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02x20 - Girl Meets Texas - Part 1

Posted: 10/25/15 05:54
by bunniefuu
We have changed the life of somebody in this room.

Oh, please not me.

I'm happy with my life the way it is.

I got tall, and my teeth came in nicely.

Yeah, we're not talking about you two.

Oh, no. What'd you do?

Oh, Lucas, in your whole history, we know what has always been your biggest regret.

(Quietly) Baaaah.

What's that? Why would you do that?


You used to be a champion sheep rider at the mutton bustin' rodeo, until you fell off of Judy the sheep.

And then you gave up, but you never got over it.

That is my deepest, darkest secret.

No one knows I fell off Judy the sheep except...

They made me, Lucas. They made me.

How did they make you?

(Sighs) I said, "Y'all wanna hear a great Lucas story?"

They said, "yes."

Okay, it doesn't matter. I'm over it.

I don't think about that day at all.

(Sniffle) I fell off that sheep so fast.

No one likes me.

Lucas, you can fix this.

Get back on that sheep and be a sheep champion.

We have made that possible.

How? How'd you make that possible?

Show it to him.

Ride, Lucas! Ride, boy!

We have entered you in... the annual mutton busting tournament!

In Austin, Texas!

In front of everybody you know.

Both: Yay!

You can't enter me in mutton busters.

You can't be over eight years old or over 55 pounds.

You are wrong, young Lucas.

We entered you last week and your application has been accepted.

"Congratulations, Lucas Friar.

"You are an official entry in this year's "Austin round up rodeo.

"You will be riding Tombstone the sheep."

What? Tombstone?

Oh, well, that's the end of you.

Why is it the end of him?

What's the difference between riding Judy the sheep and Tombstone the sheep?

Read it again.

Blah blah blah. Over the age and weight limit for mutton busters.

Blah. We have placed you in the adult rodeo where you will, blah, ride Tombstone the sheep.

Oh, you only got one word wrong.

Let's see if they find that one word.

Blah blah blah blahdy blah blah blah blah blahdy blah blah blah blah blahdy blah. Oh, bull!

Ah, she found it.

You signed me up to ride Tombstone the bull!

Are you excited?

What's the difference between riding a sheep and riding a bull?

Death. Death is the difference.

All right. May we begin class?

The railroad.

I don't get it.

What do you mean you don't get it, Farkle?

How's the railroad tie into what's going on in our lives, hambone?

You just gonna let him call you, "hambone," Matthews?

The railroad allowed us to travel great distances.

The railroad allowed us to see how other people live.

When you see how other people live, it changes you.

And I like "hambone." It's cool.

Riley, rip it up before he finds out.


He's gonna find out, and when he does, nothing will stop him.


Oh, you'll know who.

You'll hear his big, booming voice.

He'll say somethin'... he'll say somethin' like... this country was built on railroads.

I myself, just arrived on the noon train from Austin, Texarkana and Arkadelphia.

Guess why I'm here.


(Laughs) I'm here because I could not be more proud of my grandboy, Lucas.

Pappy Joe. That's your Pappy Joe.

That's Pappy Joe. Yes! More stuff!

That right there is the first Friar that ever had the courage to ride the most ferocious creature in all of creation.

Are we talking about Judy the sheep, Pappy Joe?

(Laughs) Judy the sheep!

Remember when you fell off of Judy the sheep for about two seconds, boy? Remember that?

And we all said "it was okay," 'cause you were only five years old.

So we said, "it was okay," but it wasn't okay, because you were a disgrace to the community and you dragged your family name through the mud hole right up to this day.

You put us in the mud hole, remember boy?


There is one moment in every man's life that shapes who he is forever.

My moment was Judy the sheep.

Well, you know what, Lucas Friar?


You get on that bull for more than three seconds and you will be the master of Tombstone the bull, and I'll tell you, "I love you."

And that's somethin' I've never said to another human.

Can we talk about this?

Time for talkin's over.

I got a permission slip.

Babineaux, got one for you, too. Come on, boys.

Let's go ride.


That slipped out.

You did this!

(Theme music playing)

♪ I've been waiting ♪
♪ for a day ♪
♪ like this to come ♪
♪ struck like lightning ♪
♪ my heart's beating like a drum ♪
♪ on the edge ♪
♪ of something wonderful ♪
♪ face to face with changes ♪
♪ what's it all about? ♪
♪ Life is crazy ♪
♪ but I know ♪
♪ I can work it out ♪
♪ 'cause I got you ♪
♪ to live it with me ♪
♪ I feel all right, I'm gonna take on the world ♪
♪ light up the stars, I've got some pages to turn ♪
♪ I'm singing "oh-o-o" ♪
♪ oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ take on the world, take on the world ♪
♪ take on the world ♪
♪ take on the world, take on the world ♪
♪ take on the world. ♪

Lucas : Well, if I have to ride Tombstone the bull and die in front of everyone, at least it won't be in front of all my friends.

All: Surprise! Lucas: Hey, it's all my friends.

(Train whistle)

Man, I look good in my "Welcome to Texas," Billy Buckaroo cowboy hat.

That ain't a hat.

That's teacup.

This is a hat.

How's it look?

Not bad, Farkle.

Welcome home.

Well, look at you two little darlins.

(Chuckles) Told you this was the best way to spend all of our allowance money on the first day.

Quit looking at us, huckleberry.

I'm sorry, Maya.

You look... good.

Oh, thanks.

Yeah, you both look good.


You know what this place needs?

A bay window.

Bay window, right now.

What's a bay window?

Oh, you know, a safe place where the girls have their private talks.

Oh, well then...

I'll make sure those two stay right there, forever.

Pappy Joe! Pappy Joe! Pappy Joe!

Whoa, whoa.

Don't be alarmed. It's just Cletus.

Tombstone the bull gone crazy!

He everywhere all over the place at the same time like one of them Houdini bulls.

Use your words, Cletus.

I am using my words, garducky.

Tombstone the bull gone bananahooey!

I love him.

What did Tombstone the bull do?

He done tore up the China shop, ironically.

It's true what them say.

You mean he broke out of his pen?

Oh he brammoed the pen!

What's them, a bay winder?

Ah, that's Riley and Maya, Cletus.

Oh, well how dee doo.

Well how.



Lukey. Thissar lukey!

Gah! Oh!

(Laughs) Wait, did they get Tombstone back in his pen, Cletus?

Yessir. We shot him fulla sleepy juice, but I seen the look in them red eyes just afore he went nighty night.

And when he wake up, huh-huuurr!



Oh. (Clears throat)



I know it's early, but my life is complete.

Well, thankee.

No, thank-ee.

All I know is, I feel sorry for the po' fool gonna ride on Tombstone.

Did I tell you what he done did today?

Lucas is gonna ride old Tombstone in the rodeo, Cletus.



Oh no.



Bye, lukey.


Announcer: Welcome, once again, to the Austin roundup rodeo.

I will ride you.

I will ride you for more than three seconds.

I will be the master of Tombstone the bull.


All right, how bad is this gonna be?

(Bellows angrily)


I will ride you. I will be the master of Judy the sheep.


Yeah, that's right, Judy. It's me.

(Bleats loudly)

You leave me alone!

Good luck, Friar.

Good luck, McCullough.
Announcer: Y'all be sure to stop by our air conditioned refreshment tent.

Oh, hi. Hey.

Uh, yeah. I just saw Tombstone the bull, and, uh, why do you hate me?

Come on, a bull is just a man cow.

You're a-scared of a man cow.


You two have never actually seen a bull, have you?

No. What we'd like to see are some cold drinks inside an air conditioned refreshment tent.

Oh, lookee here.


I just think you may react differently when you actually see a man cow.

Announcer: Oh, boy. It's hotter out here than my mamma's barbecue sauce.

Hey, Zay. What are you watching?

Not anything you want to see.

Announcer: Hey there, rodeo fans. Now, for your viewing pleasure, some of last year's greatest hits. These, here, are what we call "love taps."

I don't want you going anywhere near that bull.

(Scoffs) Yeah, that makes two of us.

I want you to take off that stupid outfit, and I wanna get outta here.


I saw the bull.

I don't think the bull knows this is supposed to be fun.

Okay, Maya, let's not shake Lucas' confidence.

You can do this, right?

You can just ride a bull for four seconds and win the master of Tombstone award?

Lucas is gonna need a Tombstone.

There isn't gonna be any more Lucas.

He's going to do great, Maya.

Zay, tell him, "he's going to do great."

You'll do great.


You're gonna die.

I believe in you.

I believe that you can do anything you want to.

Riley, why do you want him to do this?

Because this is better than riding Judy the sheep, and I don't want him to be a disgrace to his community anymore.

Well, I don't actually think that I'm a disgrace to the community.

You are.

I've been talking to people.

They have long memories around here.


See? I have to do this.

Okay, then go out there.

Be the hero I know you are.

Thank you, Riley.

The mutton busters are getting ready to ride, then it's you, Lucas.

Make us proud, boy.



I'm talking to young Friar.

So, you fixin' to ride again, huh?

That's right.


Don't think about last time.

(Chuckles) You don't want that in your head.

Let's watch my grandson, Timmy master Judy the sheep.

Oh, you were about two seconds on Judy the sheep, as I recall.

But don't let that be in your head.

How come you ain't out there with your grandson?

Well, then I wouldn't have the pleasure of watching him right in front of your face.

Announcer: And now, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it's mutton bustin' time! And here they come, the mutton busters! And now, everybody's favorite, Judy the sheep, who will be ridden this year by Timmy McCullough.

That's my grandson!

Announcer: And the gate opens, and Timmy McCullough holding on! No, he's not.

Ha ha! That's his grandson!

Pappy Joe!

Sorry, Riley.

Stereotypical cultural reduction's all I have left.

Announcer: And now, for the event you've all been waiting for, bull ridin'! And this year, will we finally have a master of Tombstone? The record on Tombstone is three point seven seconds. Will someone finally beat it? But first, riding buttercup, is, Eddie Callaway! Oh! Eddie, that had to hurt. Looks like Eddie's gonna have himself a little lay down for a moment.

Are you out of your mind?

Lucas, you're serious, right?

You can seriously do this.

Yeah. I learned from the best, actually.

Who's the best?

Eddie Callaway.

Announcer: Coming up, our main event. Lucas Friar tangles with Tombstone.


Why you're here, boy.

Lucas, look at me.

If you do this...

I will never speak to you again.


Riley, why are you for this?

Because I want him to succeed.

I want him to make his grandfather proud.

You're not proud of him if he doesn't do this?

I think you have a fine grasp of the general situation, yeah.

In my opinion, it's about facing life, which runs harder than any bull.

You gotta face your fears.

You ride them, or they ride you.

I'll never speak to you again.

Maya, what...

Why would she do this?

I don't know, but I'm about to find out.

Riley, I'd...

I'd kinda like you to watch.

Then I will.

Announcer: All right, as we know, buttercup the bull ain't no Tombstone the bull, but buttercup, as you can see, has sent Eddie Callaway on a little vacation. Bon voyage, Eddie. And now, the main event. Let's welcome Lucas Friar into the riding ring.

(Cheers and applause)

You can do this, Lucas! You can do anything!

This bull is nothing!


That's the bull?

Announcer: That's Lucas Friar right there climbing up onto Tombstone. Let's see how old Tombstone feels about that.

Lucas, tell the bull you want to be a veterinarian!

It's your only hope!

I'm gonna be a veterinarian.

(Bellows angrily)

He doesn't care!


It's me, garducky!

Cletus, you gotta get outta here.

I'm gonna distract Tombstone.

He gonna forget all about you and come after me.

That's my plan.

Bah la la la la.

(Bellows angrily)

Well, can't do nothin' if he won't listen to reason.

Announcer: Here we go, folks. Time for the moment of truth.

Okay, Tombstone, just you and me.



Announcer: And the gate opens!

All: Oh!

Lucas! Lucas, are you okay? Lucas, get up!

I stayed on for, like, 30 seconds.

Yeah. Yeah, I knew you could.

Look, you did it.

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, - that is an official time! He's done it!


Announcer: Let's hear it!

Lukey! I'm proud of you, lukey.

We all are, boy. I never seen nothing like it in my life.

Wanna hold onto this for safe keeping?

I'd be honored.

I'll keep it shinin' like the sun, garducky.


Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, Lucas Friar! The new master of Tombstone!

Hey, hold on a minute.

Timmy, you did good out there.

All right, you tried hard.

Tombstone is tough, but he is no Judy the sheep.

Sometimes you get thrown.

Don't let it throw you.

Understand me?

Thanks, Lucas.

That was a fine ride, son.

Thank you, sir.



So he's all right.

He was wonderful.

How are you?

I couldn't watch.

I don't know why, I just...

I couldn't watch.

I know why.

I know that you think I love him like a brother.

You know?

I know that you've thought that for a while.

Riles, whatever you feel, that's up to you. I...

Maya, it's up to you to tell me whatever you feel.

You shouldn't be afraid to tell me anything.

You're my sister, and I've always wanted a sister.

Me too.

Sisters should tell each other their secrets, don't you think?

You couldn't watch him...

Because you were afraid something would happen to him.

Because you like him.

You make fun of him, because you like him.

And you've never told me that, either.

Well, you're right.

I love him like a brother.

That's how I love him.

I really do wish I grew up with you guys, Lucas.

You just did, Farkle.

Yeah, from now on, it's always been the three of us.

Hey Lucas, can I talk to you?

Actually, I have something to say to you, Riley.

If it wasn't for you, I don't know if I would have got on that bull, and if it wasn't for you...

I don't know if I would have survived in New York.

You're really important to me.

You are really important to me too, Lucas.

We've always been really good at talking to each other, but we've never been too good at holding hands.

And then we tried being a couple and we couldn't even talk to each other.

I don't want that.

I want to know you're always there to talk to.

You're my brother, Lucas, and I'm your sister.

That's what you think we are?

That's what I think we are.

I love you, Lucas, and now I know how.

How do you feel about him, Maya?