-is very straightforward.

You just play the hits and be charming, we'll get out of here by lunch, at which time you can tell me all about your... date with Zoe last night.

There's nothing to tell except it was an unmitigated disaster.


What of your Agent Reynolds?

We're fine. And he's not mine.

He must be aware that you had no way of knowing that Miss Jenny and Master Joe's query into Sheriff Corbin's past would intersect with a federal investigation.

Yeah, that's on me. Danny and I are friends, but professional courtesy has limits. I respect that.

And what if you were more than friends?

Well, that would be complicated.

But that's all that we are, so it's not.

He's crazy. He's-he's lost his mind.

Isn't that your lawyer, Crane?


(murmuring, indistinct conversations)

Chrysdale: When I say "order," I mean order!

This is my courtroom. No one leaves!

Brenda, next case.

Your Honor, perhaps a short recess before you hear opening arguments?

Don't tell me how to run my courtroom!


There's a criminal element here, and it needs to be torn out by the root.

Sir, are you feeling okay?

Are you challenging my authority?

I am on the side of right!

This man is clearly mad.

There's something very wrong with him.

We need to get everyone out of here.

Woman: Judge, you need a doctor.

Chrysdale: Bailiff, this woman is threatening...

Leave now. the sanctity of this bench.

Crane: Very quickly.

Draw your w*apon and eliminate her.



I said sh**t her!

My name is Ichabod Crane for the defense.

Whilst I hold your office in the highest esteem, I fear, in your current condition, you may not be able to uphold the law.

This isn't the law.

The whole system is filled with liars, people trying to...

(buzzing) manipulate the law, to manipulate me, undermining my authority, trying to make me weak. You can't trust anyone.

(moans, gasps)

Judge Chrysdale?!

Crane: What happened to this man?

Whatever it is, it k*lled him.

After driving him mad.

The woman.

Which woman?

Whatever she was, I fear the foul creature is far from done.

Damn, I thought I cleared that location for cameras.

You're good. So is Reynolds.

So he's coming down hard on Nevins?

I can't tell you the details.

But yes and soon.

So... it's over. Okay?

Doesn't sound like you're giving me a choice.

Look, I want to know what the connection was between Corbin and Nevins as bad as you do.

Nevins is dangerous. Corbin was our mentor.

And Joe's father.

He is not gonna be happy about this.

I'll talk to him.

No, I'll do it.

We started this whole thing together, I think it's... best if we finish it the same way.

It's good that you tried to help.

Tell me how it goes.

♪ I see a lot of love in your heart... ♪

Crane: I found this insect near the judge's bench. At first I thought the swarm we witnessed was made of bees, but the distinct coloration and long antenna mark this as a Jack Spaniard, a genus of wasp exclusive to the Caribbean.

Has a hell of a sting.

Preliminary coroner's report says that Judge Chrysdale died of an extreme brain aneurysm.

The swarm is deadly...

Mm-hmm. and I believe, harbinger of a great evil.

The thing that you saw in the courtroom... you said that it took on a... almost human shape.

Yes. My research marks it as a demonic creature of Trinidadian origin, known as a Soucouyant.

One sting from a Jack Spaniard in her swarm sparks a fever, bringing with it paranoia that grows in ferocity until death overcomes.

The judge was ranting about a loss of order.

A man you said was fair and even-keeled.

There is a passage in Grace Dixon's journal referencing a fit of paranoia suffered by your pal Washington.

General Washington? Paranoid. No.


Yes. December 1776, the Colonial troops were camped out in Pennsylvania after a harsh winter.

Ah. "I was summoned by a woman of exceeding bravery and fortitude. A former seamstress who became Washington's most trusted wartime operative."

Betsy Ross.

Your ancestor and my trusted companion knew one another?

No name's given, but it does sound like her.

Well, read on, Lieutenant.


Abbie: "I entered the camp to find it gripped by a pall of fear and paranoia."

Miss Dixon?

Your reputation precedes you.

As does yours.

I hope I'm not too late.

You placed these to ward off the evil that threatens this camp?

A folk remedy to keep insects at bay.

Tea tree oil, cucumber peel, cinnamon...

...vanilla and citronella.

Yes, I, uh, know it well.

Sadly, it was too little, too late.


Please tell me you can help him.

Oh, the sting of a Soucouyant is fatal within ten hours of being stung.

But I've learned of a bit of Trinidadian Obeah.

Herbs that will slow the effect of the sting. I brewed up a tonic. (sighs)


Don't touch me.

General Washington, Miss Dixon is here to tend to your discomfort.

I'd sooner let her slit my throat.

If you have any sanity left, General, I entreat you to take this medicine.

General Howe must have brought this evil upon us.

The tonic will slow the fever.


The only cure is the death of the creature that infected him.

Betsy: You've done your part.

It's time I did mine.

Crane: Betsy must have found a way to dispose of the Soucouyant.

But how? And what of this tonic Miss Dixon used to buy the general more time?

There's nothing else in the passage except this.

"When comes the beauty from Caribee, she spends her time in Port of Spain, watching foul flies roost in the spice tree under which Sir Chadwick prays on bended knee."

What the hell does that mean?

Uh... a Caribbean nursery rhyme? Or a riddle.

(phone ringing)

Or... perhaps a cipher hidden within.

Agent Mills here.

Reynolds: Abs, we got a second suspicious death.

Head of the PTA k*lled inside her kitchen.

I need you over here right away.

On my way.

It seems the creature struck again.

Figure out what this means. I'm gonna go check this out.

Reynolds: Whatever happened to this woman is too damn similar to that judge.

You think it's some kind of toxin or virus?

That's for the lab coats.

I have a call into CDC. Until then, we monitor the situation.

And the fire?

A book burning.

She showed up to the library a few hours ago and checked out a stack.

Orwell, Salinger, Vonnegut.

Neighbors heard her ranting about the board of education's conspiracy to corrupt young minds.

Full-scale paranoid episode.

Stay with me on this, Mills. Another one pops up, it's gonna turn into a circus around here real quick.

No way I'm losing control of this.

(phone ringing)

I assume this call does not bode well.

Another victim... housewife, mid-30s, chairwoman of the PTA.

Don't acronym, Lieutenant.

"Parent Teacher Association."

Hold on.

There's a pattern here.

She's an authority figure.

Person in a position of power.

As were the other victims.

A judge, General Washington...

So it stands to reason, if the Soucouyant is the queen of her swarm, that she would attack other leaders.

People in the driver's seat.

And look at me, profiling a bug. I got to go.

On me, Agent Mills. Who were you on the phone with?

My roommate.

I need you focused on this case, Agent.

Instead of letting your personal life hamper another investigation.


(engine starts)

(tires squealing)

(horn honking)

(tires squealing)

Is everything all right?

You tell me.

(tires squealing)

(horn honking)

Whoa! Where are we going?

I want some answers.

I'm not sure I understand.

We have a dead judge, dead housewife, and a cause of death that doesn't make any sense.

Cut the crap for once.

Why don't you tell me what's really going on?

What's your game with my Nevins case?

I spoke to Jenny already.

You sent her in there, didn't you?

No. I told you, her thing didn't start anywhere near your investigation.

You said a lot, but none of it adds up.

How did Granger really die?

Why are you using your sister to blow a hole in the biggest case of my career?

And who is that damn Crane guy?

He's no historical consultant.

Look, I know you like to win, Abbie, but going behind my back, undermining my authority?


You want to take it all away, is that it?

You want it all for yourself?



Danny, please listen to me.

To what?

More lies, more double-talk?

You've been stung by something.

I've seen it in the other victims.

It's impairing your judgment.



Okay, fine.

Who are you calling? You trying to play me?


You think I'll go down without a fight?

Damn it, Mills, get off of me!

I am sorry, Danny.

Gonna get you some help.


I promise.


Well, I gave him a sedative.

Should knock him out for a bit.

What happened to him anyway?

He was stung by a Trinidadian paranoia monster.

Welcome to Sleepy Hollow.


Crane: Lieutenant, the entry in Grace Dixon's journal...

'tis not a riddle nor a nursery rhyme.

'Tis a ditty devised to have a double meaning.

It's the Trini way.

I was down there once for Carnival.

It's all about the double entendre.

Listen: "When comes the beauty from Caribee, she spends her time in Port of Spain."

Not time as measured by a clock.

The herb Spanish thyme. Next.

"Watching foul flies roost in the spice tree."

Not a foul scent, but a spice.

Bird pepper.

A list of ingredients.

For the tonic Miss Dixon used to treat Washington. And finally:

"Under which Sir Chadwick prays on bended knee."

Chadon Beni... a medicinal herb that only grows in Trinidad, but I know someone who may have a supply.

You stay here with Reynolds.

Joe and I will be back as soon as we can.


Thank you.
(reggae music playing low)

(rings bell)

♪ Wandering drummer messenger ♪
♪ Om-pom, pom-pom-pom... ♪

So I guess we put Abbie in a tight spot with the Nevins thing.

She'll be all right.

I know.

Just, we were so close to finally getting some answers.

I'm sorry, Joe.

I wish there was another way.

Hey, no. I mean, you went down that road as far as you could.

Hope you know how much I appreciate it.

So, what is this guy, some kind of Caribbean witch doctor, or...?

Man: Call me that again, and it's me and you.

Jenny Mills. Long time.

Long enough for you to get a man.

Oh, no, he's not my...

No, no, no, we're not...



Irish moss.

This'll give you stamina for those long, long nights, huh?


Uh, we need something off the red list, Azzaca.

Chadon Beni.

That is a tough one on short notice.

I have to call a fella who could call a fella who has a boat, but...

No time to haggle. Quarter pound.

Friends-and-family rate.

We're on the clock.

An Obeah man is only capable of so much, Jennifer Mills.

I cannot bend time and space.

And if we pay cash?

Oh, you mean to say that Chadon Beni?

I have a pinch for emergencies.

Oh. Yeah.

I like this one.

Keep him.

(both chuckle)

(song continues, low and indistinct)


(deep, demonic voice): A shadow older than time falls over your soul.

You shall be claimed.

Hey, let her go. Come on. Come on, get off her, man!


Azzaca, what the hell?

Watch yourself, sis.

Your fate has changed.

Protect her.

Mills, where am I?

Somewhere safe.

(handcuffs rattling, clacking)

You can't do this to me.

You need to stay still.

There's something in your system, and the more that you struggle, the faster it'll k*ll you.

(panting softly)

You'd like that, wouldn't you?


We have people working on medicine.

You just need to hang in there.

The roommate?

You trusted me before.

Remember? Right? Hold on to that, Danny.

(wry chuckle)

You just can't see what you do to people.

All I can do is try to do my best, be a friend, and do right by you, Danny.

The Outer Banks.

That little shack on the beach.

It wasn't much... the fan barely moved the air... but that time... that you're so hell-bent on putting in the rearview... that's when I found you.

That's when I knew.

And you left that place, but I'm still there.

(knocking on door)

Oh, one who remains hidden... whose destiny is to reign over all... light a pathway to your glory.

The hour of reckoning draws near.

An occasion worth celebrating.


(buzzing) do you fare?


Do you like my dress?


When a new day dawns over all that is, a girl has to look her best.

(rock song playing, low and indistinct)


♪ ...everything she desires... ♪

It's me.

We need to finish this.

The tonic we dosed him with may keep Danny alive a little longer, but we need to get ahead of this thing.

Who knows how many others have been stung by now?

Grace Dixon's journal said that Betsy Ross armed up to go after it.

Yes. The tonic is merely a stopgap measure.

As long as the Soucouyant lives, it shall have a grip on his soul and... the fever will overcome him.

Fine. How do we k*ll a swarm?

According to the lore of the creature, the Soucouyant can be destroyed if you... follow her home and burn down her house.

Folklore... usually has a basis in reality.

What if the answer here isn't magical in nature but in the... behavior of the insects themselves?

You want to k*ll bees?

Wasps? Destroy the hive.

They never stray far from the hive.

Three victims.

Judge... dedicated to his job... let's say he was stung in his chambers. Here.

PTA woman in her house.

Reynolds in his.

We triangulate.

Ah, hold the phone.

Ah. (chuckles)

Wait, wait.

The symbol on the back of the tablet.

I always thought it was decorative.


A tree with six blossoms.

This is the sixth creature that Pandora has sent.

Whatever it is she's planning, I fear she may be close to achieving her goal.

What if the Soucouyant's hive and Pandora are in the same place?

Crane: Then we've found our enemy's lair.

You sure you're not hungry?

The chef here makes a mean Cajun catfish.

Yeah. I've tried it.

My dad used to bring me here when I was a kid, remember?

Where is your friend?

Mills isn't a part of this.


(chuckles) Look at us.

So what are these?

Bank accounts? Transit numbers?

That's Liechtenstein and that's Geneva.

It was your father's idea. I wanted to hide the cash in Bolivia, like a...

Butch and Sundance thing.

Back then your father was much smarter than me with money.

Congrats on your inheritance.

I mean, even though... you had to get it by selling out your friends.

(g*n cocks)

Boy, you look like your father, when we were shavetails down at Parris Island.

This is where you give me what I want, son.

That was the arrangement.

What, you think I'm the villain here?

No, no, no, it doesn't work like that.

In this game, son, the debts collect you.

Your father learned that the hard way.

Well, I'm not my father.


Ever asked yourself why you need to know?

Why we're playing ring-around-the-rosy over this little hunk of stone?

You're exactly like him.

You're drawn to the darkness, and you can't look away.

That... that badge of your father's, that, uh...

Mayberry sheriff vibe... that was not August Corbin.

No, he knew the truth.

There is no good... no evil... just...


(eerie whooshing)


All right, let's go for a ride.

Hey. Hey!


Call off your dogs.


The Shard.

You're making a big mistake.

That's my specialty.

Jacket pocket.


He said the numbers were for Swiss bank accounts.

If there's money... my dad's money.

You believe him?

I don't know.

Well, we got more than we could've hoped for.




(engine revs)

These ruins are ancient.

The architecture... unlike anything I've ever seen.


I hate it when you're right.

All right.

Okay... hey...

Buy some time.





Innocence lost.


And the last little one...

Crane: Fear itself.

The tree, the flowers, the creatures you summoned, they all serve a single purpose, do they not?

You're cultivating forms of terror.

Very specific ones.

And I should thank you and your lady friend for cleaning up behind me.

Calling beasts out of the box was quite easy.

You did all the hard work.

It ends now.

As all good things must.


I know what it feels like, to be in the presence of someone much greater than myself.

I've seen this tree before.

I have an ancient tablet.

I'd like to give you a history lesson.

Not another step. If I didn't already have all the fear I need, I'd make this last a little longer...


No time to play.

Abbie: Crane?

(Crane grunts)

Gone for now. Could be back any moment.

Bigger problems.

Whatever Pandora has planned, I fear it is coming to fruition as we speak.

(deep rumbling)

The hive.

Middle of the lair, above the pool.

We start with that, then the bitch with the box. You got 'em?


Greek fire, eh?

No. We used all that burning General Howe.

That's prussic acid.

Very unstable.

Right now, so am I.

Be wary.






(groans loudly)




Bear witness.



(Reynolds groans quietly)

Woman (over P.A.): Dr. Harris to O.R., please. Dr. Harris to O.R., please.


How are you feeling?

Last thing I remember was the crime scene.


Well, that was hours ago.

Some kind of messed-up bug bite took you down.

You had a major allergic reaction.

Somehow we got you to the hospital in time, pumped you full of antihistamines, and you've been out cold since.

I was pretty out of it, huh?


Talking nonsense?

No more than usual.

(both laugh)

That bad, huh?


You'd tell me, right?

Nothing I didn't already know.


Rest up.

We need you back running the show.


I get the impression I'm still kickin' 'cause of you.

I try.

Always will.

Miss Corinth.




Uh... (chuckles)

Thank you.

Well... thank you.

They're beautiful.


Uh, so... what's the plan?

Oh, there isn't one.

No plan, no agenda.

No Internet in days.

I like it.

Despite my fears that you may find my predilections somewhat old-fashioned, the truth is I rather enjoy a constitutional.

No destination in mind.

Simply... a wander.

So no rezzy at Le Cirque?

No hot stone massage for two? 3-D IMAX?

Hot air balloon to a wine tasting?


A walk.

Mr. Ichabod Crane... are you inviting me to join you on a turn of this lovely meadow?

Usually I make the circuit alone with my thoughts, but... times are changing.

And so must I.

This is the official first date.

Mm, technically our second.

Just go with it.

Abbie: From the blank look on your face, I take it your date went well.

(clears throat) I cannot recall which great, great Colonial thinker coined the phrase "'Twas a tiny patch of paradise."

Oh, no, wait, it was me.

A wise woman once said, "Don't get ahead of yourself."

Oh, wait.

That was every woman.

Point taken.

How does Agent Reynolds fare?

He'll make a full recovery, and... thankfully, he doesn't remember anything, which is a blessing on so many levels.


I'm trying to figure out where Pandora may have gone.

That passage under the tree, the stairwell leading down...

Trees are often associated with the entrance to the underworld.

Yggdrasil, the Norse realm of Hel.

The levels of Dante's Inferno can be interpreted as a stairwell of sorts.

Yeah, that sounds like good news.

You're thinking that everything up until now has been a warm-up act.

I'd stake my life on it.

The tree, the types of fear she raised... she's preparing something.

I fear her return is inevitable.

The only question is... what insidious plan does she have for her return?

Whatever it is, she messed with our town, our friends, and the people that we care about.

If she wants a rematch, I say bring it on.

Oh, Lieutenant, that is a quote we can live by.

(thunder rumbling)

(grunting quietly)


(overlapping, indistinct voices)

(gasping, panting)