13x06 - Viral

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "NCIS". Aired: September 2003 to present.*
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The cases of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service.
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13x06 - Viral

Post by bunniefuu »

Woman: Okay, okay. How many ghosts do we have?

(children laughing, shouting)

Woman 2: Simon says, "Touch your nose."

Simon says, "Jump up and down."

Simon says, "Jump up and down and turn around."

Simon says, "Stop"

Boy: I knew it was you.

Hands where I can see them.

I said reach for the sky, partner.

I'm afraid there's been some sort of mistake, Sheriff.

No mistake. You're the ice cream bandit.

Jackson Edward. Saddle up, Sheriff. It's time to eat.

Today's your lucky day.

Now, don't let me catch you in Dodge City again.

(children's chatter continues)


(children screaming)

♪ NCIS 13x06 ♪
Original Air Date on October 27, 2015

♪ ♪

(bell dings)


You know, I've been trying to get Christoph to name a burrito after me for years.

You're here a hot minute and you already got one?

I have a way with people.

I have noticed that.

So, tell me-- what's in the "Bishop"?

It's two tortillas with eggs, steak, hash browns, sweet potatoes, bacon, and four different cheeses.

This is stress eating of a new kind.

You should be studied.

What makes you think I'm stressed?

Oh, come on. Bishop, you can't fool me.

Jake's been away on another one of these top-secret NSA assignments and you are a Type-A control freak.

And not knowing is k*lling you.

Not as much as that burrito.

Delilah: I don't think I'm being unreasonable.

McGee: That is not what I said.

Oh, if it isn't the nesting lovebirds.

How goes the move-in at Casa de McGee?

Well, it would be better if someone knew how to compromise.

I got rid of some of my things, like a grown-up.

Oh, guess that answers your question.

Jake and I went through the same thing when we moved in together.

Consolidating two people's lives into one space-- it's, yeah, it's tricky.

And just so you know, I donated a bunch of my stuff last week.

Stuff that was important to me.

More important than my stuff? Or more important than us?

That's a trap.

Sorry. It's just a set up...

Honey... 0-0-1-0-0.


Delilah: 0-1-0-1-1-1.


Are they arguing in binary?

Binary averages 12 digits per word.

It's some sort of modified shorthand.

He can't even argue like a cool cyborg.

Grab your gear.

We have a dead petty officer in Fort Scott Park.

Hey, Delilah. How's the move?

Still in progress, Agent Gibbs.

Gibbs: Gotta compromise, McGee.

Working on it, Boss.

(camera shutter clicking)

Gibbs: What do we know?

The victim is Petty Officer Second Class Adam Meyers, a culinary specialist stationed at Norfolk.

Cause of death, Duck?

I'd say the g*nsh*t wound to the chest probably did the trick.

It was through-and-through.


I understand around 8:30 this morning.

McGee: Well, the witnesses all heard one g*nsh*t, but no one had eyes on the sh**t.

All these people and no one saw anyone fire a g*n?

sh**t was nowhere near the victim.

Had a higher vantage point... direct line of sight.

So, long range-- must have been a skilled sharpsh**ter.

Tri-State sn*per, Boss. Could be him.

Find the nest.

So, how do you know the victim, Lieutenant Rossmore?

Meyers and I served together a few years back.

You two were friends?

Not exactly.

I was his department head.

Before he called me to meet up, I hadn't heard from Meyers in over two years.

I can't believe this is happening.

Oh, God, what about his sister?

Farrah-- has anyone contacted her?

We're taking care of that.

(phone chimes)

Uh, that's the ship. I gotta get back.

All right. Well, thanks for your help, Lieutenant.

You'll keep me posted?

Sure thing.

Bishop: Good spot to hide.

Hikers don't use the access road.

This had to be it.

sh**t had a clean sh*t from this position.

He gets low enough, the shrubs would've provided cover.

No wonder no one saw him.

Must've crawled around here.

Whoa, whoa. Bishop. Stop! Don't move.

What? What is it?

Poison oak.


Uh... everywhere.

Now, okay...

Put these on, okay?

After we're done here, we've got to bag all of our clothes.

Okay? Everything.

There's this stuff called urushiol, it's in the sap, it spreads by contact.

A what?

Uru... Just trust me, okay?

Oh, all right.

Bad poison oak experience?

Yeah, two of them, thanks to Tony.

If I get the trifecta, I'm never going to hear the end of it.

Hey, I got something.

(camera shutter clicks)

It's a shell casing.

Hopefully Abby can pull the fingerprints and we can identify the sh**t.

I think we already did.

Look at this.

It's the mark of the Tri-State sn*per.

"Seven" for the seventh victim.

I think we're dealing with a serial k*ller.


Did we really have to throw out our clothes?

Couldn't we just wash them?

Better safe than sorry, okay?

I don't want to go down that rash-riddled rabbit hole again.

(laughing): Listen to the man, probie.

If there's one thing McGee knows about, it's embarrassing rashes.

I'm not going through that again.

Well, relax.

I'm not going to give you a hard time about that.

I'm going to give you a hard time about this.

I found it under McGee's desk.

McGee: You realize that's my private stuff.

Well, what is it?

This is the stuff McHoarder said he donated, but did not.

You lied to Delilah?

Tony (chuckling): And I can see why.

Now, judging by the stash in here, it's very clear that this is McGee's cry for help.

I hear you crying, my friend.

They're my childhood keepsakes.

Yes. Shows how old you are.

'Cause you got Lincoln Logs from, like, the '50s in here.

And what else do we have?

We've got, um, Commodore 64 disks.

You see, Bishop, before... Never mind.

Oh, what do we have here?

An Easy-Bake Oven?

I like the batter.

(laughs): And I think last, but not least-- the piece de resistance-- this is a VHS tape, Bishop.

And on it are dance recitals from 1980 to '84.

You have been saving your sister's dance routines.

That's a little creepy.

Yeah, sorry, I'm with Tony on that one.

You're a few sewing patterns away from Buffalo Bill, you know what I mean?

Let me explain to you why that is not creepy.

They're my recitals. I used to tap dance, yeah.

You heard me, I used to tap dance.

And you know what? I was a natural.

In fact, I was amazing.

They used to call me Timmy Soft Shoes Savant McGee.

(laughs) You understand?

And I'm not ashamed of it, so...

I gotta find a VHS player.

Gibbs: Update. Let's go.

Bishop: Petty Officer Adam Meyers, 24, from Baltimore, Maryland.

He grew up in-and-out of foster care before joining the Navy at the age of 18.

Last six months, he's been stationed at Flag Mess Hall in Norfolk.

His C.O. spoke very highly of him.

Next of kin?

His younger sister, Farrah-- she's on her way up.

Suspects. What do we know about the Tri-State sn*per?

Tony: His previous six victims appear to be chosen at random.

Men, women, different races, between the ages of 21 and 65.

Locations and times vary, but his method stays the same.

Single sh*t to the chest.

He also leaves behind a calling card at each crime scene.

Metro. They were tight-lipped.

Wouldn't reveal details over the phone.

Okay, get over there.

I want a suspect list.


Hey, Timmy the Tapper.

You go talk to the sister.

(cell phone rings)

I was really good.

Yeah, Duck.

Ducky: Do you have a minute?

Yep, on my way.

The b*llet pierced the petty officer's aorta.

Death was instantaneous.

I knew that much from the crime scene, Doc.


But you must allow me the occasional, "I told you so""

You got anything else for me?

Well, when I did my examination, I noticed, uh, this mandibular incisor had been recently replaced.

That along with this corresponding laceration under his chin, the tooth was dislodged, apparently, by a strike to the face.

How recent?

According to his dental records, he had an emergency procedure.

It was done three days ago.

That's two att*cks within two days.

Either this man was very unlucky, or someone had it in for him.


No, I just talked to my brother yesterday.

No, it-it can't be him.

I'm sorry for your loss, Miss Meyers.

Why would someone do this?

That's what we're trying to find out.

Do you know why your brother was in the DC area?

No, he said he was visiting some Navy friend.

I don't... I don't know who, though.

Oh, God, this can't be happening.

Is there someone you want us to call?

Adam was my only family.

Obviously you two were close.

Moving from one foster home to another, we learned that we that we could only count on each other.

Now I've got no one.

What am I supposed to do?

What's up with you?

You've been checking your phone the entire time, like a teenage girl.

Yeah, I'm texting with Martinez at the NSA.

There's been chatter about an impending terror att*ck near where Jake is.

I thought Jake couldn't tell you where they were sending him?

Well, he didn't.

I spent years at the NSA, Tony.

I figured it out on my own.

So where is he?

Can't tell you-- "need to know."


I'm Detective Campbell.

You the two from NCIS?

I'm DiNozzo, she's Bishop.

Sorry for being cryptic on the phone.

I couldn't officially comment till after he was charged.

After who was charged?

The Tri-State sn*per.

Caught the guy.

Campbell: Franklin Reeves, a drifter.

He was pulled over for having a broken tail light.

Statie ran the plates, found it was stolen, and Reeves tried to flee.

Found an M40 in his trunk.

He was formally charged ten minutes ago.

And you're certain he's the sn*per?

Got a full confession.

Not to mention the ballistics on his r*fle are a match to the six victims.

Might be seven.

Excuse me?

We believe your suspect may be responsible for the death of Petty Officer Adam Meyers.

Took a round to the chest at 0830 this morning.


Fort Scott Park.

But Reeves was pulled over in Silver Spring at 0845, 15 minutes later.

That's a 30-minute drive-- how's that possible?

Could it have been a copycat?

You want me to what?

To pick one.

One's a trick, one's a treat.


Come on.

My lab, my rules.

(witch cackles)

Abby: Treat.

How anticlimactic.

I'm still waiting for the treat.

Wait no longer.

All of the Tri-State sn*per's victims were sh*t with an M40.

Petty Officer Meyers was k*lled with a round from an M16.

And that's not all.

The writing on the note that was found at the crime scene is a match to the note that Metro found on the sn*per's first victim.

I'm not seeing anything.


It's too identical, Gibbs.

The note found at the crime scene is a trace.

The sn*per's note was printed in every newspaper.

Very easy to duplicate.

Meyers was k*lled by a copycat.

(cell phone rings)


It's Gibbs.

Yeah. Yeah, I'm on my way.

That's good work, Abbs.

(witch cackles)

(witch cackles)

Witch: Run, run for your life.

Gibbs, come on in.

You remember Special Agent Maureen Cabot.

Hello, Mo. Good to see you.

Good to see you, Gibbs.

Not many people manage to look better after getting sh*t.

Yeah, well, I wouldn't recommend it.

It's the suit-- threw me off too.

Shall we?

Yes, of course.

I was just, uh, briefing Director Vance on a case of mine that's relevant to your investigation.

Yeah? What case is that?

Vance: The death of former Ensign Ashley Ryan.

She committed su1c1de ten days ago.

Why is the Sexual v*olence Unit involved?

Well, her family attributes her death to an incident that occurred two years ago while she was deployed on the USS Camden.

A fellow sailor used a hidden camera to take nude photos of her and another female officer and post them online.

Ryan never recovered from it.

The sailor responsible for the photos?

That's the connection, Gibbs.

Cabot: Petty Officer Adam Meyers.

That's affirmative, I was the commanding officer of the USS Camden when the incident occurred two years ago.

Vance: And when did you become aware that there was a situation, Captain Ebbakey?

A crew member discovered the photos of Ensign Ryan and Lieutenant Gifford online and reported it.

Uh, when did you notify NCIS?

I contacted the Mayport office immediately.

Uh, they came aboard when we pulled into port a week later.

By then, Meyers had already confessed to the crime.

How's that?

A matter as sensitive as this required immediate action.

During our transit, I ordered an investigation, and within a few days, um, Meyers confided in his LPO, who turned him in.

Meyers wasn't discharged from the Navy?

No, his, uh, sentence was decided by the judge who presided over his court-martial.

The penalty for violating his fellow shipmates was simply three-months confinement and a reduction in rank.

As prescribed under the Uniform Code of m*llitary Justice.

That doesn't make it right, Captain.

Ebbakey: I agree.

So did the Navy, which is why the UCMJ has since been amended.

The LPO who turned Meyers in, where is he now?

That would be Petty Officer First Class Peter Woodruff.

He's a civilian now.

He works, uh, for an engineering firm in DC.

All right, Woodruff's secretary said (cell phone beeps) he should still be in the restaurant.

Oh, you got to be kidding me.

Oh, what?

Delilah making you give away all your copies of Deep Six?

No, she wants to get rid of my couch.

She says it's too dark for the space.

Well, maybe that's 'cause she knows that's where you slept with Diane Sterling-Gibbs-Fornell.

That did not happen, okay?


There he is.

Peter Woodruff, NCIS.

Like to talk to you.

USS Camden investigation.

Captain Ebbakey called.

He ordered me to assist in any way I could.

Tony: Ordered?

You're a civilian now.

Still respect m*llitary tradition.

So how can I help you?

Did Petty Officer Meyers confess to you that he planted the hidden camera?

That's correct.

Um, I was Meyers' career counselor.

So he often came to me for advice.

When he told me that he was the one responsible for posting those photos, I-I had no choice but to turn him in.

You still spoke on his behalf at his disciplinary hearing.

Uh, yes.

Uh, what Meyers did was wrong, plain and simple, but my job was to guide him, not to judge him.

I told him to cooperate completely with the investigation, which he did.

Meyers made a statement, and then he turned over the recording device.


So after his confession...

...um, uh, when Meyers was detained on board, did any of the crew take issue with him?

Yes, there was, uh, a physical altercation between Meyers and one of the victims of the photos.

Ashley Ryan?

No, Lieutenant Kara Gifford.

She att*cked him.

Probably would have k*lled him if I hadn't intervened.

Give me a break.

It was just a broken nose.

I could have done much worse.

Word is-- you tried to.

Bones heal, Agent Gibbs.

It's nothing compared to what Meyers did to me and Ashley.

No one seemed to care then.

Who'd he violate this time?

No one.

He's dead.

Meyers was sh*t and k*lled.

Guess karma caught up with him.

Oh, karma didn't have anything to do with it.

sharpsh**ter with an M16.

You know anybody that fits that description?

I don't, but I'd like to thank them.

You know why we're here, Lieutenant.

When was the last time you had any contact with Meyers?

Two years ago.

When he was escorted off the ship.

You wanted him dead.

Yeah, of course I did, but did I do it?


And I'm not gonna lose any sleep over his death either.

Ashley's gone because of what he did.

Her family says you two were close.

We went through the same hell together.

Ashley and I spent the last two years filing injunctions to try and get those images off the Internet.

But it never did any good.

They're always going to be out there.


The humiliation and harassment...

...Ashley couldn't handle it anymore.

And she shouldn't have had to, Kara.

Let us help you.

It's a little late for that.

Are we done here?

I have to get back to work.

Thank you, Lieutenant.

Well, she's hiding something.

Oh yeah, absolutely.

Bishop: So much for your day off, Delilah.

Call from Abby, and you're back working cybercrime.

A welcomed distraction.

This trumps unpacking moving boxes any day.

Can we just acknowledge the brain power in this room right now?

We have a forensic cyber specialist.

A cyber t*rror1st hunter.

And a cyber spy.

For the last time, I wasn't a spy.

We're the cyber dream team.

Sounds official.

Do we get jerseys?

Ooh, or secret matching decoder rings.

Yes, I love where this is going.

(computer beeps)

Okay, fingerprint analysis.

Well, Petty Officer Meyers' prints were all over the camera hidden aboard the Camden.


This is interesting.

The camera was purchased three years ago and registered for an extended warranty.

Buyer's name is listed as Howard Falconio.

How'd Meyers get it?

I'll find out.

Hey, any luck tracking where the photos online originated from?

The good news is I found the e-mail address that uploaded the images.

And the bad news is...?

Dummy account.

Meyers was more tech-savvy than we thought.

Except he wasn't.

Meyers was still using a flip phone.

His PC was running on Windows 98.

Tech-savvy people like tech-savvy gear.

Abby: That's weird.

It's like he's Gibbs by day and McGee by night.

Meyers' Internet search history is even stranger.

He didn't visit a single dirty site.

Nothing even close to being risqué.

Unusual for someone who's a self-confessed voyeur.

(cell phone chimes)

That's me. (chuckles)
Oh, my God.

Reporter: If you're just joining us, we have breaking news out of Dubai. Early this morning in the downtown business district, two expl*sive devices...

Give me a sitrep.

Terror att*ck in Dubai. Two bombs detonated inside the Monroe Hotel.

Al Shabaab claimed responsibility.

How many people inside?

Over 500.

There was chatter.

Why didn't they change the venue?



Jake was inside that hotel.

I haven't been able to make contact with him.

Over 20 employees were sent there for a conference.

NSA's scrambling.

Bishop, go home.

Wait for word.

No, I can do more from MTAC.



I'm not gonna wait around for a "we regret to inform you" call.

I'm not leaving here until I find Jake.

Okay, I understand, but what can you tell me?

Okay, got it, "need to know."

Thank you.

What, NSA wouldn't give you anything on Jake?


So much for Intel sharing.

How can I help?

Well, we need eyes on the ground.

Do-do you still have contacts from when you worked in Dubai?

A few, yeah. I'll make some calls.

Wait, Delilah...


I think you were right.

About the couch.

It doesn't fit the space.

I think I was too quick to judge.

It's growing on me.


Big or small, we'll face it together, okay?

Tony: Hey, McGee.

I got your message.

Hi, Delilah.

Any word on Jake?

Nothing yet.

Where you been?

I've been canvassing Meyer's neighborhood, and I spoke to...

Ooh, God, it's k*lling me.

What's with him?

It's the last time I let my dad iron my shirts.

I'm telling you, the man uses too much starch.

What does he think this is, a potato?

For God's sakes.

"You know, Junior, the only thing more important than a stiff drink is a stiff collar."

That guy.

Can't breathe in this.


That's better.

...the case.

The case, yes.

Well, two days before Meyers was sh*t, his neighbor witnessed a heated argument between Meyers and a woman outside his apartment.

The woman threw a mean left hook at Meyers before threatening to k*ll him.

Explains Meyers' busted tooth.

Yes, it would.

It gets better.

The neighbor got Pacquiao's license plate.

And our mystery woman is Lieutenant Kara Gifford.

Cabot: We know you saw Meyers.

An eyewitness put you at his apartment three days ago.

We can't help you if you keep lying to us.

I don't get the feeling that you're here to help me.

If we weren't, you would be in an interrogation room right now.

Look, we're both on your side.

You want to keep it that way?

I suggest you start talking.

Meyers showed up to Ashley's funeral last week.

Why would he go there?

I wondered the same thing.

The more I thought about it, the angrier I got.

I tracked him down and confronted him.

I wanted to hear him acknowledge what he was responsible for.

Did he?


He started crying.

Said he... promised to make things right.

Things can't ever be made right.

That's when you hit him.

I thought it would make me feel better.

But it didn't.

After that I left.

Meyers was a little bloody, but very much alive.

Why didn't you tell us this before?

I knew how bad it looked.

Threatening him days before he turned up dead?

And if the Navy found out, they'd give me a dishonorable.

I was scared.

He took so much from me already.

I didn't want my career to be another casualty.

News anchor: Coming to you live from the central...

Hey, what's the latest?

News outlets are reporting 30 casualties, but my Intel puts the number at 43.

And hundreds more injured.

Anything from the NSA?

Two analysts are confirmed dead.

Jake and five others are still unaccounted for.

You know, the-the comms are probably down.

I'm sure Jake's fine, he's probably...

If you want to help me, McGee, spare me the false hope.

What I need are the facts, and that's it.


You know, when people say that they know what you're going through, they usually don't.

They just say it to comfort you.

But in this case, I actually know exactly what you're going through.

I was there.

Two years ago.

Benham Parsa.

His drone att*ck on the gala.

After that expl*si*n, um...

I couldn't find Delilah.

I didn't know... if she was hurt.

I didn't even know if she was alive.

And each second feels like an hour.

And the worry turns to anger.

Mostly at yourself, because you know there was nothing you could do.

But I remember-- no matter how much I pushed everyone away, you were all there.

And that's what family does, Bishop.

So... whether you think you need us or not...

...we're not going anywhere.

Zero, zero, one, one, zero.

You're welcome.


Special Agent Cabot.

Check it out.

Riveting, Abbs?

You know I only metalwork on very special occasions.

It's a hollowed-out nickel?


And I'm gonna make it into a ring, three of 'em.

One for each member of the dream team.

Not a lot of people know that coins...



Ever since you've had me combing through Petty Officer Meyers' financial records, I have money on the brain.

Did something flag?

Big time.

So Meyers had a joint account with his sister.

Every month, same deposits, same expenses.

Until September 18, 2013.

(witch cackles)

There was $15,000 deposited into the account.

That's the day after the Camden came back into port, when Meyers was taken into custody.

What happened to the money?

Three days later, the money was wired to a law firm called Whitford and Roe.

They're, like, bigwigs out of Norfolk.

I thought Meyers had a JAG attorney handle his case.

He did.

(phone ringing)

Yeah, it's Gibbs.


DiNozzo what?!

Tony: So, on a scale of one to ten, how bad is it?

Let's just say, the scale needs recalibrating.

I'm afraid it is toxicodendron pubescens, otherwise known as eastern poison oak.

The symptoms are itching, inflammation, blistering...

My skin feels like the surface of 10,000 suns.

Ducky: Yes, and a propensity for the dramatic.

Tony, you are so right.

This is so much more fun when you're on the other side of it.

(Tony laughs, elevator bell dings)

Well, you keep laughing, McGee, and I'm gonna rub myself over everything you own.

Ah, geez.

Tony: Sorry, boss.

Still think I don't want to be here?

I wish you weren't, looking like that.

McGee: Looks like Tony got poison oak from the crime scene.

sn*per's nest was covered in it.

If your k*ller was as unaware of the plant's presence as Anthony here, he may be infected, too.

And with a strain as virulent as this, oh, he'd need to seek medical help.

I was just interviewing the witnesses.

I didn't go anywhere near the sn*per's nest.

Sap could've spread from their clothing.

Did you touch anyone at the crime scene?

Oh, I...

Nick Rossmore.

I shook his hand.

Rossmore was Meyers' department head on the USS Camden.

Bring him in.

With pleasure.


Can someone tell me what is going on here?

Does this clear things up for you a little?

Oh, boy.

You recognize them?


Should I?

Tony: I guess it looks different through the scope of an M16.

Why don't you help him out, McGee?

It's your sn*per's nest at Fort Scott Park. where you sh*t Petty Officer Meyers.

Where I what?!

Are you insane?

Tony: Well, I can't speak for Tim, but, uh, me, no.

I'm itchy, I'm irritated, and I have a g*n.

Where'd you get the poison oak?

I cut across a hiking trail on my way to meet Meyers.

The path was covered in it.

Is this the same meeting where he ended up dead?

I had nothing to do with it!

Meyers was sh*t by the Tri-State sn*per.

Wasn't he?

No, someone staged it to look like that.

Would you have any idea who would want him dead?

Oh, my God.

I would have said something before, but...

I thought that the sn*per was responsible, so I didn't think that it was relevant.

What wasn't relevant?

When we went on deployment two years ago, Meyers' got word that his sister had been arrested for possession.

He was beside himself at the thought of her going to prison.

And he told me that he was going to find a way to pay for a top-notch lawyer.

A couple days later, he confesses to planting a hidden camera onboard.

It didn't make any sense.

Meyers was not that kind of a person.

And I... I always thought that he took the fall.

Who was he covering for?

I don't know, but Ashley's death-- it changed things.

He told me that her family deserved to know the truth.

And I think that he was planning on coming clean with everything.

Somebody got to him first.

I had my contacts in Dubai send me everything they could get their hands on.

From inside the hotel to a five-block radius.

Didn't want to limit our options.

It's a lot more ground to cover, but we'll find something.


Is that code for something?

Oh, uh, it's this... silly tradition Jake and I have whenever one of us goes out of town.

It's sort of our own good-bye.

We walk to the front door, and we kiss, and he says, "Bye-bye, Pumpkin Pie," and I say, "See you soon, Macaroon."

Two food references.

Sounds about right.

I'm the one who's supposed to be in that position, not Jake.

What position?

The one in harm's way.

I finally understand what Jake's been talking about all this time.

My NSA deployments in the Middle East, these past few years at NCIS.

This is what he's been going through.

It has nothing to do with your job, Bishop.

Even if you were a librarian, the worry wouldn't go away.

Everyone's greatest fear is losing the one they love the most.

That's why we fight like hell for every minute.

(keyboard keys clicking, computer chirping)

Wait. Go back one.

Man: Yes, ma'am. There.

That's the hotel in the background. The taxi stand. Zoom in.

I think that's Jake.

Taxi's registration-- XZ017.

Okay, we can check the driver's passenger cam footage.

(computer trilling)

All right, I'm in.

No. No.

(computer trilling)


That's him. Bishop.

What's the timestamp?

Driver logged his ride from...

0713 to 0735.

Bombs went off at 0720.

When Jake was across town.

Wasn't in the building.

He's alive.

Gibbs: I already read Meyers' file, Duck.

Then you know that from an early age, the only constant in his life was his sister.

Everything he did was driven by a need to protect her.

Yeah, he had a classic hero complex, but ruled by selfless motives.

Unlike the perpetrator responsible for planting this hidden camera.

I believe your suspicions are correct.


Meyers was innocent?

Whoever the guilty party is, his recordings are telling.

The USS Camden had 20 female sailors onboard, yet he only targeted the two officers.

These are the actions of a subordinate who resented taking orders from a woman.

The photos were his way of getting back control.

Skilled manipulator.

Someone who knew Meyers needed money.

That's how they got him to take the fall.

Gibbs: If Meyers was k*lled by someone on the USS Camden, then our crew list is our suspect list.

How many onboard?



All right, we need to check their bank accounts for any cash withdrawals in the $15,000 arena.

Already did. Got nothing.

I've got something.

Oh, hey.

Delilah gave us an update.

Glad Jake's okay.

You heard from him?

Not yet, but I will.

Sure you want to be here?

Guys... I am fine. Really.

Did I mention I have a lead?

Oh, yeah, you know, I'll handle the clicker, 'cause I got the... and you don't want the.

Okay. I finally got in touch with Howard Falconio, the original owner of the recording device.

Navy guy?

Only if you count Call of Duty.



Falconio is a hardcore gamer.

Mm. No kidding.

Bet he's got more cosplay outfits than you, McGoo.

Bishop: Falconio sold the camera on Craigslist...

Uh, click.


...to Petty Officer Peter Woodruff.

The guy who Meyers confessed to.

McGee: While in the Navy, Woodruff was twice denied acceptance into the Navy's Commissioning Program.

Woodruff was trying to make the jump from enlisted ranks to a Naval officer.

Well, they got it right.

Definitely not officer material.

(door bell tinkle)

What's going on, Captain?

Why the urgent phone call?

You can't go home or to your office.

NCIS is looking for you.

They said you manipulated Petty Officer Meyers into taking the fall for the recording device, and then sh*t him before he could tell the truth.

All lies, sir. I don't know who feeding...

Peter, enough. Just...

Just cut the crap and let's talk man to man.

I know you're the one who planted the camera and spread those photos.

I've known for years.

Truth is, the m*llitary has fallen victim to the... political agenda.

Those guys on the hill forcing quotas so they can say that there's gender equality.

These women didn't get where they are based on merit.

So, why didn't you turn me in?

You and I-- we're... cut from the same cloth.

I started out enlisted, and just like you, I was often... overlooked for those less qualified.

It isn't right.

You took a stand.

I admired that.

(door bells tinkle)

That's why I kept my mouth shut all these years, and that's why I'm going to help you out of this mess now.

What does NCIS have on me?

The camera connecting you to Meyers.

It's circumstantial.

Yes, but... sh**ting Meyers really mucked things up.

You need to get ahead of NCIS before they find something.

They won't. I made sure no one saw me at the park.

No witnesses, no evidence.

What about the r*fle? It needs to be destroyed.

It's gone.

I wiped it clean and tossed it in the Potomac.

I'm in the clear, sir.

We're done here.

You get what you need?

Oh, yeah.

Captain, thank you very much.

Least I could do for our Navy.

I trusted you.

How could you do this to me?

Two sailors are dead because of you.

Ensign Ashley Ryan, Petty Officer Adam Meyers.

How could you do this to them?

When Meyers said that he was gonna tell the truth, I panicked.

It was all an accident. None of this was supposed to happen.

The hidden camera, the photos, staging Meyers' m*rder.

Everything you've done has been premeditated.

You're gonna answer for it.

(door bells tinkle)

Tony, you know itching only makes it worse.

Hold on. I got something for you.

Calamine lotion.

Works wonders, trust me.

Yes! Of course!

McGee, you're such a good friend to me. Calamine lotion.


I entrust my... health to your healing hands.

No, no. I am not...

What do you think-- I'm gonna lather you?

No. Do it yourself.

I can't reach certain areas.

Come on. Please?

Look, no one's around.

It'll be between us.

McGee, come on.

I need you.

I'm dying here!

Okay, sounds good.

Oh, thank God.

(Bishop sighs)

I will.

Love you, too. Bye.


That was Jake.

He's at the U.S. Embassy.

NSA cut his assignment short, and he will be back at the end of the week.

Sounds like a perfect time for a vacation.

That is exactly what Jake said.

So, you coming?

Uh, not just yet.

You guys go ahead.

Wait. Almost forgot.

Abby wanted me to give these to you.

She ordered me not to open them on pain of death.

Tony: All right, come on, McGee.

We' got a date with some rubber gloves and lotion.

Let's make this happen.

Don't ask.

(elevator bell dings)

(elevator bell dings)

Oh. I thought you already left.


Looking for you.

It's been a long two days, Gibbs.

Don't really want to talk about it right now.

Good by me.

(elevator bell dings)

Seven minutes.

That's how close Jake came.

400 and 20 seconds, and...

...I could've lost him, Gibbs.

But you didn't lose him, Ellie.

Jake's safe, and he's coming home.

Everything's gonna be all right.

(Gibbs sighs slightly)

(Bishop sighs)
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