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02x05 - Season 2, Episode 5

Posted: 11/02/15 04:15
by bunniefuu
Cole: Previously on The Affair...

Alison: I feel a little weird being here without you.


What do they think about me?

Yvonne has been looking for a personal assistant.

I just thought since you're here and you seem kind of bored and we get along so well...

I'll take it.

How much of this is based on what happened between you and, um, what's her actual name?

Yvonne: How's the book coming along?

Have you read it?

Not yet.

Noah doesn't like to share his work until it's finished.

Yvonne: I'd love to read it when you want an opinion.

I wouldn't tell Alison.

It's a very bad idea to mix love and criticism.

I'm going to issue a court order preventing Ms. Bailey from any contact with the four children.

I'm really sorry.

I don't think we can live together.

[woman screams]

[tires squeal]


I can't believe I just did that.

I'm Cole, by the way.


What's going on with the house?


Is she selling?

I have no idea.

Because you're sitting on a lot of money there, brother.

That's my card.

I'm very discreet.

What's the worst thing you've ever done?

This, probably.

How about you?

I've done a lot of things.

♪ I was screaming into the canyon ♪
♪ At the moment of my death

♪ The echo I created

♪ Outlasted my last breath

♪ My voice it made an avalanche ♪
♪ And buried a man I never knew ♪
♪ And when he died his widowed bride ♪
♪ Met your daddy and they made you ♪
♪ I have only one thing to do and that's ♪
♪ Be the wave that I am and then ♪
♪ Sink back into the ocean

♪ I have only one thing to do and that's ♪
♪ Be the wave that I am and then ♪
♪ Sink back into the ocean

♪ I have only one thing to do and that's ♪
♪ Be the wave that I am and then ♪
♪ Sink back into the ocean

♪ Sink back into the ocean

♪ Sink back into the o

♪ Sink back into the ocean

♪ Sink back into the o

♪ Sink back into the ocean

♪ Sink back into the ocean

[♪ pensive music]

[waves crash]




Hey, it's me.

I just wanted to check in, see how Martin's doing.

I... and, um, I'm wondering what you're doing today.

I'm not sure what the plan is.

Am I staying here?

Are you coming back?

Uh, can you just call me?

Okay. Love you.

[sighs softly]

Oh, shit.

[birds chirping]

Oh, Jesus Christ, you can't just sneak up on me like that.

Oh, I-I'm sorry.

I just wanted to bring your coffee.

Is it decaf?

Of course.

All right, just put it over there.


I didn't mean to scare you.

Won't you be chilly in those things?

Uh, it's going to be 90 today.

Well, it's not now.

All of these need letters of rejection.

Just use the template my last assistant put together.

It's somewhere on the laptop. You'll have to find it.

And then just go ahead and sign for me.

You can do that?

Uh, yeah. Sure, no problem.

Maybe you want to write this down.

Uh, yeah.

Just get one off the desk.

[sighs] Um...

Take a piece of paper from the printer.

Okay, whenever you're ready.

All right, this has to go overnight.

Be sure you get everything to the post office this morning, and then, while you're in town, run by Hudson Hil's and pick up lunch for four.

Just choose from the catering menu for us.

Put it all on the card, plus something for a three-year-old.

Or I suppose you'll have to pick up hot dogs and buns.

That's all she feeds him... my daughter.

We didn't tell you... my daughter and her husband are coming up for the holiday weekend.

Oh, well, uh, just let me know of any way I can help.

I am.

[sighs] Right.

Oh, uh, what about Robert's exercises?

What about them?

I should run through them with him, shouldn't I?

Not necessary. I have convinced Hugo to come back next week.


Uh, well, he needs to work that knee every day. I...


Is that Noah's book you were reading?


How is it?

It's fascinating.

Door closed.

[dog barks in the distance]


Oh. I'm sorry.

I did 500. I'm done.


Well, you should've been counting. What's next?

Ah, uh, let's do some leg lifts, mm?

Keep the hip down.

I know.

Okay. That's it.



Don't let anybody fool you into getting old.

They wax on and on about how satisfying it is.

You know what's really satisfying?


I'm trying to make you laugh, kid.

Oh, I'm sorry. I'm just a little distracted.

Something wrong?

I don't know.

Is Yvonne mad at me for some reason?

Not that I know of. Why?

I, uh... I just took her her coffee, and she was reading Noah's book, and she just...

Ah, well, "reading" is a polite word.

She's been devouring it.

Um, that's ten. You take a rest.


I'll work on your thigh, so you don't cramp.




Have you read it?

She's read some passages aloud to me in bed.

He's an incredibly strong writer, isn't he?

Uh, well, I wouldn't know.

He won't let me read it.


Well, he probably just wants to make it perfect before he shows it to you.

Yeah, maybe.

How is Noah?

Uh, yeah, yeah, he's... he's fine.

Is... is he here?

I haven't seen him in the past few days.

Uh, no, he's in the city. His son is sick.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Serious?

[sighs] He doesn't know yet.

Well, do you want to go be with him?

We can manage here without you.

No, no, that's very nice of you, but... uh, she doesn't want me there.


Yeah, the early years of a second marriage.

I remember them well.

You couldn't pay me to go back there.



Time for the second set.

You scared me.

Hip down.

[both laugh]


Oh, this one's harder than the last one.

I know, I know. Keep going.


How did you and Yvonne meet?

She was my wife's friend.



It caused something of a scandal, to put it mildly.

What... did you have an affair?

We did.


[laughing] Is that so hard for you to fathom?

No. No, of course not. I just... I just, um...

It was painful, but eventually, things worked out for Yvonne and me, and they're going to work out for you and Noah too.

Well, we...

I always suspected there was something a little more to the story about the lighthouse in the rain.

Like maybe spouses?

Am I right?


What's that face? Don't do that.

You have nothing to be ashamed of.

You didn't k*ll anyone.

You're young, you're beautiful, and you fell in love.

There's nothing criminal about that.


It was insane the way it happened, Robert.

Now, I met him, and he said he was married, and I was married, so I thought, "Well, good.

This is safe. We can just be friends."


And then we were walking home one night, and he kissed me, just on the cheek, and...

God, I felt this bolt of electricity course through me.

And I realized, f*ck, no.

No, we can't.

I-I tried to stay away from him, but he was everywhere.

It's a tiny town.

And then, that one night, he kissed me on the beach, and... it was the first time in my life I...

I couldn't say no.

[both chuckle]

And all I could think about was being close to him, touching him, being naked with him, getting away from everything in my life, and... it was terrifying.

But... it was wonderful.

I-I felt like I'd been asleep for years, in this fog of grief, and then there's this person who makes me feel alive, and it...

[chuckles] Anyway...

Hey, uh, kid.

I think, uh, we're done.


Oh, uh...

It's okay, uh...

No, it's fine.


I guess you just have this effect on men.


[♪ dramatic music]

[bells jingle]

Oh, you're one of the lovebirds staying up with Robert and Yvonne.

I'm sorry?

Yvonne told me all about you.

Show me the ring.

Yvonne said there might be wedding bells up at the property.

She told you that?

Couple of days ago.


Thank you.



No, no, no, not that platter. That's decorative.

Maybe get down the wineglasses.

No, no. Those are the Pinot glasses.

The small Chardonnay, right?

[indistinct chatter]

Napkin in the lap.

Put it in your lap, buddy.

Hammond: We're gonna eat some dinner first, aren't we?

Huh? Yeah.

Oh, no, no, no.

That's lovely. Thank you, Alison.

Hammond: Oh, so, Yvonne, I saw your old intern Mark on Bowery.

Mama, I want a hot dog.

Mark! I didn't know.

How is he?

You want a hot dog? Mom?

You want a hot dog, sweetie? Okay, I'll get one for you.

Alison. Alison.

I don't see the hot dogs.

Right, hot dogs. I'll be right back.

[indistinct chatter]

Show me your Superman.

all: Oh!

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Look at that. He's got... oh!

[chatter continues]

[♪ pensive music]

[knocking on door]

[door opens]

Hey, busy?

No, not at all.


I haven't actually been inside here in years.


It's Yvonne's domain.

For her and her acolytes.

Is everything okay at the house?

Is there anything I can do to help?

Listen, Alison.

Uh, Yvonne's had a... just a really great phone call from this young man who's just graduated from the Iowa Writers' Workshop, and he's apparently something really special.

He's a really terrific young man.


Just the type of person that Yvonne wants to mentor.

And she really thinks that she... well, she can show him a lot if, uh, he were to be her assistant.

Um, uh...

And, um, with Hugo coming back Tuesday, we just really... we thought, uh, we'd... we'd spare you the pressure of feeling like you need to come up to the house anymore.

Give you your time back.

I'm... I'm not sure I understand.

Yvonne just wants to work with someone a little more professional, that's all.

[sighs] But I am professional.

Well, I mean, let's face it.

You care about her business about as much as I do.

Is this about what happened in the living room?



Oh, please don't make this into something it's not.

I just... I just don't understand. I...

I think you do.

Anyway, um, I just wanted to let you know I'm so appreciative of your help, as is Yvonne, and we know that you and Noah will keep in touch with us when you go.

You were never meant to be someone's assistant, kid.


[♪ dramatic music]



I think there's been a terrible misunderstanding.


[dog barks in the distance]

Noah: At last, he'd found solace.

Out here he could breathe.

The rustling of the dune grass, the salt breeze.

Or he would go back, he thought, to the diner, to thank her, leave his number.

It was her. What would he say?

Would she remember him?

His voice felt lost in his throat.

...lifted her skirt just an inch.

He paused.

They listened together to the sounds of the marina, hearts shaking in their skin.

She was sex, the very definition of it.

She was the reason the word was invented.

...a fistful of her hair, her head pulled back.

Dress clinging to her back.

Nails rasped against the skin of his back.

"Do you like my p*ssy?" she asked.

...tasted like metal... two fingers...

Desperately tight, he came immediately.

...felt her rigid against him... see the tip of her tongue in her open mouth... took him deep into her mouth... harder, breasts smashed against the car window, "Pinch them," she whispered.

No marriage, no matter how strong, could survive her.

This was what it meant to fall.

Hey. It's me.

I need you to call me back right now.

Call me.

[♪ pensive music]


[brakes squeal]

[doorbell rings]

[doorbell rings]

Where's Noah?

I'm sorry?

I need to talk to him. It's urgent.

Well, he's not here.

Stacey: Mom, who is it?

It's nobody.

You have a lot of balls coming to my house.

Look, I... I didn't mean to...

Go on.

I wasn't trying to steal your husband.

You weren't trying to steal my Hus...

No, I'm not that kind of person.

I-I didn't make him do this.

I wasn't out for him, for anyone.

I just... it sort of happened, and I'm...

I'm sorry, I just...


Look, I don't know what you're in the middle of, and I really don't care, but let me just tell you a few things about the man you sort of happen to be involved with.

At first, Noah seems like the greatest guy on earth.

He's, um, there for you, and he wants you, and he's romantic and passionate and understanding.

But then you start to really get to know each other, and he feels safe enough to let you see who he really is.

And then he takes all of his fears, all of his failure, all of his petty bullshit, all of his f*cking headaches in the morning, and he makes all of that your fault.

And then you become the enemy just because you know who he is.

And then one day, somebody's going to show up at your house, thinking they fell in love with the greatest guy on earth.

If you'll excuse me.

[door closes]

[dog barks in the distance]


[♪ pensive music]

[knocking on door]




What are you doing here?

I work here.

What are you doing here?

Tory: Hello?

Ah, yeah.

[footsteps approaching]

Can I have more grapes now?

Yes, baby. Go back to the kitchen.

I'll be right there.


Tory: Are you coming up or not?


[♪ alternative music]

Well, there he is.

Quick and quiet.





God, I am so f*cking horny for you.

Jesus Christ.

Okay, take off your clothes.

Come on. Take 'em off.

Here. Come on.


Mmm. Like this?

Mm, yep.

Ooh, oh. Like that?


That's working for me.


Ranch hand. [laughs]

Can I call you ranch hand?

Yeah, I heard about what you used to do.


Yeah, you gonna ride me, ranch hand.

Oh, yeah.

Ride me, ranch hand. Oh, yeah.


I told all of my friends about the rides I get from my Montauk ranch hand.


Yeah, they're so jealous.

Look at you.

Oh, f*ck.


Yeah, oh.

Shut the f*ck up.

Yeah, shut me up.

Shut up, shut up.

Oh, yeah, shut me up.

Shut up.

Oh, shut me up. Shut me up.

Shut up.

Oh, hey, come on my face.


Yeah, yeah, come on. Come on.

Come on my face.

[door opens]

What the f*ck?

Aw, shit.

You were supposed to be golfing.

Oh, shit.

Get the f*ck out!

woman: Go check around there.

man: Say how many square feet?


woman: Yeah? What did she say?

What have you got? What?



Yeah? What do you think?

You mind if I ask you just what the f*ck it is you're doing?

Hi there. Scotty Lockhart?


woman: I'm so sorry.

Someone named Scotty Lockhart called us.

Sorry, I'm Abigail.

These are my colleagues. We're here from Marla Bay Real Estate.


It's just that someone named Scotty Lockhart told us he owned this house, and he asked us to let him know what we thought we could put it on the market for.

Scotty's my brother.

This is my place. It's not for sale.

What do you have, 1,000 feet of beachfront out there?

I'm going to have to ask you folks to leave.

Look, I'll give you my card in case you change your mind, okay?

And I really hope you do.

Hey, Scotty. You in there?

Scotty: Who is it?

It's me.

Scotty: C-can you come back in a bit?


Scotty: All right, hang on a second.

I catch you in the middle of something?

[chuckles] Uh, yeah.

This is f*cking bullshit.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Don't ever do that again.

Look, look, look.

Just hear me out, okay? Just f*cking hear...

Keep those assholes off my property.

Look, Cole, just listen to me, okay?

I've got something for us.

Something I want you to think about.


Yeah, Cole, us.

Your family. You remember us?

We got a mom, she's about yea high, four brothers.

Is it ringing a bell?

Look, okay, okay, okay, okay, I'll get to the point.

Oscar, right?

He got all his, whatever, approvals, right?

And made some big deal about breaking ground in the fall, and then what happened?

He lost his loan.

How do you know that?

City records.

There is a huge tax lien on the property, which means he's not paying his mortgage and he is going to lose the place.


So I have an investor.

Some hedge fund guy, whatever, but he's willing to go in on something with me.

Something with you?

Look, man, is that so inconceivable?

And what is it?

I want to build a nightclub.

A nightclub.

It's an ever-changing world, Cole.

Scotty, you're living on a fishing boat.

What I'm asking is that you get her to sell that house.

Even after you split a sale, you could invest half of your profit in this and you would still be doing great.

I just...

I want to be able to tell my guy that I can...

I can bring some money to the table.

How much?

A mil.

Come on, man, we can do this.

We can do this.

The Lockhart brothers back in business.

And this time it's even better, okay?

It's... it's legit, okay?

Come on, Cole, please.

I got to get back to work.

[sighs] Look, Montauk is over, man.

The old Montauk, it's gone.

If we don't put our money into the future, we might as well just... just lay down in the middle of the road and let the summer people drive all over us.

It's basically what we're doing here.

You know what, Scotty?

I need to go. I'm late for work.

Uh, you two know each other or something?

Yeah, just a little.

[scoffs] Not at all.

[clears throat]

Okay, brother, time for you to go.

Thanks for dropping by, man.

Glad I did.

Hey. Are you Scotty?

No, that's him down there on that shitty boat.

Ah, f*ck, Scotty.

Are you f*cking kidding me?

It's just...

Are you f*cking kidding me?

No, I'm... I'm clean.

Luisa: You're a f*cking drug dealer, right?


Please don't...[grunts]

Scotty: f*ck!

[♪ pensive music]

Hey, you okay?

Oh, m*therf*cker.

Me? I'm a m*therf*cker, huh?


My... my work clothes are on the boat.


You want me to go get it for you?

Okay. Thank you.


She wants her stuff.

Seriously, do you know her?

I do not. Really.

Don't f*ck her, man.

[chuckles] Believe me, I'm the last person on earth she'd want to f*ck.

I'm serious.

And knock that shit off, would you?

I mean, it's broad daylight, for Christ's sake.

Think about my idea.

I'll give you a call tomorrow.

Thank you.


Hi, um, I need a cab from the mar...

[line beeps]



I got a cab right here.

[line beeps]

[engine starts]

So where am I going?

The End.

And hurry, my shift starts in ten minutes.


So how long has that thing between you and Scotty been going on?

What the f*ck do you care?

I don't, really.

I just didn't know he was dating anybody.


What? What's so funny?

Are you and Tory dating?

Absolutely not.

Okay, what would you call it then?

Well, I'd call it f*cking.


Eyes on the road.

f*ck, I can't believe how stupid I've been.

I wouldn't beat yourself up that much.

Scotty's slept with half the women in this town.

Sorry, that didn't come out right.

Well, not only he's my boss, he's a f*cking drug dealer.

He's your boss?



The End.

What's he doing there?

[laughs] He's the f*cking manager.

Really? Scotty?

Wow, you guys are close, huh?

Nah, not anymore.

Yeah, well, he was the one that hired me.

Too bad I can't sue him or else I will bankrupt your entire family.

Why can't you sue him?

I, um...

I'm undocumented.



Do you have a problem with that?

Me? No.

No, no, no.

Which is why I cannot get caught on a boat of a drug dealer.

Which your brother failed to mention because he only seems to articulate things that are directly related to him getting laid.

You know, it is actually legal for aliens to sue U.S. citizens in federal court.


Yeah, so just, you know, FYI.

So you're telling me that if I wanted to sue your brother, I could?


Huh. What happened between you two?



The End.

How much is it?

Please, this one's on me.

Okay. Thank you.

So how do I look?


You look good.

[♪ soft music]

[engine starts]

Mind if I sit here for a drink?


What do you want?

I'll take a red ale, please.

I'm not my brother.

Just thought you should know that.



[soft rock music playing in background]

Can I get a bourbon too? On the rocks.


Well, you certainly drink like your brother.

Thank you.

man: Miss?


[mellow music playing in background]

Can I have another bourbon?


Where are you from?

Um, Queens.

Queens? I thought you said...

Yeah, I-I came with my mom when I was ten.

From Ecuador.


What about you? What's your story?

I don't really have one.


You were born this morose?


Okay. I was born here.


My father was born here. My grandfather was born here.

And your son will be Chinese.

Oh, come on.

It was a joke.

I know.

Uh, you think I can get the check, please?

What the hell? What did I say?

Nothing, just... 40 bucks cover this?

It was a joke.

I'm sorry if I offended you, but you don't have to be an assh...

My son is dead.

Oh, shit, I'm...

I'm sorry.

You didn't know.

How much do I owe you?

Sit down.

No, I got to get out of here.

No, you don't. Sit down.

I owe you a drink.


Let's start from the beginning.

My name is Luisa.

I'm 29, and I'm from Queens.

I'm, uh, I'm working here this summer because I want to save enough money to go back to school.

Eventually I'd like to get my degree in hospitality, and hopefully someday I can run my own restaurant.

What about you?

I'm Cole.


That's a great start.


What are we drinking to?

You decide.


To something else.

To something else.


[♪ pensive music]

[bat thuds]



Are you all right?

I don't know.

You don't know?

Do we have anything to drink?


Is there anything to drink?


I think there's only my... my grandfather's moonshine left.

Is that all right?

You haven't been living here?






What's going on? Did something happen?

I don't know.

Did he do something?

I'm afraid there might be something wrong with me.

What's that supposed to mean?

Does everyone just think I'm... I'm a slut?

[sighs] I don't know what everyone thinks.

Do you?

No, of course I don't.

I think there's something wrong with me.

You got to stop saying that.

People don't see me, Cole.

They don't.

I don't know, they just want to f*ck me or... they don't see me.

They don't care.

Sometimes I'm worried I'm... that I'm not a real person, that I'm just a... a figment of people's imaginations.


You know, when I was a child, I thought I would do something with my life, I would make a difference.

I was certain of it, certain that I would matter to people.

And you do.

No, I don't.

That's the whole point, Cole. I don't. I'm nothing.


Not to me.



I'm sorry. I shouldn't be here.

I should be going.

Hey, stop. Don't.


You look exhausted.


I think you should stay here tonight.

You can deal with it in the morning.

You don't mind if I stay?

It's your house, Alison.




Can you just stay?

[♪ soft music]


[both sigh]






How's it going?

It's going pretty good.

Oh, yeah?

Did you have a good night?

What are you doing here, Scotty?

I-I just thought I'd stop by, we could finish our conversation.

Can I... can I come in?


Why not?

You got company?


Oh, you... you f*cked her, didn't you?

Time for you to go home, little brother.

You m*therf*cker.

She's mine.

This is not what you think it is.

You got a problem, Cole.

You got a big f*cking problem.

You're a g*dd*mn narcissist.


You take everything for your f*cking self!

Lower your voice.

You literally think that you are the only person that exists...

Listen to me. Lower your m*therf*cking voice right now. this entire f*cking universe!

It's all about your pain, your loss, your kid!

Alison: Cole.

Oh, Scott.




You have a good night.

[♪ soft music]

[dishes clatter]

How's the coffee?

What do you want?


Really, I was just driving by.

Saw your car in the parking lot, thought I'd stop in, see if you've arrested any more innocent men this morning.


Well, it's still early yet.

I'm on my way to discovery.

I can't wait to see the evidence little Miss Prosecutor Pantiliner wants to show me.

Can you give me any hints?

No, no, no, man, I got this.

It's all right.

Guess what.

I've been digging around this place for the last 72 hours.

You know what I found out?

Half... half the people in this town wanted to see Scott Lockhart dead.

Half. So you know what I'm thinking?

I'm wondering, why did you zero in on my client so fast, no criminal record, out-of-towner?

Lockhart was f*cking Solloway's underage daughter.

Yes, he was, which is why he beat the living shit out of him, because that's what perverts deserve.

But he'd have to be crazy to k*ll the guy, wouldn't he?

I mean, that's nuts, right?

Not like, say, Scott's brother, who stole Scott's business plan right out from under his nose.

And then maybe, I don't know, he couldn't sleep at night, so he starts to think, "I'm going to get rid of my brother. I'm going to"... [laughs] "I'm going to get Scott out of the picture once and for all."

What do you think?

Put that away. I told you, I got this.

See you in court, assh*le.


Good morning.


Some coffee?

Yes, if it's hot.

Hot enough to k*ll you. [chuckles]

You're Solloway's lawyer, aren't you?


You think he'll get off?

What's it to you?

[♪ soft music ♪]