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03x03 - I'll See You in Hell or New Orleans

Posted: 10/22/15 23:04
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Originals"...

Cami: Right now, people like me are out there getting k*lled by people like you, conveniently timed with the arrival of your old acquaintance.

So you came all this way to deliver a warning.

The life of every vampire is linked back to the original who begat the line.

k*ll an original, wipe out an entire line.

If you want to know what I'd do about the dangers you now face, there is something that you must see.

Your ancient heart beats strong, indeed, for someone in such danger.

If you have a warning to deliver, luv, best get on with it.

Freya: His prophecy is fulfilled.

You will all fall... One by friend, one by foe, and one by family.

You've acquired countless enemies, and with the sire lines at w*r, you now have mine, as well.

Anyone who would k*ll me could now come after you.

From now on, I am the only one you can trust.

Klaus, voice-over: My memory of Lucien goes back to a time when our family was happy.

Things were good, or as good as they can be for vampires hiding in plain sight.

Everyone in Marseilles was held in the thrall of the count's arrogant son Tristan and his sister... The lady Aurora.

In hindsight, I could've done more to prevent what was to follow, but then, even an endless life cannot be played in reverse.

It's impressive work, milord.

It's a trifle meant to pass a dull day, but I'll take it along with the word of a friend.

It is as a friend that I come to you now.

There is something I must ask of you.

For the lady Aurora.

If you would deliver this to her in secret, I would be eternally grateful.

Are these declarations of love?

That's a bold move.

Well, we shared affection for one another when we were children, but since then, my station in life has prohibited me from declaring my intentions.

If she would leave this place with me...

Not an idea I would advise.

Besides, my family needs you.

But your family staying here cannot last much longer, anyhow, not given your brother Kol's decadence.

The local religious believe they are beset by demons.

Soon, you'll need to run.

Aurora and I can run with you, aid you in your endeavors.

Niklaus, please.

I would give her the note myself, but Tristan's jealousy is tyrannical.

I cannot go near her, but you... you need not fear him or anyone.

Klaus, voice-over: Hoping to dissuade Lucien, I told him Aurora would not accept his note.

I thought the matter settled.

How could I tell him that Aurora was already in love with another?

But Lucien was a hopeless romantic.

In his desperation, he sought her out.


You were not meant to see this.

I trusted you.

Quiet. I'm meant to be in prayer.

If anyone finds you here...

It's too late. The guards are coming.

My handmaids must have seen him enter.

Well, if the guards know, then Tristan himself will be alerted.

I will deal with them.

No, Niklaus. He's my brother.

Do you think he cares?

Do you not know what manner of man you are with?

He is a beast.

Lucien, my friend...

We are not friends.

Go now, please, please, by the window, same as you came.

Niklaus, go, please.


Lucien, go. There is no time.



Take him.

Klaus, voice-over: And, given the circumstance, Lucien qualifies as both friend and foe, and according to Freya's prophecy...

You have to beware of both friend and foe, but let us not forget family, Niklaus.

Lucien's two out of 3.

I say we put him down, just like old times.

Just like old times?

Brother, I wonder who among our family, do you suppose, has the greatest predilection for betrayal.

Brother, please.

Now, before we m*rder Lucien, there are certain questions that need to be answered, chiefly, what is he doing here?

And the wolf venom.

Why would he lie to you, his sire?

I'm afraid we might have to resort to something deliciously medieval here, brother.


I take it you will lower yourself to associate with your bastard brother, then.

Have you finally forgiven me?

I will consider it...

When Hayley forgives you, Gia rises from the dead, and hell freezes over.

For now, however, let's just hope your little friendship with Lucien doesn't disrupt our mission.

[knocks on door]

Mr. Castle, detective Kinney, Nola pd.

Was hoping to ask you a few questions.

By all means. Your place or mine?

Cami: Every one of the victims has the same profile...

Grew up rich, family comes from old money, successful, educated, white males living a playboy lifestyle.

So it is one guy, not a copycat.

Not just any guy.

It's Lucien... I'd bet my degree on it...

Which doesn't excuse your detective friend from stealing my laptop.


Oh, that's convenient. It's Kinney.

They got Lucien at the station.

I should head down there.

They might need the type of help a g*n can't provide.

I'll come with you.

I want to hear what he has to say.

[Door opens]

Hey! It's not jazz fest.

Some of us have toddlers who need to sleep.



[Door opens]

You all right?

Oh, she was having a really nice nap until that stupid music woke her up.

How... how are we supposed to live with all this noise?

You're just sensitive to it, ok?

We spent 6 months as wolves in the bayou.

We've been back a day.

I think it's ok to take a minute to adjust.

Easy for you to say. You're not half vampire.

Everything for me is heightened.

It's not just the noise.

I'm claustrophobic. My skin is crawling.

I'm irritable. I'm hungry.

[Hope cries]

I wanted to be with her so badly, and now I am, and I just feel off.

Well, you got to let it out.

Well, if talking won't cut it, I have an idea that will.

What are you doing?

Calling Freya to baby-sit.

See, this unpacking can wait, all right?

I'm taking mommy out for the day.

Long as this serial k*ller's in the news, cops are gonna be all over this city like a rash, so for now, no feeding on tourists, and don't even think about going near the locals.

So what, then, puppies and bunnies?

Josh, you can talk to our contacts at the blood banks and hospitals.

Let them know you'll be coming by.

For the rest of you, keep everyone else in line.

All we got to do is ride it out.

Klaus and Elijah will get it sorted out, and we'll be back to business in no time.

Woman: Somehow I doubt that.

Your current dilemma will get worse before it gets better.

The good news is, I can help.

I don't know who you are, but you definitely walked into the wrong place.

I'm Aya.

Nice to meet you, Marcel Gerard.

Now, are you going to be rude, or are you going to offer me a drink?

Hmm. I don't have time for this. Get her out of here.

A shame.

I'd heard you were more hospitable.

What a disappointment.






Thing is, I was instructed not to leave without making you an offer.

Will you hear my offer, or not?



Come out, come out, wherever you are.

Alexis: I'm afraid you missed him.

Where is he?

At the police station.

A detective Kinney had some questions for him.

And he allowed himself to be arrested?

He has nothing to hide.

Lucien's occupied.

Perhaps we should entertain ourselves right here.

Oh. Well...

I've never been one to turn down a snack.

Kinney: Mr. Castle, thought you might want to see this.

I read about this. Oh, those poor men.

Oh, they were, in life, anything but poor...

Solid gold cufflinks, Bulgari watches.

Such ostentatious displays of wealth no doubt attracted the attention of some vile, criminal element.

You seem to know a lot about the case.

Big fan of true crime?


Look at my watch, Mr. Kinney, my cufflinks.

But for a twist of fate, one of those faces might be mine.

Well, you sound real frightened by the prospect.

You know, in my experience people like you don't believe in fate.

They make their own luck, whether it's good or bad.

Well, then I shouldn't be here long.

People like me tend to have exceptional lawyers to get us out of trouble like this, but while I'm here, you should know that I do hate to be bored, and you bore me.

I know that behind that mirror is Cami O'Connell, and I would very much like to talk to her alone.


[Door opens]

[Door closes]


Pretty sure that Marcel opened this place for vampires.

Well, you said yourself, you're part vampire.

Figured it'd be a good place for you to blow off some steam.

You might feel better if you hit something, even if it's me.

I can't cut loose with you, Jack.

You'll get hurt.

I have an advantage, being, you know, I'm dead.


You got muscle and a bad temper, but I'm pretty good with one of these things, might make us even, at least enough to get a workout in.

I get what you're doing, Jack.

I'm just... I'm really not in the mood for some half-assed sparing match, so...

[Bo clatters]

Are you gonna stand there whining all day, or you gonna show me what you got?



Huh huh! Huh!

That's my girl.

No. You're not going in there.

Vincent, he's not going to k*ll me in the middle of a police precinct.

[Door opens and closes]

You asked to speak to me.

Here I am, willing to listen, which, if I'm gonna be honest, is more than you deserve.

I thought New Orleans had the same burden of proof as the rest of the colonies.

What is it? Ah, yes... Innocent until proven guilty.

Vincent: The murders started the same day you got into town.

All the victims match a pattern, wealth that, uh, you yourself seem to exude, not to mention we know what you are.


What I am is a ruthless, vicious, unstoppable k*ller.

That's not to say I had anything to do with this, far from it.

Why bother denying it if you are what you say you are?

Cami, you don't know me, but if you did, you would see that we were the same, all 3 of us, actually...

3 souls caught in the orbit of family Mikaelson yet somehow survived to tell the tale, though each of us has our share of scars.

[Crack] Aah!


Aah! Ahh. Ahh...

Have you two come to watch as Lucien receives his punishment?

I fear I'm being a touch lenient, given his intentions for my sister.

Why t*rture a loyal servant?

I'm sure this is all a misunderstanding.

One that remains outside your concern.

As son of the count, I may discipline staff as I see fit.

Should you take issue, then I'll need to remind you that you are a guest.


Step away from him now.


I know what you are.

Our house servants speak of demons hunting in the night.

I myself interviewed one such maiden, quite pretty, thus far, the only survivor of these att*cks.

I asked what manner of creature had hunted her.

She said she was certain it was the lord Kol but with the face of a beast.

Your entire family sought refuge here claiming to be noblemen when, in fact, you are fiends.

I can only surmise that you are hiding, which means you're afraid.

Somewhere out there, something is even more savage than you.

Nngh! Agh...

This is not going to be pleasant.


Do so at your peril, but should any misfortune befall me, know that I have instructed my fastest riders to spread word of your presence here.

Whomever seeks you would most certainly hear the news.

Niklaus, release him.


See? We're not so different, after all.

You wish to protect your family.

I wish to protect mine.




Even after all these years, you continue to re-enact your trauma.

You're choosing victims who are the contemporary equivalent of the privileged son who hurt you.


I share a deeply personal tale of woe, one meant to garnish sympathy and inspire kinship, yet all you take away is an admission of guilt.

Messed-up new guy comes to town, messed-up new guy is responsible for murders.

Uh, ok. Heh.

Given that you seem incapable of comprehending a sophisticated solution, allow me to posit an equally simple one.

These murders are an attempt to disparage my good name, thus poisoning me against the one person I came here to protect... Niklaus himself.

Now, if someone wants to weaken my ability to protect Niklaus, perhaps it's because they themselves would like to see him dead.

Aya: I have to say, I'm impressed.

Given that I'm 3 times your age, you held your own quite well.

That's me. Never know when to quit.



I suspect we could go at this for quite some time, but, as I said, I've been instructed to make you an offer, and since you seem so intent on defending your humble abode and maintaining your reputation in front of this motley retinue, we'll adjourn to somewhere more appropriate.

Ah! Uh!






How much longer is this going to take?

Elijah and I can begin now, but just us.

Sadly, I've already shown you what visions of yours I've managed to divine.

The warning was for both of us...

Friend, foe, and family.

I'd like to see his, please.

Since family is one of your concerns and you two are brothers, are you so sure you want to see what I have to show you?

Oh, I never could resist a good spoiler.

Well, at least your visions were specific.

It seems Lucien has intentions for Camille.

And what of Marcel, family and friend?

Where do his loyalties lie?

Find him and question him.

And where are you going?

I'm going to eliminate an old friend before he gets his teeth into my therapist.

Come on. Focus!

Every full moon, every time I would turn human, I would look at our pack, at you, and all I could think about was...

Blood. I get it. No, Jack.

You don't get it. It wasn't just blood.

It was...

It was Klaus... What he did to us, his gloating, Davina using us.

If she blows out that candle, we're back to being wolves, and what if I'm holding hope?

You ain't gonna hurt her.

Every day, every day, all I can think about is ripping everything apart.

Ok. Well, come on, then.

Get it out of your system, all right?

Are you gonna stand there feeling sorry for yourself?


Uh! Uh!

Jack, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to.

Uh... You should go.

I'm not going anywhere.

I'm not afraid, Hayley.



Mm. Mm.


Uh! Uh...


Uh! Uh!

Mm. Uh!

[Both panting]

Mm. Uh.

Oh... oh...

Ohh... God.


Would you kindly enlighten me as to what happened here?

Ohh... God, this woman.

What woman?

I don't know.

She walked in like she owned the place, said she had to talk to Marcel in private.

We tried to get rid of her, and, boom, smackdown city, which, obviously, went quite well.

Did this woman happen to have a name?

I don't know. Um, Aya?

Aya. Let me guess...

5'7", built like a goddess, vicious as a viper.

So you know her.

I sired her.


You're an intelligent man, so I won't insult you.

We both know that nothing you say proves anything, so what I want to know is why you asked to speak to me.

Why tell me your story?

Is it because I know Klaus and part of you must still blame him?

Maybe you want to make him look bad in the eyes of a friend.

Ha! I'm so...

Oh, now I know why Klaus is so taken with you, that delicious, mortal mind framing every moment of your meager life span.


The truth is, I know you have Klaus' ear, and I need him to trust me.

As for your claim that I blame him for my ancient wounds, well, time heals all wounds, and my wounds healed a thousand years ago.


I brought you water. Drink.





What did you do to me?


I am sorry, my friend.



Are you mad?

You know what I am.


This rage is pointless.


You cannot hurt me! Ah!


[Panting continues]

[Panting continues]

[Panting continues]

My blood...

Healed you.

I am like you?

Lucien, voice-over: Of course, I wasn't, not yet, not that it would have mattered, anyway.

All I wanted was revenge.



How, by all that is damned, are you free?


Rrgh! Uh...

Uh! Mm!

And so I died for a little while.

Talk about trauma, not the wounds themselves or even the execution, but the humiliation of being judged by one's supposed betters.

I will never again stand for such judgment...

Though for you, Camille, I will gladly declare my innocence.

In fact, I can prove it.

Prove it how?

Well, if by nothing else, then, perhaps, logic.

Why should I undermine my own safety by leaving behind a trail of dead bodies?

I mean, why commit myself to these preposterous murders?

Unlike my enemies, I have nothing to gain.

Your enemies?

You really think someone is trying to frame you for this?


Now, isn't that the question we should be asking, and how fortunate it's one I can answer?

I'd have thought your time with me would inspire a more careful selection of company you keep.

We're leaving.

Klaus, he says he knows who the k*ller is.

Whatever Lucien's said to you today has more certainly been a lie.

Oh, come on, Nik. Why should I lie?

For the same reason you lied about avoiding a werewolf bite when Elijah saw it with his own eyes.

This ends now.

Then you're giving Tristan the victory he seeks.

He is the guilty one.

I'm going to need a word with Lucien in private.

Vincent: Come on, Camille.


Uh... uhh...

What the hell did you do to me?

Scratched you with a toxin of my own devising.

Kicks like a mule, doesn't it?

Here. This should help.

Plenty more where that came from.

My friends and I could help with your daylight ring situation, as well.

Ok. Now you have my attention.

Marcel Gerard, you were turned by an original, yet you made yourself in your own image.

You built a vampire community from ash, and this city thrived under your rule.

Let us help you return New Orleans to what it should be with you as its king.

A great sales pitch, really.

Just one thing... Who's us?

The oldest society of vampires this world has ever known.

We are called The Strix.

Elijah: Quite the prestigious organization responsible for countless wars, numerous plagues, assassinations.

You have to break rules if you want to build a new world.

Hello, Elijah. It's been a while.

You two know each other.



What ever you are doing here, I know you're not alone.

Tristan: Let her go, Elijah.

No need for this to become vulgar.


And... there he is...


[Aya gagging]

You go left? I go right?

Why don't you stay where I can see you?

Tristan: It's been ages since I've enjoyed a good scrap, but, uh, it's not why I'm here.

Mr. Mikaelson and I require the room.

Please leave us.

Elijah, your sire line, your life is at stake.

You want to hear what I have to say?

Marcellus, please...

And you would do well to be selective about the company you keep in future.

Maybe you should remember who your friends are.

It looks like you're gonna need them.

Klaus: What ever Tristan's role in this charade may be, have no fear, I will discover it.

First, I'm going to drain you of vervain.

Then I'm going to ask you a few questions, and once you've answered if I'm feeling sentimental, perhaps I'll Grant you a painless death.

Please. Enough posturing.

Ask me anything you want.

As I've said, I am only here to protect you.

And yet you lied about your werewolf bite. Why?

I simply didn't want to bother you.

Don't you have greater concerns than a little wolf bite that I can cure on my own?

Let's discuss these absurd murders.

If it were true that I was scattering bodies about and scarring up faces, then you'd be right to assume I'm mentally unstable...

I'm not, by the way... But who would benefit most from you thinking that I am?

Who else but Tristan? Ah.

Because if you don't trust me, if you k*ll me and are forced to stand alone, wouldn't that benefit him?

It's a very interesting theory, only I don't need your protection.

I'm quite capable of protecting myself.

Undoubtedly, but who looks after your family, hmm, your friends, Camille, for instance?

Such associations make you vulnerable and, thus, in need of me.


What the hell are you doing here?

I'm Mr. Castle's legal consult, here to ensure justice is served.

Hmm. Well, your client's not gonna need you today.

We found another body.

This one's fresh.

It couldn't have been you.

You're free to go, Mr. Castle.

Don't leave town.

And, like a Phoenix, I rise.

Do think about what I said, Nik.

Elijah: You waltz into my city unannounced with your flock of sycophants flaunting news of a threat.

All the while, your little lapdog Aya is conspiring with none other than Marcel Gerard.

"Conspiring." How grandiose.

I thought I was the one with a flair for the dramatic.

Watch your tongue.

I am not the patient, fun-loving social butterfly you might recall.

Your Marcel is a potential recruit.

He has nothing to do with the larger issue we face.

The larger issue?

You've no doubt heard about the w*r between the sire lines.

Well, as it happens, your line, thanks to my strix, has wreaked all manner of havoc on Lucien and his assorted interests.

As a result, he's desperate to exterminate the lot of us... me, Aya, everyone you sired.

Of course, the economical way to complete this task would be for him to k*ll you.

You don't believe me.

Perhaps you underestimate Lucien's ambition.

While I doubt he'd have the gall to attack you directly, I believe he might try and find someone else to do it, namely Niklaus.

What makes you so certain that Niklaus would select Lucien over his own family?

From what I hear, he tortured his friend Marcel, cursed the mother of his child, and burned your paramour in front of you, all because he thought it the logical way to defeat his enemy.

With Lucien in his ear, how long before the logical thing is to get rid of you?

Well, how very fortunate, indeed, then, Niklaus is on his way right now to put Lucien out of our collective misery.

You have to stop him.

And why would I do that?

Lucien's seer believes there's an object capable of k*lling you.

I'm well aware.

Well, I don't have it.

I'm quite certain my sister doesn't have it, either.

Logically, then, one must assume that Lucien has it or he knows where it is.

If he dies, none of us will find it, not until some other assassin attempts to use it against you.

If you've any hope of finding that which can k*ll us all, Niklaus needs to be stopped.

For the record, Vincent thinks you should k*ll him, but you can't execute someone without, you know, due process.

Are we really going to have a legal debate about this?

He said something about rising like a Phoenix.

What did that mean?

Lucien has a taste for hyperbole, although in this case, he's rather on point.

Do you really think it was your blood that healed him?

I saw it with my own eyes.

When I found his body, I tried to feed him more, and... nothing.

So then we...

We only heal the living.

That's peculiar.

I know this can't be easy for you, brother.






Cami: He's the first person you ever turned.

Is that why this is so hard for you, because he's the first of your sire line?

Klaus, if he's not lying, if he is telling the truth, if he is here to help you, you don't have to k*ll him.

Camille, so eager to keep me from a mistake I might regret.

It means more than you know.


We should talk.

It's too late for that.

Lucien has to die. You said so yourself.

I have new information.

Brother, if you desire any kind of reconciliation with me, stay your hand.



Ah... oh.

Ha ha ha!

Oh, you do not know all that you are missing.

Ahh... hoo!

Ah... ah...

I feel as though I have left the fog of winter to enter the most glorious springtime.

Please. My family.

Klaus: Lucien, no.

Th... this will not go unnoticed.

Now we will have to leave.

I know you despise me.

Uh, no. Ha ha ha! Not anymore.

Ah, this change in me.

We are as alike now as brothers, are we not?

It seems so.

Then teach me, Niklaus.


Teach me to be what we are.


[Hisses] Aah!

And now I reap what I sowed.

I should have k*lled him in that chapel.

Yet you played right alongside him, succumbing to your savagery.

He brought out the worst in you, Niklaus.

We brought out the worst in each other.

In some ways, we made each other who we are.

Well, the moment we have that w*apon, we will end him, he and Tristan.

It is good to hear that word again...


It's purely circumstantial, let me assure you, brother.

This is not forgiveness.

I've claimed righteousness in my actions towards you and Hayley...

But perhaps I did stray a little too far from the shores of reason.

Freya's prophesy speaks of family against family, and I want you to know...

You will never fall by my hand.


Dude, is it just me, or is vampire blood, like, a thousand times harder to get out than normal blood?

Hey, you ok?

I'm not sure what's more annoying, The Strix coming into my home or Elijah dismissing me like some kid.

So now what, back to square one?

If Lucien isn't the k*ller...

Then what the hell are we really dealing with?

[Indistinct conversations]

[Police radio chatter]


[Cell phone vibrates]



Aurora: Tristan, it's me.

I've been feeling a little cooped up, so I've decided to cut my stay short.

I'll be in New Orleans shortly.

Don't start the party without me.