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03x05 - Recoil

Posted: 10/25/15 05:39
by bunniefuu

Hang on, Tadeo, we're almost there.

It's the same k*ller, isn't it?

I'm going to die like the others.

Not if I can help it.


Just stay calm, we're close.


Where's the damn b*mb squad?

Seven minutes away.

We don't have seven minutes!

We can't go in without them.

We got no protection gear, no equipment!

We can't just let him die.


Damn it.



Good to see you again, Marco.

Oh, is that a new jacket?

It's Ridderhoff.

He rigged it with a signal booster.

The range for those things is only around 500 meters.

Go check outside.

You're almost two minutes faster this time. I'm impressed.

Think you'll save this one?

Maybe I'm making this too difficult.

Next time I'll go easier on you.

There won't be a next time!




OK, let's figure this out.


Get out of the car!

Out of the car, now!

How much time is left?


Please, no, no!



He was in a car.

He took off.

Marco, we have to go.

I'm so sorry, Tadeo.

Is there anyone I can pass a message to?

Your father? Wh...


Tell him that I love him.

My mother too.

I don't want this to ruin their lives.

I want them to go on somehow and be happy.

Make sure you get the guy.

Don't let this happen to anyone else!

You've got my promise.

He won't hurt anybody ever again, OK?

Marco, come on!

Go, it's OK.



One misfiled piece of evidence and a guilty man walks free.

We at Victims' Justice League will not sleep until this travesty's set right.

Julian Ridderhoff will be held accountable for his crime.

And that's a promise.

Ms. Hammond...?

I'm just so glad I had the chance to prove my innocence in court, for all to see.

Now, I sincerely hope the police will spend their efforts tracking down the real k*ller.

Thank you.

Thank you.

The Hague NOW A playing card?

On my wind-shield, this morning, Julian f*cking Ridderhoff.


He's in Italy.


He moved here, two months ago, to Valkenburg.

That's only thirty minutes from here.

He's following me.

How do you know where he lives?

Well, I never stopped tracking him.

I'm aware of how that sounds.

I'm glad you're aware.

What is this, Marco?

Cat and mouse?

Yeah, yeah!

That's exactly what it is.

Only he thinks he's the cat, and I'm the mouse.

When he was in his early twenties, he applied to the police academy in Geneva.

They gave him a psychological evaluation. You know what it showed?

From what you've told me, psychopathic personality, with an intense need for power, and control.

And he also had high scores for narcissism, and pathological contempt for authority.

Pathological contempt for authority, that's where you fit in.

Ever since his case was dismissed, he thinks he's untouchable.

If his case was dismissed, he is untouchable.

He k*lled three people on my watch!

I'm not about to let him make it four!





You have a minute?

Yeah, sure.

I told you I'd keep looking for something more about your sister, but, I've hit a brick wall.

Wh... wh... what about those kidnappers you identified in Hungary, the ones who used the medallion for membership?

They've scattered all over Europe.

Well, there must be arrest records for the members of the g*ng.

We're talking over thirty years ago.

Records back then were written by hand or on a typewriter.

Some were never digitized, others were destroyed or lost.

OK, I need the name of the lead detective from 1989.

He's dead.

And everyone else has retired, or moved on...

Look, I know this doesn't feel good, but I can't lie to you.

There's nothing.

No, no, no, no! I...

I refuse to accept that.

Better make that coffee to go.

A b*mb.

Holmens Canal. One dead.

t*rror1st att*ck?

They don't know for sure. They're asking for our assistance.

All right, coffee here is wretched anyway.

ID was still in his trousers pocket.

Richard Demcott, 22 years old.

Upper torso was blown to pieces.

We haven't found all the parts. It's barbaric.

What kind of b*mb are we dealing with?

It's hard to say, since most of it ended up underwater.

Well, the b*mb was placed some way here.

So, are we saying that Demcott just happened to be walking by at the wrong time?

Not necessarily.

Based on the powder burns around the wounds, I suspect the device could have been on his person.

As in, he was carrying the b*mb?

Either that, or, some kind of su1c1de vest, accidentally detonated before he reached his target.

This is a residential area.

There are no government buildings, no embassies, no crowds.

What exactly was he trying to blow up?

Well, that's your department, Inspector.

I just deal with the dead.

But I suspect you'll have more answers once they dredge the canal.

OK. Thank you.

Medical examiner thinks it could be some kind of su1c1de b*mb gone awry.

Sounds ominous.

Any witnesses?

Uniforms spoke to a pretzel vendor. He works the bridge.

He didn't see anything suspicious, dog-walkers, joggers, nothing usual.

But there must be some security cameras around here.

Well, the system's being upgraded.

Park supervisor said that the cameras have been offline all week.

So, we have no idea where he came from, or what he was doing.


God, don't you just love it when it all comes together like this?

COD is blast injury resulting in a severed spinal cord.

Did you find anything on the clothes, or the body?

No foreign hairs, no fibres, but, I did find this, wedged into a shoe.

I've no idea of the significance.

It's a playing card.

Julian Ridderhoff.

A playing card.

Not even Judge Magrudov would grant an arrest warrant on a playing card.

Anyone could have put that there.

It's not just the playing card. It's the way this man was k*lled.

I didn't know, they've confirmed it was a collar b*mb?

They're still dredging the canal.

But we know it was some kind of an expl*sive device.


Let them finish their investigation.

It can take hours, maybe even days.

And if they discover it was not a collar b*mb?

Already Ridderhoff is suing your department in Italy for wrongful arrest and incarceration.

I'm telling you... I'm telling you, I...

I know it was him.

If we don't pick him up now he may end up k*lling someone else!

I know you know, and I know your instincts are extraordinary but they're not infallible.

Your emotions are too heavily invested in this.

And that clouds judgement.

The kid, he k*lled last year in Milan, Tadeo, his dad was a cop. A friend of mine.

That's exactly what I'm talking about!

Step back.

Follow judicial procedure.

Mount a case against your Mr. Ridderhoff, and when you have sufficient evidence, you convict the son of a bitch!



What's going on?


That's the problem.

Ridderhoff, open up!

It's Marco Costante.

Don't worry, he's not here.

That's not what I'm worried about.

Did you follow me here?

Are you saying I shouldn't have?

How did you gain entry?

The door was unlocked.

You're trespassing, Marco.

Trespassing? He just blew a man to smithereens.

And if we can prove that, he will be punished.

Oh, come on!


I'm not done.

I know you have a history with this guy.

But if you want to play vigilante, there is no room for you on this team.

It's your choice.

I'm leaving. I expect you to do the same.


What's up?

They just pulled what looks like part of a b*mb collar out of the canal.


Yeah, it's being rushed to the lab now, but it definitely seems like Ridderhoff's M.O.

Keep me posted.

I heard they found part of the b*mb collar in the canal.

Dorn's issued an arrest warrant for Ridderhoff.

I hope you don't feel vindicated because that little stunt you pulled could let him walk again.

I let my emotions get the better of me today.

Is this your way of apologizing?

I can make it formal if you want.

I want it to never happen again.

It won't.

What does that look like exactly?


A formal apology.

Do you... get down on your knees, or, what?

Another dead body.

Male, thirties, b*mb.


Valkenburg Park.

That's two kilometres from Ridderhoff's house.

Any ID?

Lab's running his prints now.

Luckily one of the fingers was left intact.

As with the last case, there was massive bodily trauma.

I put time of death at 5 pm.

OK, did you find the card?


The playing card, like... like the last victim.

No, I didn't find any card.

If this is a copycat, they may not know about the playing card.

No, I'm telling you, Ridderhoff did this.

Fingerprints results.

Fortunately, our victim here was in the system.

Or we would have had to wait for DNA...

OK, just cut to the chase!

Who the hell is it?

Julian Ridderhoff.

Signs of forced entry.

The k*ller came in through here.

And dragged Ridderhoff out the same way.

So, he was sitting, having a cup of coffee, and disappeared without any sign of struggle.

The k*ller could have had a w*apon.

The guy has got more unpaid bills than I do.

Now he doesn't have to pay for any of them.

Have you ever heard of an organization called the Victims' Justice League?

Uh, yes. I was reading about them in one of Marco's old case files.

In what context?

Uh, I think they were involved in Ridderhoff's trial.

Victims' statement support or something.


Think I found our w*apon.

Part of it anyway.


That explains why there wasn't any struggle.

Why were you asking about the Victims' Justice League anyway?

Because Ridderhoff filed a lawsuit against them last week.

What for?


The organization's run by a woman named Olivia Hammond.

She was at the court when Ridderhoff was released.

Well, she's a bit of a crusader, her daughter was r*ped and m*rder*d ten years ago.

They never found the perpetrator.

Hammond's got a team of volunteers, who investigate old m*rder cases.

They've actually helped launch a few re-trials by bringing old evidence to light.

Well, sounds like a good cause.

Where's the harassment come in?

See for yourself.

This is the latest newsletter.


It looks like she's targeting these people.

Yeah, they were all suspected of m*rder, but, none of them were ever actually prosecuted.

Or they were tried and got off.

One down, nine to go.

OK, I want you to get me the names and addresses of everyone on this list.

We have to send you two out more often.

That would be nice.

But, hey, who's complaining?

The list is figurative in intention.

The League's mission is to keep these murderers in the public eye.

You mean suspects, Miss Hammond?

Suspects who have eluded justice.

Ridderhoff responded to, uh, being kept in the public eye, by filing this harassment lawsuit against you.

Sometimes the law fails the victims.

We give the law a push.

You won't have to anymore.

Yes, I heard.

That doesn't bother you.

I deplore any m*rder.

But to be honest, this one is no great loss to the world, is it?


Inspector, I'm not a vigilante.

I want them to go down in court, fairly.

And I want to see their faces when it happens.

Where where you between 3 and 5 yesterday afternoon?

In the dentist's chair, having a crown replaced.

It should be easy enough to verify.

I've got a speaking engagement in about an hour, will there be anything else?

We'll see you out.

I'm sure we have other cases you could be pursuing.

What's your point, Miss Hammond?

Did you think about the victims' families?

How will it look: you couldn't put Ridderhoff away, but you catch his k*ller?

You don't sleep?

Look who's talking.

Makes for a pretty compelling reading, uh?

Do you think she's guilty?

She's got a lot of pain and anger.

You need an outlet for that, believe me I know.

So do I.

I was r*ped.

At Kn*fe-point, when I was 17.

Did they catch the guy?


I'm sorry. I...

Marco, I didn't tell you this to get your pity or your compassion.

What happened, happened.

I dealt with the rage and pain a long time ago, I don't let it define me.

Well, it turns out you're even more impressive than I thought.

You deal with your past... or you get trapped by it.

Forensics found fragments of the b*mb timer wedged under the stairs by the canal.

Ridderhoff's DNA was all over it.

He definitely k*lled that boy.

Marco called it from the start.

He must be dancing a jig.

He's not the dancing type.
Rough morning, sir?

Erik didn't want to go to school this morning, put up a real fight.

Thought you only had him at weekends.

His mother's at a conference in Copenhagen all week.

And on top of that, there's some bully at school who's been threatening him.

I could teach him some MMA moves if you like.

Kids love that "crouching tiger" stuff.

Thanks, I can handle it.

Don't bother taking off your coats, the police in Amsterdam called in a strangulation.

And they need our help because?

The victim's name is Nicolas Halle, sound familiar?

He's on the League's hit list.

Holy sh*t.

Yeah. Go.

AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands.

OK, hold on.

Wow. That's rank.

They have masks there if you need them.

I'm good.

Victim is Nicolas Halle.

Forty-two years of age.

Uh, how long he's been here?

Hm, two weeks, maybe more.

Lived alone, no job.

Neighbours finally called about the smell.

Thought it was a dead animal.

And, ah... no one remembers hearing anything, any signs of a struggle?

We're going to speak to the neighbours now.

Let me know if you have any more questions.

So how did he get on a hit list.

They say he m*rder*d a girl in France.

L'assassin de Joelle Giroux.

You speak French.

Mais oui.

Why did I even ask?

Alsace, France, two months ago.

Halle was the prime suspect of Giroux's m*rder.

They questioned him more than once, but they didn't have enough to charge him.

So, he was tried in the court of public opinion instead.

This is the photo from Giroux's crime scene.

Bloody hell.

Halle has been k*lled in exactly the same way that she was.

Someone's hunting m*rder suspects.

So, this guy's k*lling murderers, uh?

It's just what we need.

Some nut job who thinks he's Batman.

Suspect, Berger.

You all need to remember that.

What do you have?

Well, the, ah, Demcott/Ridderhoff b*mb collars, the same size, same materials, both victims blown up in a public place.

And the Giroux/Halle murders, same make of belt, same X on the forehead, same pose, both suspects found strangled in their apartments.

The suspects are being k*lled in the exact same way as the murders they were accused of.

Only someone with access to police files would be able to reproduce this stuff so precisely.

But why would someone take the time to go into such detail?

And how would they know?

Do you have your profile, Ellie?


I think this person doesn't enjoy what they're doing, they see it as a duty.

That's one way of putting it.

Well, it's an eye for an eye.

It's more than just a simple execution, it's personal.

This person's lost someone close to them, like the k*ller.

It's the kind of pain that's been festering for years.

They're not gonna stop.

Well, no pressure then.

Nicolas Halle and Julian Ridderhoff are both on this list.

If we're working on the supposition they were k*lled by the same person, then our next victim is also on this list.

All these murders were local.

So, there's a good possibility the k*ller is still in the vicinity.

Divide the list alphabetically by last name, look to see if there's any suspect within a hundred kilometres radius, verify they're still alive, get them police protection.

Marco, you and I will go have another chat with Miss Hammond.

No, I would like to speak with her myself.

I'll send her to your office.

Yes, yes, I totally understand, but there must be something you can do.

Of course I've talked to him, and no I can't do that, I do have a job you know.

She's out of town.

What do I expect? I expect you to talk to the parents of that boy for instance.

You know what, Miss Hall, that's not exactly the help I've been looking for.

In fact, it's no help at all. Thank you.

Do you mind?

Go ahead.

How's it going?

Still going through the list.

Calling local police to request protection, but their response is less than enthusiastic.

Everything all right?

That bully hit him again in school.

It's tough.

I asked the teacher to talk to the parents but she won't do it. Can you believe that?

Well, she's not his father, Sebastian, you are.

What's that supposed to mean?

If you want your boy to stick out for himself, maybe you're the one that needs to get more involved.

ROTTERDAM, The Netherlands Ferenc Nocek?

It's the ICC.

You there?

Go away!

Leave us alone.

We need to speak with your husband.

He's not home.

Please, it's important.

What do you want?

Can we come inside?

Olivia, is het over?

Ferenc is innocent.

He worked with Greta.

The girl who was m*rder*d at that restaurant in Hamburg.

They were friends.

Well, friends k*ll friends all the time, Mrs. Nocek.

How did your husband become a suspect?

They were finished for the night, all the diners had gone, Ferenc had cleaned the kitchen, and, Greta said she was going to stay to total up the receipts.

So, he was the last one to see her alive.

According to the police, yes.

But they didn't even look at anyone else.

His photo was plastered everywhere.

And then the Victims' Justice League put his name in their newsletter, and it's been a living hell ever since.

Mrs. Nocek, we're not here about your husband's case.

We're here because we have reason to believe that his life might be in danger.

I don't understand.

A vigilante is k*lling m*rder suspects.


Do you know where we might find him?

I don't know. Um...

He was supposed to be home about an hour ago.

Carine, I just got off the phone with Arabela.

Another one of the suspects from the hit list has gone missing.

Which one?

A Ferenc Nocek, he was meant to be home over an hour ago, he's not answering his phone, his wife is frantic.

He was accused of raping an 18-year-old girl, by locking in a restaurant freezer leaving her to die.

Yeah. Greta Hendrix, Hamburg, two years ago.

OK. Go see the medical examiner.

Have him look over the autopsy report of our previous victims.

We need to find a link between those victims and our copycat k*ller.

Look for a fingerprint, an eyelash, anything.


Ms. Hammond.

Michel Dorn. Thank you for coming to see me.

Why don't we sit?

Mr. Dorn, I'm familiar with your work.

It's a pleasure to meet you.

As it is for me to meet you.

We have much in common you and I.

When I made the decision to prosecute w*r criminals, they said, and many of those people were my friends, they said "Why bother, it was so long ago. We're just harmless old men now."

For them, time had diminish the horror of what had been done.

But not for you.


No, not for me.

The crimes against humanity that I have seen, the inconceivable harm that I have witnessed people inflicting upon each other, has filled me with an anger that would never allow me to forget.

Me neither.

I devoted my life to seeking justice since my daughter d*ed.

I became aware of our parallel commitment, when I researched your organization.

You have more than two thousand members.

Doctors, teachers, lawyers.

Very impressive what you have achieved.

Mr. Dorn, that's not why you wanted to speak to me.

To tell me you admire my work.

No, no, I did, actually.

I also want to ask you for assistance.

We need access to your membership database.

We adhere to strict journalistic practices.

And you know as well as I do that information is confidential.

We have a homicidal vigilante in our midst, someone who believes that for certain trials, justice has not been served, so they have taken it upon themselves, to be judge, jury, and executioner.

The victims of this k*ller have all been people on your Web pages, in your newsletter.

I'm absolutely confident that you are operating within the parameters of the law.

But the evidence suggests that someone in your ranks is not.

This is a very clever k*ller.

This vendetta, will be extremely difficult to stop.


Could you help us?

I'm triangulating the GPS on Nocek's mobile.

Come on.

It's technology, Marco, not magic.


No, I know you're doing everything that you can.

The signal is pinging off a tower somewhere in Rotterdam.

See if there are any restaurants, or catering companies around there.

Anything that would have an industrial freezer.

This is an industrial area near the A15.

Not exactly hopping with life.

What about a... a processing plant, a... a slaughterhouse?



There's a cold storage warehouse.

Bergen Storage is equipped to handle all temperature ranges.

Frozen, chilled, ambient...

OK, let's go!


I'll send you the link.


What's this?

It's Olivia Hammond's membership database.

I want you to have a look at it, and see if any one name stands out.

Back there!

Yes, ma'am.

OK, let's split up.


Help me!

Help me.

He's here!

Is this the autopsy from Amsterdam?

Oh, yes.

Ah, here.

I'll take a look and send you my report.


Oh, I'm happy to wait.

If you want.

Ah, OK.

OK, you're OK now.

Who did this to you?

I don't... I don't know.

He... he had a mask.

Let's get you some place warm.

No, you... you can't wait up for me, Erik, I'll probably be awhile.

How long?

I don't know how long, Erik, I'm working.

I need you to help me with the science project.

Sounds cool. What is it?

A papier mâché windmill.

We're learning about wind energy.

How about we pick up the supplies tomorrow after school?

Thank you, Dad.

Love you.

I love you too.

How is he?

Hypothermia and shock.

EMT said he only had another half an hour left.

Does he know who att*cked him?


He said the guy was wearing a mask.

Are they your children?

No, that's me and my brother.

Oh, wow, you look very similar.

We were very close.

Are you still?

He d*ed.

Shortly after that picture was taken.

I'm so sorry.

He was m*rder*d.

Sebastian, go ahead.

I'm looking at the Justice League's mailing list, there's a name on here I recognized.

Poul Oskar.

The pathologist?

I'm staring at his name right now.

He started the subscription a month ago.

He had access to all the autopsy reports, crime scene photos.

He could have easily got his hands on chloroform and surgical gloves.

Ellie. I sent her over there to review some autopsy reports.

She's there with him right now!


OK, we'll be there in fifteen minutes.

I'll grab Luke and Arabela and get over there right now.

If that bastard hurts her Sebastian, just go.

It's getting late, so, I think I'm gonna go.

I just finished.



We think Oskar could be the k*ller.

That's interesting, I think so too.

Help will be there any minute.

Don't try anything, he's extremely dangerous.

Just stay calm, and wait.

Can you do that?

Of course.

Do you want me to stay on the line?

Uh, no, better not, but thanks. Bye.

You know.

Don't you?

They never did catch your brother's m*rder*r, did they?

Most murders go unsolved.

They're on their way, so...

I'll be gone before they get here.

Why did you k*ll those people?

You wanna know that?

The cruelty.

I see every day, the victims, the suffering, the men who commit these atrocities, they walk away free laughing at us.

That's why.

No, no, sorry!

You're not going anywhere.

Move out of my way!

I'm a law enforcement officer, I can't let you go.

You OK?

Eh, yeah I'm fine.

Woah, woah! Enough, Sebastian.

OK, OK, all right. All right.

Come on, let's get you out of here.

Looks like his son doesn't need my help after all.

Come on, you. Let's go.

Nocek, the suspected m*rder*r you rescued from the freezer...

Yeah? What about him?

A prisoner informant in Hamburg. said that his cellmate said that he was the one who m*rder*d Greta... what... what's her name?



In that restaurant.

So, you're saying we saved an innocent man?

So it would appear.

Oh, that's nice for a change.

Thank you.


Would you like to say something to me?

Uh... no.

Julian Ridderhoff was a victim.

He was a monster k*lled by another monster.

By a man who became a monster because of the horrors that he had seen.

You think there may be a lesson in that that might apply to you?

I don't need the lecture, Mr. Dorn.

We are passionate investigators, you and I.

And it's a passion that is fuelled by an anger that exists because try as we might, we cannot catch them all.

I had to watch a genocidal w*r criminal walk out of court because in the eyes of the judges, I failed to convict him.

It made me crazy.

I had to struggle to keep my anger from destroying me.

We cannot allow our anger to turn on ourselves. You cannot.

I can't change that. I won't.

My anger is part of me. It... it's what keeps me going.

I am simply saying that if you are not careful, if you do not marshal your anger, it can turn on you.

And destroy you.

Thanks for the pep talk.

Uh, hm...

I'm glad I'm here.

Costante, I am so very, very glad that you are here.