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02x06 - The Mystery of the Dead Heat

Posted: 10/28/15 22:51
by bunniefuu


I am with Tony.

Who cares? It's good food, good wine, good music.

Don't be a weenie.

You're seven years old.

What are you? 70?

Come on. I love being your partner, Laura, but I miss our friendship.

All right, I'll agree to Saturday if you get a second opinion.

My doctor says I'm fine.

Yeah, your doctor told you that your body needs to find the new moon.

I mean what is that?

Walk it off?

Walk it off, suck it up, whatever.

That's what I am doing, per my doctor's orders.

Yeah. Well I have someone. Dr. Gould.

He has treated patients with atrophic relation.

Are you Googling again?

No. My dad went to him for sleep apnea.

Your dad? You told loud mouth Leo? I thought we were keeping this under the radar.

Who's he gonna tell? His dart league?

Look, if you don't wanna call Dr. Gould, then don't call Dr. Gould.

We'll just have a table for one Saturday night.



Matthew Burke.

Owns the place.

Laura: Ugh. What a way to go.

Cooked like a Christmas ham.

How long has he been in there?

All night from what I'm seeing.

Any sauna is like a glass and your favorite wine, safer in moderation.

And without a door jam blocking your exit.

Reynaldo: Towel boy caught the obstruction when he came in this morning, that's when he found the body.

By the looks of these hands, he put up quite a fight.

Reynaldo: Yeah. I'll collect swabs and we'll run it for assailant DNA.

My guess, he tore up his hands fighting to get out.

What about the head trauma?

He's got contusions below the scalp.

Of course, I'll have to get a closer look under the scope to determine what type of w*apon was employed.

Incapacitated, dragged in here.

No cameras to catch any of this?

No, I didn't see any.

I thought the clients wouldn't appreciate locker room surveillance.

What's in his pocket?

Why do men insist on carrying big-ass keys in their pocket?

That's why God invented handbags.

Then when he adds a beer tap we'll get on board.

Woman: Where's my husband?

What happened to my husband?

Let her through.

Where's my husband? Where is he?

Ma'am, don't get angry.

Show him to me. No. Show him to me.

I need to see what happened to him.

Ma'am, I'm sorry.

What happened? What happened? (SOBBING)

Matt put up with so much.

When I was diagnosed with MS, he...

He quit everything.

He went from copyright attorney to physical trainer, so that he can better help me help myself.

Sounds like true love.

He was good.

Soon he got his own clients and then his own gym.

When was the last time you saw your husband?

Last night.

He picked me up from work and he drove me to physical therapy.

Where do you work?

The Department of Buildings on Chamber Street.

It's not so easy to take a subway with crutches.

Matt bought one those customized vans, so even I could drive myself, but he would still chauffeur me around whenever he had time.


When he didn't come to get me, I...

I tried his cell, but I just figured he was busy, still working. And I took a cab home and I... (SOBBING)

And I fell asleep, you know, waiting for him.

Cecilia, did your husband have any enemies?

Anyone who might have had a grudge?


He had a...

A client. Uh, years ago when he was an attorney, who sued him for malpractice.

We're going to need his name and contact info if you could track it down.

I'll have an officer take you home.

I can drive myself. I have, uh...

My van's outside.

Who would do this?

I'm gonna find out.


Crime texts' have been coming up empty on workable prints.

And the only malpractice suit Laura found in Matthew Burke's work history was filed by a 73-year old who's been dead for 18 months.

According to one of the trainers, Matthew got into a showdown with a gym member last week.

She threatened to file some kind of complaint.

A lot better than what I got. You win.

Julie McKenna. Brooklyn address, Zucky's bike shop.

Give it to Laura. She and Jake are right down there.

Laura: Wow.

It's official.

You can put a price tag at any junk at all and call it merchandise.

Reduce, reuse, recycle.

Although I think artists prefer the term "upcycle."

I prefer the term "crap cycle."


Julie: Go harder.


Now bring it. Faster.

Porn sh**t?

Oh, Debbie does Brooklyn.

Julie: All right. Come on.

You got this. Go, go.

Don't fall behind. Drive all the way through it.


Well, bring it faster!

This guy is good.

Yeah, anyone can pull that off assuming you got all day long to train for it.

Come on, baby. You got this. Go.


Well, when the doctor gives you the go ahead, you can get right back out there.

I just might, assuming your dad approves.

Go, go, go, go, go.



All the elements combined 30:08. Still need to shave 10 seconds.

Julie McKenna.


We've already spoken to the city.

All of this is permitted.

And impressive.

It has to be. It's training for American Ninja Warrior.

Had to replicate several obstacles off the course.

Bikes and metal work only pay so many bills.

Well, you made it look easy.

It wasn't a moon landing.

We'd like to ask you some questions about Matthew Burke.

From the gym? What about him?

He was m*rder*d.

Oh, my God.

The owner at Soma.

We understand that you made a complaint to him.

Can you elaborate on that?

Some perv at the gym had been watching her for weeks.

It made me very uncomfortable, and Matthew said that he would take care of it.

Can you give us the name of the perv?

Archie something.

I threatened to get the police involved unless Matthew did something about it.

Did he?

Yes, finally.

They had words, but that didn't stop Archie from coming back again.

I saw him last night.

You were there? What time?

7-8, maybe 8:30.

Met with some girlfriends right after.

What time was Archie there?

Right before I left.

He didn't look happy.

Location of gym member...

Laura: Archie Vale.

Archie Vale.

Archie. My guess is, he's speed eating pizza with Jughead.


Hello, Laura.

She hung up.




Everything okay?

My mom is a psycho.

She's force of nature.

You should meet her someday then you'll understand.

Yeah, maybe, someday.


Still no m*rder w*apon.

Laura and Reynaldo are comparing contusions with blunt objects from the scene.

Any luck here?

We are running the vic's phone records and collected his office laptop.

What's on it?

Don't know. System's locked and his wife doesn't know the password.

I'm working to cut through it.

That gym member who got booty tossed by your vic, legal name Archibald Vale.

Any record?

Glad you asked.

Multiple convictions for breaking and entering.

Motive, opportunity, criminal disposition.

We just need an address.

Itty bitty problem.

His gym application lists a P.O. box.

The NB says his license and registration are current, but the address has a new tenant.

No forwarding info either.

Hold on, crime fighters.

This dark cloud happens to be lined with silver.

Archibald has parking tickets, lots of them.

Lots doesn't necessarily narrow the field.

Knew that. So, I triangulate the locations and they formed a neat little cluster.

Observe. Every green marker means a parking violation for poor Archie.

Same sector, only five blocks between them all.

Chances are he's living somewhere in that area.

Finding that car might be a start.

Not an inkling?

You must have some idea what rung his bell.

Reynaldo: Not yet.

I am looking at two semi-circular lacerations, three up-long hematomas, para-mortem, non-force, non-fatal.

Irregular markings.

Very much so.

Yeah. I am not seeing anything matching those wounds.

ME archives may have some helpful comparisons.

I will give them a call.

You're gonna be sitting on a park bench feeding pigeons by the time they get back to you with something.

I am not enamored by assailants with creativity, Diamond.

This w*apon was more about opportunity.

Heat of the moment.

Saw in a crime scene humor.

So soon?

No, just bad.

Jake: Marker number four, a ticket issued for Archie's 2004, blue Ford Taurus on the 11th at 8:43 A.M.

Ugh. All for four.

Still no sign of the car or him.

I'm starting to feel the chill of a trail gone cold.

Establishing patterns, criminal behavior 101, Detective.


There are two more markers that way.

So, what pattern have we established for Archie besides a blatant disregard for parking restrictions?

Have you noticed that every one of these tickets is within a block or two of Cafe Bravos?

Within a block or two of a lot of things.

And every ticket issued around 10:00 A.M.?

A random factoid?

Two more, Cafe Bravos serves the cheapest breakfast in town and they only serve breakfast until 10:00 A.M., and it's almost 10:00 A.M.

Factoid not so random after all.

I am guessing that Archie cannot turn his back on their continental.

Meredith: No Archie in sight.

Creative theory, Broderick.

Clearly had me thinking you were going to stick that dismount.

Matching car. Matching plates.

Oh, looks abandoned.

Meredith: Oh!


NYPD. Don't move.

Check the car.

What you got?

Matthew Burke's gym bag.

Next time you take a swing at a cop, don't miss.

You should be thanking me, Archie.

Practically had to handcuff Detective Broderick so he didn't come in here and beat you silly.

Yeah, he's not allowed to do that.

And you're not allowed to come at him with a lug wrench.

I didn't know he was a cop.

I almost got carjacked last week.

Thought he was trying to steal my stuff.

Like you stole Matthew Burke's.

It's not like that. We had an understanding.

What was what? You two exchanged words shortly before his death.

Conversations, that's all.

Archie, I have your record, and I know exactly what kind of guy you are.

You have no idea.

Don't I?

Both of your B&E's were at your last known address.

Do you know what else they found in your car besides Matthew's gym bag?

Deodorants, blankets, a pillow.

How long have you been homeless?

A while.

Stayed in your neighborhood.

It was familiar.

I only broke into my old place, take some things before the new tenants moved in.

And you used the gym for what?

Heat, AC, a decent shower?

Some dignity.

Still has some six months left on the membership.

Lost my job, my wife.

It was the only place I had left.

Until Matthew kicked you out.

He had no choice.

That woman was making me out to be a predator.

I may have looked her way a time or two, but that was it.

She said that you came back after you were sent away.

Someone wedged open the rear fire door for some air.

I took advantage. I slipped in, got cleaned up and left.

Maybe, but how does Matthew's gym bag end up in your car?

He gave it to me.

The clothes in that bag were hand outs of his lost and found.

This is the same guy who let me use his laptop to send out resumes.

Why would I k*ll him?

Nobody did more for me than Matt.

Okay. If what you're telling me is true, you might be able to prove it.

With the password to Matthew's laptop.

Matthew's laptop is unlocked.

Archie's telling the truth.

Just because he has the password doesn't mean that Matthew gave him the password.

Maybe Archie found it after he committed m*rder.

Okay. Well, I'll dig into this, see what we find.

Yes, of course, due diligence.

But, clearly, Archie didn't k*ll him.

There's no motive.

Matthew Burke was helping Archie Vale.

So says Archie Wale?

Meredith has sat across from the guy and her gut is saying that he's telling the truth.

Okay. My gut.

Mine, too.


Two guts don't make a right.

Tactile evidence equals higher conviction rate.

Depending on who's right, I have good news or bad.

Reynaldo compared Matthew Burke's head trauma to the lug wrench from Archie's car, it's not the m*rder w*apon.

Reynaldo showed me the wounds.

A match to the lug wrench was, uh, wishful thinking.

I'd say that this is tactile.

Diamond, one, Santini, zip.

Zip it with the Santini.

And the wrench being excluded as the m*rder w*apon does not exonerate our suspect.

Oh, found a file on the desktop.

A resume for one Archie Vale.

Guess he was telling the truth.

Two for two and the crowd goes wild. Ahhh!

Yeah. Hey, Diamond, try working on the case and not on my nerves.

And, we're holding Archie until I am positive that he is not our guy.

You're playing with fire, girl.

Break out the marshmallows.



Mommy is a prized fighter.

And going for the knock out, man.

(CHUCKLING) You shouldn't have told her you have a girlfriend.

I don't have a girlfriend.

Who told you? Laura?

Nobody. I just made my usual observations.

Of what? What did we do?

It's what you didn't do.

Partners rib each other, they trash talk, they back slap.

You two do none of that.

And from that you knew that we were a couple.

I'm a detective.

Okay, look. Keep it close to the vest, will you?

Yeah, it's too late.

It's kind of out there already.


It's so obvious.

Hair Plug Hal?

Oh, my God.

Great. Well, my mom is all over me about me now, I might as well do it now.

Absolutely not.


I have a father-in-law, ex-father-in-law, who still knows of all of my business.

Just ease off the throttle a little bit.

Keep family out of it as long as humanly possible.

Otherwise, Meredith will feel the pressure. Trust me.

Look, no offense, but Meredith isn't Laura and your relationship wasn't exactly a resounding success.

It's your funeral.

Meredith: Oh, damn. Check out our vic's computer.

One folder with an extra wall of encryption, I finally get it open and there are no words.

Whoa, hello.

Okay. Wow.

Okay, grow up boys.

They're just photos.

You've seen a naked couple before, an acrobatic naked couple doing tricks.

It never shows their faces.

If the lighting was a little bit better, I would almost call it artistic.

Oh, well, he's...

Trying too hard.

Okay, so, a whole folder dedicated to very interesting sexual positions.

It's the same two people in all of them.

It's certainly not our victim.

He doesn't look like he's ever set foot in a gym, much less owned one.

Can you back up to this other one again?


Look at the woman's wrist.

Can you punch in closer?

A medic alert bracelet.

This is Cecilia. This may not be our victim, but it's our m*rder victim's wife.

But, if he is not her husband, then who is he?

Don't know, but he might be our m*rder*r.


Mrs. Burke.

Mrs. Burke.



It's okay.

I'm fine.

I'm sorry about the mess.

I've just kind of lost it.


This is still cleaner than my house has been in years.

I'm sorry to intrude, but I really have to ask you something.

Is it possible that the man in these photos k*lled your husband?



He is my sexual surrogate.


I may need a little help with that one.

Since I was diagnosed with MS, sex hadn't been the same for Matthew and me.

So, I found a specialist who could help me with my physical and libidinal issues.

And the slide show?

It is for instruction.

I'm gonna need the number of this guy.

You can imagine how embarrassing this is.

I didn't even want the handicap placard, but Matthew was so worried about me.

We, uh... We ended up getting on of those custom vans with the jump seat and the a*t*matic buttons to do the things my hands and legs can't do.

Yeah, I saw the giant remote on the keychain.

My OCD husband was always replacing the battery in that thing.

Every time he got out of the van, he would check and recheck the latch on the mechanical lift.

He was taking care of you.

I could hear the latch rattling on my drive this morning.

Of all the times for him to forget that, you know.

It was like he was joking with me from above.

Matthew never forget?

So, why last night?

I don't know.

If someone locked the van only using the remote and didn't know about the latch, would that explain why it wasn't secured?

I suppose.

His big set of keys with the remote were shoved into his shorts pocket.

Did Matthew usually stick that whole keychain in his pocket?

I guess I just usually saw him holding them or putting them into his backpack.

Is this important?

Might be.

Did you keep anything valuable in the van?

No. Why do you ask?

Maybe Matthew didn't put the keys in his pocket.

Maybe his k*ller did after using them to get into your van.

I... I don't understand, why... I have no idea.

You mind if we inspect the vehicle?

No, of course.
You followed up on the Cecilia Burke story?

Yep. Talked to the surrogate himself.

Saw an invoice.

Seriously weird brochure, and it all checks out.

Sex surrogates?

You learn something new every day.


You know, my cousin, Hector, he is looking for a job.

I should tell him about that this Thanksgiving.

You should.

Maybe pull up a chair for you.

Turkey feast, cubano style, cousins, mom...

Oh, ha.

My parents would self-combust if I didn't come home for Thanksgiving.

That's cool.

What's with all the family talk all of a sudden?

Nothing. So, I've been searching for anything.

Fresh damages, secret compartments.

And I want prints.

"Crime tech report shows no identifiable ridge detail on the vehicle inside and out," that doesn't belong to Cecilia.

Hold on. We know Matthew drove this car the night he was k*lled, so shouldn't his prints be in this report as well?

Not unless someone else, who was in the van, wiped it down before Cecilia drove it today.

We don't have anything connecting this mini van to the m*rder.

These are all the items Billy pulled from the van.

I say we start with Cecilia's work stuff.

Why isn't Cecilia's work stuff at home with Cecilia?

Matthew carried it in for her every night because of her disability.

I bet it's the last thing on her mind now.


Cecilia worked at the Department of Buildings?

A compliance officer.

She makes sure that renovations adhere with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

A lot of properties here.

I'm not sure that means much to us.

What is these or one of these, any of these, were a high-value target?

Blueprints would be hard to come by, but Cecilia has access to them.

Could be our k*ller was after these.

And Matthew Burke was collateral damage.

Cecilia has them with her all the time.

Except Thursdays.

Cecilia at PT, Matthew in the gym.

The plans were in the minivan unattended, Archie told Meredith that someone wedged open the fire door that night.

Well, maybe that someone snuck in, borrowed Matthew's keys from the locker room.

Took photographs of the blueprints inside of the minivan.

Then wiped down the keys for prints as to avoid suspicion.

Matthew got in the way.

Perp struck him on his head and dragged him to the sauna.

And shoved those big-ass keys in his pocket.

Collateral damage.

It's all a lot of window dressing without an actual k*ller.

(SIGHS) Okay.

Forensics from the minivan.

Not exactly the case clincher.

A lot of chemical breakdowns, fancy words for dark soil, light sand, orange fibers, food particles.

Neon orange fibers?

A few threads from a fabric transfer.

The obstacle course at the bike shop.

The safety netting was...

Neon orange.

I bet Julie or her ripped husband was in the minivan.

Or both of them, and he's not that ripped.

I'll go with Billy and Meredith.

You get back to Cecilia.

We need to know about these blueprints.

Connor. Julie McKenna. NYPD.


Meredith: Sweep the back room.

Jake: All clear in there.

Actually, it's all been cleaned out.

Looks like they're not planning to come back either.

Every lot on this block has empty cans.

Why are these full?

Because they got something to hide.

Take a look at this.

Looks like a piece of workout equipment.

It's a tricep press-down bar.

Check out the sticker.

Matthew Burke's gym.

Yep. Now, let's look at the head wounds again.

Three bruises from the straight portion, two semi-circular lacerations from the ends.

I see it. We could be looking at our m*rder w*apon.

Guys, you gonna wanna come see this.

Oh. Still warm.

Had themselves a going-away bonfire before they bounced.

Covering their tracks.

New York Department of Buildings.

Copies of Cecilia Burke's blueprints.

I bet you one of her job sites is a target.

So, we have two murderers on the run?

We have to figure out what their end game is before they k*ll again.

Keep me posted. All right.

All right. So APB is out. Nothing yet.

But deep background has Connor moving between US defense contractors up until 2010, in Afghanistan, Yemen...

Something tells me it wasn't for humanitarian aid.

Demolition and expl*sives.

The guy has tons of military contacts and enough registered firepower to arm half of Brooklyn.

And, what about Mrs. Rambo?

Six months ago, Julie's temp agency placed her at Burr Municipal plaza for three weeks.

That's Cecilia's office.

Three weeks is plenty of time for her to survey her target.

Especially if Connor was telling her what to look for.


What do you got?

Catalog, protein powder, and one shipping receipt for a subterranean GPS system.

Underground positioning.

What the hell are these people up to?

I covered 12 buildings.

How are we supposed to narrow this down?

We have evidence that suggests they're going underground.

So, which of these buildings have subterranean access?



These four.


These five...

All have accessible basements.

Okay. Well, five is better than 12.

Let's see if we can get it down to one.

Meredith: Check this. Found it in the ash of the fire pit.

See, that's why you spring for a shredder. What is it?

Train schedule?

Billy: Yeah, or subway or boat, ferry, plane, helicopter...


You making fun of me?

Little bit.

Tech cruise is coming up big in there.

Their garage is practically covered in RDX residue.

That's what they use to make C4.

So, they weren't just building one speeds, they were building bombs.

Yeah. Her husband has a background in demolitions.

He's probably familiar with a variety of expl*sives.

My guess is a lot of it.

We also found det chords and fuses.

Directional expl*sives.

A crew blasted into a stash house two years ago.

They drilled in, mounted it, and then blasted clean through 16 inches of concrete.

They're not blowing something up.

They're blasting in.

"Would any of these buildings be targets for C4 expl*sives?"

These are all plain concrete foundations.

No reinforcements. A blast wouldn't break into the building, it would bring it down.

This one butts up against the retaining wall of the Hudson river.


What about this one?

Take a good look.


Make anything of this?

What is it?

Some kind of schedule.

The numbers are descending.

And, therefore...

The sun.

Dammit, I would have gotten there.


Every day, the sun sets one or two minutes earlier. These are sundowns.

Owl patrol.

Boy Scout, troop 242.

Okay, so, what day of the year does the sun set at 5:58 P.M.?

On it.

It looks like they circled one time, crossed it out and then circled another time.

Whatever they're planning, they moved it up.

Planning to do it sooner.

That's why this place is a ghost town, they know we're on to them.

5:59 sunset is...


It's happening today.

The question is, where?

Is there anything distinct about Broadway and Cedar?

I mean, I suppose if they were to breach the foundation along the southern wall, they could gain access through the ventilation systems, right here.

Okay. What's in the building?

It's offices.

The Fengate Savings and Loan has the entire first floor.

Was it helpful?

We may be stopping a bank robbery.

Detective Broderick.

I appreciate your discretion for the bank.

Even the rumor of a security breach can be disastrous.

Oh, I understand. Anything suspicious?

Nothing out of the ordinary.

Billy is circling the perimeter with the ESU and the security cameras have eyeballs on the basement as well as the ventilation crawl spaces.

All clear.

Well, maybe, we got here ahead of the...




Maybe not.

No one was hurt. Fire department's done a sweep.

Billy and the ESUs are handling evac of the upper floors.

Okay. b*mb squad's combing the premises with custodial.

This couple operates with military precision, plans for months then hits one hiccup and packs it in.

Look at that camera.

Powergrid's down, but the system's on backup generator.

My gut, they knew the blast wouldn't take out security.

Then, what are they after?

Con Ed's power outage is a 12-block radius?

Yep. They are saying the grid will be back up in 30 minutes.

Meanwhile, emergency response protocols put half of lower Manhattan in lockdown.

The bank isn't their primary target.

They're going after one of Cecilia's other buildings.

Can you pull up actual pictures of these buildings?

I need to see which may be high-value targets.

Well, none, unless if you would count a yoghurt shop as high value.

Oh. You would.

Uh, patrol officers took these earlier today.

Surveillance photos of the properties in question.

What are you looking for?

Son of a bitch.

Sonny and Cher weren't training for American Ninja Warrior, they were training for this.

Wait, what's this building?

Um, it looks like those old apartments on Williams Street.

Williams Street.

They were never going after the bank.

What are they after?

Something a hell of a lot worse.

Man: The second precinct was able to prevent what could have been a massive bank security breach.

The community is still on high alert.

They were never going after the bank.

What? That's not what I told the chief.

Sonny and Cher want us there celebrating the victory, but the real job is happening five blocks away on Williams Street.

What's on Williams Street?

The corner property at Williams and John.

The NYPD Admin Annex.

They are tunneling in from next door.

To crack into the department's property wall.

That building has to have self-generating backup security.

They never linked into the backup generator after the hurricane damage.

That's why they blew the transformer.

There are no alarms, there's no cameras.

And 30 minutes until Con Ed gets the grid backup online.

These guys are after the money and the contraband, but one toe inside that vault corrupts evidence of countless cases.

The chain of custody broken for hundreds.

All of that evidence would have to be thrown out.

And just as many felons walk free.

Although, we're assuming that they can get inside and out before the grid's backup.

30:08, you still need to shave 10 seconds.

30 minutes. They can.

Grid's back up in 12 minutes.

They'll reach the vault any minute if they haven't already.

Building's on the emergency protocol lockdown, but what's the point of entry?

The netting to the garbage chute, up the scaffolding, flip on to the roof.

This is the real obstacle course.

Which gives them airshaft access directly into the basement.

Which leaves one wall between them and the annex next door.

With no working lights, they need to be up before sundown without flashlights drawing attention.

Circle the perimeter. Laura and I will get inside.

Just make sure they don't slip out.


Jake: Keep it locked.


Jake, are you...

(GROANS) I'm fine, keep going.


What? What? You hear something?


What is it?


Laura, get back!



Get up, damn it.

Laura, we gotta get up.


(WHISPERING) Jake, if they get that vault door open...

I know, I know.

NYPD, don't move!


10-13. sh*ts fired. sh*ts fired at 10 John.

We need backup at 10 John.

You know when the boys split up before bathtime...

You take one, I'll take the other.

Whoever you want.

Sonny. You take Cher.

Go, go, go.


Got him! Go get her!


NYPD, hands.

We got her.

Suspect's in custody.

You and your wife are arrested for the m*rder of Matthew Burke.

She got you in through fire exit at the gym.

The owner caught you returning with his keys, so you k*lled him.

All that planning foiled by a mid-workout bathroom break.

Looks like two spots just opened up on American Ninja Warrior.

Maybe we'll go for it.

You think we got a shot?



Right, right, right. Gracias. Gracias.

Uh, she's just dropping off my hoodie.

I left it at her house. (LAUGHS)

Uh, everyone, this is my mom, Sylvia.

Mommy, esto es Max.


Esto es Jake.

Nice to meet you.

Esta es Meredith.






Um, okay, so everyone, let's let the cops go back to their saving the city.




I'm the one who didn't know about the property vault.

I'm the one hyping this non-existent bank heist.

I'm the one who looks like a dumb ass on the six o'clock news.

I'm sorry, sir, but they did attack the bank.

The intel that we had...

It's not about intel, Captain. It's about optics.

When you embarrass me, you embarrass the badge.

I just wanted to let you know that we released Archie Vale.

Not now, Diamond.

Um, just... Before I go, I just wanted to congratulate you on a, a brilliant strategy.

What strategy?

It was Captain Santiani's idea to keep the property vault lead under wraps.

If we had tipped our hand, it could have compromised all of it.

So, you were tactically withholding?

Tactically withholding. Exactly.

You got a sly one here, Captain.

I'd keep my eye on her.

Always do, sir.

Well, I've got another press briefing, unless there's something else I shouldn't know?


Here, Diamond. I know that you weren't obligated to do that, so, um, noted.

Aw. We can hug it out now.



Did I miss it? Did she cry? Can she cry?

You used to be fun. You have a visitor.


(CHUCKLES) I, uh, I wanted to thank you, Detective.

Cecilia, I should be thanking you.

Without your help, we never would have caught them.

I can't help but think about that vault.

All that evidence...

If Matthew hadn't interfered, so many criminals might have gone free.

That's true. Who knows how many lives he saved?

That's something, right?

It really is.

Let me walk you out.

I'll be okay.

I know.

I guess, I got the next round.

Oh. You should be buying drinks for your mother coming all this way just to meet me.

(SCOFFS) What are you talking about?

My mom was just dropping off my sweatshirt.

You own more hoodies than Justin Bieber circa 2010.

Come clean. You set the whole thing up.

I plead the fifth.

There is a reason why we keep this on the DL.

We can't be partners and whatever else we are.

(SCOFFS) Is this about us protecting our jobs?

Or are you are feeling the pressure of taking this to the next level?

I'm glad people found out.

As a matter of fact, I want to tell the world about you.

Hell, I'd settle for bringing you into my neighborhood and makin' 'em jealous.


Damn right, "Wow."


Well, how about you start by taking me to your apartment, and making the cab driver jealous?

(INHALES) Back to you.


(CHUCKLING) Hmm, that was us, what, 11 years ago?

A lot of water under the bridge.

Dirty, skanky water.

It's like that song goes, "Sometimes you don't know what you got, till it's gone."

Are you talking about us?

Or are you just mad you couldn't run down Bonnie and Clyde?


When I was 30, that would have been cake.

We were idiots back then.

We're wiser now.

We know what's good for us.

We see a doctor when we need to.

(GROANS) Okay, you win.

Get that doctor's number from Leo.

But, I win, too.

Dinner, Il Buco. Saturday at eight.

This Saturday. Got Tony.

(CLICKS TONGUE) Okay, Diamond.

But you owe me a date.


Bring me a doctor's note. We'll talk.