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01x06 - Fiddler's Neck

Posted: 10/27/15 10:23
by bunniefuu
Previously on Minority Report...

(faint, overlapping voices)

We promised not to intervene in their affairs.

You brought a cop?

We can trust her.

Vega: Your secret's safe with me.

Arthur: Vega? Are you sure?

She's there when they put us in it.

Arthur: Every time we help her, we risk putting ourselves closer to the edge.

Vega: You said someone hired you to k*ll my dad. Who?

Winter: Lycon.

(two g*nshots)

She will betray us, Arthur.

Dash: I miss home, Agatha.

I miss you.

Agatha: You forget where I live.

Actually, I don't. You live on the Island of Misfit Toys, filled with people running away from the government, not those in it.

Agatha: You know, for months after they set us free,

I was afraid to close my eyes.

All the death we'd seen, I...

I thought it's all I'd ever see again.

(birds calling)

(snorts gently)

Man: You don't look like a horse thief.

I'm not.



She's not broken.

That's... good, right?

Depends on who you ask.

For her, maybe so.

Keeps getting out, but I can't put a bridle on her.

(neighing softly)

You know horses?

Just this one.

She have a name?


Do you?


Agatha. Well, I'm Brian.

Are you looking for work, Agatha?

Not too many people have a way with animals.

If you're interested, I could teach you more.

Is it always this quiet around here?


That's what I like about it, too.

(kettle whistling)



(distorted): No, Katie!

Brian: Katie.

You're okay.

Katie: No! No! Katie! Katie!



Vega: There were three of them: Dash, Arthur and Agatha.

They were called the Precognitives.

They could see murders before they happened.

For six years, our police held them against their will and used them to save lives.

But after the government's Precrime program was shut down, they were finally released.

They kept themselves safe and hidden from the world, until now.

Akeela: Up all night again?

No, I was just, um...

Obsessing over your father's case files?

It's just, there's nothing in any of these about the blind drug dealer Dina Winter talked about, Lycon.

Because the files are just shells.

Most of the data didn't get converted during the system upgrade 15 years ago.

So until someone syncs the two, the old evidence might as well be stuck on Mars.

We know how to get to Mars.

We do.

But who knows this system better than me?

Look, we're gonna get this guy, Lara.

I promise.

You need to get away from this.

I'll let you know if I find anything.

You're early.

You're late. There's only one ferry a day to the island, and we still have a car ride to make.

I'm almost ready.

Brian Stanton's daughter?

Nine years old.

Agatha... how's she holding up?

It's her first death in a decade, and it's her old boss's kid, to boot. How do you think?

If you're coming along, she must be pretty shaken up.

She is.


(Vega clears throat)

Now I am.

So, uh... road trip.


She's a professional.

We're gonna stop this, we'll need help.

If you think Agatha's shaken up now, ooh, you just wait.

There's no signal.

Don't expect much service on Fiddler's Neck.

People out here like peace and quiet.

There's peace and quiet, and then there's the Stone Age.

More like the age of climate change.

Ice caps melt, waters rise.

A peninsula becomes an island.

Rough on the condo market.

And then the government gave up, more or less.

So if there's no government, then who makes the rules?

Who's in charge?

Dash: They're called the Guard.

Arthur: They named themselves.

A little much, if you ask me.

They make sure no one brings in any contraband...

GMOs, nanotech, anything that's dangerous to the island's more natural way of life.

And they don't much like outsiders here either, so just follow our lead.

Come on, move along.

Let's go.

Well, look who came to visit.

Arthur, been forever.




You're in the Guard now?

We all got to grow up sometime.

Just took me until I was 36.

Too bad. I liked you as a young idiot.

Eh. Who's your friend?

And, uh, what's that?

Police issue. Don't worry.

It's nonlethal. I mean, unless I sh**t it at you.


Detective Vega's here to start fresh.

Can't sleep in the city anymore.

Angry all the time.

We told her that Fiddler's Neck was just the place for new beginnings.

Well, if you two vouch for her.

I'll see you around, boys.


It's a nickname.

Meant to be ironic.


Dash: Don't worry.

She's gonna like you.

Unless she jumps into your future and sees you betray us.

She still believes that?

Maybe after this, she'll trust me.

(chuckles) Right.

Guess that's gonna happen a lot this weekend.

I saw you through the window.


But I didn't see this coming. You called for help to stop a m*rder; that's what Vega does.

I called you.

I wasn't crazy about it either, Ag.

Vega: Can I interview the witness? Please?

The m*rder hasn't happened yet. There are no witnesses.

There's one.

(insects trilling)

Vega: I know you don't work like them, that you see what the victim sees.

And I feel what the victim feels.

That you become her for a moment... the moment.

You could call it that.

I die.

(thunder rumbling softly)

We call that an eyewitness.

So you're in your bedroom.

Is it day or night? Can you tell what time it is?

I heard a whip-poor-will.

It's a local bird that makes its call just around sunset.

That gives us until tomorrow night, at least.

Or it already happened.

It didn't.

What else did you see?

You hang in there, okay? Please.

Agatha: Parents leaning over me.

It's okay, sweetie. Everything's gonna be okay.

They look so scared. I'm afraid, too.

I don't think anyone k*lled me yet.

(thunder rumbling softly)

I'm just sick.

My stomach.

Sick? But you wouldn't see anything unless it was a m*rder.

Vega: But your stomach hurts.


Did someone poison you? Did someone give you dr*gs?

Maybe your mom or your dad?

My mother doesn't believe in dr*gs.

What about your father?

Was it him? Did he poison you?

It was him, wasn't it?


The father.

Agatha: You don't know what you're talking about.

Then tell me.

Are you sure it isn't him? How do you know?

Because I know Brian, and he would never do that.

Excuse me.

How well did you know Brian?

I'm not sure who you think you are.

A cop, trying to stop a little girl from being poisoned.

And it matters.

What are you hiding?

Was he married at the time?


Do Dash and Arthur know you were in love with him?


Well, they came a long way to help you, so you better tell them.

We need to work together if we want to save this child.

Brian: Agatha, you should have come.

How was she?

She was beautiful.

I thought the last of those cows had gone extinct.

I mean, even when I was a kid, you didn't see Randall Linebacks anymore.

People stopped eating real beef 'cause that vat-grown stuff was so cheap.

But there she was.

(chuckles) Sorry.

Sometimes I go overboard.

You love your work.

There's more possibility with you here.

There's just so many things I don't have to explain to you.

That's why I used to work alone.

That isn't why.

I'm sorry?

I know you keep some things from me.

It's okay. I don't want to talk about the past.

I like the present better.

Well... what do you know?

That you'll kiss me back.

There's Katie and her mom Gabby.

I'm sure Brian's around.

Vega: Does she know about you two?

I don't think so.

And I'd prefer she never did.

Okay. You and I go talk to the mom.

You chat her up while I use this.

What is that?

Tox screen.

See if she has any poison in her system already.

Only need a sample. Let's go.



Dash: There she is, Katie Stanton.

Katie, cover your mouth, please.

Gabby Stanton?


Some people called me Slash.

Oh, right. Right. Haven't seen you in a while.

I moved to the city.

You sure don't get produce like this where I live now.

Why is it so small?

I mean, corn should be, like...

It's natural. We also make our own soups.

Chowders, split pea.

Try some?

No, thanks.

Mm. No, that's okay.

You're from the city.

Thinking of moving to the island though.

If you're looking for a place to rent, we have guest quarters at the farm.

Oh. I'd love to check that out.

And who is this?

And what's she eating to get so pretty?



Honey, I said cover your mouth.

Is Katie sick?

People bring these things in from the mainland. Here.

Take the lozenge Dr. Gage gave you.

She's seeing a doctor?


The kind of medicine that doesn't rot our bodies from the inside out.

You got a sec?


There's been a breach in the system. Our system?

Mostly trolled files but Sisi said they tried to hack into Hawk-Eye but couldn't get in.

We got to bring this upstairs.

Before you do that, they've been poking around for stuff.

On you.


Yes. Case files, HR reports, anything with your name or badge. I took the breach personally, so I back-hacked by planting a beacon on the invader.

Find anything?


The I.P. addresses were hardcoded in the malware that originated from Kuala Lumpur.

Do you have any enemies there?

Everywhere but.

You saw D.I.A. around the other day?

They're vetting me. A D.I.A job?

I could have just sent them the files upon request.

Akeela, that's how you vet.

You dig into people's private lives without them knowing, and that's where the gold is.

I was born to work there.

We got to get out in front of it.

We? Yeah. Shake some trees.

Maybe there's something I don't know about.

See what you can find.

I understand why you kept Brian a secret.

'Cause you kept telling Dash and I not to get involved with people.

You were a hypocrite.


What I want to know is why it ended.

Was it you or him?

That's personal.

Come on, I tell you everything about my girlfriends.

I know. I wish you wouldn't.

I'm going to talk to him.


Good to go.



Hello, Brian.

Katie's getting big.

Yeah, they grow up fast.

How is she?

Gabby has her up to ninth-grade quantum physics, string theory.


And how's her health?

Gabby's watching everything she eats.

What's this about?

Nothing. I...

Just... you've been on my mind.

Should probably get back to my family.

Everything okay?


Did you learn anything?

The mother's protective.

And Katie's cough seems like more than a cold.

Arthur: What about the tox-screen?

No poison detected.

So we're exactly nowhere.

Unless she really does die of an illness. If she's sick, how is that a m*rder? Why would Agatha see that?

Maybe they know she's sick, but they won't give her the help that she needs.

What about that doctor?

She said there was a doctor on the island.

Yes. Sort of.

Why don't you pay him a visit?

Dr. Gage?

I used to see you a lot when you first moved here.

You were a real hypochondriac.

I didn't have a lot of friends.

You take 'em where you can get 'em.

Why are you still living in the city, Dash?

Oh, I kind of like it.

Hmm? Mm.

I mean, I got to give you the stats on illness in metropolitan areas.

Humans weren't designed to live that way.

Nearly k*lled me.

I was 260 pounds. Then I moved here.

So, what is it with you?

Lungs? Indigestion?

Actually, I'm here about a friend.

You know that lying causes stress, right?

Which kills.

Wh-What's been the single biggest health event of the 21st century?

I'm not lying.


Every person on the planet had their entire digital footprint made public.

E-mails, search histories.

Best beach reading ever.

It was before my time.

The stress levels...

(whooshes) ...went through the roof.

Divorce, alcoholism.

15 million deaths were attributed to that one hack.

Okay, I'm telling you, it is madness to have those damn things in a home. Hmm.

Um, I wanted to ask you about Katie Stanton.

I heard she was sick.

Her father was a good friend of my sister's.


Brian came to see me, disturbed.

Nearly a panic.

Poor girl came down with malaria.

And you can thank the flooding of the Chesapeake for that.

Malaria? But there's a vaccine for that.

A vaccine? The city air is going to your brain.

The-the malaria vaccine did this world more harm than good.

You won't give her any medicine?

Now you sound like Brian.

Luckily, the girl's mother has more sense.

She and I are working on a holistic cure.

You know, we're gonna wipe this whole infection away...

(whooshes) no time.

Katie just needs malaria medicine, but her doctor and parents...

Mostly her mother... Are stopping her from getting it.

Would you feel that as a m*rder? It's possible.

Well, first things first... we need to get the girl her medicine.

Melindan. Gates Foundation. 2022.

I have a head for history.

The question is: how do we get it?

The next ferry isn't till tomorrow morning.

Leave it to me.

You think this will be the first time I snuck contraband onto the island?

You'll have it before sunset.

The hard part is convincing crazy mom to give it to her daughter.

That's where you come in.


You. You two get the medicine, and by the time you've done that, hopefully we've convinced Gabby, and you can meet us at her house. You're coming with me.

(car door closes)

You girls have fun.

Use your words.

Let's go.
You want me to find dirt on a cop?

I have Blake's permission, but I can't risk having it being traced back to me from Metro, so I need to outsource it.

What's in it for me, besides jail time?

You're a rebel.

You live for this.

It's not like you're in this for the money.


Unless, of course, you don't think you're up to it.


Dash: You ever wish we still lived here?

Never ever.

You do?

You got to admit, it's peaceful.


Only children get m*rder*d.

If you love it so much, why don't you move back?

I've thought about it.

Let me ask you a question.

If you could lose our gift, or curse, or power, whatever you want to call it, would you?

I'll go with "curse," and yes.

Powerful people want to put us back in a milk bath prison.

Maybe our government, maybe another.

We're always gonna be hunted.

I'd prefer that wasn't the case.

You? I'd keep it.

Why? Seeing people get slaughtered and not make a dime?

Yeah, that part's tough.

But I have a chance to save them.

Not many people do.

Fetts: Hey, guys, what's going on?


Sorry, we're, uh... we're fishing this spot.

Oh, yeah?

Where's your poles?

You're talking about that stork coming in.

Man: Weird-looking thing.

Man 2: Wonder if it's good eatin'.

One way to find out.

Why'd you do that, Fetts?

You arrived with a D.C. cop, Arthur.

Just doesn't add up.

Why are you afraid of the cops?

Aren't you the law around here?

If you're the law, it's easier to break the law, right?

Well, somebody had to pick up where you left off.

Fetts, don't worry about that D.C. cop.

She's on my payroll.

I guarantee you, she won't be a problem.

Let me just get my stuff, and I'll...


Titanium. I need the body open to check it out.

What are we doing?

Opening up your drone, making sure there's no cameras, infrareds. Come on.

Shut up. You've always been real good at taking care of yourself.

Just making sure that you're not selling me out.

And you're staying with me until I am. Let's go.

Did you see that house back there? The red one?

Yes, it's cute.

It's in a great spot, but I'd open it up a bit, knock down a few walls in the front, give it some space.

You'd need more space?

We might.

Haven't you thought about it?

A family?

I'm sorry.

I pushed.

You once said you knew I had a secret.

You know what it is?

I never asked.


I spent six years in one for grand theft.

And when I got out, I came here and spent my days thinking about how I could have done things differently.

But since I met you...

I've been thinking about what can be.

I see us living in that little red house.

You painting the walls in the nursery when the baby comes.

Maybe a daughter.

We'll name her Katherine, Katie.

She plays out there in the fields with all the horses.

Can you see?



Maybe it's too soon.

No, I can't see that at all.

What is it that you're afraid of?

You don't understand.

There are things...

Tell me. Please.

I can't.

I'll only get you hurt.

Anybody close to me.

This was a mistake.

No, it's okay.

Agatha, let's just talk about this tomorrow.

I won't see you tomorrow.

You'll wake up, and you'll go to the barn.

You'll touch Mercury on the nose, and you'll tell her that I'm gone.

In time, she'll forget.

And so will you.

(crying): We all forget.

What are you talking about?


Good-bye, Brian.


So when are we gonna talk about it?

About what?

Your vision.

The one that has you so upset.

Maybe it's a misunderstanding.

That's not how these things work.

So how do they?

I don't get many visions anymore.

Not this far away.

The night Dash left for the city, I saw one, and it was the three of us...

Dash, Arthur and me.

Hooked into their system.

And now I've seen you there, too.

Doing what?

Standing above us. Staring.

Like we're held c*ptive.

I thought you didn't see your own futures.

Maybe I'm trying to help you.


Or maybe we can change that future.

That's what Dash and I do.

I promise, I won't let you or Dash or Arthur get hooked up in the milk bath again.

And I will feather my bed with all of your good intentions, Detective.

They don't matter.

You only appeared in my vision after you met Dash.

The events are already set in motion.

Good. Let's go. Let's go.


Let's go.

Katie: Come on. Come on.

Should I go alone?


I want to be here.

(Katie coughing)

Hi. Katie?



I'm, uh, Lara, from the market.

Um... what's your name?

I used to work here.

I'm Agatha.

Is Mercury to pasture?

We lost her last winter.

Sorry to hear that.

Gabby: Katie?

Hello again.

Can I help you ladies?


I was, uh, hoping I could check out those guest quarters you have for rent.

Uh, this is my friend.

She used to spend time here.

Work. I worked here.

Katie, will you check on the soup, please?


You're her.

You are the one he never talked about.

What do you want?

What's going on?

I came to see the rental.


I'll show you.

I can do it.

No, you two need a chance to catch up.

Why now, Agatha?

Why would you come here now?

Dash's friend needs a place to stay and you guys have...

Last I checked, there are 23 places in town.

We offer the fewest amenities.

Yet you drag your friend here.


The stars are brighter out here.

(sighs) Stop.

I'm worried about you.

About Katie.


What are you doing?

You're lying.

What are you talking about?

Hey. Where are you going?

Agatha! Get out of there!

Why are you doing this?

The medicine.

You hide it from your wife.

Hey, you give that back.

You're giving it to her. Gabby doesn't want to treat her 'cause she doesn't believe in medicine, but you're giving it to her anyway.


Look, stop.

I don't understand how you do what you do... but please don't tell Gabby.

I won't.

I knew you wouldn't... y-you couldn't hurt her.

Now, Agatha, tell me what's going on.

Now I don't know.

Akeela: Why do you live alone like this anyway?

You're worth hundreds of millions.

I am a one-percenter... I give away 99%.

Look it up if you don't believe me.

I did.

I also know that you're from Albany, you are the son of a genius architect, your mother was a microbiologist.

You like calico cats and cashmere socks.

And... you were once married for two years to an ex-nun named Diana.


You think stalking social media is a skill set?

You have seven stocks and seven bonds your grandfather gave you worth $958,000 as of 2:00 today.

You still have a six-year-old voice mail saved from a boyfriend in Morristown describing what he would do to you with his fingers and toes, and I can't believe a systems operator for a police department uses passwords from Beatles' songs.


I'm good, Akeela.

You're a high school freshman.



That was a violation. I was violated.

Said the pot to the...

(computer chirps)


What is it?

There's a D.I.A investigation into Blake.

Dogs fully unleashed.

What did he do?

He didn't do anything.

They're looking into his Hawk-Eye program.

They want to know how his cops are getting such great arrest numbers.

Well, that's easy.

Detective Lara Vega is secretly working with a Precog.

If they keep looking, it won't stay secret long.

Looks like you're in a hurry.

You sure you're ready to move to a place like this?

It's exactly why I need to move to a place like this.

The inside is lovely, simple.

But it has everything you need.

What happened here?

Nothing. A... a bird flew into it.

So, a .44 caliber bird flew in?

Gabby, who shot into this house?

You're not looking for a place to rent.

I'm a police officer.

And I have reason to believe that your family is in danger.


Let's go. Move it.

No surveillance, just this.

Malaria medication for a local kid.


Wow. You've changed, too.


Arthur: Cash crop.

Ever since that amendment passed making it illegal.

Never saw you as a farmer, Fetts.

I deal mainly in distribution, security.

We outsource the growing.


Local famers.

Vogel. DiMeesas. Nunis brothers.

You know, some like to make a buck, others are, well, less enthusiastic, but where there's a will there is a way.

What about Brian Stanton?

Tougher nut to crack.

His wife would not want tobacco growing on their land.

We're negotiating.

Is that what these are for?

Or is there really that big a pest problem drying tobacco?

That's not the pest were dealing with.

Kenny! Outside.

Lock 'em up.

Join him in there, Arthur.

You boys sit tight until we figure out what to do with you.

They're gonna poison the Stanton family.

That's how Katie dies.

(door closes)

You know what I'd like to have right now?

Phone service?

You meditating now?

Two, six, one, five.

Please tell me that's the combination.

Kenny, you run your damn mouth too much.

Now they're asking about the Stantons.

You see, that could be a problem.

If they figure out what we're trying to do here...


Hey, come back here!

Son of a bitch!

Get in the damn truck!

Brian: Yeah, I've been beefing with some thugs who want to grow tobacco on my land.

But why do you think Katie could somehow be in danger?

You just have to trust her, Brian.

She wants to help.

(whip-poor-will calling)

Is that...?

A whip-poor-will.

Gabby (outside): Brian! Brian!

Vega: What happened?

He was fine. He was...

Vega: Poisoned.

The water.

That must be how she gets sick.

Brian: How who gets sick?

Katie, no!



Katie, stop!


Katie: What? I was thirsty.

It's the water.

At least we stopped it.

We're not done. Fetts and his guys, they're coming.

Arthur: Five men, three shotguns, two have Glocks.

36 rounds of total amm*nit*on.

Dash: Okay, we have a sonic p*stol and a spatula.

Brian... given how friendly your neighbors are, you must own a firearm.

Given his criminal record, I thought it best he didn't.

We are not without skills, Detective.

Take Gabby and Katie to the guest quarters, and stay quiet.

I'll get Katie.

Once they're safe, I'll come back to help.


I did see it.

Our future.

Had its moments... they were nice.

But I also saw them, and I saw how happy you would be with them for the rest of your life.

You need to protect that.

Vega: Agatha.

They're coming.

(men whooping, shouting)

(shouting continues)

I got to go back.

(shotgun clicks)

Where you going?


Back up.

Don't want any nasty accidents.

Hey, Fetts, I got the farmers.

Fetts: Make it look like an accident.

We'll get the others.

♪ ♪

(door creaks)

(floorboards creaking)

(floorboard creaking)

(whispering): Seven footsteps.


I'll tell you when.



(g*n clicks)

You three should've stayed home today.


(Stantons knocking, shouting frantically)

Up against that wall.


Make sure they don't escape around the back.

Stew: All right, boss.

Fetts: You know, I am glad that y'all showed up though, 'cause I have always wanted one of these.

All right.

Let's finish this.

See you on the other side.

Vega: Hands in the air!

Nice move.

Want to do the honors?



Get up. Let's go.

Arthur: You know what I love about this place?


Me neither.

Hey, sis, how about next year, my place for Thanksgiving?

Thank you.

Be careful.

I'm more worried about you.

Don't be.

Well, I'm looking forward to getting back home.

And I'm looking forward to seeing you again, Lara.

And this time, we'll see who's right about all this.