04x04 - Your Day Is Coming

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago Fire". Aired: October 2012 to present.*
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Chicago Fire follows the lives of the firefighters and paramedics working for the Chicago Fire Department at the firehouse of Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61 and Battalion 25.
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04x04 - Your Day Is Coming

Post by bunniefuu »

I started looking into the crack house fire.

The building owner is Roger Maddox.

If he's not setting the fires himself, that's a hell of a coincidence.

This is slander with no basis, pure and simple.

Is that?

Jamie Killian.

[dramatic music]

They were going to fire me.

We're gonna need to reexamine all the other old files.

They're gone.



Something's wrong.


Come on. Come on!

Gabi? Baby?

First trimester pregnancy, collapsed on scene.

We're having trouble keeping her sats up.

Call OB.

Warm blood, level one transfuser.

Call the OR.

She just...

Yeah, she grabbed her stomach and then she folded and then she passed out.

She just passed out?


[monitor beeping]

Sats are coming up.

Belly's full of fluid.

Matt? Matt?


Hey. Hey.

I'm right here.

Gabi, I'm not seeing an IUP.


Damn. It's abdominal.

What does that mean?

The fetus is implanted outside of her uterus, somewhere in her abdomen.


I won't know where until I go in.

The placenta leeches off the blood supply of whatever it attaches to and when it tears, so does that site.

We need to stop the bleeding.

You can save the baby.

OB's in route.

She'll be in the OR with me.


I'm not even worried.

We'll do great.

[crying] We didn't even get to find out if it's a boy or a girl.

Baby, hey, hey. You're the strongest person I know.

You're gonna be fine, both of you.



I love you.

I love you too.

It's time.

Let's get her into the OR.

Will... do everything you can for the baby but if it comes down to a choice, you save my girl.

Matt, truth time.

When I'm in there, she's the only one I'm trying to save.

How is she?

Dr. Halstead and the obstetrician are working to stop the bleeding.

It'll be a few hours before we get any news.

You're acting truck lieutenant this shift.

You got it, Chief.

I gotta stop by OFI.

Riddle'll come down on you in a second if we don't have those files.

Let's not worry about me right now.

Chief, Dawson went to the mat trying to nail Maddox for those arsons.

There's no way I'm gonna let her wake up and have those files still missing.

I'd like to come along.

See if I can help.

All right.

District says Antonio's undercover.

They can't reach him right now.

I'm gonna stay here with Casey.

Chief, you don't have to...


I'm just going to update the house with news.

Moment it comes in.

Hey, listen, she's gonna make it, okay?

They both will.


Holding at 110.




Hold this. Suction.


When you find the placenta, you're gonna wanna gently peel it away.


The placenta's implanted on the cava.

Two sponge sticks.


Gimme your hand. Here, push down.


[woman speaks low in background]

Hold that. There.

You move, she bleeds to death.

Got it?

Got it.

I don't get how files just walk outta here.

You see a lot of security?

Severide, what about that girl you been seeing?

The lawyer. She's already mixed up in this.

I don't see Jamie breaking and entering.

We'll have to rule her out.

I'll talk to Jamie.

If she knows anything, I'll get it out of her.

[sighs] Still in surgery.

Okay, here's how it's gonna be.

All right, first, we're gonna have a great shift.

All right?

Focused, top of our game, a 100% solid team.

Uh, Herrmann...

Second, when Dawson comes through this with flying colors, we're gonna throw a huge party for her at Molly's.


One second, please.

All right? Thank you, Otis.



Molly's just got closed.

Shut down.

We got a code violation.

I... I... I don't think... I don't think I just heard what you said.

Those Portland jackals. They... they must have reported us.

It says the building is too close to the curb.

The ordinance says we need 15 feet and we have 13.

We're shut down.

Mr. Severide.


Good morning.

Nice office.

Nice assistant.

Guess it all worked out for you, huh?

This is my job, Kelly.

Dawson's files on Maddox went missing.

Somebody broke into OFI and stole them.


If you want to accuse me of something, do it.

Are you asking if I stole those files?


Information fell into my lap. I handed it off to a client.

That is a hell of a lot different than stealing.

What about computer forensics?


We use them all the time.

Even after a files been deleted, a guy who knows what he's doing can usually find a trail.

So you're helping me now?

I just wanna show you that I don't have anything to hide.

Eventually, you will realize this was all just business.

And when you do... you have my number.


Gabi's in the ICU.

We controlled the bleeding and she's looking good.

But we still need to keep an eye on her.

And, um... the baby?

For all intents and purposes, there never was a baby.

I'm sorry, this just wasn't a viable pregnancy.

Now, when Gabi wakes up, do you...

I can... I can talk to her.

I'm around if you need me.

Thank you.



I'm so sorry.

Hey, need some help?

Do you ever just wanna hit something?

Everything is just so messed up.

Hey, Dawson's in good hands.

Yeah, I know. I know, it's just... there's nothing we can do about it except... wait and pray, I guess.

I don't know, I just feel like there should be something that we can do about Molly's.

Dawson shouldn't have to come out of this and deal with that.

I could call my cousin Anthony.

He's in construction.

If there's a way around a building code, he'll find it.

[alarm sounds]

All units call.

Downed power lines. Person trapped.

3300 West

[fire truck sirens blaring]

[electricity sparking]

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

My son, Kevin, he's in there all alone.

You gotta get him out.

Tell me what happened.

The bouncy house... The wind blew it up.

It hit the power lines and came back down.

Okay, okay. We're on it.

Alarm office, notify ComEd we need a shutdown, and gimme an ETA.

And then Gary went in to try to help, and all of a sudden, he just stopped.

Hey, sir, are you all right? What's going on?

I can feel my feet tingling.

All right, that ground's electrified.

Everything in there's hot, the whole yard.

Hey, get back. Back up away from the wire.

[electricity sizzles]

Hey, Kevin.


My name's Kelly.

We're gonna get you out of there in a few minutes.

I just need you to sit tight for a little bit, okay?


You're being really brave.

Power company ETA 15 minutes.

[electricity sizzles Oh!]

Another flash like that, the whole house is gonna collapse.

The power line's gonna come down on that kid.

You don't got 5 minutes, let alone 15.

[electricity sizzles]

Cruz, Capp, get the father out.

On it.

Hey, we need to build a bridge.

Everything I got on my truck is metal.

We need to rig something up.

Jimmy, Otis, listen, I need you guys to go house to house and find me a wooden ladder.

Bust in some garages if you have to.

Okay, let's go.

Mouch, get me a Stokes basket.

Hey, Tony, I need cribbing.

Got it.

Hey, sir, I'm gonna need you to start moving back slowly, okay?

Dragging your feet.

Keep them on the ground.

Just shuffle, slowly.

Capp, Cruz, get ready for him.

Nice and slow.

I don't feel a tingle anymore.

Good? You good?


All right, good job.

Hey, Kevin, we're gonna be right in there for you, bud.

Okay? You're being really brave. You're doing great.

Broke into a shed up the block.

We owe 3226 a padlock.

Posts lashed to the ladder, ladder lined up at the house.

Let's go. Let's go. Clove hitch knots.

Let's go!

Okay, let's go. We're running out of time.

One, two, three, lift!

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

All right, Stokes basket... bring it in.

Just hold on, Kevin.

Hurry... please!

All right.

All right, buddy, hang on.

See? Told ya.

Outta here in no time.

Climb in. Climb in there.

Oh, my God... Kevin!


Got it... pull!

All right.

Here, Cruz.

I got him.

Come on, bud.

Thank you so much.

Just glad he's okay.

You did great.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Hey, yeah. Chief.

Uh-huh, yeah.

Aw, that's great. Really great.


Aw, jeez. Yeah, okay.




Gabi's in the ICU.

She's doing great.

The baby didn't make it.

The important thing is Gabi's doing okay.


[cell phone ringing]

Boden's there, so... it means 51 is there.

They know that we're thinking about them, and when the time comes, we will be there for them. Okay?

Hey, I just got a call that PD's computer guy's available.

Hit it. I got you covered.

All right.


Well, your girl was right. The files have been wiped from the whole system.

Can you tell who did it?

Well, all I got is a time stamp, so it could have been anybody in the system at the time of the wipe.

What I can tell you is that whoever did this, they knew what they were looking for.

Surgical strike.

So, what? A hacker?

No, the opposite.

What I'm saying, and I am not accusing anybody, but this person... they're familiar with your system.

You're looking at an inside job.

You have any idea who knew about these files?

Well, Dawson, of course, and Susie, but she called in sick.

What is Susie's last name?



Wait, what're you doing?

Oh, I'm calling the district.

Susie's gonna have to account for her whereabouts.

Okay, but sending the cops after her...

Yeah, hold on. You're talking about theft of city records and a criminal investigation.

What, you wanna look the other way on that?

Oh, no, of course not. It's just hard to believe...

Okay. Uh-huh? Yeah.

Susie would...


Kelly, I'm really sorry you got pulled into all this.

You hear from this Susie chick, you give me a call.


Hey, Sylvie.

Hey, Chief.


How's she doing?

Just woke up a few minutes ago.

The doctor said the baby never had a chance.

There was nothing anyone could have done.

It just wasn't meant to be.


I'm just so grateful you're okay.

Is that Boden and Brett in the hallway?

Yeah, but you don't have to...

They can come in.


How is she?

I, uh... think she's still in shock.

Well, she's been through a lot.

She needs time to process everything.

You both do.

I know.

Anyway, she's asking for you both.



Go on.

Hey. Thanks for coming.

We're just glad you're all right.

How you feeling?

Okay, I guess.

Is the doctor coming soon?

Are you in pain?

Do you want me to get a nurse?

No, I just want an update on how the baby's doing.

Um, Casey, why don't you pop out and ask the nurse when the doctor's gonna be by.

I need Dr. Halstead to Gabriela Dawson's room right away.

[alarm beeping]

Code blue to ICU.


Her pressure just bottomed out.

[alarm beeping]

Something broke loose. She's rebleeding.

Call the OR. Start pounding those fluids, and call for blood.

Bag her. Let's intubate.

Right away.

She's crashing.

A piece of the placenta was hidden behind the bowel.

When it broke loose, Gabi started bleeding again.

What? They just... miss stuff?

Rebleeding is really common in cases like this.

A lot of the time, the docs have to go back in.

Well, what kind of odds are we talking about here?

[sighs] I think she's gonna do great.


We just have to keep a good thought.



Hey, look who it is.

I heard Dawson was back in surgery, so I thought... I'm just gonna drop this off, and I gotta go back.

You know, I heard from PD.

Susie checked out.



That's great.

Yeah, they cleared her.

What? You sure?

She was sitting with friends when the files got wiped.

Bunch of people saw her.


Well, that's great.

I guess.

I mean, I know you wanted to get to the bottom of this, and...

I just hated the thought that a nice girl like Susie would...

Hey, you think this plant's okay?

I was gonna get one of those arrangements with the... stuffed bear, but I thought a stuffed animal might be...

What's going on Duff?

I'm just worried about Dawson is all.

And this thing with the... files.

Hey you don't think... I mean, those doctors, they didn't... did they say anything about stress playing a part at all?

Because she was really worried about this case, and, uh, I mean, I... the last thing I would want is...

Duffy, there's a reason why I sent Dawson your way.

It's because I knew that you would take care of her.

It's no secret that Benny was a better firefighter than a father, I get that, and you... you took that place.

I can't repay that.

If there's ever anything you wanna talk about, anything at all, I'm here.

I didn't get rid of those files, Kelly.

I'll talk to you later.

Give Gabi my best.

[singsong] Who's hungry?

Come on, guys.

You gotta eat.

Just have a little something?

Grab a nibble, guys.

Thank you, Cindy.

Of course.

You're amazing, you know that.


I think it's more the power of a church phone tree.


It's you.



I got something I need to look into.

I know that this is a bad time, but, um... could these guys give me a ride?

If there's a call, we'll totally get him there.

Yeah, sure... just keep your ear to that radio.

Go on.

Thank you for the sandwiches.


Hey, Anthony. Thanks for coming.

No problem. How's your pop doing?

Eh, you know Dad. This is Chili and Brett.

Hey, how you do...

Ladies. Hello. Very pleased to meet you.

Any friend of Jimmy's is a friend of mine.

Anthony, what's the story?

I don't know what to tell you.

Code says you have to be 15 feet from the curb.

That's 13. 13 ain't 15.

Oh, hey, you happy now?

Oh, I'm sorry if you're upset about your little pub, but the laws are the laws.

We just care about the neighborhood.

Yeah? Just keep walking.

Oh, my God!




Sorry, buddy, I wish I had a different...

How old is this structure?

Oh, I remember Herrmann saying something about it being around since Prohibition.

Jimmy, grab me one of the baggies I got in my toolbox.

You ever hear of Joliet-Lemont limestone?

[radio crackles] Ambulance 61, man down from unknown causes.

2129 W. Harrison.

Is that...

County morgue.

Come on.

Yo, we gotta go.

Stick around. I'll give you a ride.

[engine starts]

[ambulance siren wails]

This has never happened before.

I mean, I heard stories, like, in Poland or Brazil or China...


Lionel Flowers.

I'm just an assistant. I'm not the M.E.

I'm really not trained to deal with this sort of thing.

Okay, Lionel, just take a deep breath.

I'm supposed to take 'em from the gurney to the tables so Dr. Wu could do the autopsy, and the son of a bitch moved.



Sir, do you know your name?

Did he say anything to you?

If he talked to me, I'd be passed out next to him, not standing here with you.

Ugh, he's out.

Lionel, I need you to tell me everything you can about this man.

Um... uh...

Noah Arkin, pronounced DOA in the field.

Untreatable Fine V-Fib.

[monitor beeping]


Heart rate's 30 beats a minute. Does he have a heart condition?

Um... uh...

History of Wolf-Parkinsons-White Syndrome.

I wonder if that's why they called it in the field.

Bradycardia's super rare in WPW.

These patients usually have a rapid ventricular response.

Nobody would suspect a low heart rate.

Pushing atropine.

[monitor beeping faster]

Heart rate's up to 65.

[monitor beeping slower]

Oh, he's dropping.

Pace him.


70 joules.

Pace him at 80 beats per minute.




[device clicking]

Heart rate's up to 80.


You're just gonna still keep shocking him?

Can I get a hand?

He's not dead.

The defibrillator's acting as a pacemaker.

It looks weird, but it's actually keeping him stable.

Ready? One, two, three.

[cell phone chimes]

Dawson's outta surgery.

And the date?

November 3rd.

Good. Follow me.

Could you tell me those words I asked you to remember earlier?

House, pencil, ball.


She's neurologically intact.

An OB will be by later to check on her too, but she's looking great.

[sighs] Okay.

And, um... does she remember?

I thought you'd wanna be the one to talk to her about that.

I'm a text away if you need anything.





It's all right.


"The unique materials qualify the structure as historically significant."

Molly's officially can't be torn down or altered in any way.

Wait, wait, wait. How is that even possible?

Joliet-Lemont limestone, and cousin Anthony.

Does that assemblage of words mean anything to you?

It's the bricks on the front of Molly's, Mouch.

Apparently, it's rare. Serious old Chicago stuff.

Used to be everywhere, but most of the old buildings with it got destroyed, so Anthony...

Who's in construction. Legitimately.

Helped me get the application for historical status to the committee.

They approved it right away.

Molly's can reopen tonight.

Wow, kid, you're amazing.

[both laugh]

I knew you could do it.

[door opens]

How's our girl?

Will says she's completely out of the woods.

For good this time.

Well, when can we go in and see her?

The doctors say she's gotta rest right now, but, uh... I told her how you've all been here, and she can't wait to see you when she's a little better.

Uh, okay, well, come on, guys.

Now's not the time.

Let's let them have their space, besides we got a couple hours left on shift.

Back to the house, everybody.


Thanks, Herrmann.


See you all at the house.

[knocks on doorway]

Hey, courier dropped them off.

They're addressed to you.


Hey, it's Kelly. I got the files.

Give me a call back as soon as you get this.


You, uh... you thinking maybe you wanna do a welfare check?


Let's go.

[siren blasting]

Hey, Tony, he lives just a few block up here, all right?

[police siren wailing]

Hey, we got a problem.


Suit up.

What're you doing, man?

I needed money, Kelly.

It's okay.

It's all right. Just get down from there.

Talk to me over here.

There's no going back from this.

I made mistakes I can't fix.

Those boxes have everything you need to close the case.

I put back every piece of analysis.

Every evidence log.

Everything Maddox paid me to whitewash.

That's great.

Now you gotta do the tough part, man.

You gotta stick around for the fallout.

Please, Duff.

I know what kinda man you are.

Show me that I'm right.

I'm sorry, Kelly...

But you're wrong.


Coming through!

Move, move, move.

Got him!

You all right?

Yeah. Yeah.

It's up to you now.

Excuse me?

Sorry if we're interrupting.

They said it was okay if we come back here.

Yeah, sure. Come on in.

Kevin made you something.

You did?


I could make a better one.

You kidding me?

I, uh...

I had a really bad day today, and you just made it a heck of a lot better.


Yes. Really.

I like how tall you made me.


Hey, check it out.

Thank you, Kevin.

[whispers] Thank you.

I've seen a lot of chiefs talk a good game about how they turned their house into a family.

Truth is, a lot of the times I don't really get the way you run this place, but...

I have never seen a house come together in a crisis like yours did today.

I'm honored to be a part of it.

Thank you, Captain.

Ladies and gentlemen, today we almost lost two really important things to us...

Our home away from home, and a person... who's the heart of this home.

And as much as I love this joint, if it came down to choosing between this and my friend, I'd give up a million Molly's for one Gabi Dawson.

And luckily, God in all his wisdom decided to bless us twice.

So let's say a few cheers for our beloved Molly's, and way more important, our friend, Gabi.

All: Hear! Hear!



Your speech was great.


I wish Dawson could have heard it.

Yeah, she don't need to hear me rattling on about the bar.

She don't care about that right now.

What is it?

I just feel really bad for them.

I know there's no magic thing to say to make 'em feel better, but...

Oh, Herrmann.

I mean, you're better at getting to the heart of things than anyone I know.

I'm sure you have the perfect thing to say already.

[cell phone ringing]

Hey. No, no, no. She's good.

Antonio's case finished up, so he's with her now.

Yeah, sure.

No problem.


[clears throat] You got something from Herrmann.

Hey, Gabi.

I been trying to think of the right thing to tell you to make you feel better, but I know it don't work that way, so, here's the thing.

When Cindy and I got married, she got pregnant right away, but, uh... we lost the baby.

And I just thought, "What'd we do to deserve this?"

I was so angry... but me and Cindy, we just held on to each other as tight as we could, and so, here we are, five kids later, and...

I got a family I never imagined, including uh... one more girl that I didn't expect, and she came to me full grown.

She's strong and brave and courageous and really special, and I love her like my own, and someday she's gonna make a great mom.

So, I guess all I'm trying to say is hang on, Gabi.

Your day is coming.

Take a look at it...

I think in the Great Barrier Reef...

So... can we... can we talk... about what all this means?

I mean, we got back together because I was pregnant.

We got back together because we love each other.

Hey, Matt, it's me. Okay?

I know how hard this must be for you.

You've wanted kids your whole life.

I want you.
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